#val's epic fanart
arsen1cs4ng0 · 1 year
feferi doodle i made at college lol
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wonder-leijon · 1 year
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they like bike riding i think (better than fighting with anyone who comes near them)
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flynncorvus · 7 months
Hazbin & Gravity Falls - Sketch
(CW: Badly drawn Valentino, but Big floof. Angry and yet sassy Vox. And a drawing of 291212! A lot of notes, I like to annotate my drawings because thoughts. Avid fan of both these shows! Posting this while listening to Eyes on Me lol- We love ParanoidDJ)
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The first image is all of them, then close ups of my favorite drawings here on this page.
Yes, I drew this in Math Class again. Idk man, something about being in math makes my fingers drawing happy.
See what I mean by lots of notes? Don’t worry, Imma do a transcript for yall <3
Anyway, I love these characters. Yes. I have realized I have a thing for villains. I realized it when I wanted the villains to win when watching Disney movies. They’re all just so amazing I love villains so much-
VOX -Grumpy Voxxy -Why is he angy? -Have urge to draw shark tail -Ignore the shoes -Samsung TV -#AngryVoxTechBoss
VALENTINO -Very sleepy boi -Why so smoll face -No thoughts rn -Bigggg floof
291212 -He’s going to join the top hat gang -BILL CIPHER -291212
MISC -All these top hats -Practicing cross hatching WHOO -(100% that humanoid) -<3 ya broshimiskies -“Great Wind God Aeoulous(spelling oof), I don’t know if you know this, But our path to home is blocked by an impenetrable storm~” -“Stooormm~ STOOOORRRMM~” -It’s raining. Fuck the rain. (Not sexually)
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kaledya · 4 months
Oh Kaledya, 😭
Holy shit !
I almost strangled myself seeing Lolicia drawing by you again ! She is so pretty in your style, my baby, *ugly cry*. I will try to draw her as you did ! It will be fun ! Thank you for the gift! Really. I will put it on the characters glossary at the beginning of the fanfic ! I really love the shape of her eyes you did and the hairstyles ! Everything. Thank you!
And I will answer here for the previous post :
Thank you again for Lolicia compliments ! I want to draw her with Constantine or Serenity but I'm so scared to not draw them good. Perhaps with time ! I will give you a gift back !
I'm glad you having fun with the "characters interactions chapters" ! Its fun to write too even if a bit challenging because they all have different personality and I try to make it great for all. Also Alastor and Lolicia dialogue was nice and I love the 1920s slang !
And yes Monet, as you described her, would hate that Charlie said the Clown Pageant is less popular ahah
And yes, also I have a question for the timelines !
For me, it was like this from what you told on YouTube posts for the storyline :
  - Charlie's bonding activities   - then Lucifer comes to see the Hotel   - Lucifer breaks his silence and talk to Michael   - Charlie goes to Heaven and meet the 6 Archangels with the songs inspired by epic (heaven arc)   - Charlie after the trial need to make proof that the hotel works - Azrael say the hotel is not touched by the Extermination   - Then the Greatest Song, Man (Greatest show man mini arc)   - Meeting with the Overlords (introduction of the Vees)
Because the Vees are main villains in SS AU, right?
  - Alastor "reunion" with Serinity after she takes his defence on the meeting   - Alastor VS Vox (like stayed gone)   - And somewhere Angel Dust business with Valentino and Charlie show her authority.   - [...]
This is how I plan it, but if you preferred i can change it and do the greatest show man arc before the heaven arc ?
You can choose ! Because I'm not sure if I understand right.
Thank you and you are a wonderful artist and creator ! 🌸🌟 Thank you again for the gift (screaming)
Sorry the message was way too long
Have a great day as always- marquisev
First of all, I'm so glad you liked my fanart! Seriously, drawing Lolicia was a pleasure!🌟❤️
And I'm so glad to hear that you want to draw Serenity and Constantine, and don't worry.I will Love how you draw them in any way . Also, I really liked your drawing style, the art you put in the fanfic were really great.
I seriously think you have a beautiful talent!❤️
This was the plan I had in mind.
But I am not a writer and I think you will make the best decision and this is your story, you can write it however you want, you don't even have to ask me❤️
The plan I have in mind:
In my AU, I generally left the issues related to Heaven until later (season 2).
In my mind, the first season is about the members of the hotel forming bonds and starting to support each other.It included character development of characters like Angel and Husk. That's why the greatest showdemon arc happened at the beginning of the first season and the team was starting to work with each other and really get to know each other.As the season progresses,
the Overlord meeting
(Alastor knows who Misfortune is. In his past, Alastor tried to hunt Serenity like other overlords, but Serenity ended it with a conversation instead of a fight.They have no friendship. Serenity revealed her identity after arriving at the hotel in the 2nd season
(The reason for this was that Season 2 was generally related to the backgrounds of the characters, and since Serenity was directly connected to Alastor's background, I put her in that section)
Alastor's fight with Vox, Angel's confrontation with Val, Mentioning the past of Husk and Angel (This part takes place in the scene where Angel and Husk are discussing their problems before the song Loser Baby)
Constantine is also a character from Season 1. After the Greatest Showdemon arc (Not exactly after that arc, but I didn't know exactly which events to put. After the team members and the hotel have seriously improved) when the hotel makes serious progress, Charlie invites her brother to the hotel to show her progress. (Charlie and Lucifer's relationship is seriously bad in this AU, so Charlie doesn't try to reach her father,she thinks "he won't listen to me anyway)
And Constantine, who saw sinners improving in a truly strange way He gets the proof he wants And after this thing, he personally goes to his Father and says these words to Lucifer after a serious conversation.
"I will not repeat myself again, father. Consider this as a warning from your son. Either you put your pride aside and go to your daughter and listen to her ideas and plans. or As a result of the decision you made, not only will you lose your daughter whom you love dearly, but you will also not have a son. Make your choice father, you don't have much time. Until then, I hope you have fun in your eternal loneliness."
After this conversation, Lucifer comes to the hotel and confronts Charlie. listens to her ideas.
I don't have a full timeline, but in general, all the events I write about happen before the heaven arc.I wanted Charlie to go to heaven with as much evidence as possible and to gain self-confidence and become more of a leader in the meantime.
If I were to write in summary form. (I don't write in the form of a timeline, just events)
Season 1
-Charlie's meeting with Adam
-Team bonding
-Greatest show demon arc (this is included in the team's bonding tool)
-Overlord meeting
-Vox and AI fight
-Angel getting rid of Val
-Constantinen's arrival at the hotel.
(There may be a lot different arcs in this season, I really don't know, most things are still WIP)
SEASON 1 in general A season where the Vees are the main enemies.
Season 2 (The main enemy in this season may be Roo, but I don't know)
-Serenity comes to the hotel
-Lucifer comes to the hotel
-Charlie goes to heaven alone.
-she meets all the true archangels one by one and finally tries to convince Azrael.
So yes, these are what I have in mind, but my thoughts are generally WIP.As I said, this is your story and I'm not a good writer, so it would probably be better if you decide the plot yourself! 🌟❤️
If this is the way you planned, you can use this plan too! This is your story, you can write it however you want🌟
Thank YOU SO much🌟
And it's really nothing, drawing Lolicia was a real pleasure❤️❤️
Have a great day too!
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katyahina · 1 year
Some (potentially) useful remarks on Healing Church clothes and weapons
1) Situation with Ludwig's sword(s) might be less simple than we used to think!
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(I will be using retranslations document ( x ) by Last Protagonist as usual, to avoid losing some nuances)
So, we know that Ludwig was using the 'normie' silver sword that hunters of his type were using as well - the normal one that you stick in a 'sheath' to make a big one, replicating Holy Moonlight sword's transformed design but not glowing. The simplest variant is, of course, that he found Holy Moonlight sword but since he was so jealous and secretive of it, he was MOSTLY using the 'normal' blade. Perhaps, Holy Moonlight sword was only used on special occasions, or treasured away from most people and "consulted" for advice until later when he went mad. I would not say that this description comes from the fact that untransformed versions of the blades are the same, because... they are not:
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And I think it mostly works, and it is worth pointing out that as epic as fanart of Ludwig swinging that turquoise-colored shiny sword is, and as simpler as memes using that sword are to get, but within the story it was not likely to happen consistently! But also:
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This bit about description of Guidance rune makes things a bit more strange. If he, say, has been exploring the dungeons and found the sword that later inspired him to mass-produce similar swords, what it is about closing his eyes? Is this really about Ludwig just falling asleep before the sword or something? :')
@val-of-the-north suggested there is a possibility that Ludwig was shown the sword by superior forces - likely by Flora / Moon Presence herself, especially since Ludwig was close associate of Laurence, who was, in turn, beckoning Flora for creation of Hunter's Dream to begin with. For one reason or another, Ludwig could have seen the vision of the sword, that inspired him to create a very similar one under inspiration and become Laurence's knight this way. God- For all we know, Laurence might have planned to ""enlighten"" him!! And then, either himself or the hunters he inspired would go to the Chalice Dungeons and discover the REAL thing on their way. It could even be additional justification for why Executioner type of hunters are roaming the dungeons! Speaking of...
2) It is likely that Ludwig never wore Tomb Prospector set!
We know that Ludwig was THE first hunter of the Healing Church, who were a different type of hunters than Old Hunters of Gehrman's type. But at the same time, description of the Executioners clothes says that they were the very fist prototype for ALL following clothes of the Healing Church hunters, especially having inspired the trademark holy shawl:
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So, FIRST was the garb of Executioners, THEN came the garb of Tomb Prospectors, at least as we know it!
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(Source for Ludwig's model is Bosses Up Close video by XTrin: ( x ))
Additionally, whereas Tomb Prospector set is bought using the Radiant Sword Hunter Badge, it marks people using this badge as 'descendants' of Ludwig:
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So, again; first was Ludwig, in Executioner drip, and then Tomb Prospectors, and their attire, were inspired by him. I... see the only way around it; that Ludwig was wearing Executioner clothes initially, and later wore Tomb Prospector set on his adventures, but when he was back, he also was wearing his normal set.
Interestingly, though, clothes of Executioners keep hinting at Rogeriusz/Logarius, despite him being... well, at the very least, SECOND known Healing Church hunter.
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Whatever is the reason of Logarius being met in drastically different clothes, but the statue implied to be him, to which Alfred lays a crown at the end of his mad quest, IS depicted in Executioner clothes. Albeit, with far more robe-like feeling to it than how we see it on Alfred's example. Maybe for a different vibe, maybe Logaius always has been a bit more wizard-like, whichever you think it is!
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It is hard to say which one is true, as we are with two variants:
one. Logarius was not the first hunter, but he was the first staff (court wizard?? lol), therefore set the trend of clothes, that Ludwig took upon as a hunter.
two. Ludwig is accursed, he fell from grace and was hated and forgotten as blood-possessed beast; meanwhile, Alfred alone is a good proof that Logarius is still honored and respected! So, perhaps, these clothes came to be associated with Executioners of Logarius instead, since Logarius (undeservingly so) pushed Ludwig from the place of admireable figure! Was it just society's sentiment, or a deliberate political action, hard to tell...
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I am more fond of the second variant, and funny enough, this brings me to the next point I want to make:
3) It is likely that Healing Church's saints started wearing crowns thanks to Logarius.
Alright, this one is also slightly lost in translation, since not only the name of the item is different (which can be distracting), but also a sentense is missing in English localization.
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Healing Church "sacrificing" someone would imply them giving away something treasured for them, so odds are, they would give away bodies of their saints to them roaming Pthumerians in the dungeons, instead of doing proper burial! The 'they are oddly stimulated by the stench of dead saints' also makes me think of this bit:
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(Interview with Miyazaki ( x ))
If this was very special quality of blood what Pthumerian Watchers are after, then sure the saints would be the best; not only as very avid consumers of the holy blood, but also as those 'holding back' on transforming into a beast the most, which would sure make it special.
Additionally, you could use this intention, though it is a bit more vague: when Bloodborne was still a sequel for Demon Souls, Laurence's skull was going to not only look more human, but also have a crown on it:
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Yeah, the simpler times when we had demon-like enemies, when Gasc and Mico would say 'Umbasa', all that.
But even cut content aside, the lore as we have it specifies that there were saints who worn crowns (and fancy rings and wrist accessories)! My lucky guess is that after Cainhurst was massacred, the saints of the Healing Church were... to put it in the most blunt way possible, qualified to declare themselves new aristocracy/rulers/whatever. Maybe it was to establish theocracy and their reign as new most influental figures, maybe it was to honor Logarius who started wearing the crown of the murdered King after his crusade, maybe it was both.
...besides, it means there were so many important saint figures in the Healing Church in the timespan from Cainhurst falling to Paleblood Hunter arriving. We seem to meet Emilia/ Amelia at the very end of whatever authority Healing Church still had, with no seen successors, and current Healing Church hunters chief being Cleric Beast on the bridge... Before this point of time, though? It is an aviary for OCs of the size I can't even describe x)
4) There is a reason why Black Church Servants have a more "dangerous" weapon despite 'black' being lower rank to 'white'.
I am talking about these guys, and their annoying Crucifix weapon that activates Frenzy buildup.
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It did not quite make it in the final game, presumably because there were only so many ways to make a proper mace-like weapon, but in the concept, Bloodletter was looking a lot like this as well:
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I just want to point out that the 'expelling bad blood' aspect is QUITE important here! Bloodletter causes the user to get Frenzy buildup, much like the Crucifix used by Black Church Servants. And the reason it is believed to "help" with the "bad" blood? The fact that Frenzy is connected with the hunt!
I talked about it more in this ( x ) and this ( x ) post, but TLDR; Frenzy spears are literal weapons manifesting from the person's very blood solidfying, Oedon the Great One is inextricably tied with the bloodshed and bullets and the Hunt itself, and blood itself seems to solidfy into those spears bit by bit.
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So, they might have ended believing that what deliberately causing Frenzy would do is to unleash whatever it was in person that was getting corrupted - and thus, more subjective to beasthood. Especially, that would work with Black Church, who were "preventive":
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4.1) Just like that, White Church Servants correlate with what White Church Doctors do.
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The lamp is especially interesting detail, as it is harmless, and only hurts you with the Arcane projectile when you have enough Insight. Meanwhile, Frenzy does hurt stronger the more Insight you have... Truly, in Bloodborne, the Hunt and Eldrich Truth, the Beasts and Kin are simply two sides of the same coin... Just two outcomes in the same corrupt deity's vicious plan.
5) Use or not, but male Church Doctor clothes have weird similarities with 'foreigner clothes'.
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It is hard to confirm of deny anything here... Brador has five buttons but Black Church Doctor has four; similarly, the foreigner set our Hunter arrives in has five buttons and White Church Doctor has four. They're the same striped type of a vest though, and they have the same type of buttons, athough Church's is sewn with dark threads but foreigner is with brighter.
It could have been an intentional reference that either was abandoned or is so hard to decipher that we will never get there. We only have subtle hooks towards Paleblood Hunter being not loreless; such as Cainhurst summon we find in the room we woke up at having OUR name written in it, with one of the Cainhurst portraits featuring Golden Pendant adn Church's necklace. I am always lost with the ideas of what might have went down in the past..... or whether 'we' are secretly related to Brador or his land, bwahaha!
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6) They ARE, all in all, DOCTORS clothes.
I find it a bit... harder to tell what DO hunters of the Healing Church wear? We find only so many of the NPCs that wear Healing Church Doctor clothes: for black set it is two black hunters in Research Hall (female and male), one guy in Nightmare Frontier and Adella who has no hunting weapons, for white set it is a praying lady in Research Hall and Imposter Iosefka + likely real Iosefka too, that also doesn't hunt. Seven characters, FIVE of which are confirmed to be associated with medicine (...six if being a Blood Nun counts...?); three characters in Research Hall, one is stated to be a doctor, one is a nun, one does Kin experiments that originated from Research Hall.
Would not put the Black Church guy in the Frontier as a drastic contradiction. What I am saying is, they might not even qualify as hunters. Logically, they'd have weapons and get some self-defence skills as they HAVE to kill (people, less so beasts!). Iosefka is never confirmed to fight, Adella uses normie dagger and not even a legit weapon, and four from the remaining five are reclused to the indoors places.
Mostly, I am thinking as I am writing it, as there is an interesting character - Henriett! She is wearing the clothes descending in design from Old Hunters type (not Healing Church type!), yet she has Church weapons (Repeating Pistol and Kirkhammer) and helps to beat Amelia, Ludwig and Laurence. I always felt like she used to be Healing Church's hunter but found something she should not have and detracted... And I presumed she used to wear Black Church clothes (trousers variant to be practical). Buuuuut.
I might actually take this back. Depending on the interpretation, the current hunters of BEASTS, not of PEOPLE that "might" be beasts etc, could either 1) wear Executioner garb like Alfred does 2) wear unique clothes that is yet to be designed, but might be similar to Executioners garb, for example, design mix of doctors' and Executioners, or TOTALLY unique clothing like Gascoigne for example 3) actually wear 'Hunter' set like Henriett and our Paleblood Hunter from promo materials after changing their foreign garb.
On the other hand, Henriett having been one of them paranoids eliminating people falling for beasthood and then snapping out of it could make such a mess of a character's backstory. Not to mention that some Black "doctors" (and occasional White ones) did blend in with Huntsmen mobs, in chaotic mess of no longer being able to tell where is a friend and where is an enemy. No longer caring for those 'showing' signs of beasthood but only those who fully turned. And foreigners, of course! Like, maybe the 'they are not hunters but so-called "doctors" point USED TO be relevant in Old Hunters era, but during the game events it is not relevant ANYMORE, as Yharnam is basically anarchy now.
Alright, I think I compiled what I had to say!
Mostly, I made this post for the reference to myself as an artist and a writer, and for my friends that might find it useful, but I decided to put it here just in case if someone else could find something here! Also, a headcanon: whereas Ludwig's Holy Blade was based of the OG Holy Moonlight Sword, the Kirkhammer instead was based off the hammer the Pthumerian creator of Holy Moonlight Sword used to forge it! It was discovered waaaay down there. Because Loran already met Yharnam's fate once. Maybe, somewhere in Yharnam, there is still the 'original' Hammer. And it glows in red upon tranforming, rather than how the sword glows in turquoise!
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photochoco · 5 years
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Pop SKZeam Epic!
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jazylh · 8 years
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Here's a preview of the very first Patreon Exclusive patron request reward. And I'm so happy it turned out to be one of my favorite #webcomic characters, @kickgirl heres my take on val's epic character. Full reveal over at www.patreon.com/jazylh soon. #comics #fanart #mysterbabylon #kickgirl #fantasy #art #comicartist #animestyle #mystyle #illustration #hero #sexy #fighter #girls #animeart #mangaartist #artstagram #drawing #patreon (at Byculla, Maharashtra, India)
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 11 months
hOnK. :o)
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 11 months
maus :]c [this fucker belongs to @hebezunet lol]
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 1 year
it's been like 2 years since i drew pedro. the they 🧡🧡🧡
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 11 months
halloween flip is almost done. have a maus
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 1 year
sadsim :[
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 1 year
sploon time :] [jinks belong to @hebezunet!!]
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 1 year
if lil guy's eyes bleed ink in my edgy fanarts of him then i think he can do this
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 1 year
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these two motherfuckers are back + they want your internal organs [yall already know this but these two belong 2 @hebezunet]
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 2 years
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erm… what the chip………..
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