#van mccann imagines
pacifierbby · 7 months
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* ੈ✩‧₊ Summary ~ Mason never thought that you would go with a man like him. He thought you would go with someone who would do everything under your step. He just wishes that was him {word count 3k} {pairing mason mount x you}
* ੈ✩‧₊ Summary ~, you've been living in London since you were born. That's how you met Mason in a small coffee shop but when mason gets a chance to play for his dream team. will moving to Manchester be the right move? {word count 3k} {pairing mason mount x you}
* ੈ✩‧₊ Summary - you and mason going to an haunted lunatic asylum. Mason used to only playing football while you were used to watching the creepy haunted videos on YouTube, so you decided that you were going to go to a haunted lunatic asylum and have a feel for you guys self. {word count 1k} {pairing mason mount x you}
↳ part 2
* ੈ✩‧₊ Summary ~ Mason was an amazing dad to his little girl, April. Whenever Mason went, his little girl came with even including to his game when his mum had her. However, when an opportunity pulled up for him to leave Chelsea and move to Manchester, he couldn't say no. However, 4 hours away from London, Mason had to get a nanny for his little girl. {word count 668} {pairing mason mount x you}
↳ part 2 {soon}
* ੈ✩‧₊ summary~ you was a famous you-tuber. posting on your Instagram after what seemed 4 months about your recent new video when mason mount likes and comments. however your fans thought that he was your best friend when you and mason knew that wasn't the case. but what happens when a wags account on Instagram see you at Disneyland together {mason mount x you} {face claim Bethany mota} {inst au}
* ੈ✩‧₊ summary~ mason and reader baking cookies for their families Christmas dinner however it didn't end up the way it planed and more of it went on them than it did in the bowel {word count 1,7k} {mason mount x reader}
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why do i put myself through writing this?
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your-divine-ribs · 3 months
Pick Him Up From Heathrow (Dad Van)
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Words: 1.6k
I didn’t manage to write anything for Mother’s Day (yet) so here’s a little Dad Van fic xxx
Dad Van Masterlist Main Masterlist
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You're tired. And not just a little sleepy. Bone-weary tired. The kind of tiredness that seeps into every fibre of your being and clouds your mind. All you want to do is close your eyes and stretch out your limbs and burrow into the comforting warmth of your bed. The thought of burying your face into the pillow and cocooning yourself in the softest of blankets sounds like the closest thing to heaven right now, but it's not to be. You're at Heathrow airport in the dead of the night, heavily pregnant with a fractious toddler in tow, waiting rather impatiently for the flight from New York to disembark.
"Where's Daddy? He was supposed to be here hours ago! He promised. He said he'd be back in time for dinner and he'd get me ice cream!"
Your little girl's face screws up in frustration, her tiny hands balled into fists in her lap. You reach out a comforting arm around her shoulders and she nestles into your side, pushing her face into the folds of your sweater, sulking.
"It's not his fault sweetie, the flight got delayed. They've had really bad snow in New York so it wasn't safe for the plane to take off. He's here now though. The flight's just landed so we'll see him really soon."
She pushes herself away from you then, stretching up on her tiptoes to see through the crowd, shuffling forwards with an uncertain look on her face. "But I can't see him!"
Her expression is distraught when she turns back to you and you can see the tantrum simmering just below the surface. Like an oncoming storm it roils under her pinched pink cheeks and brews in her tear brimmed eyes. "Come and sit back down Grace, he'll have to wait for his luggage... but it won't be long now, I promise."
"Promise?" She sulks, eyes forlorn.
"I promise," you reply, breathing the vow as you press a sweet kiss to her hair, drawing her to you again. She holds herself taut for a while but eventually you feel her give in, her slight body slumping against yours, head resting on your swollen baby bump.
You always found it hard when Van was away on tour, but now you're not the only one missing him it's even harder. Even though your days are busy and there's a little intruder crawling into your bed most nights to fill the empty space, you sometimes resent the fact that Van's career takes him away from your little family unit.
A soft whimper falls from Grace's lips as she starts to slip into a restless sleep against you. She's worn out, totally exhausted, and you feel a pang of guilt for not being insistent when she'd kicked up a fuss about getting a hotel nearby and waiting for Van there. She could have been tucked up in bed right now, sleeping peacefully whilst you waited, but she'd begged and she'd pleaded and eventually you'd given in, too tired yourself to put up a fight. She was stubborn like that. Just like her dad. And she always won you over. Just like he did.
You smile to yourself, one hand stroking over your belly as you feel the baby stirring, the other pushing back a silky strand of Grace's long hair off her face. Not long now...
And then there he is, all of a sudden, a familiar face in the crowd, his eyes searching the arrivals lounge until they come to rest on you, glowing with that spark you know so well. You feel excitement fizz in your gut as you let out an exhale, breathless as you raise up a hand in a wave. Even though you've been together for many years he still evokes that feeling in you, transporting you back through the years when love gave you that giddy exhilaration, butterflies bursting into flight in your belly as he strides through the terminal towards you.
Your muscles tense, instinctively wanting to rise up out of your seat to go to him and throw yourself into his arms but of course you can't. Grace murmurs in her sleep, little fingers gripping on to your sweater as she shifts where she lays.
"Love, what're you doing here? I thought you'd have got a hotel. It's so late!" Van's eyes are wide with excitement despite the puffy darkness underneath them from his own tiredness and his gaze shifts down to your lap. "Oh, Gracie's asleep. Aww look at her!"
"She's just dropped off. She was so excited to see you she begged for us to wait..." You trail off, suddenly feeling choked now that Van's standing there in front of you, just metres away. "How are you? How was the flight? I've missed you so much. We all have."
"Ughhh, longest flight ever," he complains. "Didn't think we'd ever touch down. God, I've missed you too... you don't know how good it is to see you. My two favourite girls... and of course the little 'un." His eyes linger on the swell of your belly and they look glossy, brimming with love and affection.
And then you feel Grace shift in your arms, her head lifting up as she rubs at her eyes with her hands, slowly at first like she's dreaming but sleep soon falling away when she sees her dad standing before her.
"Daddy... daddy... daddy!" She chants, her voice rising in volume and pitch as she springs on to her feet, arms outstretched as she flings herself into Van's awaiting arms. "You're really here!"
"I'm here angel," he assures her, bending down to scoop her into an embrace, lifting her clear off her feet with ease. "I've missed you so much. Hey... have you grown? I swear you're getting bigger!"
"That's 'cause I've been eating all the Jaffa cakes 'cause you've not been here! Mummy says we should keep it a secret!"
"Are you trying to get me into trouble young lady?" You laugh, rising up on to your feet at last, eager for a proper greeting.
"So you pair have been up to no good, eh?" Van chuckles, arms wrapping around his daughter who's now clinging on to him like a little koala bear, smothering him in kisses.
"Well if you insist on going away all the time we can't promise to behave..." You giggle as you reach for Van, wrapping an arm around his waist, snuggling into the side that Grace isn't attached to, feeling a warm glow of relief flood you when you feel your bodies connecting.
You tilt your head up to him and he dips his down, your lips pressing firmly against each other's. You reach up a hand to tangle into the hair at the nape of his neck, drawing him closer, closing your eyes as you press yourself flush against him. You let yourself get lost in the kiss for a moment until a tinkling giggle rings out and you break away, smiling as Grace watches on, peeking through her hands which are raised up to her face.
"Ughh Daddy... why do you kiss mummy like that?"
"Because I love her very much and that's what grown ups do!"
He grins down at her and you laugh, resting your head on his chest, wrapping your other arm around your daughter, feeling complete at last now you're all together.
"Well I'm never growing up then!" Grace announces, her face scrunching in distaste. "Boys are stinky and I'm never letting anyone kiss me like that!"
"That's absolutely fine by me Princess!" Van chuckles, bending down to plant a kiss on the top of her head. She rests her head on his shoulder and he looks down on her adoringly before he turns to you. "C'mon let's go... don't think we should drive back tonight though babe, we're all so exhausted. Let's get a hotel shall we?"
"Mmm yeah, definitely. Much as I wanna get home I don't think I can face that long drive. I'm dead on my feet."
You're suddenly aware of how much your eyes are stinging with tiredness, your back aching, your muscles sore. The prospect of being able to lie down on a soft warm bed within the next half an hour is tempting beyond belief. That... and the thought of being wrapped up in Van's arms.
As if he's read your thoughts he cranes his neck to whisper quietly in your ear. "Can't wait to show ya how much I missed ya love..."
He presses his lips to the patch of sensitive skin just behind your ear, sending a little shiver through you, quickly breaking away when Grace starts bouncing in his arms.
"Daddy, daddy, daddy, can we go for ice cream first? Please... please? You said so on the phone. You promised!"
Her voice raises up, a pleading whine, fixing Van with big, puppy dog eyes. They're the exact same colour as Van's, pale greeny-blue like the sea. Ocean eyes.
"No ice cream now, it's the middle of the night! Sleep for you little one."
"But I'm not tired!" She protests, and even as she says the words you see her eyelids drooping, fighting the impending slumber that's sure to claim her the minute you get into a cab. "I'm gonna stay up all night!"
"Well... we'll see about that," you smile, reaching out a hand to gently brush her face, her long eyelashes fluttering against her rosy cheeks. You and Van exchange knowing looks, wide grins breaking out as you make for the exit and the night beyond.
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van mccann x singer reader pls!
A/n I can only apologise for my severe issue with making promises I can’t keep ahahah. I don’t even know how long ago it was that I said I would write some stuff for Van and so many of you guys’ requests have been neglected in my inbox… BUT I had a couple of Van x singer reader requests so here it is, however I didn’t stick to that completely but I kinda love this so hope you enjoy anyway!!! Also kinda based on Hourglass because I lack all kinds of creativity lol. LOVE YA❤️‍🔥
Waste My Days
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“You’re strugglin’” his voice floated down the line, worry seeping into his words. You sighed into the silence of your hotel room, rolling over in bed, eyes flicking across the room to see the time on the clock. 2:36 am.
“I’m ok… it’s just been none stop for so long. I’m exhausted but I just can’t get any rest” Van waited, giving you time to talk, knowing this could be the most insight into your mind he’d been able to get for a long time.
“I love being on tour, I really do. Especially this one, this has been the best yet, I’m just…”
“Exhausted” he finished for you, sensing that you were struggling to find the words.
“You know it”
Boy, did he know it.
“How did you sleep?”
“God, I slept so good, the best I’ve slept in weeks Van, I’m telling you”
You heard his chuckle crackle down the line. “Dreaming about me again ay, babe?”
“Y/n! Your phones ringing!”
Your head shot up, following the sound of the voice that shouted across the floor of the arena. Eyes wide, you sent a look to the sound technician, a silent plea to let you have just one minute. Once you saw him nod, mixed with a slightly annoyed shrug of his shoulders, you jumped down from the stage to find your phone.
“Hiya, darlin’. Was about to give up then, thought you weren’t gonna answer”
“Sorry, soundcheck.” You explained, listening to him drag on a fag in some city far away.
“Aye, me too, just finished. Sorry I interrupted”
“You’re never interrupting” you replied quickly, “I’ve been dying for you to call.”
You felt the peel of skin as Van lifted himself off of you, a rush of oxygen filling your lungs as he flopped down next to you into the damp sheets.
One week, one singular week where your tour schedules aligned. Van came to stay at yours, with no other plans than to eat, sleep and in Vans words, “love on you”.
You watched as Van reached over to the bedside table for his cigs, you couldn’t help but reach out to him, your finger tracing the shape of his ribs through his pale skin before you heard a clatter of books fall to the floor in Vans attempt to clear a space for the mug that now doubled as an ash tray.
“Oi, don’t be messing my place up!” You poked at the space between his ribs.
“Oi!” He squeaked in that classic Van McCann squeak, flinching, trying to escape your hands, holding the now burning cigarette high above your heads as he tackled you.
“Van, watch that!” Grasping his arm, already picturing the holes that he would burn in the sheets.
aka, the best week of wasting days together.
“Vaaaan” you sung down the line, “please hurry!!!!!”
“Alright, babe, alright. I’m coming!” He laughed,
“I know but we have a lot of catching up to do, you know” he could practically hear your smirk through the phone.
“Oh babe, so sordid” He teased, lowering his voice into a growl so the whole of Tesco’s wouldn’t hear him. “You’re the one who wanted wine!”
“All I really ever want is you, Van”
“Babe! Come ere’!”
Vans voice echoed through your bedroom over the sound of the shower.
Pushing on the en suite door, the bathroom flooded with light, revealing his face peeping round the edge of the fogged shower screen, hair wet and silently reaching an arm out for you. You smiled, keeping eye contact as you pulled his old tshirt over your head, quickly loosing your underwear and letting him pull you towards him.
Van twirled you round, pressing your back against his chest, arms tangled together across the front of your body under the water.
“I’ve been thinkin bout baby names” he whispered ,
“Oh yeah?” You laughed, classic Van you thought, “A bit premature, no? I’m not even pregnant”
Van moved to rest his cheek on the top of your head, pressing a kiss to your hair before untangling his arm from yours, watching as he reached out to write on the glass.
L, Y, L, A
“Like the Oasis song” he whispered.
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catb-fics · 1 month
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Saw this on Twitter and it made me laugh 😆
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pacifymebby · 8 months
Born To Die <3
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If you want to go on a taglist add yourself by replying to this post x
🐇Chapter One🍎
🌹Chapter Two🔪
🍬Chapter Three🪽
🐇Chapter Four🍎
🌹 Chapter Five🔪
🍬Chapter Six🪽
🐇Chapter Seven🍎
🌹Chapter Eight🔪
🍬Chapter Nine🪽
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icouldntfindquiet · 1 year
Black Magic (Part 9) 🌙✨
The last part of Black Magic has been posted! Thanks for putting up with me reading too many Terry Pratchett books and having to get this out of my system. 😂 I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading. ❤️
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theeleventhhour · 2 years
I spent the whole morning listening all the catb’s unreleased stuff and i just wish that Van in his currently isolation state re-record the old songs in the best Taylor Swift style.
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imvanspacifierr · 2 years
hourglass (van mccann)
🤍this fic is practically hourglass word for word, i love the lyrics and how it's from his partner's perspective. hopefully done it some justice🤍
word count: 1.1K (exactly!)
warnings: swearing, hints towards sex
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It was one of those cold, lonely nights. Rain drizzling down your bedroom window while the wind howls outside. You would just lay in bed, cocooning yourself in silken sheets trying to get as much warmth as physically possible. Staring at the ceiling, wishing you were getting warmth from tangled limbs, hot breaths and messed up covers. Instead of reality, fluffy pajamas and a mug of hot chocolate.
Van had been away for a week now, due to come back home in a couple days. You couldn't wait to hear the sounds of a faint car door shutting and a muffled "Cheers mate" from the street. You couldn't wait to stop everything you're doing and run to your door, you could be in the middle of the most significant thing in your life but you would still get there as quickly as you can. You couldn't wait to be fumbling with your keys, trying to find the right one to unlock it as the figure got closer and closer. Most importantly, you couldn't wait to open the door to a happy but slightly exhausted looking face smiling back at you. Dropping all his luggage like it's nothing just to wrap his long arms around you.
A few days ago, Van had messaged you on Larry's phone telling you he had broken his phone so he couldn't call you without nicking one of the lad's phones. You were gutted but not surprised, everyone knows that boy is useless with technology and is the clumsiest person you've ever known from bumping into things to doing silly little acts that ended up in some disaster.
So here you were, waiting for your phone to buzz and light up with one of the boys'names. Hoping to hear Van's voice down the line. Hoping he had somehow convinced one of them to let him call you just for a few minutes while they packed up gear to move onto the next venue. Sadly, there was no call. You always thought you were almost like a wife waiting for a call from a distant husband in the army or something like that. Obviously singing songs and thrashing around a pub in the middle of nowhere didn't compare with a soldier fighting for their country but still you missed him like mad.
Every night you'd wish you were guiding him to yours, which was practically his home. So you both could be together, catching up on all the lost times, exploring each other and sleepily talking about your future.
Van was always telling you how much he wanted a family oh his own, he had everything planned out in his head. At first when he told you how he could see the two of you getting married and having children, it did scare you off since you are so young and unsure of what exactly you want to do in your life. However, the more time you spent with him, the more you wanted his little dreamland too. All you wanted was to take his name, Y/N McCann had a ring to it, he told you.
The thought of having kids never crossed your mind until Van would describe his image of you with a little boy and girl, the little details of how he would teach your imaginary son how to play fifa and how you would teach your imaginary daughter how to plat her hair. Or how you would call them the most stupid nicknames you could think of. It was the little things like that which would make you feel fuzzy inside.
You would never tell Van how much you missed him to the full extent. You didn't want to seem sordid and you didn't want it to seem like you wanted him to step away from the band. The band were getting bigger and bigger, starting to sell out 500 capacity venues up and down the UK. You didn't think it was possible to be this proud of someone. However, you just wanted to be able to see him everyday in real life. Even if it's just a quick hello. Videos of him and faceless calls/texts didn't compare to the real deal at all. All you longed for was Van to be home.
He would even bring back flus or colds from touring, leaving you basically bed bound with a snotty nose and a sore throat. Surprisingly, you didn't mind when this happened since Van would take care of you. He would buy you whatever snacks you wanted from the shops, bring you cups of tea and boiling hot water bottles whenever you asked. He would curl up with you under velvet blankets, snuggled into your frame while watching your favourite movies.
One of your favourite things to do was after the tour, when he had just gotten back. He would have greasy looking hair and stubble coming through which scratched your chin. You would both get in the shower, you'd be washing his scruffy locks while Van would be telling you how working in the studio was going and idiotic dares they would do when they were bored. He'd place gentle pecks on your exposed suddy skin and suck at your sensitive spots before it ended in steamed up glass and sounds of panting echoing through the water sprinkling down onto the tub.
When Van was home for long periods of time, don't get it wrong, he did absolutely drive you up the wall with little annoying habits. He was restless, could never sleep for longer than 4 hours a night. You would be deep asleep, sweetly dreaming... to be awoken by a light shove or a whisper. Rolling over to try and ignore the shit eating grin Van had spread across his face because now you'd shown you were awake so he can talk about everything and anything to you while you yawned into his chest. He also didn't know how to do simple household chores for the life of him. Once he tried making you tea to surprise you after a long day of work but all you came back to was the smoke alarm with no batteries in, a lingering burning smell, takeout boxes on your living room table and Van sighing, "Babe, please say you don't need to go into the kitchen anytime soon..."
All the small things that should piss you off, especially when he did in fact nearly burn down your house trying to cook chicken nuggets and chips. You didn't mind looking back, at least he was there in them moments with you.
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bendybondybandage · 8 months
Sometimes I like to think Van McCann is coming back, other times I humour myself by imagining he’s training to be a spark or just some type of tradesman 😭
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pacifierbby · 2 months
fact that catb coming back to Manchester is honestly is making me so excited
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I am writing an imagines book! It will be on wattpad (my account is 'somethinglikethat83') and will consist only of Van McCann imagines because why the hell not.
The first imagine will be up soon! Like, tonight (GMT)! I'll link the story when the first imagine comes up but just keep a look out on my wattpad and tumblr page.
I do have a lot of ideas but I will run out eventually so if you want me to write a fluffy Van imagine just request here or privately on wattpad, I will need inspiration. There is just one rule though, NO SMUT REQUESTS. I will not take any smut requests, will not write any smut imagines or read any smut imagines. That is the only rule.
That's all for now I guess, keep a look out for the first imagine and just a thank you for the future!
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your-divine-ribs · 3 months
Good Touch
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Words: 4.6k
A very stressed out Van comes into your salon for a massage so you help him to relax in the best possible way… I wrote this just after the Cardiff 2022 gig got cancelled 😭 // Just pure self-indulgent smut because I fancy this man so bad I have no other excuse lol sorry 😂
Imagines Masterlist Main Masterlist
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"I'm so glad we're nearly done for the day, I can't wait to get home. Thank god I've not got any more clients."
Your colleague and salon receptionist Naomi looks up as you push through the door after heading back from a much needed coffee break. A small frown creases her forehead.
"Actually Y/N, you do have another client. He was a late booker from this morning. Haven't you seen it in the diary?"
"No..." Your heart sinks as she slides the appointment book towards you across the counter, squinting at Naomi's practically indecipherable scrawl. "Mr... what? Mr McCarr? McCaw? Don't recognise the name. He's not a regular then..."
Great, you sigh to yourself. A brand new client last thing on a Friday. These days your diary is full of satisfied repeat bookers and you've got to know all of them well during your time at the salon. It's almost like you can forget you're working at times, you just switch on the relaxing music and chat to them whilst you massage away their tension knots and usually their worries too. It's often soothing even for you, but this week has been long and exhausting and the thought of making polite conversation with a total stranger for a whole session when you're ready to go home is totally draining.
Well... let's just hope he's one of the quiet ones who just wants to lie there and zone out.
"It's actually McCann... excuse my terrible writing!" Naomi laughs. "But yeah he's new. He came in grumbling about his manager ordering him to come for a session. He's had some shit go down at work or something... I don't know. He was pretty vague, mumbling like he really didn't wanna be here."
You look quickly towards the treatment room door which is thankfully shut. "He's already here?"
"Uh-huh," Naomi nods, scrunching up her face. "He looks like shit... really stressed out... like maybe he's not slept for a month." She grins mischievously. "Shame really as I reckon he'd be proper fit normally!"
"Naomi!" You exclaim in a hushed whisper, stepping over in alarm. "For Christ's sake keep your voice down!"
Naomi just shrugs, unfazed, tapping her manicured fingernails on the counter. "He won't hear, the door's shut. Chill out! Anyway, enjoy... he's booked in for a full body massage!"
Her eyebrows shoot up suggestively at the final few words, but you don't partake in her smutty behaviour. You've always prided yourself on your professionalism. You'll just go in and do your job... work your magic... in forty-five minutes you'll have another satisfied customer.
You take a deep breath and open the door...
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You should have realised. You should have put two and two together, but why would you? Okay... McCann isn't exactly a common name, but the thought of having a real-life, living, breathing, famous rockstar casually dropping into your salon is the last thing you'd expect on a Friday afternoon.
But sure enough there he is, larger than life and a hundred times more handsome than his videos on YouTube, perched on the edge of the treatment bed wearing nothing but a pair of tight-fitting black boxers. Very tight-fitting actually, you note, quickly wrenching your eyes upwards to meet his sparkling blue gaze and his awkward looking slightly crooked smile.
"Alright love?" He greets you in that familiar tone that you've grown to love by watching every interview of his that you've scoured the internet for.
You're flustered even though you tell yourself that you shouldn't be. In your line of work you deal with clients in various states of undress all day, every day. It's just that they're not normally Van McCann, singer of your favourite band. The very same band who've just brutally broken your heart and put a serious dint in your finances by pulling out of a stadium gig you'd been set to attend only weeks away. You'd been devastated and frustrated, not to mention fuming about the band's lack of communication with their loyal and dedicated fanbase, but all of a sudden those feelings of resentment take a backseat to your utter shock at having this most elusive of your idols sitting there before you, eyes glowing with a subtle kind of amusement at your stunned expression.
"Oh... errr sorry... wasn't I supposed to get my kit off yet?"
"Yes... yes... of course!" You blurt, checking yourself when you realise you sound overly eager, making out you're clearing your throat so you can take a moment to compose yourself, forcing your inner fangirl back into hiding. "I mean, sure. I can't massage you fully dressed now, can I?"
Van nods but his smile slips as you step forward to retrieve a towel off the bale on the wall, and now you're a little closer you can see what Naomi was talking about. The skin under his eyes looks dark-tinged and puffy, his skin sallow under the lighting. He sighs under his breath as he gets to his feet. "Might as well get this over and done with then."
His comment makes you bristle slightly but you recall Naomi's earlier comment and you take the chance to explore his lack of enthusiasm. "Oh, my colleague mentioned something about your manager making you come? You don't sound too thrilled about it. Most people love coming for a treatment. It's therapeutic you know."
"Yeah well... I don't need therapy," he says quickly, his voice tight and defensive. You've obviously hit a nerve. You hadn't realised that you'd stepped back, recoiling, but Van notices. He looks immediately embarrassed, offering an apologetic smile, pushing a hand through his hair as he talks.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap... it's just... errr... it's just I've really been going through it at the moment. Things have been... difficult... really difficult." His eyes dart around the room before they meet yours again. "You could say pretty much everything I touch is falling apart these days."
You're full of intrigue, literally bursting with curiosity to find out the reason behind the band's demise, but he's made no reference to show that he  knows that you're aware of who he is. In fact you think he probably suspects you don't and he's relieved about that. Despite your desperation to find out the band's fate you really can't probe him. You don't want to scare him off, but you also don't want to treat an unwilling client. It just doesn't feel right.
"Look... I'm really sorry to hear that, but I probably shouldn't treat you if you don't want to be here..."
Van cuts you off, looking contrite. "It's not that I don't want to be here, really. Please don't take offence. It's just that I don't know how a bloody massage is supposed to miraculously cure all of my problems, that's all."
He chuckles and rolls his eyes, and you smile back, holding out the towel to him which he accepts.
"I'm sure it won't... but it will relax you, I can promise you that. You can just lie back and close your eyes and check out of real life for a little while. C'mon, why don't you just try it? You might like it. Let me take care of you for a bit."
Oh... you hadn't meant it to come out quite like that, so intimate-sounding. You feel your cheeks begin to warm as his grin widens.
"Well, if ya put it like that how can I resist? I'm sure I'll be in very capable hands! Now... how do you want me... on the bed?"
His last line's said innocently enough but there's an underlying cheekiness simmering just below that gorgeous smile that makes your belly flip. You bite back the smirk that's threatening to surface along with a very inappropriate smutty comment, trying to restore the composed and professional demeanour that you usually display with your clients.
"Yeah, just lie down right here." You look down quickly to hide your flushed cheeks, patting the soft sheet draped over the bed. "If you start off lying on your front then I can do your back, and then you can turn over." You pause, mentally bracing yourself before you say the next line, but ending up blurting it out in a tumble of rushed words. "You can... umm... take everything off if you like... you don't have to but some clients prefer it that way. It's completely up to you though. You can use the towel to cover yourself if you do."
Fuck... your cheeks are on fire now, your pulse starting to race. The room suddenly feels like a furnace as you watch Van quickly hook his fingers under the elastic waistband of his boxers without hesitation, starting to inch them down his slim hips.
"Oh... I'll step out and give you some privacy!" You exclaim, hurriedly whirling around to avert your eyes at the realisation that he means to completely strip off right there and then in front of you.
"Not a problem," comes his relaxed voice from behind you. "I'm not shy."
A giggle of pure embarrassment bubbles up inside and you bite down on your lip to stem it, trying to control your pounding heart. You need to pull yourself together and fast. In a moment you've got to turn around and deliver a relaxing and professional massage but all you can think of is getting your hands on his naked body for all the improper reasons.
"Just let me know when you're ready!" You say brightly, stepping forward to peruse the massage oils, deciding on a blend of patchouli and sandalwood. You tap the small speaker on the shelf and a wave of soft, soothing meditative music fills the small room. Scented candles are already lit to give the room a calming ambience.
"Ready... I'm all yours!" You hear him call back.
Yes... yes you are, you smile to yourself as you move over to dim the lights before finally turning around.
He's laid out on the bed on his front as instructed and for the first time you can get a good look at him uninhibited. His wiry body is lean but taut, his skin pale save for the slight flush where he's obviously caught the sun on the tops of his arms and around his neck. The tiny towel that you gave him is draped temptingly over his pert little ass and you curse yourself for not giving him an even smaller one.
"How are you feeling? Are you comfortable enough?" You ask, tipping some of the oil into the palm of your hand and warming it between your fingers, coating them in the fragrant liquid.
"Uh-huh I'm good... yeah I'm all good," he replies, shifting slightly where he lays and bringing his arms up to fold across the end of the table. He lays his head sideways against his crossed arms. You have a clear view of his face from here and you can see that his eyes are shut. "I've never had a massage before... I don't really know what to expect."
"Just relax," you tell him. "That's all you need to do. Just leave the rest to me."
You step forward until you're inches away from the table, looking down on him. You can hardly believe that this man who's dwelled in your fantasies up until this moment is lying here in front of you, naked as the day he was born, completely at your mercy. Tingles of excitement are sparking through you and again you have to take a moment to compose yourself, surreptitiously shaking out the tension from your fingers which are trembling slightly.
You start by placing your palms on either side of his spine just below his neck, trailing your hands down to his lower back, then up again, this time moving in circles, firmly smoothing his flesh as you go. He lets out a small sigh and you feel him sink down further into the bed.
"That feels nice already," he murmurs. "Think maybe I am gonna enjoy this after all."
Not as much as I'm going to enjoy it, you muse to yourself, smiling as your fingers nudge the towel aside to smooth over the top of the contours of his ass, thumbs pressing into the small of his back.
"I'm only just getting started," you say. "I can feel a lot of tension in your muscles, so I'm going to have to be thorough."
His only reply is a soft "mmmm" which sounds far more sensual to your ears than it probably should. Your mind wanders, imagining him flipping over and pulling you down on top of him, hitching up your dress whilst you straddle him and grind shamelessly against him.
You try to clear your mind, moving upwards again and using your fingers to caress the muscles across the tops of his shoulders, working out the knots of tension as you go. His skin is soft and smooth, more so than you would have imagined, and the way your oil-soaked hands glide across his flesh is arousing you beyond belief.  His body glistens in the candlelight. Maybe this was a bad idea. You can feel your professionalism ebbing away as you bring your hands down to focus on his slender waist, not making a move to replace the towel when it slips to the side, exposing his bum.
Van doesn't seem to notice or maybe he does but he just doesn't care. He has a blissed-out expression on his face, his eyes screwed shut and his lips slightly parted, a small crease adorning his brow as he lets out a sound that's halfway between a whimper and a sigh.
"You have no idea how good that feels... really. You're some kind of goddess, I'm sure of it."
His words fan the flames that are already simmering inside of you and you can feel the ache grow between your thighs as you shift your position to move down to his legs.
"Oh, I don't know about that," you reply, laughing softly. "My clients always seem to go away happy though."
"I don't doubt it.... mmmm... god that's so good... ohhh..."
There he goes again. Christ... those little moans that he's making are not helping matters. If he's this expressive just from a basic massage how would he react if you showed him your real talents? You push the thought away, reaching for more oil before you begin on his legs, wrapping your fingers around his calves as you massage your way up, spreading your hands wide as they slide up his thighs.
"F... uck," he groans, low and drawn out and you see him push his pelvis into the bed as your fingers trail dangerously close to the sensitive area between his parted thighs. Now you're certain that you're not the only one getting turned on, but it's hardly surprising, with each stroke you're pushing the boundaries of decency, edging closer and closer to forbidden territory. His arms move from their relaxed position so he can grip the edges of the bed and you smile to yourself as you feel his body stiffen.
There are strict rules of conduct for masseuses in your salon and you're breaking every single one. If your manager could see you now you'd be facing a disciplinary at the very least, or at worst you'd be fired. That doesn't stop you though, your fingers kneading teasingly at a spot that makes him visibly shiver until you feel the muscles in his thighs clench up tight under your touch.
"Are you still feeling okay?" You ask, finally moving your hands away, wiping the excess oil on the towel before you gently drape it back over his bum.
"Yeah... yeah I'm all good," he answers, but his choked up voice would suggest otherwise. Maybe you're going too far. Your salon prides itself on offering the most soothing treatments, leaving clients feeling calm and relaxed, not wound up tight like a spring, gripping the treatment bed like their lives depend on it.
"Are you sure? I know my massages can be pretty... intense."
He lets out a throaty chuckle. "Intense? That's one way to describe it! Think maybe I'm... errr... enjoying it a little too much."
You can't help the grin which stretches wide on your lips at his words which are like music to your ears, a green light to continue in your endeavours to make him feel good. You've never really considered your ability to make a person's body react to your whim a talent before, more like a gift. So what's wrong with bestowing a gift of your own on someone else every once in a while? He so obviously needs it.
"It's time to turn over now," you tell him, grasping the edge of the towel to lift it, allowing it to screen him as he moves.
"Al... already?" He stutters, uncertainty in his voice as he shifts. "I... errr... umm... okay then."
He rolls on to his side and you train your eyes on the far wall as he does to allow him his privacy, only looking back down to replace the towel when he's settled on to his back.
All of a sudden the source of his hesitancy is abundantly clear as you see the the towel tenting slightly over his cock. You have to fight hard to suppress the self-satisfied smirk you can feel trying to surface, quickly looking away, your eyes meeting Van's in an awkward moment of understanding.
He smiles sheepishly, his cheeks tinged an adorable shade of rosy pink and you fleetingly consider acknowledging the situation you've both found yourselves in, but you decide against it, opting to just carry on instead.
You can feel his eyes on you as you turn to reach for more oil then you step to the head of the bed, looking down on him. He blinks up at you, stunning pale greeny-blue eyes framed with thick, long lashes. You're certain you're not imagining the wordless exchange that you can feel taking place, a tender kind of lustfulness that his imploring expression conveys. He wants this. You know he does.
You place your hands on either side of his neck, letting them trail down to his collar bones and then outwards across his chest before drawing them back and repeating the movements over and over. You can feel his heartbeat thundering under your fingertips at each pass, his chest rising and falling deeply.
"You okay?" You check in on him and he nods, eyes swirling with intensity.
"Uh-huh..." he breathes out, then he clears his throat. "You're pretty incredible at this, you know that?"
You smile, soaking in the praise, wondering if he thinks every client of yours gets this extra special attention that he's receiving, wondering if he cares?
"It's working then, is it?" You grin.
Van laughs and you can feel it vibrate through his chest under your palms. "Put it this way, I'm not exactly thinking about my problems right now!"
"Good... that's good... that's the aim."
You step back around to the side of the bed so you can reach further, moving your hands down over his abdomen, letting your fingers slip under the edge of the towel and trail down the V of his hips. He lets out a shaky exhale and you glance up to see his eyes fluttering shut, his mouth slightly agape. He looks divine lying there, his oiled skin shimmering in the flicker of the dim candlelight, the temptation to pull away the towel so strong that you find your fingers twitching with longing. That's just a step too far though. Teasing is one thing but giving one of your clients a sneaky hand-job is another entirely. Besides, just because he's turned on it doesn't mean he's giving you consent to relieve his tensions in such a sensual way. He'd definitely have to ask... or maybe even beg...
Fuck... you wonder what that would sound like falling from those full pink lips of his, the same lips that are currently being pulled in between his teeth to stifle a groan. You coax it from him anyway as your hands move down to grip his thighs, pushing them slightly apart as you knead at the sensitive flesh. The towel rises up even further in response and now you know you've really crossed the line. Van's gripping the edges of the bed tightly, his breathing coming heavy and ragged. His hips press upwards as if to chase your touch as your fingers wrap around the top of his thigh under the towel, the backs of them just barely grazing his balls as you move away.
"I think we'd better finish there for today," you say hurriedly, watching carefully for his reaction, pleased when his eyes flick open with a look of dismay. "That's if you've... umm... had enough?"
He pauses for a moment, his brow furrowed in a hopeful kind of eagerness. "You mean there's more... if I want it?"
"Yes," you say with no absolutely hesitance, boldly meeting his needy gaze, gauging his reaction whilst you try to formulate your next words in your head. "I mean I think we both know that there's more than one way to relax somebody... a more unconventional way to relieve that obvious tension if you like."
You try not to think of Naomi innocently sitting outside at the reception desk filing her nails whilst you're in here propositioning a client in the most sordid kind of way. Despite her earlier teasing you just know that she'd be horrified by your actions. You start to fret that maybe you've made a mistake, but then Van speaks, and your worries melt away in an instant.
"I want it... I really want it... please."
In a deft motion he tugs at the towel and it falls away on to the bed, exposing him completely. As expected he's gloriously hard, his cock just as delectable as the rest of him, thick and rigid with a flushed tip, just begging for your attention. You waste no time in wrapping your fingers hungrily around his girth, swiping your thumb over the sensitive head.
"Shit," he mutters. "I can't believe this is happening."
He hoists his body upwards, propping himself on his elbows, craning his neck to watch as you begin to caress him, taking your time, sliding your oil-slicked fingers slowly and deliberately up and down his length.
"Tell me if you want me to stop," you murmur, the shock and excitement of what you're doing hitting you as he lets out a throaty groan and you worry that Naomi might hear.
"No... don't stop," he gasps breathlessly. "Please don't ever stop. It's so good... mmm."
His eyes flick between yours and his cock, dark and heavy-lidded, strands of his hair fallen forward on to his face which is creased in pleasure. You don't think you've ever witnessed a sexier sight, the obvious enjoyment etched on his face, his hips pistoning upwards needily as he fucks himself into your hand.
You pick up your pace, gripping him firmly, flicking your wrist over the head at each stroke, loving the way he writhes under your touch. His jagged panted breaths mingling with his choked groans and the obscenely wet sounds of your slick hand moving over his length seem to bounce off the walls of the small room making everything seem more intense.
"Keep going," he groans pleadingly. "Please... just like that... ahh fuck."
You're torn between wanting to stretch this out and wanting to drive him to his peak, the sinful noises he's making travelling down to your own core, soaking your panties through. You move to cup his balls with your free hand, gently massaging them, satisfied when he grits his teeth and lets out a particularly primal sounding groan.
"I can't hold on... I'm gonna come... fuck, fuck... FU-CK..." he hisses, thrusting into your hand, his whole body spasming. You watch him, transfixed as his jaw falls slack and his eyes glaze over as the swells of his climax peak and he comes, hard, milky splatters of cum painting his belly and spilling out over your knuckles.
You tug him a few more times until you've milked every last drop out of his orgasm and he's shuddering under your touch, his head hanging forward, muttering incoherently under his breath.
You release your grip on him, reaching for the towel and perching on the side of the bed, waiting for his reaction as you clean off your fingers, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Holy fucking shit," he finally murmurs, raising his head, his blue eyes meeting yours, full of wonder and shock and an awe-like reverence that makes your breath catch in your throat. "I know I'm brand new to this whole massage thing but I'm guessing that's not how it usually goes down?"
He accepts the towel from your outstretched hand as you offer him an awkward smile, the enormity of what you've just done hitting you now. "I can promise you I've never done that before. I... I don't know what came over me... sorry."
"Sorry?" He echoes quickly, his eyes bulging in disbelief. "Please don't apologise! That was..." he pauses, shaking his head, searching for the right words. "That was probably one of the hottest experiences of my life! Really... I mean it!"
A deep scarlet flush washes over you. "I hardly think so..."
"Trust me, it was," he cuts in, his eyes bright, a kind of youthful sparkle in them that looks good on him. "My only regret is I didn't even ask you your name... you know... before..."
He stops, chucking warmly, dabbing at the sticky mess on his belly before he drapes the towel over his lap and swings his legs around so he's sitting next to you on the bed.
"It's Y/N," you say, quietly.
"Van," he offers, holding out a hand to you in a greeting gesture, laughing when you accept it. Then you're laughing too at the absurdity of the belated formalities now when you've already shared an intimate moment together.
"Note to self," he grins up at you as you break away and get to your feet. "Make sure you're on first-name terms with a girl before you accept her offer of a hand-job!"
"Oh my god!" You giggle, cheeks glowing, huge grin splitting your face in two as you raise up a hand to your face, embarrassment flooding you now.
"I... errr... suppose I'd... errr... better give you some privacy now... you know, to get dressed." You start to back away, glancing down as you start to turn, feeling awkward now the heat of the moment has dissipated and it's painfully obvious the two of you are nothing more than strangers thrown together under a happy coincidence.
"Hold up... wait... Y/N..."
Van's voice comes urgently, stopping you in your tracks. You spin around, coming to face him, looking at him expectantly, surprised to see an awkward hesitance about him. He's still naked save for the small towel he's holding which is barely covering his modesty and you battle with yourself to keep a straight face.
"On my way in I saw this little coffee shop just across the road. I don't suppose you'd like to go and grab a drink with me would ya... if ya not busy that is? I figured you probably got off work soon?"
His voice rises up hopefully and your stomach flips with excitement but you try not to let it show, keeping your inner fangirl in check who's bursting to start doing a celebration dance at this dazzling turn of events.
"Yeah," you nod, returning Van's warm grin with one of your own. "Yeah... I'd really like that."
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Requests are open!!!
Hello darlings!!!! I’m so sorry I haven’t been writing much (anything lol) for a while, truthfully, I just wasn’t feeling it!! But I’ve still been reading lots on here and loving everything everyone else has been writing and I’m feeling a lot more inspired these days :) so I’m re opening my requests!!!! Probably for Matty and Mason, but maybe Van McCann (loml) if anyone fancied reading that?? Anyways, requests are open, send em in!!!!! Love of love as always❤️‍🔥
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catb-fics · 6 months
omg all this talk about vans dick reminded me of this post from 2013…
Omfg I just choked on my tea 😂😂😂
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pacifymebby · 11 months
if you’re feeling sinister / chapter four
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It was one of those hot, close kind of afternoons. Grey claustrophobic skies gathering over head. The air had that thunderstorm musky kind of quality. It can't have been helping the doomed feeling my insincts were beginning to kindle around.
"Larry!" yelled Van, his voice disappearing further down the coastal path Larry often walked back on. He usually met his secret lass down here, the one he didn't think we knew as much about as we did, they usually dawdled along the the cliff edge, blowing canabis smoke down into the dunes. "Larry!" shouted Van again, no longer leaving any quiet in which we could listen out for his return call.
We'd already walked the path once, earlier that afternoon once we'd done the first circuit of the town. We'd knocked doors and asked around anyone we thought he might have had anything to do with the night before. When we'd run out of people he might have spoken to we started knocking every other door coming up with any excuse to justify disturbing the neighbours day. And because Larry worked Saturdays and Sundays in the local shop he knew most people, so we knocked on most doors.
And we heard nothing, and people looked at us with dusgruntled confusion and sometimes they looked concerned or they said they were sorry and promised to let us know if they did hear anything, but mostly they just shook their heads and said no, they hadn't heard from him. "Out late last night was he?" asked that one like they suspected us of causing trouble, suspected that whatever was going on it was our own fault.
Now we were trailing the coastal path slowly, growing tense. Ignoring hunger, the sweaty grimy skin crawling sensation of having been out walking through the humidity all day. Already knowing we weren't going to get anywhere. Carrying on because we didn't want to have to go back to Larrys mum and tell her she needed to phone him in as a missing person. Didn't want to go back to the girls and tell them that it was all more serious than we'd first thought.
And as Van started shouting for Larry again I let out a sigh, shoved my hands into my jeans pockets and closed my eyes. Wincing when I said it.
"You think we should check the woods now eh Van?" I said knowing that saying something like that, in a town like this, was like signing the death certificate myself. Giving up all for the sake of not wanting to give up.
Van screwed his face up, turned back to me. Almost looked pissed off when he shoved his sweaty hair from his face.
"Why would he be there its fuckin miles from his house?"
"Aye but we've searched everywhere else haven't we..." I said looking over at Benji who had stopped now too and was listening closely with the same wary, knowing expression.
"Fuck, yeah, whatever he's right Van its the only place we haven't looked.."
"Aye but it wouldn't make any fuckin sense... Why would he..."
"If you follow this path far enough it skims along the edge of the woods further down the coast... You know where the trees thin out reet down in the dunes..."
"Thats fuckin miles away..."
"Maybe he was after elongating the evening with his lassie," I tried to smirk, tried to wiggle my brows and ease the tension but I couldn't do that when I was sugesting our best mate might have ventured into those cursed woods at night, with a girl or even alone, ten years to the month that our town had looked out onto something like hell. After they'd found my mum, after they'd found Peppers mum and a little later her dad, hanging - the manner of his death apparently evidence enough to prove him guilty of it all.
"Yeah," groaned Van taking a cig from his pocket and lighting up, "fine fuck it..."
The way I saw it there wasn't anything else we could do. No point trailing that path any longer when we'd already done it and found nothing. No point in knocking doors at this time in the evening because most of the neighbours wouldn't answer their door during the after dinner soaps.
And I didn't want to leave it too long. If something really was wrong then we needed the police to start looking for him sooner rather than later. If something really was wrong, if something was beginning all over again, then I wanted to be by Sukis side and I wanted Pepper to know I was there for her, needed her to know she wasn't going to relive that peril alone.
"Jesus christ," he groaned seconds later, running his hand through his messy hair, "fuck sake man he shoulda just stayed at mine.." but I couldn't let him think like that.
It was how my dad had thought about the night my mam went missing for years now. How my brother had always thought of it too.
She'd been on her way to pick Jimmy up from a football match down at the playing fields which backed onto the woods. Only she'd gotten confused, or my dad had gotten confused, because Jimmy had been going to his pals house for tea and hadn't needed picking up at all, and somewhere within that miscommunication our mam had been left alone in the dusky summer evening, smoking a cigarette at the edge of the woods. And they said that that was probably when Peppers dad had bumped into her. That everything had probably seemed fine to her at first, that he'd probably lured her away from the car, into the forest under false pretences. That by the time she understood what was really happening, what he really wanted, she'd have been out of earshot of anyone. And of course we wouldn't have realised anything was wrong until much later that evening, when she didn't show at Jimmys pal's house to pick him up and take him home.
There were so many angles to view it from that meant you could blame yourself, or blame some trivial detail which really, probably wouldn't have made a big difference. If dad had been on the ball he could have realised she didn't need to go for Jimmy before she'd even left the house. If Jimmy had reminded her before he'd gone to school that morning. And even me, perhaps if I hadn't been such a pain in the arse, always asking questions or needing constant attention... Perhaps then she wouldn't have been distracted, she would have taken it in and remembered later that Jimmy didn't need picking up. That there was no reason to head down to the football pitches that evening.
And if she hadn't gone what then? Perhaps she'd still be with us. Perhaps someone elses mum would have fallen victim to those woods instead. Could I honestly say I wouldn't have traded my mum for someone elses, could I really say that if I was given the choice, I wouldn't choose to kill someone elses mam and keep mine safe and alive and mine.
No. And neither could anyone else if they were being honest.
Even so, it was better not to dwell on things you could have but didn't do and so when Van groaned and tapped his cigarette nervously I had to cut him off and nip his melancholic self loathing in the bud.
"Its just a fuckin walk home Van, should be safe, anyone should be able to do it blind like... Shouldn't make any difference to his life whether he stops at yours a night or walks home alone half cut. Its just a road..."
"Aye,"said Van with dark eyes and a gloomy set smirk, "Ain't just a road though is it..."
And I knew he was right. It wasn't just a road and our little town where the forest met the coast, would never be just some other little town ever again. This was a place terrible things happened, a haunted place. And as I felt a familiar knowing shadow take over inside me, I felt the shudder of dread grip me as I thought about the woodlands we were about to go poking around in. Woodlands I was sure were never supposed to be disturbed.
"Cmon no point being morbid about it, may as well get it over with for fuck sake," said Benji. He'd been chain smoking the same as the rest of us but now he let his fall from his hand, grinding it into the ground beneath his trainer, leaving a print in the sand for someone else to find later if we didn't make it home.
So we picked up the pace, ducking back over the dunes into the woodlands we'd played in as kids until we couldn't anymore. They'd stopped feeling like a playground after everything that went down. After the police dogs, the white suits, the blue lights and sirens, the long days which dragged into even more painful nights, the cups of tea the neighbors made for my dad which were left untouched and curdling wherever they'd been set down.
I shoved my hands in my pockets and fell into step with Van. The floor beneath our feet was soft with pine needles, our trainers sinking deceptively into the top layer as we walked quickly, trying not to walk too quickly through the ever thickening trees.
"Larry!" shouted Van, his voice echoing and then swallowed whole, snuffed out by the evergreens.
He only shouted once or twice, his voice barely carrying, bouncing back to us so quickly that it was difficult to believe the forest stretched out for as far as it did. But we were at the foot of the long slope, the vast expanse of Ash, Pine and Oak which grew all up the hillside through the valley and didn't thin out until it met the old slag heaps miles out of town.
"Keep an eye out for..." I started trailing off because I didn't know what to say. "Well, anythin really..." I hadn't been paying enough attention to Larry the night before, too caught up, distracted by Suki. When I thought about it I couldnt have described any of my friends appearances from the night before because I hadn't really been paying attention to anyone else. Only Suki. And I felt guilty because even upon realising that fact it was her my mind remained revolving around.
I couldn't help myself, wondering what she'd be doing back at Van's, her and Pepper and Mia, perhaps they'd have been playing their video games earlier but now that it was dark and we were still out without them, they'd probably be getting nervous, probably find themselves unable to focus on a zombie game or a shit 80s horror. They'd probably be sitting in that awkward quiet, tension thick between them as they tried not to do anything that would make them look nervous. No one ever wanted to be the first to admit they were scared.
"Fuckin poirot over here..." smirked Benji cracking just enough of a smile to meet his eyes.
"Shit man this is fuckin pointless these woods are huge, even if we split up we ain't gonna cover it all by nightfall..."
"We ain't splittin up," I said quickly, quietly, my eyes meeting Van's through the ever darkening evening, "an its already night..." I shrugged, "so I don't know what you wanna do but if we go back now we have to go straight to his mam... She's gonna have to phone the police..."
"He might be back by the time we get back," shrugged Benji but we all knew it wasn't true. If he'd come back one of the girls would have phoned. We wouldn't still be out there looking for him. We wouldn't all feel so doomed.
"Maybe we should split..." said Van again, "just for a bit, have a wander round, cover more..."
"Fuckin no chance," I said shaking my head, a disbelieving grin cracked crooked as I shoved him playfully, "mr "I've seen every horror movie" and you actually want us to split up..."
"Aye mate am not so sure its a..." started Benji, his thought cut short by a wailing sound tearing through the trees.
The sound seemed to carry over our heads, like a fast moving cloud. Its echo lingering in the mist rolling in from the sea. I looked down to my shoes in the pine and saw the familiar grey vapour curling around my ankles and I didn't like the strange sensation it left on my skin.
For a second we all stood still, silent, looking at our feet, looking up at the thick dark green shadow of pine needles and leaves above our heads. The canopy blocked the evening light but we could all tell there wasn't much light left to be seen.
"Fuck was that?" asked Benji with a nervous twitching smile, "sounded like me demented nan..."
"Probably owls," I said with a shrug not wanting to admit how haunted that terrible keening had really made me feel. It had sounded so eerily familiar to me. A sound drifted in from childhood, the kind your mind forces you to forget until you hear it again.
"Maybe it was a ghost..." Van said with a small smirk, ironic and then suddenly wincing apologetic and embarassed by himself. "Sorry lad," he said quickly, taking out a cigarette trying to save himself, "sorry fuck I didn't..."
"Everyone thinks the woods are haunted," I shrugged swallowing a lump in my throat as my shoulders and jaw tensed tight, "theyve always thought that an all, not just since... You know..."
"Aye," said Van, "am still sorry though..."
And people always were and always would be. Sorry. Always awkward and apologetic. Those kinds of smiles were ones familiar to me after all this time.
"Cmon man," I said with a shudder, "we'll walk back into town, if he's somewhere in here the police will find him quicker than we can..."
"Aye but they won't go lookin tonight," he said, "always wait too long don't they..." he said, his eyes darker still as we all walked in step, each of us glancing over our shoulders every now and then, each of us checking for god knows what doing god knows what in our periphery.
"Yeah well," I said forcing a smile for his benefit, for mine too, "might not be waiting for anythin at all eh, blakes might be right... Maybe he's already home..."
But we weren't stupid and any lies we told to make eachother feel better... We all knew them to be just that. Lies.
The quickest way home however was unfortunately through the trees. It was quicker to head a little deeper into the woods and then veer for the football fields than it was to double back on ourselves and head back down the coast. Besides, there was little point treading familiar ground when were trying to think hopefully.
If we headed towards the footie pitch and the school we would perhaps stumble upon Larry unsuspectingly. I was hoping that my instincts were wrong but I'd always trusted myself more than I trusted anyone else and I knew that in this instance just like every other instance, I was probably right.
We probably weren't going to find Larry that night.
Knowing that fact only made the woods seem closer still. I felt every shudder in the pines like breath on my skin. Every twitch or snap in the trees drew my eyes searching for its cause. I kept trying to block it out, kept trying to tell myself to keep walking and looking straight ahead but it wasn't working to make me feel any less on edge. I wanted to be home with the girls, skip the fucking awful walk home and just be crushed up on Vans settee with Suki tucked under my arm and little Titch where I could see her. Needed everyone I cared about to be close to me. Knowing that it wasn't possible now left me feeling that familiar but ever strange seperation from myself. That hollow feeling in my bones that made me feel like my fingers weren't my own. Made me feel like I'd borrowed someone elses body for the day and I couldn't quite get a grip on the controls.
"Shit..." breathed Van suddenly stopping in his tracks so that I tripped over and into the back of him and Blakes had to stumble to stop himself crashing too.
"Shit..." I said quietly following his gaze. Just a little way in front of us was a car wreck... The bonnet crumpled into the trunk of a conifer. The glass in the pine needles hardly caught the light, it had been there so long it had been weathered by the rain, the dirt had set in and dulled it, muddied it. Only the largest plates remained.
"I thought they cleaned everythin up..." started Blakes trailing off because the answer to whatever question he'd been about to ask was right there in front of us, abandoned and battered, windows shattered, rusty skeleton chewed up. Left to the pines and the woods for them to do with whatever they liked.
"Yeah," I said, my mouth dry, my fingers searching my pocket for my light, "you'd have thought they would..." I said, fingers closing around pine needles and dirt in the pit of my pockets. No cigarettes to comfort me.
"It is..."
"Yeah," I said silencing Van before he could ask the obvious, a question we all already knew the answer to, "thats Titch's dads car," I said glancing over my shoulder. Checking my periphery. The painful sensation of being watched, skin prickling all over as I fixed my eyes on the car. That hollow feeling was rising, spreading through my body slowly so that I couldn't shake the feeling that I was leaving myself behind.
He'd crashed the car, he'd murdered Titch's mam and then he'd murdered mine too... It was the story everyone knew, and here was the evidence, here was the crashed car. Here was the broken glass. The rusting frame. The pine needles and pieces of bark he'd displaced. Like some museum exhibit.
Only Blakes was right. They had cleared the site. There'd been such a fuss in the local paper about it because some of us had wanted it cleared, some of us had wanted the scene disposed of, and others, those who believed Titchs father to be innocent, had wanted the crime scene preserved. So that it could be studied over and over, scrutinised for any new evidence. Anything that would prove something. Because it was one of those cases. The kind where everyone, no matter who's side theyre on, find themselves rooting for the same thing. When answers are in sshort supply people start to care less about the answers theyre going to get...
"Cmon we need to leave," I said struggled to swallow around the dry scratch in my throat... "An lets not tell titch about this yeah...actually lets not tell any of the girls about it eh?"
"Yeah," said Van nodding solemnly, "right blakes?"
But that would be our first mistake.  
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