#Vance Hopper x you
anifever · 4 months
✩˚。⋆ “ shut up, dumbshit. ”
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“ love you too, vance. ” ·.༄࿔
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finneysbaseball · 2 years
Hc that reader and Vance make fun of each other that people think they hate each other but then when people ask why they hate the other they’re like, “I don’t. I’m literally dating that shithead”
i love this sm cus it's so me
everyone would think you hated eachothers guts and never wanted to be around each other
in reality you were in love
is being mean to each other a love language? cus thats u and vance
y'all r fucking ruthless😭
*cutely makes fun of each others family problems*
everyone would be scared that you two would actually murder eachother one day
literally calling eachother every name in the book
everyone was so surprised that when u messed up his game one day he didn't kill you.
"why are you not mad at them?"
'because im in love with them shithead"
u have him so whipped bro
like he would never actually do anything to hurt you but damn y'all are fucking mean to each other
omg she finally got a request done????
short bcus i accidentally posted it and couldn't get it back in my drafts<3
also @kurtsworld096 if you wanna request again since this one was rlly short you totally can! I'm sorry this was short i had to finish it really quick bcus its 12am on a school night:)
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vcnillazelda · 2 years
pinball frenzy
vance hopper x reader
summary: you keep him calm at his worst
tags: (almost) fights, shoving, swearing, fluff, protective vance, dates, emotional hurt/comfort, slight angst with a happy ending, anger management (kind of)
the sound of the pinball machine filled the silence between the two of you. you had to admit, vance was very skilled at pinball. neither of you spoke a word to each other despite it being a date. grab n go was vance’s favourite place, so you invited him there; sipping on a blue raspberry slushy as you watch his score tick up at a fast rate. his high score was still quite a while away, and it needed vance’s full concentration. you loved how he scrunched his brows when he concentrated; you wish he’d focus on tests like this. every time the two of you came here, you let vance borrow a few quarters to play, and he’d always pay you back in your favourite slushies and candies.
you carefully brush past vance, not wanting to disturb him whilst also wanting a refill. the clerk here always gave you free slushies for keeping vance under control nowadays. positioning your cup under the slushy machine, you slowly fill it up, still idly listening to the pinball machine. a thump, then the small chime that vance had lost was a huge red flag in your mind. you didn’t even turn yet and vance had already blown up. “what the fuck?!” he yells, a commotion coming from behind you. you whip around, watching your lover shove the other teen to the floor. “vance-!” you drop your cup, running over and circling your arms around his abdomen. “vance, leave it. he’s not worth it.” you mutter to your boyfriend; keeping your grasp firm yet not enough to suffocate him.
vance huffs through his nose angrily, watching the kid splutter apologies as he scrambles out of the grab n go and away from vance hopper’s wrath. his hands flex, he’s stressed and you know you have to try and calm him down or his day will be ruined. “look at me.” you mumble, gently grasping his cheeks with your hands. vance avoids his gaze, clearly unhappy with the situation. that’s okay, he doesn’t have to look. “it’s gonna be okay. deep breaths.” you tell him, voice soft. vance cracks, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your neck, huffing in deep breaths like you told him to.
vance gently grasps the back of your shirt, keeping himself grounded as best he can to avoid blowing up at the people around him; especially you. “you’re doing great. you can always play pinball again, vance.” you run your hand over his back as if soothing a wild, seething animal. “i know but-“ he freezes, thinking through his words carefully. “i don’t wanna ruin our date.” vance grumbles, words vibrating against your skin. “you’re not ruining our date, baby.” you respond; hand slipping up to massage his neck as well as his back. “i did, don’t lie to me. i blew up despite all the work you put into helping and-“
“vance. look at me.” you pull away, grasping each side of his jaw more firmly so he would look at you. he blinks at you, probably expecting you to scold him for ruining everything. “you haven’t ruined our date. i’m still having a great time with you, and i’m so, so, so proud of you for keeping calm.” you tell him, voice gentle. “you’re not mad?” vance frowns, and you shake your head. “no, i’m not mad at you. i can’t ever be mad at you, vance.” you smile, bumping your nose against his gently. vance smiles too, but only a little as he gives you a sweet kiss. “here,” you press a few quarters into his hand. “play another round. do you want a slushy?” you ask softly, and vance smiles a bit larger. “yeah.. i’ll have a red one.” you nod briefly, kissing his nose. “okay, baby. go beat that high score for me whilst i get our slushies.” vance nods too, giving your lips one last kiss before stepping back over to the pinball machine.
you walk back to the slushy machine, cringing at the sight of your spilt slushy. grabbing some paper towels, you hastily mop up the mess and put the cup in the trash before the poor clerk realised you had even made a mess. (they were probably too preoccupied on keeping an eye on vance to notice). you pour two slushies, one red, the other blue, and head back. you place vance’s slushy to the side, watching him play as you carefully rest your head against his shoulder; being cautious as to not knock or disrupt him. “i love you.” you mumble. his fingers falter for a second, but he quickly recovers. “love you too.” he rushes out, still hyper-focused on his pinball. you smile, kissing his shoulder softly before giving him space and watching from a difference. you wouldn’t change vance hopper for the world.
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rainnmaybank · 1 year
Safe once again
vance x reader (GN)
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navigate my blog
warnings!!: mentions of bad parent relations, breakups
like most nights, this one was miserable. rain poured down drenching the aura around. y/n was wet down to the bones. small flows of lightning swam through the clouds lighting up the surrounding.
it seemed to be fight after fight, i didn’t matter if it was with their parents, friends or best friend. no matter where they went arguments sparked and burned them.
that night was worse then it ever had been, her mother spoke words she knew she didn’t truly mean. y/n never forgot words spoken out of anger.
the words rang through their head over, and over, and over again. “maybe you should leave, all you’re doing is annoying everyone”
in y/n’s mind that translated to we don’t like you, we don’t want you. like being kicked out by the only people you ever loved, heart wrenching pain snuck it’s way though their veins the farther they ran.
no particular place in mind, y/n just needed to get away from it all.
the storm rolled in quicker, wind picking up and thunder rumbling closer. the grab-n-go. of course that as the only place still open at this time of night.
y/n pushed on the door, ringing the bell over their head mixed with the howling noise of nature.
there was nothing they could do but wait for the storm to lessen. roaming around the store to seem busy, boys pushed and shoved each other around the infamous pin ball machine. she knew who was there.
y/n kept their head down, tear stained cheeks didn’t mix well with fluorescent lights.
eventually y/n had came face to face with the last aisle, the end showed the boys whom had been making all the noise.
y/n paced themselves walking down that row, not wanting to reach the end to quickly.
to say y/n was sad was an understatement. anxiety crept through their veins now, all that they had know just threw them away. deep sense of dread flooded their mind, heavy thoughts ran like a river. feeling how it felt to no longer have unconditional love, nobody ever realizing how damaging that really is.
every step brought them closer to the end, pace after pace. their mind never silenced. it spoke so loud they hadn’t noticed how close they’d gotten to the boys. stopping themselves before running into them.
y/n raised their head only to be faced with the one and only boy who’d ever broken their heart.
for a moment it was like the whole world had stopped, their mind stopped, the sounds muffled in her ears.
he was exactly what they needed, what they missed. even if both of them were chaotic, they brought unspeakable peace to mind.
like starting death in the face, beautiful calming death. their worst nightmare but only need. they didn’t dare to speak a word in fear their voice would fail them.
like stabbing in their heart, pain intensified over their body, they weighed heavy to the ground.
vance glared over feeling the presence of someone not in his little group, a smug look covered his face till he noticed it was y/n.
his hands stopped playing as his mind lost focus, friends behind him confused looked at eachother then over at y/n, reading the room they stepped away from the two.
vance stepped away from the pinball machine examining y/n’s face as he approached them.
“you’ve been crying” damn those fluorescent lights. y/n spoke lightly “no i haven’t, it was the rain” they waved their hand towards the window. “yeah right, i wasn’t born yesterday y/n, what happened?” his hand moved brushing stray hair from their face
the warmth floating off his body was enough to crack y/n, tears swelled within their eyes once again, parting their lips and taking a deep breath y/n went to speak
vance stepped closer rubbing his thumb over their cheek, his voice was gentle in a way you hadn’t heard in a some time “tell me what happened” y/n slightly leaned into his hand as they began to speak.
“my mom…” was all they got out before the water works hit, that was all vance needed to hear pulling them into a tight hug.
vance waves bye to his friends as he took y/n out helping them into the passenger seat of his truck.
knowing the last place y/n would want to go was home, he took them to his place. his parents weren’t home.
y/n glazed outside watching rain drops racing down the window, the lightning light up their small town in ways it never had before.
stormy nights are just like stormy thoughts.
vance had brought them inside, handing them clean dry clothes and starting the shower, y/n was chilled to the bone from the cold drops of the sky.
he waited for them outside the door, sat against the wall thinking to himself.
the bathroom door creaked open to reveal a much warmer looking y/n, his heart skipped beats at the sight of them in his clothes once again.
pushing himself from the floor his body moved faster then his thoughts as he embraced them.
y/n had no fight left within, falling into his arms.
a safe place that never seems to run out of safety.
that’s what he was for them.
vance took them back to his room, “get comfy i’ll be right back” y/n nodded, exhaustion filled every inch of their body, back clashing into the mattress their eyes laid heavy.
it wasn’t long before vance had returned handing them a glass of water and a plate with their favourite cookies on it.
y/n smiled sleepily accepting his offer
they spoke few words as they shared cookies, warmth finally wrapped around the pair as y/n’s eyes closed small hums coming from their lips, vance smiled to himself taking the glass from their hands placing it on the nightstand.
he turned off the lamp beside him, wrapped his arms around y/n he sighed holding their body to his own.
vance was at peace once again.
y/n was safe in her mind.
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gonegirlaccount · 1 year
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(A/N: okay so I accidentally deleted this so I took a screenshot. So to the anon who requested this, enjoy🤞🏽)
“Not my fault.” Bullied!fem!reader X Vance Hopper(TW: tiny bit of violence)
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ —
You sighed as you picked your stuff up again. While you were walking to class, some girls came over and made fun of you. After that, some boys came and shoved you around making you drop all your stuff. All you wanted to do was go through the day without getting hurt. Was that so hard?
As you got into class, you sat in the seat next to your boyfriend, Vance Hopper. Your relationship with him was secret, since you didn’t really feel like letting everybody know you’re dating somebody.
It’s none of their business anyway.
As you’re putting your stuff down and getting out what you need, Vance leans over to you.
“Why the hell were you so late? You’re usually here before me.” He whispered. “I Uhm dropped my stuff.” You lied. You didn’t need anymore trouble bout telling him what’s going on.
He just eyed you up and down before looking back to the teacher.
You sighed.
‘I hope they leave me alone..I’m not in the mood today and they should already be bored of me.’ you thought.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ —
You were wrong once again. This time, it was after school, you were walking to the grab n go to see Vance when the boys came back. They laughed at you, making fun of everything about you. But you just kept walking, thinking ‘ they’ll go away soon enough, I just have to wait’.
They didn’t leave. And instead decided to hurt you physically if they couldn’t mentally. They pushed you to the ground and kicked at you. You felt tears in your eyes so you looked down, not wanting them to see. But it was too late.
“Look at her, she’s crying. Crybaby.” They laughed and mocked you. They left soon after since they got bored of you.
You got up, dusted your self off then went back to your journey of seeing Vance. Now, your jeans had a rip, your knee was cut, your cheek was turning purple, your eyes were puffy and red from crying and worst of all, you cried infront of them. Now they would have something to keep reminding you.
As you made it the Grab n go, Vance smiled to see you but it went away when he saw you all pouty and messed up. “Gorgeous, what the fuck happened to you? And who did it?” He asked but you didn’t say anything and just hugged him, sobbing into his shoulder.
He let you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He didn’t give a fuck who was watching, he was going to hug you and comfort you.
After a little while, you calmed down, and Vance asked again. “Listen to me babe okay? If you just tell me, I promise I’ll make everything be better, alright?” You nodded and he sighed.
“So what the hell happened? And who the fuck did it? Cmon, tell me. It’s alright.” Vance asked once more, holding your hand gently. You sighed and decided it’s the right time to tell him.
“Well, I was uh walking here to see you when. These three boys came to me. They..made fun of me than…than they shoved me. And kicked me alot….they made fun of my crying until they were bored.” You told Vance truthfully and you saw him get more upset.
“Why would they want to do that to you? I won’t let it happen again. If you would’ve told me this sooner, I could’ve been able to get rid of..the problem.” Vance sighed and just held you close.
“Don’t worry about it though, Y/N. Because your boyfriend will handle it.” He swore to you.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ —
The next few days at school, you were expecting the boys the come and make fun of you. But that didn’t happen. Today, the girls seemed a bit terrified to go near you. “T-this is all your fault! Now they have g-get medical attention.” One of the girls said to you.
“Not my fault.”
You said and walked off to where Vance is. He smiled and kissed you gently on the lips infront of everyone at school.
That’s when the girls realized why Vance did what he did.
You were the reason one. You were his lover.
They know better than to mess with you now unless ss they want an ass whopping.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ —
Bro I was so sleepy making this sorry💔💔💔
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havocskies · 2 years
Hi! How you doing? Idk if u write yandere (If u don't feel free to delete this!!) if yes could u write some soft yandere hcs for Vance? Have a nice day!
👻- anon
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hi hi hello !!! i do not write yandere things but i will write overprotective/protective ! thank you so much for the request !
vance isn't very good at handling his emotions in general so sometimes he's not exactly sure on how protective he should be , he just knows he wants to protect you
he cares abt you a lot which means nothing's happening to you. like at all
he's the toughest kid at school so most people don't even try
if they do though they're paying for it in the worst ways imaginable
someone says something even slightly rude to you? yea he's gonna make them fear for their life
he tried his best to keep his anger under control especially for you so most of the time he doesn't actually do much. they might get grabbed by the shoulders or thrown a bit but that's the least of what he usually does so it's better than the other option
when they test him however he's SERIOUS
pretty sure brady confirmed him to be a sociopath and that if you mess w him he comes back worse
so yea you're basically safe from pretty much everything
other than being an absolute menace to everyone around that he thinks might cause you an ounce of any kind of harm he's genuinely really sweet towards you
maybe not exactly romantic simply bc he's a little awkward (he doesn't get into many romantic relationships due to his habits of threatening people daily) but it'll be clear he favors you over others
he'll let you wear his jacket every once in a while just bc the happiness it gives you makes him even happier than you are (even if the scowl on his face doesn't show it)
he'd be hesitant to let you wear his choker since his mom made it for him but after a while he'd probably let you wear it while he could make sure it didn't get ruined or anything
anyway back to the protective stuff
he occasionally (often) misjudges when he's actually needed
someone bumped into you in the hall? they're now bumped against the lockers by their shoulders and being yelled at
very awkward conversation afterwards bc he'd try his best to defend his behavior
would make it up to you in some subtle way. might buy you a bag of chips a week later when you've already forgotten abt the whole ordeal
he's not good at apologizing like AT ALL simply bc he just doesn't do it often. the most apologizing he does is to his mom when he's at the police station again
his definition of apologizing after a fight between him and someone he thought was a threat to you would be him buying you something tbh
not many apologies through words
dude is horrible at communicating in general honestly
he would NOT be abusive in the slightest. honestly he'd be the absolute opposite
he looks very intimidating (and he is) but he loves being close to you and sharing moments when no one else is around
he's not too big on pda unless someone is flirting w you
then you get an arm around you and the other person gets a fist to their face
most romantic gesture you'd ever get from him honestly
if you ever had any bullies before you started dating you definitely don't anymore
even if you kept it a secret from him he'd find out somehow one way or another
he'd likely be a little upset w you for not telling him but he wouldn't take it out on you in the slightest
honestly it's all gonna be taken out on the bullies
he's definitely been dragged away by cops a couple of times because he wanted to protect you
even though he's not that good at communication from his side if you ever stated his overprotective behavior bothered you he'd try his best to fix it
of course he'd still let his anger control him every once in a while but most of the time he'd ask you for permission to beat them up before he actually does
vance has a dude hanging from the collar of his shirt and just casually looks to you for permission to knock him out
very satisfied when you say yes
whenever you say no though he huffs in a disappointed matter but drops him n just walks away grumbling
probably abt how you shouldn't let people walk all over you n he could've helped
still not necessarily upset w you though
vance would probably leave in order to calm himself down and take you w him bc you're one of the number 1 people to calm him down, his mom being the only other one
he genuinely just loves you so much
dude cannot stand to see you upset in any way
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spindie · 1 year
Vinyl's and Vance
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Where the only thing reader needs after a rough day is Vance and some vinyl's.
A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic so please be nice! feedback is appreciated :)
It had been a rough day at school, I had hoped to get a good grade on the English test I had pulled an all-nighter to study for, but when my teacher passed the tests back, I was met with a shitty grade. "You have to be kidding me." I complained to Vance at my locker. " I don't understand why you're so pissed off at a 76, that would be an amazing grade for me." Vance replied. "Because Vance, I worked my ass off, pulling an all-nighter, just to get a stupid 76." I answered while slamming my locker shut. Normally people would have given me a weird look for that, but since I was with Vance, no one even looked in our direction in fear of what Vance would do. "Why don't I come over tonight?" Vance asked. "You won't be able to, because I'll get grounded immediately once my mom sees this test grade." I replied. "I can just sneak in." Vance stated.
Vance and I sat comfortably on my bed, our legs intertwined. I lovingly fidgeted with his messy blonde hair while the slow, soft vinyl I had picked earlier faintly played in the background. Moments like this with him were rare due to his stubborn nature. "Thank you Vance." I stated. Vance grunted in response. Gradually, we both heard the vinyl come to a halt. Vance and I made eye contact, silently debating who would flip the record. Steadily, Vance pushed the covers aside and walked toward the record player. I followed behind him quietly and surprised him by hugging him from behind. “The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Vance asked calmly. “Just giving you a hug,” I replied. Vance scoffed, turned around, and reluctantly accepted the hug. “Can we go back to bed already?” he asked, and I hummed in response. Crawling back into bed, I whispered to Vance, “I love you.” He responded, “Love you too, dipshit.”
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lexix001 · 2 years
HIIIIII u should rlly write a vance x reader where they're hanging out in reader or vance's room or something n reader jokingly says they could beat him in a fight n it advances into a play fight bc vance is COMPETITIVE
bonus points if vance wins tbh.....
today was very hot day so the problematic duos decide to just hang out on Vance room. Y/n was reading comics on his bed flipping to every pages. While Vance staring at the girl with bored eyes leaning on his table. "Y/n move I wanna lay down" Vance taunt. "Nope" you reply arrogantly
flicking through the next page. "Y/n get up before I beat your ass" He yelled. "I'll beat yours before you even beat mine" y/n tease. Vance raised his eyebrows. before eyeing you up and down.
He cross his arm. "So you're saying that, YOU would win a fight agaisnt me?" you shrug, "maybe" not bothered to look at him. "get up lets fight" you drop your book to look at him. "What?"
You stand infront of him, "okay throw your punch" you obeyed, and take a quick punch on his nose. "YOU LITTLE SHIT" He groan. "You won't die if you get hit on the nose by the-" "GET OVER HERE" He chase you around the house. it fun, it makes you feel alive now that Vance 100% gonna kill you once he gets you. You climb back upstairs to go back in his room to lock yourself up. Before you could open the door to sneak in Vance already there, jump on top of you. You scream. "SHH" He demand. "You're lucky I don't hit women" he spat. you hold is hand avoiding him to do anything to you. You laugh. "YOU REALLY LAUGHING WHEN IM LITERALLY GONNA KILL YOU" he yelled out. "I know" you smile. "ok first that punch was pathetic, and just because I let you slips just because you're my friend not because I like you or something"
"of course Vance" you smile weakly. he gets off you. "I'll get you a drink" you say walking off. "AND BRING ICE TOO" he yelled. "HAH SEE I DID A GREAT JOB ON YOUR NOSE"
Tbh I don't know how play fight work AND IM SORRY IF THIS AINT GOOD>/3
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verygirlygirl · 2 years
Protective Vance anyone??
I have a hc that once Vance gets into a relationship he’s super protective because it would probably take him a while to register that he likes you and that just makes him 200% more aggressive or possessive.
He drags you around with him, it doesn’t matter where he just wants you near him and will be pissy if you refuse.
Buut if you have him really whipped he’ll listen to whatever you say, you wanna go talk to some of your friends? Fine but he’s gonna be behind you silently glaring at whatever male friend you talk to.
Doesn’t really care about pda he’ll let you kiss him, hug him, or hold his arm if you please since he knows most sane people aren’t gonna say anything to him.
Let you touch his hair but he has a limit, he’s kinda like an asshole cat that butches about everything but follows you around anyway.
Sleep overs at your house whenever he can cause he likes to leave his stuff in your room like maybe his hair ties or a shirt just so whoever comes into your room knows he was there.
Moves waaaay too fast like asking you to marry him after you two graduate
A/N: hi everyone just wanted to say that I’ve been super busy and I know my ao3 doesn’t have anything on it right now and it’ll probably be empty for a while until I figure out how to draft my works
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vainvenus · 2 years
⌲;꒰Winter Hell Wonderland꒱
Pairing(s): Vance Hopper x Gn!Reader
12 Days of Christmas Prompt: Snow Day!
Summary: Schools out because it snowed like hell and while Vance hated the cold more than anything he's outside in the snow with you.
Includings: More opposites attract, can be read as platonic or romantic but it's mostly platonic, nothing but fluff y'all
An: Look at me being on time because I'm writing this in Study Hall
This is also rlly short so sorry
@finneysbaseball @misalemon1 @nzlikestea @go-on-and-kiss-the-girl @thelorewitch @xxsunflowerloverxx @iluvblueberrymuffinz
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Vance peaked from his curtains to look outside, squinting as the snow was practically blinding him. His lips formed into a snarl as he saw the snow continuously falling from the sky and joining the rest that was scattered throughout the ground.
Most would say it was a Winter Wonderland outside since the entire town was covered in snow like those cute mini Christmas sets you see everywhere, but Vance would call it a Winter Hell since he hated the snow.
He just didn't like the cold in general, his closet wasn't made for cold weather with the amount of wifebeaters and short sleeves he owned. He didn't like having to deal with the chance of him getting sick and the cold just made him uncomfortable.
But one good thing about the horrible weather was that school was called off because the roads weren't in good condition to drive in so he could be happy about that.
Vance closed his curtains and went to lay back down in his bed, there was no way he was gonna walk all the way to Grab-And-Go in freezing weather like this and there wasn't like there wasn't anything more to do.
As soon as he was getting comfortable under the warm covers he had heard a knock at the door and he groaned, flipping on his side and hoping that whoever it was would just go away.
But they didn't, the knocking had continued and after about three minutes of dealing with continuous knocking he got up and hurried down the stairs, sliding to the front door.
Vance cracked the door open a bit and was ready to start shouting at whoever he could see through it but he stopped once he saw you with a huge grin on your face.
He rolled his eyes and opened the door, letting you in as you shook off the snow from your coat, hat and mittens. Stomping on the doormat to free your boots from the snow.
He glanced out the window, noticing that snow still wasn't letting up before he looked back to you. "The hell are you doing out in this weather?"
"What do you mean? This is perfect weather to play in, Vance." You said, gesturing to the boy who was still in his pajamas "The real question is why aren't you dressed yet?"
He had looked at you with an indescribable expression but it was a mixture of disgust and pure confusion. "I'm not going out in that hell."
"Oh c'mon, Vance! It'll be fun!" You had said with a bright smile on your face.
You nudged his shoulder, making Vance shudder as the cold fabric of their coat brushed against his arm. "I'll buy you those tickets to that racecar show you've been dying to go to."
"I'm not that easy to bribe." He retorted.
"Front row seats."
"I...f...fucking hate you." Vance shivered, even though he was wearing two winter coats, his thickest pair of jeans, snow boots, wool gloves and a hat, he was still freezing cold as he dug his face further into his coats.
You had only giggled as you were laying in the snow, limbs spread out like an "X" as you were moving them back and forth so that you could make a snow angel.
"If you wanna stay warm then you gotta move around." You stated and he had grumbled something incoherent under his breath.
"Why not join me and make a snow angel right next to mine?" You had said, looking up at him as he was standing over you with a slight glare.
"And get more snow in my hair and deal with my ass literally freezing? No thanks." He scoffed as he looked up at the sky, seeing that it was beginning to snow even more.
You shruggd and got up, bending over to make a smiley face on your Angel before you had started to make a small ball of snow before rolling it along more.
"What're you doing?" The blonde questioned as he watched you roll around in a circle to create a huge looking snowball.
"Building a snowman, duh."
He huffed, his air coming out like smoke as he did so, watching as you were starting to roll up the second ball for the snowman.
"After you do that can we head back in? I can't feel my toes or fingers."
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. "You're so overdramatic. You should consider acting the way you're being such a drama queen."
"I'm not being dramatic!" He had exclaimed, now rubbing his legs together. "I'm fucking freezing my balls off so let's wrap this shit up."
You pushed the snow for the second ball towards the snowman, looking over at Vance who was shaking like he'd been trapped in a deep freezer.
It was a funny sight that you started to giggle since he looked like a penguin whenever he was attempting to move around to creative any kind of heat as you had suggested earlier.
Vance was a little right though, it felt like it was getting colder and even as much as you loved the snow you wanted to get back where it was warm and maybe convince the boy to watch a Christmas movie with you.
"Fine, we can go in after I'm done." You said and he had groaned, only agreeing because he knew there wouldn't be a middle ground.
You lifted the second ball of snow on top of the first and looked back to Vance. "Why don't you help me with Bob?"
"Bob?" His brows furrowed as he stopped waddling around and you gestured to the snowman in making. "Bob!"
"We are not naming that snowman, Bob." Vance said, rolling up some snow so that he could help make the head and help the process go by faster so he could hurry up and get inside.
"What's wrong with Bob?" You asked and he had snorted. "It's basic and it's stupid. Who names a snowman Bob?"
"Me! And I think it's a lovely name."
"Well I think it's boring."
"Okay. Do you have any bright ideas for a name?" You questioned as Vance walked over and placed the last ball of snow on top and he had looked at it up and down.
"Don't know yet, he doesn't have a face so I can't put a name to him. See that's why you're a bad namer. You named him before he even had a face."
"Namer isn't even a word. So since you don't know proper English I think I should name him." You took some buttons from your pocket, placing them on the snowman as Vance broke two twigs from the trees.
"Well I think I should name him because I wouldn't name him something stupid like Bob." The blonde replied, sticking the twigs at the side of your snowman.
He stepped back, staring it after you were finally finished. It had black buttons for eyes that were a bit lopsided and a small button smile with two pink buttons were it's cheeks would be.
Vance turned his head back to you "Where's his nose?"
"Forgot it."
"Another reason why you shouldn't name him."
You had playfully narrowed your eyes at him "Fine, what do you wanna call him?"
He stared at the snowman for a bit, his foot tapping against the snow before he had smiled and looked back to you. "Pud."
"Pud?" You repeated in complete confusion and he had nodded, gesturing to the snowman.
"Pud. Short for puddle which is what he'll be when this bullshit weather blows over."
You gasped and put your ears over Pud's ears as if he had any, glaring up at Vance as he had a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Yeah, he'll be a huge big puddle that I'll stomp in."
Before you could even make another remark Vance had cut you off as he let out a sneeze, it was high pitched and made his nose scrunch up which would've made you laugh if you weren't fearing it was gonna be the start of a cold or something else.
"Bless you..."
He sniffled. "I swear to God if I got sick because you wanted to play around in the snow I'm gonna kil- achool!"
You had smiled nervously, hiding being Pud/Bob.
"Well think about it this way...if you are sick then that means-"
"Achoo! Achoo!"
You winced, smile straining as Vance sniffled and his nose and cheeks were starting to grow a faint pinkish red shade. "I won't beg you to come back out?"
And if you didn't have fast reflexes Vance would've had you in his grasp as he lunged at you and you had ran off almost tripping in the snow as the boy was yelling profanities while he chased after you.
And what do you know? The next day Vance did end up with a slight cold.
"I fucking hate you.." He mumbled, his stuffy nose making him sound all weird as he blew his nose into the tissue and tossed it into the trashbin.
You had chuckled nervously as you handed him a cup of tea even though he requested a pop. "Hey, but at least those racecar tickets will be worth it...right?"
"They better be, or the next time it snows I'm burying you."
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juneberrie · 2 years
can u do a vance oneshot where thr reader (fem) is his best friend and vance slowly replaces her? u can make up a name for the girl he replaces her with 🤭
(can u tell i like angst)
my nothing
lizzie’s thoughts 💭: i was mentally singing lost in the woods from frozen while writing this so take that how you will lol- also if your name is emily pretend the girl's (in the fic, there's a girl that vance is "replacing" y/n with) name is something else- i just picked the first thing that came to mind sorry-
pairing: vance hopper x fem!reader
fandom: the black phone
warnings: angssstttttttt but with a happy ending, swearing, feelings of abandonment, pet names (babe, angel), soft vance
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everyone always says that nothing lasts forever.
i thought me and vance were gonna be different. we've been best friends for years, through thick and thin. every time he got arrested, every time i failed a test, we were there for each other.
he's not here now. he's over there, with that girl. the girl he knows i hate, the girl he knows made fun of me in 5th grade for spilling my juice over her shirt. emily motherfucking townsend.
the townsends are the oldest family in town. grade-a rich, powerful, manipulative, they get everything. especially emily. all she has to do is pout and whine and she'll get whatever she wants.
glaring at the pair laughing and joking, i notice emily slowly stepping closer and closer to vance. he says something, probably another one of his stupid jokes, and she throws her head back in a laugh.
she shoves his shoulder, and glances at me. she smirks and says, loudly enough for me and china to hear, "oh stop it, vancey. you're too funny."
i can't. i grab my backpack and rush towards—somewhere. by the time i stop running, i'm at an empty bus stop. i sit down on the bench and bring my knees to my chest.
he's leaving me just like everyone else. he's probably going to fall in love with her and forget all about me.
it starts raining. at least the sky understands me and is willing to cry with me.
the sound of rain mixes with the sound of my crying.
somebody taps on my shoulder. i look up and there's vance, his fluffy blonde curls getting soaked. he gestures to the bench, at a spot next to me. he doesn't wait for me to answer before sitting next to me.
"you crying?" he asks, staring at the pouring rain in front of us.
"no, its the rain," i sniffle.
"sure it is, babe." he wraps an arm around me. "what's wrong?"
"nothing. vancey." i glance at him out of the corner of my eye. he catches my gaze and turns away, red faced.
"so you heard emily, huh," he sighs.
"yeah. what was that whole thing about?" i mutter.
"i.. don't know. she just came up to me and started bein' all friendly and touchy and— i don't know, y/n."
"you don't know?" he's lying. he has to be. he knows how much i hate emily. he knows what she put me through. living motherfucking hell.
"no, angel, i really don't fuckin' know."
"what, so you don't believe me?" he huffs. he's mad now. he's mad and he's gonna leave and he's gonna ignore me forever and go back to emily and—
vance kneels in front of me and lifts my face from my knees. "hey. i'm not mad at you, angel. i genuinely don't know why emily wanted to talk to me."
"you sounded mad a few seconds ago," i mumble.
"i just— it's just— fuck."
"i don't like emily, if thats what you're thinking."
"you.. don't?"
"no, babe. i like you."
the rain filled the silence spilling between us.
he smiles softly, intertwining our fingers.
"fuck, i'm crying again, you ass," i giggle.
"hmm," he murmurs. his hand comes up to wipe below my eye. "there."
his gaze strays to my lips.
"yeah, angel?"
"can i kiss you?"
he doesn't answer and instead presses his lips softly to mine. the kiss explodes a swarm of— no. not even butterflies. the whole entire zoo is running wild behind my rib cage.
we pull apart, both of us smiling like idiots under the rain.
"y'know how people say nothing lasts forever?" he asks, standing up and helping me off the bench.
"yeah?" my eyes flick to his lips again. the lips that taste like vanilla and feel like clouds.
"will you be my nothing?"
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forgetmenots0250 · 2 years
Hello so I was thinking could you do plantonic Male reader little brother x Vance hopper and just how they met and other stuff you did in the big brother one. Btw I love your account!!
Platonic little brother reader x Vance hopper HCs
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“Why the HELL did you kick him in the nuts? Do you not have any sense!?”
“You didn’t hear what he said!”
“WHAT did he say!?”
“What are you gonna do? Kick me in the nuts?”
“… okay now that is just FUCKING asking for it!”
“I know right!?”
That was your first encounter with Vance, you had kicked one of those kids who hang around him in the nuts
You were very much younger than the boy who you kicked and Vance so you had some respect in his book
The kid was bullying you for having long hair that went past your shoulders and the bear plush you still carried 
So you fucked him up with pure crackhead determination 
Vance clapped and got you a soda, it was an amazing fight
You hung around Vance seeing how he was a super tough guy and you had a bodyguard technically 
After some time of getting to know him, you found yourself going out of your way to say hi and give him stuff like cool rocks or quarters you took off some guy you kicked in the shins 
You watch Vance play pinball almost every day
Vance gave you money to buy you two a drink
You invite Vance for hangouts but they're mostly just listening to music in a little cafe 
Vances calls you by nicknames like “Kid, squirt, shortie, and shortstack”
Vance helps you with homework since it’s basic and he can help out
Vance picks you up by the scruff and just carries you off to god knows where 
You have scary dog privileges
You’re a little gremlin
You steal shit from people and you saved up to bring Vance to a skating rink and Vance after brought you to a big arcade to pay you back
Sleepovers are a must for friendship
Your parents were a bit wary but still welcomed Vance with open arms
“Mi casa es tú casa”
“The fuck does that mean kid?”
“My house is your house”
Vance has a key to your house 
When Vance sleepsover you share your bed but you two don’t fit so you just starfish style on Vance who is only slightly annoyed and lets it slide
You play with Vance’s hair a lot and braid it and do whatever the hell you want with it
You grew out your hair to match Vance and he styles it and stuff
You get a turn on the pinball machine
Once you won his high score he bought you a soda
You cheer for him in his fights 
In grab n go some guy bumped into harshly and messed up your score and made you fall to the floor
Vance was mad and punched the guy but then he pulled out a knife but then Vance got a hold of it and wrote the score you got as a reminder
You thought he went to far and dragged him out before the cops came because you notice the cashier reach for the phone
“We need to leave!” pulling him by his arm and pulling him off the guy, he took the knife
“Why the HELL do we need to leave you need to finish shortstack, besides this guy needs to learn his lesson-”
“Do you WANT to get arrested!?” he then heard faint police sirens and qucikly stood up
“Okay fine let’s get the fuck out of here kid” he picked you up by the scruff and ran out of the store before dipping into someones backyard (he also stole some snacks as he got you and him out of there)
“Do you even know whose backyard we’re in?” Vance shrugged his shoulders as he put you down to your feet
“Nope not a clue now let’s keep moving or do you want to get caught” he started going over the fence you guys were in and moved to the next backyard
“Wait for me!” you followed behind him as he continued
The police sirens eventually faded out and Vance to you to some woods for the time being
“Welcome to my favorite spot” it was a short abandoned viaduct that had loud rushing water bellow, Vance sat down as his legs dangled off the edge
“What scared you’ll fall?” Vance said it in a very amused tone that irritated you
“No, I was just wondering how much it would take to push you off into the water. That’s all” you said that with a smug look as you sat next to him
“Well then I bet I could push you into the water right here in now without a sweat” 
“You probably could.” you pouted at the thought
“But I won’t I’m not that much of a jerk to push you into a river that your short legs couldn’t even reach the bottom of” his smile said it all and you were mad
“You’re an ass Vance.”
“Ha! That’s precious coming from you”
You two sat at the bridge for hours snaking on the snacks Vance brought (stole) and laughing until you cried 
It was a nice and you noticed it was night so he dropped you off at home and you two parted ways 
The next day you begged him to take you to “The spot” again but that was a sacred place for him, it was only for special occasions like running from the police
“Becuase I don’t want people finding out where I hide, so you don’t go there unless I go there got it?”
“Good, now let’s get some snacks”
“We’re not going to grab n go.”
“You know exactly why!”
“UGH fine.”
“Good, let’s go to the one near the movies”
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i just want a vance hopper x pretty popular cheerleader, IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK FOR😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 “Y/N never cared about her looks and never wore pink and that’s why Vance liked her” NO SHE WORE PINK AND WAS A PRETTY PRINCESS AND VANCE LIKED HER BECAUSE OF THAT! I so headcanon that Vance wants to date some whos the opposite of him.💋
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vcnillazelda · 2 years
𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦’𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳
𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴: 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦’𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳
“no.” your boyfriend, vance hopper, deadpans. his face is stony and serious. “please vance!” you beg, holding the hair brush up. “nope.” vance crosses his arms, turning his head away like a fussy child. “vance, come on. it won’t hurt you.” you step closer, going to gently comb it through his hair. “do not.” vance snaps, raising his hand to block you. “come on, vancey, please? when’s the last time you brushed that mane anyway?” you give him your best puppy dog eyes, and he sighs. “no. i’m not having that thing pull my hair out!” vance steps away from you, turning his back. “it won’t. i’ll be very gentle.” you step closer, grasping a small lock of his hair. “hey, what are you-?!”
the brush does it’s best to pull through vance’s thick hair, but gets stuck. your lover yelps, shoving you back. “what the fuck?!” he whines, trying to tug the hairbrush out of his hair to no avail. it was definitely stuck. “come here, baby. i’ll help you.” you step forward again, grasping the brush handle. “no i got it.” vance smacks your hand away, and so you give him a little space. he grunts as he tugs hard, the brush not moving through the thick knot. “vance, let me help.” you sigh, patting your bed. huffing, he sits down beside you, crossing his arms and pouting like a child. “i’ll be gentle, don’t worry.” grasping your brush, you carefully detangle the bristles from his hair; watching him carefully for any reactions. “do you want me to take care of this?” you ask, showing vance where the brush got stuck. “fine… just- be careful.” he snaps, watching you get your comb as well as your brush.
“sit still. i’ll try not to pull too much.” you tilt vance so he was facing away, pulling all of his messy curls over his shoulders so you had full access. carefully, you pull the brush through the lighter areas, getting rid of a few smaller knots. vance sighs heavily, and you assume it’s because he’s unhappy. “almost done. i’m gonna get the larger knots out and then brush through to make sure it’s completely detangled.” you assure him, and the blonde grumbles something in response. gently picking at the knots with your comb, you flinch every time vance hisses, not wanting him to get too upset. “almost done.” you mumble, finally pulling through the knot with ease. running the brush through vance’s hair once more to get rid of the smaller knots, you put your brush and comb down; gently hugging vance’s shoulders. “all done.” you tell him, gently kissing his neck. “thanks..” vance mutters, leaning back against your. “no problem. it wasn’t too bad, right?” your lips graze over vance’s ear. “i guess not…” he sulks, tangling his fingers with yours. “so you’ll let me do it more often?” you tease, kissing his cheek. “fuck no!” vance responds, and you can’t help but laugh. you know that either way vance would let you do it eventually.
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gonegirlaccount · 1 year
Hi if your taking requests could you write Vance hopper x fem!reader
Reader and Vance going to a lake so they can swim and Vance getting tired so he lays on top of reader telling her he enjoys holding her
Just pure fluff and cuddly Vance
(If reader could be with thick thighs and little stomach+ a belly button pircing {I just got my pircing done})
(A/N; this was fun to do<3 im so glad you all are making requests! keep them coming!)
"Kissing Underwater." Vance Hopper x Fem!Reader
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you headed over to Vance's place, all ready for a dip in the lake. You were wearing your comfy jean shorts and a cute swimsuit top that showed off your belly ring. You knocked on the door and waited, feeling pretty pumped for some fun in the sun.
"Hey Vance, did you remember your swimsuit?" You asked, holding your bag of clothes, towels, and snacks. "Shit, I totally forgot. Sorry about that, (N/N). Let me go grab it real quick. Don't worry, I'll be fast." You nodded and watched Vance close the door.
He came out with his stuff and towel, wearing black swim shorts. "Are you set to hit the pool?" You asked him. He nodded. You smiled and grabbed his arm, both of you on your way to the lake.
As soon as you got to the lake, you were so pumped to see the water sparkling in the sun. You ditched your shorts in a flash, ready to dive in. You and Vance waded in together, feeling the chill, refreshing water wash over the both of you. You couldn't stop giggling and goofing around, soaking up the gorgeous scenery and peaceful vibes.
"hey Vance, wanna try something?" You asked. "If it's trying to hold you so you can try and flip while underwater, no," Vance muttered. You laughed. "No, it's not that. Hear me out. what about Kissing underwater? Wouldn't that be cool?" So, you threw out an idea and Vance kinda thought about it. Then he was like, "Yeah, I guess we could give it a shot." And out of nowhere, you just went ahead and splashed him with water.
He looked totally surprised and then grinned before splashing you back. That set off a fun little water fight between the both of you, as you both tried to one-up each other.
As you descended into the water, Vance followed closely behind. Despite your blurry vision, you couldn't help but smile at him. Vance swam closer, and you pulled him in for a tender kiss. He reciprocated, and you felt your heart swell with affection.
After taking a refreshing dip in the lake, you and your boyfriend spread out a cozy blanket on the grass. You both plopped down and soaked up the sun, listening to the soothing sound of the waves. It was the perfect chance to relax and take in the beautiful view of the lake. Vance, in between your thick thighs, he's being so sweet, laying his head on your tummy. He's making sure not to mess with your belly ring with his hair, being super careful. It's really thoughtful of him, to make sure you're both comfortable and happy.
You played with his hair, enjoying this moment with him.
"Wanna do it again?"
"I'm too tired...can I just stay here laying on you?"
"Fine. You're not fun Vance."
I've been noticing yall love Vance a lot LMAOOO.
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havocskies · 2 years
hi u can do vance hopper x shy male reader who loves reading horror books and drawing gore horror stuff
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ofc i can !! i love this sm actually omg, thank you for requesting !!! as a shy horror nerd and someone who loves drawing this will be so easy to write i think
also i know requests are getting done very slowly it's bc i'm trying to work on all of them n most of them are fics 😭 i have stuff goin on irl too </33 also this is not proofread unfortunately 🫶
TWs: none
"What are you drawing?"
As a particularly familiar voice greets your ears you look up, your attention stolen away from your sketchbook. It was your boyfriend who was currently hanging out with you. At the moment he seemed to be watching you draw, looming over your shoulder. In any other circumstance this would likely seem intimidating but he was your boyfriend no matter how scary he accidentally was sometimes.
"A killer from this one new horror movie I saw - Texas Chainsaw Massacre I think? It's pretty cool. I'm drawing Nubbins, the weird hitchhiker dude." You explain, the tips of your mouth being pulled into a careful smile. You didn't often talk this much about your drawings but you knew Vance was genuinely curious, even if he had no idea what you were drawing half the time. He liked horror movies but he wasn't an avid fan like you were. Plus you liked books more than movies, and books weren't really Vance's thing.
"Oh, I heard about that I think. I thought you liked books though?" Vance questioned, watching the careful movements of your pencil on paper with interest. His question made you giggle a little which earned you a small glare in return.
"I do, it just seemed interesting. I can still watch movies, y'know. I did draw Carrie earlier today, though. The girl from that one book by Steven King? She was bullied a lot and got pigs blood dumped on her at prom, went absolutely crazy?" You tried your best to explain the book in hopes your boyfriend would understand but he simply stared blankly, his mouth pushed into a frown. You tried your best not to giggle but Vance looked so much less intimidating while he was confused you couldn't help but find it a little cute.
He didn't find it as amusing as you did. Instead he huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not a nerd like you, I don't read every book that I see." He shot back despite nothing being said in the first place.
"I think you'd actually like reading. If you weren't on that pinball machine all day, I mean. I swear you like it more than me." You joke. This seems to spark some amusement in Vance. He laughs, and you laugh in return. Even so, he's quick to defend himself as always.
"I do not! You might as well love your books more, you stare at them more than you stare at me." He playfully pushes your shoulder which may have been a little too hard but you know he means nothing by it. You decide to drop the subject and turn the page to the drawing of Carrie you had finished before Vance came over. It was the scene where Carrie was dying at the end and Sue found her. You liked that scene a lot, it was nice to know Carrie died knowing Sue didn't hate her.
Vance stares at the drawing, his brows furrowed. "What's going on in it?" Oh. You had forgotten he wasn't aware.
"Carrie, the one dying, is kind of reading Sue's mind before she dies. She finds out Sue didn't actually hate her and didn't know what was going to happen at prom. I just like the scene, I don't know." You shrug, dismissing everything else you'd like to say about the book. While you're practically obsessed with it you know Vance doesn't really care for books at all, so you decide not to bore him about it. To your surprise he inquires more about it, anyway.
"What's the rest of the book about?" He seems genuinely interested, his gaze fixed on the drawing as he stares at every part, every detail. You hesitate for a second before answering briefly.
"This girl, like 17 or 18 I think, is bullied at school for being really sheltered by her mom. She doesn't really know a lot and is just kind of an outcast, I guess." You watch Vance's expression and surprisingly he's still listening, waiting for you to continue. You do. "Anyway, Sue gets Tommy to take her to prom so she can have a good time and live her life like an actual person. Her mom's super religious though so she didn't like it but Carrie went anyway. Another group of people poured pigs blood on her while they were crowned queen and queen."
Vance seemed as though he were in thought for a moment before he quickly fixed his expression. "It sounds okay, I guess." He shrugged and tapped his fingers against his arms. He normally fiddled with his pocket knife but you had recently asked him not to do it around you, it often made you nervous. He was understanding, and you knew he would be. Vance was without a doubt scary but you were his boyfriend, he wasn't going to scare you. Not with any harm, anyway.
Instead Vance had a habit of simply sneaking up on you or showing up behind corners while you were distracted. He still took joy in being an absolute menace, unfortunately. You're taken away from your thoughts as your boyfriend takes your pencil from your hand and more carefully takes your sketchbook. You allow him, you knew he had no malicious intent.
Often times when he took your sketchbook he simply wanted to look through it or occasionally doodle. This time it seemed as though he were trying to copy your drawing of Carrie right beside your own. His lips were pressed together and his brows furrowed as he focused, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly more when he messed up and had to erase his mistake. You weren't sure if he was frustrating himself until he threw the pencil down onto the bed and looked at you with a proud grin.
You take your attention away from Vance and look at his copy of your drawing. A small smile is placed upon your face as you study it. It really wasn't that good, but Vance was proud of it and it certainly was a bit better than it normally was. If your drawing wasn't right there you'd be able to guess it was Carrie. Had he been practicing or something?
"You have some competition, now." Your boyfriend boasted, his arms crossed as he looked down at your sketchbook and then back up to you. You snort, shaking your head a little in disbelief. "Clearly. Stop practicing, i'm supposed to be the artsy one in this relationship, that's my job. Not yours."
Vance let out a laugh at your response. "Maybe I will take your place. Be careful." You rolled your eyes in attempts to show your false lack of approval but the smile plastered onto your expression proved otherwise. You couldn't believe it, before you had dated Vance you would've assumed the most artsy thing he was interested in was carving things with his pocket knife. You were proven wrong, apparently.
Whether it was from an actual new interest in drawing or his competitive nature in general you weren't sure, but you weren't complaining. You were glad he at least had some sort of interest in the things your interested in, even if it was just to try and be better than you at it. An idea popped up into your head, an idea anyone else would get punched for even considering. You were his boyfriend though, so you were pretty much safe.
"I'll just beat your highscore at pinball or something. Doesn't seem that hard." You shrugged, taking a quick glance at Vance's expression. He looked shocked, his mouth slightly opened and his eyes wide. You almost laughed but you managed to bite your tongue. As much as you knew Vance wouldn't actually hurt you you couldn't count on him putting you in a light headlock, which was probably what he was considering right now.
"You wouldn't even get close." Vance's voice got lower, his tone nowhere far away from threatening. Still, the spark of amusement in his eyes is still there. He's only teasing.
"I'm thinking about it. Since we're picking up new hobbies and all." You flip through the pages of your sketchbook to try and seem as though this conversation wasn't interesting you in the slightest. You probably just looked a little dumb.
"You absolutely will not!" Vance quickly moves forward and holds you close in a position where you could barely move. You can't help but laugh, your fists flying backwards in an attempt to get out of your boyfriend's grasp. It comes nowhere near working but you can feel the vibrations of him trying his best to stop himself from laughing, too. It wasn't really working that well.
"Vance Hopper I will break that pinball machine instead!" You cackled, finally landing a hit on Vance. By the way he grunted and seemed to almost stagger a little you could tell you had accidentally hurt him more than you wanted to. Before you could even pause and apologize he was back to teasing as if you hadn't even done anything at all.
"I'll just take your sketchbook, then." Your boyfriend stated in a matter-of-fact tone. You barely even get your words out before he lets go and grabs your sketchbook before you get a chance to. Vance quickly gets off of your bed and you copy his movements, the two of you pausing as you wait for the other to move. You move first, grabbing for your sketchbook only for him to let out a bark of laughter and run out of your room. You want to say something but you decide to save your breath for the chase you knew he was likely going to win.
Vance ran from cops significantly more than you did. You never ran from cops, you didn't have to. This wasn't the first time he had unceremoniously stolen something from you and ran, unfortunately. He seemed to find it entertaining and while you did, too in a sense it didn't always end in you winning. Still, you decide to feed his already overgrown ego and chase him around your house in hopes he won't accidentally break anything in the process.
It doesn't take you long to catch up, once you get downstairs you find him waiting right in the living room. The second he sees you, though, he starts running again and you do, too. You dodge various pieces of furniture, almost knocking one of the chairs in your dining room over. Thankfully Vance is much less clumsy than you and as far as you have seen hasn't come close to breaking anything or knocking anything over.
"Give it!" You demand, your breath overtaking your voice as you struggle to get it back. Vance is struggling too, his chest rising and lowering as he stands with your sketchbook on the other side of the table. Rather than a proper response he gives an out of breath laugh. You know you won't get your stolen property back by simply catching him, that boy has outrun probably half of the police officers in Denver easily.
You try your best to formulate a plan in your head. You could trick him, but you weren't really sure how. Even though he had already failed two grades and was easily going on year three he wasn't an idiot. Whatever you quickly came up with he'd definitely figure out without a doubt. Bribery, maybe. The only thing he cares about his pinball, though, and you weren't that keen on wasting money when you knew he'd give it back eventually.
Even so, you wanted to win. You may be the polar opposite of your boyfriend personality wise but you were equally as competitive. You were going to get that sketchbook back on your own.
"I'll give you money for pinball if you give me my sketchbook." You try your best to hide your growing smirk. Vance raised one singular eyebrow, his breaths becoming more regulated as time goes on. You don't need a verbal response to know he's considering and likely wants you to go on.
"Enough for like - a few games maybe? I know you're short on change right now, you were complaining about it earlier at the Grab n' Go." You knew this because you were the one Vance was complaining to. You often watched him play pinball the same as he often watched you draw.
"Okay, deal." Vance shrugs, stepping forward. You know Vance, and you know he's not just gonna give it to you that easily. You're gonna have to be equally as mean if you want that sketchbook as bad as he does. As soon as he walks close enough you waste no time to tackle him to the ground, catching him off guard and causing both of you to tumble into the ground.
Before Vance has enough time to react you grab your sketchbook from his hands and try your best to get up. Instead he grabs your ankle and pulls you down, crawling forward in attempt to grab your own sketchbook from your hands after you had just taken it back from him. You loved him, but the audacity this boy has sometimes is truly unbelievable. Determined to not let Vance take it again you slide it across the floor, causing your boyfriend to pause and curse under his breath.
You could tell he was beginning to take this seriously. You were too, in a sense. You really wanted to win for once and Vance could tell. The two of you rush forward, your socks sliding on the floor of the dining room as you both try your best to get there first. Without thinking you push Vance's face away to try and give you enough time and stop him a little. It works, and you feel your sketchbook in your hands once again.
You decide to not make the mistake of lingering again and bolt upstairs deciding running outside with Vance chasing you would look a little odd without context. You also didn't feel like getting your socks dirty. Your boyfriend wastes no time chasing after you as you make your ways upstairs, the thumping of two pairs of feet on the stairs probably enough to cause an earthquake if you both tried hard enough.
You make it into your room before Vance does and, knowing exactly what he's gonna try, shove it into one of your drawers right after closing the door on his face. It opens right after you shut the drawer closed, leaving you to stand in your own room empty handed and a little nervous. Your boyfriend looks over your room in a frenzy to try and find your sketchbook and quickly gives up, accepting the sketchbook is gone but not yet accepting you actually won.
A proud grin adorns your face, your whole body shaking with leftover adrenaline from being chased around your own house and being knocked to the ground once or twice. Vance stares at you before huffing and sitting down onto your bed, the mattress shifting with the new weight of your boyfriend. You join him.
"So I don't get the change for pinball?" He asks, his voice full of disappointment that really doesn't match his personality at all. You sigh and roll your eyes ever so slightly, the smallest of smiles appearing as you fished through your pockets for change. As you hand it over to Vance his expression immediately lights up and he affectionately punches you in the shoulder, maybe a little harder than necessary. "Alright, thanks." He laughs, putting the coins into his own pockets. You really got robbed twice.
You snort in response and Vance seems to stare at your small bookshelf, his eyes apparently caught on a specific one. You follow his gaze but can't tell exactly which one he's looking at specifically, there are quite a few.
"Hey, isn't that the book you were talking about?" You narrow your eyes in thought before you finally come across the memory.
"Oh, yeah. Carrie. Why?"
"Can I uh - borrow it or something? I probably won't finish it, I'm not a literal nerd like you, but you seemed to like it so maybe it's not that bad." He shrugged nonchalantly, though his fixed attention on the book broke his 'cool guy' facade. You smirk, standing up and grabbing the book from the shelf.
"Sure, I don't mind. Just give it back at some point, please." You can't help but chuckle, holding the book out towards your boyfriend. He gives an indignant snort in response and takes it from your hands.
"No promises."
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