#vampy and the royals
just-asimple-brunette · 2 months
“Knock Knock” (from @melogranoinsanguinato )
Put “Knock Knock” in my inbox
I’ll use a random number generator and respond to… (or you can choose a number).
10. Your character walking in on mine being attacked by a masked assailant.
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dangermousie · 10 months
One of the things I find so interesting is how Jing is so very much not what a FL’s endgame love interest, especially in an epic xianxia, looks like (I mean in terms of character and narrative, not physical looks. Deng Wei is a ridiculously handsome man, like the rest of XY’s choices.)
I wonder if that is where at least some of puzzlement over XY’s choice/dislike of Jing as endgame that I’ve seen come from.
Jing is NOT the male lead - that is Cang Xuan, XY’s cousin who she never has even a glimmer of romantic feeling or attraction to. But Jing is also not the biggest badass or most magically powerful or most ambitious or with most status or most grand gestures or most epic story or even most outsize interaction with FL (vampy took her on dates to freaking underwater with his magic while Jing got her a practical gadget to use to go underwater herself; Vampy gave up one of his nine lives to heal her; Jing was only able to preserve her body so it would not be beyond saving and also try to die himself. Vampy’s power is battle while Jing is a tracker. Jing’s love is all-consuming and devoted but it’s also quiet.)
Jing does not come out first in anything except possibly torture (tho honestly that’s a bit of an open season on that one) and abnegation for FL’s sake. I mean the three guys are (future) emperor, a legendary rebel general with nine lives and an insane amount of magic and a…wealthy merchant.
And in a lot of ways it goes against the accepted usual narrative. Of course the top alpha dog would get the FL - the biggest bestest dude!!!! There are not many dramas where FL ends up not with ML and the ones I can think of still have a guy with outsize power/not that quiet/unhinged charisma - think of Ji Chang Wook in Empress Ki for example. The closest I can think of is in The King Loves also based on a novel where FL did not end up with the royal ML but the SML, the quiet royal bodyguard (but even there Rin was the best fighter in the drama.)
And of course the other thing that reinforces this whole departure from the usual narrative and can drive frustration is if you look at the three arcs/obstacles to FL for the three men. Cang Xuan is freaking fighting and scheming to win an empire! And accepting the whole drama maxim “love is never fated for an emperor.” Vampy is literally a sworn enemy of XY’s brother and fights to restore the long-defunct kingdom. So we have a would be emperor and a rebel leader. And then Jing’s problem is getting out of his engagement to an awful woman to be free to marry XY and/or leaving his monster family and abandoning his name to follow XY. I can see someone going “that’s nothing!”
I love the narrative for getting that to a person living it, it’s all-consuming but also sticking to its guns that who XY will end up with is not about the usual tropes but what makes sense for her as a character. And so there is a reason Cang Xuan is the ML but Jing is the endgame and she does not end up with Vampy either. Cang Xuan’s wishes and plans drive the plot but that is precisely both why Jing is secondary in the plot but the one XY picks - she wants someone who will not drive the plot because what she wants is someone she wants cottagecore life with and there is no plot in cottagecore. The very fact that all Jing yearns for and all he fights for is domestic bliss (a traditionally FL obsession) - even all his scheming to help CX ascend is because he wants to assist FL’s desires - is why she ends up with him.
As she pretty much point blank stated in 33, everyone in her life put her second to a great cause and she’s done with that. The girl does not want a man who will change the world, she wants someone who is content to live in it with her.
ETA: I keep saying it but what the audience would pick in her place remains irrelevant. I mean I would not pick any of the three myself - I don’t feel like eternally sharing my man with 100 women as anyone with Cang Xuan would have to, Vampy’s greatest desire is to perish in the fight and the lack of appeal of that as a dating quality is obvious, and with his fam, marrying Jing would be like marrying into the Manson Family. But I am not XY so here we are.
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thebunnednun · 5 months
LA!Buggy the Clown x Fem!Reader Enchanted meeting Part 2
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Clown fuckers of the world unite!
Part 1
Chapter 2 my loves! I forgot to mention this in my last post but please comment your thoughts! I want to see what you all found humorous and what you’d like to see more of. If there are any tags I missed feel free to comment on them! :3 <3 Btw, the reader almost kisses the clown. ON WITH THE SHOW! 
“I can’t fucking believe you convinced us to do this.”
Zoro was being a drama mama in the corner of the massive tent you built. Who knew that a 120-berry tent would come in handy? After a little bit of sweet talking you managed to convince some of the entertainers to sell you a tent the Russian circus could be proud of.
Everyone was able to fit inside and even used the piles of salvageable goods for makeshift walls. Zoro had gotten ready in a black fitted vest and some casual grey slacks. You were applying some smoky black eyeliner and purple eye shadow with a light hand. “Sanji finally got Usopp to stop crying. I don’t think it’s healthy for him to be here right now. I mean he finally put down that piece of wood.” This ship was more than a vessel, it was your home. Where Sanji cooked meals, and everyone took their place beside each other. 
“Yeah, well, it would boost morale. Let’s try to put on a brave face for the others tonight." Your offer of reason just made him sigh, "Fine. But then back to reality." You roll your eyes and shoot him a smile. You knew Zoro was just being a butthead. Exiting your “room” together allowed you to bump into Robin and Chopper. “Looking cuter than usual, papa.” Chopper basked in the compliments and gave you a twirl. He found a big red bowtie and some matching blue shorts.
Robin was wearing a royal blue jacket that resembled a ringmaster's coat. She offered a warm but tired smile. “Where’s Usopp?” “Right here my sweets!~” Sanji emerged with a red-eyed Pinocchio. Sanji was dressed in simple black and blue attire while Usopp managed to find something of a forest green. You yourself decided on a vampy look. A black dress with red mesh for sleeves and a pair of deep red chunky heels. Who gives a shit about practically when you look sexy? 
Luffy emerged scratching his rear with Nami swatting his hand away. He was in his usual chances but was convinced to put on a normal T-shirt with a star design. Nami looked like a magician's assistant with a similar smoky black vest and plum skirt combo that complimented her figure nicely. Brooks looked as though he was auditioning for the part of a lion with how voluminous his fro was looking. 
You nodded at each other and he spoke, “I’d say we clean up rather nicely for having just been shipwrecked.” It was good to see him returning to his elegant self. “Of course, we can’t just parade around as is. So.. I brought masks!” You gleamed while holding up a shopping bag. A mix of groans and snickering.
Everyone took a mask that hid their face completely or partly. To be fair, it would be easy to spot the Straw Hat crew even without the literal skeleton following around. Seeing the sun begin to dip you all decided to get going before night. On the way everyone soon fell into pleasant conversation while following you and Zoro. 
“Okay, first we eat! Then, we can play games.” Luffy cheered while running to the outdoor food court. Zoro (finally smiling) rolled his eyes and chuckled,” I’ll go with him and make sure he doesn’t eat the stall itself.” Robin took Chopper to the bounce house while Sanji’s interest was captured by a woman in a red leotard. Usopp was looking around some of the merchant stalls and you were happy to trail behind Brooks as he began to try his bones at ring toss. 
The night was a serene affair with warm, salty air, and a gentle breeze that stirred the surrounding foliage. Sitting on a bench overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, you felt a sense of happiness and contentment. As you looked around, you noticed that the darkness of the area was a bit creepy, but the beauty of the surroundings made up for it. Your friends had survived a shipwreck and were now enjoying the town's festival, but you had no idea what it was about.
Looking over the crowd, you saw many people, including children, wearing masks of all shapes and sizes. As the newest member of the group, you didn't even have a wanted poster yet. Since you always hid your face, there was no point in wearing a mask, right? 
Just as you were about to remove your sweaty mask, you heard deep chuckling, sounds of thunder, and children screaming. The mixture of sounds was strange and unnerving, and you felt a sense of curiosity rising within you. Turning away from the ocean, you followed the sounds and found yourself making your way towards the fun house.
Children began to pour through the back doors of the fun house as you did your best not to bump into anyone. Coincidentally, Brooks and Usopp had the same idea. “AHH Y/N DON’T DO THAT!” Usopp shrieked, jumping into Brooks' bony arms and immediately falling. The surrounding children found this amusing. “It’s not MY fault if you’re so jumpy.” You dusted off your heels and looked around. Things seem to be calmer now but something about the house seemed…. Off.
Brooks seemed to sense your discomfort. “Maybe the lady would prefer if we left this area? We could still catch up to the captain and grab some tea before the show.” You shook your head, ”Nah, I’ll be okay. Let’s go in together though. There’s something strange about this house.” 
Taking one last look at the outside the three of you stumble into the “fun” house. ‘Fun house my ass,’ you thought while trying to regain your footing. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness you realized it was indeed an old house. However, it was decorated more to the liking of some 1860s vampires. There was the faint smell of mothballs.
“This looks more like a horror house,” Usopp quipped and began touching the walls. Brooks was silent looking at a skeletal dummy in the corner. You placed a hand on his scapula,” Yeah buddy, try not to think about it too much.” Slowly you all made your way into a corridor that split into different hallways. “Do we split or stay together?” You wondered out loud. 
“Ya don’t get a choice, sweetheart.” A gruff voice answered. 
Suddenly the floor gave out from under your doormat, “Y/N!!” the unusual duo screamed with hands outstretched. You slide under the floor, barely missing their fingertips. A metal slide was delivering you somewhere but there could only be a basement under the house, right? Seeing a neon light at the end of the circular tunnel you stopped yourself before falling out completely. You placed a hand out to feel some surface before slipping and dropping onto a concrete floor.
“Fuck,” this was harder than the sandy landing you were blessed with earlier. After regaining your breathing and sitting up your eye finally adjusted and noticed that the neon light was actually multiple lights. Surrounding you was a maze of silly mirrors that distorted your image completely. “No wonder those kids got out. But NOOO I just had to bring Scooby and the gang in here!” You rubbed your sore ass before dusting off. Thankfully, your heels weren’t broken and you didn’t feel any bumps on your head. 
But, getting outta this one was going to take some skill. You notice that the wood surface you felt was another trapdoor that spits you out. However, it was already closed, and no telling when it would open again. Your only option would be to try the maze and do your best. Sighing you pulled out a little tube of red lipstick from your cleavage. Better to Hansel and Gretel your way out than be lost the whole night. That was if you made it out at all. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. The staff has to do a sweep and my friends wouldn’t leave without me anyway.’
The thoughts you offered yourself held comfort. But you’d be lying if you didn’t feel scared. Particularly, it felt as if someone was watching you. Looking around the room and doing a little head shake you strolled up to one of the mirrors and fixed yourself before uncapping the deep red lipstick and touching up your lips.
However, your gaze wandered and you could see something watching you from behind another mirror. “Ah!” you turned around suddenly with your back against the cold glass. Nothing, of course, was there. Simply a figure of your imagination. 
But, you knew something was there. And you began to mark each mirror with an angry red slash. Looking over your shoulder gave you little security. 
Great, now you were hearing things. Because you could’ve sworn you heard a faint,” Yo ho,” and the sound of men's boots following you. “I need to get the fuck outta here.” Step, step, step, step, silence. What was the voice you heard before you fell? It was too deep to be Usopp but also not mature enough to be Brooks. Maybe someone over a monitor was watching you guys? Finally, with mercy, you reached a door that led to a staircase. Taking small quiet steps you held your breath and felt relief when you heard no sounds behind you. 
Just as you were about to reach the door it was flung open and strong cold hands grabbed you. “Y/N!!!” You felt a familiar long nose and afro in your face crushing you into a tight hug. Your sweet goofballs have found you! Returning the hug with much vigor you breathed a sigh of relief. “Now don’t you ever disappear through the floor again!” Brooks scolded, waving his arms widely. You let out a soft giggle and he couldn’t help but let the anger melt away. “I can’t promise anything. But what happened to you guys?” Usopp began to spin a wild tale about fighting off monsters and being the one to locate you. “There is Pinocchio ass goes again,” mumbled Brooks rolling his sockets. You could see why those kids were scared. But something deep down inside told you that it wasn’t because of the mirrors. “Let’s get outta here already. I’m sure the others are looking for us.” 
The trio made their way to the food court where Luffy was arguing the advertised size of a Jumbo Philly cheesesteak hotdog with an embarrassed Nami and Zoro patting his stomach. Robin was enjoying some warm tea in a travel mug and Chopper had gotten you a big soft pretzel. “Nice job papas,” you mused and rubbed his head affectionately. Sanji strolled up (having just been banned from the kissing booth) and handed Nami a cake plushie. “Something sweet for someone sweet~” She rolled her eyes but accepted the plush peace offering. You tried to shake off the past events but could see Brooks whispering to Luffy and Zoro. 
They looked at each other and continued to talk in hushed whispers. 
Looking around you realized the booths seemed to be… Deserted. There was no life in them anymore. “I think it’s time for the show. Let’s get going.” Zoro took the lead and everyone gathered their goods. He bumped his hip with yours slightly and you looked up from your pretzel. The green bean haired male raised a single eyebrow at you and you shrugged looking ahead. It’s not like you actually got trapped down there. It was just.. nothing. “It was nothing,” your explanation is accepted, for now, as the Green giant hummed in response. You decided to hang back a little and joined hands with Robin and Nami. Chopper got to ride on Usopp's shoulders for the sake of time. 
Arriving at the big top you all paid 4 bounty a ticket. It was a little dark when you first stepped in. Looking around you decided to take hold of Zoro's arm for a little help walking. Luffy whipped out a wad of cotton candy and you traded half your pretzel for it. A hum of excited children and families surrounded you all as everyone took their seats in the middle of the stands. 
Suddenly, the spotlight came on and a huge puff of smoke developed inside the ring. Whipping your eyes, you found yourself staring at all the performers. You even saw the lion from earlier! Searching for the man that gave you the flier your eyes tried capturing everyone from the sea of entertainers. Acrobats, jugglers, contortionists, and… a single clown?
His eyes were closed but he stood in the center of all the chaos. Around you, children and parents lost their minds cheering, clapping, and waving to all the performers. 
Finally, the clown opened his eyes. He wore a ringmaster's coat, nothing like Robins, and sported a blood-orange pirate hat. Two blue ‘ribbons’ (you guessed) hung from either side of his hat. The boots he wore didn’t look like performance shoes either. And the makeup he wore didn’t look like a typical clown. He had painted his mouth into a permanent blood-red smile. And then you noticed his nose. It looked as though he tapped a rather large orange to his face.
Wait. Did you just see the nostrils twitch as he breathed?
“Huh, that’s pretty strange-” “BINKY?!” Luffy shouted prompting Nami to immediately slap her hand over his loud mouth. “SHHHH!” she hissed into his ear. But she herself looked slightly worried.
The clown man immediately seemed to shift his focus on the group ahead of him. Zoro was now sitting tensely and at attention. “Psst, whose Binky?” you whispered. “Tell you later. Right now, we all need to leave this circus.” Your brow furrowed. Leave? Over a pirate clown?
“There’s no way we could get up without him seeing us,” said Usopp, putting a hand on your shoulder. You could tell his energy was off. “I knew I remembered that voice from somewhere.” Luffy’s smile deepened into a frown. Everyone was acting so fucking weird. You were about to voice your concerns when a familiar voice cut you off-
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, children of all ages, thank you, truly. It will be my personal pleasure to entertain you all this evening.~”
The clown had now stepped closer to your group. Zoro tugged your sleave but you couldn't help take your eyes off the flashy clown before you.
You caught yourself about to speak but quickly bit your lips together. Not to be dramatic, but his eyes were a really fucking pretty shade of green. The blue tones around his eyes complimented them so well. You didn’t hear much of what he said, only noticing when he waved his hands at the other performers who either disappeared or got into place. 
Zoro couldn’t help but spare you a glance. “Y/n, are you seriously checking out the clown?!” He grunted through closed teeth. Quickly, you shook your head no and looked around that stadium. Luffy was still frowning. Nami was holding onto his arm and you could see Robin pull Chopper into her lap with Sanji putting a protective face on. “Damn, clown,” was all you heard from the seats next to you.
Placing your hand over Usopps, you try to offer him some comfort by running your thumb over his hand. The first act was a simple trapeze act with the performers mixing it up at the end by juggling and riding a unicycle out. Then there was the lion and sheep man but the routine wasn’t comedic. However, you couldn’t stop sweeping over the crowd looking for that green-eyed clown. 
And from the looks of things he had no problem finding you.
“Mmm,” you let go of your ruby lips to see him transfixed on your face, head tilted. Almost like he was studying you. You quickly looked away from the act and touched your cheek. Wait, Fuck. You must have dropped your mask in the funhouse when you fell. Looking out the corner of your side, you could still see him staring at you curiously. You decided to close your eyes and try to land back on earth.
‘Everything is going to be okay. I’m safe right here and Zoro will tell me what happened when we get back to the ship.’ The reasoning was stopped when you heard loud screams.
A mother (presumably) had cried out along with many other children.
Opening your eyes, you saw the clown's body standing perfectly still as the lion’s face made a puffy expression.
Regrettably, you couldn’t stop the, “Oh Shit!” that came out of your mouth causing you to gain a few harsh glares from the parents around. Unconsciously rising to your feet, you leaned in closer to see the damage done. “Where’s his blood?” A few children began to cry a disembodied voice could be heard from the lion.
The sheepman ran over, opened the lion's jaws, and the clown's body walked over and plopped his head back on like nothing happened. The stands fell silent once more before more cheering and screams EXPLODED from the people around you.
“Y/n sit down.”
Oops, forgot you were still standing.
The clown seemed to be drinking in all the attention and flashed an admittedly sexy smile. He raised his arms over his head and a hush fell over the people. “Thank you all for your attention. Now for this next act, I need a volunteer please.” If you weren’t interested before you sure were now, even if you didn’t raise your hand. Zoro, clearly annoyed began to tug at your hand, “Y/n sit-”
“Would the young lady with the cherry red lips please step forward?”
You were blinded once more by the other spotlight as you held your hands up to protect your vision. The light dimmed a bit and you could see everyone, staring at you expectantly, excluding your crew mates.
They were busy staring at the clown in front of you with an outstretched hand. Taking his cue, he shot you a wink and urged you forward. If only your feet would cooperate.
“Don’t be shy now. I don’t bite~” he teased while flashing his teeth. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t do something for you. Not to mention there was this little heartbeat down there that started-
“Aww, maybe she’s shy. Everyone! Let’s give this young lady a round of applause!”
He raised his arms once again and began to clap along with everyone. A single gloved hand shot out towards you urging you to take its hold. Softly pressing your smaller hand into it you were then gently tugged forward towards the ring. 
However, you couldn’t feel your legs and as you stepped forward your heels betrayed you again, leading you to tumble down the stands into the arms of the clown before you with your lips-”
And that wraps up chapter two, my loves!!
Part 3 Here!
Please remember to follow and like! Also don't be shy in the comment section! Requests are also open. See you all soon! <3
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2jcore · 4 months
hwanghon brew director's cut
hello everyone first of all, please bear with me this is the first time i've tried using tumblr and i honestly don't know my way around it yet. With that being said, please allow me to give you the director's cut of Hwanghon Brew i promised 2 years ago lmao TT
So, for starters, hwanghon brew was commissioned by my good friend ate cams (who was absolutely patient with me. love u ate cams mwa) 
These were the things requested:
heejayke poly
established heejay
modern vampires
college/frat au
heejayke feeding on each other
I was given the freedom to do whatever, come up with whatever plot that ties these things together, so I did! The first thing that came to mind of course, was the vibe I wanted to go for. So i immediately looked up a modern vampire playlist to set the mood, and stumbled upon this playlist. which is honestly so fitting because 1) the cover is a screenshot from the given-taken japanese mv, and 2) the person who made it seems to be an engene seeing that the first song in the playlist is drunk-dazed.
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Anyway, Supermassive Black Hole by Muse became the first song that I associated to Hwangwon. It was like, idk the theme song while i was writing it? In fact, the whole black market scene during the intro was written to supermassive black hole. I didn't really make a moodboard for HB and instead created a playlist and relied on getting the vibe from that instead.
if i were to describe the songs that i picked out for hwanghon, it would be dark and somewhat eerie. most of them were rock/alt, (Test Me - Xdinary Heroes, One in a Billion - Enhypen, Tonight is the Night I Die - Palaye Royal)
some were also alternative/indie like Teeth - 5SOS, cult leader - king mala, and Blood // Water - grandson.
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I played this playlist 24/7 while writing the fic NO JOKE LIKE ESPECIALLY IN THE SHOWER even though some of the songs creeped me out T^T bc honest to god some of them lowkey sounded demonic but it is what it is. So, I listened to these vampy songs while trying to come up with the main theme of the fic.
If you watched the video teasers I posted on my twitter, you'd know that I strongly associated Xdinary Heroes songs to HB, especially during the scenes where they're playing tag and running around the city, especially Test Me.
Hold Me Tight, and Tunnel by KimYeji were for the more somber parts like Jake's inner monologues about fitting in, heejay talking about the coven and jake, and especially the scene were Jay runs to Jake in the bathroom and relives Heeseung's near death.
And while I do associate their running scenes with xdinary heroes, BONBON GiRL by SARM is an honorable mention. To me this is a bouncier song for the times they're leaping from one rooftop to another, just having fun while Seoul's citylights shine below them. When I play this song, Hwanghon Brew suddenly turns into this cyberpunk vampire anime in my mind.
Some special mentions that I really enjoyed listening to and helped me brainstorm for scenes are: Real Boy - Lola Blanc, Verbatim - Mother Mother, and Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High - Artic Monkeys.
As some of my readers might know, my first step when writing a fic is to make an outline. My first thought was to think about the characters. With heejay being established, it only made sense for me to make them members of the frat/coven. With that thought in mind, I wondered how to write Jake into their lives. And thought, hmm, what if he moved to Seoul for college and stumbles upon one of the coven members? Let's make him a newly turned vampire from the country side.
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(jake bagong salta to coven = jake new to the coven)
So i was trying to come up with the main theme of the fic and initially came up with this:
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I was just thinking that jake was just, idk, desperately trying to fit in even though he was already part of the coven, and heejay could teach him how to be a vampire and their feelings could develop through that. Of course, this idea changed as the outline became more fleshed out.
After establishing the basics of the character backgrounds, my next step was to outline the plot itself. I divided the plot into the 5+1 structure, and brainstormed for a main event/scene per number.
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this is the unedited original outline LMAOO which obviously was changed as I went along with writing it. I wasn't given an exact word count and was just told to write whatever I wanted (thank you sm ate cams 🥺) and honestly i went into this thinking that i'd be done by 10k HAHAHAHA BOY WAS I WRONG. then again, i shouldn't really be surprised because i have the habit of going over my target word count. In fact my bestie Erina (who helped me brainrot a lot during the writing process (luv u bubbie hwanghon brew will forever be your inaanak) was like. bubbie. how could you even think you'd be done by 10k LMAOO)
anyways, let's unpack this original outline. the [ 5 - hoon supposed to take him to hwanghon but can't ] made it to the fic since Sunghoon really asked Jay to take Jake to hwanghon. [ 4 - heeseung arc, bonding over ramyeon ] was only partially kept. Instead of the 4th part being about jake feeling hesitant, it becomes heejake growing closer through their convo while having ramyeon, and jake trying to get closer to jay by using the honey cookies. So i guess you can say that food holds importance in this part.
the third part where jake underestimates his appetite and heejay come to the rescue is kept, but added to it are heejake and heejay scenes, the latter giving more insight to the jayke aspect of things
The 2nd one. So my thought process here is: the initiation is successful. However, throughout and after this, heejay become more and more possessive over jake without them actually noticing and without them realizing why. So, the members intervene by acting all flirty with jake until heejay finally acknowledge their feelings, and this leads to the jealousy jealousy part in number 1. and somehow the tension just builds up until they all just erupt and make out, which would lead to them feeding on each other.
as you can see, khan's appearance in the fic was not part of the original outline. and that definitely changes a lot of things.
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for the first few parts of the fic, i outlined the turn of events and crossed them out once i finished writing that sequence. my original outline somehow ends here? IDK how i outlined the rest of the fic LMAO IT WAS A FEVER DREAM. ANYWAY.
i wanted to start the fic with a banger. literally. so, what better way to do it than to bombard countryboy Jake with the grim reality of the city, right?
After listening to Supermassive Black Hole, this black market scene immediately played in my mind and set the tone for the rest of the fic. It came to me quickly--the image of Jake stumbling upon a black market swaying, dizzy as hell, his vision splitting and all these neon signs swirling around him. for me, the song cemented the over all night life/cyberpunk vibe that I was going for.
At first, I was thinking that it's Jay who finds Jake in that market. Like the thought of spotting Jay amidst the blur of people was so appealing to me (especially as your resident jayker). But I figured that it would be better for Sunghoon to find him first, because not only does this create a foundation for jakehoon's friendship, but also sets the stage for a better meeting between jake and heejay.
Right off the bat I wanted this scene to be as descriptive as possible, so that I could immediately give the readers a good feel of the universe and the dark tone of the fic. Hence why I enumerated every single thing from a man trying to sell Jake drugs,
“Hyungnim,” A man suddenly slings his arm around his shoulders. “You looking for a good time?” “N-no,” He answers meekly, pushing away the man who had a couple of tattoos dotting the left side of his face, his leather jacket reeking of alcohol and some kind of earthy, herby scent.
(that's why he smelled earthy - y'know...marijuana) to prostitutes trying to beckon him over
“Hey, are you lost?” Two girls call out to him in coy voices, breaking out into giggles and taking drags of the cigarettes pinned between their long manicured nails.
Anyway, while i was writing this, i was constantly seeking opinions from my close friends (love u erina i could not have written most of this without you) and recieved good feedback about the intro, so i think it was pretty effective.
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(this is the hoon in my head!! ugh so hot fr fr imagine him just walking along seoul at night jumping from one roof to another)
like I said, since i made Sunghoon the character who finds Jake, I wanted him to make a strong impression, which is why he is how he is--practically dragging Jake to the cafe, ordering for him, talking on and on even though Jake wasn't responding LMAO like Sunghoon didn't really care TT
I also wanted him to have #humor which is why he's so damn sarcastic all the time "don't worry i don't bite" SAYS THIS WITH HIS CHEST WHILE BEING A WHOLE VAMPIRE LIKE FUCK OFFF "no humans were harmed in the process" he's so??!?! anyway, it was super fun writing him, he's easily one of my favorite sunghoons in all the fics i've written.
though it looks like him being a lovesick fool is a common thing among my fics and i don't regret this one bit. It's so funny writing Sunghoon pining over Sunoo when the latter doesn't even give him his time of the day (not true, actually he's just equally enamored)
While it is true that Sunghoon is one of the comedic reliefs in this fic, Sunghoon is also the token best friend that everyone needs. He has his own way of looking after Jake that is just so endearing to me. In fact one of my personal favorite scenes would be the jakehoon skirmish during the initiation where they're just tumbling down from one roof to another. They way Sunghoon was so proud when Jake managed to get his necklace 🥺 and the way he was like "Go. The other three won't be as easy as I was."
In his own silly little ways, he makes sure that Jake isn't left behind and watches over him. (Sunghoon wouldn't have brought Jake to the cafe and bought him a blood smoothie to begin with if he wasn't so kind) Speaking of blood smoothie, that brings us to the next part
also known as blood oranges, where Enhypen coined their album name "Orange Blood" from. If you check the dates, Hwanghon Brew was posted before this release so belift, i was first 🙄 (lighthearted) anyway, blood oranges are literally just oranges but the insides are red.
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I was searching for a fruit that would pass off as the same color as blood because I wanted Sunghoon to order something cryptic. In the sense that it's not really on the menu since only vampires would know about it because it's a code for blood, but if per se, a human manages to overhear it and ask about it, they could just serve a real fruit smoothie and it wouldn't look any different.
I thought maybe dragonfruit? but it's too purple. raspberry is too pink. strawberry would be too pale. I stumbled upon the raspberry orange, saw the pulp looking like blood and i thought, yeah this is it. This looks vampire-y enough.
I included this fruit solely because of that and didn't really think of anything else lol. Later on, I found out through my moot Kaia that blood oranges hold meanings that really align with the concept of Hwanghon Brew
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I don't know if i should feel flattered, scared, or annoyed that there seem to be so many parallels between hwanghon brew and official enhypen content. because first of all, i posted HB in october of 2022, and it had the line "bite me" (i'm not gatekeeping that phrase but the parallels are just fascinating) and then they come out with Dark Blood and Bite Me as the title track in 2023. Also, like i said, blood oranges, Orange Blood, etc etc. And the basement/frathouse IS EXACTLY WHAT THE SET IN SWEET VENOM LOOKS LIKE
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like. the strobe lights, the party, the dingy mattresses??? thanks to belift for bringing my fic to life i guess??!?W@#$ anyway, since they were a coven disguised as a frat, i figured it was only right for them to have a frathouse. i didn't do much research on frats because i didn't focus on it much in the fic, but i guessed that frathouses were mostly...well, messy. Plus, they're supposed to be broke college kids, so i thought it'd be fitting for them to rent out a cheap basement in one of the shady alleys in Seoul.
While it is true that they're also kind of a frat, like Sunghoon says,
“It’s a coven and a frat. I mean, we’re fronting as a frat. But, it’s not exactly a disguise because we really are a frat? You get what I mean.” Sunghoon waves his messy explanation off.
they are a coven first and foremost, which to me crosses out the thought that they only have men (since y'know. frat). in my mind the coven also has female members. since txt are part of it, i immediately thought of itzy, pictured yeji and ryujin on the couch making out and i was like yeah, i like that.
aside from the basement looking like sweet venom, at the time I was writing it, SV wasn't out yet. So the party was actually mostly based on the drunk-dazed party
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Anyway, it's mentioned in passing that the pioneer of this coven is Jay, and he served as its leader for a good few centuries before handing the torch to Jungwon. Since then, he took the backseat with the leadership, but still helped in calling the shots. Jungwon doesn't make big decisions without consulting him (and Heeseung consequently)
Like I said, I wanted to set the stage for heejay--present them in a way that both Jake and the readers know that they aren't like any other. I wanted them to be revered. While everyone was wilding it out partying, they were in the backroom watching it all unfold. idk there's just something about them just sitting there and watching over their people. literally like kings over their constituents. (constituents??!!)
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Tall nose, sharp lips, tanned skin peeking out from the rips in his jeans
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Tall nose, small lips, sharp jaw trailing down to a chin that juts out when he frowns. A leather choker around his neck, his knitted top torn.
These were the pictures in mind when I wrote the descriptions of heejay's first appearance
i can't recall if someone left a comment about this or a friend told me, but i remember someone saying that it made so much sense that Jay was the eldest vampire. they said that usually, people would think of going according to enha's real age, so it was refreshing to see Jay as the eldest.
to me it just felt right to make Jay the eldest and only pureblood in the coven. I think i based this off of the fact that Jay in real life was obviously brought up in a high class (?) family and environment. He knows a lot of things, is well off, and yet he seems street smart and wise.
with this, i came up with his background--his family being around for ages, somewhat pioneers of the current seoul vampire society, and owners of the disguised vampire establishments. speaking of family, it's implied that Yoongi is Jay's relative.
aside from this, I was thinking, Jay is mostly a loving sweetheart in the fics i've written, so why not make him a loving but emotionally constipated tsundere in this one?
anyway, given the fact that jay is the eldest, only pureblood, and founding father of their coven, i think his disposition was to be expected. he's literally like a grumpy overprotective father. to him his coven is his family, which is why he's skeptical to let strangers get close to the people he loves. especially after the first khan incident. He let khan into the coven, treated him as his own kin, and khan betrayed him by abandoning all the principles and beliefs he stands by, and put their coven in a bad light because of this. I can't really blame him for being on guard and cut throat with accepting new members after this.
heejay being 7yearz going on 8yearz in real life is truly the basis of heejay in this fic, and consequently, Heeseung's characterization. much like in real life, i wanted them to have spent a lot of time together, which is why i wrote Heeseung as coming from 1235, which was the Goryeo era. Originally, I wrote Heeseung as coming from the late 13th century, but wanted to align his story with a real historic event. That's why I moved his year to 1235 where there were Mongol invasions, which led to him being injured, and then led to him being turned.
I think it's evident especially with the whole "While Jay is the storm, Heeseung is the calm before that" part, that I wanted to strike a balance with the characterization of heejay. To me it also felt so...idk, couple? so parents of them to be opposites in this way. It was like Tamaki going all out and then there's Kyouya, his silent and supportive right hand man. (from Ouran High School Host Club)
Which is why I leaned into Heeseung's laid back traits in real life and channeled his relaxed and easy going disposition. I just figured it would have been too difficult for Jake if both Jay and Hee were skeptical of him, so i thought let's make Heeseung someone who is a good judge of character, someone who immediately sees the good in Jake and becomes smitten.
I believe Heeseung acted as a bridge more than anything because jayke's bond was honestly the last to form, so he's a mediator in more ways than one.
With regards to the coven, it is mentioned that Heeseung is the second eldest, which means that next to Jay, he's the most respected because #age and #heirarchy and all. Also, no one would dare question Hee because he is after all, Jay's life long partner and lover.
In my mind, Heeseung is very wife in this fic, in the sense that most of the time he is Jay's voice of reason, lending his silent support especially during the times it is most needed. While the coven was founded by Jay, it would be crippled without Heeseung.
On the day that Sunghoon told Jake to come to the coven, Heeseung was the only one in the basement. Jay went grocery shopping and Sunghoon bumped into him on the way there. they both make an entrance while bickering
the door swings open and in comes Sunghoon and Jay, at each other’s neck. Figuratively.  “You should have told me beforehand!” “Well, I’m telling you now,”
Actually, they were fighting over Jake. The whole conversation goes like this:
"I told him he could join." "Who are you to decide that?" "Oh c'mon, aren't we like allowed to make referrals? like in companies? I'm pretty sure I should be getting a commission for recruiting him." "??? we are not a multi level company. Go bring your pyramid schemes somewhere else. Not to my coven" "But I already told Jake to come over," "You should have told me beforehand!" "Well, I'm telling you now"
their convo sounds pretty funny and sooo jayhoon in my head that i just had to share this even though it didn't make the cut in the fic
the heart of this fic (only actually partly, but the fact that this fic is named after the cafe make a big difference, no?) I'm not sure where this idea came from, I just figured it would be nice for them to have their own establishment. Like. #made by vampires for vampires. something like that, and thought hm, why not a cafe? so i went on to a name generator and it showed me a bunch of corny names for cafes T^T. I saw the word brew and it kinda stuck. So the next thing i did was to search for the korean words of vampire related things--moon, blood, twilight. And that's how i found the word hwanghon.
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I put hwanghon and brew together, decided that i liked the sound of it, and put it as the working title while i was writing. i honestly didn't think that it would be the final title. I was just thinking of replacing it when i thought of something better, but fortunately i was unable to come up with anything that topped it DFAHAHAHA i am also so relieved I kept the title because i think it's so distinct? It has a very nice ring to it and makes it easy for me to search people talking about it on twitter HAHSDHF
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here's the logo/symbol of hwanghon brew, and it's exactly as it is described in the fic
a crescent moon with the tips downturned, red rays dripping down from the middle. 
the red rays are an allegory to blood, hence why I used the word "dripping" to describe it. also, to me, the downturned crescent moon is a hollistic symbol of vampirisms. it is both a moon, and a pair of fangs. This symbol also plays a big part in the initiation because the necklace's pendant is in the same shape.
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anyway, onto the system of hwanghon brew itself. Like Jay explained, the process of blood goes like this: human donations > health organizations > human government > high council > blood banks > vampire establishments (like HB) honestly, i didn't really consume much vampire media. i have never watched twilight or vampire diaries. the only knowledge i have of the collective concept of vampires would be from interview with a vampire, supernatural, a few clips from vampire knight, and a few panels from blood bank.
though i think the fact that i didn't really consume vampire media turned out to be a good thing in the long run, because I eventually had my very own take on the vampire universe and the world building. Though, it's not uncommon to have blood banks and whatnot, i just find it fascinating to have the vampire high council working hand in hand with the human government.
oh my sweet Jake. he's just a baby girl, that's all. His characterization here isn't really far off from how i see him in real life? happy go lucky, very determined, absolutely resilient.
besides, i think that these are qualities of a person who can go through so much and come out of it stronger. these are the traits that would enable him to put his foot forward, join the coven, butter up to heejay, and go against a monster like khan.
however, while he is all those things---strong and brave, he is also very hesitant at the same time? He's the type to rethink his actions and mull over his decisions over and over again and question himself if he made the right choice.
he's also very conscious of the people around him, and he has his own insecurities, which to makes him feel more human than any of them, which also makes sense given that he's the youngest vampire.
I mention this throughout the fic--their eyes flashing inhuman colors whenever they're either hungry, protective, angry, etc etc. For Jake, it's blue. For Jay, it's red. This small detail isn't really important aside from the fact that only purebloods have red eyes, but I just got this idea from the japanese MV of given-taken. (actually, i rewatched that mv so many times while writing this fic)
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it's mentioned in the fic that vampires develop gifts down the road. Jay's is super strength, Heeseung - telepathy, Jungwon - speed, Sunghoon - shapeshifter(?), Sunoo - gravity defiance, Riki - shadow manipulation/teleportation
Honestly, i just got this from the dark moon webtoon because i wanted to add a little flare to it lmao. Given, Jake's power would be fire. Initially, I thought of including his power in the fic. If I did, it would play out like this: jake getting beat up by khan > heejay comes to the rescue > khan puts up a fight, drives them into a corner > jake, livid that khan had hurt heejay, awakens his power and uses fire for the first time to protect them (wow, zuko who?)
but I decided to scrap that idea because I wanted Jay to be indomitable, and also kinda wanted Jake to play into that whole damsel in distress thing
anyway speaking of powers, if anyone's wondering why heeseung didn't just tap into jake's mind to find him, it's because heeseung's telepathy in this universe only works on covenmates. and since jake technically wasn't a member yet, he couldn't reach him.
actually, if i remember correctly, this idea came from one of my twt besties and gfs, nina. it makes sense of course, because they're a frat. and frats have initiations and it's just terrorizing new recruits, like Sunghoon said. They reason that it's to assess the new member (especially after someone like khan), they wanted to be more sure of new recruits--whether they'd play dirty just to be part of the coven.
Sunghoon also mentions that it's Riki who suggested to have initiations and that it usually consists of playing games (tag, hide and clap) but with a vampire twist. Not only does this allow the existing members of the coven to assess the new recruits physical abilities (speed, senses, etc.) but it also allows them to asses their decision making.
admittedly, I didn't put much details about these three compared to the hyung line for various reasons.
for one, I wanted Sunoo to be a mystery, and figured that would only be effective if I only gave out little information about him, leaving gaps and spaces for the readers to imagine. Which is why I mentioned that aside from Jay, no one really knows about his age or where he came from. (but his backstory is complete in my mind lmao.) also, I wanted Sunoo to be different from the other vampires, which is why he sometimes talks in shakespearean HAJSHA. AND I wanted his character to be different from all the other sunoos I've written. I just really love playing into the opposite of how majority of the fandom perceives him as well.
Jungwon, while being the coven's leader, only makes appearances once in a while. Despite his little screentime (sorry won I'll make it up to you), I wanted to make sure that he came across as reliable, especially since he is the coven's acting leader. Which is why he shows up to remind Jake to feed. To me, while he participates in initiations, he makes up his mind about the new recruits prior to that and acts based on this. He went easy on Jake because he actually liked him and wanted him to be a part of the coven, which is why he played along but gave back Jake's moon necklace in the end.
And Riki. He may seem like a playful vampire who's just there for the vibes, but he is also very perceptive. Like Sunoo, he plays a bigger part than what is implied, but I don't want to give out too much information bc I want to write a prequel HSDFHAHSD but yeah, Riki knows the streets and knows his shit.
well, that's that. Thank you for coming to my ted talk! I really enjoyed writing about my thought process while writing, and where I pulled inspiration from. I still think that I really outdid myself with writing this one and I think the comments I got just prove it. I love Hwanghon Brew with my whole heart and I am beyond happy that I get to share this with people who enjoyed reading it just as much as I had fun writing.
whatever i didn't cover here (like most of their character backgrounds, and khan) I will be including in the prequel. Anyway, speaking of the prequel, I've been told that some readers are curious about the timelines and the backstories of the members. I think if you pay enough attention to detail, you'd be able to gather a few hints about the timelines and their ages.
I do hope that if I ever do push through with it, you would be tuned in as well >< I have actually finished the outline, all that's left is actually writing it. I don't know when because I am unfortunately a busy college senior (writing her thesis and having her internship). But I do hope I get to do it soon because some of you really seem enthusiastic about it and it really warms my heart. Anyway, please consider this a love letter to the readers who enjoyed Hwanghon so much and showered it with so much love.
love u all ❣
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Salt Follows the Moon - Red, White, & Royal Blue | Vampire!Henry - ch. 52!
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Henry Fox. My boyfriend. I can still smell him on my shirt and feel his lips on my skin. He’s a romantic sap who’s self conscious about his vampy traits but I love his sensuality. I love being the one who fills his veins and makes his mind go fuzzy. How he craves my body, my humor, my peace of mind. The way he’s able to give me that peace without even knowing how good he is at it.
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I don't even if that was meant to be just a random comment or if you really wanted people to ask you about it, but if you REALLY have thoughts the epic of gilgamesh as a teen musical romcom PLEASE TELL ME BECAUSE EVER SINCE I READ YOUR TAGS IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT
anon i am kissing you on the forehead. i was dearly hoping someone would ask
so our story begins at Uruk High, with an opening number sung by an ensemble of girls
(note: this is one of them things where teenagers are played by twentysomethings. deal with it)
and they're singing about this guy Gil. and at first it sounds like they're singing his praises--he's a star quarterback, named Handsomest by the yearbook three years running, yadda yadda yadda
but then it gets to the chorus and it turns out they hate him. because he's a serial sexual harrasser and just all-around douchebag
and it ends with them praying for help to this framed photo in the girls' locker room--ok you know that teen girl squad ep where cheerleader says something about "mindy cred" and it cuts to the cheerleaders worshiping a picture of someone called mindy? it's like that. some legendary former student. they're praying to her for help in dealing with the menace that is Gil
their prayers are answered in the form of a new student named Enkidu (unlike the other names i am leaving his alone. because of reasons) who rides in on a motorcycle, all black leather and long hair and sexy dangerousness
the girls immediately ask him to kick Gil's ass but he can't be bothered
and then Shayna, the school slut (not derogatory; a title bestowed in reverence) is like "i got this" *puts on lipstick*
so she seduces him (while singing a fun vampy song) and completely rocks his world and he's like "yeah ok i'll do whatever you want"
the next day at school, Enkidu sees Gil being creepy at yet another girl and charges at him
cue Fight. which is probably another musical number
it ends with Enkidu on top of Gil on the floor. they breathlessly stare into each other's eyes for a moment
And Then They Kiss
from that point forward, Gil and Enkidu are the new power couple. Gil stops being a douche and the two of them get up to all sorts of shenanigans
there's gotta be a ballad about how devoted they are to each other. naturally. that's our act 1 closer i think
act 2 begins with the lads embarking upon their most epic caper yet: a plot to kidnap the mascot of rival school Cedar Forest High
said mascot is a fucking bobcat
so they arrive at Cedar Forest and you know that part where they take turns getting scared and giving each other pep talks? that happens. and it's a song and it's cute
so they get the bobcat (easier said than done, blah blah use your imagination)
and then there's a roadtrip to take it to an animal sanctuary some distance away, and that's where we do some Trippy Dream Sequences
they return home and are hailed as conquering heroes
in the ensuing swell of admiration, Gil gets propositioned by a certain School Board Milf (she's been established as a character somehow before this. idk)
he turns her down, like "uhhhhh even if you WEREN'T twice my age and if i DIDN'T have a boyfriend, every dude you've ever banged has ended up royally screwed over, so...no thanks"
this does not go over well. School Board Milf, in her wrath, enlists the help of one of her boyfriends, a certain Police Sergeant Bull
some kind of dramatic confrontation happens between Sgt. Bull and the boys, and the ultimate fallout is that Enkidu is sent to jail
so in the source material, this is Enkidu's death. but this is a COMEDY, so we gotta have a happy ending
that said, Gil is making a big emotional deal out of this as if Enkidu were actually dead
there's a scene of him weeping alone in his room and singing a sad reprise of their romantic ballad from earlier
BUT THEN! a car horn sounds from outside. Gil looks out the window and what does he see but a car full of The Ensemble of Girls!
and then Jailbreak, and Shenanigans, and we end with the happy couple riding off into the sunrise on Enkidu's motorcycle (maybe they literally fly away like in Grease. why the hell not)
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chazz-anova · 10 months
WIP Poll Tag Results!
alright gang the results are in!! i can't see who all voted, but there were 17 votes total for my unnamed far cry 5 vampire au! i'll go ahead and tag the people originally tagged in the post so yall can see and thanks everyone for voting! 💕💐 without further ado here's 17 lines of vampy goodness (btw- v is a private detective in this)
@strangefable @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies @simonxriley @alexxmason @amistrio @cassietrn @trashlord-007
Insistent rain pounded away at glass panes, each drop another plink; a precursory percussion for ragged jaws of lightning to open the sky and thunder to shudder the windows in their frames. It felt as though the gods were displeased tonight. Looking outward there was nothing to see but the deluge of the gods’ wrath- so Veronica focused her attention inside as she waited. John Seed’s ranch was decorated tastefully but without soul. As though a magazine model stripped from laminated pages of country living resided here instead of a person. There was a fireplace in the middle of the living room decorated with some impersonal photos- landscapes, big game hunting, ect.- and a great bear skin rug before it. Looking around the expansive room Veronica noticed a stuffed wolf here, a stuffed cougar there, a few deer heads on the walls. It was not her style but more power to him she supposed.  Her boots tapped on the exposed hardwood floor as she began to wander. ‘Where is this guy?’ She wondered with a small sigh. In small towns people sure liked to take their time it seemed. Behind the fireplace was a long oak meeting table scattered with some papers. “So much info to leave out..” Ronnie mused with a small smile and scanned the documents, looking for any sign of her quarry’s name. Her hand was just reaching to rifle through the pages when she heard a creak in the room adjacent to her. “Detective!” A voice intoned with unearned comradery rang out from behind Veronica, causing her to whip around. As she did she found herself a couple feet from one of her top people of interest, John Seed. He was dressed like a man who expected conformity and submission, and the air about him suggested he often got what he wanted. John was adorned in an entirely black suit fitted perfectly to the line of his body, a royal blue tie with matching sapphire cufflinks, and a Swiss Vacheron Constantin watch that Veronica bet cost more than her car. “Wonderful to finally meet you.” The smile he gave her was one that a wolf gives a rabbit, predatory, hungry, ready to pounce; but he would learn that she was no rabbit.
“A pleasure.” V replied shortly, taking a step back from the man. “I just had a couple questions and then I’ll get out of your hair, Mr. Seed.”
Dark cavernous eyes evaluated her, “Please ask away, I’m an open book.” His saccharine grin widened and he pulled out a chair for her at the table. Reluctantly Veronica took a seat and pulled out her notebook. 
“How acquainted are you with Mary May Fairgrave?” As she spoke the name of the missing bartender she studied John’s features; looking for any clue in his face. There was a spark of recognition to her name, and a quickly masked raising of eyebrows. Concern? Surprise? His poker face slipped back in place before she could decide. 
The brunet took his time with his answer, he had been a lawyer after all. He was a man who knew how to choose his words. “We are… unacquainted. I’ve spoken with her before of course, the Spread Eagle, no matter how crudely named, is the only taproom in the Valley.” 
Veronica jotted a few things down, nodding as he spoke. She waited a moment before responding to make sure he was done and tapped the pen against her bottom lip nonchalantly. “Word on the street is, you wanted to buy that ‘taproom’?” V cocked her head at him asking aimfully, she didn’t trust this guy as far as she could throw him. 
“There were talks.” John answered vaguely. His eyes wandered down her form then back to meet her gaze before he changed the subject, “Can I get you a drink? Maybe a nice glass of merlot.” His tone now deeper and almost hypnotic.
A chill ran down V’s spine and she started to feel dizzy like she was falling into the man’s deep blue eyes. She could see herself there, falling forever in the ocean of him. She forced herself to break his gaze and couldn’t help but glance at his lips before settling her line of sight on the stuffed cougar just behind him. “No, I’m good. Were these talks friendly?” 
Instead of an answer, that spellbinding voice reached back with another question, “You aren’t thirsty? You look like you could use a drink, my dear.” 
“No, I’m-”
“In fact, I think we should both drink. You look like a fine vintage that’s been casked in darkness for ages.” 
Veronica was able to close her eyes and shake her head, brushing off the almost drunk feeling she got looking at John and listening to him. “Okay that last thing, I should not have to tell you that that is an unbelievably creepy thing to say.” Ronnie sobered and looked down at her notes to steady herself. ‘I don’t know what the hell is wrong with this guy but the sooner I can get some answers here the better.’ She thought with a deep breath. 
John looked taken aback at her response, as though he hadn’t just said something out of the ordinary but instead she had. “What, does that line normally work on people?” Veronica couldn’t help asking with some sass- she was getting sick of the weird vibe and weird people in this county. 
Straightening up in his seat John adjusted his tie awkwardly. He looked like he was not one to fidget uncomfortably. After a moment he smiled politely and shook his head, “My apologies, Ms. Rook. You are… fascinatingly immune to my normal charms.” It took all of V’s strength to not ask what the hell he was talking about, thankfully for her he continued. “The talks between Ms. Fairgrave and I were far and few between. I wanted to buy the bar but alas she was uninterested in selling.”
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pxgeturner · 1 year
cym as ever after high characters 🤭
i rlly thought this was gonna be easy
you as cupid (literal angel, besitos xx)
@rottencranberry as darling charming (the most thoughtful person ever)
@bambimunson as lizzie heart (i feel like lily would yell at someone that she wants off with their head /j/lh )
@amourrs as cerise hood (coolest girl, everyone knows her, bcz, ofc)
@orangejuiceandvampirism as maddie hatter (she’s completely off the rails./pos also have u seen her outfits??)
@arakhnee as raven queen (vampy royal sweetheart)
@natti-ice as kitty cheshire (chaos monster)
join willow’s picnic celebration! 🧺
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hi drewwww i’m getting my nails done in a couple of days and i would like ur opinion on what i should getttt OH AND ANONS’ OPINIONS AS WELL !!
Okay first i have option is oval shape french tips w the white part curved not squary
2- a natural color nail w tiny little cherrrieesss
3- natural color nail w royal blue thin french tips
4- or some sort of chrome hailey beiber nails
thank you drewww oh also if u have any ideas PLZ TELL ME IM DESPERATE (ik these r kinda basic but i don’t really wanna do something over the top cuz this is the second time i’m gonna do nail art) BYE LOVE YOU N VAMPY N MISS HIM SOOOOO MUCH BYE !
Omg wait I’m so touched you want my opinion my poor little heart is about to pop like a balloon 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I SAY GO FOR THE CHERRIES THEYRE SAWR CEWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hoodoverhollywood · 2 months
Chic Nail Colors Worn By The Royal Family
Though we’re more used to seeing Kate Middleton with understated, neutral nails, she bucked that tradition in 2023. While attending an Easter Service with her family, the royal rocked vampy, bright red nails for a super glamorous and actually quite daring look (for a royal). One of our favorite things about the manicure is how the crimson stood out against her royal blue outfit. We have to say,…
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jettastic-blog · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🗡Vampy Lilith Chain O-Ring Choker Tripple Ankh Gothic Vampire Dagger Statement.
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pallavimekup97 · 8 months
WEDDING MAKEUP TRENDS IN 2024 That You Can Try Out In Your D-day
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October is the time when we see all around the on-going and past trends to review the “best trends of the year” and also to predict the “future trends will be in the coming year 2024”. The makeup trends evolve as time, thoughts, and people’s preferences change. Pune makeup artist, professionals, fashion, and beauty lovers keep on experimenting as per the season and bringing new kinds of innovative looks.
Recent makeup trends that hold attention at the stage are latte makeup, cool tones, vampy lips, minimalist makeup, major lashes, and bold blush. These are some of the trends that nurture your true self as a cosmopolitan.
Weddings are also not more than enough of a gala event for to-be brides. On this occasion, she wants to look confident and content with her choices in her day, and hence she prefers her best look that represents her real identity.
Celebrities also inspire with their wedding looks, and today the minimal makeup, charm, simple mehndi, and other than red color wedding gowns are ready-to-go things that show up differently.
Every bride is unique; She just needs the help of a professional makeup artist to bring out her best side with the type of makeup you choose and the type of outfit that brings you in perfect shape. Speaking to Pallavi, who conducts the Pro Makeup Artist Course in Pune, we learned about the best wedding trends in the year 2024 and how to capture the beauty of a newlywed royal highness in a different way. If you’re planning your wedding, keep reading to learn more about the trends you can try.
Minimalism is a timeless trend, and this will rule the world with the test of time. With this skinmalism makeup trend, makeup artists embrace the beauty of the natural tone of the individual and opt for makeup to conceal the flaws. This is the time to focus on healthy and hydrated skin and create a glossy appearance through minimal makeup.
In several Met Gala and Lakme fashion events, celebrities highlight this minimalism makeup trend with their glowy skin appearance. They also prefer not to brag about using chemical-based makeup to reflect charm when their natural skin tone can do so.
Bold-eye looks 
Eye makeup is something that grabs the attention of the audience and defines your personality in a distinct manner. Wearing traditional black eyeliner is an out-of-style thing. Now is the time to switch your eye appearance with smokey, glittery shadows, graphic liners, and vibrant and bold colors.
In the glowy makeup, the bold-eyed look kneels down the audience towards you like a celebrity. Deepika Padukone’s look at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival has made her a showstopper that night.
Lashes are on the rage.
Eyelashes have their own rage effect that makes them look like stunners, and shimmering eyes show up the unique queen attitude.
The lashes give your eyes a new definition and pique the attention of the audience to bring the best out of it. It gives your eyes a distinct look and highlights your eyes’ features as you gaze at your audience. The shimmering eyes create a story and accentuate your beauty, bringing the most out of your look. If you want to be Beyonce at a Halloween party or cocktail party, then eyelashes can lift your spirits with the suitable makeup.
Personalized touches
The gift of ancestors or older people to the bride is like jewelry, and highlighting their unique appearance is an exceptional demand of the bride to lift your appearance. These kinds of personalized services tailored to the needs of the customer are going to be the foremost priority of the makeup salon or makeup artist.
Virtual makeup trials
Every second, technology is evolving, and new innovative trends are taking over. In the makeup industry as well, things are changing, and makeup artists can now do their work with ease by incorporating high-tech devices in the salon. For example, augmented reality may help the to-be brides try different looks on their attire. Also, it helps in making the right decision with the looks and the type of makeup without visiting the salon more often.
Soft and romantic lips
Instead of choosing the bold lip color, you can have soft, nude, subtle maneuvers, and peach colors. “Ombre lips”, on the other hand, have been a popular trend that you can opt for to give yourself a one-of-a-kind appearance. The feminine beauty that radiates a natural vibe is what pulls the crowd.
Statement eyebrows and colorful eyeliner
High-arch, pointer, arched in the middle, and angled brows are the types of eyebrows that create a statement that justifies true authentic beauty, and dropping the different shades in the eyeliner based on the theme party will appreciate the real essence. Colorful eyeliner shades like emerald green, electric blue,fiery red, orange red, and lilac liner are some of them to create a visually appealing look.
Final Thoughts!
On your special day, the girl left no stone unturned to shine through with her makeup and attire. To make this celebration more special, or if your best day is near you, you can use these trends to display the royal highness look. Makeup artists, fashion designers, and beauty lovers keep experimenting with trends to showcase themselves with a distinct look among the crowd.
With Pallavi, a professional makeup artist, you can surprise others with a subtle and personalized makeup look. Either at a cocktail party, a fashion event, or a wedding, she is adept at creating one-of-a kind looks that appeal and bring allure at first glance.
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miss-morgans-lover · 9 months
Happy Royaleween and Eveningfall all!!!! 🎃👻💜🧡🖤
I can't wait for Wickery Cliffs to come back!!!
As celebration, this is my Royaleween fit, inspired by demons/vampires.
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(More in detail view, kinda)
Set: Gothiecutie
Hair: Vampy
Bangs: Vampy Bangs
Wings: Infernal Bat
Glasses: Cool Shades
Crown: Crowned Royalty
Ears: Mystical Ears
Other: Double Flintocks
Colour Palette: Dark Red and Black
(For anyone who doesn't know what Royaleween is, it is what those that play the Roblox game, Royale High, call Halloween in game. Royaleween starts October 1st, and once the shops change over to allow players to buy items only sold at this time. This year is also the first one celebrated during the new Eveningfall, and in Campus 3 or the new school.)
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 1 year
The Mother Of The Bride Steps Out
What are you wearing?
My friend has one daughter. The wedding last summer was a young, fun event with lots of dancing and joy, due in part to a two-year pandemic delay. When I asked her what she was wearing, she said, “I’m  going to have two dresses; one for the wedding and dinner, and another for dancing.”
Believe it or not, that’s not unusual these days. In fact, her daughter also had two dresses. The wedding dress was a beautiful, ball gown style. The exquisite fabric was all the embellishment needed. Then when the dancing got started, the bride changed into a beaded, one-shoulder long dress with a slit up the side. And mom went from a warm white fitted dress with simple lines to a black dress that was knee-length in the front and long in the back. It was a fun fashion night.
A lot of brides and their moms are on the same page.   
According to Inside Weddings, “If you’re looking to wear a classic, conservative wedding dress for your church ceremony, but you want a sexy, revealing gown for your reception, you can do both. Changing after the ‘I do’s’, and before the wedding toasts has become a popular trend because brides want to honor their religious beliefs, and feel like themselves on their big day.” This holds true for mothers of the bride too.
Rules of the road for mothers of the bride
Take your cue from your daughter. She and the groom set the tone for the event.  As to your dress choice, mother’s should follow the bride’s lead regarding style, colors, and formality.
When you shop for your dress, bring the bride-to-be with you. It’s always more fun to have a side-kick who will give you an honest critique. I have to say, as the mother of three daughters (all below college age), when they say “Nah” or shake their heads ‘No’ to something  I tried on, I usually don’t buy it. Remember, you don’t want to be at odds on wedding attire.
Start your dress search at least 3 months before the big day in order to accommodate any alterations.
Keep it glam: Most wedding parties today have hair and make-up artists at the venue, so everyone – including the moms – can coordinate. It’s also fun!
We have mother-of-the-bride dresses for galore!
Shop La Jolie MLN’s online Wedding Boutique or our retail location in Elmhurst. We’re bursting at the seams with dresses.  Here are a few looks to consider:
Our Nox Tea Length Cowl Cocktail Dress is perfect for an afternoon or evening wedding. For church, pair it with a dressy shawl or a sparkly little jacket.
For a more covered-up look, try our LaDivine Dress that flows beautifully from the bodice to the ankle and comes in peach or blue.
If you have the body to carry it off, our Nair Black Sequin Maxi Dress is the ideal mix of vampy and modest. The sequined over skirt falls from a V-neck top that reveals the shoulders, and the underskirt is a mini skirt, perfect for the mom who can dance.
Another favorite the Jovani 22576 Asymmetrical Neckline Fuchsia and Red Dress.  It’s a statement dress that’s elegant and sophisticated.
Jumpsuits are becoming very popular as well.  Check out Jovani 08439 Royal Blue Halter Neck Sequin Jumpsuit. This jumpsuit is sophisticated and comfortable style for the big day.
That’s just a taste of what you’ll find in our vast collection. If you’re like my friend who went for two dresses, we can accommodate you.
For new moms of the brides and grooms, La Jolie MLN offers a fun and elegant array of dresses at a range of affordable prices. Find your dream dress – or dresses if you want two looks -can be found here.
Shop Our Mother of the Bride Collection
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I am completely bored out of my mind so I decided to do "Pokémon starters of each race" headcanon collection.
I tried to give myself a limit of 6 Pokémon so here is my collection for the wolfs: Hisuian Growlith, Yamper, Rockruff, Vulpix (alolan or kantonian depends on if you are a girl or boy), Hisuian Zorua, Fennekin
What starter you get to choose is really dependent on your status, so whenever your family is rich, poor or what job your parents have
Yamper is the most common together with Fennekin. While Yamper is also used as helper for the hunt, or more its evolution tbh. Fennekin on the other hand mostly stays in its base evolution and gets evolved into Braixen at the most.
Rockruff gets widely used as a starter by the, not high society but fairly rich people. It's versitile often proves itself as sort of status. To show wich people are good hunters (nightform), very reliable when it comes to cleanliness (dayform) or even both (duskform).
Some of the more low class people also think that this is just used to be pretentious and to "not be like the other people".
Vulpix isn't really used as a starter anymore or at least the alolan version isn't. It proved itself with to many weaknesses. It once was very beloved but just kinda fell out of popularity after Fennekin was introduced and proved itself to be more reliable.
Now we get to the two Hisuian Pokémon. Growlith is really popular in the Royal guard. If you have even one parental figure in there you gonna get this Pokémon no matter if you like it or not.
Zorua is often used more so for Zoroark and by the Royal family. Zoroark symbolises strength and the instinct the Royal family has. While it's younger pre evo maybe somewhat of a crybaby Zoroark definetly isn't.
Dreepy, Dratini, Feebas, Snivy, Sillicobra, Goomy
I think you can see a pattern at this point and this is one of the easier ones to find starters that actually have some variation T-T
Anyway, Snivy and Sillicobra are widely used by the common folk with Snivy being more popular. Sillicobra does get used more by people near the sea as they can act as a help for floods.
Goomy is really popular with kids who get their starter early. You will see a bunch of kids running around with their tiny little goomy. Some parenty don't like them though since they're still slugs in a way and wich parent wants slugs running around their house?
Feebas, sadly, doesnt really get used. Not for any reason than just kids not liking the how it looks like. There are some families that dedicate themselves to the little Pokémon though!
Now to Dreepy. It is the starter that exists the longest, even being used when it still lived in the ocean.
There was huge gap where Dreepy weren't used due to them dying out. A rule that was established well back also prevented the breeding of starters so with the last dragapult dying, Dreepy also died out.
During this time Dratinis popularity went up. First to use and establish it was the father of the current leader and with him showing that Dragonair was indeed a strong Pokémon and the his child(ren) also using them, many more followed their example.
Eventually Dreepy came back in his current form it quickly got popular again and now remains as the most used starter.
The rule was also thrown out the window.
Finding starters for the Vampire "race" was probably the hardest thing to do. You have like 3 actual bat Pokèmon and one of them is absolut shit. So you can be against all of them.
Noibat, Zubat, Snom, Applin, Togepi, Gible
First of, Goble is very popular with boys. I mean what kid doesnt want a big dragon? Right I also know very few. sadly girls would also like gible but its not seen as good in society.
So girls often don't even get gible offered, instead they get Togepi instead. Not to underestimate Togepi but let them little Vampis have choice.
Noibat aslo gets chosen fairly often, more so by people who have hunters in their family or wanna be hunters because of its excelent echolocation.
Applin often gets used by the high society since Karls original starter was one and his Flapple is known to be very strong. (You better bet it has maxed out IV's, EV's and what not). This is also the reason one was forced upon Shu by beatrix, he never evolved it and its constantly sleeping on its head when out of his Pokeball.
Snom is just a tiny little guy and Frosmoths huge weakness to fire resulted in it not being used as much or kids even get laughed at by other young vampires for choosing it.
Zubat also is kinda just there. Reiji does chose one so it got midly more popular by families that try to get their daughter hooked up with any of the six princes.
Rookidee, Rowlet, Swablu, Murkrow, Pidgey, Fletchling
This wasn't as hard as the Vampire ones but I still had quite the hard time.
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ravensilversea · 2 years
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‘Sup guys, the person I was watching Grimm with is out of town, so I can’t watch the last season at the moment. However, it’s still kind of eating my brain, so y’all get a ramble:
So like, here’s the thing about Sean Renard’s actions in like the second half of season 5...they just feel off to me. Like, this guy arranged for a goddamn royal to be assassinated because said royal did the show’s equivalent of touching a hair on Nick’s head. And to be perfectly honest, I really think it would have actually been to Sean’s benefit to have Eric alive because that’s when shit really started to hit the fan.
And also like... if the guy wanted power... the throne’s right fucking there?? Dude’s a literal royal bastard and has already proven himself willing to deal with his “family” when necessary (at some point, they have to run out of legitimate heirs), but no, he’s quite content to be police captain. A police captain with a pet Grimm- like JFC he goes out of his goddamn way to have Nick more or less trust him for literal years and he’s clearly invested in Nick A) sticking around, B) being on his side, and C) being a Grimm.
Then season 5 hits, and don’t get me wrong, Sean’s a shady bastard. If there had been a clear build-up to him being Black Claw from the get-go, I would have bought it and been A-OK with it. But the whole set-up really seemed like him going, “Someone set me up to do their dirty work, so I’m going to dig a little deeper and find out what they’re up to” and then getting WAY in over his head. And then I guess feeling like he had to double down?? Because he felt his people were in danger?? (”Sean Renard doesn’t take sides” YOU’RE RIGHT BUT HE DOES HAVE PEOPLE AND YOU ARE ONE OF THEM *cue me ugly crying over that*)
IDK, I feel like if they actually wanted him to be a/the villain, the season finale wouldn’t have essentially been a return to the status quo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
13 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
A Successful Resurrection (Allegedly)
Summary: Verde is a necromancer (allegedly; he has the degree but has never managed to actually resurrect anybody), and Skull should be dead. It's been months since Verde attempted to resurrect Skull, and a belated resurrection has never been heard of. Yet, Skull is somehow dripping dirt across Verde's floors and eating his cereal.
Verde is… confused.
“Wow, you have like, nothing to eat. When was the last time you went grocery shopping?”
Skull de Mort… should be dead. None of Verde’s attempts at necromantic resurrection have succeeded in bringing even a zombie or skeleton minion to life, much less a fully resurrected, walking, talking person. Nevermind the fact that it’s been months since he made the attempt, and a belated resurrection has never been heard of.
Though, Verde pushes his glasses up his nose, this could be his chance to get published, assuming he can replicate the feat or at least definitively prove it happened.
Skull closes the fridge with a loud sigh and proceeds to rifle through Verde’s cupboards. A shower of dirt falls from his outlandishly purple hair as he tilts his head back and stands up on tip-toes to see. “Honestly man, there’s no way you can live like this. Necromancer means raiser of the dead, not secretly dead.” Another small shower of dirt- Verde twitches- as Skull tilts his head to the side. “Are you like a vampire? A vampire necromancer? Because that would be super cool.”
He pulls a box of cereal from the cupboard and starts eating straight from the box with his dirt covered hand. Verde will throw the entire box away the millisecond Skull’s done. There are so many potential contaminants in his house right now, including Skull. “Why,” he asks for the second time since Skull showed up on his doorstep aggressively ringing the doorbell, “are you here exactly?”
“Oh! Right!” Skull sets the cereal box down on the island and munches on what’s in his hand for a moment. “So like, digging your way out of six feet of dirt plus a partially decomposed coffin sucks right? Also, I’m mildly insulted that you couldn’t bury me in something more expensive then just plywood.”
“I did not bury you, nor was the coffin made of plywood,” Verde says. He tries to casually take the cereal box, but Skull grabs it again.
“Right…” Skull looks him up and down a bit dubiously, which Verde supposes is fair. “Anyway, when I got out, I figured there was really only one or two explanations for why I was presumably dead and buried and now suddenly alive and personally unburied. Judging by the distinct lack of desire for brains, I concluded it must have been necromancy.”
There are so many logical fallacies in that statement, Verde isn’t quite sure where to begin unpacking it. The cereal box once more evades his attempts.
“So I looked up local necromancers, and low and behold, you’re the only one in town!” Skull beams and holds his arms out like he’s presenting something. Verde takes the opportunity to throw the cereal box in the trash. Skull blinks. “Whatcha do that for? It’s perfectly good cereal.”
“Not after you put your grubby hands in it. No. Do not dig it out of the trash.” Verde smacks the hand that had begun to reach down. “You,” he says, pointing a finger in Skull’s face, “will go upstairs, third door on the left, and take a shower. I will lend you some clean clothes, burn the ones you are currently wearing, and then we will both go shopping for groceries and clothing for you.”
The grin that spreads across Skull’s face can only be described as ‘sly’. “Aw, so you do care, Mr. Necromancer sir.”
“That’s Dr. Necromancer sir to you,” Verde pushes his glasses up his nose again. “And you are my ticket to being published in several necromantic science journals. It is only logical I keep you in acceptable condition while I investigate the cause of your belated resurrection.”
“Wait a minute! Belated?!”
“Yes, yes, it has been months since I attempted to resurrect you, Mr. De Mort. Now, please, shower before you continue to spread contamination throughout my house. I have several delicate experiments that may have adverse reactions to graveyard dirt.”
Skull gulps and looks rather a bit paler under all the dirt and grime, but he shuffles off to take a shower without any more complaint. Verde takes it as a win.
He turns and faces the mess in his kitchen with a sigh. Perhaps he should hire a maid.
14 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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[Image description: The “Corporate would like to tell find the difference between these two pictures” meme. One reads: How Jonathan Harker writes his travel journal. The other reads: How my grandmother wrote her travel journal. The woman in the next panel is labeled “Me”. /End ID]
17 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
This week I learned that there are mummies hanging on the walls of the Palermo catacombs, and ngl, I kind of want to make it Squalo's problem. Just Xanxus dragging him down there because "It's a shortcut" or something and not entirely understanding why Squalo's so freaked out about it. Or maybe it was on purpose and he's enjoying how freaked out Squalo is
18 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bram Stoker really did know just enough about how Southerners speak to get Quincey into the ballpark, but also had literally no actual idea about the subject at the same time. And tbh, I’m not sure what’s more disconcerting: The fact it’s not quite right or the fact the South has sounded like that for over a 100 years
53 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
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