#vabce hopper x you
shawtybabe · 2 years
Pinball Wizard: First day (Vance Hopper x reader chap. 1)
Hey so I am writing a story on Wattpad about Vance but none of it's posted yet and I am to busy to be consistent/motivated so I hope by writing on two sites it will help me get some new chapters out. (Its the exact same story so don't feel like you have to go to both websites if you're actually interested in this.)
TW: Blood, fighting, drugs, swearing.
One last thing, I am changing the story up just a bit so it makes sense, plus I hate stories that are pretty much word for word following the plot of the movie/show. First thing, I am going to make Vance the first kid to be taken, and you arrive a month before the kidnappings even start. Another thing is that there is a rich and poor side of town, I cringe at the idea of you beautiful reader living in some trashy, rotting shack, I can't do that to you. 
Out of all the places in the world, we had to move to the deadest place in the country, Denver Colorado. My mom and I have been doing this for a while, her job is being a very well-known drug dealer, and because of this, we have to move states and sometimes even countries every few years or so.
She has been doing this from the moment I could fit in a car seat, and even though from the outside she may seem like a horrible mother, I couldn't ask for anyone more caring and loving as her. I am sixteen turning seventeen in a few months so once I'm old enough, I can choose to start living on my own or continue living a wonderous life of crime and drugs with my mom.
If I'm being honest, moving states and countries isn't that bad, I don't really get that close with anyone, one of the reasons is that my mother is a very famous drug dealer, and the second is that I don't really find anyone that will accept me for it. A lot of the kids at school end up finding out about it, which leaves me the reject or freak of the school. Over time I have build up a very aggressive or uninterested exterior to people, plus a lot of them don't mean anything to me, I'll be moving and hopefully never see these people again so what's the point of wasting my time with them?
I'm not mad about moving, if anything it's amazing to get to see all these new places, foods, and cultures. I'm mad about this one destination in particular, Denver Colorado, it's a small rural town where almost nothing ever happens. The reason nothing ever happens is because nothing is there to cause anything to happen, I mean, this place is a ghost town, there is a cinema, corner store and a few arcades around. Those are the most interesting places to go around here, and sure, it might be a little more fun with friends, but like I said before, a lot of people don't like me or want to get to know me.
I ran my fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp as I did so. I had been in the car for the last four hours and I really needed a walk or stretch or something. My mom doesn't want to stop the car because there is only fifteen minutes until we reach the town, but I am desperate to move, my legs are cramping and tingling, and my brain is screaming for some sort of relief.
I shifted in my seat, unconsciously heaving a sigh. "Y/n, would you sit still, we are almost there darling, I promise. Once we have reached our house, we will leave the moving people to do their job and we can go get some ice cream." My mother told me. I scoffed with a smile. "Mom, I'm not eight anymore, I can go get ice cream on my own." I resorted back, she playfully slapped my thigh and make a 'tsk' sound.
I smirked and turned up the radio, continuing to shuffle and shift throughout the rest of the drive.
We soon passed a small sign on the side of the road, it read; 'Welcome to Denver." With a small smiley face next to it. I looked away from the sign and to the trees that lined the side of the road, watching them fly passed while I daydreamed about anything and everything.
My thoughts escaped me once we went over a speed bump, and I was jerked back into reality. I turned to face the road and immediately saw little kids riding their bikes along the path and on the small grass patches. I didn't like kids all that much, they were always loud and gross, the last time I spoke to a little kid, it was a boy and a girl, they both came running up to me with snot hanging down their noses and ended up licking it. I almost threw up right then and there, now the memory is forever etched into my brain.
I pulled a disgusted face and turned to see some people laughing and walking into a little corner store, it must be pretty popular. The store had letters plastered along the top of the building, 'The Grab and Go.' I hummed to myself, watching with a sliver of envy as a group of girls my age walked in together, all laughing, smiling, and giggling to each other.
Everything seemed to be plain and dry here, it looked like it hadn't rained in moths. I like the rain, it gave everything a refreshing glow once it stopped, it created life and sustained us all. Plus, it always lulled me to sleep on long, back aching drives.
I continued staring out the window, watching people, cars and kids go by. All the houses on this side of town looked old and worn out, I'm so glad that we managed to snatch a nice big house, by the looks of it, the town had a poorer and richer side, our house was in the middle of both, it's basically the line that draws the two apart. I'm so thankful for it.
There are ups and downs to my mom being a famous drug dealer, one of the good things is that we are never short on money, we get bucket loads from desperate people looking for some of the best dope of their life. The downside is that at least three times a year, I have to bail or sneak my mom out of jail. Even then it's not that bad, pissing off the cops is one of my favorite pass times, mom doesn't always approve of it though, she says it gives the pigs an even bigger excuse to lock us both away.
We finally pulled up to a big house, the main exterior was made up of wood and cobblestone and it had a big, wooded archway that stood above the front doors. Sitting on the archway was a pointed roof that looked like something from one of those medieval castles, the glass windows had small wooden frames that made small panels and the biggest and longest roof had a small window that protruded from it ever so slightly, the house was perfect.
(Here is a photo I based it off for the people that don't understand my terrible describing skills)
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We had to drive up a long driveway, and when I mean long, it took around thirty seconds to drive up and into the car port. It was absolutely breath taking, I didn't have the words to describe how happy this made me.
I looked to my mom, my jaw dropped and eyes wide. She smiled and unbuckled her seatbelt, I did the same, ripping the door open and almost falling out of the car.
"Holy shit mom! This is incredible." I beamed at her, trying to ignore the aching in my legs from being so still and cramped for so long.
"I know you hate these sorts of towns so I hoped a nice house would change your perspective just a little." She explained, running her hand up and down my back lovingly. I turned to her and wrapped my arms around her torso, squeezing tightly.
She squeezed back but let go when she realized the moving people were here. She cupped my cheek with her hand and gave me the house keys. "Go get your bags and pick out a room, if you want you can check out the rest of the town, I'll just make these guys do all the work while I boss them around." My mother smiled devilishly and gestured to the men in the huge truck behind us. I grinned back, narrowing my eyes as thoughts of mischief filled my mind as I took the keys.
"Thank you, mom!" I called out as I raced to the trunk of the car, pulling out my suitcases and stumbling to the front door. 
I dropped my bags to slide the key into the keyhole and swung the door open, the first thing I saw when I opened the door was the huge empty space to the left and the kitchen to the back right of the large room. Just behind the kitchen were these huge, long glass panels with doors in the middle which led outside to the pool and backyard.
My mouth hung open and it took all my will power not to scream like a silly little schoolgirl. I snatched back up my bags and carefully made my way along the smoothed-out timer floor. The kitchen was pressed up against a wall which turned out to be the stairs, the wall was only separating them.
I stumbled over towards the steps and decided that I would make multiple trips to carry all my luggage upstairs, otherwise I would end up falling and snapping my neck. After some snooping, I found the second biggest room up there, it had a walk-in closet and two small steps that lead to what looked like a tiny platform, I'm guessing my bed would go there.
I threw my bags into a small corner and out of the way so no one would trip, I grabbed one of my backpacks and found my purse, I had a fifty dollar note in there and decided that I could stalk out some of the good stores or just get some food or something. 
I told my mom my plans and she said that it was fine. The warm breeze made my skin tingle and the hot sun made me squint when I looked even remotely towards the sky. 
I set off in a direction I estimated to be the mall, kicking pebbled and stones as I walked. A group of little kids on their bikes rode past me and it made me wonder how the hell they ride their bikes in such heat. 
After a little whiles walk I came across the small corner store, the grab and go. I weighed my choices, I could go to the grab and go to snoop and buy some overly priced soda's and candies, or I could find a mall and get a new pair of shoes or clothes or something.
 I only have fifty bucks so I might not be able to get some quality clothes or shoes so I'll just go to the grab and go instead. 
I walked through the doors, the bell hanging off the frame made a ding sound as I stepped through. I took my time to look around and take a stroll, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a pinball machine, I was about to go take a closer look but a boy with long, blond curly hair stepped up first and slotted some coins in. 
I didn't pay much mind to him and continued on my hunt for some good snacks, I stopped at the rows of magazines they had on shelves, I flipped through some before deciding they weren't worth my while. 
Turning around, I spotted some sodas in the big fridge. My gaze glossed over all the choices; I was about to reach for a bottle of cherry flavored coke when I heard the flimsy metal of a shelf crash.
I whipped my head around to see these boys who looked around 12 or thirteen grab a little boy's hair and snatch a packet of MnM's out of his hand. My face scrunched in disguised at these boys' behavior, I don't like little kids, but picking on them is something I couldn't even think of doing.
"Hey, asshole!" I shouted, taking a few steps towards the trio. One was a ginger with curly hair and a pale, freckled face. The tallest was a skinny boy with long matted hair that was swept to the side over his forehead. The last one was smaller than the rest and chubby with big, bulging eyes.
I wasn't super tall for my age, I was probably a millimeter below average height but even so, I wasn't much taller than these guys.
They're heads all turned to look at me, their faces almost shocked that anyone had said anything to them. "Hey, who the hell are you?" the tallest nodded his head at me, his eyes narrowing and a tough look on his face.
"Why does that matter?" I resorted, his eyebrows knitted together, his friends took a step towards me so they were in line with him.
"Do you know how pathetic is to see people twice somebody's age picking on them?" I crossed my arms and slanted my hips. One scoffed and the others rolled their eyes.
"If you have such a problem with it, why don't you come do something about it?" One challenged, I raised my eyebrow, my lips twitching up into a menacing smile.
"Why don't you think about what you're asking before you say something you'll regret." I narrowed my eyes and mentally prepared myself for a fight.
This isn't the first time I've fought someone, and it definitely won't be the last. I would say I am a pretty experienced fighter; it became part of survival at school, everybody hated me for no good reason and a lot of the time people would jump me and try and beat me up. Over time I have learnt a good about of fighting skills, now I can confidently say that I can win over half the fights I get myself into.
"How about you watch your mouth before I knock your teeth out." One spat hatefully, I let out a laugh and pretended to wipe a tear from my eye. "I'd like to see you try little boy."
I saw the small kid behind them try and scoot away from the intimidating scene before him, but the chubby kid from the trio grabbed him by the back of the shirt and threw him to the ground. My blood boiled at the sight.
"Hey!" I yelled marching up to the chubby boy, snatching his collar so he faced away from the boy crying boy on the floor. I raised my fist high and struck him in the nose as hard as I could, he yelped in pain and his hands shot to his wound, blood leaking from his closed fingers.
By now a crowed of almost everyone in the store had formed but I didn't waste much thought on that as the two other boys came charging towards me. One tried tackling me but I gripped his hair tightly at the roots and pulled his face down onto my raised knee, his jaw colliding with my kneecap.
I threw him to the floor and landed a kick to his stomach, just to make sure he would stay down. Just as I landed a third blow, the ginger boy snatched my hair from behind and attempted to drag my onto my back, I threw my arms behind my head and clawed mercilessly at his cheeks and forehead. He let go with a pained scream and I raised my elbow, swiftly turning my body as I repeatedly rammed my elbow into any part of his face.
He fell backwards into the large glass fridges, but they didn't break. I held his up his collar and swung my fists into his nose and lips until the flesh on my knuckles ended up ripping on his teeth. My face grimaced as I clutched my bloodied fist in the palm of my second hand.
I spotted the chubby kid still standing there trembling with his hands covering his nose and tears spilling from his eyes.
"Now, do you want some more, or have you learnt your lesson on running your mouth?" I gave him a sarcastic smile as I bent down to eye level with him. He shook his head vigorously and backed away from me. "Good." I said through gritted teeth.
I wiped my bloodied knuckled on my pants and bent down to the crying boy on the floor. "Hey kid, come here." I said gently, opening my arms up to him. He picked himself up and stumbled into my arms, laying his head on my shoulder. "Can I pick you up?" I asked softly, running my fingers along his back comfortingly, I felt him nod and a chill go up my spine as I felt his tears seep through my clothes and onto my skin.
I picked him up as gently as I could, slightly bouncing him to help ease his crying. I tried hard not to look at the staring faces as I slowly pushed my way out of the store, I tried to squeeze through some people and accidently knocked my foot into someone else's. It was the boy at the pinball machine.
"Sorry." I called, slightly turning to face him. His face contorted into a look of frustration, he looked like he was about to say something but decided against it, turning his head away from me. I pushed him to the back of my mind as I carried the crying boy out of the store.
"Can you tell me where your mommy is?" I asked sweetly. He nodded and pointed to a dark green corvette stingray. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Uh huh." He answered weakly, I stroked his back, bringing my hands up to play with the little curls at the nape of his neck.
I wandered over to the car, my arm muscles slightly aching from not being used to holding human weight. I knocked on the drivers window and a lady who was flipping through a magazine slowly rolled it down.
"Hey, um, is this your son?" I asked slightly awkwardly. "Yes, who are you?" She asked, trying not to sound rude. "Um, he was being picked on by a group of kids inside the store, they were shoving him and stealing his candy. I came over to help." I explained, she quickly stepped out of the car and took the child from me.
"Oh, I'm so sorry you had to get caught up in that, thank you so much for helping him." She smiled brightly and coddled the child in her arms. "Oh, it's no trouble, so how old is he?" I asked, trying to change the subject, and sheepishly bringing my knuckles behind my back. "He is five, I really should have gone in with him, this is all my fault." She spoke.
I didn't say anything, I didn't want to justify her bad choice as a parent, so I just stayed quiet. "Anyway, thank you so much for helping, is there anything you want in return?" She stammered; I shook my head but widened my eyes as I remembered something.
"No but I did forget something inside, stay right here, I'll be back." I said, racing back into the lovely, air-conditioned store. I snatched a new bag of MnM's and a lollipop from the shelf and raced to the counter, ripping my fifty bucks from my purse.
The store clerk took her time when serving me, glaring at me the whole throughout the whole process I was just about to grab my items and rush back out, but she started talking. "Now, that was very heroic of you but if I catch you starting fights in my store again, I will call the police." She spoke with warning, and I knew she wasn't bluffing.
"It won't ma'am." I said hurriedly, grabbing up my items and change before scurrying out. I dashed towards the car, handing the lady her child's sweets. "He forgot these." I spoke.
I think the lady thanked me over one hundred time and offered my money twice as much, to which I still refused. Eventually I said goodbye to the two and decided to head home and wash the blood off my hands and clean up the cuts on my knuckles.
By now the sky was just starting to turn orange and the walk home was peaceful, I felt happy to know that I helped someone. Those boys got what they deserved and whoever gives me shit for it can end up with the same fate as them, they have no right to go picking on a five-year-old like that because of their selfishness.
I got home and the moving people were still heaving stuff in through our big wooden doors. Mom was in the kitchen ordering people around; she looked like she was having the time of her life. I strolled past her, giving her a small kiss on the cheek before going to find a bathroom so I can wash up.
I think my first day in a new town was a success, I'm guessing new spreads fast around a small town like this so I'm hoping the following days will be even more interesting. 
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