#Diego x varyyn
marmolady · 1 year
Valinorim (Estela x F!MC)
Cetus is vanquished (for now!), the Island's Heart has cured Quinn (but at what cost?) and it's time to celebrate the new Elyyshar with the traditional festival of games and fun-- the Valinorim.
As she lets her hair down for once in a very long time, Estela finds herself growing closer to the rest of the Catalysts... and to one in particular.
Some slight adjustments to canon: --here I'm assuming Taylor went back in time after Varyyn's attack on their room in The Celestial to a point AFTER Estela told her about her mission on the island (so, Estela knows that Taylor knows), either that or she took her aside and told her. Because she would have done. -Estela gets in on more of the fun-- in Taylor's place at one point. I wanna see her finding her place as part of the group, damn it! -I'm putting the scavenger hunt after quuk'tanoi. A little change, but a change nonetheless.
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yukkimons · 1 year
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These two goofballs fr
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gaiuskamilah · 8 months
the mal x lakan art kinda looks diego and varyyn if im gonna be honest shgkjdfhgjdhgd
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Of all the things in Endless Summer, I have to say this one fucked me up the most
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endlessflame · 4 years
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Diego and Varyyn - realistic art style
For Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈
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whatsernamerps · 6 years
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Searching for You (Part 1/4)
A/N: This is part of an ES mini-series! Potential title included “Fuck Uqzhall” courtesy of @brightpinkpeppercorn😂😂😂 along with some others of Uqzhall hate. 
Warnings: angsty af, fluffy 
Word count: 2,541
You can find the series masterlist here!
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I woke up late and rolled over, Jake was already up for the day as his side of the bed was cold. When I checked the clock, I saw that it was already ten, I never slept in this late, but I hadn’t been sleeping well recently and Jake knew it so that’s why he let me sleep in. He didn’t press me about it, he knew I’d tell him in my own time, but I could tell he was getting worried. It had been two years since we defeated Rourke, Jake and I built that cabin on the hillside like he talked about on our honeymoon, it was perfect, our life was perfect...until now. I chewed on my lip as I got dressed, I had been agonizing for a week about how I was going to tell Jake, I couldn’t wait forever, I was just nervous! We were going to have a baby, we had talked about kids before, we both wanted them, but I wasn’t ready! I don’t really think Jake is ready either, I know that losing Mike still bothered him, even if it was getting better. He wasn’t in our little living room, and so I wandered out to the small garden we had planted, it wasn’t much, but it was ours and it was perfect. It was our little haven away from the bad memories of the Celestial, and our endearing but overbearing friends. I could see his head before I saw the rest of him, he was kneeling down probably picking something.
“Hey, Jake! Can you come here?” He didn’t move, I got closer thinking maybe he couldn’t hear me.
“Top Gun! We- I need to tell you something!” As I got closer, I saw a flash of blue, and then Jake fell forward. His back was soaked in blood.
“JAKE!” I ran towards him and found a Vaanti knife in his back, I turned him over, but it was too late, he was already dead. I began sobbing, holding Jake tight, this wasn’t the first time this had happened. Time always reset itself, that didn’t make it any easier though. I looked up and saw a familiar face staring at me, Uqzhall. No one had heard from him since the Endless died, we all thought he was gone, happy that we had picked the Endless’ ending, apparently not.
“Uqzhall! Why did you kill him? Why are you back?” He didn’t say anything at first, just held my stare as I sobbed over Jake’s lifeless body. Why hadn’t time reset yet? It was always instantaneous, a headache, and then back in the moment, seconds before.
“You lied to us for generations, you must pay for your actions.”
“Bring him back Uqzhall! I’m not responsible for the Endless and neither is Jake! She’s gone! Leave us alone!” So, he did, he ran, and I sat there holding Jake waiting and waiting. I would have given anything to be back in bed with him last night, last night had been incredible. I had been reading in bed when Jake surprised me, tossing the book out of my hands, climbing over me. I think he knew I had been worried about something and he wanted to try to ease some of that stress, pampering me and focusing all on me. It was sweet and slow, not like when we first got together, but still just as good as the first time if not better. I laid there on my side after, just a sheet covering our waists. He had hiked the sheet up, so he could run his fingertips over my leg slowly, just barely brushing my skin, his eyes hooded as he fought sleep, a lazy content smile on his face. His hair was messy, as it always was after we had sex, but it was my favorite look on him, unadulterated happiness. I focused on that moment as I cradled his cold stiff body, rocking back and forth, unable to stop the tears. He wasn’t going to die like this, I was determined to bring him back to that moment. I must have sat there for hours, the sky had grown dark, the only light the stars above us. The cool breeze coming off the water left a cold sting on my cheeks from where my tears had wet them. Something was wrong, the time loop hadn’t reset itself, I had no idea who to turn to for help. Jake was dead, he was gone, maybe Varyyn would know something. The problem was I had to get to him though, what if while I was in Elyystel Jake came back? He didn’t even know he was going to be a dad! Oh my god, now I had a baby to think about, a baby.
I wasn’t sure what scared me more, the idea that Jake might never come back or the idea that I was going to be a mom. It was times like this that I would give anything to have my own mom and dad, someone to turn to when I had no idea what to do. Jake was my only literal family, Diego and the others were the next best thing, but they were just as young and naive as me, none of them were parents yet. Parents, god I needed to stop calling myself that. I scribbled out a note for Jake that I went to go see Varyyn, hoping that this was all some nightmare and that he’d be back soon, something told me that wasn’t the case though. I packed some food and was on my way out the door when I turned around, I couldn’t leave Jake’s most prized possessions behind. I peeled his tags off of him and grabbed his jacket from our room then started the trek to Elyystel, it was a couple days journey on foot.
It was hot and humid, as it always was on La Huerta, but it seemed more intense on this journey, every morning I was waking up and already felt like death. The food I packed didn’t seem appetizing at all, I wrote it off as being nothing, and then I started puking up everything. Everything. Morning sickness? Already? Maybe it was just nerves? Again, I had a feeling that wasn’t the case though, it seemed too early for that. God, I wished more than anything that I had just sucked it up and told Jake, then maybe I wouldn’t be in this mess. I was pregnant, my husband was dead, and I had no idea how to fix it. I had to cling onto the hope that Varyyn would have answers, maybe he had more of those gemstones like the one that was in his necklace, the one that brought Jake back the very first time he died. I finally reached Elyystel by mid-day and began the trek up towards the throne room.
“Cat-a-liss!” Taari came bounding up to me on T’Kals back. I gave the boy a small smile and rubbed T’Kal’s head.
“Hey! Where’s Seraxa?” She might also have answers for me. Taari shrugged.
“What are you doing here Cat-a-liss? Where’s Jake?” He looked around hopeful and my heart shattered again, Taari loved Jake like a father. Taari and Jake always played together when we visited, begging Seraxa to let him come stay with us for a few days.
“He...um...I… he…” I struggled with how to tell Taari why I was there, tears threatening my eyes again.
“Cat-a-liss?” he looked up at me concerned and slid off T-Kal wrapping his arms around my legs in a tight hug. I lost it. I sat there on the bridge and fell to my knees as Taari held me, not understanding why I was upset, but knowing I needed a hug. It was Taari who made Jake even bring up the idea of kids, I smiled wiping my face and thinking back to that day.
Jake and I were in Elyystel to visit Varyyn and Diego, we often came into the city for supplies or when we wanted to see our friends. Taari spotted us as we were all leaving, headed to the Celestial.
“Cat-a-liss-es!” Jake stuck his tongue out at him playfully and Taari did it right back. I threw my head back laughing and playfully elbowed Jake for encouraging the bad behavior.
“What was that for Princess?” I rolled my eyes.
“You know exactly what that was for Top Gun.” Taari wrapped his arms around both of us before he took a step back with a big grin on his face.
“What are you doing here?”
“We’re going to go see the other catalysts. Are you staying out of trouble?” Taari got a goofy smile on his face and looked around, pretending he didn’t hear the question. That was a no.
“Can I come with?” We all shared a look, we knew Seraxa would kill us if she didn’t know Taari was with us.
“Taari, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Seraxa will want you home, we’re going to be gone a few days.” Diego said making the little boy pout.
“Will, you at least play with me then?” He gave us all his best puppy dog face, looking up at us with big pleading, watery eyes. Jake was the first to cave, the weak link.
“It wouldn’t hurt to play with the kid for a little bit.” He looked at all of us, his eyes landing on me, knowing if he stared long enough that I’d give in.
“Fine, only a little bit.” Jake grinned and Taari yanked his hand, pulling him towards the beach ahead of everyone else. Jake looked back worried about what he had gotten himself into as we laughed, following slowly behind them, catching up on what we had missed since the last time we saw each other. Diego had taken to being Vaanti royalty well, his long hair braided back, a similar crown to Varyyn’s adorning his head. He had ditched that ratty old purple button-up for traditional Vaanti clothes, it suited him well. As we meandered down to the beach, Taari had already roped Jake into chasing him around the sand, wrestling with each other. I loved seeing Jake so carefree and happy, he had struggled since Mike’s death just over a year ago. He was a very different man than when I first met him, I loved watching him grow, his walls finally crumbling, revealing the man he was today, who he had always been underneath. Diego nudged me, breaking me out of my thoughts, giving me a knowing smile.
“So, when is there going to be a baby McKenzie?” I laughed and Varyyn looked at me quizzically.
“What is funny? In the Vaanti culture, once a couple becomes one from their one year and a day together they have children if possible.” I smiled and ran a hand through my hair as Jake looked over at me and winked.
“Jake and I aren’t ready to have kids yet. We’re young, we’ve still got plenty of time. He still misses Mike; a baby would just be too much right now.” Diego raised an eyebrow at me.
“Are you sure that he’s the one who isn’t ready? Or is it maybe you who isn’t ready?” I didn’t know how to answer his question, I thought it was both. I loved Jake with all of my heart, nothing would change that, but we hadn’t talked about kids yet.
“Come on, Princess! I need some help over he-oof!” Jake got tackled to the sand again by Taari who giggled with pure delight as I scooped him off of Jake.
“Hold him down Taylor! The tickle monster is coming for him!” Taari struggled against me as Jake wiggled his fingers, getting closer and closer. I leaned in to whisper in Taari’s ear.
“I’m going to let you go, and then we’ll both get Jake. Okay?” He nodded giggling. Just as Jake got ready to strike, I let Taari go and he tickled one of Jake’s side while I got the other. Jake couldn’t fight off both of us, we overpowered him, and he fell to his knees, all of us laughing so hard we could barely breathe.
“I give up!” He got out between breaths. Taari triumphantly ran off to go after Diego and Varyyn next, Jake grabbed my waist and tackled me to the sand, hovering over me, breathing hard.
“That was a cheap move, Princess.” I grinned and leaned up to plant a soft kiss on his lips.
“You know I can’t resist the chance to tease you.” Jake chuckled and dipped his head low, his sandy hair hiding our faces.
“I love you, Taylor.”
“I love you too Jake.” He kissed me slowly, and deeply before pulling away and helping me up, aware that we had an audience.
“We should be going,” Varyyn said looking at us. Taari sighed.
“Can we play again soon Jake?” Jake grinned and ruffled Taari’s hair.
“Yeah kid, we’ll play again soon.”
“Go find Seraxa so they can come back Taari!” Diego told him, and the boy ran off to find his adoptive mom. They made the trek to the Celestial together, Jake and I took our time, strolling behind Diego and Varyyn who were caught up in a debate over Star Wars.
“What’s on your mind?” Jake had been quiet since we left the beach, his grip on my hand weak, distracted. He looked down at me and smiled, I recognized it well, it was a smile he reserved for me. The first time I saw him smile like that was when he said he loved me in the tent outside of the MASADA complex.
“You want kids, Princess?”
“Yeah, someday. Why? You’re not trying to say I look fat, are you?” I teased. He chuckled and shook his head.
“I know better than that. I just, I had fun playing with Taari today, I imagined our own little ones running around. They look like you, got both our sass and they love their mom so much.” He kissed the top of my head, but an uneasy feeling grew in my stomach.
“How long have you been thinking about this?” He shrugged.
“Not long.”
“Really? You’ve got an awful lot of details mapped out.”
“Okay. Maybe when I pictured our house on the hill, when I showed you on our honeymoon. The second I pictured a future with you I saw that. I’m terrified that I won’t be a good dad, Princess, but I know with you by my side that we’d figure it out.” He squeezed my hand.
“Maybe we can start working on that little family tonight.” His voice tickled my ear and he kissed my neck making me squirm.
“Oooor maybe we can wait. I’m not ready for kids Jake.” I saw a flash of disappointment cross his face, but he tried to hide it, my stomach dropped knowing that I was the one who disappointed him this time.
“I love you Jake, and I want a family with you. I just need some more time to wrap my head around it.” He nodded and kissed my cheek.
“You got it, Princess.”
Perma-Tag:  @brightpinkpeppercorn @sleepwalkingelite @ooo-barff-ooo @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @roonarific @likethetailofacomet @zaffrenotes @mysteli @vickypoochoices @kayann9 @jlouise88 @zigortega4life @findingdrake @bbaba-yagaa
Endless Summer (Jake) Tag:  @endlesstaylormckenzie @sophie-summer @feartheendlesssummer @darley1101 @emomoustache
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Wonderful You (MC, Diego)
Inspiration: Round 70 of #choicescreates - “Old Habits Die Hard” - hosted by @clonedhayden
Summary: MC (Millie) and Diego talk about his insecurities (Diego x Varyyn)
Rating: G
Word count: 822
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Pixelberry Studios owns them.
The sun was starting to set on the island, dark pink and purple hues ushering in dusk. Millie, with a rare moment to herself, sat on the sandy beach and watched the waves crash in the Caribbean Sea. Her attention moved to the Wolf Mask sitting next to her and she picked it up, inspecting it – the craftsmanship was impeccable, no detail left behind. After a quick survey of her surroundings, she put on the mask.
Diego had spotted his best friend several yards back and attempted to jog over to her. He never was very skilled at running on a beach. Since their reunification a few days prior, they hadn’t gotten a chance to spend any time alone together. Six months had passed and there was a lot to catch up on. “Hello there, Vaanti warr – aah!” His scream was a few octaves higher than he would have liked anyone to hear. Dropping next to her, he reached for the mask and pulled it off her face. “Warn a guy next time.” Laughing, Millie wrapped an arm around him, giving him a squeeze.
With her arm still around him, she studied her friend. Though it’d only been six months, his hair had grown past his ears, almost to his shoulders. His usually bare face was covered with a mustache and beard. Sighing, she smiled. This look was good on him, made him seem happier, freer.
As he moved his leg to cross it over the other, Millie noticed him wincing. “You alright, Diego?” He nodded, rubbing his shin.
“Yeah. Went for a long run with Varryn this morning. Limbering up for Valinorim.” She cocked her head towards him, raising an eyebrow. Diego Ortiz Soto did not go for runs, especially long ones. “Hey! During those six months, we spent a lot of time running and practicing sparring. I like it. It’s fun.”
Slowly shaking her head, she patted his arm. Millie knew Diego far too well. Her eyes shifted to the horizon, the sky quickly darkening. “You did great today with that sparring match. Especially against Craig.”
“Thanks.” He let out a deep breath. “Not like you, though. You were a badass climbing up on Jake’s shoulders and getting that disc … goal … point … thing.” The Wolf Mask was between them and he picked it up. “I wish I would have gotten this. Impress Varyyn.”
“Diego …” That confession alone affirmed her suspicion. “You don’t need this mask to impress him.”
“He’s the freaking Elyyshar, Millie!” Diego whined helplessly. “Why would he like a guy like me? I hate running. My sparring skills are rudimentary at best.” His speech sped up, “I never want to be on one of those hang gliders again. He doesn’t get my pop culture references!”
Luckily, it was dark enough that Diego didn’t see the look of sadness on Millie’s face. Her friend never seemed to be confident in the amazing person that he was – unless when it came to his writing and pop culture references. Tilting her head back and closing her eyes, she thought about when they first got to know each other at Hartfeld. He had evaded discussing his upbringing, making vague comments about his parents’ blue-collar careers – especially when trying to rush at the Alpha Theta Mu frarority. Not wanting to pull a four year ‘Romy and Michelle’ scenario, pretending his parents developed a popular small business iPhone app, he dropped out of contention.
Millie moved to crouch in front of her friend. At her new angle, Diego could make out her face with the lights of Elyys’tel in the distance behind her. “Maybe, just maybe, that’s not what he likes about you.” Looking down, she took Diego’s hands into her own. “After we won that wind disc game earlier, Varyyn sat Taari down and actually went through the entire Star Wars storyline.”
“Including the prequels?!”
“Including the prequels.” Millie adjusted to a seated position. “He hangs on to every word you say.”
“Yeah,” Diego pouted, “to learn English.”
Shaking her head, she squeezed his hands. “You were there for him after Ximaedra died. When he was crowned Elyyshar.” Her hands moved to either side of his face. “Diego, do you trust me?” He nodded. “First of all, he’s literally been living on a rock so he won’t understand the pop culture references … yet. Second of all, he likes you. For you. For the wonderful person that you are.”
Wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, Diego pulled his best friend in for a hug. “Yeah, I trust you.”
They held each other for a few moments until they heard someone coming towards them. Pulling away they saw Varyyn. “I have found you!” Reaching out a hand to both of them, he pulled them up. “I thought I had seen you two but Seraxa said I was wrong.” He beamed. “Could I BE any more right?!”
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marmolady · 2 years
Reunion: 2023
Main Pairings: Estela x (F)MC, Variego, Michelle x Quinn, Graleister, Namasiao
Part two of my Reunion Project! In this one we see the arrival of Taylor and Estela's daughter, and some Variego fluff. You know... all the stuff that soothes a soul.
Do feel free to shout out a year between 2022 and 2097 if you want me to write a specific one next. You can find the full series (in progress) here on AO3.
Word Count: 1898
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading! Comments and re-blogs make me EXTRA happy.
7:15 AM
Varyyn’s expression was so soft as Diego turned to him.
“What is it?”
“My love, you are so beautiful this morning,” Varyyn replied, voice brimming with warmth and tenderness. “To see this joy in you… my heart could grow wings and fly.”
Diego flushed, a little giddy. The past twenty-four hours had been the best kind of a roller coaster; the excitement of his Catalyst family arriving back on La Huerta, the nervous trepidation and long, anxious wait when Estela went into labour before the reunion feast was done, and then this morning… he would soon hold in his arms a new family member, one he knew he’d love unconditionally until his dying day. It was a lot.
He fell into Varyyn’s arms once more-- they’d been embracing one another almost more than they weren’t since the reunion began-- and buried his face in a firm, muscular shoulder.
He wasn’t really a father, well, unless when Liv got bigger she wanted him to have that role. Taylor and Estela were little Liv’s parents, the ones raising her, making the hardest decisions. But she was something special to him. It wasn’t lost on Diego what it meant coming from Estela when it was put forth that he be Liv’s ‘special tio’. He was basically chosen by Taylor to be ‘her side of the family’. That kind of acceptance and belonging, being so dearly wanted as the person he was, it had never come from any blood relatives and the force of it now was staggering. Between Varyyn, and Taylor and Estela with their baby girl, and the rest of the Catalysts, good as brothers and sisters to him, he couldn’t move for feeling loved. If he could make sure that little kid grew up feeling even half of that… he would be a pretty damn good tio.
“My sweet one,” Varyyn said gently, “do you think you could sleep some more? I do not think we will miss much; our friends have much drinking and dancing to sleep off themselves.”
Diego chuckled. True, it seemed pretty unlikely anyone would be raring to go anytime soon. Certainly, for himself there hadn’t been a whole lot of sleep had that night prior. Exhaustion wasn’t a match for his incessant need to check for updates from Taylor.
“Are you trying to tell me I look like death warmed up? I thought I was ‘so beautiful this morning’.”
Varyyn kissed his love’s forehead. “You are. Very beautiful and very tired.”
“Heh, I’ll take it.”
7:30 AM
The message tone of her phone awoke Quinn with a start, the bright screen blinding out of the darkness. Blearily, she reached for it, for the long-awaited update from either the expectant parents, or Michelle, who’d been assisting them through. She held a breath… it was from Taylor; a photograph of a newborn baby, face swollen from the delivery and damp dark hair plastered to her head.
‘Liv Andromeda Montoya, newest member of the fam, born sometime around 5AM. Mom and baby doing fine! Proper intros tomorrow, will keep everyone in the loop. Right now, delivery team in serious need of some shut-eye, so please don’t reply. T & E’
Beaming, Quinn scrolled back up to look at the photo, then down to the message, then rinsed and repeated again and again. Another baby in the family! Looking at the little face, she was saw she could see a look of Diego in there-- oh, he’d be over the moon.
Her phone buzzed again-- Michelle this time.
‘Hey, babe! Missing you-- staying close by just in case, but everything’s looking perfect. Hopefully we’ll relax a bit more soon, and we can take the med team off high alert. Ravyya is keeping me company on the night-watch, she’s just as much fun as she usually is. I’m so fucking exhausted, god knows how Estela feels. I love you so much, babe, can’t wait to share with you. It’s just been incredible.’
Quinn tapped back: ‘I love you so much, too! You’re amazing, you know? The bed feels too big without you next to me. Just make sure you get a good rest after the intense night you’ve had, and give our new mamas a TON of love from me. Kisses.’
7:30 AM
“Al!” Grace gushed, sitting up in bed and gently shaking her husband’s shoulder. “The baby’s here!”
Aleister wearily opened his eyes. “The buh… the baby?”
He sat up, a little groggy and confused. “Are… are they all right?”
“They’re all fine, honey. It’s a girl! We’ve got a little niece!” Grace showed him the message, her heart warming further at the undisguised joy and affection that lit her husband’s features as he took in for the first time the sight of his baby niece.
“I knew it would be a girl,” Aleister said. “Didn’t I say so?”
“Well, it was fifty-fifty!” Grace laughed. “Oh, isn’t she beautiful? She looks just like Estela. They must be completely besotted!”
“Yes, she is rather lovely.”
“I had a feeling they might name her after Estela’s mom. My guess was as a middle, but it makes sense they’d want to give her a really special name.”
“Yes,” Aleister agreed, his sleepiness still clearly coming through in his voice.
A cry from the next room made it clear that he’d have to come to terms with waking up whether he liked it or not-- Reggie was awake, which meant the tired parents were back on duty. Aleister shared a look with Grace.
“Just one of the joys Estela and Taylor have to look forward to.”
Grace gave a laugh. “They’re going to love it.” She rose quickly; all the excitement of the new arrival had her wanting to scoop up her own little one and smooch his sweet face until he was giggling fit to burst. “Come on-- better share the good news with Reginald!”
Aleister watched her go, full of affection, then took just another few sweet moments to rest as he took in the news. He was an uncle! From the pitiful scraps of familial connections he’d long been accustomed to, it was… rather wonderful.
9:00 AM
Zahra prodded at the concoction on her plate with a spoon, her grimace in stark contrast to the gusto with which Craig was tucking in to his own portion of Raj’s patented hangover cure.
“I think we can now safely say that I will never get used to this shit…,” she grumbled. This garbage would need to be washed down with a large coffee.
“You know what’s crazy, Z?” Craig prompted, his enthusiasm undampened by Zahra’s sour expression.
“You’re going to tell me, aren’t you?”
“Look, last year it was just us-- dream team!-- getting all drunk and having a good time, just like the old days.”
“Pretty sure the old days had a lot more death and despair, but I get what you’re going for….”
“And this reunion, there’s two whole babies in the group! I know we had some big responsibilities saving the world and all that, but babies… now that’s some real adult responsibility shit right there.”
“You realise you and I aren’t parents, right? It’s important to me that you know that.”
Craig puffed out his chest. “I’m Big Uncle Craig! Who else is gonna teach them what’s important in life?”
A smile tugged at Zahra’s lips. “I guess we’re not gonna let poor Reginald take video game lessons from fucking Graleister.”
“Heh, you can teach baby Liv how to hack into her moms’ computer and order McDonald’s!”
“Yeah, they’d like that.”
“I was just thinking,” Craig said, “it’s probably not going to be the same anymore. Everyone’s kinda getting their lives on track, and this--” he gestured around with his arms “--it could just get all left behind. I’m not saying I’m not excited about my future-- I am, and that’s crazy-- but I don’t want us to lose all this.”
Zahra put her spoon down, officially giving up on attempts to stomach Raj’s creation, and looked Craig in the face.
“D’you really think you could shake these people? Like, even if you wanted?”
Sean came over to join them, grasping Craig’s shoulder as he sat down. “I know you think I’m a sap--”
“A little bit, yeah, but I still love ya!”
“--but I really believe we’re tied together now by some invisible bond that could never be broken. We became family. Well, you and me, we already were.”
“Yup, my brother from another mother! I know you’ll never leave me behind, even if you have gone pro now…”
“Craig, we are going to be back, year after year. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be growing old to the tune of Jake’s ever-lengthening list of nicknames.”
“God fucking save me….” Zahra muttered.
“See? Zahra knows we’re pretty much doomed to be together. So just… enjoy it. I know I can’t wait to watch everyone living their dreams, and growing their families.”
“Sheesh, QB, sap is right”, Jake laughed, taking a swig of his coffee as he at down at the other end of the table. “You might wanna lay off the treacle before Lich-queen here combusts.”
Zahra scowled, not quite decided on how she felt about Jake’s use of her self-appointed moniker. It was, at least, better than ‘Hot Topic’, so she shook it off. “Hey, Raj!” she called out instead, “you’ve got a couple more customers out here!”
Raj came over with the pot and scooped out another couple of bowls. “Hey-presto-no-hangovers!”
Jake sighed. “If only magic didn’t have this lumpy texture, ya could just be on to a million dollar recipe, Pineapple Express.”
“Thanks-- but it’s Citrus Krush today, man.”
“You know what, close enough.”
Sean looked at his bowl and took a deep breath. This right here was the price of a hangover. He had to admit, though, that Raj knew how to throw together a pretty effective cure. “We are going to get a proper brunch once everyone else is up and awake, aren’t we? Bacon? Eggs? That kinda deal?”
“Have you seen the kitchen in this place? Any chance to play around in there, I’mma run with it!”
“So, uh, in the meantime,” Sean said, a grin coming to his face, “how about we raise a bowl of Raj Hangover Special 9000 to the new arrival? Just in the hope it makes it go down easier?
“Hit me up with some more, Raj,” Craig cried out, “I inhaled that shizz!”
So, they all raised their bowls. To friendship, to a hopefully more edible brunch, and to baby Liv Montoya.
10:00 AM
“Diego, beloved,” Varyyn cooed, gently shaking his husband’s shoulder as he lay tucked against him in a hammock overlooking the beach.
Diego stirred, grumbling sleepily. “Wassit?”
“Your phone has sounded. I think it might be Taylor.”
“Crap!” Diego yelped, jumping awake and almost up-ending the hammock. He fumbled with the phone, finding that it was indeed a message from Taylor.
‘Hey, Diego! We just woke up a little while back. Diaper changed and now Bub’s having a feed. Might be a good time to come by if you want to catch her awake. We’re so excited for you to meet her!’
“Darling, are they well?”
Diego’s heart hammered. So, this was it. “Yeah, they’re great. I, uh… I think I’m going to go and meet my niece.”
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softmahito · 6 years
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a/n: soulmate au in which soulmate always sneeze at the same time summary: diego can’t be sure but he and this new kid in his french class just sneezed at the same time and he doesn’t know if that means they’re soulmates or if that was just a coincidence so he does everything he can to sneeze and see if the kid will sneeze as well disclaimer: in this fic, there are people who were trapped on la huerta but it wasn’t our gang (beside varyyn) - basically es but with other characters +varyyn bc i wanted to be a little crazy with this fic lmao words: 1k+                                                                     🌈 MLM APRIL CHALLENGE 🌈                                                                               ⭐ MASTERLIST ⭐
“We have a problem.” Diego whispered to Ashton which made him jump because Diego appeared out of nowhere.
“We do?” Ashton raised his brow.
“Yes. C’mon!” Diego ushered and tried to drag Ashton with him but since Ashton was sitting on Sean’s lap there was no way.
“I’ll be right back.” Ashton murmured to his boyfriend and got up to follow his best friend wherever he wanted to go. They stopped near Diego’s locker and after Diego stopped looking around he finally explained what’s going on.
“Remember this new kid from History classes?” He started.
“Varyyn? Of course, I do! It’s kinda hard to forget someone with blue skin.” Ashton answered.
“There are literally superhumans in Northbridge who can fly or slow time and stuff like that and you’re surprised by a guy with blue skin? Really? Also, I’ve heard he was one of the people from that island.” Diego scowled at his best friend. “Okay, whatever. So he and I have French together and I don’t know if this means anything or if that was just a coincidence but we sneezed at the same time and now I kinda think he might be my soulmate?” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Don’t ‘oh’ me! I don’t want your pity! The guy is super hot!” Diego pointed out. 
“Right, so why do you want from me exactly?”
“Remember how you thought Jake was your soulmate?” Diego teased and in exchange Ashton glared at him. “I take that as a ‘yes’. And remember how you tried to make yourself sneeze to see if you’re right? We’re gonna do the same thing right now. So go and give Sean a goodbye kiss because we're going to the library right now.” Diego looked at Ashton expectantly.
Ashton rolled his eyes but decided not to say anything and just do as Diego said to avoid more arguments. He said a quick goodbye to Sean and after he made sure he’s still up for the date today he came back to Diego who without saying anything more started heading out to the library.
“Quick question. Why the library?” Ashton asked when they were almost there.
“Because Varyyn is there, obviously.”
“Yeah, obviously...” Ashton chuckled silently.
After they entered the library Diego led them straight to the table next to the one Varryn was sitting at. For a moment they were just sitting there in silence. Ashton was tapping his fingers against the wood and looking around the place while Diego just stared at Varryn biting his lips until Varyyn looked up at him. At first, he was a little confused but then he recognized Diego and smile at him before coming back to the book he was reading.
“So? What’s the plan, boss?” Ashton asked finally bored with sitting around and doing nothing.
“Go on Google and search how can I make myself sneeze,” Diego ordered.
“’Kay... Let me see...” Ashton mumbled. “The first one is to wiggle a tissue in your nose but that would be super unattractive so we’re skipping this one.” He said. “Wait aren’t you like allergic to almost everything? Can’t you like rub something on your face?”
“Oh believe me if I just rub something on my face it’d end up being more unattractive than wiggling a tissue in my nose.” Diego asserted. “Gimme something else.”
“It says here that some people sneeze uncontrollably when suddenly exposed to bright light. So maybe look at the sun?” Ashton proposed.
Diego got up and went to the window. He even took his glasses off hoping it’d help. But unfortunately it didn’t work and he only spent a good minute standing there and staring at the sun.
“Nope.” He sighed and plopped down back in his chair. “Next one.”
“Since you can’t sniff a spice since we don’t have any... You want me to tweeze your brows or pluck a nose hair?” Ashton asked and then looked at Diego putting his phone down to take the tweezers from his backpack.
“Do I even wanna know why you have that? Y’know nevermind, let��s go with the first one.” Diego shrugged and positioned himself. “And how’s that supposed to make me sneeze?” He furrowed his brows.
“Supposedly this irritates the nerve endings in the face and stimulates the nasal nerve. Also, you may sneeze immediately, or it could take a few tries.” Ashton said and before Diego could react started tweezing his brows. And as they’ve found out later it didn’t work either.  
“Is there anything else?”
“Yeah but I don’t think any of this will work.” Ashton hinted. “Gum?” He offered Diego who only nodded and then went back to googling ways to make someone sneeze. “I think this one-” Ashton started again but was cut off but Diego actually sneezing.
His eyes immediately went wide and he looked at Varyyn to see if he sneezed as well which he did.
“Dude!” Ashton grinned. “You’re totally soulmates.”
“Really?” Diego looked at him and he looked almost scared. “You sure?”
“Positive. He sneezed as soon as you did!” Ashton assured him and patter his shoulder. “And just so you know he’s heading towards us.” He quickly added and quickly went right back to his book pretending he had no idea what was happening.
“Hi,” Varryn said standing by their table. “Can we talk?” He asked Diego smiling sheepishly.
Diego looked at Ashton but he still was pretending he’s not interested in the situation so Diego took a deep breath and agreed. He got up and followed Varyyn to the sofa in the back of the room.
“What’s up?” Diego asked casually like he didn’t just make himself sneeze to see if they were soulmates.
“I think you’re my soulmate? I mean I’m sure you are since we sneezed at the same time twice today.” Varyyn chuckled. “And I think you were suspecting it too... unless you tried to make yourself sneeze just for fun.” He added after second.
“Wait, you saw that?!” Diego turned red immediately and covered his face with his hands. “Ohmygod this is so embarrassing.”
“I think that’s cute.” Varyyn shrugged. “So considering we’re on the same page... Wanna show me the town later?” He smiled encouragingly.
“Yes, I’d love to.” Diego smiled as well and after they exchanged numbers Diego came back to Ashton. “Ashton... I’m in love.” He bit his lip and sighed happily.
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Endless Winter (ES Book 2) Act 1, Scene 10 - Heart of the Island
Title: Endless Winter
Main Pairings: Estela x Ian (M!MC), Jake x Alyssa (F!MC)
Other Pairings: Craig x Zahra, Grace x Aleister, Michelle x Quinn, Diego x Varyyn
Genre: Full Rewrite
Rating: PG-13 for swearing, violence, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: Quinn's secret finally catches up to her following the battle with Cetus.
Previous Scene: Trial by Water
Masterlist: Link
Light from the setting sun shines through the throne room’s eastern windows along with a series of large holes left by Cetus’s teeth. The Catalysts all stand inside the room; Ian, Alyssa, Jake, Estela, and Diego are now clad in Vaanti warrior garb. Kele is notably absent, as he is still recovering. A large number of Vaanti civilians begin filing inside. Varyyn, seated on the throne, taps his feet nervously.
DIEGO: Relax. You’re gonna do great. The people love you!
VARYYN: I am not... I am not ready for this burden, Diego. Compared to my mother, I am only--
DIEGO: “Only” a hero! “Only” a city-saving, tower-raiding, Cetus-butt-kicking amazing warrior!
VARYYN (completely seriously): I do not believe Cetus has what one could properly call a “butt.”
Nearby, Zahra and Craig start giggling uncontrollably. Varyyn looks at them in confusion.
VARYYN: Why was this funny? I do not understand...
Uqzhaal enters the throne room, carrying Ximaedra’s headdress in his hands, and the room immediately goes quiet. Diego gives Varyyn’s hand a quick squeeze before taking a few steps away to take his spot between Ian and Raj. The crowd of Vaanti part, allowing Uqzhaal to approach Varyyn, who nods to the old shaman.
UQZHAAL: And so the cycle renews once again. Just as all life begins and ends through Vaanu, so to does the hope of all Elyys’tel rest upon the shoulders of our elyyshar.
At the mention of Vaanu, the entire crowd of Vaanti involuntarily glances toward Ian and Alyssa. Alyssa shrugs and waves at them while Ian simply shuffles his feet awkwardly.
UQZHAAL: Rise now, Elyyshar Varyyn Ximaeiho, Orion of the Catalysts.
Uqzhaal places the crown atop Varyyn’s head. Varyyn takes a deep breath, then slowly stands up as the other Vaanti kneel in reverence. Raj and several of the other Catalysts break out into applause.
RAJ: Whooooo! Yeah! Go Varyyn!
Uqzhaal and several of the Vaanti give him a look.
RAJ (embarrassed): ...Guess you guys don’t do clapping. Whoops.
VARYYN: Fear not, Centaurus. I understand that this is a show of respect and appreciation among your people. Please, do continue!
Raj resumes clapping, and this time all of the other Catalysts join in enthusiastically. Many of the Vaanti begin attempting to do the same, though not always properly (clapping only with the fingers, or using the entire length of the forearms to clap, or waving one’s arms around aimlessly). Varyyn smiles at the assembled crowd, and eventually the applause dies down.
VARYYN: We have much to answer for. Nearly six sheaves of days ago, I led a war party to the Torehydra. Rather than making an effort to explain ourselves to the Catalysts, we made the mistake of resorting to violence in our efforts to bring them here to Elyys’tel. For that, I do formally apologize.
He looks over at the Catalysts, who all shake their head and smile back at him.
SEAN: It’s in the past. We’re here now, aren’t we?
VARYYN: Indeed we are. Thank you, Aquila.
He turns back to face the assembled crowd.
VARYYN: Now, we move forward together. Catalyst and Vaanti, side by side. The Children of Vaanu have returned to us... and yet we nearly exiled them earlier this very day. We shall not repeat these mistakes. We shall look ahead, to the future, which we shall face as one!
The Vaanti look on in silence, until Varyyn sits back down in his throne. The Catalysts all break out into more applause... and soon the Vaanti follow suit!
CRAIG (chanting): Var-yyn! Var-yyn! Var-yyn!
The others join in on his chant, and the hall is quickly filled with the sounds of jubilant cheering. Diego pulls Varyyn into a brief embrace.
DIEGO: Told you! You were awesome!
Varyyn quickly recovers his composure.
VARYYN: Yes. Thank you, Diego. For believing in me.
DIEGO: Any time!
As everyone is celebrating, Quinn places a hand to her forehead, wincing in pain. She starts to sneak her way around the edges of the throne room, heading for the exit. Michelle gazes after her, concerned. She nudges Ian.
MICHELLE (whispering): Quinn doesn’t look good. I’m worried. Somebody should--
IAN (whispering): She trusts you more than anyone, Michelle. Except maybe ‘Lyss.
He nods toward his sister, who is currently deep in conversation with Jake, Diego, Zahra, and Craig.
IAN (whispering): Better go after her. Ceremony or no, she needs you.
Michelle gives him a grateful smile.
MICHELLE (whispering): Thanks, Ian. Be right back.
She follows Quinn’s lead, sneaking her way around the edges of the crowd and out of the throne room as well. Ian watches her go for a moment, then turns his attention back to the quickly-dispersing crowd as Sean claps him on the shoulder.
SEAN: Hey, Mr. Big-Shot. “Son of Vaanu” and all that. How are you feeling?
IAN (laughing): Yeah... it’s a lot to take in. But I’m not getting attacked by a sea monster anymore, which is a plus.
SEAN: Ha. True. (more seriously) Listen. Just because the Vaanti gave you this huge destiny, that doesn’t mean you and your sister have to handle everything alone. We’re all still here for you. I’m still here.
Ian smiles at him and pulls him into a quick hug.
IAN: Thanks, Sean. Seriously. It’s nice to know you’ve got my back.
He looks back at Varyyn and Diego, then over to Alyssa, before returning his gaze to Sean.
IAN: Honestly? This whole “children of Vaanu” thing kind of explains a lot. I might not understand all of it, but it’s starting to make some kinda sense. So, that’s a plus.
SEAN: Great attitude. Keep it up!
IAN: I will--
The Catalysts all tense up, glancing toward the entrance of the throne room. Michelle sprints in a moment later, Quinn’s limp form cradled in her arms. Sean immediately dashes to her side, helping her carry Quinn.
SEAN: What can I do?
MICHELLE: Find something to lie her down on! Quick!
Varyyn leaps to his feet, grabbing the cushions off of the throne and arranging them in a neat pile on the floor. Michelle and Sean gently lower Quinn onto the cushions. Quinn is completely unconscious, breathing shallowly. Michelle looks over her with concern.
MICHELLE: I’m such an idiot! I should’ve figured it out before! The fatigue, nosebleeds, coughing, severe weakness... textbook Rotterdam’s Syndrome! I should’ve-- I could’ve--
Furball brushes his nose up against Quinn’s comatose body, purring sadly. Michelle pounds her fist on the floor, making the little creature yelp in surprise.
MICHELLE (angrily): I’m so stupid! Why didn’t I see it earlier?
In the background, Uqzhaal approaches Varyyn, and the two begin doing something with the elyyshar’s throne. Alyssa rests a gentle hand on Michelle’s shoulder.
ALYSSA: Michelle...
IAN: I can try... y’know, ‘reversing’ her? Maybe that would--
MICHELLE: This isn’t an injury. It’s a genetic disorder. You won’t change the fact that she’ll inevitably progress slowly from slight fatigue, to respiratory difficulties, to bleeding and weakness, then end up in a coma...
RAJ (confused): But... none of that was slow at all! When we landed here, she was fine, right? All that only started a few days ago.
ZAHRA: Yeah. Just after we jumped... forward... in time...
Alyssa stares down at Quinn’s comatose form in shocked realization.
ALYSSA (horrified): No... I can’t... I didn’t...
IAN: ‘Lyss, it’s not--
JAKE: Princess--!
She shuts her eyes tightly and sprints out of the throne room, tears streaming down her face. Jake starts to go after her, but Estela holds out an arm, stopping him.
JAKE: Move it, Dragon Rage--
Estela says nothing, simply fixing him with a look. She shakes her head.
JAKE: ...Ah, you’re right. She needs her space. Dammit, I wish she’d stop beatin’ herself up over all this.
ESTELA: She’s strong. She’ll pull through.
JAKE: Yeah... just wish we could say the same for Ariel back there.
He nods his head in Quinn’s direction, where Michelle is hovering over her worriedly, clearly wracking her brain for some kind of solution to the illness.
MICHELLE: Ugh, this is--no. I wish we were at the Celestial! At least there we had some kind of supplies... but here I’m even more helpless. Quinn, please! I can’t--
Tears begin streaming down her face as she gazes at Quinn’s unconscious face helplessly. Uqzhaal and Varyyn approach her; the old Keeper holds an unusual glowing, crystalline orb in his hands, encased in vines. It glows with the same greenish-golden light as the energy from Alyssa and Ian’s powers. Michelle looks up at Uqzhaal curiously, as beside them, Ian gazes with rapt attention at the orb.
IAN: What... that thing... What is that? It’s almost calling to me. Is anyone else feeling that?
CRAIG: Nah, dude, that’s all you. Somethin’ to do with that crazy “Veenoo” stuff?
ZAHRA: It’s “Vaanu,” you moron.
CRAIG: Yeah, that’s what I said!
Zahra sighs and rolls her eyes.
MICHELLE: Uqzhaal...?
UQZHAAL: The vine intertwined with Delphinus’s branches has woefully pulled her down. But... the Endless Ones spoke of this moment. The Catalysts must live... all of the Catalysts.
Michelle blinks at him, his words beginning to register. She is hesitant, afraid to hope.
MICHELLE: "The Catalysts must live..." you can...?
VARYYN: Keeper Uqzhaal holds our most sacred treasure. The Vaanusor: the heart of this island itself. A single touch from the Heart is said to renew any living thing.
MICHELLE (laughs weakly): About a week ago, I would’ve called that nonsense. But... now...
She glances at Ian, remembering all the incredible things she has already witnessed since coming to the island. Then she nods at Uqzhaal and Varyyn.
UQZHAAL: Our legends warn us never to use it ourselves. But the Endless Ones have spoken. As Catalysts, any one of you will be able to benefit from its power. To be renewed.
JAKE: Hold up. “Any one of us?”
UQZHAAL: So the Endless Ones said.
She looks back down at Quinn, then swallows and nods resolutely.
UQZHAAL: Prince Varr--ahem. My elyyshar. The honor is yours.
Uqzhaal hands the Vaanusor to Varyyn, who takes it reverently. Vaanu kneels and sets the orb beside Quinn’s head, then unties the knot of vines from the top of the orb, allowing them to fall away. The orb pulses with a faint light, which almost seems to be flowing into Quinn. Ian can barely take his eyes off of the orb.
MICHELLE: What now?
UQZHAAL: Now we wait... and hope.
As the others begin to talk softly amongst themselves, Zahra looks down at Quinn, a pained expression on her face. Then her gaze drifts over toward the exit. She sighs.
ZAHRA: I need some air.
Craig stares after her, confused, as she turns and leaves the room without another word. Behind him, on the makeshift bed of pillows, Quinn lies comatose... and her skin begins to glow a faint dark green...
Scene Notes: Finally, an explanation for some of the deviances from canon: turns out the Endless One(s) have been taking care of a few more things behind the scenes! Hence the Island's Heart being already found here, and the time-loop crystal having already been broken in an earlier chapter. It's also a convenient way to streamline the plot a bit more, of course!
Next: Sunset Chat
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie @mauvecatfic
Endless Summer Tag List: @mysteli @edgydepressedchoicesthot @endlessly-searching-for-you @lovelywrites
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And in the next book, they get married. Silly Diego denies his feelings because he’s an idiot, your honor, and ends up in the best damn relationship in the entire Choices game.
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endlessbelle · 6 years
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being oblivious to obviously romantic gestures is such a god damn mood
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endlessflame · 6 years
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whatsernamerps · 6 years
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Searching for You (Part 2/4)
A/N: This is part of an ES mini-series! This is part 2 for Endless Summer Appreciation Week Day 2! Thanks for hosting @brightpinkpeppercorn and @mysteli ❤❤❤ Catch up with Part 1. This is also for @choices-december-challenge Day 8: Family (sorry it's a day late) hosted by @kinda-iconic 😍
Warnings: Innuendo, angst
Pairing: Jake x MC (Taylor) 
Word Count: 3,401
You can find the series masterlist here.
Last Time: Uqzhall killed Jake in cold blood and Taylor reminisces about the first time Jake told her that he wanted kids, but she wasn’t ready. 
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Thinking back to that moment now, I wish that I had taken Jake up on his offer, that we had tried to start our family. Things could have been so different, maybe this would be our second kid, maybe Jake would still be here with me.
“It is okay Cat-a-liss.” I rubbed my eyes one last time and let Taari go.
“Thank you Taari.” He gave me a smaller smile than his normal one, looking up as footsteps approached.
“Taylor?” It was Diego, he knew instantly that something was wrong and opened his arms for me.
“Taari, go find Seraxa or something else to do.” The little boy ran off, understanding that whatever was happening was an adult matter. I recounted to Diego through broken sobs and snot rockets what had happened, that time hadn’t reset itself as it did in the past. He dragged me straight to Varyyn who was in the throne room, meeting with his people. Varyyn rose immediately when he saw Diego helping me in, he sent the rest of his people away to come back tomorrow, this was a more pressing matter. Diego recounted for me what had happened, Varyyn paced at the mention of the old shaman’s name.
“Please Varyyn, is there another gem like the one in your necklace I broke, something I can do to bring him back. I need him.” I hadn’t even told them I was pregnant yet, my emotions were all over the place, furious with Uqzhall, destroyed that Jake might forever be gone, and of course terrified about the tiny human growing inside of me.
“Taylor...I, that was the last of that crystal. They are special and not meant to be used for such matters even if I did have one.” I was furious, I shoved Varyyn and Diego held me back.
“Taylor!” He had never seen me like this, not even with Rourke.
“You don’t understand! I need him back Diego! I can’t do this without him!” Again, my body was wracked with sobs, I collapsed at Varyyn’s feet, begging him for help. I quickly shuffled away though, I could feel the bile rising up in my throat again. Morning sickness? Guilt sickness? Anger sickness? All three? God only knows.
“What do you mean? Can’t do this without him? Taylor, I know you loved him but...you are your own person, life goes on without those we love.” Varyyn’s words were meant to be comforting, after all, he had lost his mother battling Cetus with us.
“No! I’m pregnant! I’m having a baby. I didn’t get to tell him, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know he’s going to be a dad. I’m not ready, I can’t do this without him.” I screamed, my thoughts coming out in a jumbled mess. Both men stood still, they finally understood. Diego was the first to comfort me, rubbing my back as he pulled my hair into a ponytail. I don’t think either of them really knew what to say, I didn’t know what to say.
“I need answers Varyyn. I need a way to fix this.” He nodded, dragging a hand down his face, I think he knew that I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“We won’t stop until Uqzhall is found and answers for his crimes.” My head shot up.
“I’m going to kill him, Varyyn. No one touches him but me, you understand? I don’t give a damn about what Vaanti tradition might have to say about it, he killed Jake in cold blood in front of me, I get to kill him. If you find him before me, keep him here.” Varyyn didn’t say anything until Diego shot him a warning look, he nodded.
“For answers, I would seek out the Anachronists as they are the most familiar with time anomalies here. However, Diego and I cannot go with, we hold titles and they will not allow us in.” I understood but I couldn’t do it alone, I had barely found the Anachronists the first time and there were 13 of us; I had also barely survived as Uqzhall had tried to kill me, Jake was the one who saved me. Jake, everything seemed to circle back to him. Every thought, every memory, and now every conversation I had. I couldn’t stand to think about his body lying there in front of our house, now cold and stiff, his bright blue eyes stuck open forever staring at nothing. I shook my head violently as if I could shake the thought away, Varyyn and Diego watched me curiously, they didn’t want to say the wrong thing and set me off again.
“I can’t do this alone. I need help! I barely survived the Anachronists last time and Jake was the one who saved me, with the Clockmaker's help. How will I even know how to find them again, I don’t have the crystals.” I felt like I might be sick again, my head swirling as I tried to figure out what my options were, how I was going to do this alone. Being a part of Vaanu, I never actually had a life before La Huerta, I’ve never known anything but my friends and Jake by my side. Suddenly I was supposed to do it alone and I had a baby to think about, that still freaked me out too, it didn’t feel real, at least not until I finally told someone.
“Have you told anyone else?” I shook my head.
“I came here first for help, I thought you might have answers for me. I can’t ask our friends to risk their lives for Jake though. We’ve all finally settled, it’s not fair.”
“Tay, we’re a family. We look out for each other as best as we can. You know they’ll help you, especially if you tell them why.” I sighed and ran a hand through my hair nervously, of course, he was right, I still felt like it wasn’t their responsibility though; I had gotten myself into this mess. I nodded and began walking out, even if I wasn’t going to ask for anyone’s help I needed to stop at the Celestial to get supplies. I began the journey alone, I honestly couldn’t stand to look at Diego or Varyyn anymore, they hadn’t been of any help or comfort. I descended the bridges in Elyystel keeping my head down from prying eyes, everyone recognized me as a catalyst by now, but they always saw me with Jake. Despite the warm humid air around me, I felt a cold shiver run through my body, I pulled Jake’s jacket out and slipped it on. It was too big on me, but I didn’t care, I loved that jacket and everything about it, Jake’s smell lingered on the fabric, reminding me of the very first time he let me borrow it.
Everything had happened so quickly, I opened a portal with the strange gun we found, and the Watchers had roped Diego, trying to pull him away. I desperately held onto him, but he let go, he let himself be taken. The blinding white light surrounded us and then we were on the rooftop again as if nothing had happened, only something had, the Watchers and Diego were gone. Everyone marveled at how we made it, stunned, unsure of how much time had passed. IRIS appeared, she told us we had been gone for 204 days...six months.
“Wait, Taylor, where’s Diego?” Craig asked. That’s when I lost it. My best friend who I couldn’t save had been with the Watchers for six months, he probably thought we would never come for him. I began sobbing and everyone looked at me, I couldn’t form the words to tell them, though they could probably figure out on their own what had happened. I felt a soft fabric surround my shoulders as I stumbled back to a bench, burying my hands in my face as a shiver ran down my spine. I was embarrassed that I had been unable to save him. The cushion sank next to me and a pair of strong arms surrounded me, pulling me against them. I looked up to see Jake, he had covered me with his jacket, he never took that jacket off. He gave me a sad, small smile, and looked at me, rubbing his hands up and down my back gently.
“What happened, Princess?” I recounted how he slipped out of my grasp, the Watcher who had attacked us in my room was the same one who had grabbed Diego. He was patient and listened to my story all the while trying to calm me, I had never seen Jake so gentle, not even in my room that night after we had destroyed it.
“We’ll find him.” He tried to reassure me with his words, but I could see in his eyes that he didn’t believe it, still, he was just trying to help me and I appreciated his effort. I gave him a small appreciative smile and squeezed his knee before standing up.
“Let's go find Diego.” Everyone followed me down into the Celestial. That was the very first time Jake gave me his jacket, though I noticed it became a bit of a thing after that, not that I minded. I loved being able to breathe in his scent, feel the familiar fabric touching my skin. Any time Jake thought I was cold or needed comforting, he was there with his jacket. When we began to make our trek into the mountains to the MASADA facility, before Grace pulled out her extra winter coat, Jake was there wrapping his jacket around my shoulders. It was how I knew he really cared about me.
I inhaled deeply, the scent of whiskey and aftershave warmed my heart just a little. What would Jake want me to do? He’d probably tell me to stop crying and move on, he did that just about every time he died, he should have known by now that there was no moving on from him. We promised each other forever and goddammit I was going to get it! He would do anything in his power to bring me back and so that’s what I was going to do. I entered through the lobby doors and the cool air felt refreshing compared to the heat outside, no one was in sight and so I wandered through the lobby hoping to run into someone. It didn’t take long, I rounded a corner and bumped right into Sean, he reached out to steady me, a smile on his face.
“Hey Taylor, where’s Jake?” Jake and Sean had actually become quite close since we defeated Rourke, who would’ve thought? They had become so close that Jake would probably have wanted Sean to be the godfather...I felt nauseous again. I had forgotten all about the baby for a moment. Sean took in my appearance when I didn’t say anything, lost in my own thoughts, he looked me over concerned.
“Taylor you look green. Why are you wearing Jake’s dog tags and jacket?” I was going to have to explain again what had happened to Jake. Should I even tell them about the pregnancy, my plan? I was still trying to wrap my own head around all of this. I dove towards a plant in the hall and threw up what little food I had been able to keep down. I could feel Sean hovering behind me, as I pulled myself together.
“I need to talk to everyone.” Sean helped me over to a chair in the lobby and gathered everyone, I was only going to say everything once. I could feel everyone’s eyes boring into me, they knew something was wrong the moment they saw me wearing Jake’s jacket, curled up on a chair. I thought about telling them about the baby but decided not to, I didn’t need that influencing their decision about helping me or not. Besides, it didn’t seem fair to tell everyone before Jake even knew, I shouldn’t have told Diego and Varyyn, but I was desperate for their help, hoping they would have some kind of solution.
“What’s going on?” Quinn was the first to speak in a soft voice, her hand gently resting on mine. I looked up at my friends through watery eyes, trying my best to push the tears back. It felt like I hadn’t stopped crying since he died, maybe it was pregnancy hormones, or maybe I was just blaming everything on them to make it easier.
“Jake is dead. Uqzhall killed him and the time loop hasn’t reset itself, I need to go to the Anachronists to see if they can help me and I can’t do it alone, but I don’t want to ask you guys to put your lives at risk with Uqzhall still out there.” Once the words started they just came pouring it, I didn’t stop to take a breath until I was done, and the tears started to spill out my eyes. Everyone looked at me in silence, trying to wrap their heads around my rushed confession. Sean stepped up first.
“I’ll go. We’ll get Jake back.” Sean gently rubbed my back and looked at the others. It was quiet until Quinn spoke.
“Me too, you guys helped me when I was sick.” I nodded gratefully at both of them. A wave of nausea hit again, and Michelle eyed me curiously as I ran for a trashcan.
“That’s the second time you’ve thrown up, maybe we should wait a couple days for you to get better,” Sean suggested but I shook my head. This wasn’t going to get better, and I was on a time crunch. Sure, I still had about seven or eight months left if I did my math right, but it was La Huerta, time worked in funny ways here.
“I’m just upset, it’s nothing. Sitting around here isn’t going to bring Jake back.”
“I’m coming too.” Michelle marched up. Estela and Grace started to step up too, but I stopped them.
“I don’t think we should all go, as grateful as I am for all of you. Diego and Varyyn are staying here and searching for Uqzhall, they could probably use some help with that. We started packing up what we would need for the journey, Raj cooked us some food, making it mild for my stomach which I was incredibly grateful for. Zahra and Craig approached us just before we left, she held something out to me that looked like a phone.
“It’s a solar-powered satellite phone.” She held onto one and I smiled, it was her way of saying that she cared about us.
“Let us know when you find them,” Craig added. I nodded and gave Craig a hug, wincing at just the slightest pressure on my boobs, they were sore and that had been my first hint, but they only got increasingly sore. I tried to hug Zahra too, but she refused, I would take what I could get. Michelle watched me, seeming to notice me wince, but she didn’t say anything and continued to pack her stuff saying her own goodbyes. Even Aleister took the time to say goodbye, the three of us had never really gotten along but we could still be polite, though he seemed genuinely worried about us as we left. I felt stray tears slide down my cheeks and I wiped them away before anyone could see, I didn’t even know why I was crying, I was finally on my way to getting Jake back.
I expected the journey to only take a week, but it had been two now and we still weren’t there. Every morning I woke up before my friends, the morning sickness worst then and occasionally right before we would stop for the night. I did my best to hide it and the smallest of bumps that had begun to grow, no one would notice yet...except for maybe Jake. I tried not to think about him, it made every second feel like an hour on our long days of hiking. I was beginning to wonder if we were never going to find it. One day we came across a river and decided to stop and cool off for a bit, fill up our water bottles, and give ourselves a break. We had to have been close, we had been gone for about a month at this point. Sean peeled his shirt off and jumped into the water, quickly followed by Michelle, they usually weren’t ones for PDA, but he snaked his arms around her waist and kissed her even though she playfully tried to fight it. Watching them sent my mind spiraling into thoughts of Jake again, taking me back to a day we had been working on our cabin.
Jake and I heaved one last piece of wood up to finish the roof of our cabin, we had been working on it all day under the sun and I was exhausted. I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to carry myself back to the jet ski so we could go back to our room at the Celestial. I collapsed in the grass, laying on my back staring up at the shell of a house we had built, Jake came and laid down beside me.
“Whatcha thinkin’ bout, Princess?” I rolled onto my side and looked over at Jake, running my fingers up and down his sweaty bare chest.
“I’m thinking about how I don’t know that I’m going to be able to move from this spot. I’m so tired, but looking up at our house, how close we are, it’ll be worth it.” Jake chuckled and kissed the top of my head, his hand resting against the small of my back.
“The hardest part is done now, we’ve just got to set up the inside, and get some furniture.” I laughed, I hadn’t even thought about that. I had no idea how we were going to make that happen, but I had a feeling that Jake had a plan.
“I feel like the hardest part is going to be getting anything else done after we have a bed in there.” Jake’s chest rumbled beneath my head.
“I guess we’ll have to get that last then.”
“Jake when has that ever stopped us? The first night we met, we destroyed that hotel room, even the closet. The second we have a piece of furniture we can sit or lay on we’re done for.” I looked up and saw the familiar crooked grin on his face.
“You don’t think married life has made us soft, Princess?” I snorted, he knew it had been anything but.
“Top Gun, our friends basically kicked us out of the Celestial because they got tired of us.”
“Maybe you’ve got a point. We should get back before it gets too late though.” I groaned unable to move another muscle.
“I was serious Jake, I don’t know that I can move another muscle.” He rolled me over, his weight a comfortable and familiar feeling on top of me.
“I don’t think I could carry you down to the jet ski. How about we go relax in the creek for a bit and then head back. Think you can at least make it that far? I’ll make it worth your while.” He winked. I pretended to really ponder his offer, we both already knew the answer though.
“I think I can make it that far.” He climbed off me and helped me up, we took our time, strolling hand in hand down to the creek. Jake was already in his swim trunks so I shoved him in, he came up spitting out water, his shaggy hair hanging over his eyes.
“That’s how it is? I see?” I laughed before peeling off my own clothes and jumping in. Jake chased after me in the water and I tried to escape to no avail, he had me wrapped in his tight embrace.
“Jake!” I giggled as he nibbled on my earlobe.
“I got you now Princess.” I wiggled and turned in his embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
“You’ve always had me, Top Gun.” He kissed me and slowly peeled off our bathing suits as I deepened the kiss.
Perma-tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @sleepwalkingelite @ooo-barff-ooo @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @roonarific @likethetailofacomet @zaffrenotes @mysteli @vickypoochoices @kayann9 @jlouise88 @zigortega4life @findingdrake
Jake Tag:  @endlesstaylormckenzie @sophie-summer @feartheendlesssummer @darley1101 @emomoustache​ @xo-endlessmayhem-xo
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