sebfrom205-blog · 7 years
Is that [ COLIN O'DONOGHUE ] checking into the Starlite Motel? No, it’s just [ SEBASTIAN 'SEB' REEVES ] — a [ THIRTY-THREE ] year old [ BUSKER ] from [ DUBLIN, IRELAND ]. [ HE ] identifies as [ MALE ] and [ HETEROSEXUAL ]. They seem +AMIABLE and -IRRESPONSIBLE.
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Hi! I’m Liz, this is Seb the cheerful, tactless, good-for-nothing street musician. Just a quick intro while I battle it out with the end of the semester.
From Dublin originally, but has a restless soul. From a rich family, has a good mind, could have been anything he wanted to -- if he had an ounce of focus or patience. Halfway through university, he spent a summer travelling with friends and decided he’d rather be seeing the world than doing anything else. Never returned to complete his degree, kept moving ever since
Spent most of his twenties all over Europe, before heading to North America
Works odd jobs when busking isn’t keeping money in his pockets (which is often); plays music in restaurants, works in shops, bartends, etc.
Loves to meet new people but he's a flake, wandering off to a new city without notice or forgetting to keep in touch. Kind of oblivious to other people’s feelings
Thinks every idea for an adventure is a good one, whether or not he’s thought it through
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charlie-lynch · 7 years
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Is that [ SOPHIA BUSH ] checking into the Starlite Motel? No, it’s just [ CHARLOTTE ‘CHARLIE’ LYNCH ] — a [ THIRTY-FIVE ] year old [ OWNER OF THE STARLITE MOTEL & SHOOTING STAR GRILLE ] from [ LAS VEGAS, NV ]. [ SHE ] identifies as [ CISFEMALE ] and [ PANSEXUAL ]. They seem +GREGARIOUS and -FLIGHTY.
guess who it is? your friendly neighborhood idiot, j! i’m here with this ridiculous human being, charlie. she much prefers to be called charlie and not charlotte. i hate myself more than any of you ever could. click the cut to read more about the silent owner of the starlite and shooting star. if you want to plot with her, just hmu??? 
charlie’s grandparents owned and operated the starlite motel and shooting star grille for years. they own a bunch of other properties sprinkled throughout nevada, but the starlite was always their favorite out of all of them. they lived on property. since they lived on property, charlie grew up on the grounds. the starlite has always and will always remain her home. 
when her grandparents got old and wanted to retire, they handed over the property to jimmy cohen. he’s the manager, but he basically runs the whole thing. they trusted him enough to keep their vision going. charlie looks to the man as a father figure. her own parents not ever present in her life. she was dumped off to live with her grandparents. but she holds no regrets. she loves her life and looks back on her childhood with great fondness.
five years ago, her grandparents passed away. her grandmother first and a few months later her grandfather of a broken heart. it gutted charlie. she was still trying to figure out the business from them. she had studied at UNLV for business. she knew an education was important (something instilled into her by her grandparents). not wanting to let her grandparents down, she decided to keep everything the same. there’s no one she trusts more in this world than jimmy -- her surrogate father.
charlie spends a lot of time traveling from her properties. but she always finds her way back to the starlite. it’s her favorite place in the world. she can never stay away from too long.
the last year, she’s spent nonstop traveling. she wanted to do something just for her. she took a year off and hit every place on her bucket list. she likes to think of herself as well traveled and worldly. (she’s honestly a mess. she things she’s very in touch her inner chi, but she doesn’t even know what the fuck that means. she’s just trying her best like everyone else.)
she’s been back at the starlite for the last three months. she pops in and out. she can be gone for a few days at the time in case another property requires her attention. longterm employess (and maybe a few guests) would know who she is. but other than that, she doesn’t like to reveal she’s the silent owner of the starlite. she doesn’t meddle with the business unless specifically asked. 
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tmnhaas · 7 years
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— “My mother swore that boys like me were never meant to be understood.”
Tobias Matthias Newton Haas.
Goes by Tobias or “Newt”.
Relationship status: single.
Sexual orientation: uncertain.
Speaks English, German, and French.
Hails from Bad Ischl, Austria.
Born on February 3rd, 1994, in Bad Ischl, Austria, to Julia and Martin Haas, Tobias became the youngest member of the family, his name quickly became a string of family names that stretched much further than all of the others'. Julia jokingly blamed it on how he was the last child they were going to have, and therefore she needed to fulfill her promise to those she had promised to name a child after. In reality the answer was far more logical: Tobias had been her father's name, Matthias was Martin's father's name, and Newton had been Julia's older brother who had passed away when they were just children.
As the youngest of three brothers, Tobias was never the strongest or the fastest, and it wasn't unusual to find Philip and Manuel coercing little Tobias into activities they perhaps shouldn't have attempted in the first place. Climbing tall fences, chasing the neighbor's chickens, and even sneaking a goat into the house more than on one occasion. According to Philip and Manuel, they partook in these silly little acts in the hopes of brightening their own days, for they said Bad Ischl was little more than "a few bubbling pools of lukewarm water". Their mother, on the other hand, was less than impressed, scolding the boys for not only continuing to cause trouble, but for dragging their younger brother into it as well. ....
[ rest of biography here ]
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addiexjenks-blog · 7 years
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Is that [ AMBER HEARD ] checking into the Starlite Motel? No, it’s just [ ADDISON 'ADDIE' JENKS ] — a [ TWENTY SEVEN ] year old [ ESCORT ] from [ QUEENS, NY ]. [ SHE ] identifies as [ CIS-FEMALE ] and [ BISEXUAL ]. They seem +ALLURING and -MANIPULATIVE. ( ravin, 19, cst, she/her )
hey there peaches, ravin here bringin’ you guys my all time fave blondie & queen amber heard! check below if you think plottin’ is something ya may wanna do!!
• even at a young age the blonde had been highly ambitious, you tended to be when you came from absolutely nothing; for as long as she could remember, it had always just been her and her mother  — her father had just been another new york “my band is all i need” deadbeat that her mother had pined over one summer, who she had even momentarily believed to be something deeper than a summer fling, but when a period became late and tests purchased, the young lad fled in fear of a sense of commitment and responsibility for something bigger than him leaving joanna jenks heartbroken and a single mother.
• if not to make matters worse, the jenks’ went mad with rage when they discovered their daughter had become knocked up, before college and marriage, they were a bit on the old fashioned side; when she came to them and told her she refused to get an abortion, that she wanted to keep to baby actually, they threw her out giving her a few measly bucks and telling her to be on her way to never look back. she no longer had a family, her family now was her and her unborn child. during most of her early pregnancy days were spent earning whatever she could through a few shifts here and there, couch surfing when it was no longer possible. when addison finally came, though, she had managed to get a ratty but vaguely livable apartment for them.
• most children would have considered it difficult not always getting the latest toy or barely ever being able to participate in fad, but addison had genuinely never minded, as long as her mother was by her side nothing could affect or harm her. fast forward a could of years and addison is nearing 15, when tragedy strikes the jenks family; joanna is diagnosed with cancer, expected to live maybe a few years longer, however it spread to rapidly and she passed nearly a year after. the loss struck addison so hard, she dropped out of school and began couch hopping with various friends, wondering how she could possibly continue to make it through.
• it wasn’t tell she met vivi that she finally had a plan, that she finally learned out to survive. vivi was your typical “wrong side of the tracks” kid, she was the one who taught addison all that she knows today about tricking and working the streets. although they haven’t seen each other in years, or had much contact, she still holds the girl very near to her heart. 
• it had been a shock to the other working girls when the blonde had just up, after all, she had always seem to have a special place in sal’s heart from the very beginning when he first brought her on; that was exactly why she had to leave though, sal’s love was greedy sometimes and violent, and it seemed that no matter how much money she brought in or the efforts she made to keep him happy, he always found a way to become angry with her. she had to flee.
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andrewxiver · 7 years
hallo there, friends !! i’m ria, 21 y/o, from one of the 7k+ islands of the philippines !!! i have here andrew, my second 50+ y/o muse, and i v. much excited to play him with yall !!! ( statistics )
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andrew was born in texas but was raised as an army brat in pearl city, hawaii. both his maternal and paternal sides of the family have strong military backgrounds; and all his other seven of siblings served in the us army. -- yes lol he has 7 other siblings
anywaaaay, andrew has served a total of 34 years in service - rose to be a captain for 9 years ( he has been based all over the world - guam, philippines, texas, etc. )
he has 2 sons from his first marriage, and they never really forgave him for divorcing their mom ------ the separation was mutual but he took the blame for the most part
his second wife lasted longer, but they separated still ----------- infidelity on her part, which andrew took well tbh ( bc lol he had done the same thing to his first wife )
anywho !!!! andrew retured from the navy just 3 months ago, just after the death of his first wife. i was revealed to him then that he has a child out-of-wedlock, whose mother and family tried contacting him after their divorce. the first wife kept all of the letter and never replied !!!!!!!
ofc omg andrew forgave her bc she was on her death bed then, but his sons didnt bc he expressed a great desire to get in touch with his child --- much to the chagrin of his sons, who think its unfair that their mother ( his first wife omg ) is dying and he would rather search for his other child
so her we are now !!!! andrew is in nevada after hearing back from his child’s mother that their child is in the states, working at a casino ?? or smth
tl;dr: andrew is staying at las vegas trying to find his out-of-wedlock child, which he didnt know of until 3 months ago
andrew is very much a gentleman. even tho he grew up in hawaii, he still thinks of himself as a southerner, and tries his best to live up to the standards. he is v. genteel and amicable; he would v. rarely speak out harshly and is v. considerate
however, just as much, he would also rarely speak out abt his emotions and true intentions --- he glides thru them, so to speak; rarely acknowledging them. this contradicts his tendency to be critical of things, tbh. he notes all the details and it irks him when smth is subpar, but he rarely speaks out
he finds it hard to deny himself of things to pop up in his head --- v. compulsive !!! but i would attribute this to the fact that he has undiagnosed PSTD and mild schizophrenia ( he can still determine what is real, but he sees a male persona with him whenever he is alone ---- he think’s it’s god ) 
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karaashburn-x-blog · 6 years
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Is that [ KAT MCNAMARA ] clocking in at the [ SHOOTING STAR GRILLE ]? No, it’s just [ KARA ASHBURN ] — a [ TWENTY-ONE ] year old [ WAITRESS ] from [ HOUSTON, TEXAS ]. [ SHE ] identifies as [ FEMALE ] and [ BI-SEXUAL ]. They seem +GOOD-NATURED and -HOT-TEMPERED.
~ P E R S O N A L I T Y ~
One of those girls that is hard to get on the bad side of, but once you do you have a hard time being redeemable.
Fiercely loyal and protective of those she considers to be her loved ones. 
Will flirt and bat her eyelashes to those she sees willing to tip extra for such treatment at her tables.
Has a pretty short fuse and a hot temper
Has a good heart and readily helps anyone she sees needing it
~ B A C K S T O R Y ~
Born and raised in Houston, Texas
Father was a hotshot lawyer and her mother was a nurse
She grew up not wanting for much, honestly, but she didn’t let it spoil her. Neither did her parents. Her parents believed that she got what she earned
Her Aunt was estranged and lived in Las Vegas after having had a falling out with her father for stealing from them.
Her life took a turn for the worst when she was 15 and her parents divorced. Her mother subsequently ended her own life shortly after the divorce and Kara lived with her father.
After her mother died her father completely changed. He was no longer the happy man she knew. The one that always greeted her in the morning with a smile. He was just...dead inside and she could see it on his face. 
Those final three years were the worst of her life, no longer was she the loved child of two successful people.
When she turned 18 she moved out immediately, having gotten in contact with her aunt through a social media website. 
Her aunt let her live rent-free until she got a job and then started requiring rent.
She is a Waitress at Shooting Star Grille, and is taking classes at a community college in Web Design. 
~ C O N N E C T I O N S ~
Right now she is a quite naive little snowflake, I need someone to derail her a little bit, get her to live on the dark side.
She needs a best friend to confide in and will eventually become roommates with, someone that she values more than anyone else. She doesn’t talk about her past before moving to Vegas as she blocks out those three years before coming to live with her Aunt. 
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Is that [ RYAN MCCARTAN ] checking into the Starlite Motel? No, it’s just [ CHRISTOPHER TAYLOR ] — a [ TWENTY FIVE ] year old [ ACTOR ] from [ INDIANAPOLIS ].  [ HE ] identifies as [ MALE ] and [ PANSEXUAL ]. They seem +CHARISMATIC and -HOT TEMPERED.
heyo here’s some quickfire facts about my boy chris. i’m still fleshing him out, but i’ll get you in on the basics and we can plot from there!
born & raised as a midwest boy in indianapolis ( because that’s my hometown and i’m uncreative )
spent his whole childhood doing different theatre gigs in the city and through school
he was a big ham in school, and he always excelled in projects that let him express himself in video form. 
when he was sixteen he convinced his mother to let him get a real proper agent in order to audition for commercials and such
he did a few things here and there during the summers between school, but his parents would never let him drop out despite his average grades.
the day after graduating from high school he moved out to los angeles.
he continued to audition and get cast in a few things here and there, mostly secondary roles that left him getting killed off 
now that he was free from his parents, he really leaned into the celebrity lifestyle, spending most of his money on alcohol and parties. 
the big event that led him to starlite was a raid on an underground club where he was caught with more than his fair share of illegal substances & minors ( that he was unaware of ), which forced him to “shape up and get his act together”
he refused to go to rehab though, so instead he was shipped out into the desert of nevada, hidden away in a little motel where no one would come looking until he decided that he “really wanted to be a star”
needless to say he’s still pretty bitter about it
still, he’s trying his best to seem okay around the motel, flirting with just about everybody, spending weekends on the strip and generally just not getting his act together in the slightest. 
that’s kind of all i’ve got on him for now but if you shoot me a message i’m sure there’s more i can spew about about his personality and such. i’m just absolutely awful at intros. 
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tilda-ba-dilda-blog · 7 years
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hi. i’m kid and stuff and this is my dollie Matilda. this intro will be brief bcuz i want to do the ‘get to know her as i rp’ thing. anywho peek below for more stuff.
Is that [ ADRIA ARJONA ] checking into the Starlite Motel? No, it’s just [ MATILDA APONTE ESCALANTE ] — a [ TWENTY SIX ] year old [ INDIE FILM MAKER ] from [ SEATTLE, WA ]. [ SHE/HER ] identifies as [ FEMALE ] and [ HETEROSEXUAL ]. They seem +OPEN-MINDED and -INDECISIVE. ( kid, 24, est, she/her ) <<< hopping on the bandwagon.
*hive fives and cookies for u for joining us*
So, a little about me: I’m kid. i’m from ohio and i’m usually available week days. (wow i deserve world’s record for most boring intro).
On to Matilda: 
The general idea is that she’s a happy-go-lucky, outgoing, type of gal. She comes from a pretty wealthy family, but has cut her self from their financial support. Matilda wants to start completely fresh and chase her passion; which is art. She’s a big fat art lover. art-phile. whatever. Although she’s interested in all forms of art expression, videography is her main media. 
connections i’m interested in: 
Her crew: Matilda’s crew once consisted of only one member (herself), now she’s lucky enough to have four other crew members, one’s her cat Mima but the other three are free to have roles of their choosing, rather it’s editors, producers, actors, etc. 
Gal pals: Matilda likes to make friends, rather they stick or not is entirely up to fate. These people could be anyone, probably the just few she’s managed to pick up since being in Vegas.
Wing mate: so Matilda isn’t into dating (i mean, one, she’s terrible at it) or getting into relationships and the stuff. But let’s be honest, she’s a human and would still like to “get it in” rather she’ll actually admit it or not. She’s not going to be able to do that on her own, so she’s gonna need a bit of help. It can be a sorta, you scratch my back, I scratch yours. y’know.
I’ll probably add more, when it comes up. I know she has one brother but as far as she’s aware he’s in Portland or somewhere. 
HMU for ideas and stuff or just to chat idc ♥
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jessexwaters-blog · 7 years
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Hey hey, meet Jess, math genius and pro poker player. As you might imagine, not a favorite face in the bigger casinos so he’s made a temporary home here at the Starlight. Super open to plot so hit us up if you have something in mind!
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mariposalvarez-blog · 7 years
what up yall it’s cody with a second character lmao. her name is mariposa and she works at the front desk! all her info will be under the cut!
so mariposa (or mari as she likes to be called) was born and raised in miami to cuban immigrants. she grew up in a largely cuban community and she always dreamed of going to cuba. she knew it wasnt paradise but it was where her parents were from so naturally she wanted to see it.
growing up mari was the nerdy one in class, straight As, honor roll, all that jazz, a real credit to her parents. but she was also incredibly shy (yep a painfully shy nerd *miranda priestly voice* revolutionary). she mostly kept to herself and read books alone but she did have a few friends (most of them were also the children of cuban immigrants).
nothing of any note really happened for mari until she graduated high school. she went to the university of miami on a scholarship what up (double majoring in english and latin american studies and minoring classics), and she started working at a bar. during this time she met a guy from cuba. he was suave and handsome and passionate and hooooooo booooooy mari fell hard and fast. they started dating but mari put her education first and she told him that and he respected that. he was constantly going back and forth from miami to cuba but that was fine with both of them. when mari got her masters in all three of her subjects she agreed to marry him and live in cuba.
for a while everything was blissful, despite the poverty that existed in cuba and that her own parents had experienced while growing up, mari lived a life of luxury. her husband was a business man with close ties to the government which meant they had a far better life than the average cuban. but mari did a lot of work for the poor in cuba, advocating for better pay and setting up a charity foundation for them.
ruptures started to appear about a year into the marriage. that was when mari discovered that her husband was actually a gangster and was running drugs and weapons in and out south america to the states via cuba, the whole business man thing was a front. mari tried to reason with herself that it was somewhat ok as her husband also helped people get off the island, and she remained quiet and turned a blind eye.
but things came to a head when mari saw her husband shoot and kill a man in their home. now utterly terrified mari decided to leave. while her husband was in columbia, she fled back to miami and told her family everything. however she didn’t stay long as she feared for their safety so she travelled west, finally settling in nevada.
she now works at the front desk for the starlite motel and is using her maiden name and praying that she will never have to face her husband ever again.
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vacancyrp · 7 years
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We are overjoyed to have finally posted acceptances. We’ve been hard at work planning things for the game and can’t wait to write with all of you.
We have decided that we will be opening for interactions tomorrow, Tuesday November 7, 2017 at 5 PM EST. That gives everyone plenty of time to send in character accounts and post an introduction for their character(s), tagged #vacancyintro. 
If you have been accepted but need a bit of extra time to send in your account/post your intro, please message the main.
Players who have submitted their account(s) are welcome to start plotting ahead of opening!
If you have not yet received an invite to the OOC blog, please let us know on the main. You’re welcome to do OOC introductions in there.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, let us know!
— Admin Cassiopeia & Admin Orion
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