vaingloriousrp · 8 years
LONDON, 1979. the muggles have magic.
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vaingloriousrp · 8 years
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LONDON, 1979. the muggles have magic.
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vaingloriousrp · 8 years
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the muggles have magic
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vaingloriousrp · 8 years
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we were going to try to drag this all out a bit more, but we’re honestly too excited to get things back up and running again, so:
welcome to vainglorious.
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vaingloriousrp · 8 years
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hi, everyone! while we’re still getting things settled site-side, we thought we could go ahead and get to know one another. nothing fancy, just tell us about yourselves! (but please refrain from claiming any reserves in your introduction, we’ll get to those within the next day or two.) make sure you tag us at #vaingloriousrp so we can see it!
name: timezone: preferred pronouns: house: hogwarts, ilvermorny, or both! favorite tropes: favorite hp character: a song everyone should listen to: favorite book: hp or otherwise!! random fact: preferably about you. misc: anything not listed here that you feel like sharing!
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vaingloriousrp · 8 years
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the muggles have magic.
returning soon to jcink | staff search
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vaingloriousrp · 8 years
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It started slowly, almost imperceptibly. A strange report on the Muggle news: ordinary people performing seemingly impossible tasks, causing impossible accidents. Flukes, coincidences, totally unconnected. Nothing worth worrying about. Until, suddenly, it was.
Seemingly overnight, Muggle news is bleeding into Daily Prophet articles--Muggles who threw fireballs or levitated candlesticks or lifted buses off of children. Muggle children who, playing at being witches, managed to cast a real spell and set their friends' pants on fire. Impossible, all impossible, and yet. Muggles begin to believe in superpowers. Some of the more daring individuals take up vigilante mantles and attempt to fight crime. But their powers do not last. A day or two, a week at most, and the Muggle whose powers had previously astounded and confounded in equal measure is back to their ordinary, boring lives. Everything goes back to normal. It is several months after the first unusual Muggle news report that the Ministry of Magic puts out a press release that sends the wizarding world into a panic: the Muggles have magic. The press release is short, offering nothing more than a few terse sentences (penned, some say, by the Minister of Magic herself) that somehow, the Muggles have managed to get their hands on magic, and the Ministry is launching a full investigation. Wizarding scholars crop up all over the globe, protesting that magic is not the think of children's fairy tales, confined in trinkets and able to be passed from individual to individual. Magic is something with which one isborn. And yet, the Muggles. The Ministry, determined to get to the bottom of this, begin tracking down the previously "superpowered" Muggles, hauling them in for questioning and Modifying their memories when the interrogations are finished. This has been continuing for over a month, and they have made absolutely no headway. The reports of magicked Muggles continue to grow, with at least one or two making the Muggle news every night. The Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters, both frustrated with the Ministry's lack of headway and both also suspecting the other of being behind the whole thing, begin their own investigations. The Muggles begin to disappear, some reappearing a short time later, others never returning to their former lives at all. But even more troubling than the disappearances are the bodies. It began with the body down by the Wharf. A young woman, no older than twenty-one, found murdered with the word WITCH carved into her forehead. Voldemort and his Death Eaters use this to their advantage, whispering into ears willing to listen that the Muggles are behind this. They got a taste of magic but had it taken from them, and they want more. Despite the fact that there is no proof, the rumor steadily starts to gain ground. The divide between Muggles and the wizarding world begins to grow. The Ministry struggles to keep its citizens under control, even as it bandies about words like "Muggle threat." The Order struggles to maintain its grip, but even some of its members begin to mutter, pointing accusing fingers at Muggles and Muggle-borns alike.
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