#varyyn x diego
yukkimons · 1 year
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These two goofballs fr
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marmolady · 1 year
Valinorim (Estela x F!MC)
Cetus is vanquished (for now!), the Island's Heart has cured Quinn (but at what cost?) and it's time to celebrate the new Elyyshar with the traditional festival of games and fun-- the Valinorim.
As she lets her hair down for once in a very long time, Estela finds herself growing closer to the rest of the Catalysts... and to one in particular.
Some slight adjustments to canon: --here I'm assuming Taylor went back in time after Varyyn's attack on their room in The Celestial to a point AFTER Estela told her about her mission on the island (so, Estela knows that Taylor knows), either that or she took her aside and told her. Because she would have done. -Estela gets in on more of the fun-- in Taylor's place at one point. I wanna see her finding her place as part of the group, damn it! -I'm putting the scavenger hunt after quuk'tanoi. A little change, but a change nonetheless.
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gaiuskamilah · 8 months
the mal x lakan art kinda looks diego and varyyn if im gonna be honest shgkjdfhgjdhgd
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Of all the things in Endless Summer, I have to say this one fucked me up the most
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syphax · 5 years
Ok but can we all agree that varyyn and diego are one of the absolute best couples among all choices books? Like, when diego explains modern stuff to varyyn and tells him the stories of his favorite movies/series and varyyn listens to him the whole time?? They're the most underrated couple and AND THEY DESERVE MORE ATTENTION.
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whatsernamerps · 6 years
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terrible-choices · 6 years
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ourtotalsims · 6 years
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I remember when y'all wanted him as a LI although he wanted to kill us, but now he is our friend and our best friend’s husband/boyfriend and it’s one of the purest ships in ES.
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hufflepuff-morganne · 7 years
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me and diego had the same reaction
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Graleister loses its crown as the purest ship , Variego is officially the purest now.
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marmolady · 2 years
Reunion: 2023
Main Pairings: Estela x (F)MC, Variego, Michelle x Quinn, Graleister, Namasiao
Part two of my Reunion Project! In this one we see the arrival of Taylor and Estela's daughter, and some Variego fluff. You know... all the stuff that soothes a soul.
Do feel free to shout out a year between 2022 and 2097 if you want me to write a specific one next. You can find the full series (in progress) here on AO3.
Word Count: 1898
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading! Comments and re-blogs make me EXTRA happy.
7:15 AM
Varyyn’s expression was so soft as Diego turned to him.
“What is it?”
“My love, you are so beautiful this morning,” Varyyn replied, voice brimming with warmth and tenderness. “To see this joy in you… my heart could grow wings and fly.”
Diego flushed, a little giddy. The past twenty-four hours had been the best kind of a roller coaster; the excitement of his Catalyst family arriving back on La Huerta, the nervous trepidation and long, anxious wait when Estela went into labour before the reunion feast was done, and then this morning… he would soon hold in his arms a new family member, one he knew he’d love unconditionally until his dying day. It was a lot.
He fell into Varyyn’s arms once more-- they’d been embracing one another almost more than they weren’t since the reunion began-- and buried his face in a firm, muscular shoulder.
He wasn’t really a father, well, unless when Liv got bigger she wanted him to have that role. Taylor and Estela were little Liv’s parents, the ones raising her, making the hardest decisions. But she was something special to him. It wasn’t lost on Diego what it meant coming from Estela when it was put forth that he be Liv’s ‘special tio’. He was basically chosen by Taylor to be ‘her side of the family’. That kind of acceptance and belonging, being so dearly wanted as the person he was, it had never come from any blood relatives and the force of it now was staggering. Between Varyyn, and Taylor and Estela with their baby girl, and the rest of the Catalysts, good as brothers and sisters to him, he couldn’t move for feeling loved. If he could make sure that little kid grew up feeling even half of that… he would be a pretty damn good tio.
“My sweet one,” Varyyn said gently, “do you think you could sleep some more? I do not think we will miss much; our friends have much drinking and dancing to sleep off themselves.”
Diego chuckled. True, it seemed pretty unlikely anyone would be raring to go anytime soon. Certainly, for himself there hadn’t been a whole lot of sleep had that night prior. Exhaustion wasn’t a match for his incessant need to check for updates from Taylor.
“Are you trying to tell me I look like death warmed up? I thought I was ‘so beautiful this morning’.”
Varyyn kissed his love’s forehead. “You are. Very beautiful and very tired.”
“Heh, I’ll take it.”
7:30 AM
The message tone of her phone awoke Quinn with a start, the bright screen blinding out of the darkness. Blearily, she reached for it, for the long-awaited update from either the expectant parents, or Michelle, who’d been assisting them through. She held a breath… it was from Taylor; a photograph of a newborn baby, face swollen from the delivery and damp dark hair plastered to her head.
‘Liv Andromeda Montoya, newest member of the fam, born sometime around 5AM. Mom and baby doing fine! Proper intros tomorrow, will keep everyone in the loop. Right now, delivery team in serious need of some shut-eye, so please don’t reply. T & E’
Beaming, Quinn scrolled back up to look at the photo, then down to the message, then rinsed and repeated again and again. Another baby in the family! Looking at the little face, she was saw she could see a look of Diego in there-- oh, he’d be over the moon.
Her phone buzzed again-- Michelle this time.
‘Hey, babe! Missing you-- staying close by just in case, but everything’s looking perfect. Hopefully we’ll relax a bit more soon, and we can take the med team off high alert. Ravyya is keeping me company on the night-watch, she’s just as much fun as she usually is. I’m so fucking exhausted, god knows how Estela feels. I love you so much, babe, can’t wait to share with you. It’s just been incredible.’
Quinn tapped back: ‘I love you so much, too! You’re amazing, you know? The bed feels too big without you next to me. Just make sure you get a good rest after the intense night you’ve had, and give our new mamas a TON of love from me. Kisses.’
7:30 AM
“Al!” Grace gushed, sitting up in bed and gently shaking her husband’s shoulder. “The baby’s here!”
Aleister wearily opened his eyes. “The buh… the baby?”
He sat up, a little groggy and confused. “Are… are they all right?”
“They’re all fine, honey. It’s a girl! We’ve got a little niece!” Grace showed him the message, her heart warming further at the undisguised joy and affection that lit her husband’s features as he took in for the first time the sight of his baby niece.
“I knew it would be a girl,” Aleister said. “Didn’t I say so?”
“Well, it was fifty-fifty!” Grace laughed. “Oh, isn’t she beautiful? She looks just like Estela. They must be completely besotted!”
“Yes, she is rather lovely.”
“I had a feeling they might name her after Estela’s mom. My guess was as a middle, but it makes sense they’d want to give her a really special name.”
“Yes,” Aleister agreed, his sleepiness still clearly coming through in his voice.
A cry from the next room made it clear that he’d have to come to terms with waking up whether he liked it or not-- Reggie was awake, which meant the tired parents were back on duty. Aleister shared a look with Grace.
“Just one of the joys Estela and Taylor have to look forward to.”
Grace gave a laugh. “They’re going to love it.” She rose quickly; all the excitement of the new arrival had her wanting to scoop up her own little one and smooch his sweet face until he was giggling fit to burst. “Come on-- better share the good news with Reginald!”
Aleister watched her go, full of affection, then took just another few sweet moments to rest as he took in the news. He was an uncle! From the pitiful scraps of familial connections he’d long been accustomed to, it was… rather wonderful.
9:00 AM
Zahra prodded at the concoction on her plate with a spoon, her grimace in stark contrast to the gusto with which Craig was tucking in to his own portion of Raj’s patented hangover cure.
“I think we can now safely say that I will never get used to this shit…,” she grumbled. This garbage would need to be washed down with a large coffee.
“You know what’s crazy, Z?” Craig prompted, his enthusiasm undampened by Zahra’s sour expression.
“You’re going to tell me, aren’t you?”
“Look, last year it was just us-- dream team!-- getting all drunk and having a good time, just like the old days.”
“Pretty sure the old days had a lot more death and despair, but I get what you’re going for….”
“And this reunion, there’s two whole babies in the group! I know we had some big responsibilities saving the world and all that, but babies… now that’s some real adult responsibility shit right there.”
“You realise you and I aren’t parents, right? It’s important to me that you know that.”
Craig puffed out his chest. “I’m Big Uncle Craig! Who else is gonna teach them what’s important in life?”
A smile tugged at Zahra’s lips. “I guess we’re not gonna let poor Reginald take video game lessons from fucking Graleister.”
“Heh, you can teach baby Liv how to hack into her moms’ computer and order McDonald’s!”
“Yeah, they’d like that.”
“I was just thinking,” Craig said, “it’s probably not going to be the same anymore. Everyone’s kinda getting their lives on track, and this--” he gestured around with his arms “--it could just get all left behind. I’m not saying I’m not excited about my future-- I am, and that’s crazy-- but I don’t want us to lose all this.”
Zahra put her spoon down, officially giving up on attempts to stomach Raj’s creation, and looked Craig in the face.
“D’you really think you could shake these people? Like, even if you wanted?”
Sean came over to join them, grasping Craig’s shoulder as he sat down. “I know you think I’m a sap--”
“A little bit, yeah, but I still love ya!”
“--but I really believe we’re tied together now by some invisible bond that could never be broken. We became family. Well, you and me, we already were.”
“Yup, my brother from another mother! I know you’ll never leave me behind, even if you have gone pro now…”
“Craig, we are going to be back, year after year. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be growing old to the tune of Jake’s ever-lengthening list of nicknames.”
“God fucking save me….” Zahra muttered.
“See? Zahra knows we’re pretty much doomed to be together. So just… enjoy it. I know I can’t wait to watch everyone living their dreams, and growing their families.”
“Sheesh, QB, sap is right”, Jake laughed, taking a swig of his coffee as he at down at the other end of the table. “You might wanna lay off the treacle before Lich-queen here combusts.”
Zahra scowled, not quite decided on how she felt about Jake’s use of her self-appointed moniker. It was, at least, better than ‘Hot Topic’, so she shook it off. “Hey, Raj!” she called out instead, “you’ve got a couple more customers out here!”
Raj came over with the pot and scooped out another couple of bowls. “Hey-presto-no-hangovers!”
Jake sighed. “If only magic didn’t have this lumpy texture, ya could just be on to a million dollar recipe, Pineapple Express.”
“Thanks-- but it’s Citrus Krush today, man.”
“You know what, close enough.”
Sean looked at his bowl and took a deep breath. This right here was the price of a hangover. He had to admit, though, that Raj knew how to throw together a pretty effective cure. “We are going to get a proper brunch once everyone else is up and awake, aren’t we? Bacon? Eggs? That kinda deal?”
“Have you seen the kitchen in this place? Any chance to play around in there, I’mma run with it!”
“So, uh, in the meantime,” Sean said, a grin coming to his face, “how about we raise a bowl of Raj Hangover Special 9000 to the new arrival? Just in the hope it makes it go down easier?
“Hit me up with some more, Raj,” Craig cried out, “I inhaled that shizz!”
So, they all raised their bowls. To friendship, to a hopefully more edible brunch, and to baby Liv Montoya.
10:00 AM
“Diego, beloved,” Varyyn cooed, gently shaking his husband’s shoulder as he lay tucked against him in a hammock overlooking the beach.
Diego stirred, grumbling sleepily. “Wassit?”
“Your phone has sounded. I think it might be Taylor.”
“Crap!” Diego yelped, jumping awake and almost up-ending the hammock. He fumbled with the phone, finding that it was indeed a message from Taylor.
‘Hey, Diego! We just woke up a little while back. Diaper changed and now Bub’s having a feed. Might be a good time to come by if you want to catch her awake. We’re so excited for you to meet her!’
“Darling, are they well?”
Diego’s heart hammered. So, this was it. “Yeah, they’re great. I, uh… I think I’m going to go and meet my niece.”
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ekushv · 7 years
Hi, it's me again... 😌 😅 If you still take es sketch requests, than I would like to ask for a Diego and Varyyn sketch... Maybe sitting next to each other shyly holding hands? 🙂
It’s my first time drawing Varyyn so I hope it’ll do for now :D
Forgive my failure in naked human anatomy though *sweats*
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And thus I’ve completed all the requests that I deemed appropriate ♥ 
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And in the next book, they get married. Silly Diego denies his feelings because he’s an idiot, your honor, and ends up in the best damn relationship in the entire Choices game.
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New year’s eve  ❤
Missing Endless Summer so much...
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whatsernamerps · 6 years
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I ship these two more than my own real life relationship
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