#vanitas is mentioned
dehliadelights · 2 years
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anyways, heres my kairi headcanons and my explanation for my hc design.
first off, eyes and hair. i really like the headcanon that kairi and lea are siblings, i really vibe with that. they're siblings so much, but they're siblings who were separated in a custody battle so they never got to properly know eachother. i blended her canon blue eye color with lea's, and same with the hair.
everyone on destiny islands spar for fun, they're very competitive. the reason why kairi doesnt is because she'd kick everyone's asses. she doesn't like showing off, though.
she's banned from joining riku and sora in their races, since she wins everytime.
she still gets her keyblade in the canon story, but before that, she gets a legend-of-zelda-esc bow of light. and a spear. its a light infused knife stick :)
so? much?? sarcasm??? she hates being viewed as weak because she's a girl, and she is always sarcastic with people who underestimate her.
also, sometime soon after birth by sleep, kairi summons a keyblade completely by accident. her parents didnt know what to do. congrats aqua.
strangely, she met vanitas once, sometime before aqua arrived at radiant garden, she noticed vanitas just hiding. she enjoyed his jump at her sudden greeting. vanitas is very fun to startle.
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norremire · 3 months
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Another adorable pic from @dataglitch !! This time Pluvia is giving Vanitas a manicure 💅💚
Fic about that can be read here!
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etrevil · 5 months
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breast nibbler and the lady whose breast were nibbled
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regallibellbright · 5 months
I think it’d be really, really funny if the Civilians of Twilight Town keep trying to guess what Roxas, Xion, Lea, and Isa’s deal is, trying to fit them into SOME sort of even remotely traditional family structure and end up with, like, six different competing rumors even before the polite blonde girl who divides her time between “the old abandoned mansion, which they guess she owns?” and “nowhere in the area.”
And then the visiting scientist.
And the other visiting scientist.
And the scientists’ apparent son (other son?), who spends his entire trip talking with Pence about something they’ve clearly been collaborating on for at least a year despite the fact that no one’s ever seen him before.
Xion introduces a boy who looks nothing like her, currently lives with his family (not, she specifies, her family,) and has no relationship with Roxas or Lea whatsoever. Apparently they’re both the children (okay, he says creations, but Even’s an odd one) of one of the scientists. Technically, they say. They look nothing alike. They’re pretty sure he doesn’t live with the scientist, either. He does know Namine (presumed to be the scientists’ mutual daughter) but they say they’re not siblings point blank. Someone crosses Xion and Namine being sisters off a whiteboard, then considers and puts a question mark there.
Roxas’s incredibly obvious identical twin shows up and they claim to be half-brothers. Roxas will skateboard away from all followup questions. On another trip, he’ll bring a third boy who introduces himself as “the other half of (Ven’s) heart” and then immediately refers to Roxas, Xion, and Ven (but not Lea or the other boy, who nonetheless knows him) as his siblings. He claims to have been born at the dawn of time and just after the worlds shattered and also sixteen years ago. (Vanitas knows exactly what he is doing and is THRIVING off the chaos.)
Based off similar hair colors, her apparent dislike of Lea, and sheer desperation, half the town is convinced that Aqua and Isa are siblings and she sided with him during the breakup. There’s no consensus about how Terra fits into this. (Isa’s not correcting them. About any of this. It’s not worth it.)
Seifer gets back from a journey of self-discovery and asks who the newbies are and gets shown eight different, mutually-contradictory conspiracy boards in the form of family tree/relationship charts. Lauriam and Elrena have been the source of multiple schisms among the gossip mill.
By the time Sora shows up again even Hayner, Pence and Olette are having trouble keeping everything straight, and they actually know the whole story.
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alexissotired · 4 months
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Y’all thought Noé in Paris for the first time was bad? What about Modern au!Noé traveling around different countries for the summer break? Man is OVERFLOWING with excitement…
Thinking about how modern au!Noé would react to being pitched the idea of traveling to a few different countries for the summer break
Domi had probably texted him the idea, wanting to see the millions of texts he would send her every time he spotted something new, when he eventually did go on the trip
Vanitas is def thinking on how he’s gonna convince Domi to let him borrow that collar she has for Noé
Oh, why would he wonder that, you may ask? Well of course!
He can’t let that absolute utter fool walk around different cities in different countries without supervision! Who knows what he would impulsively spend money on? (Vanitas, if you wanna spend time together with Noé, just say that…)
Needless to say, Noé (and unwillingly Vanitas) goes on that trip
(Vanitas buys some painkillers when they land at the first country, cuz he knows he’s going to get some headaches from walking around with NOÉ all day in a NEW CITY and NEW COUNTRY)
Vanitas ends up being grateful he bought those painkillers because, so far, Noé has been absolutely unpredictable on this trip! AND ITS ONLY BEEN A DAY?!
Noé is absolutely walking off to go look at a water fountain he saw was on the map, what do you mean it doesn’t look too different from water fountains in France???
Noé was there one second… and completely gone the next! And Vanitas only found him in the early evening, staring at the cafe in front of him
You cannot tell me Vanitas wasn’t about to open his mouth and rant about how his feet hurt from trying to find this man all day!! (The T in ‘this’ is silent, Vanitas just doesn’t know it yet)
Well… he was about to rant… until Noé turned around and looked back and forth at the café and at Vanitas…
Vanitas took a few steps forward to see what the café was and…
It was a cat café.
He looked back at Noé and scowled, grabbing Noé’s sleeve and pulling him in the opposite direction, towards the hotel they were staying at for the time being, while Noé stared after the café sulkingly.
It didn’t help that Noé, the entire way back to the hotel, was gushing about how he saw a cat in the window that looked like Murr
…Vanitas could only hope the next country in the trip planned ahead was less interesting so he would maybe have a chance to keep Noé in check….
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notnormalme · 1 month
I will also say that I am sad that we didn't get any sketches of Dante or Olivier and I hope that we'll get to see them in future (I will spend the rest of my money on it as I did this time) 😭
I thought I'd share more Noé
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The initial idea for Noé reminds me a lot of Kunikida from bsd and I'm very happy about it because Kunikida is my favorite character
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Also, as you can see, Noé has been working as a waiter for a very long time
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I'm sorry that some of the photos have a different color, but I took them under a different light 😭
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At one point, Mrs. Jun said that she was missing something in the character of Vanitas and when she asked her friend for advice, he said that he was very much in the style of her main characters. When asked to present his vision of the main character's appearance HE SUGGESTED THIS HAIRSTYLE
Jun ultimately rejected it BUT some of it was preserved in Vanitas' bangs! As you'll notice earlier, his hair was much messier and then it started to look more cut
Personally, I think he looks like aph Poland
I think that's all I've prepared???
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Nice art in question
Yes, I'm one of those people who watches this one scene from the opening on a loop (⁠・⁠// –⁠ //・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
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twewycrim3s · 4 months
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I'm not like him...I'm not...
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menelaus-blue · 11 months
i had a very important realization while i was out walking today. out of the main four vnc characters, noé is the one we know the least about. he fits into a category of what i would call the glass protagonist–a guy who basically exists only to narrate the story, joining the ranks of those like nick carraway and richard papen, except he's just like way more mysterious.
see, part of what makes a narrator like nick work narratively is that we know just enough about him to 1) understand his perspective on the events of the story and 2) know what his role in the story is. nick is able to give his insider/outsider view of gatsby because he is neither part of the buchanans' world nor part of gatsby's, and his role in the story is to serve as a kind of mediator between the two of them. he's daisy's cousin in long island, but he's also a working man in city, etc, etc.
the funky thing about noé is we just...don't know anything about him. we're told a couple of things about his childhood; that he was adopted by an old couple in the human world, that they died and he was somehow on sale in altus, and that the comte took him in. but really, the time before and after louis's death is uncannily empty for the guy who we're following through this world. yes, of course it's fair to say that we know the most important things about noé, but we honestly know way more of vanitas's childhood than his, and that's a big part of the central mystery of the story.
(there's an element to this, of course, that comes from both of the examples i gave before, the great gatsby and the secret history, being novels. as readers, we get an extra level of introspection from nick and richard that is very difficult to translate directly into manga as a medium. however, i would argue that it's not impossible, and all that being said it does sometimes feel intentional on mochijun's part just how little of noé's background she's shown us.)
both nick and richard narrate their respective stories onto the reader from their position as outsiders, which we know is noé's role in vnc from the get-go. i mean, he says this explicitly in chapter one: "this is the tale of how i met vanitas, and how we walked together, of all we gained and lost, and of how, at the end of that journey, i would kill him with my own two hands". he's the narrator and this is his story, just like nick and richard, right?
but while nick and richard are the narrators, and give us, the readers, an excuse to look into their worlds, they are not exactly essential players on the board. both the great gatsby and the secret history give the impression that, without their narrators, they would have continued nearly exactly as written; the characters were doomed to fail long before the story began, and the intervention of some white guy isn't enough to either stop that. and yes, vanitas is doomed as well, but we are introduced to his death as an event that is intrinsically tied to noé himself.
"with my own two hands", noé says. he is not only an actor in the saga leading up to vanitas's demise, he is a starring player in it. (and yes, we ofc later learn that vanitas is going to die with or without noé's intervention but i think it's important to understand that this is our introduction to noé, vanitas, and the story itself) in this way, noé differentiates himself from his glass counterparts, in that he inserts himself irrevocably into the plot. he is both a character in the story and an observer, a chess piece and the one playing the game. this is why the gaps in his backstory feel so jarring, at least to me, because we are not meant to view him as solely a window into the world of vnc, but as a character all on his own.
anyways, all that being said, i'm hoping with the introduction of lady archiviste we're finally going to learn more about noé and his time with the comte, just because it's like a HUGE gap in the story.
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levbolton · 1 year
I think my favourite gender is Cat/Owner
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agrebel18 · 6 months
bi4bi vanoe. yeah that’s it.
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aguacerotropical · 5 months
alright alright ik about lesbian veronica and marquis machina, but am i the only insane person reading the shapeless one and machina as exes? after all, the shapeless one says “when you were with me” and “i liked your eyes back then”, and machina’s reaction makes more sense if its one of a spurned ex lover imo
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sunsetsmakemesad · 22 days
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Before the Horrors And Tragedies™️
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purpleshoenickelhuman · 7 months
If someone ever writes fanfiction or makes fanart of AU stuff where Vanitas is given more (redeemable) characteristics and/or his own arc to become a better person, I think his Keyblade should be End of Pain, the one from Dream Drop Distance:
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I think it fits him well, color scheme and theme wise, especially with the things he faced in the Birth By Sleep novel where Xehanort did many horrible things to him. It even keeps the Gazing Eye motif from his Void Gear/Xehanort’s No Name as well as a similar-yet-different animal motif from No Name:
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creatorbiaze · 2 months
the really funny thing about me barely talking about my interests other than bsd is that every now and then I'll randomly post like 20 things about a random thing I've actually been kinda fixated on for a whiiile but it'll seem like a new interest
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lordmushroomkat · 1 year
Anyway I have purged my queue of Ace Attorney (I posted it all, enjoy the the massive wall of nonsense from me.) So now it's just miscellaneous and then The New Brainrot.
There's already an image of one of these clowns on here so enjoy that.
But anyway... It's Vanitas Time.
I am unhinged about all of the characters but I am becoming absolutely unwell about the titular Vanitas himself.
He's an asshole and I like him so much.
He's unhinged. He's so disingenuous and so repressed but he's so bad at keeping his feelings in. I swear sometimes he's just dissociating in the middle of a conversation.
He's a bastard and a bitch. He hates both vampires and humans for their cruelty but not nearly as much as he hates himself.
He has completely given up on life and is sustaining himself purely on spite and guilt. He makes people hate him on purpose.
He is kind but not nice. He is the embodiment of that cat knife meme, you know the one. He is babygirl and pathetic little meow meow. I want to send him to therapy.*
His vibes are constructed entirely out of red flags. He's a bisexual man that you want to keep 20 feet away from all women at all times because geeeeez my guy learn to behave yourself. He's a sarcastic prick. He's incomprehensibly traumatized.
I want to run him over with a freight train. I want to wrap him up in a homemade quilt and give him a cup of hot cocoa. I want someone to hold him tenderly. I want that twink obliterated (gayly).
He looks and acts like a feral alley cat. His outfit is simultaneously iconic and absurd. I think he stole someone's gender. He wears gloves with claws on them.
He is terrified of genuine connection yet he craves intimacy so badly. He is a massive pile of trust issues.
He is doomed by the narrative, he is running out of time, he is destroying himself through every step of his objective. He knows he will likely destroy himself before he can ever succeed. He is terrified of losing his humanity. He calls his objective vengeance but I'm pretty sure it's actually absolution.
There is something very very wrong with him.💖💜💙
*(I want to send all of these characters to therapy.)
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vero-niche · 2 months
the vnc dub is pretty good actually
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