butterfrogmantis · 1 year
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1. No I'm never gonna be done using the CCBB soundtrack for this family, esp/ this song it's so sweet <3 Clumsy and his twins ftw. Song.
2. Grouchy catches the gae
3. I don't know. Farmer is el hopaness romtic what can I say. Song.
4. UM still not sure what's going on with this fellow I do think the design slaps so I'm likely to get attached ........ he's gonna be curious though because if I go ahead with my initial plan he's being raised by his biological parents but calls one of them his 'uncle' for ... complex reasons. We'll see how I feel about him. Also, he's a kid and that's a baby snail. He's not a gigantic Smurf jksdfjksd
Clumsy, Grouchy, Vanity and Farmer (c) The Smurfs
Crash, Bolt and Wrangler (perhaps) are mine
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bluebluebluewoods · 3 years
still 2 draw: vanityxgrouchy and florinaxpapa :3 so many ships I never thought about!!!!
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butterfrogmantis · 1 year
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Dreamy doodles! There was a NTOB ep about Dreamy and Grouchy but ,, no spoilers from me >:) it did inspire me though~ Dreamy supports him if nothing else 😌
The rest are pivotal moments in Dreamy’s life or fillers
Dreamy, Grouchy, Vanity and Tracker (c) the smurfs
Nova and Rover are mine
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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@/schtroumpfcurieux got a Vanity coin and the inside was just amazing. 
I haven't drawn them for so long <3
Farmer and some bg dude had flowers too but I don't ship either of them with Vanity so I'm simply choosing to ignore it /lh Jokes aside, they can still be admirers, whatever. It just means I get to pretend Grouchy was just pissed he wasn't the only one bringing flowers >:)
Vanity and Grouchy (c) The Smurfs
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
Day 3 of Smurftober! 
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I never said it had to be a literal ghost-
Grouchy and Vanity (c) The Smurfs
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
could you draw Grouchy and Vanity humanized? pls
I love u <3
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It's nothing personal, Grouchy's just like that.
Also fdjhsdfjk? Luv u too anon
Vanity and Grouchy (c) The Smurfs
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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Farmailor and Granity humans c:
Idk I really like drawing human versions of ships as well even though Smurfs are easier DJSFJKSFJK There’s just something fun about it <3
Tailor, Farmer, Vanity and Grouchy (c) The Smurfs
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
Grouchy x Vanity Headcanons please!
It's my OTP♡
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-Grouchy loves flowers! Canonically, but headcanonically this means he can often be caught staring at the ones on Vanity's hat, and often will advise/gift him new ones <3
-As one may imagine, for a Smurf of few words other than 'I Hate' Grouchy's love language looks very different to most Smurfs. His tend to be in actions, rather than words, which Vanity is more than happy with, since it often involves pampering or at the very least new mirrors XD
-Vanity loves PDA, mostly as an excuse to show off. Grouchy doesn't but ... for once he tries not to complain bcuz he knows it makes Vanity happy :)
-Grouchy is often the model for Vanity's new outfit ideas, however extravagant they may be. It's a bit funny since Grouchy is quite stocky in frame and Vanity is very lithe, so they often look a bit silly XD
-Grouchy doesn't like to talk much. Vanity loves talking for hours on end (about himself). This works.
-They were the first of the post Smurfette/grove shenanigans to reveal their relationship :) Some Smurfs made bets on when they'd break up. Jokes on them, it's been centuries now and still going strong
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
How on earth do you draw those smurfs so well?!
Ah, pfft, you're too kind!! Whilst I'm here I'll share some cringe 2019 art because let me tell you I had N O idea what I was doing at first, I'd just come fresh from a fandom drawing locomotives.
To be honest it was a case of trial and error for working out how to meld them to my style XD The original Smurfs are great but I can't be dealing with their bendy legs/arms myself and I wanted a bit more variety to the characters. Does it destroy the initial concept of Smurfs? Probably but it's more fun to draw for me :)
What I actually struggled with at first was the fact I could just about draw humans but couldn't apply it very well to the Smurfs, so my early drawings looked very ... well, they weren't bad for first attempts perhaps but it was clear I was still in a bit of a 'human' loop, and hadn't gotten the hang of oval heads and sort proportions.
Recently I changed the leg shapes to be more akin to the NTOB style which I think has worked out well!
Compare a 2019 to 2021 full body Smurf for example:
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That's 2 years difference baby!! Just engaging with and genuinely enjoying the media helped, and putting my own spin on things :) If you want to use the official comic-book esque style that's awesome!! If you struggle with that, like I do, then adapting it to fit the style you prefer is sooo much better in the long run - I love expressive body language Smurfs with wagging tails and drooping ears, something they don't really canonically do all that much, but I love it!!
That's what I get from devoting 2 going on 3 years of my life trying to draw these guys and I have a lot of room for improvement still! But my ultimate take away is that there's no set way to draw them and whilst I'm jealous of people that can mimic the official style well, I LOVE that the fandom has a very varied way of drawing them, it means something can come up on google images or my dash and I'll go 'oh that's x's Smurf!' without even having to look at the op, and that's pretty cool :)
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butterfrogmantis · 3 years
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Tailor and Vanity’s outfits are based on Le Défilé De La Discorde but unlike yesterday I’m not tagging because lazy and there’s no plot being shown here. 
T’was talking in the Smurfs discord last night about the gay fashion trio so I had to draw this.(Headcanon wise, mind you) That being said, as a gay lady myself I know the importance of strong platonic friendships with fellow non-hets, so that’s what I really want to see out of those 3 :)
Then again, when I say fashion that entirely depends, considering these 3 have entirely different tastes. In both clothing and men, come to think of it!
Tailor likes simplicity and practically. He doesn’t care for over-accessorising, he just needs things to be refined and good for the job at hand whilst still remaining distinguished. 
Vanity is all about contrast. Things should make him stand out, turn heads, maybe gauge some shock. He strives to be the most noticeable, and wants his things to be as eye-catching as he is.
Brainy is ... well no-one is ever really sure of Brainy’s style. He likes to make a statement, the bigger and flashier. Brainy’s things must be bold and way over the top to really emphasize his own ego. 
Also funfact I’m an idiot because I had a moment today of ‘huh how am I gonna colour-snatch human Vanity’s pallet when I haven’t drawn him in a while.’ But like, he’s the same colour pallet as my Somebody. Literally, the guy I’ve probably drawn a humanised version of the most (the other of course is Don, no-one is shocked by this)
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
how did grouchy and vanity become a couple?
what's there story
Aha! I have a fic on it! "True Colours" which you can find here!
It's actually my most popular Smurfs fic which is a bit surprising for such a small fandom and the fact it was my first and by no means best fic - but if the people like it then I'm happy to have provided!!
To summarise the events into one paragraph:
Vanity burns his face really badly after messing up a potion, which he's told by Papa Smurf will take 7 weeks to heal (Much too long for his liking, of course.) He wraps his entire head in bandages and spends the next day or so going around like that, including going to the dinner hall where Passive-Aggressive Smurf makes a rude comment about it. He goes home and breaks one of his mirrors. The next day, the Smurfs are playing a game of kickaround, where Passive-Aggressive apologies to Vanity, which confuses him. As they watch the game, Vanity is encouraged to join them by Smurfette. He reluctantly agrees, but during a fall, his facial bandages fall off and he runs away into the forest in horror. He's having a little break down in the forest when Grouchy appears out of seemingly nowhere, and the two have a heart to heart which Vanity finds oddly comforting, coming from Grouchy of all Smurfs. Grouchy also reveals that HE was the one that made Passive-Aggressive apologise. The two return to the village, Vanity now feeling better about his temporary appearance, and he holds Grouchy's hand under the table (as a way of saying 'thank you').
It semi-follows the events of Smurfs 2 (aka the film that made me ship them because of what felt like weird flirting throughout djsfjksjk) so by the end it's sort of implied the crush had been mutual since then :) The other's think it's a bit funny because well ... it's Vanity and Grouchy, but they don't care >:)
Vanity loves the ego boost he feels from knowing that the Smurf who 'HATES' everything likes him, and Grouchy prefers being talked at than too sometimes, which Vanity more or less does so it saved Grouchy from long conversations which he really 'hates'. Overall, unusual! But they're happy.
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Well. As happy as a Smurf called Grouchy can be.
Grouchy and Vanity (c) The Smurfs
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
if each smurf ship where standing under a mistletoe how would they react? 🤔
just curious
I'm going to assume you mean mine and not every ship in the fandom, that would take a while! As for mine, I won't go through every bg ship because a lot are simply filler, but I'll go through my main ones and some secondary ships for you! ^^
Pretty typical of every other aspect of their relationship tbh XD Don attempts to act all swoony, Somebody pretends to roll his eyes but chances are he'll make the first move and sweep him off his feet >:) Then Don can swoon for real~
So this was touched on in my recent fanfic, heh. Farmer is a hopeless romantic and tends to get a bit flustered, even though he says it's his favourite winter plant because of the connotations. Farmer may be a grown Smurf but he still giggles like a schoolboy if the opportunity arises. Tailor knows this, and loves it, though he does have to stand on his tip toes most of the time XD
You'd think Clumsy would be fairly chill by now having already been in a previous relationship in my hc's but the truth is he's still a bit nervous at heart. Clumsy's ears tend to go a bit pink when he's embarrassed so stick a sprig up somewhere and it'll happen. Handy finds it adorable but doesn't want to embarrass him, maybe a quick peck c:
Tbh it's sort of hard to get Dreamy AWAY from mistletoe in December. He sees a bunch of green anywhere on a doorway or tree and he's off for maximum smooches. Of course that's not particularly difficult to do when Tracker is the village forager so they get to spend a lot of time in the woods. Kind of a win-win situation, for Dreamy certainly
If they could stop painting/writing an ode to mistletoe they'd probably eventually get under it. /j but it's somewhat a typical dramatic affair for them. High chances of them reciting a bunch of overly romantic nonsense to the other whilst a queue forms behind them urging them to get on with it already XD
Brainy finds this whole thing highly illogical. Actually, did you know that mistletoe is technically a parasite? It's true! The plant steals from- oh, he's being kissed now? Well that's nice, about time he got some well deserved attention
Grouchy says he hates mistletoe. Turns out, he does not.
Tuffy refuses to go anywhere near it ... at least, while people are watching. If the room is empty or everyone is preoccupied then he brings out the puppy dog eyes until Marco gives in, possibly playfully holding it out of reach but it's only to tease
Honestly pretty simply in the best way possible? Lazy is rarely standing anywhere if he can help it though but on the rare occasion it occurs he'll give a sleepy lil' smile c:
Harmony has become very cautious of this tradition due to an exploding mistletoe prank one year. And the year after that. And the year after that. Luckily the year after that he got a normal sprig. But even so he's always a bit cautious-
Smurfette is pretty happy to give cheek kisses anyway, so I suppose it's the only time Hefty becomes really flustered at all - He does prefer lip kisses because it's more special to him but he's a gentleman that lets his gal decide
Old couple vibe goals. Just a quick peck, nothing extravagant, something cute. Usually followed by a group of Smurfs singing 'I saw Willow kissing santa claus' as a bit of fun afterwards though
And bonus TimberxMiner crackship cause why not-
Timber is very interested in trees and kind of does the reverse to Dreamy/Brainy - he knows mistletoe isn't good for trees and doesn't particularly approve of people kissing under it and encouraging it's growth. He doesn't want to let Miner down though so they've agreed to personally change the tradition to kissing underneath holly instead. It's still festive enough!
This doesn't even scratch the surface of my bg pairs that exist mostly for next gen djfkdls I didn't even get round to any grove gals! D: But I also don't want to make this too long so that's probably enough for the time being XD
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butterfrogmantis · 3 years
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What to do when you have a lot of ideas but are too lazy to make individual canvases for them? Why, you doodle pile! It's fun! I'd say most doodles are self explanatory, we got a quiet evening with the Farmer household, Tailor doing his best Rarity MLP impression, VanityxGrouchy, Some OC’s Crash and Bolt with dad Clumsy, more Moira and an oc called Delphine (the mermaid) makes a surprise return! Enjoy :3 Characters (c) The Smurfs or Me XD / Peyo
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