#variantology day 6
ultraglittercat · 4 years
Drabble 17
Ruddiger's Revenge
Varian was showing his new pet raccoon all the buildings of Old Corona. It was a medium sized village and most of the people farmed at least part time, but there were still some specialty shops.
“That's the tailor, there's the barber, over there's the farrier, and next to it's the carpenter...” Varian explained.
The carpenter's door opened and out marched David, Varian's least favorite person in the village and over all bully. David was an adult now and should have found better things to do with his life such as apple picking or helping with his dad's carpentry business, but old habits died hard and he always fell back on insulting Varian.
“Hey twerp. What's that ugly growth on your shoulder, a wart?” David jeered.
“That's Ruddiger, my loyal raccoon.” Varian replied.
David stepped back. “A raccoon? Don't those things have rabies?” he wondered aloud.
“Sometimes. You'd have to wait til he bites you to find out.” Varian said, grinning wickedly.
For his part, Ruddiger hissed and bared his fangs.
“B-but he's not gonna bite me, is he? I mean we know each other, we've got history together. He wouldn't bite a friend, r-right?” David stammered.
“We've never been friends.” Varian shot back. “You throw apple cores at me, you push me into the mud, you tell me I'm stupid and worthless...”
“Those are jokes! Friendly, harmless, not worth biting someone over, jokes!” David insisted.
“I don't think Ruddiger agrees with you on that.” Varian told him. “Get 'em, boy!” With a hiss, Ruddiger leaped off Varian's shoulder and sank his teeth into David's ankle.
“Aaaah! It's got me!” David cried. “Ow! Ow! It really hurts!”
“I wouldn't struggle if I were you, that just makes him angrier.” Varian advised.
“Omygod, please stop! I'll do anything, please!” David begged.
“You can start by promising never to mess with me again, and we'll see if that calms Ruddiger down.” Varian said.
“Oh sure, no problem. We'll be nothing but buds from here out.” David vowed.
“That's what I needed to hear.” Varian snapped his fingers. “Let go, Ruddiger. We're finished... for now.”
Ruddiger stopped biting David, and ran back to Varian's waiting arms.
“Tell your friends about this. I'm sure they'll want to keep on Ruddiger's good side.” Varian suggested.
“Absolutely! Right away, good buddy!” David ran off, dragging his right leg slightly. Varian could see that David's wound was bleeding, and for once he didn't even felt faint looking at the blood.
Back in his lab, Varian finished detailing his plan. “And that's what I need you to do tomorrow!” he told Ruddiger.
Ruddiger looked at Varian with warm brown eyes and rubbed up against his legs. This wasn't fearsome at all and wouldn't strike fear in the hearts of his enemies, but at least it felt good.
Varian patted Ruddiger on the head, mind still whirling with possibilities. There had to be a way to unleash Ruddiger's feral instincts, and Varian would find it.
The End
(Varian, your villainous side is showing XD This is the 'Variantology' sixth prompt 'Ruddiger'.
If you like, please reblog and/or follow. ^__^)
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almadash · 4 years
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Project Obsidian’s Variantology ~ Day 6: Ruddiger
While I can’t participate this event daily, I still wanted to contribute at least one day! So of course I’d join today, with the prompt being Ruddiger! I mean, how could I not love to draw everyone’s favorite trash panda! 🗑🐼💖💕
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fangirl530 · 4 years
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variantology, day 6: Ruddiger! I got the idea from this series i started called the lumberjanes, where one girl has a raccoon sleeping on her head like a hat almost all the time.
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doodle--den · 4 years
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My submission for @projectobsidian ‘s Variantology! Days 6 and 7: Ruddiger and Riding!
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sbartdump · 4 years
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Day 6: Ruddiger
Onward we ride
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Eyyy wanted to try a hand at drawing monster Rudigger
Le's b f real y'all. Monster Ruddiger scared us more than Zhan Tiri
Agree or disagree?
Join us for variantology! Tag #projectOBSIDIAN !
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ultraglittercat · 4 years
Drabble 18
Book Signing
“I can't believe this is really happening!” Varian squealed.
“I know, it's the most exciting thing that's ever happened in our lives.” Eugene agreed. They high fived, then turned to face again the flyer announcing 'One Day Only! Book Signing For Geoff R. R. Marlin, author of The Tales of Flynnigan Rider series.'
“Wow. A gathering of nerds in their natural habitat.” Kiera observed.
“I think it's cute.” Rapunzel said.
“You girls could go to the book signing too. It might be fun.” Lance offered.
“Pass.” Catalina and Kiera replied in unison.
“I'm gonna show him my sword replica from chapter 6: Formidable Foes in the Forest.” Varian detailed.
“I'm gonna show him my Flynn Rider cosplay.” Eugene decided.
“Isn't that just what you wear everyday?” Kiera joked.
“Shh. Let the boys have their fun.” Rapunzel told her.
“Let's get my sword from the lab.” Varian suggested.
“And I can finish styling my hair to match Flynn's while we're there.” Eugene said.
“Go Team Awesome!” Varian cheered. They bumped fists, then headed to the lab.
Half an hour later, Eugene and Varian left the lab carrying books, swords, and hair care products (just in case Eugene needed a touch up.) They ran to take their place in line. Most of the crowd were younger than they were, but the boys didn't care. They'd waited their whole lives for this moment, it seemed.
“This is so amazing!” Varian's eyes sparkled with delight.
“Just a few people ahead of us, and then it's our turn Hairstripe.” Eugene was barely able to contain his excitement. They waited as patiently as they could, counting down the minutes until they would meet Geoff R. R. Marlin.
Finally, it was Varian's turn. “Please make it out to Varian. That's V-A-R-I-A-N.” he told Marlin.
Marlin eyed him suspiciously. “Aren't you a little old to be reading children's stories?” Marlin sneered.
“Well. I-I've liked them since I was a little kid.” Varian stammered.
“And you haven't matured since then.” Marlin concluded.
“Hey! Be nice to Goggles. He's never done anything to you.” Eugene said.
“...Unless you were one of the citizens I enslaved last year. You weren't, were you?” Varian asked nervously.
“Wait, are you that psycho teen who had everyone in Corona mining rocks? You're terrible.” Marlin spat.
“But he's different now!” Eugene interjected.
“That's not even the first time he tried to take over a kingdom!” Marlin shouted, truly incensed now.
“See, when I kidnapped the Queen, what I meant was--” Varian began.
“What you meant was treason. You had wanted posters in every town!” Marlin pointed out.
“Flynn had wanted posters, too.” Eugene argued.
“Flynn is a fictional character. He's not meant to be a role model.” Marlin said icily.
Varian looked sheepish. “I'm sorry. I'm really sorry...” he mumbled.
“I'm never signing anything for you, you brat. Now get out of my line and get out of my sight.” Marlin snarled.
Varian hung his head in shame and walked away.
“Varian, you can't leave. Varian? Don't give this guy the satisfaction. Varian?” Eugene called after him.
Varian didn't turn around, so Eugene left the line and ran towards him.
“You didn't hafta come.” Varian sniffled. “He would have signed for you.” “Some things are more important.” Eugene assured Varian. “Now whaddya say we go home and read the Tales of Flynnigan Rider out loud. The author may be a jerk, but the stories are good, and nothing beats Team Awesome acting out the fight scenes.”
Varian rubbed his eyes. “Okay, but you’re gonna be the Earl of Camembert this time.” he said.
The End
(I guess not everyone's on board the Reformed Varian train. We still love him, though. This is my entry for 'Variantology' eight prompt, 'Team Awesome'.
If you like, please reblog and/or follow. ^__^)
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