divinedeathbed · 2 years
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TES summerfest August 15 : Enamoured
valiel witnessing glory of the dragon
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soulsxng · 1 year
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Sivel has to be careful to hide the eager buzz of his wings, and lifting of his ears as he takes the 'correspondence' from Camhlaidh. Of course he's happy, but he's just as much embarrassed to have such a thing happen at an important meeting like this one.
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"My apologies, I have no idea what he was thinking, asking that you deliver this to me. As if I have not given him ample methods for contacting me already...nonetheless, I appreciate your bringing it."
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
"Good boy" Sivel to Iomhar!
@soulsxng || Send me "Good boy/girl" for my muse's reaction to your muse saying that to them!
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Had his attributes given him a tail instead at birth it would have undoubtedly been wagging right then and there at the praise. Barely an inch of space separated the two with how closely Iomhar stood as the fae took Sivel's hand to press kisses against it, a bright, adoring smile on his lips as he did so.
"Am I? Am I truly?" He shamelessly fished for more compliments from his lover's sweet lips as he kissed the delicate inside of his wrist. "And in what ways exactly? I am open to listening as long as is necessary for you to list them all, valiel."
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from theological angels and demons
Abarel Abehel Abehory Abelzept Aberaphinnion Abethax Aborael Abrachas Abrius Adramas Adremos Adremual Adrons Adroserusoyel Agadrat Agadrephsiaha Agantaris Agatrihemel Agoronove Agudigoskee Aharafili Ahmeiel Ahromarusiel Aimolalphah Alacron Alaphak Alasta Alefarax Alephamiel Alesemigon Alilili Alinielethiel Alphakarbael Alphqiel Amalasu Amalilithiel Amarabrazra Amasac Amathiel Amayollyotis Amephqiel Ametzac Amianin Amichon Amphsit Amsiel Amsimiell Amtans Amyakshiel Anabnola Ananini Ancifri Ancifriel Ancifron Ancubi Andagor Andalish Andhael Andigorchas Andran Andreel Androcheriel Andron Andros Angenn Aniasmonta Anjalastoseis Antiashmahros Antiel Aphambhūtar Aphibou Arange Archus Arcubuel Arealphas Arielikiras Arigorymos Asabnol Asaddomar Asalph Asberbabarnae Asmolas Assallyotis Assith Assyazu Azagudim Azetereel Azimonoseir Azrama Azuzzi...
Baachiat Baalakalbel Baalialil Bachaagadree Baddon Badevas Badkiel Badrah Badres Bahiel Bakarahar Balbel Baleragri Balistar Balthimas Bandrock Barekava Bariel Barocorut Basago Bassit Basucima Batolocon Batries Behemam Behemolatriel Behera Belephuel Belion Bendhaes Berabifros Beramaniel Beranur Beraphiel Berekarabris Beresies Beriel Berusion Bhangres Bharbab Bharubus Bolasurih Borufla Botarusimiel Bukobalie Bunamara Busanaka Bushyas Busonias Camalininion Carnael Carusiel Casadkimius Casuri Cerahamee Ceranda Cereparames Chahiell Chasmogos Chemigor Chenno Cheriti Chibararune Chisheus Chomorock Cifriel Cimalilion Cipesiel Coriel Crobathu Cubunka Cubunkin Dagabifrobar Daimar Daimeth Dajegies Dajequnabiel Dajjaleth Dalerael Dalichax Danael Dangdai Dantifromel Danzophon Demaraharih Demhar Demodal Deusias Devino Domardael Drealkast Drealthiel Dreshym Dumael Dusielu Dzoavrekarie Dzophael Ebathim Ellyolasiel Flavalis Forael Forgel Foriel Foromeis Forymon Forymone Furmuragion Gaagandhan Gaddomarmwor Gaddomee Gadriel Gakaviliasmon Gannock Gariel Gathiel Gathim Glasber Gonoskereal Gualphes Guanjal Gudieli Gudimebubia Guereel Gusadra Haagadreel Haaposereel Haelil Hakavaphoul Hamiel Hamtarne Haniathue Hantan Hanthino Harachus Harasage Hardagon Hardög Hasagrax Hasalilikiel Hasbeheel Haumaron Haumath Haurgos Hediel Heelegi Heraim Ipaleos Ipelemigon Ipenemigorael Ipenni Ipocon Ishiel Ishmassith Jehenno Jeremone Jophak Jophes Kabaniel Kabimes Kabnove Kabraxas Kabyzoul Kerich Kielialeresh Kilianda Kimaliliah Kobael Krahmalas Kumbrius Lecaapus Lechancus Lechar Lefarchus Lefaruflabiel Leoshera Leosiel Lepazi Leraphah Lerubi Lesiel Letere Lethiel Lichaelph Listosiasiat Lithimolock Luccubukoka Lucifron Lucipazra Lucith Lucitrigon Maelecarimiel Maeliel Maeshaac Malaapharael Malavas Malaviliah Maligornin Malincithiel Mallyotatath Mamarda Mandavaphamal Mangenno Marassiel Marbaaphas Mardög Marephkiel Martarmal Masachon Masadrephki Mathemura Mayothus Mebuel Mejeri Meparth Mepherabal Mephomahma Meriel Miniahahariel Modaevineus Mornioninin Morons Muayotich Mueramsiel Muremhas Muriah Murmar Naaphiel Nabalias Naelil Nakerunas Nakshmephiel Nammornio Naniniel Nasura Nemyas Niaharcub Ninosiahar Nurgono Orcariel Orchiel Ornaelecar Ornamtan Orphincim Orunaes Orunkiniar Pailluchusith Painnit Palasmon Palphushemon Parmwood Paziel Pelphar Peseiel Pharemeirtu Phemotallas Phoskerel Pithiel Pocerax Pongdaii Posiel Poyeqon Pronshaurael Prubianionin Prunkimodali Puloces Qaphielzept Qapulsurat Ragadrathu Rahael Rahiel Raimaniassias Rajjalas Rakasadya Raphani Rastal Raxaphar Razuzuzu Realeyal Realph Remoll Remualil Roniat Rubiathiel Rubusolatriel Sadriel Sagras Sagreel Salepazrat Salist Samara Sarealis Scharaphax Scherisras Schoul Schuese Sediel Seirtan Semiel Serakas Serbaphoel Serbezbere Sersola Serson Shaevilinniel Shamphsithas Shanggiel Shanin Shemhaniel Shempuriel Shmebalthiel Siartues Stananjalphan Stenta Sualim Surauriel Surfur Surmamyas Surothediel Surtaron Thiasiel Thuloces Tolorchee Tuellocel Vachem Vacriel Valemar Valemy Valiel Vansha Vaphsithinith Vastoriel Viahaevilits Villock Virtuel Weremorym Werutan Woodempon Woodeushee Xaphisra Xezbel Xezeph Xezephemon Xezeth Yethiel Zachusons Zademolakel Zadrandree Zagres Zaphalas Zeblil Zephimoth Ördagenn Ördarius Ördavacrons
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lautonlistmusic15 · 7 years
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Esta es la Toriel de mi universo, dejadme contar un poco sobre ella.
La personalidad de ella es igual a la de Toriel, sólo que un poquito grosera. (Sólo cuando se enoja).
*Tiene la misma habilidad de curación igual que Toriel. *Tiene piroquinesis, pero esta se ve de forma morada, más bien son meteoritos pequeños.
*En vez de una tarta de caramelo o canela, prepara muffins de chocolate o moras azules.*Su tema estaría inspirado en música clásica.*Esta interesada en la ranas.
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montfranc · 6 years
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Coll de Valielles #tossaldelesviudes #100cims #colorsdetardor🍂🍁 #hiking #excursionismo #excursionisme #randonnée https://www.instagram.com/p/BqhTGVMFwKp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=anva2aj8q5ny
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The shit husbando of the day:
Valiel from Silent Hill 3
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natroze · 7 years
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Valiel the drow rogue, Kismet the tiefling bard, and Meph the human warlock are adventurers... well, more like renegades... mercenaries... well, they’re a bunch of dumb idiots who happened to take the same job. They're out for blood, gold, petty revenge, not-so-petty revenge, gold, a cursed bagpipe, gold, and shenanigans. Oh, and gold. And revenge.
This is the dumbest most self-indulgent thing. It has no update schedule. If it looks like it's beginning to develop a plot, punch me, because I do not have the time or ability to make two full webcomics at once.
You can read it here, or it’s also on Tapastic.
D&D 5e fancomic set in a homebrew world, no copyright infringement intended, this is not and will not be monetized.
Next >
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screamingatthevoid · 8 years
The Horus Heresy: Complete Dramatis Personae
Instigated by speculation about how many characters there are in the Horus Heresy, I present to @the-happy-hellbrute​, @why-things-are-terrible​, @imkelborhal​, @metalboxes​, and whomever else it may concern the complete Dramatis Personae for The Horus Heresy - from Book I: Horus Rising through Book LIV: The Buried Dagger, and Siege of Terra Book 1: The Solar War through Book 2: The Lost and the Damned, plus Macragge’s Honour. It is sorted somewhat increasingly haphazardly in the following order:
Hierarchs of the Imperium
Legiones Astartes
Imperial Expedition Fleets
Imperial Personae
Non-Imperial Personae
Before you click ‘Read More’, you should be warned that this list is 1,265 1,451 1,491 names long!
Some spoilers for characters with multiple/secret identities, including the Grand Masters of the Grey Knights
The Emperor (The Outlander), the Master of Mankind, Last and First Lord of the Imperium, the Reluctant God, unworthy Master of Mankind
Malcador (Master of Assassins), the Sigillite, Imperial Regent, First Lord of Terra, simpering lackey to the Throne
Giro Emantine, Prefect-Secretary to the Unification Council
Legio Custodes Magna Imperator
Constantin Valdor, Chief Custodian, Captain-General, High Lord of Terra
Sagittarus Malacque, Moritoi
Ra Endymion, Tribune, Squad Dynastes, Hykanatoi
Diocletian Coros, Prefect, Hykatanoi
Zhanmadao Navenar, Prefect, Tharanatoi
Khorarinn, Shield-captain
Hyaric Ostianus, Kataphraktoi
Tiber Acanthus
Aquillon, Occuli Imperator, assigned to Lorgar
Vendatha, assigned to Lorgar
Kalhin, assigned to Lorgar
Nirillus, assigned to Lorgar
Sythran, Squad Dynastes, assigned to Lorgar
Saturnalia, assigned to Lorgar
Arcatus Vindix Centurio, assigned to Corax
Silent Sisterhood of the Great Tithe
Jenetia Krole, Knight-Commander
Melpomanei, Proloquor of the Soulless Queen
Varonika Sulath, Mistress of the Black Fleet
Gresselda Vym, Witchseeker Pursuivant, Brazen Sabre Cadre
Amendera Kendel, Oblivion Knight, Storm Dagger Seeker Cadre
Kaeria Casryn, Steel Foxes Vigilator Cadre
Marei Yul, Fire Wyrms Vigilator Cadre
Caesaria Laventure, Warden of Kamiti Sona
Malida Jydasian, Witchseeker, Thunder Vane Cadre
Khyron, [++identity redacted++]
Kaspian Hecht, Knight Errant
I Legion Astartes ‘Dark Angels’
Lion El’Jonson, vengeful Primarch of the Dark Angels, Commander of the Order, Son of the Emperor, Lord Protector of Imperium Secundus
Luther, Second in command of the Order, Master of Caliban, Grand Master of the Order
Lord Cypher, Keeper of Secrets, Guardian of the Order’s traditions
Israfael, Chief Librarian (formerly Epistolary)
Zahariel El’Zurias, Master of the Mystai (formerly Knight Supplicant of the Order; Librarian)
Vassago, Mystai
Asradael, Mystai
Tanderion, Mystai
Cartheus, Mystai
Athadrael, Mystai
Merir Astelan, Chapter Master, of the First Chapter
Galedan, Chapter Master, Marshal of the Watch
Vael, Lieutenant-commander
Vastobal, Captain
Adarthian, Training master
Attias, Veteran (formerly Knight Supplicant of the Order)
Tukon, Chapter Master, captive beneath Aldurukh
Melian, Captain, captive beneath Aldurukh
Corswain, Primarch’s Seneschal
Holguin, Deathbringer, Voted Lieutenant of the Deathwing
Carolingus, Voted Successor of the Deathwing
Morphael, Deathwing
Athoris, Deathwing
Nemeres, Deathwing
Kastael, Paladin, Deathwing
Samariel, Deathwing
Valiel, Deathwing
Breunor, Deathwing
Farith Redloss, Dreadbringer, Voted Lieutenant of the Dreadwing
Danaeus, Voted Successor of the Dreadwing
Gawain, Voted Successor of the Dreadwing
Halswain, Dreadwing
Werrin, Dreadwing
Melwen, Dreadwing
Aloceri, Ravenbringer, Voted Lieutenant of the Ravenwing
Calloson, Stormbringer, Voted Lieutenant of the Stormwing
Griffayn, the Spear-Cast, Firebringer, Voted Lieutenant of the Firewing, Sergeant-at-Arms
Vastael, Firebringer, Voted Lieutenant of the Firewing
Titus, Ironbringer, Voted Lieutenant of the Ironwing, Dreadnought
Belath, Chapter Master
Asmodeus, Librarian
Myrdun, Librarian
Tragan, Captain of the 9th Order
Xavis, Paladin of the 20th Order
Barzareon, Paladin of the 31st Order
Nemiel, Redemptor Chaplain (formerly Knight Supplicant of the Order)
Stenius, Captain, Master of the Invincible Reason
Xariel, Techmarine
Kohl, Veteran Sergeant
Askelon, Techmarine, Squad Kohl
Ephrial, Veteran, Squad Kohl
Yung, Veteran, Squad Kohl
Cortus, Veteran, Squad Kohl
Alcuis, Captain, Commander of the Watcher
Thoran, Sergeant
Casobourn, Squad Thoran
Asamund, Squad Thoran
Faretael, Squad Thoran
Dolmun, Squad Thoran
Epithemius, [++identity redacted++]
III Legion Astartes ‘Emperor’s Children’
Fulgrim, Daemon Primarch of the Emperor’s Children, the Phoenician, Prince of Pleasure
Eidolon, the Risen, the Soul-Severed, Lord Commander Primus
Von Kalda, Apothecary, equerry to Lord Commander Eidolon
Azael Konenos, Consul and Orchestrator
Galian Erato, Vexillary
Vespasian, Lord Commander
Julius Kaesoron, the Favoured Son, First Captain
Lycaon, Equerry to Julius Kaesoron, 1st Company
Fabius Bile, Chief Apothecary, Apothecary Majoris
Solomon Demeter, Captain of the 2nd Company
Gaius Caphen, Second in command to Solomon Demeter, 2nd Company
Marius Vairosean, Captain of the 3rd Company, Captain of the Kakophoni
Saul Tarvitz, Captain of the 10th Company
Lucius, the Eternal Blademaster, Captain of the 13th Company
Kalimos, the Whipmaster, Captain of the 17th Company
Charmosian, Chaplain, 18th Company
Lonomia Ruen, Captain of the 21st Company
Argentus Kiron, Crusader Host (formerly 28th Company)
Damaras Axalian, Captain of the 29th Company
Bastarnae Abranxe, Captain of the 85th Company
Krysander, of the Blades, Captain of the 102nd Company (formerly Captain of the 9th Company)
Hasten Luthris Armanitan, Captain
Daimon, Captain
Heliton, Captain
Kleos, Captain, Master of the Callidora
Curval, Ancient
Ravasch Cario, Prefector, Palatine Blades
Avanarola, Sub-Prefector, Palatine Blades
Haiman, Palatine Blade
Vorainn, Palatine Blade
Urelias, Palatine Blade
Raffel, Palatine Blade
Rakishio, the Shadowed
Callion Zaven, Knight Errant
IV Legion Astartes ‘Iron Warriors’
Perturabo, Primarch of the Iron Warriors, the Lord of Iron
Kydomor Forrix, the Breaker, First Captain, Triarch
Obax Zakyo, Lieutenant, 1st Grand Battalion
Berossus, Warsmith of the 2nd Grand Battalion
Cadaras Grendel, Captain of the 16th Company, 2nd Grand Battalion
Galian Carron, Techmarine, 2nd Grand Battalion
Erasmus Golg, the Pitiless, Captain of the 11th Company, Commander of the Contrador
Barabas Dantioch, Warden of the Pharos (formerly Warsmith of the 14th Grand Battalion)
Taldak, 17th Grand Battalion
Harkor, Warsmith of the 23rd Grand Battalion, Triarch
Kroeger, Lieutenant, 23rd Grand Battalion
Soltarn Vull Bronn, the Stonewrought, 45th Grand battalion
Barban Falk, Warsmith of the 126th Grand Battalion
Khrossus, Warsmith of the 134th Grand Company
Darhug, Captain, 134th Grand Company
Vûrtaq, Captain, 134th Grand Company
Navghar, Sergeant, 134th Grand Company
Savarran, Legionary, 134th Grand Company
Soulaka, Honourable, Apothecary, 235th Grand Battalion
Toramino, Warsmith, Master of the Stor-Bezashk
Annovuldi, Warsmith
Volk, Master of the 786th Grand Flight Armada, Commander of Sightless Warren - Core Reach I
Hrend, the Ironclad, Contemptor Dreadnought, Commander of the Cyllaros armoured assault group
Jarvak, Commander, Sicaran 78/5, lieutenant of Cyllaros group
Orun, Castraferrum Mortis Dreadnought, Cyllaros group
Gortun, Contemptor Dreadnought, Cyllaros group
Tubal Cayne, Crusader Host, Knight Errant
Aulus Scaramanca, Techmarine in training
V Legion Astartes ‘White Scars’
Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the White Scars, the Khagan, the Warhawk of Chogoris
Qin Xa, Master of the Great Khan’s Keshig
Namahi, Qin Xa’s second
Hasik Noyan-Khan, Lord Commander of the Horde of the Stone
Ganzorig Noyan-Khan, Lord Commander of the Horde of the Stone
Jemulan Noyan-Khan, Lord Commander of the Horde of the Earth
Qin Fai Noyan-Khan, Lord Commander of the Horde of the Earth
Jubal Khan, Lord of Summer Lightning, Master of the Hunt, Captain
Changshi, Bladeward to Jubal Khan
Khulan Khan, Captain of the Brotherhood of the Golden Path
Ainbataar Khan, Captain of the Brotherhood of the Night’s Star
Algu Khan, Captain of the Brotherhood of the Pennant Spear
Shiban Khan, Tachseer, Captain of the Brotherhood of the Storm
Sangjai, Apothecary, Brotherhood of the Storm
Jochi, Brotherhood of the Storm
Yiman, Brotherhood of the Storm
Chel, Brotherhood of the Storm
Torghun Khan, Sagyar mazan kill-squad leader (formerly Captain of the 64th Company Brotherhood of the Moon)
Sanyasa, Sagyar mazan
Ahm, Sagyar mazan
Gerg, Sagyar mazan
Holian, Sagyar mazan
Inchig, Sagyar mazan
Ozad, Sagyar mazan
Wai-long, Sagyar mazan
Hibou Khan, Captain of the Brotherhood of the Dawn Sky
Halji, Seconded adjutant
Lushan, Commander of the Sickle Moon
Shang Khan, Captain, 7th Chapter
Kurgis, 7th Chapter
Timur Gantulga, Captain, Macragge irregulars
Targutai Yesugei, Zadyin Arga Stormseer
Naranbataar, Zadyin Arga Stormseer
Oskh, Zadyin Arga Stormseer
Jaijan, Emchi, Apothecary
Altan Nohai, Apothecary, Knight Errant
Harouk, Techmarine
VI Legion Astartes ‘Space Wolves’
Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves, the Wolf King of Fenris, Lord of the Rout, Lord of Winter and War
Freki and Geri, Wolf-brothers of Leman Russ
Kva Who-is-Divided, Rune Priest
The Runewatchers, Kva’s appointed guardians
Grimnir Blackblood, Huscarl of the Primarch’s Honour Guard
Gunnar Gunnhilt, called Lord Gunn, Jarl of Onn
Skrier Strikes-Slow, Adjutant to Lord Gunn
Aesir, Adjutant to Lord Gunn
Ogvai Ogvai Helmschrott, Jarl of Tra
Ulvurul Heoroth Longfang, Rune Priest, Tra
Bödvar Bjarki, Rune Priest, Tra 
Najot Threader, Wolf Priest, Tra
Svafnir Rackwulf, Woe-maker, Tra
Olgyr Widdowsyn, shield bearer, Tra
Gierlothnir Helblind, shield bearer, Tra
Harr Balegyr, Berserker, Tra
Bjorn the Fell-Handed (Bear), pack leader, Tra (formerly called the One-Handed)
Aeska Brokenip, Tra
Fith Godsmote, Tra (formerly Ascommani)
Hvan, Tra
Eunwald, Tra
Angvar, Tra
Urth, Tra
Ferith (Furth), Tra
Bhorth, Tra
Galeg, Tra
Aun Helwinter, Tra
Orcir, Tra
Jormungndr Two-Blade, Tra
Ullste, Tra
Erthung Redhand, Tra
Oje, Tra
Svessl, Tra
Emrah, Tra
Horune, Tra
Lufven Close-Handed, Jarl of For
Amlodhi Skarssen Skarssensson, Jarl of Fyf
Varangr, Herald to Lord Skarssensson, Fyf
Othere Wyrdmake, Rune Priest, Fyf
Trung, Fyf
Bitur Bercaw, Fyf
Skunnr, Jarl of Sesc
Faffnr Bludbroder, Sesc, XIII watch-pack master
Malmar Longreach, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Shockeye Ffyn, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Kuro Jjordrovk, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Gudson Alfreyer, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Mads Loreson, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Salick the Braided, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Biter Herek, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Nido Knifeson, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Bo Soren the Axe, Sesc, XIII watch-pack
Hvarl Red-Blade, Jarl of Sepp (formerly Jarl of For)
Baldr Vidunsson, Jarl of For-Twa
Sturgard Joriksson, Jarl of Tra-Tra
Scarred Oki, Jarl of Tolv
Laughing Jaurmag, VII watch-pack master, (formerly Jarl of Tolv)
Jorin Bloodhowl, Jarl of Dekk-Tra
Brynngar, Captain
Helik Redknife, Captain, IX watch-pack
Jonor Stiel, Rune Priest, IX watch-pack
Rathvin, former pack leader, XIX watch-pack
Bror Tyrfingr, Knight Errant
Blind Ragner, Bror Tyrfingr’s pack
Himmlik, Bror Tyrfingr’s pack
Enrir the Fat, Bror Tyrfingr’s pack
Chattering Flokr, Bror Tyrfingr’s pack
Gren the Happy, Bror Tyrfingr’s pack
Yotun, [++identity redacted++]
VII Legion Astartes ‘Imperial Fists’
Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, Praetorian of Terra, the Emperor’s Praetorian
Archamus, the Last of the First, Master of the Huscarls
Kestros (Archamus), Master of the Huscarls (formerly Sergeant, 65th Squad, 344th Company)
Sigismund, First Captain, Marshal of the Templars, Lord Castellan of the First Sphere
Boreas, First Lieutenant of the Templars, First Company (formerly Sergeant, First Company)
Fafnir Rann, Captain of the 1st Assault Cadre, Lord Seneschal
Halbrecht, Fleet Master, Lord Castellan of the Second Sphere
Effried, Captain, 3rd Company, Seneschal, Lord Castellan of the Third Sphere
Camba Diaz, Siege Master, Lord Castellan of the Fourth Sphere
Amandus Tyr, Captain of the 6th Company, Commander of the Halcyon
Navarra, 6th Company
Pertinax, Captain of the 14th Company, Commander of the Hammer of Terra
Maximus Thane, Captain of the 22nd Company
Felix Cassander, Captain of the 42nd Company
Demetrius Katafalque, Captain of the 344th Company
Alexis Polux, Captain of the 405th Company, Master of the Retribution Fleet, Warden of the Pharos
Raln, Sergeant, 1st Squad, 405th Company
Noriz, Captain
Yored Massak, former Codicier, Librarius
Alcavarn Salvador, Techmarine in training
VIII Legion Astartes ‘Night Lords’
Konrad Curze, renegade Primarch of the Night Lords, the Night Haunter
Jago Sevatarion (Sevatar), First Captain, Commander of the Atramentar
Gendor Skraivok, the Painted Count, Acting Legion Commander (formerly Claw Master of the 45th Company)
Tal Vanek, 1st Company
Orrin Valzen, Primus Medicae, 1st Company
Benthen Gesh, Claw Master of the 7th Company
Malithos Kuln, Captain of the 9th Company
Naraka, the Bloodless, Captain of the 13th Company
Var Jahan, Captain of the 27th Company
Kheron Ophion, Captain of the 39th Company
Berenon, 45th Company (formerly Librarian)
Forvian, Claw leader, 45th Company
Kellendvar, Headsman, 45th Company
Kellenkir, 45th Company
Gallivar, 45th Company
Karrig Vorsh, 45th Company
Bordaan, 45th Company
Krukesh, the Pale, a Lord of the Kyroptera, Captain of the 103rd Company
Tovac Tor, Lackhand, Captain of the 114th Company
Thandamell, Terror Master
Lucoryphus, Raptor
Carakon, Ancient, Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought
Kasati Nuon
IX Legion Astartes ‘Blood Angels’
Sanguinius, beloved Primarch of the Blood Angels, the Great Angel, Archangel of Baal Imperator Regis, ruler of Imperium Secundus, the reluctant emperor
Azkaellon, Commander of the Sanguinary Guard
Zuriel, Sergeant, Sanguinary Guard
Lohgos, Sanguinary Guard
Mendrion, Sanguinary Guard
Halkryn, Sanguinary Guard
Dahka Berus, High Warden
Yason Annellus, Warden
Raldoron, First Captain, Chapter Master
Mkani Kano, Librarian (formerly Adjutant, 1st Company)
Orexis, Sergeant, 1st Company
Vahiel, Sergeant, 1st Company
Cador, 1st Company
Racine, 1st Company
Leonatus, Venerable Dreadnought, 1st Company
Carminus, Captain of the 3rd Company, temporary Fleet Master
Nassir Amit, the Flesh Tearer, Captain of the 5th Company
Furio, Captain of the 9th Company
Meros, The Red Angel (formerly Junior Medicae, 9th Company)
Cassiel, Sergeant, 9th Company
Sarga, 9th Company Xagan, 9th Company
Leyteo, 9th Company 
Kaide, Techmarine, 9th Company 
Galan, Captain of the 16th Company
Vitus Salicar, Captain of the 16th Company
Alix Vastern, Apothecary, 16th Company
Drazen Acorah, Appointed Lieutenant, 16th Company (formerly Librarian)
Agana Serkan, Warden, 16th Company
Dar Nakir, Captain of the 24th Company
Madidus, Sergeant, 24th Company
Gravato, 24th Company
Novenus, 33rd Company
Deon, 57th Company
Cloten, Dreadnought, 88th Company
Tagas, Captain of the 111th Company
Alotros, 111th Company
Reznor, Lieutenant-Commander, 164th Company
Canus, 202nd Company
Salvator, 269th Company
Dominion Zephon, Crusader Host
Vardas Ison (Satre), [++identity redacted++] (formerly Codicier, Librarius; Knight Errant)
X Legion Astartes ‘Iron Hands’
Ferrus Manus, Primarch of the Iron Hands, the Gorgon
Gabriel Santar, First Captain, Clan Avernii
Lumak, Captain, Clan Avernii
Erasmus Ruuman, Ironwrought, 13th Morlock Clan-Company, Clan Avernii
Ishmal Sulnar, Commander
Thamatica, Ironwrought, Iron Father, Morlock, Clan Avernii
Vermana Cybus, Morlock, Clan Avernii, Sisypheum
Ignatius Numen, Morlock, Clan Avernii, Sisypheum
Septus Thoic, Morlock, Clan Avernii, Sisypheum
Shadrak Meduson, Warleader of the Iron Tenth (formerly Captain of the 10th Clan-Company, Clan Sorrgol)
Jebez Aug, Iron Father, Hand Elect to the Warleader
Gaskon Malthace, Equerry to Shadrak Meduson, 10th Clan-Company, Clan Sorrgo
Ashur Maesan, Sergeant, 10th Clan-Company, Clan Sorrgol
Bion Henricos, Sergeant, 10th Clan-Company, Clan Sorrgol
Mechosa, Captain, Clan Sorrgol
Ulrach Branthan, Captain of the 65th Clan-Company, Commander of the Sisypheum
Cadmus Tyro, Equerry to Captain Branthan, 65th Clan-Company
Sabik Wayland, Iron Father, 65th Clan-Company
Bombastus, Karaashi, Dreadnought, 65th Clan-Company
Lasko Midoa, Iron Father, 65th Clan-Company
Khalybus, Captain of the 85th Clan-Company, Commander of the Sthenelus
Cruax, Iron Father, 85th Clan-Company
Raud, Sergeant, 85th Clan-Company
Seterikus, 85th Clan-Company
Demir, 85th Clan-Company
Casalir Lorramech, Captain of the 98th Clan-Company
Durun Atticus, Captain of the 111th Clan-Company, Commander of the Veritas Ferrum
Aulus, Sergeant, 111th Clan-Company, acting Master of Auspex, Veritas Ferrum
Anton Galba, Sergeant, 111th Clan-Company
Crevther, Sergeant, 111th Clan-Company
Darras, Sergeant, 111th Clan-Company
Lacertus, Sergeant, 111th Clan-Company
Camnus, Techmarine, 111th Clan-Company
Vektus, Apothecary, 111th Clan-Company
Achaicus, 111th Clan-Company
Catigernus, 111th Clan-Company
Ecdurus, 111th Clan-Company
Ennius, 111th Clan-Company
Eutropius, 111th Clan-Company
Atrax, Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought, 111th Clan-Company
Goran Gorgonson, Apothecary, Clan Lokopt
Arkul Theld, Captain, Clan Ungavaar
Kuleg Rawt, Iron Father, Clan Raukaan
Naduul Norsson, Iron Father, Clan Atraxii
Raask Arkborne, Iron Father, Clan Felg
Kernag, Iron Father, Clan Garrsak
Autek Mor, Iron Father, Clan Morragul, Commander of the Red Talon
Balhaan, Captain of the Ferrum
Kastigan Ulok, Iron Father, Commander of the Obstinate
Ahrem Gallikus, Obstinate
Azoth, Medusan Immortal, Obstinate
Sabinus, Captain
Plienus, Captain
Menoetius, Commander of the Predator Cretatogran
Eeron Kleve, (rank deferred in mourning), Macragge irregulars
Sardon Karaashison, Macragge irregulars
Domadus, unofficial quartermaster
Verud Pergellen, Sniper
Tarkan, Sniper
Ares Voitek, Knight Errant
XII Legion Astartes ‘World Eaters’
Angronius Thal’kr (Angron), Daemon Primarch of the World Eaters, the Red Angel, Prince of Blood
Khârn - Captain of the 8th Assault Company, Equerry to Angron
Kargos, Bloodspitter, Apothecary, 8th Company
Jeddek, Standard bearer, 8th Company
Skane, Sergeant, Skane Destroyer Squad, 8th Company
Gharte, Sergeant, Marakan Tactical Squad, 8th Company
Macer Varren, Knight Errant (formerly Captain, 12th Company)
Tagore, Crusader Host, (formerly Sergeant, 15th Company)
Subha, Crusader Host, (formerly 15th Company)
Asubha, Crusader Host, (formerly 15th Company)
Delvarus, Centurion of the 44th Company Triarii
Skraal, Captain
Nigh Vash Delerax, Lieutenant-Commander
Vorias, Lectio Primus, Librarius
Esca, Codicier, Librarius
Lhorke, the First, Contemptor Dreadnought
Neras, Dreadnought
XIII Legion Astartes ‘Ultramarines’
Roboute Guilliman, noble Primarch of the Ultramarines, Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds, Master of Ultramar, the Avenging Son, Lord Warden, thrice-accursed Lord of Ultramar
Drakus Gorod, Fief Commander of the Suzerain Invictarus Bodyguard
Maglios, Lieutenant, Invictarus Suzerain
Tauro Nocodemus, Tetrarch of Saramanth, Primarch’s Champion
Eikos Lamiad, of the Arm, Tetrarch of Konor, Primarch’s Champion
Valentus Dolor, Tetrarch of Occluda, Primarch’s Champion
Casmir, Captain, equerry to Tetrarch Dolor
Justarius, Venerable Dreadnought
Telemechrus, the Sky Warrior, Contemptor Dreadnought
Marius Gage, Chapter Master Primus
Phratus Auguston, Chapter Master Primus
Verus Caspean, Chapter Master Primus (formerly Chapter Master of the 2nd Chapter)
Aerion Mersaror, Centurion of the 1st Company, Captain of Vindicus Squad
Gais Brontir, Honoured Veteran, Naxos kill-squad
Martial Vivorus, Honoured Veteran, Bellaxes kill-squad
Alektus, 1st Company
Draxus Iax, 1st Company
Remus Ventanus, Captain of the 4th Company
Lyros Sydance, Captain of the 4th Company
Kiuz Selaton, Sergeant, 4th Company
Archo, Sergeant, 4th Company
Ankrion, Sergeant, 4th Company
Barkha, Sergeant, 4th Company
Naron Vattian, Scout, 4th Company
Saur Damocles, Captain of the 6th Company
Domitian, Sergeant, 6th Company
Braellen, 6th Company
Androm, 6th Company
Evexian, Captain of the 7th Company
Cestus, Captain and Fleet Commander, 7th Company
Antiges, Honour Guard, 7th Company
Saphrax, Honour Guard, Standard Bearer, 7th Company
Laeradis, Honour Guard, Apothecary, 7th Company
Lorchas, Captain of the 9th Company
Steloc Aethon, Captain of the ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Imbrius Medon, seconded to command duties, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Orestrian Urcus, Sergeant, Terminator Squad Urcus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Lepidus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Ephanor, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Phalon Victurus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Eurotas, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Nereon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Dactys, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Andron Pontus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Hestor, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Midon Asteriax, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Thasander, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Palaemon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Ladon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Scamander, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Salvatar Sephirus, Sergeant, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Arkan Dardanus, acting sergeant, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Galen, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Scaeron, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Ptolemus, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Phantor, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Iolchus Tibor, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Solarius, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Vantaro, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Saraman Aloysio, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Hadriax, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Laertus, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Eurymachon, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Envixus, Squad Sephirus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Fidus Galtarion, Sergeant, Squad Galtarion, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Nysus, Squad Galterion, ‘ Honoured’ 19th Company
Tynon, Sergeant, Squad Tynon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Deucalius Chalcodon, Squad Tynon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Autolo, Squad Tynon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Pheroneus Daedal, Sergeant, Squad Daedal, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Xantius Dolomon, Squad Daedal, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Endymias, Squad Daedal, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Idas, Sergeant, Squad Idas, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Lantor, Sergeant, Squad Lantor, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Lycastus, Squad Lantor, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Dromedon Pax, Squad Lantor, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Phaelon, Sergeant, Squad Phaelon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Phineon, Sergeant, Squad Phineon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Pronax, Squad Phineon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Pyramon, Squad Phineon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Ulantus Remulo, Squad Phineon, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Rendrus, Sergeant, Squad Rendrus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Cydor Rhadamanth, Squad Rendrus, ‘Honoured 19th Company
Sarpedus, Sergeant, Squad Sarpedus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Serapho, Squad Sarpedus, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Tithonon, assumed command of the Aeternian, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Valin, Sergeant, Squad Valin, ‘Honoured’ 19th Company
Erikon Gaius, Captain of the 21st Company
Tylos Rubio (Koios),  [++identity redacted++] (formerly Codicier, Librarius; 21st Company; Knight Errant)
Honoria, Captain of the 23rd Company
Octavian Bruscius, Captain of the 24th Company
Colbya, Techmarine, 24th Company
Niax Nessus, Chapter Master of the 3rd Chapter
Terbis, Captain, 3rd Chapter
Thales, Captain, 3rd Chapter
Menius, Sergeant, 34th Company
Zyrol, Sergeant, posted to Helion orbital plate
Teus Sullus, Captain of the 39th Company
Greavus, Sergeant, 39th Company
Urath, Sergeant, 39th Company
Kaen Atreus, Chapter Master of the 6th Chapter
Tulian Aquila, Captain, 77th Company
Vascas, Sergeant, 77th Company
Hylas Pelion, Honorarius, 82nd Company
Klord Empion, Chapter Master of the 9th Chapter
Lucretius Corvo, Honoured Captain of the 90th ‘Nova’ Company, Commander of the Glorious Nova
Hephtus, Apothecary, 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Damius, Vexillary, 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Correlus, Techmarine, 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Ancevan, Sergeant, 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Crassus, Sergeant, 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Bellephon, 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Gollodon 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Cerean, 90th ‘Nova’ Company
Vared, Chapter Master, 11th Chapter
Ekritus, Captain, 111th Company
Phrastorex, Captain, 112th Company
Anchise, Sergeant, 112th Company
Sharad Antoli, Chapter Master of the 13th Chapter
Taerone, Captain of the 135th Company
Aeonid Thiel, Sergeant, 135th Comany, Commander of the Red-Marked
Vitus Inviglio, Red-Marked
Bracheus, Red-Marked
Corvun, Red-Marked
Drusus, Red-Marked
Finius, Red-Marked
Gordianius, Red-Marked
Laertes, Red-Marked
Leargus, Red-Marked
Naevius, Red-Marked
Petronius, Red-Marked
Venator, Red-Marked
Evido Banzor, Chapter Master of the 16th Chapter
Heutonicus, Captain of the 161st Company
Jaer, Apothecary, 161st Company
Kerso, 161st Company
Bormarus, 161st Company
Zabo, 161st Company
Anteros, 161st Company
Aecus Decimus, Chapter Master of the 17th Chapter
Connor, Sergeant, 170th Company
Naxor, Techmarine, 170th Company
Romus, Veteran 170th Company, Red-Marked
Tillus Victorius, Champion of the 171st Company
Vaul Agregius, Veteran, 171st Company
Paulus, Sky Hunter, 172nd Company, Red-Marked
Xion Octavion, 174th Company, Red-Marked
Sio, 175th Company, Red-Marked
Korolos, former Captain, 178th Company, Red-Marked
Adallus, Captain of the 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Hespatian, Primus Medicae, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Taricus, Apothecary, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Genus, Vexillary, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Lethicus, Sergeant, Commander of the Probity, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Caias, Probity, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Tiberius, Probity, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Hellas, Probity, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Odillio, Sergeant, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Archamenides, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Solus, Sergeant, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Arkus, Sergeant, 55th Scout Cohort, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Oberdeii, Scout, 55th Scout Cohort, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Tebecai, Scout, 55th Scout Cohort, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Tolomachus, Scout, 55th Scout Cohort, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Solon, Scout, 55th Scout Cohort, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Florian Scout, 55th Scout Cohort, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Mallius, Scout, 55th Scout Cohort, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Krissaeos, Scout, 55th Scout Cohort, 199th ‘Aegida’ Company
Honorius Luciel, Captain of the 209th Company
Eleon Iasus, Chapter Master of the 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter
Hierax, Captain of the 2nd Destroyers, 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter
Aphovos, Librarian, 2nd Destroyers, 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter (formerly Sergeant of 2nd Squad)
Mnason, 2nd Destroyers, 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter
Teosos, 2nd Destroyers, 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter
Kletos, 2nd Destroyers, 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter
Gorthia, Sergeant of 3rd Squad, 2nd Destroyers, 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter
Lanatus, Pilot, 2nd Destroyers, 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter
Antalcidas, Dreadnought, 2nd Destroyers, 22nd ‘Nemesis’ Chapter
Castor Alcade, Legate of Battle Group II, 25th Chapter
Didacus Theron, Centurion of 4th Division, Battle Group II, 25th Chapter
Proximo Tarchon, Centurion of 9th Division, Battle Group II, 25th Chapter
Arcadon Kyro, Techmarine, Battle Group II, 25th Chapter
Orfeo Cassander, Legatus of Armatura
Dio Promus, Knight Errant (formerly Chief Librarian)
Titus Prayto, Master of the Presiding Centuria, Librarius
Sergio, Epistolary, Librarius
Valentius, Sergeant
Sacatus Demor, Sergeant
Daevios, Master of Ordnance
Hastenral, munitions provost
Parestor, Whirlwind artillery commander
Metrital, Whirlwind artillery crew
Sardeon, Whirlwind artillery crew
Tibor Ventidian, Techmarine in training
XIV Legion Astartes ‘Death Guard’
Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard, the Death Lord
Calas Typhon, First Captain, Master of the Grave Wardens, Commander of the Terminus Est
Hadrabulus Vioss, Captain of the 1st Company Grave Wardens
Hurklan, Sergeant, 1st Company Grave Wardens
Ignatius Grulgor, the Eater of Lives (formerly Commander of the 2nd Great Company)
Caipha Morarg, Equerry to the Primarch, 24th Breacher Squad, 2nd Company
Ullis Temeter, Captain of the 4th Great Company
Nathaniel Garro, Agentia Primus of the Knights Errant (formerly Battle-Captain of the 7th Great Company)
Meric Voyen, Apothecary, 7th Great Company
Andus Hakur, Veteran Sergeant, 7th Great Company
Tollen Sender, 7th Great Company
Solun Decius, 7th Great Company
Helig Gallor, Knight Errant (formerly 7th Great Company)
Gremus Kalgaro, Captain, Commander of the Endurance
Serob Kargul, Captain, Commander of the Ceaseless Advance
Malek Vos, Captain, Commander of the Balefire
Gremus Kalgaro, Marshal, Siegemaster
Malig Laestygon, Commander
Raheb Zurrieq, Lieutenant
Durak Rask (Dural Rask), Master of Ordnance, Siegemaster
Morgax Murnau, Chaplain
Zadal Crosius, Apothecary
Hunda Skorvall, the Bitterblood
Ukteg, Sergeant
Kahgor Lothsul
Jasun Haznir
XV Legion Astartes ‘Thousand Sons’
Magnus Rubricatus (Magnus the Red), Daemon Primarch of the Thousand Sons, the Crimson King, Lord of Prospero, Prince of Change
Ahzek Ahriman, First Captain, Chief Librarian, Magister Templi of the Corvidae
Sobek, Practicus to Ahriman
Ankhu Anen, Guardian of the Great Library, Corvidae
Menkaura, Corvidae
Phosis T’kar, Captain of the 2nd Fellowship, Magister Templi of the Raptora
Hathor Maat, Captain of the 3rd Fellowship, Magister Templi of the Pavoni
Revuel Arvida (Ianius), [++identity redacted++] (formerly errant sorcerer, friend to the V Legion; Sergeant, 4th Fellowship, Corvidae)
Baleq Uthizaar, Captain of the 5th Fellowship, Magister Templi of the Athanaeans
Sanakht, Athanaean
Khalophis, Captain of the 6th Fellowship, Magister Templi of the Pyrae
Tolbek, Pyrae
Phael Toron, Captain of the 7th Fellowship, Raptora
Malagor Auramagma, Captain of the 8th Fellowship, Pyrae
Amon, Captain of the 9th Fellowship, Equerry to the Primarch
Ignis, Master of the Order of Ruin
Mhotep, Brother-Sergeant and Fleet Captain, Commander of the Waning Moon
Menkaura, Blind Prophet of the Corvidae
Atharva, Crusader Host, Adept Exemptus
XVI Legion Astartes ‘Luna Wolves’ / ‘Sons of Horus’
Horus Lupercal, First Primarch, Warmaster, Commander-in-Chief of the Luna Wolves, Commander of the Sons of Horus, arch-traitor
Ezekyle Abaddon, First Captain, Commander of the Justaerin, Mournival
Falkus Kibre, Widowmaker, Captain of the Justaerin Terminator Cohort, 1st Company, Mournival
Thonas, Justaerin Terminator Cohort
Gedephron, Justaerin Terminator Cohort
Tybar, Justaerin Terminator Cohort
Ralkor, Justaerin Terminator Cohort
Sycar, Justaerin Terminator Cohort
Urskar, Justaerin Terminator Cohort
Kalus Ekaddon, Captain of the Catulan Reaver Squad, 1st Company
Tarik Torgaddon, Captain of the 2nd Company, Mournival
Iacton Qruze, the Half-heard, Knight Errant, (formerly Captain of the 3rd Company)
Hastur Sejanus, Captain of the 4th Company, Mournival
Horus Aximand, Little Horus, Captain of the 5th Company, Mournival
Yade Durso, Line Captain, 5th Company
Serghar Targost, Captain of the 7th Company, Lodge Master
Garviel Loken (Cerberus, Crius), Knight Errant (formerly Shield-Lieutenant; Captain of the 10th Company, Mournival; Lost Soul)
Nero Vipus, Sergeant of Locasta Tactical Squad, 10th Company
Xavyer Jubal, Sergeant of Hellebore Tactical Squad, 10th Company
Luc Sedirae, Captain of the 13th Company
Tybalt Marr, the Either, Captain of the 18th Company
Cyon Azedine, Company Champion
Kysen Scybale, Sergeant
Verulam Moy, the Or, Captain of the 19th Company
Lev Goshen, Captain of the 25th Company
Grael Noctua, the Warlocked, Sergeant, 25th Company, Mournival
Severian (Iapto),  [++identity redacted++] (formerly the Wolf; 25th Company; Crusader Host; Knight Errant)
Saduran, 201st Assault Battalion
Ikrek, 201st Assault Battalion
Litus, Captain, Mournival
Janipur, Captain, Mournival
Vosto Kurnan, Captain
Renk, Apothecary
Rayko Solomus, Torturer
Maloghurst, the Twisted, Equerry to the Warmaster
Argonis, the Unscarred, emissary of the Warmaster, Chieftain of the Isidis Flight
Ger Gerradon, Luperci
XVII Legion Astartes ‘Word Bearers’
Lorgar Aurelian, Primarch of the Word Bearers, the Urizen, the Bearer of the Word
Kor Phaeron, First Captain, Black Cardinal, Master of the Faith, architect of Calth’s doom
Erebus, disgraced First Chaplain, the Dark Apostle
Valdrekk Elias, Dark Apostle, sworn to the service of Erebus
Tanus Kreed, Acolyte
Foedral Fell, Anointed Commander
Morpal Cxir, Commander
Ulmor Nul
Hol Beloth, Annointed Commander of the Graven Star Chapter
Maloq Kartho, Dark Apostle of the Graven Star Chapter
Eriesh Kigal, Terminator Sergeant
Zu Gunara, Dreadnought
Quor Gallek, the Preacher, Dark Apostle Magister (formerly Chaplain)
Xenut Sul, Unburdened
Degat, Master Sergeant, Monarchia
Deumos, Chapter Master of the Serrated Sun Chapter
Argel Tal (The Crimson Lord), Commander of the Vakrah Jal (formerly Captain of the 7th Assault Company; Commander of the Gal Vorbak)
Xaphen, Chaplain, 7th Assault Company, Serrated Sun Chapter
Torgal, Sergeant of Torgal Assault Squad, 7th Company, Serrated Sun Chapter
Malnor, Sergeant of Malnor Assault Squad, 7th Company, Serrated Sun Chapter
Dagotal, Sergeant of Dagotal Outrider Squad, 7th Company, Serrated Sun Chapter
Essember Zote, Gal Vorbak
Ehl Eweth, Gal Vorbak
Eshramar, Sergeant of Eshramar Immolation Squad, Vakrah Jal
Kurtha Sedd, Chaplain-Apostle of the Third Hand Chapter
Tergothar, Captain of the 5th Assault Company, the Third Hand Chapter
Sor Gharax, the Bull, Contemptor Dreadnought, the Third Hand Chapter
Ghulun Vaad, Sergeant of Ulughar Squad, the Third Hand Chapter
Toc Deneroth, Unburdened (formerly Ulughar Squad, the Third Hand Chapter)
Kaeloq, Ulughar Squad, the Third Hand Chapter
Khuzhun, Ulughar Squad, the Third Hand Chapter
Rethaz Qann, Ulughar Squad, the Third Hand Chapter
Vor Raennag, Sergeant of Gurthuz Squad, the Third Hand Chapter
Arathrax, Gurthuz Squad, the Third Hand Chapter
Varnak Gath, Gurthuz Squad, the Third Hand Chapter
Qarthon, Veteran Sergeant of Rhaalahn Squad, the Third Hand Chapter
Gherak Haxx, Hurundath Squad, 7th Company, the Third Hand Chapter
Versithis, 10th Company, the Third Hand Chapter
Maldreq Fal, Sergeant
Shan Varek
Uan Harox, Captain of the 8th Company
Zardu Layak, the Crimson Apostle, Master of the Unspeaking Chapter
Kulnar, Slave of the Anakatis Blade, the Unspeaking Chapter
Hebek, Slave of the Anatakis Blade, the Unspeaking Chapter
The Apostle, the Unspeaking Chapter
Sor Talgron, Captain of the 34th Company, representative of Lorgar on Terra
Jarulek, Dark Apostle of the 34th Company (formerly Chaplain)
Ahraneth, Standard Bearer, 34th Company
Dal Ahk, Master of Signal, 34th Company
Loth, Reconnaissance Sergeant, 34th Company
Telakhas, Line-Breaker Sergeant, 34th Company
Urhlan, Apothecary, 34th Company
Volkhar Wreth, Predicant, 34th Company (formerly Crusader Host)
Sorot Tchure, Captain of the 209th Company
Kal-Zedej, Cadre Sergeant, 256th Company, Commander of the Vorkaudar
Ledak, Yesa Takdar Cadre, 256th Company
Rovel, Yesa Takdar Cadre, 256th Company
Zadkiel, Fleet Captain of the Furious Abyss
Baelanos, Assault-Captain, Furious Abyss
Ikthalon, Chaplain, Furious Abyss
Reskiel, Sergeant-Commander, Furious Abyss
Malforian, Weapon Master, Furious Abyss
Ultis, Furious Abyss
Vorrjuk Kraal, Dark Apostle
Ker Venthax, High Chaplain
Quor Vondor, Chaplain
Ungol Shax, Chaplain
Azor Nathrakin, Librarian-Sorcerer
Phael Rabor, Captain
Grel Kathnar
Barthusa Narek (Kaspian Hecht), Huntsman (formerly Vigilator)
Barbos Kha, Unburdened
Ulkas Tul, Unburdened
XVIII Legion Astartes ‘Salamanders’
Vulkan, Primarch of the Salamanders, Lord of Drakes
Artellus Numeon, Pyre Captain, Vulkan’s equerry
Leodrakk, Pyre Guard
Skatar’var, Pyre Guard
Varrun, Pyre Guard
Ganne, Pyre Guard
Igataron, Pyre Guard
Atanarius, Pyre Guard
Nomus Rhy’tan, Voice of Fire, Keeper of the Keys
Phaestus Var’kir, Igniax Chaplain
Ushamann, Epistolary, Librarius
Orhn, Firedrake
Ran’d, Firedrake
T’kell, Forgefather of Nocturne (formerly Forgemaster)
Zau’ull, Firefather, Igniax Chaplain
Rahz Obek, Firebearer, Captain, Firedrakes
Zandu, Firefist, Sergeant, Firedrakes
Ak’nun Xen, Flamesmote, Firedrake
Gor’og Krask, Wyvern, Firedrake
Zeb’du Varr, Pyrus, Firedrake
Ashax, Sergeant, Firedrakes
Phokan, Firedrake
Gairon, Firedrake
Raios, Firedrake
Ba’durak, Firedrake
Rath, Firedrake
Votan, Firedrake
Fai’sho, Apothecary, Firedrakes
Attion, Venerable Dreadnought
Gravius, Captain of the 5th Company
Heka’tan, Captain of the 14th Company
Luminor, Apothecary, 14th Company
Bannon, Sergeant, 14th Company
Kaitar, 14th Company
Angvenon, 14th Company
Tu’var, 14th Company
Oranor, 14th Company
Nemetor, Captain of the 15th Reconnaissance Company
K’gosi, Captain of the 21st Company, Pyroclast
Atesh Tarsa, Apothecary, 24th Company
Xa’ven, Captain of the 34th Company
Khi’dem, Sergeant, 139th Company
Shen’ra, Techmarine
Kar’kor Zonn, Techmarine
Nem’ron Phylax, Techmarine in training
Rek’or Xathen, Pyroclast Sergeant
Baduk, Pyroclast
Kur’ak, Pyroclast
Mu’garna, Pyroclast
Zadar, Pyroclast
Barek Zytos, Draaksward (formerly Sergeant)
Atok Abidemi, Draaksward
Igen Gargo, Draaksward
Nuros, ally to Shadrak Meduson
XIX Legion Astartes ‘Raven Guard’
Corvus Corax, Primarch of the Raven Guard, the Ravenlord, Saviour of Deliverance
Gherith Arendi, former Commander of the Shadow Wardens, Commander, Black Guard
Shray Chavyon, provisional Lieutenant, Black Guard
Branne Nev, Commander of the Raptors
Navar Hef, Lieutenant, Raptors (formerly Novitiate; Sergeant)
Xanda Neroka, Lieutenant, Raptors
Devor, Raptor
Kannak, Raptor
Drayk, Raptor
Garba, Raptor
Volb, Raptor
Fannas, Raptor
Sannad, Raptor
Kelpel, Raptor
Agapito Nev, Commander of the Talons
Lancrato Nestil, Sergeant, Talons
Hadraig Dor, Sergeant, Talons
Keremi Ort, Talon
Chovani, Sergeant, Talons
Corbyk, Talon
Gal, Talon
Vanda, Talon
Henn, Thunderhawk pilot, Talons
Lukar Fereni, Talons
Marko Dis, Talons
Solaro An, Commander of the Hawks
Soukhounou, Commander of the Hawks
Aloni Tev, Commander of the Falcons
Shaak, Lieutenant, Falcons
Khira, Captain, Commander of the Providence
Vabus, Lieutenant, Commander of the Revenant
Balsar Kurthuri, Chief Librarian, Librarius (formerly Talons)
Syth Arriax, Librarius
Fara Tex, Librarius
Hriak, Codicier, Librarius
Antaka Cyvaan, Knight Errant (formerly Librarian)
Stradon Binalt, Techmarine
Napenna, Techmarine
Vincente Sixx, Chief Apothecary
Morvax Haukspeer, Apothecary
Nathian, Planetary commandant
Nykona Sharrowkyn, 66th Company
Alastor Rushal, former Captain of the 89th Company
Verano Ebb, Captain of Silence Squad
Dalcoth, Captain
Kaylar Norn, Apothecary
Chamell, Shade-Sergeant, Mor Deythan
Senderwat, Mor Deythan
Fasur, Mor Deythan
Korin, Mor Deythan
Strang, Mor Deythan
Inachus Ptero, Veteran
Ogen, [++identity redacted++]
Rama Karayan, Knight Errant
Dravian Klayde, the Carrion, Knight Errant
XX Legion Astartes ‘Alpha Legion’
Alpharius, Twin Primarch of the Alpha Legion, Lord of Serpents
Omegon, Twin Primarch of the Alpha Legion, Lord of the Effrit Stealth Squad
Ingo Pech, First Captain
Mathias Herzog, Captain of the 2nd Company
Sheed Ranko, Captain of the Lernaean Terminator Squad
Chaitin, Legate
Thetacron,Commander, Harrow Group Arcadus
Goran Setebos, Sergeant of Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Isidor, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Arkan, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Krait, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Volion, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Braxus, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Zantine, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Charmian, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Vermes, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Tarquiss, Squad Sigma, 3rd Company
Arvas Janic, Commander of Tenebrae 9-50 Installation
Ursinus Echion, Librarian, Tenebrae 9-50 Installation
Phocron, Headhunter Prime
Kel Silonius, Headhunter
Kalix, Headhunter
Hekaron, Headhunter
Seyhan, Infiltrator
Sork, Captain, Wealth of Kings, Agent
Lydia Myzmadra, Operative
Ashul, Operative
Cult Mechanicus
Kelbor-Hal, Fabricator General of Mars, Forge Master of Olympus Mons
Sota-Nul, Emissary of the True Mechanicum, Martian Emissary to the Warmaster, Disciple of Kelbor-Hal, Mistress of the Disciples of Nul
Ardim Protos, Magos, first disciple of Sota Nul
Clain Pent, Fifth Disciple of Nul
Zagreus Kane, Fabricator General-in-Exile of Mars, High Lord of Terra (formerly Fabricator Locum of Mars, Forge Master of Mondus Occulum)
Vethorel, Ambassadress
Trimejia Diadanei, Fabricator Locum of Mars
Urtzi Malevolus, Forge Master of Mars
Lukas Chrom, Forge Master of Mondus Gamma
Koriel Zeth, Mistress of the Magma City
Ipluvien Maximal, Forge Master of Mars
Archoi, Magos, Master of the Forge at Diamat
Iosos, Archwright of the Ten Thousand
Vel-Kheredae, Archmagos Veneratus, representative of Kelbor-Hal
Delvere, Archmagos of Constanix II, Master of Iapetus
Vangellin, Cognoscenti Magokritarch of Atlas, Constanix II
Salva Kanar, Magos Logistica, Third District, Constanix II
Benician Mendoza, Viceroy Extractatorian, Trisolian
Khir Doth Iaxis, High Magos
Hieronymax Veltarae, Magos-Prime of Thagria Forge
Bellonitrix, Magos-Pretender of Thagria Forge
Rygan Indomitii, Coadjutor-General of Nagra Excelsor
Gureod, Magos, Furious Abyss
Meer Edv Tawren, Magos Analyticae
Uldort, Magos
Pelot, Magos
Theuril, Magos
Cahyo, Magos, Primary Voice on the Unbreakable Truth
Kazzim-Aleph-1, Magos-Emissary
Volkern Aurguramus, Artisan Empyr
Uhl Kehal Hesst, Server of Intrumentation
Regulus, Adept, Envoy to Horus Lupercal
Semyon, Adept of Mars
Arkhan Land, Techoarchaeologist
Gnaus Archelon, Illuminant and Artisan Astartes
Byzanus, Tech-Priest
Chi-32-Bet, Enginseer
Friedisch Adum Ship Qvo, Tech-Acolytum
Belisarius Cawl, Tech-Acolytum
Legio Audax Ordo Titanica ‘Ember Wolves’
Venric Solostine, Princeps Ultima, Command Titan Syrgalah
Toth Kol, Moderati Primus, Command Titan Syrgalah
Keeda Bly, Moderati Secundus, Command Titan Syrgalah
The Ninth, Mechanicum Adept, Command Titan Syrgalah
Audun Lyrac, Princeps Penultima
Legio Crucius Ordo Titanica ‘Warmongers’
Etana Kalonice, Princeps, Paragon of Terra
Carthal Ashur, Calator Martialis
Legio Defensor Ordo Titanica ‘Nova Guard’
Guillame Ferré, Princeps majoris, 3rd Maniple
Legio Fortidus Ordo Titanica
Uta-Dagon, Princeps, Red Vengeance
Utu-Lerna, Princeps, Bloodgeld
Ur-Nammu, Warmonger
Legio Gryphonicus Ordo Titanica ‘War Griffons’
Opinicus, Invocatio
Legio Ignatum Ordo Titanica ‘Fire Wasps’
Nishome Alvarek, Princeps, Scion of Vigilant Light
Enkir Morova, Princeps, Black Sky
Legio Lysanda Ordo Titanica ‘Sentinels of the Edge’
Maxamillien Delantyr, Princeps, Ardentor
Ellas Hyle, Moderati Primus, Ardentor
Kei Adaras, Moderati Secndus, Ardentor
Legio Mortis Ordo Titanica ‘Death’s Heads’
Esau Turnet, Princeps, Imperator Dies Irae
Cassar, Moderati Primus, Imperator Dies Irae
Aruken, Moderati Primus, Imperator Dies Irae
Camulos, Princeps, Aquila Ignis
Legio Solaria Ordo Titanica ‘Imperial Hunters’
Mal-4 Chrysophane, Vox Omni Machina
Goten Mu Kassanius, Magos Principia Militaris, Archmagos Maxima Dominus Machina Dei
Mohana Mankata Vi, Great Mother, Domina Princeps Bellicosa Altus Xiliarkis
Esha Ani Mohana Vi, Great Mother, Princeps majoris of Domine Ex Venari, 2nd Maniple
Fenina Bol, Moderatui bellatus, Domine Ex Venari, 2nd Maniple
Odani Jehan, Moderati bellatus, Domine Ex Venari, 2nd Maniple
Nepha Nen, Moderati bellatus, Domine Ex Venari, 2nd Maniple
Yeha Yeha, Moderati primus, Domine Ex Venari, 2nd Maniple
Mephani Ohana, Moderati oratorius, Domine Ex Venari, 2nd Maniple
Jephenir Jehan, Moderati steersman, Domine Ex Venari, 2nd Maniple
Omega-6, Magos plasmancer, Domine Ex Venari, 2nd Maniple
Soranti Daha, Princeps of Velox Canis, 2nd Maniple
Jehani Jehan, Princeps of Cursor Ferro, 2nd Maniple
Ophira Mendev, Moderati bellatus, Cursor Ferro, 2nd Maniple
Yulia Demonsany, Moderati bellatus, Cursor Ferro, 2nd Maniple
Natandi Fahl, Moderati steersman, Cursor Ferro, 2nd Maniple
Kalis Nen, Moderati oratorius, Cursor Ferro, 2nd Maniple
Perontius, Magos plasmancer, Cursor Ferro, 2nd Maniple
Toza Mindev, Princeps of Procul Videns, 2nd Maniple
Abhani Lus Mohana, Princeps of Os Rubrum, 2nd Maniple
Durana Fahl, Princeps majoris of Steel Huntress, 4th Maniple
Akali Netra, Princeps majoris of Odercarium, 3rd Maniple
Kana Gallia, Princeps majoris of Arcadian Might, 6th Maniple
Kansa Rit, Princeps majoris of Broad Spear, 10th Maniple
Osha Mir, Princeps majoris, 11th/13th Maniple
Gophan Niri, Princeps of Pilum Aurae
Legio Tempestus Ordo Titanica ‘Stormlords’
Indias Cavalerio, ‘The Stormlord’, Princeps, Warlord Victorix Magna
Suzak, Princeps, Warlord Tharsis Hastatus
Mordant, Princeps, Reaver Arcadia Fortis
Sharaq, Princeps, Reaver, Metallus Cebrenia
Baser, Princeps, Warhound, Vulpus Rex
Kasim, Princeps, Warhound, Raptoria
Lamnos, Princeps, Warhound, Astrus Lux
Legio Xerxes Ordo Titanica
Amon Jeveth, Princeps
Divisio Biologis
Nexin Orlandriaz, Genetor
Carantine, Magos Biologis, Warden of the Pharos
Beta-Phi 97, Datasmith, Warden of the Pharos
Bassili, Magos Biologis, Primus Cogenitor, Third District, Contanix II
Firax, Magos Biologis, Third District, Constanix II
House Devine
Cyprian Devine, the Hellblade, Knight Seneschal
Cebella Devine, Adoratrice Drakaina
Raeven Devine, First Knight
Albard Devine, firstborn scion
Lyx Devine, Adoratrice Sybaris
House Donar
Balmorn Donar, Lord-Knight
Robard Donar, Scion
House Procon Vi
Baravi Hanto, Baron
Dashiel, Servant
House Taranis
Verticorda, Lord Commander, Ares Lictor
Caturix, Lord Commander, Gladius Fulmen
Stator, Preceptor, Fortis Metallum
Raf Maven, Equitus Bellum
Leopold Cronus, Pax Mortis
House Vyridion
Jaya D’Arcus, Baroness, Warden of Highrock
Devram Sevik, Couriter, Scion
Illara Latharas, Courtier, Scion
Torolec, Sacristan Apex
Legio Cybernetica
Hester Aspertia Sigma-Sigma, Magos Domina, Trisolian
Rissin, Magos Dominus
Octal Bool, Magos Dominus, First Maniple, Daedarii Reserve Cohort
Dex, Kastelan-class robot, First Maniple, Daedarii Reserve Cohort
Impedicus, Kastelan-class robot, First Maniple, Daedarii Reserve Cohort
Nulus, Kastelan-class robot, First Maniple, Daedarii Reserve Cohort
Little Auri, Kastelan-class robot, First Maniple, Daedarii Reserve Cohort
Pollex, Kastelan-class robot, First Maniple, Daedarii Reserve Cohort
Loriark, Cybernetica, Magos Senioris, Third District, Constanix II
Umwelt Uexküll, Cybertheurgist
Credence Araxe, Magos, Master of Ursarax
Zygman Videns, Magos, statistical prognosticator
Vindicatrix, Vorax-class battle-automaton
Incarnadine, Conqueror Primus, 9th Maniple, Carthage Cohort
Kronus VI, Castellax-class battle-automaton
Xi-Nu 73, Tech-Adept, 9th Maniple, Carthage Cohort
Uncannical, cherubim technomat
Legiones Skitarii
Arook Serotid, Master of Skitarii on Calth
Alpha-Rho-25, Sicarii Protector
Ordo Reductor
Hieronyma (The Archimandrite), Magos Domina, Executor Principus
Bellona Modwen, High Magos
Prefecture Magisterium
Remiare, Tech-Priest Assassin
Raman Synk, Lexorcist, ward engine
Confabulari 66, Servo-skull
Servants of the Mechanicum
Dalia Cyhera, Transcriber
Zouche Chahaya, Machinist
Severine Delmer, Schematic Draughter
Mellicin Oster, Technical Overseer
Caxton Torgau, Component Assembler
Rho-mu 31, Mechanicum Protector
Jonas Milus, Empath
Lacrymenthis, Cogitatoris Regular, Third District, Constanix II
Taff Arcudi, Deck-captain, Arc Bellus, Collegia Titanica
Sapien, Artificimian
Di-Delta 451 (Null), Servo-automaton
Eta/Iota~13 (Void), Servo-automaton
Strix, Cyber-raven
Tez-Lar, Cawl’s pet servitor
Ekra Trez, Sin-Eater, Nightfall
Taye Karenna, Wing Commander, Veiled Ones Squadron, Nightfall
Kul Kyven, Naviseer, Veiled Ones Squadron, Nightfall
Vensent Aurlin, Gunner, Veiled Ones Squadron, Nightfall
Athene DuCade, Shipmistress of the Red Tear
Varra Nevarrus, Vox-Officer, Red Tear
Jeran Mautus, Lieutenant, Auspex Officer, Red Tear
Kiriktas, Helmsman, Sthenelus
Gellius, Shipmaster, Probity
Juliana Vratus, Vox-officer, Probity
Valentian, Shipmaster of the Glorious Nova
Matheris, Helmsman, Glorious Nova
Freia Solontine, Admiral, Commander of the Righteous Fury
Ulfar, Shipmaster of the Endurance
Lagaahn, Gunnery Master, Endurance
Trangh, Master of the Watch, Endurance
Baryk Carya, Shipmaster, frigate Eisenstein
Racel Vought, Executive Officer, frigate Eisenstein
Tirin Maas, Vox Officer, frigate Eisenstein
Kaleb Arin, Housecarl to Captain Garro
Rack, Shipmaster of the Reaper’s Shroud
Reyne, Shipmaster of the Chalice of Fire
Kolo Adyssian, Shipmaster of the Charybdis
Arikk Gullero, Lieutenant, First Officer, Charybdis
Lyssa Esenzi, Flag Lieutenant, Helm Officer, Charybdis
Mandroclidas, Strategarch of the Geno Seventy-Sixty Spartocid
DeBlessent, Lieutenant, Ayliet Phalanx Auxilia, Imperial Army
Bollivar, Lord general, Fasadian high commander
Suruq Reming, First watcher, Fasadian 4th
Vannes, Colonel, Fasadian 14th
Etan Boq, Line gunner, Fasadian 86th
Retribution Fleet
Halm Basus, Primus of the Tribune
Saturnine Fleet
Kaminska, Rear Admiral of the Wrathful
Venkmyer, Helmsmistress, Wrathful
4th Imperial Expedition Fleet
Ozius Vesepian, Commodore of the Fleet
Vazheth Licinia, Mistress of the Astropathic Choir, Invincible Reason
Kellandra Vray, Shipmaster of the Vehemence
Tagrain, Deck-Captain, Transport Division
Haster, Deck-Lieutenant
12th Imperial Expedition Fleet
Sazar, Shipmaster of the Macragge’s Honour
Ouon Hommed, acting Shipmaster of the Macragge’s Honour (formerly Shipmaster of the Sanctity of Saramanth)
Bohan Zedoff, Representative, Macragge’s Honour
Kolos Zarataini, Officer of Auspex, Macragge’s Honour
Jana Lighthour, Acting Officer of Artifice, Macragge’s Honour
Sargune Mara Sept Loquoi, Navigati Secundus, Macragge’s Honour
Taius Netetian, Shipmaster of the Ultimus Mundi
Bethra Kallan, Auspex Officer, Ultimus Mundi
Turetia Altuzer, Shipmaster of the Samothrace
Junixa Terrens, Vox-Officer, Samothrace
Nestor Lautenix, Lieutenant, Samothrace
Sparzi, Colonel of the Nerid 10th, Imperial Army
Bowe Hellock, Sergeant, Numinus 61st, Imperial Army
Dogent Krank, Numinus 61st
Bale Rane, Numinus 61st
27th Imperial Expedition Fleet
Marcus Valerius, Praefector of the Imperial Army, Vice-Caesari of the Therion Cohort (formerly Commander of the Therion Cohort)
Pelon, Tribune of the Therion Cohort, Manservant to Marcus Valerius
Nasturi Ephrenia, Strategium controller, Avenger
Elvvix Jasson, Watch-Captain of the Shadowed Guardian
28th Imperial Expedition Fleet
Thaddeus Fayle, Lord Commander of the Archite Palatines, Imperial Army
Harkian, Shipmaster of the Suzerain
Eleanora Kulba, Shipmaster of the Terce Falion
Fael Alobus, Deck-Officer, Terce Falion
47th Imperial Expedition Fleet
Antonus Antwark, Shipmaster of the Infidus Imperator
Gelkewh, Primary Helmsman, Infidus Imperator
Unselm Ka, Master Devisor, Host of Sensors, Infidus Imperator
Gemiah Daemos, Hierophant, Kor Phaeron’s retinue
Lhantor, Housekeeper, Kor Phaeron’s retinue
Aklion, Wordsinger, Kor Phaeron’s retinue
Terkos Torok, Master of the Lifewards, Kor Phaeron’s retinue
63rd Imperial Expedition Fleet
Boas Comnenus, Master of the Fleet
Hektor Varvarus, Lord Commander, Imperial Army
140th Imperial Expedition Fleet
Mathanual August, Master of the Fleet
203rd Imperial Expedition Fleet
Lotara Sarrin, Flag-Captain of the Conqueror
Ivar Tobin, First Officer, Conqueror
Feyd Hallerthan, Officer, Conqueror
Lehralla, Scrymistress, Conqueror
Kejic, Vox-master, Conqueror
301st Imperial Expedition Fleet
Baloc Torvus, Master of the Fleet
Arric Jesmetine, Major of the Euchar 54th Infantry
670th Imperial Expedition Fleet
Jan Van Aunger, Master of the Fleet
Teng Namatijira, Lord Commander, Imperial Army
Sri Vedt, Primus of the Geno Five-Two Chiliad
Honen Mu, Uxor, Geno Five-Two Chiliad
Rukhsana Saiid, Uxor, Geno Five-Two Chiliad
Hurtado Bronz, Hetman, Geno Five-Two Chiliad
Kaido Pius, Hetman, Geno Five-Two Chiliad
Dimiter, Shiban, Hetman, Geno Five-Two Chiliad
Franco Boone, Genewhip, Geno Five-Two Chiliad
Dinas Chayne, Bajolur-Captain, Lucifer Blacks
Eiman, Companion, Lucifer Blacks
Belloc, Companion, Lucifer Blacks
Nitin Dev Major, General of the Zanzibari Hort
Kolmec, Bajolur, Zanzibari Hort
Wilde, Lord of the Crescent-Sind Sixth Torrent
Khedive Ismail Sherard, Outremars
Gan Karsh, General of the Regnault Thorns
915th Imperial Expedition Fleet
Taban, Sensorium Master, Swordstorm
Tamaz, Sensorium Master, Kaljian
Idda, Master of the Watch, Melak Karta
Erya, Mistress of Sub-Warp Navigation, Melak Karta
Kelsi Demidov, Speaker for the Chartist Captains, High Lord of Terra
Sidat Yaseen Tharcher, Chirugeon-General of the Orders Hospitalis, High Lord of Terra
Adreen, Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Armies, High Lord of Terra
Petronella Vivar, Palatina Majora of House Carpinus
Maggard, Bodyguard to Petronella, Maloghurst’s civilian enforcer
Merriksun Eurotas, Void Baron of Narvaji, Agentia Nuntius of Taebian Sector
Hyssos, Security Operative, Eurotas Trade Consortium
Perrig, Indentured Psyker, Eurotas Trade Consortium
Cyrene Vantalion (The Blessed Lady), Confessor of the Word
Caeron Sebaton, Frontier archaeologist
Jerune Kanshell, Iron Hands Legion serf
Agnes Tanaura, Iron Hands Legion serf
Georg Paert, Iron Hands Legion serf
Fajallo, Carandiru cell leader
Veleda, Cartomancer
Jambik Sosruko, Migou, son of Lady Veleda
Imperial Commanders
Harlad Furt, Lord Governor, Overseer of the Sarosh territories
Taddeus Kulik, Imperial Governor of Diamat
Tybaral Thal’kr, Paxuary, Imperial Magnate of Nuceria
Naima Starothrendar, Baroness of Scarato
Adeptus Arbites
Harr Rantal, Grand Provost Marshal, High Lord of Terra
Cartur Umenedies, Imperial Judge
Vohan Gethe, Warden-Primus of the 87th Precinct ‘Peacemakers’
Ebba Renski, Proctor
Adeptus Astra Telepathica
Nemo Zhi-Meng, Chormaster of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, High Lord of Terra
Aniq Sarashina, Mistress of the Scholastica Psykana
Evander Gregoras, Master of the Cryptaesthesians
Armina Fel, Senior Astropath, Astropath-adjutant to Rogal Dorn
Ing Mae Sing, Mistress of Astropaths, Vengeful Spirit
Vazheth Licinia, Mistress of the Astropathic Choir, Invincible Reason
Argenta, Fleet Astropath, Invincible Reason
Jian-Tzu, Star-speaker, Mistress of Astropaths, Swordstorm
Calio Lezzek, Master of Astropaths, Retribution Fleet
Rhydia Erephren, Mistress of Astropaths, Veritas Ferrum
Absolom Cartik, Personal Astropath to the Occuli Imperator
Corocoro Sahzë, Astropath, Red Tear
Connra Deakon, Astropath, Avenger
Kai Zulane, Astropath, seconded to Navigator House Castana
Athena Diyos, Astropath, City of Sight
Abir Ibn Khaldun, Astropath, City of Sight
Emil Jeddah, Astropath
Prophesius, Metatron
Kartono, bondsman to Yasu Nagasena
Maxim Golovka, Major General, Commander of the Black Sentinels
Skoia, ancestor-speaker
Simeon Pentasian, Master of the Administratum, High Lord of Terra
Ossian, Chancellor of the Imperial Estates, High Lord of Terra
Jemm Marison, High Lady of the Imperial Chancellory, High Lord of Terra
Aenid Rathbone, High Administratrix
Ormond Braxton, Emissary of the Administration of Terra
Talia Bosk, Magos Administratum, chief Imperial bureaucrat on Caliban
Ilya Ravallion, General, Departmento Munitorum
Heriol Miert, Departmento Munitorum
Helmar Galeen, Administrator
Katanoh Tallery, Scribe-adepta 2nd classificate
Volo Kelkinod, Scribe-adept 2nd classificate
Mehya Vogt, Scribe
Chosen of Malcador
Ael Wyntor, Confidante of the Sigillite
Banu Rassuah, Pilot of the Tarnhelm
Yasu Nagasena, Seer Hunter of the Black Ships, the Hound of Malcador
Teledion Brell, Scientician
Navis Nobilite
Bolam Haardiker, Paternoval Envoy, High Lord of Terra
Pieter Helian Achelieux, Novator
Veil, Magister
Erfa Hine Sweq Chorogus, High Senior of the Navis Nobilite, Navigator of the Vengeful Spirit
Theralyn Fiana, Chief Navigator of the Invincible Reason, Lady of House Ne’iocene
Hes-Thal, Black Oculus Navigator
Avelina Hjelvos, Master of Navigators on the Swordstorm
Orcadus, Principal Navigator of the Wrathful
Bhalif Strassny, Navigator of the Veritas Ferrum
Maesa, Navigator of the Ultimus Mundi
Sagitha Alons Neortallin, Indentured Navigator, XVII Legion
Yathinius, Navigaotr, Annunciation
Nekras, Navigator, Annunciation
Circe, Navigator of the Charybdis
Cavelli, Navigator of the Terce Falion
Fasuusi, Navigator of the Shadowed Guardian
Officio Assassinorum
Sire Vindicare, Master and Director Primus, Clade Vindicare
Siress Venenum, Master and Director Primus, Clade Venenum
Sire Eversor, Master and Director Primus, Clade Eversor
Sire Vanus, Master and Director Primus, Clade Vanus
Siress Callidus, Master and Director Primus, Clade Callidus
Sire Culexus , Master and Director Primus, Clade Culexus
Eristede Kell, Assassin-at-Marque, Clade Vindicare, Execution Force, Fallen Assassin
Jenniker Kell (Jenniker Soalm), Secluse, Clade Venenum, Execution Force
‘The Garantine’, Nihilator, Clade Eversor, Execution Force
Fon Tariel, Infocyte, Clade Vanus, Execution Force
Koyne, Shade, Clade Callidus, Execution Force
Iota, Protiphage, Clade Culexus, Execution Force
Iaeo, Unbound Infocyte, Omega Tabulation, Clade Vanus
Remembrancer Order
Kyril Sindermann, former Primary Iterator
Ignace Karkasy, Poet
Mersadie Oliton, Prisoner of the Unnamed Fortress (formerly Documentarist)
Euphrati Keeler, the Living Saint (formerly Imagist)
Peeter Egon Momus, Architect Designate
Serena d’Angelus, Artist and Imagist
Bequa Kynska, Composer and Harmonist
Ostian Delafour, Sculptor
Coraline Aseneca, Theatrical performer
Leopold Cadmus, Poet
Rhianna Sorel, Composer and Harmonist
Kallista Eris, Historiographer
Mahavastu Kallimakus, Scrivener Extraordinary to Magnus the Red
Camille Shivani, Architectural Archeohistorian
Lemuel Gaumon, Societal Behaviourist
Ishaq Kadeen, Imagist
Halerdyce Gerwyn, Remembrancer
Seriph, Remembrancer
Verace, Remembrancer
Glaivarzel, Imagist and Iterator
Verace, Imagist
Thomen Ahrax, Warrior, Death Guard
Bethalin Tylain, Marchesa-Colonel, Imperial Army auxilia
Morten, General, Commander of the Calibanite Jaegers
Saulus Maegon, Mistress of the Angelicasta
Thuriel, Lord Scion of a noble house
Alera, noble lady and mistress of her house
Malchial, Lord, son of a famous knight
Ramiel, Training Master of the Order, training master for the I Legion
Lord Cypher, Guardian of the Order
Brother Amadis, the Hero of Maponis, Battle Knight of the Order
Hadariel, Battle Knight of the Order
Elliath, Knight Supplicant of the Order
Daviel, former Knight of the Order
Sartana, Master of the Knights of Lupus
Subiaco, Ingenium, Calth Pioneer Auxilia
Riuk Hamadri, Colondel, Defence Auxilia
Volper Ullyet, Captain, 77th Ingenium Support Division
Kadene, Major, Cardace Storm Troopers
Bartebes, Corporal, Cardace Storm Troopers
Arbute, Seneschal, Citizen of Calth
Ollanius Persson (Oll Persson), Citizen of Calth
Graft, Servitor Menial
Hebet Zybes, Citizen of Calth
Katt, Citizen of Calth
Neve Rane, Citizen of Calth
Astrid Sinope, Lady, Citizen of Dagonet
Erno Sigg, Citizen of the Imperium
Capra, Citizen of Dagonet
Terrik Grohl, Citizen of Dagonet
Liya Beye, Citizen of Dagonet
Episimos III
Eleska Revus, Colonel, Imperial Army
Guthox, Ascommani
Brom, Ascommani
Lern, Ascommani
Iesta Veracrux
Rata Telemach, High-Reeve of Iesta Veracrux
Berts Laimner, Reeve Warden of Iesta Veracrux
Yosef Sabrat, Reeve of Iesta Veracrux
Daig Segan, Reeve of Iesta Veracrux
Tarasha Euten, August Chamberlain Principal
Forsche, Consul of the Senate
Vodun Badorum, Captain, Praecental Guard, household division
Perel, Praecental Guard
Clenart, Praecental Guard
Leaneena, Deck officer, Helion orbital plate
Brython Semper, Lord Admiral, Battlefleet Molech
Tyana Kourion, Lord General, Grand Army of Molech
Edoraki Hakon, Marshal of the Northern Oceanic
Abdi Kheda, Commander of the Kushite Eastings
Oskur van Valkenberg, Colonel of the Western Marches
Corwen Malbek, Khan of the Southern Steppe
Noama Calver, Medicae corps
Alivia Sureka, Larsa harbour pilot
Jeph Parsons, Dock worker
Miska, daughter of Jeph Parsons
Vivyen, daughter of Jeph Parsons
Ban’ek, Tribal King of Themis
N’bel, Black-smiter, Hesiod
Breughar, Metal-shaper, Hesiod
Gorve, Plainskeeper, Hesiod
Rek’tar, Hornmaster, Hesiod
Oshamay Evrel’Korshay, General of the Thal’kr Kin-Guard
Chaiya Parvati, survivor of Prospero
Signus Prime
Tillyan Niobe, Gardener
Hulio Vitellius, Lieutenant, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Mericus Giraldus, Sergeant, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Jonno, Tiny, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Hasquin, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Martinus, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Chelvan Quintus, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Dorican, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Morio, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Hanspire, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Pontian, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Aelius, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Govenisk, Sergeant, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Kolom Bolarion, Sergeant, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Demethon, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Klavius, Sothan 1st Auxilia (irregular)
Akil Sulan, merchant prince of the Sapphire City
Elo Sussabarka, Brigadier-Elite, commander of the Rachab fortress
Augustus Fask Colonel, Crescent Shelter command staff 
Silas Kord, Colonel Commander, 001 Malcador assault tank War Anvil, officer commanding Tallarn 71st
Mori, Driver, 001 Malcador assault tank War Anvil
Zade, 1st Gunner, 001 Malcador assault tank War Anvil
Sacha, 1st Loader, 001 Malcador assault tank War Anvil
Saul, Forward Gunner, 001 Malcador assault tank War Anvil
Kogetsu, SPonson Gunner, 001 Malcador assault tank War Anvil
Shornal, Sponson Gunner, 001 Malcador assault tank War Anvil
Abbas, Lieutenant, Vanquisher Murner, 1st Squadron commander, Tallarn 71st
Zekenilla, Lieutenant, Executioner Noon Star, 2nd Squadron commander, Tallarn 71st
Origo, Lieutenant, lead scout Razor
Tahirah, Lieutenant, 1st Squadron commander, Amaranth Company, Jurnian 701st
Lachlan, Gunner, 111 Executioner Lantern
Makis, Driver, 111 Executioner Lantern
Vail, Loader, 111 Executioner Lantern
Udo, Sponson gunner, 111 Executioner Lantern
Genji, Sponson gunner, 111 Executioner Lantern
Hector, Corporal, commander, 112 Executioner Deathlight
Brel, Segeant, commander, 113 (field attachment) Vanquisher Silence
Jallinika, Gunner, 113 (field attachment) Vanquisher Silence
Calsuriz, Driver, 113 (field attachment) Vanquisher Silence
Selq, Loader, 113 (field attachment) Vanquisher Silence
Rashne, Gunner/signaller, 114 (field attachment) scout vehicle Talon
Jalen, Alpha Legion Operative
Sol System
Cadmus Vek, Celestial Mining Magnate
Zadia Koln, Sub-mistress of system freighter Antius
Aksinya, Lifeward to Cadmus Vek
Niora Su-Kassen, Solar Command Staff (formerly Admiral of the Jovian Fleets)
Koja Zu, Minister of the Anuatan Steppes
Hanis oFar, Thernian 7th Imperial Army Regiment
Fendo, Thernian 7th Imperial Army Regiment
Morhan, Strategos, 56th Veletaris Tercio, 2nd Solar Auxilia Cohort, Saturnyne Rams
Miqell Olen, Lieutenant, 34th Espandor Rangers, Imperial Auxilia
Adinahav Jainan, Acting Captain, Kushtun Naganda ‘Old Hundred’ Imperial Army Regiment
Katsuhiro, Conscript, Kushtun Naganda ‘Old Hundred’ Imperial Army Regiment
Runnecan, Conscript, Kushtun Nagana ‘Old Hundred’ Imperial Army Regiment
Aisha Daveinpor, Squadron Mistress, 198th Palace Aerial Defence Squadron ‘Bright Hawks’
Yancy Modin, Pilot, Flight One, 198th Palace Aerial Defence Squadron ‘Bright Hawks’
Dandar Bey, Flight Master, Flight Two, 198th Palace Aerial Defence Squadron ‘Bright Hawks’
Heliosa-78, Cult Matriarch of the Selenar
Andromeda-17, Personified-scion of the Selenar
Thuria Amund, In-System Traffic Controller, Bhab Bastion
Palladis Novandio, Priest of the Temple of Woe, Petitioner’s City
Roxanne Castana, Supplicant of the Temple of Woe, Petitioner’s City
Arik Taranis (Babu Dhakal), Clan Lord of the Dhakal
Ghota, Dhakal Enforcer
Uwe, Rector
Kasper Ansbach Hawser, Conservator, also known as Ahmad Ibn Rustah
Navid Murza, Conservator
Incarnus, Aventian progression savant
Haln, covert operative of the Warmaster
Ndole Esto, Driver
Zeun Thuruq, Believer
Azmedi, Beastman
Xalmagundi, ‘Calamity’, soulfuel, witchbreed
The Tabula Myriad, Abominable Intelligencia
Khrothis, Cultist of Chaos
Actaea, Oracle of the Ashen Saint
Yatiri, Leader of the Aghoru
Akshub, Lodge Priestess, Leader of the Lodge of the Serpent
Tsepha, facilitator for Akshub, Lodge of the Serpent
Tsi Rekh, Davinite liaison, High Priestess of Pythos
Ske Vris, Priestess Novitiate to Tsi Rekh
Jephta Naud, General Commander, armies of the interex
Mithras Tull, Subordinate Commander, armies of the interex
Diath Shehn, Abbrocarius
Asherot, Indentured Kinebrach, Keeper of Devices
Lord High Exalter, Leader of the Saroshi Bureaucracy
Dusan, Sarosh exetegist
Eldrad Ulthran (The Diviner), Farseer of Ulthwé
Khiraen Goldheim, Wraithlord of Ulthwé
Lathsarial, Farseer
Karuchi Vohra, Ebonite Archymst, Ovate Seer of the Paths Above
Varuchi Vohra, Ebonite Archymst, Ovate Seer of the Paths Below
Kheradruakh, Shade Stalker of the Shadowed Path
The Cabal
Gahet, of the Old Kind
Slau Dha, an Eldar, Autarch
Athithirtir, an antedil, Envoy of the Cabal
John Grammaticus, a human Perpetual
Damon Prytanis, a human Perpetual
Ingethel, the Ascended, Emissary and Viator of the Primordial Truth
Madail, the Undivided, Neverborn
Ushpetkhar, Neverborn
The Erlking, Malevolent psychic echo
Amarok, Psychopomp, Daemonkin
Sa’ra’am, the Daemon Beneath, the Knife’s Edge, the Laughter of War
An’ggrath, the Unbound, Guardian of the Throne of Skulls
Samus (Nilus Yeshar), the End and the Death
The Red Angel, Herald
Aghalbor, the Bringer of Poxes, Greater Daemon
N’kari, Exalted Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Kairos Fateweaver, Oracle of Tzeentch
Diverse other lords, potentates and commanders, as the actions unfold
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divinedeathbed · 2 years
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soulsxng · 1 year
@arcxnumvitae replied to your post:
Iomhar, of course, thinks it’d be a /great/ idea and volunteers to be Alsina’s wingman
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"Let's go, then!"
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"Can this not wait until the Corruption is some semblance of controlled, at the very least? Issues with the Mortal Realm aside, Hell is also in a bad--"
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"Boooooo. How dare you try to make us continue to be responsible?"
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"Yeah, what gives, Sivvie? Iomhar, your valiel is being a party pooper again! Give him the look!"
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divinedeathbed · 2 years
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Species: Angel
Nickname: Val
Height: 6'0"
Sexuality: bisexual, but really doesn't do relationships
Pronouns: he/him
voice claim: tbd
And if you must know he is a service top/dom
Valiel is a warrior in the heavenly host, while not exactly being Michael's lieutanant, he is a highly valued warrior, and one of Michael's trusted friends and confidants. (Gossip around the camps say that Michael takes Valiel to bed. Neither angels confirm nor deny such rumors)
He is friendly, sweet, easy going and is even well versed in human culture. Valiel is a lovely guardian angel, and he adores human children, being a silent companion. They may not know Valiel is there, but he always is. (This angel has loads of information retained about hit cartoons)
Outside of his duties as a warrior and guardian angel, you can find him hanging around churches, cemeteries, libraries, and other quiet peaceful places. He is a quiet and reserved angel who tends to keep to himself but doesnt shy away from company
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divinedeathbed · 2 years
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Val.... val..Val... val.Val.. appreciation post...
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divinedeathbed · 2 years
Val doodles
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