yahoo201027 · 5 months
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April 24: Happy Birthday to the former member of the Espada (formerly the Third Espada back years ago) in Aizen’s Arrancar Army over at Hueco Mundo and an ally to Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends during Orihime’s rescue and stopping the Vandereich, the Bleach character of Nelliel Tu Odelschwank.
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stalkerkyoko · 2 years
spring time for vandereich October
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yhwaifu · 5 years
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its been 84 yeers... yeah anyways i think i exhausted my drawing motivation for the next 6 months and for a what sketch bruh
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kuboism · 3 years
Four Gatekeepers and the nature of “hypnosis”
501 Hi, today I stumbled upon the wiki article about the 4 Gatekeepers of the Seireitei walls and it sure does assert with blunt confidence that at some point in Bleach Aizen put those poor Guardians under hypnosis. 
While I don’t think it’s unlikely that Aizen or his goons did arrange the 3 out of the 4 guardians to become a distraction while they waited for their negacion elevator to Hueco Mundo - the timing is just right, and since Jidanbo was the only one excluded due to injury therefore he didnt appear under “hypnosis”, its safe to assume it happened between Ichigo and co’s arrival and Rukia’s execution date.
However, let’s observe what happens in the arc itself. 
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Assumption number 1: Aizen recruited them. Well, obviously, no. They’re not in a right state of mind.
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Assumption number 2: “Aizen must’ve done something to them.” Potentially yes.
But is it Kyouka suigetsu’s “hypnosis”? No.
Think about it, their actions are robotic, sluggish to some degree. To the point that Jidanbo easily downs all three of them and they don’t even blink or resist.
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“Not even you can fight them while restraining me.”
It’s not about having a fighting force, but about a distraction, since without Kukaku stepping in, there would be no room for the other’s who surrounded him, to fight them too.
However, let’s assume it was Aizen’s Kyouka Suigetsu that put them under hypnosis. All it does is alter someone’s perception to suit Aizen’s needs. Say they are put under hypnosis to regard Jidanbo and the like as enemies. Yet they’re just standing, not fighting back. Say they’re made to believe their surroundings are tranquil. Then why don’t they react when down? Confusion, fear, nothing seems reflected in their eyes nor actions.
Kyouka Suigetsu does use the term “complete hypnosis”, but its nature is far from putting someone in a trance. Even for the smallest tasks/goons Aizen could not take away their agency. And yet, these three Giants seem robbed of it to some degree. Why so? 
And why does this happen again, to the one Gatekeeper who could not possibly be under any influence of Aizen’s, Kyouka Suigetsu or otherwise.
Chapter  500. Almost 400 chapters after end of hypnosis arc. 
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Sounds familiar? The same blank, unresponsive eyes. The absolute lack of personality or agency. Though this time, Jidanbo is more actively destructive (probably because this time the purpose behind the “trance” isn’t just to be a distraction).
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We see PePe laughing sinisterly as he watches Jidanbo dismantle the squad 12 laboratories. His powers do actually control people’s actions. And he is, indeed actively using his powers.
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On Rin.
a panel with Jidanbo is right there to contrast PePe’s powers with his “Trance”. Everyone under PePe’s spell cannot refuse his demands and requests, but they are *conscious* of their actions. Their agency is robbed, but not their awareness. In fact none of the three “controlling” powers affect awareness. Aizen’s hypnosis is masterfully used by him to *manipulate* people into doing what he wants, but he cannot affect their agency. Both Pepe and Zommari use “love” as a pretext to either control one’s actions via “requests” or directly “conquer” and “control” body parts.  None of this resembles the bizarre mind control that the four Gatekeepers are put under. Almost like its an intrinsic “Manual control” mode put into some robots. 
Now, obviously the following questions are: if it truly is some sort of “switch” they intrinsically have, maybe because of C46, or the gotei, or the nobility that both Aizen and Vandereich exploited: why do they know?
Well, Aizen generally snooped around the archives, and outside of those, knows things he should absolutely have no way of knowing.
As for the Quincies well, they did live under Seireitei, listening in through the shadows. If someone slipped a secret, or perhaps they saw Aizen’s squad do it to them, well, there you go.
So, what’s the conclusion: 
Basically, no way that’s Kyouka Suigetsu, and while Aizen may have exploited this “trance” mode, in the 3 Gatekeepers who were on duty, he couldn’t have any means to do that to Jidanbo 400 chapters later. And given what sinister secrets we find out the nobility and the gotei continuously keep and sweep under the rug, especially those revealed in CFYOW, I wouldn’t be surprised if they, in their endless paranoia left a “sure-fire” measure to control and subdue the Gatekeepers. Shame it back fired on them. Twice. 
Notice how we never see any of the four Gatekeepers again? No mention of them, not even in any of the novels?
[And speaking of novels, in SAFWY (Spirits are Forever with You) which takes place during the fullbringer arc (before TYBW and after Aizen got sealed, basically), the Picaro (child hollows that invade soul society in the novel for, reasons) do fight Jidanbo at the West gate he’s guarding, but the ones entering the North gate fought shinigamis, not a Gatekeeper. ]
Curious, innit.
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jiiaian · 5 years
“True but why did you follow him? Were you indoctrinated as a child and simply grew up used to it? Did you live through the quincy genocide a thousand years ago? Were you born into the vandereich and followed your parents? Even if you did not question the Emperors, what were your personal feelings about the war? Also what DID the schrift incription entail? Is it an etching on the body?”
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“Young lady--” He took a breath. “What do you stand to gain from this? Do you simply want to force me to relive a past that has led me to a life with no discernible purpose?” There were so many old wounds he was not eager to open. Of course, there were answers to her questions, but very few of them cast the Quincy in a good light. No answer would be satisfactory, especially not for this pest of a girl.
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leichefrau · 5 years
HC: Veal
Following the end of the Thousand Year Blood War and the Tokinada Rebellion, Giselle began spending more time in two places: The Gotei Fourth Division and the World of the Living. In the vein of the latter, she ran into a peculiar black cat on her way home from picking up groceries.
This feline, much to the contrary to how most animals received her (they often hissed or became agitated thanks to her slightly corpsey smell) this feline nuzzled right up to her and began to purr. During a time when Giselle was in particular mental turmoil, this peculiar cat would soon come to be known as Veal, and become Giselle’s first and only Pet.
Giselle spends her evenings brushing Veal and generally confiding in them about her day, her anxieties, and her own general thoughts about the past and future. She has made a small replica of her own Ritter cap for Veal and celebrates the anniversary of finding Veal every year since she does not know Veal’s actual birthday.
To date, Veal is the only living thing Giselle has spoken to in regards to her life before the Vandereich. Giselle often worries about the day Veal will die, but has promises herself she will never zombify them. If nothing else she wants the chance for a happy afterlife for Veal.
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sprengfrau · 6 years
@syncopxtc liked for a starter
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Well this was awkward.  Bambi’s activities amidst the wake of the war were mostly, perhaps to the surprise of some, diplomatic. As the founder of the only actual unofficial group within the vandereich still alive, she was the only real ‘leader’ among the remaining ritters. Oh there had been some dissent at the start of it all, particularly among some of the more volatile survivors. But after the first meeting with Kyoraku, the results had stemmed those malcontents. 
This was, more or less, round two. After somewhat cementing the ceasefire beyond the flimsy agreement that had been made during the war, now was the time to figure out coexistence. To that end, Bambi had been invited to actually stay within the sereitei so that these talks could happen at length. Well, she and a couple of her more trusted surviving allies. Which at present was just Liltotto and Gigi. What she did NOT expect, was the host of where they would be staying. 
None other than Captain Hirako, as it seemed that Squad Five had volunteered to house the quincy during the diplomatic session. For just an instant she froze, her encounter with the man fresh in her mind. But.... she pushed it aside. She didn’t allow that bubbling paranoia to take hold, and she took a calming breath.
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“A pleasure to see you again Captain. Thank you for extending your hospitality.” Even doing away with her usual informal vocal quirks to maintain a professional air.  For the sake of both sides, this had to work out.
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ichirukilover · 3 years
I'm disappointed the hueco mundo arc didn't happen in the winter like it said it was happening. Ichigo and co were already going into hueco mundo. There wasn't any need for another rescue arc. Speaking of winter, why were everyone wearing these coats in tybw?
It's because the war with Aizen wasn't supposed to happen too quickly, so we had to deal with the little never ending battles in the HM territory and the save Inoue plot point as a diversion. As for the coats in the last arc you mean Ichigo, Rukia, Byakuya and Renjo? They were re-dressed by Shutara, those were some protective clothes to come back in the SS arc, really just something new to look at because it was lit nothing else just useless s*it. As for the quincy, the Vandereich (I don't rmb the name) was supposed to be cold I think.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
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November 4: Happy Birthday to the Former Lieutenant of the First Division of the Gotei 13 under Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto in the Soul Society up until his unlikely death at the hands of the Vandereich at the start of the Thousand Blood Year War arc, the Bleach character of Chojiro Sasakibe.
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stalkerkyoko · 5 years
First vandereich squad now nemu
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“Going fight this master hand looking dude
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“for mastery Mayuri
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bazz-b · 6 years
sprengfrau replied to your post: ((Today’s thoughts: I love all Quincy headcanons....
HC that Nianzol Weizol joined the Vandereich after winning a tongue-twister contest.
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leichefrau · 5 years
HC: License and Registration Please
Originally when exploring the idea of how Gigi and her friends go about doing things in the human world (Especially efter Kubo’s picture depicting them all sitting on a couch together) I originally surmised that the No Damage Squad (I fully believe that would be something they call themselves, as generally no matter the mission they would prevail looking untarnished in the end by virtue of their abilities) has a group Car they travel around in, and always wanting to be around her friends its very likely Gigi would prefer this mode of travel (Probably a car with one of those retracteable roofs).
However! On the note of her private time, Gigi actually much prefers a motorcycle. Never having to fear death or injury, she enjoys annoying other drivers and taking selfies at incredibly dangerous angles and places. (It would not be unlikely for Gigi to tale a selfie while driving right off a cliff. She would likely be sure to include that in the shot). She would likely even taunt other daredevils in the vandereich and challenge them to performing similar stunts (read: Bazz B).
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federicasox · 10 years
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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April 24: Happy Birthday to the former member of the Espada (formerly the Third Espada back years ago) in Aizen’s Arrancar Army over at Hueco Mundo and an ally to Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends during Orihime’s rescue and stopping the Vandereich, the Bleach character of Nelliel Tu Odelschwank.
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