#valentines ip 2018
inceptionpositivity · 7 years
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Surprise! Inception Positivity is back for a Valentine’s Day Love Extravaganza!
We’ve been asked to bring back Inception Positivity for Valentine’s Day, so here it is!
STEP 1: From NOW until 11:59 PM EST on February 14, submit your best love notes for members of Inception fandom using our handy-dandy anonymous submission form.
STEP 2: We will turn your note into a colourful post on the inceptionpositivity blog, posting on February 14 from 12:00 AM (UTC+14) until 11:59 PM (UTC-12) for maximum Valentine’s Day goodness. (That is to say, from Feb. 13 to Feb. 15 for most of us.)
STEP 3: Profit!
This will be your last chance to send anonymous fuzzies until Inceptiversary in July, so send in your virtual candy hearts and let’s get our Valentine’s Day on! For more information, check out the FAQ, or feel free to send a message or ask!
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doux-amer · 5 years
Favorite films out of the ones I watched last decade in no order
I don’t consider all of these the best films ever (e.g., do I think The Avengers is amazing? No, but it had the biggest impact on me along with Inception and MM:FR, and I vividly recall what it was like watching it for the first time in the theater), nor are they all my favorite films though almost all of them are. These are just the ones that impacted or impressed me, changed my life, and/or I loved the most of the films I watched for the first time from 2010–2019.
⭐ = a movie I consider superb or, for a few, masterpiece-tier (4.5-5)
❤️ = a movie I love 
👍 = really good or excellent but not quite star level (4-4.5)
✔️= I appreciate what the film was trying to do or an element of the film even if I didn’t think it was super strong or didn’t love it (e.g., the aesthetic and soundtrack of Drive even if the script was weak and overly drawn out, what Logan tried to accomplish story-wise even if it dropped the ball at times, etc.)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) ⭐❤️
The Before trilogy (1995–2013) (I prefer the last two) ⭐❤️
Iron Man (2008) ⭐❤️
Parasite (2019) ⭐❤️
The Handmaiden (2016) ⭐❤️
The Avengers (2012) 👍 (more like 3.5-4, but it felt weird not starring it, and this falls a little short of a heart, now that so many years passed)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) ❤️
Inception (2010) ⭐ (👍? Huge influence on my life though. Need to rewatch to see if I still love it, but I recall love fading to like on my second viewing in 2010)
Zodiac (2007) ⭐❤️
Taxi Driver (1976) ⭐❤️
Toy Story 3 (2010) ⭐❤️
Booksmart (2019) ⭐❤️
Her (2013) 👍❤️
La Haine (1995) ⭐❤️
Whiplash (2014) ⭐❤️
Blue Valentine (2010) ⭐❤️
Lady Bird (2017) ⭐❤️
Arrival (2016) 👍
Moonlight (2016) ⭐❤️ (controversial, but as much as I appreciate this movie, I hover between a ⭐ and 👍 or a ❤️ and just “like” because at times, there’s this student film “trying too hard to be sentimental” feel that I don’t like to Barry’s works. I’m so sorry. I still think your films are gorgeous, Barry, and I think about Moonlight all the time. ;o;)
Knives Out (2019) ⭐❤️ 
Warrior (2011) 👍❤️
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (2018) ⭐ (no ❤️ only because for some odd reason, I couldn’t fully be obsessed while in the theater, possibly because of the audience, so I might need to rewatch it)
Starred Up (2013) ⭐❤️
Moana (2016) ⭐❤️
Remember the Titans (2000) ❤️
Honorable mentions:
Trainspotting (1996) 👍❤️ (might be down to “like” if I rewatch it. Also, this movie made me feel drained)
Sunshine (2007) 👍
The Damned United (2009) 👍
What We Do in the Shadows (2014) 👍
21 & 22 Jump Street (2012 & 2014) 👍❤️
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) 👍
Baby Driver (2017) ⭐❤️
Logan (2017) 👍✔️
Roma (2018) ⭐❤️
Gone Girl (2014) 👍
Birdman (2014) ⭐❤️ (might be down to “like” if I rewatch it)
Bridesmaids (2011) 👍❤️
Beginners (2010) 👍❤️
Drive (2011) ✔️
Young Adult (2011) 👍
Fences (2016) 👍❤️
The Social Network (2010) ⭐
Ip Man (2008) 👍
The Shape of Water (2017) 👍
Straight Outta Compton (2015) 👍
I also gave a bunch of films hearts (which means that I loved them) or 4-4.5 stars on Letterboxd but don’t really remember them akljdfklasjfdas. Here are a few (no emojis except for #6 which I didn’t love but think about from time to time for several reasons):
His Girl Friday (1940)
Paprika (2006)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Rear Window (1954)
Gravity (2013)
Looper (2012) ✔️
Wild Boys of the Road (1933)
The Crowd (1928)
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mr-michael-kyle · 3 years
A dark web cybercriminal who advertised hitmen for hire was so spooked by a request from a young Washington state woman—who wished her married lover’s wife dead—that he gave her up to the feds.
That’s according to an FBI search warrant affidavit unsealed this week, which details a surreal plot originating with a chance encounter at an event hosted by Landmark, a self-help group with roots in the 1970s, which has been labeled as a sort of “cult-lite” by some. The case centers on a philandering husband and his jealous lover, who planned on using her college money to have the man’s wife murdered.
Far from being disturbed by the revelation, when the man—identified in court filings solely as “J.M.”—found out about the plot against his wife, he “saw the behavior as an indication of her dedication and affection for him,” according to the affidavit.
The unsealed warrant—which The Daily Beast has redacted to withhold the suspect’s identify as she has not yet been formally charged—targets email addresses that the young lover used to register a Facebook account and talk with J.M., and contact financial institutions and a cashier at her community college. A source with firsthand knowledge of the case stated the investigation has been delayed as a result of COVID-19, however stated it’s still ongoing.
The alleged plot to have J.M.’s wife killed first came to the FBI’s attention on Feb. 12, 2020, when the bureau’s National Threat Operations Center obtained an anonymous tip from a ProtonMail account by way of an IP address associated with a VPN in Phoenix, Arizona. The tipster identified themselves as the administrator of a website on the dark web that provided contract killings for a price. About a week earlier, a potential customer transferred $5,000 in Bitcoin to the service to have a hit carried out within the Seattle area, the informant claimed.
“Just kill her ASAP. I don’t care how just make sure she’s dead. I’d prefer if you shoot her in the head,” the client instructed, before adding that the victim worked for a corporation in Bellevue. She added, “I don’t know if that helps you in someway. She has a 3 year old son that she picks him up at 5 P.M. so she normally will get home around 5ish. Please don’t do anything to the boy. That’s all. Thanks[.] Send me a proof when the job’s carried out.”
The tipster informed federal agents that their hitman website was actually only a Bitcoin rip-off, and that “no actual murders had been committed” on behalf of anybody.
“I feel that all targets which were paid for are in danger,” the con artist with a conscience wrote the FBI. “Customers that pay to kill somebody show that they’re serious about killing that particular person[.] I must be in contact with you and to give you the target info, payments proof, and other info to trace the customers. Customers don’t give their name or details and conceal their IP, however still could be tracked.”
The site administrator sent a photograph of the intended victim to agents, one of whom happened to recognize her as somebody she had met before, the affidavit states. The following day, the FBI met with J.M.’s wife and informed her that someone wanted her dead. It’s unclear how the FBI agent knew of J.M.’s wife previously.
When agents asked whether she knew of anybody who’d want her dead, J.M’s wife started to think about people from her past. There was a “snippy” and “aggressive” former colleague from Phoenix, with whom she’d had a “turbulent relationship” and last saw in January 2020, however she didn’t believe that particular person would ever try to hurt her.
A decade earlier, J.M.’s wife continued, her husband sued his boss over a sexual harassment claim. She informed agents she “felt that it was unlikely that J.M.’s former employer would solicit her murder,” the affidavit states, “but stated it was possible as a result of ‘life altering’ nature of the situation.” J.M. was entangled in another lawsuit in 2019, his wife added, when J.M. was sued by a company that accused him of quitting to start his own business, in violation of a non-compete clause.
Aside from that, there wasn’t much else—except for one unusual incident that occurred two days before Christmas 2019.
In an interaction captured on J.M. and his wife’s Ring doorbell camera, a young woman appeared on their doorstep and asked for J.M. by name. When J.M.’s wife stated he wasn’t home, the woman stated she was really there to see her and asked if she might come inside. The wife locked the deadbolt, and when J.M. joined the conversation remotely, the young woman walked away. J.M. informed his wife he didn’t know the woman, and his wife figured the woman must have gotten J.M.’s name from a package addressed to him that had been sitting outside.
The agents then asked J.M.’s wife about her relationship with her husband. She stated it had been “strained for the last few years,” describing the issue as a “loss of passion” which had turned their marriage from a romance into more of a friendship. The emotional distance between them started in 2018, following J.M.’s attendance at a Landmark conference. That year, J.M. asked for a divorce, an idea his wife said she rejected “for the sake of their son,” according to the affidavit. They started seeing a marriage counselor—online, because J.M. was too busy with work to do it in person. J.M.’s wife informed the agents she “had not had an extramarital affair and didn’t believe her husband had either.”
The FBI interviewed J.M. the same day. He claimed he couldn’t think of anybody who would want to kill his wife, the affidavit states.
“When describing his job, J.M. said that he has ‘great relationships with people at work,’ his clients ‘love’ him, he ‘just had a big win’ earlier in the day, and doesn’t believe he makes enemies,” the filing adds. “He said the ‘only major points of serious contention are that lawsuit against me and that thing out in Phoenix,’” referring to the old co-worker with whom his wife hadn’t gotten along.
Asked if he was having an affair, J.M. initially lied. He later admitted he met “somebody” at Landmark that “really liked” him. J.M. stated he took his first Landmark course in 2018, attended a second in 2019, and started a 3rd however dropped out at his wife’s request because it was keeping him away from home. His younger admirer was a college student, J.M. advised the agents, and stated they’d had a sexual relationship lasting “six months or so, a couple times, here and there,” the affidavit states.
“He claimed the romantic relationship ended in August 2019. J.M. stated he last saw [the young woman] in January of 2020, when she informed him she still loved him,” the document explains. J.M. stated he had helped the woman out with money a couple of times, including earlier that month, when he gave her $2,000 after she stated her parents lost their life savings in a burglary. However, she “gave him no indication of being a threat,” J.M. insisted.
On Valentine’s Day 2020, an FBI agent interviewed the college student. She stated the last time she saw J.M. was three weeks prior, when they traveled to Portland, Oregon, for an evening. J.M.’s secret girlfriend stated she was unaware at first that he was married, according to the affidavit. When she found out, J.M. told her that he “couldn’t stand his wife,” but that she had cancer and he couldn’t leave her.
But the younger woman told agents she unearthed pictures online of J.M. and his wife that appeared to contradict his story. After first denying she took steps to have J.M.’s wife murdered, the woman allegedly confessed to soliciting the hit. She then claimed she got nervous and tried to delete the transaction after submitting it, but was unable to do so.
“When asked if she [hoped] J.M. would come live with her as soon as his wife was killed, [the young woman said] ‘…yeah,’” the affidavit states.
Indeed, the younger woman told agents she tried to sabotage their marriage. Before showing up at J.M.’s home in December 2019, she created a fake Facebook account under the name “Katlyn Everson” and sent the wife messages saying J.M. was having an affair.
“I know it because I know the particular person he’s cheating on u with,” Katlyn wrote, according to the affidavit. “If u dont believe me, they’re gonna meet up today at the Kizuki Ramen restaurant in Olympia at 4:30 PM. You can prove it by yourself.”
But J.M.’s wife apparently never saw these messages.
The FBI returned to J.M. for more info in March 2020, since his initial statements didn’t add up. In his second interview, J.M. admitted that he had previously lied to agents when he denied recognizing the younger woman in the Ring footage; at the time, he didn’t want his wife to find out about his extramarital relationship.
J.M. informed investigators that he spoke to the girlfriend shortly after she visited his Bellevue residence unannounced, and asked why she did it. She told J.M. “she was there to kill [his wife] and that she brought a knife along with her as a way to accomplish the murder,” the affidavit states.
Soon after that interview, J.M.’s lover lawyered up and met with the FBI to discuss making a deal. For her part, the woman claimed she never meant to kill her lover’s wife and wasn’t armed during their encounter. She stated she only told J.M. this because she was upset.
She added that J.M. had previously “made comments about wanting to kill his wife and once asked [her] if she knew anybody” willing to do the job.
The woman told authorities that their affair, which started in the summer of 2018, “ebbed and flowed,” and that she’d dumped J.M. a number of times because she was annoyed by his refusal to leave his wife. She claimed J.M. informed her they couldn’t be together until his spouse “died or something happened,” the affidavit alleges.
Over the course of their relationship, she stated, J.M. had a litany of other excuses: the wife had cancer, he was afraid of losing custody of his child, his wife had threatened to kill herself in the past when he threatened her with divorce.
After the couple reunited in the fall of 2019, the college student made plans to end J.M.’s marriage by way of the murder-for-hire plot. She stated she’d used $2,000 that J.M. sent her through PayPal, as well as college scholarship cash to solicit the spouse’s execution.
The young woman stated she and J.M. went out to dinner following her unannounced appearance at his house in December 2019.
“J.M. asked why [she] went to his house, and [she] informed him that she went there to kill [his wife],” the affidavit states. “[She] said that she didn’t actually intend to kill [J.M.’s wife], and was not armed when she went to the house, but told J.M. this because she was upset. [The young woman] claimed that J.M. wasn’t angry but instead saw the conduct as a sign of her dedication and affection for him.”
In order to pursue the murder plot, the woman informed agents, she used an old cellphone she’d obtained from her pastor, then used it to download an application to access the dark web. According to the affidavit, the student surfed reviews of websites providing hitmen—whose services included beating, maiming, or killing victims, she stated—and requested price quotes before landing on the alleged Bitcoin scammer. She chose the Phoenix killer because their website “had an escrow system, giving her a sense of security that her funds wouldn’t be stolen,” the filing states.
The gal pal instructed the phony hitman to not hurt the wife’s child and sent them the victim’s Facebook profile image and address. She’d release the funds, she stated, as soon as she had photographic proof that the victim had been murdered.
Weeks went by, and J.M.’s wife was still alive, the young woman informed the FBI. She contacted the “hitman” through their website and asked what was happening. The scammer, who claimed they by no means really planned on carrying out the assassination, provided an excuse: The hitman they hired for the job had been arrested, so they had been searching for another person to pull it off.
Needless to say, it never happened. The search warrant was executed last April, and filed in court this week, showing that FBI agents mined two of the woman’s email accounts for further clues and proof concerning the aborted hit.
The young woman was unable to be reached. Her lawyer isn’t identified in the filing and isn’t listed in court records.
There have been myriad reports of attempted murder-for-hire plots hatched by way of the dark web in recent years, though a majority of them end up being scams. In each of the instances, men paid online goons several thousand {dollars} in Bitcoin. Around the same time J.M.’s girlfriend was looking for an assassin, CBS 48 Hours highlighted the case of a Minnesota teenager whose British gamer ex-boyfriend had ordered her murder online by way of a mysterious dark net fraudster referred to as “Yura.”
In April, The Every day Beast reported on the case of Spokane physician Ronald Ilg, who’s facing criminal charges for trying to hire dark web killers to assault a former employee and kidnap and extort his wife. Police say journalists from an unnamed news organization foiled Ilg’s plans. One month later, reporters disrupted another alleged murder-for-hire, this time in Beverly Hills. Scott Quinn Berkett, 24, is charged with attempting to orchestrate the killing of a woman he met on a Facebook anime fan page.
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finalistes2018 · 7 years
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Cliché, inégalité, discrimination par Ibrahim BOUZIDI, Valentin SERBER, Valentin IP PIANG SIONG. Lycée Saint Joseph, Argenteuil.
Deuxième prix “Jeunesse pour l’égalité” 2018, catégorie 16 - 18 ans.
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thebegusarai · 5 years
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इस IAS अफसर का स्पेशल बना Valentine Day, ऑफिस में IPS से रचाई शादी वायरल सन्देश : हाल ही में गुज़रे हुए दिन यानी की वैलेंटाइन डे पर पश्चिम बंगाल जिला हावड़ा के एक आइ ए एस अधिकारी ने अपना वैलेंटाइन का दिन यादगार बना लिया, क्यूंकि इस ही दिन उसने अपनी प्रेमिका संग विवाह कर उसको अपना जीवन साथी बना लिया। आईएएस का नाम तुषार सिंगला है जो की 2015 बैच के बंगाल कैडर के अफसर हैं। उनकी पत्नी भी उसी दर्जे पर आती हैं क्यूंकि वह बिहार में आई पी एस के तौर पर कार्यरत हैं जो की 2018 बैच की है, नाम उनका सिम्मी है और यह दोनों अधिकारी पंजाब के रहने वाले है। अगर इन दोनों की पोशाखों की बात करें तो दोनों ने बेहद ही बेहतरीन पोशाख पहनी है एक न डाला फॉर्मल ड्रेस तो दूजे ने इंडियन सारी से करा परिवार वालो को मोहित। …
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vsplusonline · 5 years
इस IAS अफसर के लिए स्पेशल बना Valentine Day, ऑफिस में IPS से रचाई शादी
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/%e0%a4%87%e0%a4%b8-ias-%e0%a4%85%e0%a4%ab%e0%a4%b8%e0%a4%b0-%e0%a4%95%e0%a5%87-%e0%a4%b2%e0%a4%bf%e0%a4%8f-%e0%a4%b8%e0%a5%8d%e0%a4%aa%e0%a5%87%e0%a4%b6%e0%a4%b2-%e0%a4%ac%e0%a4%a8%e0%a4%be-valentine/
इस IAS अफसर के लिए स्पेशल बना Valentine Day, ऑफिस में IPS से रचाई शादी
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आईएएस अधिकारी ने आईपीएस से की शादी
वैलेंटाइन डे को शादी करके बनाया यादगार
पश्चिम बंगाल के हावड़ा जिले में एक आईएएस अधिकारी ने आईपीएस प्रेमिका से शादी रचाकर वैलेंटाइन डे को यादगार बना दिया. आईएएस तुषार सिंगला 2015 बैच के बंगाल कैडर के अफसर हैं. उन्होंने आईपीएस नवजोत सिम्मी से शादी की है. सिम्मी बिहार कैडर की 2018 बैच की आईपीएस हैं. सिम्मी अभी एसीपी के तौर पर पटना में तैनात हैं. दोनों अधिकारी पंजाब के रहने वाले हैं.
मैरिज रजिस्ट्रेशन के बाद दोनों अपने करीबियों की मौजूदगी में शादी के बंधन में बंध गए. फॉर्मल पोशाक में सिम्मी के साथ नजर आ रहे तुषार हैंडसम दिख रहे थे. वहीं सिम्मी भी लाल साड़ी में खूबसूरत नजर आ रही थीं.
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शादी के बंधन में बंधे आईएएस और आईपीएस
ये भी पढ़ेंः गहलोत सरकार ने पलटा वसुंधरा का फैसला, मातृ-पितृ दिवस मनाने पर लगी रोक
तुषार की शादी को लेकर कई सवाल भी उठ रहे हैं क्योंकि उ���्होंने अपने दफ्तर में ही शादी को लेकर पंजीकरण संबंधी औपचारिकता को पूरा किया. शुक्रवार को तुषार के दफ्तर में ही शादी का पंजीकरण हुआ. पंजीकरण की प्रक्रिया पूरा होने के बाद यह जोड़ा पूजा-पाठ करने के लिए मंदिर पहुंच गया.
ये भी पढ़ेंः  वैलेंटाइन डे पर सोनम कपूर ने शेयर की रोमांटिक फोटो, पति आनंद आहूजा को Kiss करती दिखीं
जब नियम कायदों को लेकर राज्य के मंत्री और हावड़ा जिले के अध्यक्ष अरूप रॉय से सवाल किया गया तो उन्होंने जवाब दिया कि इसमें कुछ गलत नहीं है. मंत्री ने कहा, “इसमें कुछ भी गलत नहीं है. रजिस्ट्री के जरिये शादी करना भी एक कानूनी प्रक्रिया है. इसलिए इसे लेकर कोई विवाद नहीं है कि सरकारी दफ्तर में शादी हुई. दोनों लोगों ने पंजीकरण के दस्तावेजों पर सिग्नेचर किया है. “
अरूप रॉय ने आगे कहा, “सरकारी दफ्तर में किसी भोज का आयोजन नहीं किया गया था. इस स्थिति में विवाद का कोई सवाल ही नहीं है. मुझे नहीं लगता कि सरकारी कार्यालय में दो लोगों की शादी में कोई समस्या है. यह मेरे लिए कोई अपराध नहीं है. शायद वह ड्यूटी पर थे, जिसकी वजह से उन्होंने कार्यालय में यह किया. इन दोनों ने शादी करने के लिए सिर्फ कागजों पर हस्ताक्षर किए. लेकिन कोई उत्सव नहीं हुआ. इसलिए मुझे इसमें कुछ गलत नहीं लगता है.”
(इनपुट: हावड़ा से बैद्यनाथ झा)
आजतक के नए ऐप से अपने फोन पर पाएं रियल टाइम अलर्ट और सभी खबरें. डाउनलोड करें
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martechguide · 5 years
How to see google search results for different locations
New Post has been published on https://martechguide.com/how-to-see-google-search-results-for-different-locations/
How to see google search results for different locations
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How to see Google SERP results data of Different Locations
What you and I are likely to see in Google differs a lot even if we search for the same thing.
The results we get depend on our:
Search habits.
The devices we use.
And, most importantly, our current location.
This makes perfect sense to users who often search Google for places and services nearby.
At the same time, this leaves marketers blind to what customers really see in Google in all the different locations their business targets.
So, today we’ll dig deeper into localized search results and look into every possible way to search Google from another location – both manually and using tools.
Do All SERP Elements Depend on Location?
The short answer is “yes.”
Even though we often think of local search as something related to “local 3-pack” blocks, the rest of the SERP is also tailored for the searcher’s specific geo-location (especially for queries with an obvious local intent).
In different locations, you may see changes in organic listings (the 10 blue links include different local businesses and directories), knowledge panels, universal search blocks, and paid ads.
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But What If We Simply Ignore the Change?
The bad news is, whatever research you’re up to – be that tracking search presence, analyzing competition or looking for relevant directory placements – you almost always need a certain level of SERP localization. Otherwise, you’re simply leading yourself astray.
But there’s also some good news: the level of needed granularity differs.
And while local 3-pack results are hypersensitive to the slightest location change and might sometimes require being tracked from a specific street address, organic search results remain much more stable.
For some of your organic tracking, city-level analysis is more than enough. For others, you barely need going beyond country localization.
So, let’s talk about different SEO tasks and cut through the different localization levels.
How to Check Country-Specific SERPs
This type of monitoring might suit an international brand that targets multiple countries. Tracking your search presence on a country level will help you:
Analyze search performance for non-geo-sensitive queries: While showing some discrepancy worldwide. Such terms tend to generate the same search results nationwide, so there is simply no need to zoom in.
Monitor the setup of your multilingual website. To see whether the correct country and language page versions are indexed and served for each region.
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How to Check Manually
A few years ago, this task was really straightforward. Country-specific search results were served on separate country domains, like google.co.nz for New Zealand or google.ru for Russia.
That’s until Google started serving search results based on the searcher’s location, regardless of the domain’s TLD extension at the end of 2017.
So, in case you haven’t noticed yet, there’s no longer any use typing a different Google domain in your address bar.
Here’s what you can do instead.
Change Your Google Search Settings
You can tell Google that your country differs from the automatically detected one by going to Search settings and adjusting your search region there.
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Use a VPN or a Proxy
You can also fake your location with proxies or a VPN service like Private Internet Access or similar.  
How to Check Automatically
I cannot come up with a single rank tracking app that is incapable of automating this type of localization.
Some tools will emulate a real user and tweak Google search settings (same as I’ve just described). Every time they send a new request to Google. Some of them will simply use a country-specific set of IPs.
All of them will work in a similar manner and do a decent job for you, whatever option you choose.
How to Check City-Specific SERPs
City-level rankings come into play if we’re monitoring a local business – One that operates within a specific service area or has a physical location for its customers to visit.
Most of the queries customers use to find businesses of this type are geo-sensitive. They are likely to change a lot from city to city (organic results), and from district to district (local listings).
So, while tracking city-level rankings may not be the best option for local listings monitoring, you can still use it to:
Track organic positions, which aren’t likely to fluctuate much within one city.
Track local packs and map rankings for less competitive industries, where there simply isn’t enough competition to produce much SERP turbulence even in the hyper-geo-sensitive local packs.
How to Check Manually
Same as with country rankings, there was a time when checking city rankings was not a problem. But Google gives and Google takes away. So the SEO industry, once again, had to come up a few creative workarounds.
Add a ‘&near=cityname’ Parameter to Your Google URL
To check the SERPs for “dentist” from Hendersonville, NC, for example, you can use a URL like this:
(This includes your keyword in the “q=” parameter, and your location in the “near=” parameter.)
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This option is the easiest one, but we’re trading time against accuracy here.
With the “&near=” parameter, the results Google serves you are literally near the location, and not necessarily within the specified city. Quite often, they might be skewed towards a larger city nearby.
Use the Google Ads Preview Tool
Another (and this time, pretty accurate) way to check localized SERPs is the Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool in Google Ads. It simulates not only geopositions but user devices (mobile, tablet, or desktop) as well.
See Anyone’s Analytics Account, in Real Time.
You can literally see real-time sales and conversion data for any website, and which campaigns drove that traffic. Start your free trial today
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The tool works for any keyword, whether it’s included in your Ads campaign or not. The only thing that’s required is an active Google Ads account.
How to Check Automatically
Checking city-specific SERPs is available in the vast majority of rank tracking tools these days.
Most of them use the same way to localize your search results – the “&uule=” parameter. It also adds a base64-encoded location name or zip code to the URL when querying Google. So, the results are displayed as if you’re from the city centroid or the center of the ZIP code.
Among the tools that do city-specific checking are AccuRanker and Ahrefs.
SEMrush and Whitespark include only a limited set of cities/countries. So they will only work for you if your target location is on the list.
My personal favorite in this category is BrightLocal – for their nicely formatted reports and easy-to-use interface.
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How to Check the SERPs for a Specific Street Address
When it comes to tracking local pack or Google Maps results, the slightest location change can influence the SERPs.
Sometimes your business will show up in search results throughout its whole service area, and sometimes it will only rank for searches performed just a few blocks from your doorstep.
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This means that tracking city-level results won’t do. And you need to be able to localize the SERPs on a street level to:
See how visible your business is in different parts of the city/town.
See how far from the physical location the business appears in the local pack. And also monitor how your ranking coverage area expands over the SEO campaign.
How to Check Manually
For quite some time, the only way to specify the exact street address to check Google SERPs from was by using Google Chrome Developer Tools. However, now there is a nice tool to do the job much quicker.
Set up Custom Latitude & Longitude in Chrome
Google Chrome lets you load pages as if from anywhere in the world by specifying the exact geo-coordinates.
To do that, you need to head to Developer Tools (CTRL+SHFT+I for Windows and Command + Option + I for Mac OS) and click the three-dot icon in the bottom left corner:
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There, pick the Sensors option and simply paste the geo-coordinates you’ve previously copied from Google Maps:
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Use the Valentin App
A cool new tool to handle the same task is the Valentin app. It converts the street address you’ve entered into geo-coordinates and passes them along to Google. The localized Google search results are opened in a new browser tab.
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How to Check Automatically
There are only two tools I know of that let you automate street address rank checking. However, they do the job in quite a different manner.
One tool is best suited for tracking your positions and their changes. The other tool is best for visualizing your ranking coverage area.
Use Rank Tracker
SEO PowerSuite’s Rank Tracker (disclaimer: I’m the founder of Rank Tracker) is the only tool to automate what Google Chrome and Valentin app do.
You can set up as many street-address locations as you need, and check Google SERPs for them automatically.
And I do mean “as many locations as you need,” because unlike most other tools, Rank Tracker doesn’t limit the number of locations to track.
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Use Local Falcon
Local Falcon is my absolute favorite among all the new SEO tools to emerge in 2018. Moreover the app has a brilliant idea behind it – to visualize how your business ranks on Google Maps in the area surrounding it.
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Monitoring Maps will not substitute monitoring the SERPs themselves, but this visualization gives you some priceless data on your local performance.
To Track or Not to Track?
With that many options and that much local ranking data, it might seem hard to find reliable benchmarks to measure your search success.
It’s also tempting to either give up on tracking local rankings altogether or get overly obsessed with them. Really, though, the best solution lies somewhere in the middle.
On one hand, rankings are just a vanity metric, and, unlike traffic, leads and customers, they don’t bring you any business by themselves.
On the other hand, there is no better way to diagnose your search performance and find room for improvement than by checking the SERP positions and their change over time.
Is your website not getting enough customers because it’s invisible in SERPs or because it has bad reviews?
Are you underperforming in a certain region because there’s less market for what you offer or because your website’s local version is purely set up?
I can think of a better way to answer these questions than by monitoring your search performance. And staying blind to this data is like giving your market away to competitors.
More Resources:
Local SEO: The Definitive Guide to Improve Your Local Search Rankings
10 New Local Search Features You Should Be Using
Top 25 Local Search Ranking Signals You Need to Know
Image Credits
Featured Image: Shutterstock, modified by author All screenshots taken by author, February 2019 In-post Image #12: Local Falcon
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inceptionpositivity · 7 years
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@bookshop + @earlgreytea68 - Aja and EGT are Inception fandom legends and brilliant writers and hilarious people and I am already prepared to give them my hearts and all my squee for their upcoming podcast, because what? A podcast about fic tropes? What. Your faves could never.
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waddlesdpig · 6 years
The following is a quick write up about my personal favorite writers for 2018, spoilers and bad jokes ahead. 
 Wow, will you, wow, just look at, wow all that time wow. 2018 came and went like my dad after McDonald’s McRib was back in season! Tragic loss of delicious parents aside, we can’t look ahead to the new year without reviewing what the things that came before! 
 In this case the Top Comicbook Writers of 2018. I mean you knew this was coming, you read the title. Y-You can read the title right? Oh god all those people with Can’t-Readitis are going to be so lost!
2018 was crazy, but for comic books it was like a good crazy. Kinda like when you eat at a Chinese restaurant and find out they sell pizza, but like actual pizza. And not just in the movies, with Marvel and DC digging deep to revitalize and strengthen their IP’s, we got some of the best comics from the big two in a long while. At the center of this movement has been fresh and exciting writers taking these titles in new directions. So now being the leading authority in basement dwelling blogging hogs, i felt the need to highlight some of my favorite Comic book writers of 2018. First examining those wonderful folks at Marvel Comics.
(Side note, not only am i the world’s greatest blogging hog, i am also a huge flithy casual of the highest order and as such any of my lists for 2018 will not include any indie titles even though there be a great many fantastic non-big two comics.)
Whoo boy, i don’t think it’d be a exaggeration to say that Hank Hill’s next door neighbor has had a stellar year comics-wise. Coming out early in the year with the stellar “ Thanos wins” story arc that pushed the big man Grimace himself into new territory in fantastic fashion. Something that would only carry forward with his brand new OC introduced in the run, that being “ Cosmic Ghost Rider.” Which is like the regular Ghost Rider but in SPAAAAAACEEE! Suffice to say he’s a very cool character, with his spin-off title living up to the hype.
These two runs in themselves would be deserved feathers in anyones cap, however with the Marvel Fresh Start initiative, Cates provided what is the crowning achievement of his work this year. This being Venom. Without a doubt since he and superstar artist Ryan Stegman have taken over, the title has become one of the most entertaining books Marvel has been pushing out. 
Cates has done a wonderful job of balancing the tone, knowing when to lean into the edge associated with the character and but also not depraving the title of brevity or more light hearted moments. This coupled with the epic reimagining of key aspects of Venom’s backstory and building to climatic moments that i hate are going to be sullied in the next Venom movie ( Dem Chinese audiences enjoying something that mildly annoys me ;-;). 
In Venom however we find more than big action, grand stakes, and epic concepts, as Cates has made it a point to consider introspectively Venom and it’s host relationship with each other. At some points wholesome, at others disturbing, but always engaging and because of that it has propelled Venom to a title worthy of standing alone from it’s Spider-Man origins.
I love Spider-Man, you probably love the fashion model dating luckless webhead yourself in one way or another. Whether it’s the original Lee/Ditko comics, the 1980’s animated show, MCU movies, or this guy, one way or another Spidey has found a way to web himself into the hearts of generations of people all over the world. So i can almost guarantee you love Chip Zdarsky and you didn’t even know it. (Think about all those valentines you missed out on sending to the man!)
 Chip’s run on Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man didn’t start in 2018, but it ended this year so i’m still counting it. While the first few issues were enjoyable in their own right, for me it wasn’t until Spectacular Spider-Man 6 ( #296 legacy number because Marvel never learned counting in pre-school) that things really started kicking into gear. As readers we are well aquatinted with the quipping more ridiculous side of the menace, but from issue 6 onward Chip makes it his focus to remind us that the Man matters just as much as the Spider. 
He portrays Spider-Man as he should be, the everyman hero that anyone can look up too. You still got your jokes and your villains and your good times, but more than ever Chip’s Peter is willing to lift the mask and show that he just that, a man.  So many times throughout the title we find Peter allowing himself to be vulnerable, not just to friends and comrades but to those who have sought his end so many times.  Giving us a Peter who is a hero, not just through his heroics, but also because he is willing to look for the good in others and not afraid to empathize with those around him.  And in that way Chip has given us, in many respects, the Spider-Man we’ve always known and love. And for that he has my thanks.
In addition to what will probably become a fan favorite take on Spider-Man which already warrants use of the “ Spectacular” adjective, Chip also helped bring the Fantastic Four ( or at least The Terrific Two) back into the spotlight with Marvel’s Two-in-One. ( A title name which might excite and immediately disappoint fans of Chip’s earlier work at Image.) 
Marvel Two-in-One focuses on the two remaining members of the splintered Fantastic Four, primarily how the main duo deal with assumably losing the rest of their family and just how far both are willing to go to regain them. In this book particularly i feel Chip did a magnificent job exploring the character drama, you can really feel the longing and grief that these two are experiencing, but at the same time manages to balance this with fun reality jumping shenanigans that never overstay they’re welcome. All in all another incredible title that made 2018 an absolutely amazing year for Chip, with 2019 looking to be a another stellar year for him. ( Can’t wait for his run on Red Batman!)
Side note it should be no surprise that my top two Marvel writers for the year had a part in this hot spider on spider strip here.
BOO! Scared you? Probably not ( scary amount of cringe if anything ). Now if you want some real spookums Al Ewing is just the guy for you as 2018 saw the release of The Immortal Hulk, one of if not arguably the best comic of the last year. 
The Hulk has always been a mixed bag for me, i love the premise of the character: Quiet on the streets, radioactive green giant in the sheets. There’s an inherit struggle that can make for some compelling story opportunities in the right hands. But that’s just the thin, for me personally i hadn’t read anything that spoke to that idea i have for the character. Don’t get me wrong in the 57 years of the characters existence there have been some pretty good Hulk stories. ( Some of which i’m still getting around to reading) 
But none have appealed to me quite like Al Ewing and Joe Benett’s run on the title. The two masterfully has given this tale a fresh start by ironically taking the character back to his roots in the horror genre. The creative duo manage to achieve this through turning Hulk from misunderstood hero to essentially a wandering monster bent on exacting his own sense of justice on the scum of the world. This change in the status quo is excellently executed effectively through the artwork. No longer standing proud in defiance of those who would doubt him for the hero he is, Joe Benett pencils depict the hulking giant now as a grotesque monster lurking in the shadows ready for his next victim. 
This would all be for nothing if not for the strong voice Al Ewing has for this title. The Immortal green bean is not scary only because he can snap you in half like a brittle wishbone, but because he instills fear with the scariest thing known to man.. emotional insecurities. (That’s right folks we got a bitter beefed up Dr.Phil serving justice up like it’s a buffet.) Not content to beat you dead, Hulk now tortures those unlucky enough to be his targets by holding up a mirror to the horrors that haunt them. This applies to more than those Hulk seeks to punish, the real genius of The Immortal Hulk isn’t that he is the thing keeping scum up at night, no it’s that he is the never ending nightmare of Bruce Banner. Throughout the run Hulk haunts Banner in showing that they’re only two half’s of the same coin. Leaving Banner and the reader with eerie thoughts that linger on whether the mad beast is right all along. 
This is all too say that The Immortal Hulk is pretty dang good, your probably reading it already, if not you should probably read it. ( You know as long as you don’t have can’t-readitis) And if issue 11 is anything to go by 2019 is looking horribly wonderful for Al Ewing and the jolly green giant.
And that’s it, my top three Marvel writers for 2018. In all honesty last year was crazy for Marvel, i’m leaving out so many amazing people making their mark in the comics industry and all things considering here’s hoping we’re in store for even greater things in 2019.
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stiri-noi · 6 years
How to Web 2018: Au început înscrierile la Startup Spotlight 2018
Au început înscrierile la Startup Spotlight 2018. Principala competiție dedicată antreprenorilor și start-up-urilor din sectprul tehnologiei din Europa Centrală și de Est va fi găzduită în cadrul Conferinței How to Web 2018.
Cine poate participa la competiţie Startup Spotlight 2018?
Startup Spotlight se adresează start-up-urilor tech early stage. Acestea trebuie să aibă o vechime maximă de cinci ani și să nu fi obținut finanţări mai mari de 1 milion de euro.
De asemenea, la competiţie pot participa antreprenori atât din România, cât și din restul țărilor ECE.
Ideile pot fi înscrise pe site-ul evenimentului până joi, 1 noiembrie. După aceea, urmează ca juriul să aleagă 20 de start-up-uri care vor avea șansa să-și prezinte proiectele în cadrul How to Web, în perioada 19-20 noiembrie.
Cei 20 de antreprenori vor fi pregătiți pentru etapa finală de o echipă de mentori de renume.
De-a lungul celor două zile de prezentări, juriul va analiza proiectele. Câştigătorii vor fi anunţaţi în încheierea conferinței.Câștigătorii categoriilor Best Startup, Best Pitch și Best Innovation vor putea partcipa, în calitate de expozant, la TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin 2018. Aceasta este una dintre cele mai importate conferințe de tehnologie din Europa.
În plus, cei 20 de finaliști va primi un card de membru VIP F6S – Alpha Card. Acest card oferă deținătorului acces gratuit la beneficii în valoare de până la 1 milion de dolari pentru dezvoltarea afacerii.
În cadrul competiţiei se vor acorda şi alte două premii surpriză.
Juriul Startup Spotlight 2018
Juriul competiţiei este format din Rene Schob, Head of Technology Steering Committee KPMG și co-președinte al juriului, Bogdan Iordache, Fondator How to Web, co-președinte al juriului, Radu Georgescu, Founding Partner Gecad Ventures, Luciana Lixandru, partner în fondul de investiții Accel (Londra), Mihai Rotaru, antreprenor și investitor (ex-Clever Taxi), Marvin Liao, Partener 500 Startups.
Investitorii și mentorii implicați în program:
Jon Bradford, Founding Partner Motive Partners și co-fondator F6S,
David Bizer, fondator și CEO Talent Fountain,
Rumen Iliev, Partener LAUNCHub,
Carmen Sebe, Partener Gecad Ventures,
Valentin Radu, fondator și CEO Omniconvert,
Dimitris Kalavros-Gousiou co-fondator și General Partner Velocity.Partners,
Dan Mihaescu, Founding Partner GapMinder Venture Partners,
Ana Maria Andronic, Head of IP Practice & Technology DLA Piper Romania,
Ondrej Bartos, Partner & Chairman of the Board Credo Ventures,
Dan Lupu, partener Earlybird Venture Capital,
Cristian Munteanu, Managing Partner Early Game Ventures.
Citeşte şi AMCOR organizează o nouă sesiune de certificare CMC
    Articolul How to Web 2018: Au început înscrierile la Startup Spotlight 2018 apare prima dată în Jurnalul de Afaceri.
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Craig Wright to Challenge Judge’s Ruling in the Billion-Dollar Lawsuit
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/craig-wright-to-challenge-judge-s-ruling-in-the-billion-dollar-lawsuit
Craig Wright to Challenge Judge’s Ruling in the Billion-Dollar Lawsuit
Craig Wright to Challenge Judge’s Ruling in the Billion-Dollar Lawsuit
Craig Wright is looking to challenge Judge Reinhart’s decision and has asked the court for an extension of time in order to dispute the August 27 ruling. Wright was recently instructed to distribute 50% of his BTC holdings allegedly mined before 2014 and intellectual property (IP) to the Kleiman estate. Wright’s legal counsel based in Florida also detailed they need more time because Hurricane Dorian is forcing the attorneys to expend energy preparing.
Judge Reinhart’s Ruling and Critique of Wright’s Arguments
The person who claims he invented Bitcoin, Craig Wright, has asked for an extension of time in order to challenge Judge Reinhart’s recent ruling. The motion to compel order explains that Craig Wright should distribute 50% of the BTC supposedly mined by Wright and Kleiman before December 2013. Half of the patents related to the Bitcoin network and technology filed prior to David Kleiman’s death must be given to the Kleiman estate as well. The case started on Valentine’s Day 2018 and involves the multi-year business relationship between Kleiman and Wright. The Kleiman family, specifically Dave’s brother Ira, believes that Wright defrauded and manipulated Dave’s inheritance and rights to his intellectual property.
The federal courthouse where most of the proceedings have occurred is located in West Palm, Florida.
“For purposes of this action, it is established that Dr. Wright and David Kleiman entered into a 50/50 partnership to develop Bitcoin intellectual property and to mine bitcoin,” the court order on August 27 states. “Any Bitcoin-related intellectual property developed by Wright prior to David Kleiman’s death was the property of the partnership.” Reinhart’s ruling adds:
Judge Reinhart also emphasized that Wright’s story “not only was not supported by other evidence in the record, it defies common sense and real-life experience.” The scathing critique of Wright’s defensive arguments continued by venturing that the infamous Tulip Trust might not even exist. “After observing Dr. Wright’s demeanor and the lack of any other credible evidence in the record that this file exists, I find that a preponderance of the evidence establishes that no such file exists and that Dr. Wright’s testimony was intentionally false,” Reinhart asserted.
Craig Wright.
Motion for Extension and Hurricane Dorian
Now Wright’s legal team has filed document 278 for an “Extension of Time” in order to file a motion challenging Magistrate Reinhart’s August 27 order. Wright is represented by the Miami-based Rivero Mestre LLP and the recent extension filing explains that “Wright does not concede that Magistrate Reinhardt had the power to enter the order that he did.” The team needs a 14-day timeframe to submit his arguments to the judge and blames Hurricane Dorian for holding the legal team back.
The motion for a 14-day extension.
“Hurricane Dorian is expected to make landfall in Florida early next week and counsel for Dr. Wright have been expending significant time preparing for the hurricane, which has limited their ability to work on this matter,” the extension filing details. The court document written by Rivero Mestre further states:
Wizsec’s Criticism
The cryptocurrency community discussed Reinhart’s decision last week heavily. Bitcoin security specialists Wizsec wrote about the ruling and an overview of the August 26 hearing recorded the day prior. That day featured a closing argument by Wright’s counsel, Amanda McGovern, and the closing argument made by Kleiman’s counsel, Vel Freedman. Wizsec’s blog post highlights that the judge “explicitly notes that he is not deciding on whether Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto.” Judge Reinhart did stress these two specific points almost immediately in the ruling on August 27, before he described why he came to his conclusion.
“Two preliminary points — First, the Court is not required to decide, and does not decide, whether Defendant Dr. Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of the Bitcoin cybercurrency,” the order reads. “The Court also is not required to decide, and does not decide, how much bitcoin, if any, Dr. Wright controls today. For purposes of this proceeding, the Court accepts Dr. Wright’s representation that he controlled (directly or indirectly) some bitcoin on December 31, 2013, and that he continues to control some today.”
Judge Reinhart ordered sanctions under Rule 37 as punishment for Wright’s willful misconduct during discovery. pic.twitter.com/KV3HfUP6V7
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) August 27, 2019
Wizsec writes that the decision was not a default judgment and noted that Reinhart did not strike down Wright’s argument in a punitive sense, but the researchers believe “the outcome is almost the same.”
“Wright can no longer argue that Kleiman didn’t own 50% of assets or that he gave his rights away, which will make it extremely hard to defend himself in the remaining trial — It’s almost as if the judge ruled that the plaintiff’s claims can no longer be proven wrong,” Wizsec’s post opines.
The court has granted Wright’s wishes and a paperless order on the Kleiman v. Wright docket shows Judge Beth Bloom has approved the motion for extension of time to file challenge to the magistrate judge’s order by September 24, 2019.
Source: news.bitcoin
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familytreesurrogacy · 7 years
Congratulations to Shyla and her IP's! Shyla delivered the twin baby girls born on Valentine's Day ❤️❤️ Well done Shyla! #proudsurrogate #surrogacyrocks #familytreesurrogacycenter https://t.co/W1JFod0jc1
Congratulations to Shyla and her IP's! Shyla delivered the twin baby girls born on Valentine's Day ❤️❤️ Well done Shyla!#proudsurrogate #surrogacyrocks #familytreesurrogacycenter pic.twitter.com/W1JFod0jc1
— Family Tree (@FamilyTreeSurro) February 16, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/FamilyTreeSurro
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jlcolby · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://cookingtipsguide.com/instant-pot-accessory-giveaway-365-days-of-slow/
Instant Pot Accessory Giveaway - 365 Days of Slow ...
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "cookingtipsguide-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "cooking"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "Kitchen"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "51fe4d035c7af8dc5928e6f5e5b79c4e"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "284507"; amzn_assoc_rows = "4"; amzn_assoc_design = "text_links";
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope you have a day filled with chocolate and time spent with your loved ones.
My 4th grader decided he wanted to make an Instant Pot Valentine’s box this year! Totally his idea. I laughed that a 9-year-old boy would choose that. He’s made an Xbox Valentine’s box and a football Valentine’s box in past years. I guess he’s heard me talking one too many times about how much I love the Instant Pot*. And he’s eaten out of it nearly every day for the past 10 months.
Anyway, to celebrate Valentine’s Day I’ve decided to give away two of my favorite accessories to use with the Instant Pot. *
The first one is a Fat Daddio’s 7 x 3 inch round cake pan*. This is the perfect vessel to cook using the pot in pot method. I used this pan when I made the Chicken Fajita Rice Bowls.  I also used this particular pan when I made Pork Steaks with Potatoes.
The second item I will be giving away is a steamer basket*. The steamer basket is perfect for making hard boiled eggs in your Instant Pot. Hard boiled eggs were one of the first things that I ever made in the IP and I make them every week. They are perfect for salads and to stick in kids lunches. I also use the steamer basket to make potatoes or vegetables in the Instant Pot. I think you’ll really love this tool.
To enter the giveaway:
Leave a comment on this blog post telling me where you’re from and your favorite recipe from my blog.
Share that recipe on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or another social media outlet.
Giveaway will run from today until Friday February 16, 2018.
Good luck!!
*Karen Petersen is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
  amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "cookingtipsguide-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "cookware"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "b45319dac495d29e17b5eff312392025"; Source link
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dodunggiadung-blog · 7 years
Top 5 mẫu tivi tốt nhất hiện nay đang được bán chạy trên thị trường
Chưa đầy 1 tháng nữa là đã bước qua năm 2018. Thị trường hiện nay đang khá sôi động bởi các mặt hàng mới được các nhà sản xuất tung ra trên thị trường. Trong đó có cả mặt hàng công nghệ nghe nhìn. Sau đây hãy cùng dodunggiadung.top điểm qua cái tên tivi full hd đang được bán chạy nhất trên thị trường hiện nay.
Tivi LED SamSung 24 inch UA24J4100AK HD
Với sự bùng nổ công nghệ hiện nay, nhiều nhà tiêu dùng cho rằng loại tivi 24 inch đã lỗi thời, thay vào đó là những màn hình tinh thể lỏng rộng, cong đã chiếm ưu thế hoàn toàn. Tuy nhiên, thực tế hiện nay thì các mẫu tivi này vân được đón nhận nhiều sự yêu thích của khá nhiều người dùng. Loại tivi UA24J4100AK HD có những ưu điểm và nhược điểm như sau:
Ưu điểm:
Được thiết kế dạng khung tranh mỏng, khá hiện đại và chăc chắn. Màn hình có độ phân giải HD mang lại cho người dung những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất. Ngoài ra, chiếc tivi này còn hỗ trợ các cổng kết nối, được trang bị công nghệ bảo vệ SamSung Triple Protector.
Nhược điểm:
Màn hình nhỏ khiến người xem không được mãn nhãn.
Chất lượng âm thanh hình ảnh chưa thật sự tốt.
Tốc độ đọc dữ liệu USB cũng không cao.
Tivi LED LG 32 inch 32LF550D
Nếu như bạn có nhu cầu mua một chiếc tivi có màn hình vừa phải, được sản xuất từ các thương hiệu uy tín, giá thành phải chăn thì chiếc tivi 32LF550D là sự lựa chọn phù hợp nhất.
Ưu điểm:
Thiết kế màu sắc sáng trọng, có công nghệ cải thiện hình ảnh Triple XD Engine.
Trang bị công nghệ âm thanh đa chiều Virtual Surround.
Trang bị cả đầu thu DVB-T2 giúp bạn giải mã nhiều kênh truyền hình kỹ thuật số miễn phí.
Nhược điểm:
Không hỗ trợ giải mã DTS khi xem qua ổ cứng ngoài hoặc USB.
Chỉ có thể nghe nhạc MPA, WMA không hỗ trợ nghe nhạc lossless.
Tivi Sony 40 inch KDL-40R350D
Khi mua bất kì sản phẩm gì, điều mà chúng ta không thể bỏ qua đó chính là thương hiệu uy tín. Dù khá mờ nhạt trong thế giới điện tử, nhưng người tiêu dùng vẫn biết rằng Sonu là một trong những thương hiệu uy tín nổi tiếng, được khá nhiều người tin dùng. Mặc dù trên thị trường có khá nhiều thương hiệu nổi tiếng khác, nhưng Sony vẫn giữ được vị trí của mình đối với người tiêu dùng. Bởi đó chiếc tivi Sony KDL - 40R350D được khá nhiều người lựa chọn nhờ sử dụng những tính năng hiện đại.
Ưu điểm:
Trang bị công nghệ Clear Resolution Enhancer giúp hình ảnh sắc nét hơn.
Trang bị công nghệ âm thanh của Dolby Digital.
Tích hợp đầu thu kỹ thuật số DTB-T2.
Hỗ trợ các cổng kết nối như : USB, ổ cứng cắm ngoài...
Giá thành khá cạnh tranh.
Nhược điểm:
Chất lượng âm thanh hình ảnh không quá cao.
Chỉ có 1 cổng USB
Tivi LED Asanzo 40 inch Full HD Model 40T660
Tivi LED Asanzo Model 40T660 là một chiếc tivi có chất lượng hình ảnh full HD có giá rẻ nhất trên thị trường hiện nay, được nhiều người đánh giá cao.
Ưu điểm:
Giá thành rẻ nhưng chất lượng hình ảnh khá tốt.
Trang bị công nghệ hình ảnh Picture Wizard II giúp hình ảnh sắc nét hơn.
Tích hợp sẵn đầu thu DVB - T2 , trang bị tần số quét TruMotin 100HZ.
Nhược điểm:
Cổng HDMI để kết nối với Smart TV Box không ổn định.
Độ bền không cao.
Sử dụng từ 2-3 năm thì chất lượng hình ảnh giảm.
Tivi LED LG 42 inch 42LF550T Full HD
Với giá thành phải chăng, màn hình 42 inch khá lớn, chất lượng âm thanh và hình ảnh khá chuẩn nên chiếc tivi 42LF550T khá được người dùng ưa chuộng.
Ưu điểm:
Màn hình công nghệ IPS LED.
Chất lượng hình ảnh rõ nét.
Sử dụng âm thanh vòm không quá lớn nhưng sống động.
Tích hợp chế độ tiết kiệm Standby Mod Zero.
Tích hợp các tựa game: Valentine, Bobble Pong,...
Nhược điểm:
Âm thanh không lớn như các sản phẩm khác.
Cổng USB thiết kế ở phía sau nên khi gắn lên tường thì sẽ sử dụng được.
Chỉ có 1 cổng HDMI.
Nguồn: http://www.dodunggiadung.top/2017/12/top-5-mau-tivi-tot-nhat-hien-nay-dang-duoc-ban-chay-tren-thi-truong.html
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inceptionpositivity · 7 years
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@kate2kat - You are someone who gives great advice, awesome positive support and cheers us all on. Thank you for being a positive force in our community. You have supported my writing and art without fail and without being asked. When I see that you've reblogged my tumblr, I smile because you see me. Thank you. You are a wonderful writer and editor and deserve to be seen and celebrated! Happy Valentine's Day my friend!
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inceptionpositivity · 7 years
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@earlgreytea68 - You are a great person and a magnificent writer. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING YOU!!! 
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