#valhalla peak
orofeaiel · 1 year
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Hike to Valhalla Peak
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harshr · 2 years
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In no particular order: Marmot Pass / Boulder Ridge / Tunnel Creek / Valhalla Peak Quilcene Watershed, Olympic Peninsula
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emma-ofnormandy · 2 years
Emma gulping wine because she knows she may have made a bad call but then flat out lying to Godwin’s face because she will not admit an ounce of failure to him is the most relatable scene.
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alkibiadessuperfan · 1 year
Birna telling a story on the ship about her best shags. Top shag was in a monastery on an altar, other was in a tree. You go, Birna.
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bubble-dream-inc · 2 years
hot take: the valhalla team was so badly used. they had such a cool uniform and cool unused characters/possible antagonists (i am looking at you choji) and so much potential yet they showed up (canonically being a newly formed gang at the time kazu joined), did some shit and disbanded. what a waste!!
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deathfavor · 1 year
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Just Valhalla things.
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undibujomanco · 2 years
Amandala from Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga (ヴァルハラナイツ エルダールサーガ).
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actualarcanist · 2 months
Norse Symbolism in Reverse: 1999
Sorry, this post has nothing to do with Erick since I still hasn't even saw her anecdote. However, I did notice that the Insight symbol is a Valknut, which has several interesting implications. The symbol of three interlocked triangles is so ancient its name and meaning are lost to history, with the term "Valknut" ("knot of the slain") being a modern creation representing its connection to the Norse god Odin, which connects it linguistically to both his Valkyries ("choosers of the slain") and his Valhalla ("hall of the slain"). Now Odin as a deity is a lot more complex than what white supremacists would have you think.
When you max out a character in the game, they reach "the bottom of insight." Why bottom of Insight instead of the peak of insight or the perfection of insight? Is it because they're all bottoms? This may allude to the story of how Odin put one of his eyes at the bottom of the Well of Mimir for a drink from the spring of wisdom; henceforth, while the eye in his head looks down upon the happenstance of the phenomenal world from the height of Asgard, his eye at the bottom of the well looks up and see the essence of all things. In the words of the Apeiron School, his lost eye sees gnosis while his good eye sees pneuma. In fact, the root word of the name "Odin" means "breath, spirit, life force", which is equivalent to the Greek word pneuma.
The well at the bottom of the world tree Yggdrasil is the dwelling of the three Norns of fate: Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. Originally they're described as gardeners who irrigate the root of the world tree with the water from the well, but with the introduction of Greco-Roman mythologies by ways of Christian missionaries, the figures of the Norns eventually became synthesized and conflated with the Greek Moirai, who are described as seamstresses who spin, weave, and cut the threads of fate for gods and mortals alike. The combination of these mythologies conjure the image of the Norns as seamstresses who spin the loom of destiny over the water at the bottom of the well, similar to the loom suspended over a lake in Vertin's suitcase.
One of Odin's most intriguing aspect is as the wanderer, who seems to be absent from Asgard and the company of the gods most of the time as he wanders the worlds in various disguises, testing the limits to the sanctity of hospitality - a necessary survival skill in the harsh cold of the North. As the wanderer, Odin is often depicted as wearing a wide-brimmed hat that occlude his missing eye, like how Vertin's pimp hat sometimes occlude one of her eyes. Odin is not actually that concerned with the disputes between mortals or even gods; for the most part, he has only one job: preparing for Ragnarok, the war between the gods and Jotnar that will see the world being remade. Jotnar, often translated as giants, are similar to the Greek Titans: living embodiment of outsize concepts such as fate, time, or storm.
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naturallyadventured · 25 days
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"Your mind is stronger then the obstacles in your way." ... Grateful to have had the opportunity and the strength to climb up to Lucifer Peak in the Devils range of the Valhalla Mountains. Camped down at Gwillim Lakes, a place filled with mountain heather, glacial pools and magickal little creeks flowing through the alpine meadows. I still can't believe I was capable of doing this, especially for it being my very first mountain climb. It was hard and exhausting at times but I pushed myself and got to the very top! 2726 m - 8720 ft. Loving these adventurous souls I've been meeting along the way out here in the Kootenays. ... (Will be sharing so many more pictures from this incredible trip up the alpine mountains.) #getyourassintonature
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yandere Poseidon x Y/N x Yandere Hades Spicy
Hello, my loves, this request is the combination of about 3 different requests, as they all basically asked for the same thing! I hope you all enjoy it!
-You had been stunned when not one but two of the most powerful gods in Valhalla both started vying for your attention, wanting you to be their queen.
-They were brothers, which did concern you as you didn’t want them to fight, but as brothers, they tolerated each other more compared to other men who had come around you.
-Hades and Poseidon seemed content on keeping you to themselves, gifting you with lavish presents, doting on you, and giving you everything you had ever desired, only wanting your love in return.
-While aggressive against others, they were only competitive against each other, seeing who could woo you first, seeing who’s gift you liked better, not realizing you were getting frazzled.
-You were torn, as you were worried that you had to choose, as you loved them both, the two persistent gods had managed to worm their way into your heart.
-When you started to shy away from them, trying to avoid them, they were quick to realize why, learning that you loved them both so much, but you couldn’t choose, you didn’t want to, and you weren’t going to. If you had to choose then you would choose neither of them, not willing to hurt the two men that you loved.
-Learning this, seeing your kindness and love for them, not willing to hurt either of them, made them melt and the two approached you, telling you that they don’t mind sharing you if you would just be with them.
-You agreed and while you were happy, they were still competitive with each other, constantly trying to one-up one another, just without the threat of death unlike other foolish men who had tried to approach you.
-They treated you so delicately, like you were the most precious jewel in both the underworld and the ocean, one that needed constant protection.
-This protection, although sweet, had a dark side, they wouldn’t let you go out without one or the both of them by your side, keeping you hidden away, slowly isolating you from your friends, to keep you all to themselves.
-They wanted to keep you happy, as they had seen you looking longingly towards the other sections of the pantheon, so they did everything they could to dote on you, showering you with so much love and affection to help make up the lack of interaction with others.
-You needed more in this life with them, and Poseidon and Hades were quick to come up with a solution, putting a baby inside you, but the question was, who would knock you up first?
-Sharp gasps and pants left your lips as you nearly tore the sheets with your grips as you were being coaxed through another orgasm, your sixth of the night.
-You were covered in kiss marks, bite marks, you lips and nipples were swollen, and you felt so lightheaded as your core throbbed, almost painfully so as Poseidon slowly pulled out, relishing the whine from your lips as his cum gushed out of you.
-You had been pumped full by each of them twice, each time being brought to your own peak, to help squeeze every drop you could out of them, and this was only after being put in an oral devil’s three-way, sitting on Hades’ face as his wicked tongue had you screaming, or would have you screaming if you hadn’t been almost choking on Poseidon’s cock.
-Their praise was making you melt, each kiss had your eyes spinning, each touch lit a fire beneath your skin, you were begging for them to stop, or at least you thought you were, as you were unable to form words any longer.
-Hades and Poseidon knew you were struggling to stay away before Poseidon pecked your cheeks softly as you sat on his lap, “One more time and we’re done for the night~ do you think you can take both of us?”
-Your core clenched tightly as Hades’ hands pinched your nipples lightly, knowing they were now tender as he hugged you from behind, nibbling up your ear, biting softly as you moaned softly.
-They were slow to enter you, Poseidon holding their cocks together, his grip tight, making the brothers wince slightly as they were sensitive as well, while Hades held you carefully, one arm around your waist, stretching up to your chest while the other was between your legs, holding you open.
-The sting didn’t hurt as bad as you originally thought as you slowly sank down, your arms around Poseidon’s neck as you moaned loudly at the feeling.
-When you tensed the two men groaned, sending a shiver up your spine as Hades’ hands gripped your hips, “You’re gonna kill us!”
-Slowly, at first, they would take turns thrusting up into you, you felt so full, stuffed to the brim, the friction making you tilt your head back, Hades hand sliding around your neck, cupping your face lightly while Poseidon sucked at your nipples, the pain making you much more sensitive.
-Poseidon gave a hard thrust after you reached out, grabbing his hair a bit tightly and you couldn’t tell if you shrieked or not, your body tensing and almost instantly they started to ravage you, each thrust driving the air from your lungs, leaving you lightheaded as your nails bit into his shoulder and Hades’ arm.
-You don’t remember cumming again, but you must have, as did they, because you woke up hours later, bathed and dressed in a soft nightgown, the two men passed out on either side of you.
-You couldn’t feel your legs and you couldn’t walk for two days, something you pouted over but your lovers waited on you hand and food.
-Nine months later, you gave birth to twins, which the brothers were arguing over who’s they were, even betting while you were getting cleaned up with help from your maids and the midwife, after you kicked them out of the room for making bets.
-When they entered they could only gawk, seeing a set of boys, both with the piercing blue eyes the brothers shared, one with bright blond hair and a smile on his face while the other had silvery white hair with a stoic glare, each son the perfect blend of each of them.
-They groaned, each pulling out a large bill and handing it to the midwife, who knew you were having twins, and she joined the bet shortly before you kicked your husbands out while you were giggling softly, exhausted but happy to have your children in your arms as your husbands were quick to join you by your side, admiring your children.
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skaldish · 8 months
Hey what's the deal with Thursatru? Something feels off about it to me...
You can ignore my last ask; I saw you answer someone else who had the same question
Well first for posterity: Thurs (or Tussar) are Jötun, and Jötnar are the wild, untameable forces of nature. But unlike most Jötnar, Thurs are wild to the degree that they are actively and decisively incompatible with human wellbeing.
They represent the most extreme and destructive phenomena of nature, like rockslides and volcanic eruptions—stuff you have no chance of surviving if you get caught in its path. The destructive nature of Thurs is where we get the meaning of the rune Thurisas from.
Folklore has it that Thurs commonly dwell where humans fundamentally cannot. Some are said to live in Jötunheimen national park, up where the mountain peaks are swallowed by the clouds and where nothing grows. They throw rocks down at people passing by.
They also live in the volcanos of Iceland (Muspelheim). Thurs such as Sutur are responsible for the destructive nature of volcanos, spewing fire, ash, and molten rocks, while cracking open the land during an eruption.
My understanding is that it's uncommon for people to venerate the Thurs, but not for any taboo reason. Rather, it's the same reason why we don't worship wild tigers; "worship" is not the kind of relationship that builds any rapport with them. For most people, their relationships with Thurs involve being cautious of their nature and staying out of their way.
This is the way Thurs are understood in folklore. Now, to understand what Thursatru is, and what its deal is, take everything I just said and throw it out the window.
"Thursatru," from what I've gathered, basically characterizes itself as the Satanism of Heathenry, and it only makes sense in relation to specifically the American flavor of Asatru.
Keep in mind not refering to all of Heathenry in America, but to the way Icelandic Ásatrú is interpreted by Americans: The Eddas are treated as scripture, the past is treated as doctrine, Valhalla is treated as the goal to aspire to (awarded to those who live by the "viking values" outlined in the Havamal, or the snake-oil known as the Nine Noble Virtues), and Odin is treated as the Supreme Being and Loki his adversary.
The phrase "Asatru"—meaning "true to the Aesir"—is viewed as almost like an oath of office. You are pledging yourself to the Aesir's "side" in a prophesized cosmic war, fought between the forces of Order (represented by the Aesir, especially Odin) and Chaos (represented by the Jötnar, with figures like Loki, Ymir, and Sutur).
Jötnar basically fulfill the same function in American Asatru that demons and devils do in Christianity. If Satanism is the worship of all that is antithetical to the Christian god and Christianity, then Thursatru is the worship of all that is antithetical to the Aesir and Asatru belief. By being Thursatru, you're choosing to oppose the Aesir, aligning yourself with the forces destined to fight against them during Ragnarok.
And yes, all of it is extremely corny.
None of Heathenry was ever like this, and much of American Asatru is Christianity in viking garb.
Rockslides are dangerous, but not evil. Volcanic eruptions are disastrous, but not evil. The natural processes of the world—processes that are essential for life on Earth—don't always align with our needs as individual organisms. In fact, some of these processes will always be to our detriment if we stand in their way, as is the case volcanic eruptions and rockslides. That is the Thurs. That is who they are and what they represent.
So basically, the thing that's "off" about Thursatru is that it exists as a reaction to the narrative of American Asatru, and actually legitimizes that narrative to the public eye because it conforms to the American Asatru claim that venerating the Thurs fundamentally opposes the Aesir.
It's not true though, and that logic doesn't check when you put Heathenry back into its own paradigm. Saying Thurs-venerating opposes the Aesir is like saying "Exploring volcanos means you fundamentally oppose the existence of human-friendly environments." Like, what.
The only thing that actually makes someone Aesir-opposing, is their stance of opposing the Aesir. Venererating Thurs just makes someone Norse Heathen.
It's shenanigans all the way down.
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sarahscribbles · 2 years
𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏.𝟓𝐤
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐀𝐍: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @springdandelixn 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫! 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬!
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“....the entire palace is buzzing with the news! The Allmother is inviting some of her Vanir cousins to the Spring Fete this year for the first time in 500 years!”
“I hear their men outshine even the Princes! Some fresh faces and bodies to admire would be a dream!”
“None could outshine Prince Thor! He was sent here straight from Valhalla!” 
A derisive snort. “Put it to bed, Signe. Prince Thor is enraptured with his mortal. You don’t stand a chance of winning his affections.”
“How can you possibly…”
How could she possibly what? Whatever the girl's quarrel had been it was something you would never know, for the sound of her voice melted away as swiftly as a dewdrop on snow, becoming nothing more than a faint drone in the distance. The gods themselves couldn’t have pulled the reason for her upset from you, seeing as your attention had been locked on one word, one name.
Hearing her name had you stiffen against the tree trunk, every muscle and nerve pulled taut in both fear and excitement. If Signe was here, sitting by the bank of the lake, then no doubt so were Eira and Inkeri - the three likely taking advantage of a rare afternoon of leisure to enjoy the spring sun. It held little heat, but the season had arrived late this year and any chance to forget the frigid winter was one all the servants were grasping eagerly. It had only just passed midday and the sun was at its peak, meaning the girls would likely loll by the lake until it began to slip behind the Asgardian mountains. 
Three of your handmaidens - the girls who helped you undress, helped you bathe, and kept you company through large parts of the day - sat frightfully close to where you were precariously concealed behind the sweeping leaves of the willow tree. Even with the slight breeze that rustled the brilliant green leaves your view of the lake beyond was still obscured, leaving you with no idea as to where the girls actually were.
The uncertainty of how close they were, of how much they could see through the branches, was both unnerving and exhilarating, and you could feel your blood burn with pure adrenaline. Each pump of your heart only heightened your senses; you could hear the whisper of the leaves as the wind continued to pass through them, you could detect the heady sweet smell of hyacinths amidst the wildflowers that were coming to life in patches on the edge of the lake…
You could feel every muscle in Loki’s sinful tongue as he knelt between your legs.
His quiet roll of laughter told you that he had felt you stiffen and you wanted to do nothing more than to curse him to Hel, but that raised the danger of drawing unwanted attention to your little tryst. 
“You’re suddenly so very tense, pet. Whatever could be the matter?” he taunted, licking a torturously slow stripe along the length of your dripping cunt. 
A strangled curse tumbled freely from your lips. You had lost track of how long he had kept you dangling on the edge of release, propelling you there over and over without letting you freefall into bliss. He was a master at delaying your pleasure, at making you buck and writhe until you would do close to anything to be permitted to topple over. You hadn’t yet resorted to pleading, meaning the torture he was subjecting you to was far from over. 
You made to try and push his head away, momentarily forgetting about the shimmering green seidr that bound your arms to the tree trunk behind. There was no way for you to escape. 
“You know…fuck…you know precisely what’s the matter!” you hissed quietly, swallowing the moan that bubbled in your throat when his tongue skillfully circled your swollen clit. 
The ripples of pleasure that washed over you almost had you seeing stars, almost had you forgetting about the maids that still sat giggling by the edge of the lake. You wanted to beg him, to plead with him to send you soaring off the edge and scream his name for all of Valhalla to hear. You wanted him to ruin you right here beneath the willow tree - the place that was enmeshed in the story of you and Loki. 
But the maids.
Loki didn’t answer immediately, and you felt his grip on your hips tighten as he pulled you firmly against his mouth. He continued his assault slowly, licking and swirling and circling until you were all but certain you would pass out with the effort of containing the noises that were stirring in your throat. 
How desperately you wanted to scream his name. 
“You’re going to have to enlighten me, pet,” Loki said wickedly, still buried between your thighs. “I’m certain I have no idea what could possibly have you so tense.”
You yanked again against the wisps of his seidr still binding you to the tree, and he answered with a teasing lap of his tongue directly over your clit. “The…the maids,...you asshole!”
Loki leaned back on his heels, his lips glistening with your arousal and his eyes alight with mischief. Almost instantly your hips began to roll against the air, desperately seeking the warm wetness of his mouth that had made you feel so good. 
“Scared of getting caught, are we? My, my, pet, where has your sense of adventure gone?” he taunted.
“Loki…” Your quiet protest was barely a whisper, was barely a protest to begin with. Arousal pooled like molten lava between your thighs, even with the danger of being discovered. 
You knew you would beg him to ruin you right here if he made you. 
“I have a proposition for you, pet,” Loki said, wiping your arousal from his lips in one smooth brush of his hand. “You either come, loudly, right here against this tree and we return to the palace, or I continue edging you until nightfall. You have thirty seconds to decide.”
You could do nothing but stare blankly at him in disbelief, in horror at the decision he had laid before you. To do the former would be to disgrace yourself in front of your maids - if they could even tell it was you - but the latter would mean your imminent demise. To be kept so torturously close to release for hours would be torture like nothing else, but to come undone would mean having to hide in your chamber for a week. How could you look your maids in the eye after they heard Loki bring you to a blinding climax? Because there was no doubt that it would be blinding.
It was an impossible choice, yet….
“Make me come. Please, Loki,” you said before you knew the words were leaving your mouth. 
A feline smirk curled his lips and you watched his eyes darken to near obsidian. “Loudly, pet,” he reminded you. 
You nodded quickly, eyes fluttering briefly closed. “Loudly,” you promised him.
“Good girl,” Loki praised you, wasting no time in continuing his assault. 
His tongue immediately settled into the exact pace that had the edge rise within you like a cresting wave, building higher and higher with each masterful swirl of his tongue. In seconds the coil deep in your stomach was wound tight and quiet whimpers were falling from your lips like petals from a rose. Loki squeezed your hips - a silent reminder of your promise to him only minutes before. 
You erupted for him in seconds.
Your release crashed down around you like a winter storm, and his name was pulled from you in a scream you couldn't have contained if you had tried. 
It melted quickly to a stream of broken, wanton moans as your orgasm continued to roll through you, seemingly endless beneath the assault of his tongue. In the distance, you swore you heard the sound of girlish giggles fade to nothing, swore you heard a deafening silence settle over the palace grounds, but so great was the pleasure that consumed you that you barely even noticed. All that mattered in that moment was Loki. 
With a heaving chest, you came down from your high, mind still foggy and eyes still unfocused. Your entire body went limp, boneless, and you found you were unable to stop your head from crashing back against the tree trunk while Loki straightened your skirts. Against the ringing in your ears you could hear the quiet concerned voices of the maids still sitting beyond the leaves. 
“That sounded like Her Highness?”
“Don’t be absurd, Signe! The Princess wouldn’t rut beneath the trees like some beast!”
“No? Then who else would Prince Loki have beneath there? I heard his name!” 
In the wake of such a shattering release - so shattering that parts of you were still tingling - you found that you didn’t even care. Let them know that Loki had claimed you in the gardens for all to hear, let the entire palace know without a doubt that you were his
.The warm ropes of his seidr quickly melted from your arms, allowing you to fall forward against the expanse of his chest.
“Good girl,” he murmured, curling a slim finger beneath your chin to tilt your head back. “Now, with me, and I’ll show you how good girls are rewarded.”
Pals of Saz taglist: @cheekyscamp @coldnique @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @the-lady-amphitrite @cake-writes @joyful-enchantress @lokisgoodgirl @simplyholl @give-me-a-moose @maple-seed @loopsisloops @kinky-faerie @lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @wintermischief @icytrickster17 @mischief-dream
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wulfhalls · 11 hours
*hands out like a starving oliver twist* having recently watched jane eyre i come to you trusting in your knowledge. do you have any other period film recommendations.
marie antoinette, the lion in winter, the northman, a royal affair, valhalla rising, pride and prejudice, emma, gladiator, troja, das boot, age of innocence, hero, house of flying daggers, des teufels bad, firebrand, elizabeth, corsage, the handmaiden, lawrence of arabia, macbeth, the king, the lighthouse, the nightingale, shadow, the favourite, silence, crimson peak, the vvitch, prey, kingdom of heaven, alexander, outlaw king, la reine margot, the last emperor, a room with a view, fitzcarraldo, days of heaven, atonement, far from the madding crowd, anna karenina, the prestige, russian ark, ben hur, amadeus
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werewolfetone · 1 month
Peak driving experience is when there's someone in front of or next to you who's weaving around like mad and accidentally coming into your lane and randomly putting on their turn signal and then not doing anything etc etc and you think oh ☺️ must be a new driver, perhaps a teenager just learning, I will restrain myself from getting mad and just go around them for my safety. and then when you do you look over and realise it's just yet another 30+ years old person who has decided that if looking at their phone like that while driving kills them it's going to get them into valhalla
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depleti · 4 months
It's #WebcomicDay! The day you read webcomics and share the ones you love so other people can read them!
My webcomic is Thistil Mistil Kistil and it's about a deceased Viking trying to get into Valhalla, only to realize that may not be what he really wants.
It's been updating for fifteen years (yep) and there are over 500 pages available free to read!
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Give it a go if you like Vikings, Norse mythology, history, fantasy, and the struggle against fate. And tell your friends!
In addition, I saw this template going around and thought it'd be fun to do it too! The basic steps involved in making a TMK page.
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First step is the thumbnails! I thumbnail the whole chapter at once and these things can be quite rough. Sometimes when I go to resketch the page (Step 2) I change the layout from what was in the thumbnail depending on how I feel or if there's a more impactful way to show a moment.
Third step is inking, and fourth step is color/effects/word balloons! There can be quite a jump between these steps depending on the content and coloring almost always takes the longest out of any of these steps. I used to have this step split in two, between laying flat colors and then coloring the lines/adding effects, but now I try to do them in one go to save time. This does mean some simplifying, like I don't color the lines of smaller drawings anymore.
Because it's fun, here's each step on its own so you can see my awful Jormungandr thumbnail doodles. Thumbnails are usually after a hiatus of not drawing anything so they can be very rough.
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I hope you enjoyed this little peak behind the curtain, and I hope you'll give Thistil Mistil Kistil a read if you're interested!
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vikingnerd793 · 1 year
Not this Assassins’s Creed Valhalla transmedia book understanding Eivor far more and giving her and the Hytham/Basim dynamic better closure than The Last Chapter…. And it even excludes TLC entirely…. Siege of Paris is the ending and then there is the sweetest epilogue. I will buy two copies of this book at this point.
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This is looks like it may be some kind of early game dev visualization because Gunnar doesn’t walk around Ravensthorpe like this and yet they put him in the background AND EIVOR IS PETTING A CAT 🐱 in a way she normally doesn’t in game. But like this image in general is peak Ravensthorpe 🥰
If you want to buy the book, regular edition is here:
I bought the deluxe edition, link below:
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