#vash the stempede
friccafracc · 2 years
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three guns!!!
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writing-fanics · 1 year
Hello there! I'm not used to making these, but I have a Vash x female plant reader request if it's not too much trouble, and should you ever have the time.
So, the female reader is also a plant, but she can purify water and grow vegetation, at the cost of her own energy. She has the tentacle things Knives does, but they are soft and not meant for attacks or defense.
She lives in a small paradise in the desert, one she has slowly grown and cultivated over the years, filling it with lush vegetation and flowing pure waters. Several people have moved there, and they ask a lot of her daily, but she just wants to help people, so she doesn't really mind, so long as visitors and people looking to live there don't cause trouble or harm.
I'd love to see Vash discovering this little paradise in the desert, meeting female plant readers, realizing she's a plant and seeing how she interacts with her precious humans, and maybe even protecting her from some cruel raiders who seek to capture her and use her abilities for their own selfish gain?
She's not very good at attacking or defending herself, unfortunately, as she lacks the biological combat-related advantages Vash and Knives possess, but she's sweet and soft-spoken and is immediately fond of Vash.
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Vash the Stampede x Fem!Reader
desert flower in paradise
Many people of the planet Gunsmoke, have heard of the little patch of paradise somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the desert. A place where vegetation is flourishing and bountiful. Flowers as far as the eye could see and trees that reached the sky. Small creeks and rivers flowed through the small oasis their waters so crystal clear, that you could see the bottom.
Many have tried and searched for the small paradise and failed. Or the few that went off to find such paradise. Never returned, being so enchanted by how such life could flourish without the help of a plant. they chose to stay among the few people who’ve settled.
Legend also speaks of a beautiful young lady, and some think of her as a goddess. Life blossomed where ever she walked wild flowers and grass blossomed, where ever she stepped. Patches of dead grass regained its bright color whenever she walked nearby.
[Y/n], an independent, had created this patch of paradise. What was once a small patch of grass and flourished and cultivated into a small community. She created allowing humans to move in whenever they wished, and only turning away the ones. Who she saw might cause harm or trouble. Two of the many things not allowed in the paradise.
“Ms. Y/n!” She turned towards the person calling out her name. She smiled, looking at the human before her he ran towards the woman.
“I’m sorry, but I need you miss. My crops they’re sick.” The farmer said, and she nodded smiling wanting to help. The farmer smiled, as he lead her towards his house.
She frowned, seeing the sick crops her heart ached for the plants. Closing her eyes and focusing her energy on the plants. A tentacle appeared on her back and it lunged towards the plants. Plunging itself into the dirt and pulsating, vines wrapped around her arm as she focused her energy on the plants.
Sweat ran down the side of her forehead, as she whispered faster as the plants regained their color. The tentacle disappeared and the vines as well, she fell to her knees bags forming underneath her eyes.
Catching her breath she smiled turning towards the farmer, “There, your crops are nice and health and will bring you and this community bountiful amounts of food.” He smiled, thanking her for her help and she grinned.
She loved helping the humans, and making sure they had everything they needed. She loved them with all her heart and would do anything for them.
[Y/n] closed her eyes, as she laid in a field filled with a plethora of different types of flowers, both species and colors. She laid in the very middle surrounded by red geraniums. Relaxing in the serene and peaceful environment she created for both her people and herself.
Despite herself being different her people loved her for what she’s done for them, giving them a second chance at life somewhere new and peaceful.
She hummed to herself; she remembered faintly a woman with black hair and brown eyes and everything else a blur. “Ms. Y/n,” Carlos said, panting running over towards on the stone path to avoid ruining the flowers.
She sat up immediately and turned her head towards him, “We have some visitors.” He said, and she smiled softly. “Bring them in.” She said, and Carlos but his lip.
“One of them is the Humanoid Typhoon,” he said, and she looked at him she’s heard of the humanoid typhoon. but has also heard how he’ tries to save people in harms way.
“bring them in, I want to give our guests the upmost hospitality.” she said, and he nodded and ran back towards the entrance.
a few moments passed, and the guest entered her private guardian. a woman with bluish black hair looked around in awe, a priest holding a big cross stared at it in awe. Everyone was in awe; the blonde couldn’t help but stare though at [Y/n]. Who stood on a small hill surrounded by red geranium, he could’ve sworn he saw Rem.
“Welcome, my name is Y/n, and where you are is a paradise that I’ve created for both humans and myself.” She said, smiling, everyone stared at her in awe. She was definitely beautiful for sure.
“Hungry?” She asked, looking at them. Fruits and Vegetables, popped out from the ground and she smiled at her guest. “Go ahead,” she said, and watched as the woman picked up one of the fruit taking a bite.
Her eyes lit up the fruit tasted different, almost sweet like candy but slightly bitter. “The fruit and vegetables here are none to be ver desirable amongst planet gunsmoke” she said, and crossed eyes with the blonde and smiled at him.
something about him was different, he looked human but didn’t feel it she sensed that in him somehow and he sensed it too in her. “Now, I’ll be showing you to your rooms. You’re welcomed to leave whenever you like. I’ll let you rest up before giving you the tour.” She said, and they followed her stuffing their faces with fruits and vegetables.
“This place is amazing!” Meryl said, in awe. [Y/n] smiled hearing this turning towards her, “Thank you,” she said, and took notice of Vash’s gun.
“But, we do have a rule here two actually. UnecessaryViolence and the causing of trouble is absolutely prohibited.” She said, and turned towards Vash.
“You have the right to bear arms, but on the condition of only using it if absolutely necessary.” She said, looking at both Wolfwood and Vash.
“Have, you had any trouble with raiders or bandits in the past?” Vash asked, and she looked at him.
“No, but have had our fair share of angry people being turned away.” She said, looking at him. “So, not many people own or have any weapons. Not seeing the point since our community is so secluded.” She said, continuing to lead them down the hallway towards their rooms.
“Sorry, if the rooms small and not to your liking.” She said, and Vash turned towards her shaking his head. “It’s perfect.” He said, and she smiled.
“I’ll come back later to give you guys the tour.” She said, before leaving them to themselves. She felt Vash’s eyes on her as she walked back down the hallway.
[ after tour ]
[Y/n], had showed them around the small community. Leaving them completely awestruck by how beautiful this place was, and after having their bellys filled. Her guest went back to their rooms to rest, and to leave in the morning.
Vash, had seen how kind and caring she was towards her people. From the moment that he laid eyes on her knee she was special. She wasn’t human, and maybe an independent like him.
She smiled, every second as she helped her community. Despite how much energy it drained from her each time she used her powers.
He watched, as the bags formed under her eyes as she struggled to walk and to focus on the task. Her people didn’t realize how much they were asking of her and depending on the task, the more energy it took from her. She doesn’t mind only wanting to help but it was an endless cycle. She’d rest for the rest of the day, and then do it all the next day.
She knelt down towards the dying flower, and closed her eyes focusing her energy. vash watched, as her skin glowed revealing her plant lines. She looked angelic as she healed the plant.
They placed their hands together, staring into each other’s eyes as their hand glowed. Revealing their plant selfs to each other, slowly intertwining their fingers. “I’ve never met another independent before,” she said, looking into his blue eyes, “I’ve never met another independent who shares the same morals as me.” He said, and she giggled in response looking up at him.
She didn’t know why her heart was pounding against her chest. Staring into his eyes made her feel some type of warmth she’d never felt before. She felt safe around him more safe than she ever felt in her small community.
Despite having only know each other for a short amount of time. A fondness for each other has blossomed between them. and now that fondness had developed into a bond, they leaned their foreheads against each other and chuckled. taking in the peaceful moment between the two, as they intertwined their fingers once again. their noses pressing against each other.
suddenly, screams were heard from outside causing them to pull away from each other. Vash immediately told her to get behind him which she obliged. Raiders barged in and saw the humanoid typhoon, and the girl that they were looking for standing behind him.
“well well well, seems todays my lucky day. i get the humanoid typhoon and the desert flower.” the raiders boss said, smiling holding his gun. [y/n] covered her ears hearing the screams and cries of her people, and of the plants being burned by the chaos that the raiders were causing.
Vash, stood in front of her protectively not letting the raiders get any close to her. “You are not having her.” Vash said, glaring at the raiders boss. Who laughed pointing his gun at the humanoid typhoon. She looked terrified looking between both, Vash and the raiders boss.
“We’ll see about that.” He said, firing gun. Vash raised, his gun and shot the bullets down with ease. [Y/n] gasped, looking up at him and smiled. Immediately, he commanded his entire crew to start shooting causing Vash to pick her up, bridal style and carry her away from harm. Dodging each and every single bullet shot at them.
Her eyes widened in horror, seeing trees being burned as well buildings. She nuzzled her head into Vash’s chest. After seeing charred remains, tears rolled down her cheeks as he carried her away to safety.
All this was because raiders were after her, wanting to use her for selfish reasons. To use her as a means to make their own lives easier and not the lives of others. They only cared for themselves and wanted to use her powers of making vegetation to do so.
After the raiders were defeated and left, the entire community gathered up those who sadly perished. Such unneeded violence she couldn’t help but not feel guilty, she underestimated the secludedness of the paradise. But now after that she made sure that some where keeping watch late at night.
Vash and [Y/n], smiled as they looked at each other. She handed him a sack full of food, herbs for healing, and other things. Telling them that they’re welcomed back anytime and for Vash to visit whenever he can which obviously he said yes too, and before he left. He planted a quick kiss on the side of her lips.
[a/n: I wrote the ending while slowly falling asleep I’ll go back and fix it later but I hope you enjoyed]
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Can we make this a reality? You don’t understand how much I need the whole crew in plushies
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the-and-sign-anon · 2 months
The Third Independent: 1
Word count: 2,910
Series Masterlist
Vash the Stampede x Independent Plant! Reader
Three Years Post-Fall
You couldn’t really remember the Big Fall, but you would never forget the fear of hiding in the desert afterward. You always got a sickening feeling when you saw the humans, traveling between settlements armed to the teeth. Every instinct you had told you to run, to hide, to make sure no one and nothing could hurt you. 
For a time, that worked out. You watched from the dunes as Plants were discovered and used for their power, helping the humans scrounge up some kind of living. The Worms were your friends for a time; they seemed to enjoy the way you sat in silence most days, occasionally humming a song as old as your soul. If pressed, you could never say where it came from, but it was seared into your mind forever, so you taught it to the Worms and let the deserts of Noman’s Land sing like your people. 
The first time you allowed yourself true curiosity with the humans was when you spotted a pair riding tomas in the fading daylight. Something in you reached out, almost calling to them. For just a moment, one of the figures reacted, pulling their mount to a short stop as their head swiveled every which way. You ducked down behind the dunes, one hand over your chest as if to calm your racing heart. 
Despite your better judgment, you peeked back out at them after a minute, finding them moving once more, albeit at a slower pace. You followed for hours, brushing off the bugs that tried to shuffle you away. You’d made up your mind and you intended to find out what these humans were doing. 
As the stars lit up the sky and the desert wind grew cold, you focused in on the increasingly loud song of another Plant. How the humans had figured out how to follow one, you had no clue. But that was exactly where they were headed. You hopped along from dune to dune, ducking down whenever one of the humans looked around. Eventually, you took a chance and got close enough to catch a few words exchanged between them. 
“Kid, you’re freaking me out again. Quit doing that.”
“I’m telling you Brad, there’s something out there.”
“Yeah. Worms. And if we keep stopping every time you think you feel something, they’ll eat us.”
You scoffed softly despite yourself. The Worms just wanted food, same as anyone. Except you, which you supposed you were grateful for. Food was hard to come by out here, especially when hiding between slowly growing towns. It was a lonely existence, but not a starving one at least. 
The ‘kid’ whirled around to look in your direction and you dropped down to the sand once more. You cursed yourself for being so brazen and prayed that he’d just keep moving. After a few moments of silence, you slowly got to your feet and started moving again. If these humans were headed for a Plant, you wanted to know exactly what they intended to do with it. So you focused your mind on the voice and followed as quickly and discreetly as you could manage. 
The Plant you found was alone. There was no town, no bustling settlement. Just a few chunks of a fallen ship half buried in the sand. You crept in, your bare feet sliding silently across the unfamiliar, smooth metal. The old signs of humans felt wrong somehow, a broken reminder of what your people had been through in the Big Fall. It made your heart ache, even though you still couldn’t remember a thing about your own experience. 
When you reached the Plant, you dropped to your knees and pressed your forehead to the glass. Everything in you sang with joy at seeing one of your own kind for the first time you could actually remember. Your hands pressed to the glass as well and you couldn’t have fought off the tears if you’d tried. Your blurred vision lit up blue as your own Plant lines appeared in response to the Plant inside. 
You weren’t sure how long you’d been there when the humans arrived. Brad led the way, keeping a sharp eye out for any danger. His charge followed with a furrowed brow, trying to sort out what the strange feeling here was. He was about to mention it to Brad again when they reached you and the Plant. 
Vash was quick to grab Brad’s gun and lower it when he pointed it at you. While he usually deferred to Brad, he gave a firm shake of his head this time and stepped forward. His clunky boots gave him away as he watched your shoulders tense up. 
“If you’re here to hurt them, I won’t let you.”
He raised his hands slowly and Brad grudgingly stepped back. 
“The last thing we want is to hurt a Plant.”
You slowly rose to your feet, your lines lighting up the space around you. Vash, had he not known any better, could have sworn you were an angel. He was sure his lines never looked quite like that. He kept his hands up and offered his most well meaning smile. 
“We’re here to catalog them, then try to get them somewhere safer.”
You tilted your head and waited for him to explain. 
“They… they won’t make it much longer alone. You can hear it too, can’t you?” You nodded just slightly. “There’s a settlement nearby that could use another Plant.. and this one could clearly use some humans.”
His words rang true to you, though you weren’t entirely sure why. As far as you knew, you didn’t need humans. You’d never even been this close to them in what you could remember of your life. So why did other Plants need them?
“... You’re a Plant too… aren’t you?”
He obviously knew the answer, but he was trying to gauge if you knew it. You didn’t seem to realize he was, despite his clear connection to the other Plants. When you took half a step back and pressed your back to the glass, he motioned for Brad to give you a little extra space as he circled around to reach another side of the glass. Once he was close enough, he reached out a hand and felt his own lines begin to glow. 
Your eyes widened in surprise, shimmering with more tears as your lines grew brighter. The Worms spoke to you in their own way, telling you stories of the humans, but they’d never told you there were others like you. You’d never let yourself dream that there could be. 
“I’m what’s called an Independent. That’s what you are, too. Why don’t you come with us? You can help us take this Plant to their new home.”
Brad tried to protest, then thought better of it. If Luida’s stray wanted to pick up his own stray, there was little he could do about that right now. 
“What will happen to them?”
“They’ll live longer than if we don’t move them. They’ll be with another Plant too, so they won’t have to be alone anymore. And the humans will take good care of them.”
You’d never allowed yourself to get too close to the humans for fear of them attacking what they wouldn’t understand, but if this other Plant- this Independent- trusted them, then maybe you could too. Just when Vash worried you might put up a fight or run off, you nodded softly and locked eyes with him. 
“I will accompany the Plant, Independent.”
He smiled sweetly and scratched the back of his neck. 
“You can just call me Vash.”
You nodded firmly and looked over to Brad.
“And the human?”
“That’s Brad. He’s safe, you can trust him.”
“I will trust you, Vash.”
With that, you helped take hold of the Plant and rig it to be pulled by the tomas. You declined the offer to ride with Vash, opting instead to run alongside the Plant itself. Dozens of bugs fluttered along with you, bobbing up and down and circling around your new companions as well. 
It took more than an hour to reach the town, but you were only a bit winded when you all arrived. Brad led the way, the tomas moving at a much slower pace as the handful of townspeople awake at such an hour parted to make space. You trailed behind, watching your surroundings with a critical eye. Vash nearly veered of course as he continuously looked back at you, taking in your bare feet and tattered clothing. Brad had to lean over and lightly smack his arm to get his attention. 
“Quit staring at them, kid. Someone might get the impression you’re interested in them.”
Vash looked at him with one brow raised. 
“I am interested in them. Since the crash, I haven’t seen another Independent. They’re the first one in five years. Who wouldn’t be interested?”
Brad chuckled despite himself and shook his head. Leave it to the plant boy to misunderstand him. He eased the tomas to a stop when they reached the plant room and dismounted. You kept a hand on the Plant as Vash removed the ropes keeping it in place and Brad talked with another man. You ignored the conversation and opted to stare at Vash instead. 
You weren’t entirely sure why you hadn’t understood immediately what he was when you first saw him. As you studied his features in the starlight and scarce lamps in town, you felt the same pull to him that you’d always felt when you neared Plants. Though he could hide it from humans, you could faintly see his Plant lines regardless of his current focus. 
His hands were calloused, a worker’s hands. You could appreciate that, finding another similarity between you. The clothing he wore looked a bit large on him; not that you were one to talk. You quickly figured you would have an easier time hiding in the sand if you had clothing to match, so you’d dug around a few crash sites in your time. It saddened you to steal from corpses, but they weren’t using anything anymore. So you’d adopted loose tan pants, a dirty -possibly once white- tank top, and a piece of rope to act as a belt when your first one wore out. 
Vash couldn’t focus properly on his work with you looking at him like that. Brad, in their earlier days together, had made comments about the Independent seeming creepy. Luida always told him Brad was just being rude for no reason, but if he looked the way you did, then Vash could understand where the man was coming from. 
Your eyes were large, almost unsettlingly so. You didn’t seem to blink as often as the humans did, allowing you to focus more intently on things that caught your interest. Like Vash. While he worked, you stood stock still, almost like a predator watching its prey. Your chest didn’t even seem to move as you breathed, not that he was observing you that closely on purpose. 
None of the humans moved to approach you, having been told firmly by Brad not to do so. He didn’t know exactly where you’d come from or how long you might have been with this Plant, so he wasn’t in the mood to risk anyone getting hurt. Vash motioned for you to follow them all inside, which you slowly did. Brad and the humans got to work preparing the Plant to be set up properly while you and Vash both placed a hand on the glass and appeared to… connect with it. He’d never quite get used to seeing that. 
By morning light, you were ready to go. You unabashedly cried when you had to say goodbye to the Plants. Brad would have been content enough to let you stay there if you were so fond of them, but Vash spared him a pleading look and invited you to join them at their ship without waiting for an answer from him. 
You thought about it at the edge of town, bugs fluttering around you as you dug one heel into the sand. With a spark of something Brad considered dangerous and Vash considered exciting, you agreed. After some convincing, you let Vash hoist you up onto his toma before settling behind you. His arms were slow to move on either side of you, extra conscious of your personal space, but you didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. 
Brad led the way back to Ship Three. It was a bit of a long journey, but he didn’t mind the silence that settled when you fell asleep. Vash was a bit panicked when it happened, trying to keep you from sliding off the toma without waking you as he wrapped his arms tighter around you. Your head rolled back and rested on one of his shoulders, leaving him as tense as he’d been in months. You stayed that way for nearly an hour before Brad brought the little troop to a stop and helped Vash rearrange you. He ended up dealing with you himself, making a simple little harness to keep you at his back so Vash could relax again. 
You slept for nearly an entire day, waking up halfway to Ship Three. When you blinked your eyes open and looked around, Brad stopped again for a short meal break. Something flashed in Vash’s eyes when you declined the food they offered, explaining that you didn’t need to eat. You were engrossed enough in talking to Brad that you missed the mourning in his gaze. 
When you finally reached the ship, Brad led the way in and straight to Luida. He grumbled at the look in her eyes, wishing he hadn’t let you come along with them if it meant her treating him like a softie. She offered you the room beside Vash’s and a cleaner set of clothes. You looked so out of place there, among metal and humans and artificial light. 
That first night, as Vash lay in his bed trying to sleep, he heard your voice. At first, it was a faint murmuring. Then it grew, slow and steady, to a song. He shot upright, his heart seizing in recognition. Vash carefully got to his feet and slipped through his door to stand in front of yours. After a moment of hesitation, he opened it, only to find your bed empty. He listened closer and turned, moving down the halls. 
You were standing in the Plant room, your hands pressed to the glass. Your lines were glowing again, making your messy hair look ethereal in his eyes. He slowly approached, feeling his own lines activate as he came within a few feet of you. When you spoke to him, the song seemed to continue, and it occurred to him later that it wasn’t coming from you, but from your very soul.
“Good evening, Independent Vash.”
“You should probably get some rest. It’s really late.”
“My sister was calling. I wanted to see her.”
You lowered to your knees, then sat cross legged. Your hands slowly withdrew from the glass, but your lines didn’t even dim. 
“How long have you been with these humans?”
“About three years. Brad and I spend a lot of time away though, finding the Plants.”
You digested that and let your eyes flicker to him for just a moment. 
“You are fond of them? The humans?”
“...I am. They help our kind live, just as much as we help them.”
“I haven’t met a live human before… I’ve always kept my distance.”
“You were on another ship, right? Do you remember which one?”
“The oldest thing I can remember is waking up in the dunes surrounded by the Worms. They taught me how to survive, helped me find a few wrecks to search for clothing. I don’t even know how I know I’m not human.”
Vash wasn’t quite sure what to do with you. You deserved to have people who loved you. You deserved a safe place to call home. But you didn’t even have childhood memories to look back on like he did. 
“We should really go to bed.”
“I don’t like my room. It’s too quiet. And empty.”
Right. You lived with the worms. Wherever you went, there were thousands of them you could connect with. It’s likely you’d never been this alone before.
Vash offered you a hand, which you took with a quizzical expression. He led you back to your rooms, then went into his without a word. Just when you were ready to turn and go back to the Plants, he returned with his blanket and pillow.
“Let’s have a sleepover. I can sleep on the floor in your room. If it helps, then we can take turns moving forward.”
You followed him into your room, completely barren and sterile. No wonder you weren’t comfortable there. To Vash’s surprise, you swiftly grabbed your blanket and pillow, then flopped down on the floor where your old clothes rested and made yourself a little nest. 
“You take the bed. I like the ground.”
You left no room for argument, instead tucking your head down and shutting your eyes. Vash tentatively walked around you and laid down on your bed. He tried to stay awake until he knew you were resting, but he drifted off quickly at the sound of your inner song.
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Vash the Stampede~ Trigun Stampede~
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Original fanart of Vash the Stampede from the anime series Trigun Stampede. If you haven't seen it, check it out! The character belong to Yasuhiro Nightow/it's rightful owner.
I still haven't seen this anime but keep seeing clips and need to watch it~ I actually drew this piece a while ago and was unsure whether or not to post it but recently my RSI in my wrist is acting up again so I can't draw 😬 at least I have a post for today but there might not be no new art for a couple of weeks! I'll try to post some shop stuff instead 😊
This character/artwork is protected by copyright, any unauthorized use of this character/artwork is strictly prohibited.
©All rights reserved.
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krillissue · 7 months
For mwarch 9 or 15 for vashwood 🙏🏻🙏🏻
9. a protective kiss - vashwood
another sloppy make out in a dark alley for mwahrch! can be any version of the boys but i skewed it a bit closer to the '98/Max design for vash
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me, Blondie!” Wolfwood ducked into an alley, yanking Vash with him. What the needle-noggined idiot failed to realize was people generally disliked getting hustled at cards. Vash had a surprisingly good poker face for such an expressive guy but he was a magnet for trouble. He had just been trying to win enough for their rooms at the inn but now they were getting shot at by Nomans Land’s finest low-level thugs. 
“I’m sorry, Wolfwood!” He cried, flattening against the wall as a few of their pursuers ran by. Again with those big fake tears of his. God, he was such a goddamn pain in his ass. 
“Just move your ass, already.” Wolfwood dragged him by his jacket along the alleyway, trying to duck behind a few crates as more angry drunk men turned the corner. Vash’s long limbs got all tangled with his though and they ended up tumbling over each other on the ground. His gun was digging into Wolfwood’s thigh and he cursed under his breath, trying to shove him off in the quietest way possible. 
“Shh,” Vash hissed as he covered his mouth, suddenly serious as he peered over the crate hiding them. With their luck, his spiky hair would get spotted like that so he yanked him back down. They ended up nose-to-nose, Vash’s hand still across his mouth. His eyes went wide behind those yellow shades of his, their bodies shifting together to something finally more comfortable. Wolfwood bit him when he heard the angry drunkards move on. 
“Hey, ow!” Vash complained in a whisper, yanking his hand back. 
“Your fault, Blondie. Now get off of me.” They quickly scrambled to a seated position and avoided each other’s eyes. Things had been tense between them for weeks now. Wolfwood hated the way Vash got his blood pumping, both in anger and in other ways. 
They were about to emerge from the alley at last when they heard the voices of the familiar thugs chasing them. Vash swore this time and cast off his signature red jacket, tossing it behind a barrel beside them. 
“I’m sorry for this, Wolfwood.” He barely got his mouth open to ask why when Vash’s lips crashed into his. He kissed him sloppily and hurried, shoving him further into the shadow. With his black leather under-suit, he’d be a lot harder to recognize. And who would think two kissing strangers were who you were chasing down? They moved along but Wolfwood didn’t, looping his arms around that thin waist of his. Now that he had him, he wasn’t letting him go.
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yuhi-san · 6 months
so uh, vash's prosthesis looks overall very smooth but especially the fingers are many small moving parts with no glove of fake skin over it or anything so i was wondering... what's the chance of skin folds getting pinched there?
just asking...
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ra1njb · 5 months
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Here you gooo. mfin Vash the stempede 🦅
support KoFi
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minolablue · 12 days
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Vash The Stempede
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plantfeathers · 11 years
Vash: Wolfwood, I am going to answer the question that's been on your mind since we first met.
Wolf:  'How does he get his hair to do that?'
Vash: Nope!  'How does that guy manage to be so awesome!'
Wolf: I have never once asked that.
Vash: Well, I will tell you!
You must be swift as the coursing river!
With all the force of a humanoid typhoon!
With all the strength of a raging fire!
Mysterious as the crater in the mooooooon!
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writing-fanics · 2 years
when my world ended and began
[ one shot Vash x Fem!reader ] idea
We begin with flashback of Vash and Y/n, in bed naked and cuddling holding each other. this is happening before JuLai.
then flash forward to
y/n trying calling out Vash’s name it basically plays out like the episode. when wolfwood carry’s her away along with Meryl she’s in tears
reaching out for Vash as he flew up further and further into the sky. she couldn’t breath nor think knowing that there’s a chance she’ll never see Vash again.
and when JuLai is destroyed and there’s no sign of Vash. She just shuts down and is completely devastated by both the destruction as well losing the love of her life.
two years later
Y/n is walking home she’d gotten older and slightly. she arrived home with groceries. Setting them down on the counter
when a little girl comes running up behind grabbing onto her leg, this was Y/n’s daughter Rem Mayfly.
the little girl only one and a half years old. and looked so much like her father Vash had his hair eyes
she was absolutely adorable. she cooed over her daughter listening to whatever she had to say. she wished Vash was her to experience this..
She didn’t even know that he was alive
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keenobservationsuit · 2 years
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I am an untalented fool who can’t draw buuuuut I can craft. Watch me make an unnecessary amount of Trigun magnets and keychains while mentally preparing myself for Stampede Saturday. If that’s even possible.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
Vash x Reader, where he hesitantly leaves his pregnant partner in “order to protect her” when she wakes up she’s absolutely terrified and devastated that he would just up and leave her without any notice
she knew that he was a wanted man and that traveling became harder almost impossible on the desert planet cause of her pregnancy but he couldn’t of even waited till the morning
to tell her and not leave in the middle of the night. she cried in bed for hours soaking the covers with her tears. she hoped that he would come back he had too… for their child…
Vash didn’t return until almost a year later, and when he did the entire town was destroyed… and Vash began to panic as he called out for her when a couple of survivors emerged
one of them holding a small child with blonde hair and blue green eyes, one of them covered with a bandage over the side of his head.
he was told she died protecting her child from raiders.. and protected the town as much as she could leaving behind their child alone not knowing when or if his father would ever return
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writing-fanics · 2 years
I’m.. um.. um.. I um Ah
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me after watching the newest episode of Trigun Stampede… y’all the angst Vash x reader fanfics I’m about to write
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writing-fanics · 1 year
childhood love and innocence lost (angst)
Vash x Reader (takes place after the ship crashed
[summary: the cute bond between friends during an awkward time in life. and knives had to ruin it all]
This will be dark like really dark but here’s what happen so if y’all have an recommendation.
Y/n is one of the humans alive on the ship that awake. Theyre young around Vash’s age and despite being told to stay away from him at first becomes friends with him.
and when he finally gets his own room and not a cell. they spend time together smiling and laughing.
as they get older they develop feelings for each other maybe they even share a kiss but it’s really awkward and they hide their faces
it plays out like the our home episode
but….. flash forward to the present Vash sitting in the bed in the old room on the ship. After getting his arm fixed
and sees memories of the past of him and y/n and Luida along with the others comes in they talk about stuff and then Luida hands him something of y/n’s that’s old
saying that they would’ve want him to have it
… what happened? ��.
when y/n when they went to bring Vash back, nai noticed how protective Vash was of them.
and of course killed them in front of Vash. their blood splattering over his face. nai really had to go all out and did it so fast that they didn’t even realize until blood started dripping from their neck
Imagine Vash loosing his first best friend and first kiss someone he cared for loved even. before his eyes watching them bleed out crying in pain before his eyes and he can’t do anything.
og plan was for Mai to decapitate them and them not realize until their head rolled towards Vash legs
he’s dealing with enough truma that would’ve traumatized him too much..
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writing-fanics · 2 years
honestly, I love how trigun stampede has basically come full circle now.
we’re seeing things we haven’t seen but seeing a new interpretation of the manga and og anime..
Be prepared for a Vash fanfic
also I highly doubt knives is truly dead he’s going to make an appearance in some shape or form.
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