chaoswithinthestars · 4 years
001. Welcome to Estonia
your character has arrived in Estonia, or the scene sets focus on their home life. As your character prepares for festivities, rituals and reconnects with old friends: try and picture who they were before the modern-day setting.
Ten Years Ago
Khaos touched their face, licked their lips, glanced up at their naked body in front of a mirror after a hot shower. It was always a bit strange to appear like this. Limiting, but deliriously freeing. They could sense the release of responsibility for the moment, and for the first time in a long while, their corporal form allowed for a smirk.
There is something eternally haunting and beautiful with nothingness. An existence that seems untouched by Chronos, less a spark of light or energy to remind them that they are a Being linked to forever. Khaos is a sleepy God that produces a dangerous tip of the scales to any Order. They are selfish about what is theirs. Their place as a primordial being can suddenly seem an afterthought when they want to pursue their interests in mortal, supernatural lands.
When their consciousness surfaces, it's filled with longing. They are a God who is perpetually alone, less the stars and planets that fill the void of space. Even still, they typically don't make time to be around others of their kind. It's been a long time since they were forced into conversation. The chaos they draw out of entities stems from this solitary part of their creation. It was inevitable they be asked to come to something important, and Khaos was looking forward to his time here.
Khaos dresses in comfortable, thin linens and grabs a long fur-lined jacket from a hook to toss on their shoulders. They walk outside; every step is delightful, distracting. Each breath is cold and tastes clean on their tongue. The sounds bring shivers to his body, dotting the tender, soft skin in dimpled goosebumps until they reach the beach.
"Do you need help moving in?"
The voice comes from someone to their left, a werewolf whose face they recognize, delightfully expressive and friendly.
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"Ah," Khaos peers over their shoulder to see the boxes of items they don't remember ordering. Someone must have aided, for he never entirely knows what to purchase or need while here. "It's not entirely important. It will happen eventually; who needs a schedule to things." A short pause, "thank you."
Even with the snow and brisk wind, it was obvious he should have put on shoes, but they haven't ever liked them. Feeling, touch-- was electrifying right now, and he was secretly cherishing the pain of it.
"It's never a bother." Their companion directed back towards the small, modest house tucked up into a tree. "Did you miss us?"
"I have; this is one of my favorite places in existence," the admittance surprises Khaos. Freshly here, his words aren't masked, emotions coiled verses unleashed-- well in due time. They chuckle into their hand with a weary, half-embarrassed smile that somehow still held a confident glance. "It's been a while; I want to see everyone."
"Well, you do stay away for century-long stretches. A few of us have been waiting for you regardless." The old friend grins, picking up a box and carries it towards the house—Khaos chuckles. Glancing towards the water, one of his favorite elements.
"Of course you have.” Khaos exposes the dangerous glint in his eyes, a void of darkness barely contained with in this vessel.
“It seems it's my turn to tip the scales here."
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chaoswithinthestars · 4 years
Out of the Darkness;~Flashback
tw death, violence location: marbrooke
The sand wedged between their toes as they wiggled them, coarse textures to send nerves pleasantly twitching. Gentle white waves lap against the rocky shores, their sounds amplified in such a hollow, open space, despite footsteps behind them threatening to ruin the tranquility. The darkness waned of light grows intense, consuming-- so familiar and home. Khaos' eyes drift lazily upward to a place in the sky that didn't use to be so dim. The softest frowns mar their features as they pull their gaze away from the endless void of space. Clouds move in to shroud the specs of lights further. 
This place, Marbrooke, creates a deep longing within Khaos, the opposite tug of their instinctual creation. It's needed to balance. To make the moments of fun, manipulation to these people with violence, chaos, fun-- so, so sweet.
A howl. A smile stretches. They turn around
"Guests." Their voice is calm and yet oppressing, controlled against anticipation coiling in his gut. 
Lights burst to life as various torches strike to flame. One at a time, the circle of stones on the sands flash into view, bringing a dozen bodies. Cataloging Khaos is a mystery to most, deep waters that few wade in, some whisper they are too unpredictable, the kind that is a bit too dangerous to bother with less you want to unwind and burn. Others want to experience the raw energy they bring out in people. Khaos' eyes are electric even with kind gestures and a wide, youthful smile. Those here know only one thing will come of this night, and they are ready.
They lick their lips, a mild turn of their head, and runs their thumb along the edge of their chin. "It's going to rain," their voice is more resonant; an ache runs through him. Yearning amplifies like a coil of copper, suddenly taking in the energy within in the space. Khaos hums and walks forward. "I'd say we up the bets. Beat the rain..." they pause for effect. "I'll double the winnings myself." 
It's instant—the roar from a wolf and a masculine throat, the air shifted from the strike—the war cry from another as they tackle one another to the ground. Khaos' chest rises subtly, inhaling through their nose as the crack of a bone follows a mighty roar. 
"Always watching you are," Khaos said seemingly to themselves, but the ears of one woman near them perked. "What would it take, hmm?" Their mouth watered as a weapon pulled out, and a knife pushed into the laid out person on the ground. Their attempt to get away from the attacker fueled the energy in the space. Khaos inhaled. "Could you even handle it?" they asked their friend. 
Their eyes lift and stare at her, challenging without a twitch of a muscle. 
"You always want this to dissolve, boss," reprimanded. 
"I want to see you fight tonight," Khaos sits down upon the sands, stretched out, and finds their gaze back on the now cloud-covered sky. 
"Are you growing bored? It's dangerous," she says, cracking her knuckles. "The rain is coming already; you knew they would fail." 
Of course, they did. The sky was a place they knew well: the endless void, the comforting simplicity of it. A drop of water struck their cheek, and another soon followed. The rain came immediately, a downpour in freezing temperatures. 
Blood scented. The cheers' faded into white noise, and the chaotic energy of the brutal battle dissipated in their ears, leaving the echoes of water drops hitting the ground to replace them. Their head tilted back, thin shirt soaking through. 
Something sharp cut across their neck and it wasn't close to killing, but enough to surprise. Their companion had them already in a headlock. A line of blood came down their skin, watered down from the rain, and stained the collar. Khaos sat up, leaning forward like a clipped marionette. The dark energy around them dimmed the flames, flecks of lights illuminating their skin like constellations painted upon it. The person's eyes widened in surprise and they gasped at the tightened hold to their neck. 
Khaos voice was barely a whisper, demented. “Little light-- a soul to waste. tsk. tsk. goodnight,” 
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