#valorant vexx
protocolsecretsanta · 9 months
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From @pretzelbytess for @jayhoang-the-astral-idiot​
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the-astral-idiot · 1 year
Prompt: Video Game Swap
Vexx gets put into Splatoon. He'd be an inkling who loves going fast, doing high damage up close. According to a friend who knows Splatoon much better than I, he'd wear the Lo-Vis Visor, the Forge Inkling Parka, and the Transom Note Boots. He's typically use rollers and brushes, with some slosher use as well.
Respite becomes a Stardew Valley farmer because goddamn it, he needs a break. He just takes his time, peacefully going through the day. He doesn't romance anyone he just vibes. If it was an actual playthrough he'd be the least optimized player ever and that's ok.
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helenas-crashed-car · 2 years
This is for my LOVELY LOVELY LOVELT DEAR FRIEND @jayhoang-the-astral-idiot !!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE VEXX!!!!!! I really hope I got fhe characterization right dhsiwwwiwjwowjwowjwaiwhwhwhwh
Thank you to my friend Ash for letting me have a Thespian cameo!
Vexx hadn’t seen anything like this before. Sure, he’s had birthday parties with school friends, gone out for drinks with coworkers - but this was on a whole different level.
The scent of home-cooked food wafted from the table all throughout the room. Jett and Neon had just finished putting up a banner, painted in sparkling letters “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VEXX!”. The entire common room was transformed from a sitting area to a party room: ready for any amount of drinking, dancing, and laughing.
Skye draped an arm over his shoulder. “Pretty nice, huh? Took a while, but it’s all worth it in the end.”
He blushed. “Aww, Kirra… you really shouldn’t’ve.”
“And not throw one of the best birthday parties I’ve ever helped plan? Hell, I even roped Yoru into this!”
Yoru looked over from his place at the table.
“Anyways,” she unslung her arm so she could grab a drink, “you got here just in time. Cypher dropped off his gift just before you came down.”
“He ain’t staying?” Vexx asked, eyeing the chocolate frosted cake at the center of the table.
“He is,” Skye quipped. “I see you looking at that cake. We put bourbon in it.”
Vexx laughed. “Even making my own birthday cake alcoholic… You really like pushing the bartender thing home, huh?”
“It’s a good combo,” she said, before turning away from Vexx.
“C’mon, everyone, he’s gonna cut the cake!” She announced, as Vexx walked over to the main table.
Everyone gathered in front of the two of them, Phoenix behind Sage and Thespian next to Breach. Skye stood next to Vexx with a hand on his shoulder, as the other agents began a cacophonous chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’.
It was horrible. Breach was purposefully trying to sing over Raze and Thespian kept saying “cha, cha, cha!“ after every line.
Vexx loved it.
As the singing and clapping died down, Skye turned to Vexx and kissed him on the cheek.
“Happy birthday, Percy.”
He placed a hand underneath her chin and kissed her on the mouth, tasting sweet cherry chapstick and even sweeter memories.
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lead-to-radianite · 2 years
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[art by @flooficandii go check em out!!!!!]
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your-local-crypt1d · 4 months
~•° hey demons, it's me, ya boy °•~
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my name is Vexx or Cryptid
🦇 they/he/void 🦇
🦇 trans enby / aroace 🦇
🦇 Aboriginal Australian 🦇
🦇 disabled / ND 🦇
🦇 eng + some german 🦇
🦇 tags ; #my art #my writing #my headcanons #incoherent mumbling #queued post #long post 🦇
🦇 aesthetics ; voidpunk, crippunk, goth, goblincore, cryptidcore, feralcore, chaoscore, weirdcore 🦇
🦇 alt ; @just-anaverage-person 🦇
🦇 ao3 handle ; UrLocalCrypt1dblr 🦇
🦇 My Instagram 🦇
○ Interests ○
🕸 Resident Evil | SCP Foundation | mcyt/Minecraft | Arcane | Apex Legends | Valorant | The Forest | DC Comics | Marvel Comics | The Sandman | Good Omens | Dead Boy Detectives | Baldurs Gate 3 | DnD | BuzzFeed Unsolved/Watcher Entertainment | analog horror | stranger things | Sally face | H.P Lovecraft books | Godzilla movies | A Quiet Place | X-men | musicals 🕸
○ boundaries ○
🍄 Will not draw anything proship/fetishy/RPF and NSFW or heavily suggestive 🍄
🍄 Character Ship-friendly blog! If you don’t like that, please feel free to block me 🍄
🍄 feel free to make requests just don't expect them to be done in a timely manner, please 🍄
🍄 Art Usage: I don’t permit any usage such as reposts or AI at all, banners/icons are acceptable with credit 🍄
🍄 if you like something I've written and want to make fanart, please do! Just tag me so I can see 🍄
DNI if w*lbur or dteam supporter, proshipper, TERF, SWERF, general bigotry, discourse-blog, NSFW/18+ blog, etc
🖤Buy me a coffee🖤
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thecreativewolf · 2 years
OC Interaction(s) Featuring Magpie and @jayhoang-the-astral-idiot 's Vexx:
Since Vexx once worked at Kingdom he has heard of a French researcher who died in a tragic accident and serves as a cautionary tale to others.
He probably didn't thought much of it but when he later discovered Kingdom's corruption, etc. He figured that Elise probably knew of the circumstances as well and got killed because of it.
Might be one of the factors that caused Vexx to leave the company.
When he meets Magpie for the first time, Vexx has a gut feeling that she might betray the Protocol for her personal benefit (oh, she will ;)).
She reminds him of Chamber and Reyna combined.
Both of the them are interested in one another's tech. Magpie is intrigued of Vexx's modern alchemy and might secretly apply it to one of her inventions (without Vexx's knowledge, of course).
When Vexx learns of Magpie's.... addiction, it was after a mission.
Vexx accidentallu stumbled upon Magpie munching some radianite and licking blood of a Mirror Yoru off the ground. And they just stood there.
Staring at eachother.
Until Vexx nervously suggested that he makes her some drinks.
He'd make a concoction that has a substance quite similar to radianite/ Radiant blood but without the harmful effects (and the blood of innocent Radiants).
Though Magpie likes the drinks, she prefers the real thing over the substitutes.
Magpie finds Vexx's slang amusing and enjoys it.
Magpie knows of Vexx's history with Kingdom and might use it against him, emotional manipulation or just to be an arsehole.
These two have a strictly professiomal relationship. They've been tolerating each other since their working in the same group.
Vexx doesn't like Magpie due to the aforementioned reason and Magpie doesn't like him in return since he may foil her plans ... and maybe he revenge.
Magpie Dialogue to Vexx:
"Vexx mon ami (my friend), it's best if we stay away from our own businesses yes?"
"Vexx, Vexx.." (Magpie snickers and puts an "assuring" hand on Vexx's shoulder.) "Assurons-nous que te ne t'enfuis plus non? (Let's make sure you don't run away no more, right?)"
"Vexx, do me a favour and add la chose réelle (the real thing)? Est-ce trop demander? (Is it too much to ask?)"
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flooficandii · 3 years
Valorant AU where Vexx and Viper switch places Personality swap optional, I personally like to believe that they'd semi-keep their personality because that means mad scientist Vexx lmao
OOOOOHHH i love swap aus....either role swap or ability swap whatever both r juicy
a sassy southern viper and a really serious vexx would be really interesting to see
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the-astral-idiot · 1 year
PROMPT: Deepest Secret
Vexx wasn’t exactly a saint. Everyone knew that he had blood on his hands before the protocol. But everything he did, he had to in order to survive...
Except for one time. One night. 
Percy had been on the run for 6 months by that point. After ending up in a city, he was staying the night in a small hotel. It was cheap, low profile, and had easily accessible exits. Finally, some time to rest, to think, no matter how short. The constant threat of Kingdom finding him still loomed, but Percy was sure that if he played his cards right, his time here would be without stress. 
Looking at his phone’s GPS (he’d managed to figure out how to prevent KNG from tracking it, so that wasn’t a concern), he looked at the city he was in.
And he nearly screamed.
A Kingdom building, a very important one, was merely a 5 minute walk away. What? How did he not notice? His pursuers, right next door. Panic filled his mind... and then he had an idea.
Percy grabbed his backpack with all of his supplies. Carefully taking out a few chemicals, a few pieces of equipment, and a bit of radianite, he made a few quick brews. Not exactly the most refined, but it would work. Hopefully.
Throwing everything back in the bag, Percy left the hotel. No one paid him much attention as he began his walk to the Kingdom building, but as he got closer, he decided he needed to be more careful. The dark of the night could only do so much.
Percy turned into an alleyway and started carefully journeying between the buildings, constantly turning towards any noise, avoiding anywhere there could be even one other person. He was, perhaps, a little paranoid.
Eventually, he made it to the back of the Kingdom building. The lights were on. Shit. He couldn’t break in, not here on the first few floors. There was a fire escape. Perfect.
Quickly climbing on before anyone could see, Percy began scaling the building, being as silent as possible. Eventually, he made it to the top, quietly climbing onto the roof.
He knew Kingdom, and so he knew the top floors of this kind of building mainly consisted of offices. Somewhere that was empty at this time of night. Somewhere he could break into, and cause some damage in.
He fished out the first brew he needed, popping the cork and pouring it onto the doorknob. It dissolved straight through, letting him easily put a gloved hand into the space it made and pull the door open.
Percy snuck down the stairs to the top floor. It was empty... except there was a door on the other side of the room. And light was shining through the cracks.
He snuck through, carefully making sure he was making as little noise as possible. Percy could hear a voice coming from behind the door. Then, he saw it. A small sign, posted on the door. “Christopher White”. That was... that was one of the higher-ups at Kingdom. One of the executives. He didn’t remember which. He didn’t want to. ...How was he going to do this?
He contemplated, trying to weigh his options, trying to judge which course of action would be best. And then. And then his months on the run hit him. And then all the stress, and anger, and sleepless nights overwhelmed him. And then he suddenly found himself pulling a revolver out of his bag. He kicked the door open. He didn’t care if anyone heard. 
“Wh-what are you-”
Bang. Bang. Two shots. Nothing else. No words. No actions. Just two, loud, shots.
And then Percy snapped back to reality. Shit. Shit shit shit shit what has he done what did he do he fucked everything up he killed a man he killed a man they know he’s here he has to run he has to run
And so he did. He ran. He ran like a coward. The rest of the night, and the following day, was a blur. And that was Vexx’s first kill.
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the-astral-idiot · 1 year
Prompt: Highlight/Finisher
Bar Fight - Vexx pulls a flask out of his coat and bashes the target in the face, coating them with brew, before tossing away the broken bottle, grabbing them by both shoulders, and kneeing them in the stomach (10% chance to knee them in the crotch) then as they fall the camera switches to their POV as Vexx looks down on them and drops another bottle of brew on their face.
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Do No Harm - Respite punches the target three times in the face, knocking them over, then turns around and, without looking at them, throws his Infirmary projector over his shoulder, which lands on their chest, crushing them. He then does a beckoning gesture to signal his team to come over.
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the-astral-idiot · 1 year
Prompt: Club Night
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Oh, you know Vexx is king of the club. This is his element. Here, he gets to dress up, relax, and enjoy the environment. He's got one hell of an alcohol tolerance so he gets to watch all the other agents with weaker tolerances get mad drunk and he finds it funny as hell. He likes to encourage people to drink if they want, get everyone to loosen up and have a good time. Also, if there's an opportunity to sing, he'll sing his heart out. Lookin' good, Vexx.
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Respite, on the other hand, is the opposite. He doesn't drink much, and he's not exactly a party guy. So he'll end up standing in the corner alone 'til he eventually gets bored and goes out for a smoke break. He's praying no-one does anything stupid and gets themselves hurt because that means he'll have to treat them and oh there Phoenix goes, falling down the stairs. Oh well. also i based his clothes on the way my dad dresses so if he looks like an asian dad that's the point. lmao
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the-astral-idiot · 2 years
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the-astral-idiot · 2 years
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“My cure is most effective…”
Happy Valoween!
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helenas-crashed-car · 2 years
me and some of my friends made a persona 5 au for our valorant ocs and I’m just. it’s so silly :3
(yes I got reminded abt this because of the post I just reblogged)
I was tempted to try and work in a futaba situation for my oc overture but it didn’t rlly work. so I just gave him his mom as a palace. but I really want to work in his fucked up perception of himself
there’s a jazz club in our au… Ryūji…
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^ world’s jazziest star confidant
Ryūji karasuno is. the star guy for this au
ryuji sakamoto is our little runner man. coincidentally they both have something up with their legs? Ryūji is an amputee (this was decided before that doodle of him sobbing on the floor I just. forgot to draw his other foot)
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lead-to-radianite · 2 years
explodes you with my mind
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the-astral-idiot · 2 years
INCOMING VEXX ANGST! also herbal liqueur but sad
This was the biggest mission they had ever gone on yet. A team of 10, including Vexx, Skye, Brimstone, and Phoenix had all embarked to Pearl, here to make a decisive blow to Omega Earth’s plans. Unfortunately, the Valorant Legion was prepared, sending out an army of agents and soldiers. The two teams were damn near waging war, as everyone had fully decked themselves out with the best gear they could, Vandals and Phantoms spraying across the battlefield, Odins providing heavy suppressive fire, and Operators holding every sight line possible.
Vexx and Skye were leading the charge for Alpha Earth, mowing down the soldiers and pushing the Legion further and further back.
Vexx laughed. “Haha, when I saw this army, I thought we’d have to retreat! But I ain’t runnin’ from danger any longer!”
Skye turned back to him and smiled. “Yeah, these buggers don’t stand a ch-”
One of the soldiers landed a shot on Skye’s leg, sending her to the ground immediately.
“SKYE!” Vexx whipped around, running towards his love. “Shit, you’re bleedin’ a lot…”
Vexx pulled out a roll of bandages and a healing brew to try to treat the wound. “I gotcha, I gotcha…”
Skye looked up at him. “Vexx…” Suddenly, she saw the soldier that shot her aiming straight for him. “Vexx, wait! VEXX! VEXX WATCH OU-“
Vexx stood there, frozen, eyes wide and face filled with shock, as blood began to pour from the steaming wounds in his torso. He began to fall, eyes beginning to close as Skye stared on in horror.
“VEXX!” She finally shrieked, voice filled with agony. This couldn’t be real, it couldn’t!
But it was. Skye used all of her strength to make her way over to Vexx. She pulled out her regrowth talismans, but she had spent all her energy, and they did little to help.
Vexx opened his eyes, letting out a bloody cough and a mirthless laugh. “Hahaha… guess this is it for me, huh, Skye?”
Skye tugged at him. “C-c’mon Vexx! Move! W-we can get you back to Sage and y-you’ll be patched up in no time!”
Vexx coughed again. “I-it’s alright, dear…” He looked at Skye, eyes tired, yet full of genuine love and concern. “You and the others… Y’all don’t need to waste your energy on me… By the time we get back to Sage, I suspect it’ll be too late. It’s my time, anyway. I’ve run from death for too long… I’m tired, Skye. Like I said earlier, I ain’t runnin’ any longer.”
Skye was in disbelief, tears streaking down her face. “T-tired? I can get you that coffee you li-“
“Y’know that’s not what I meant, darlin’… Yeah, I’m sleep deprived and physically exhausted, but… I’m tired. Tired, tired.” Vexx coughed again. “Heh… Guess I’ll see ya later, dear. I love you darlin’, please, never forget that.”
“VEXX! VEXX, PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME! VEXX!” Skye cried, tears flowing like waterfalls down her face. But despite her pleas… Vexx was gone.
Skye crumpled, burying her face into Vexx and sobbing, shaking from pain. Not the pain of the wound, she stopped feeling it long ago. It was the pain of loss, and the pain of guilt. If it wasn’t for her getting shot, Vexx wouldn’t have run over. He wouldn’t have died. It was her fault, her fault, her fault.
“I’m sorry, Vexx… I’m so sorry…”
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lead-to-radianite · 2 years
SOMEONE keeps playing the amongus sus song BUT I CANT TELL WHERE ITS COMING FROM
That would be Phoenix.
I may have given him the idea.
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