#vasili “bell” sokolov
I realised you have a Bell OC as well! What would Jodie feel about my Bell, Vincent if they ever met? :)
Hello Khushi!! Thank you for the ask!
So, firstly, I'm going to apologise for making you wait a couple days for this to be answered but I wanted to make sure I definitely understood your Bell before I waded into this!
With that being said, I believe that they have the types of personalities that would work together well. Upon a first meeting, her assumptions of him are that he's professional, speaks when necessary (which is something that she would appreciate due to how she is) and would appreciate his keen observation skills. She would feel that his skillset is an asset and it would probably go no further than that. Beyond that first meeting and if they talked a little more, I think she'd feel that they have an understanding of each other, given their similar backgrounds; they've both worked for the KGB (maybe they share stories about their time there) and for Perseus (though she would be wary about his thoughts on the faction and person). Depending on his thoughts and feelings towards these people would then influence how she felt about him. From what I read, the actions of the group didn't sit right with him but he still continued to do as his superiors ordered - this is something she'd feel really strongly about because she gets it. She was very much the same, the things they did didn't sit right with her, but she had to do as she was told because she was protecting her brother.
I also feel that she'd be glad someone else doesn't vibe with Adler. In a slight break from her professionalism, I imagine she'd be sipping coffee while chatting shit about him to Vince. Surely, he'd understand the vibes are off she'd like having someone to discuss that with.
Overall, Jodie thinks he's alright - she can appreciate what he's been through!
Yeah, I like his character, I think he looks cool, his backstory is awesome - I really enjoyed thinking about how they'd interact and though it's somewhat minimal, given their personality types I think they'd vibe.
Hopefully you enjoy this read Kyushu!! <3
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welldonekhushi · 19 days
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Khushi is FINALLY posting again! This time something on Black Ops, with our beloved Bell and.. uh, Adler. Yes AHEM, ANYWAYS!
So, this is in context to this fic that I posted about Bell and Adler during the Solovetsky ending. This can be a continuation where Bell somehow manages to "survive" even if he was brutally shot by Adler's bullet in return. Now, since they two are still alive, I'm very sure they'll now find a way to face off again, in Black Ops 6.
Also, this is me drawing Adler for the.. second time? Like I remember drawing him once a few years ago but now I've done it again for the sake of doing my Bell's story :')
Here's the without text version of this art! I hope you like it! <3
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Hey there! As promised, I drew our Bell OC's together! Somehow, they have the same scar on their face so I named them as "face scar buddies", hope you like it! 🤣
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Hope I did Helina justice, her hair was kind of tricky, please don't mind 🥹
Their expressions perfectly represent their personalities and I love that they’re face scar buddies, it’s so cute! 🥹❤️
I can’t even describe how flattered I am that you drew my Bell, I’m truly so touched that you enjoy her enough to do so😭 I’m so excited to see more of your Bell in the future and to share more about mine!
And her hair looks perfect😍🥰
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islandtarochips · 1 month
Blue and Pink?
*Aleks and Vasili were coloring Charles's hair to try out something new for him* Charles, was blindfolded to not peek of the surprise: Well, I really don’t mind you two doing my hair. As long as it's not blue or pink. *the two of them froze as they stop of what they were doing and looking at the color of half blue and half pink color on Charles's hair* Aleks, sweating a LOT as she was covered in blue: *whispers to Vasili* What the fucking hell are we going to DO?! Vasili, was the one who picked the color: *was covered in pink as he was on the verge of tears* I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die-
Arthur's Note: In case if you're wondering where KOA was at. He's just in the background laughing. Seeing the two are panicking.
Characters (Left -> Right)
Professor Charles Moore -> @deeptrashwitch
Aleksandra Clarke R. -> @alypink
Vasili "Bell" Sokolov -> @welldonekhushi
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walder-138 · 11 days
Hey there! I heard you were doing art requests so can I request you to draw my Bell? Pretty please? 🎩
Aye Captain 🫡
Drawing his beard made me go through the 5 stages of grief 😭 Honestly the entire drawing process was an emotional roller coaster
(Also I’m writing something in response for the other ask you sent 👀)
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Kinda think I fucked him up and I regret coloring him, but at the same time he looks neat???? It was definitely fun drawing him, despite him breaking my pencils TWICE.
Thank you for sending in the request! Let me know what you think!
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deeptrashwitch · 1 month
I was curious if Charles got to know about Bell's past in some of the confidential intel he might have gathered on by accident, finding out that Bell wasn't Vincent Stephens all this time, but Vasili Sokolov, who was the infamous "Crow" that the KGB had as their most useful Soviet agents, was Perseus's agent, and many intelligence agencies, including the CIA itself had a target of him, and Adler actually had him in their team.
Ohhhh, this is a great question!
I think Charles might know about "Crow", but not his identity at first, maybe because of his sources on the KGB. And near the last part of the game, maybe he would find documents that prove that really isn't a Vicent Stephens outside of the paper. He'll suspect of Bell even more until the moment Adler makes him get back all his memories, then it'll be a shock for Charles and he would wonder if he really was a friend or just a way to help Perseus.
At last...I think that if Vasili survives Adler's shot (that probably he will), maybe Charles will help you to have a new life before loosing contact. (And if we go with the non-canon/bad finale, he'll just sigh and wait for his dead while he thought that Vasili was a good friend despite everything)
Thanks for the ask, Khushi ❤️❤️
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yourlocalqreator · 1 year
Isabella “Bell” Beaufort
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Theme song: The Search by NF
Name: Isabella Beaufort
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Alias(es): Belle, Adlers Protege
Timeline: Black Ops Cold War
Rank: Agent
Status: Shot but healed up by Adler
Birth Date: November 27, 1954
Death Date: shot  by Adler but was taken care of
Occupation: CIA
Affiliation(s): Soviet until (Formerly)
Skin Tone: White
Eye Color: Hazel dark
Hair Color: brownish black
Hair Length: Waist Length
Hairstyle: Hair Down Ponytail,When she wears her Balacleva, a low bun
Height: 5,4
Weight: 90 lbs
Scars/Marks/Burns: The wound that she got shot at by Adler got healed but not to much
Tattoos: none
Physical Enhancements: none
Face claim: Lilly Rose Depp
Myers Briggs Type- ENFP
She is very gregarious, loves exploring, make an empathetic leader, is highly motivated, and is good at understanding and communicating with people.
 However, She oftentimes driven by a lack of self-confidence and have a very difficult time with strong emotions, stress, and conflict
Fear(s): Losing her loved ones, and her Team
Likes: Nice People, Victory, betrayal
Dislikes: Mean People, Enemies
Habit(s): Thinking
Flaw(s): Yes
Talent(s): Photography, and combat
Russel Adler
Helen Park
Mason Woods
Frank Woods
Lawrence Sims
Jason Hudson
Other Ifflitations
Abby Walker @revnah1406
Aleksandra Clarke R.@alypink
Anastasia Pérez Ivanov. @alexa-mwll
Vasily “Bell” Sokolov @welldonekhushi
Mila @efingart
Death's Mission:
Alex Keller
Adler (For a bit)
The Character’s Abilities
Fighting Style: Kung Fu, Krav Maga Tae Kwon Do, Vacom, Silat
Weapons: M16A1, 1911, M60, Tranquilizer Gun, MP5, Type 63, Gallo SA12, RPD, LW3 - Tundra, Pellington 703, Hauer 77, Recurve Bow, M79, War Machine, XM4, AK-47,
Preferred Weapon(s): A Weapon
(On a scale of 1 - 10; 1 being terrible and 10 being the best)
Agility: 9/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat:10 /10
Long Range Accuracy: 8/10
Defense:9 /10
Offense: 9/10
People Skills:9 /10
Birthplace: Paris, France
Father: Aleski Beaufort
Status: ???
Mother: Farina Lambert
Status: ???
Love Interest:Russel Adler(Later Married)
Character Background
She was born in Paris France and was adopted by 2 Russian soldiers who died after being assassinated. Before moving to Russia to become a soldier in the Soviet Union, she received a pendant from her mother as a gift, telling her to never give up when all things seemed hopeless before both her father and mother passed. She was a soldier of the Soviet Union and for Perseus, the main military force of the country.
  Sometime during her teen days as a Combrate, she befriended Arash Kadivar, who became her sparring partner and closest comrade. With the forces of "evil" approaching the Homeland, the military council of Of the Soviets decided to get the nukes in Solovetsky in order to expand Perseus' defenses. When Isabella and Arash were in the car they were talking about the nukes and the nukes detonating Solovetsky, but then Arash got out of the car then saying to her that Perseus thinks too highly of her before shooting both the driver and her. But then Adler, along with Mason and woods found Isabella who was still alive, and killed Kadivar.
Soon Adler took her into a place and started using MKUltra to brainwash her and transfer his memories onto hers with the help of Helen Park to help them find Perseus.
First, it was about the DaNang war back in the 1960s Meeting Adler and Sims. Bell helped the team and also gained the trust of the CIA and with missions with the help of the saying that triggered her by Adler, "Bell, we've got a job to do."
After the nukes were over and Adler shot her in the head he knew what he did wrong and never wanted to brainwash her again so he carried her to the safe house to fix her up. When she woke up he apologized for it took bell a moment to forgive him because she was mad but he was forgiven and now the rest of the team along with bell in 1984 catch stitch and his evil in Verdansk.
In Call Of Duty Deaths Mission In Rose Premonition, She died by her head getting exploded, In the final ending, she dies by getting trisected by a random barbed wire while falling from a building that's just broke
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samatedeansbroccoli · 2 years
Featuring, Russell Adler and my Bell OC, Vasily Sokolov in Post-Solovetsky chapter:
Adler: I must say, Bell. You did great. And I appreciate it, you did earn our trust.
Vasily: Yes, Adler. I had to stay true, no matter what. For the safety of the world, I had to sacrifice something that used to belong to me. You did show me, that trusting your enemies, leads you to many things. Betrayal, shock, anxiety.. hopelessness.
Adler: I agree. *turns to the coast* But there is something that I always wanted to tell you, Bell.
Vasily: What?
Adler: That we need to sacrifice something everyday, so that not just me, but everybody will feel a lot better, right?
Vasily, laughs: Of course, Adler. That's right. We do.. need to sacrifice something. And that's what I'm also willing to do one.
Adler, raises an eyebrow: Do what?
Vasily, doesn't say anything, and narrows his eyes as he stares at Adler in seriousness: You remember saying this to me? That we.. got a job to do. Guess what?
Vasily, walks closer to Adler and whispers in his ear: I.. too got a job to do. All by myself.
Adler, couldn't understand what is going on, but is puzzled: .. w-wait, what do you mean— ARGH!
Vasily, shoots Adler in the stomach, seeing him whine and groan in pain:
Adler, choking: B-Bell! What the f-fuck did you just did to me?! I thought.. w-we were together!
Vasily: Yes. We WERE, Russell Adler. I'm no longer your asset. I'm no longer KGB's asset, I'm NO LONGER anyone else's asset! Like the way you made me forget.. who I am. What I was. And what I used to be. I could have killed you right there in the safehouse, Adler. But I realised, that no matter what happens, I have to leave all those things that I used to belong, so at least, I could do something better for myself.
You saved the world, Adler. Congrats. I'm proud. But, there are more other things in this world that are left to be defended from. Sorry, Adler. But, I think your job's over.
It's my turn now.
Adler, horrified as he kept on choking and coughing, as he sees Vasily leaving:
Damn, straight to the stomach. Hope it was a few shots because if Adler lives, welp. He’ll be back with vengeance.
Also Vasily is the name I gave Price’s pet UGV so my head is jumping back and forth between a human and a machine XD
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tk-duveraun · 5 years
The Tower (Inverted) 7/?
Inquisition fic: Ancient Elf AU
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6
The sounds of Haven celebrating blew across Kirtida like a warm breeze. She breathed them in and tried to relax. She glanced at Dorian and he gave her an empathetic, pained smile that wrinkled his forehead and pulled awkwardly at his mouth.
“Feels a little hollow, doesn’t it? Even with the Breach closed,” Dorian said.
Kir opened and closed her left hand. “It’d be a little better if my magic was back to normal, but the Mark is still interfering.”
“If you’ll let me, I’d like to study the Mark when we have time.”
Kir sighed and rubbed her eyes. “If we have time. The Elder One, a demon army, the assassination of the Orlesian Emperor-”
“Whatever, she’s a shem whose Empire oppresses the People, what do I care?”
“You must be really hungry,” Cakara said. She shoved a handpie at Kir. “You’re usually a lot nicer. I’m glad I thought to bring you something.” Despite the cold air and snow on the ground, Cakara still wore only her light, leather armor. Her unnaturally white skin was prickled with red flush from the cold.
Vasili had appeared with her, also in his armor, but sensibly wearing boots, gloves and a heavy, fur-lined cloak. He had two tankards and offered one to Kir. “She insisted.”
“Thank you.” Kir grabbed the cup itself so the hot wine could warm her hand.
“Sokolov! You!” Dorian said.
Vasili raised an eyebrow at Dorian as he drank from his tankard. “Yeah? You saw me in the future, didn’t you? I knew you were slow, but I didn’t expect you to be surprised to see me.”
“Not using blood magic to-” Dorian lowered his hand and took a visibly deep breath. “Nevermind that, you were an elf in the future!”
Kir opened her mouth to argue, but then closed it. She’d been so wrapped up in Cakara’s corruption and the fact that George had been in control of Vasili’s body that it hadn’t even registered as noteworthy that his ears had been pointed, his eyes bigger and his frame more lithe. “...You were elf. Was that George’s doing?”
Cakara rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. She rubbed them together for warmth. “He’s always been an elf.”
“No one asked you, barbarian,” Vasili hissed. He saw Kir and Dorian’s rapt expressions and made an annoyed sound. With a huff, he straightened and brushed non-existent dirt off the bottom of his tabard. “Fine.”
With ceremony and much flourishing, Vasili handed his tankard to Cakara - who immediately drank from it. After excessively fluttering his fingers, Vasili removed his right glove and a large, silver signet ring. The moment it left his finger, the illusion disguising his eyes and ears winked out. “Satisfied? It’s an illusion. Father’s doing. I didn’t even know until someone saw through it.”
Cakara giggled. Vasili shot her a glare and replaced the ring and his glove.
Dorian twirled his mustache. “My, my, the nouveau riche Sokolov twins are also elf-blooded. Imagine the scandal.”
“Yes, well, Terenti’s gone and joined the Venatori. I think our reputation’s already ruined, but thank you for the ringing reminder of your racism.”
“I, well,” Dorian stumbled over his words and adjusted the ties on his vambrace. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Care to dig that hole any deeper, Pavus?”
Magic crackled between them, but before Dorian could formulate a properly witty response, the chantry’s bells clanged and shattered the festivities. Cullen ran past the group, barking orders to soldiers and support staff alike.
Cakara dumped out the rest of Vasili’s wine and tied the tankard onto her belt. “I hope that’s not the demon army.”
Kir shook her head. “It’s too soon. George told me everything he knew.” She shook out her right wrist and started pulling magic through her focusing crystals. When they were glowing, she started towards Haven’s gate. “It was months before the demon army was ready to march.”
“Doesn’t sound like him,” Vasili said, following a step behind. “What did you give him in return?”
“Your life,” Kir spat. “I’d rather not relive it right now.”
The screech of metal on metal and the unmistakable sound of armored bodies hitting the ground greeted them at the gate. Kir spun up twin threads of Wind and Force magic, ready to blow away whatever was on the other side. Next to her, Vasili drew his sword, Cakara crouched with her bo staff and Dorian stood with a fireball hovering above his left hand.
“I can’t come in unless you open!” The voice sounded young and on the verge of cracking. Kir was already signalling for the guards to open the gate when Cakara lunged in front of her.
“That’s the voice of a demon!” Cakara shouted, even as she dashed through the half-open gates. Her staff swung through the form of a young man, who teleported past her and in front of Kirtida.
“I’m Cole. I came to warn you. To help. People are coming to hurt you. You probably already know.” The demon was in the form of a young man in tattered clothes and a floppy hat. It reached out for Kir, only stopped by glowing blade of Vasili’s great sword.
“We know what you are, demon. Return to the Fade.”
The demon ducked its head to look under the blade. “I’m not a demon! I’ve come to help.”
A gasp of pain escaped Vasili and his sword wavered. “George says it’s Compassion.”
“I’m Cole. The Templars have come to kill you.”
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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welldonekhushi · 2 months
Call of Duty OC: Vasili "Bell" Sokolov 🔔
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Finally, I came up with my Bell's bio-sheet as well! I abandoned him for nothing, but now I decided to give him some depth and character for good <3
Name: Vasili
Full name: Vasili Mikhailovich Sokolov/Vincent Stephens
Codename: "Bell", Ворона (The Crow, by the KGB)
Alias(es): Vasya, Vince, Adler's protégé (by Woods), Scary Old Man (by Sims), Major Sokolov
Gender: Male
Nationality: Russian (as Vasili), American (as Vincent)
Languages spoken: Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German and fluent in many other languages
Date of Birth: [REDACTED]
Place of Birth: Kamyshin, Russian SFSR
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: KGB (retired), Perseus Operative (formerly), MACV-SOG (currently, but after the true ending he leaves)
Status: Unknown
Universe: Black Ops: Cold War
Faceclaim: Danila Kozlovsky
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Song: "Ostrov Nevezeniya" by Andrei Mironov
Biography: Bell, unaware about his own existence and his past, sought to assist the CIA special agent, Russell Adler on the aim to hunt down Perseus. Every moment that passes, he starts gaining his lost memory back, which makes him question himself about what he truly is. Would Bell choose the right side of history, or choose his own?
KGB (Committee for State Security)
General Anton Charkov
Major Dimitri Belikov (double agent)
Major Vadim Rudnik
Lev Kravchenko
Perseus Faction
"Perseus" (leader)
Arash Kadivar
Anton Volkov
Qasim Javadi
The Safehouse
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Russell Adler
Helen Park
Lawrence Sims
Lazar Azoulay
Aleksandra "Aleks" Clarke R. (@alypink )
Weapon induced: Knife, MI6A1, M60, MP5, Type 63, LW3 — Tundra, AK-47, Throwing Knife
Fighting style: Systema, hand-to-hand combat, a little martial arts
Special skills: Has a good sense of observation and quick to react to the situation, can compose himself in many identities
Talents: Vasily could learn languages easily at a fast rate, even after getting brainwashed, he still retained those qualities within him
Shortcomings: Has frequent headaches, loses focus at times, not very confident when it comes to taking a decision, becomes absolutely dependent on his superiors
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Myers-Briggs Type: ISTP (The Virtuoso)
Is aware of his surroundings: Because of his career as a special agent, Bell conceals himself in terms of his personal life in seclusion. Even knowing he's hunted everywhere, he intelligently makes himself invisible from the outside world which makes others difficult for him to locate or recognise.
Works in solitude: Vasili/Bell has always prefered to work alone, but it doesn't mean he doesn't mind going on missions with the team. But, as his habit of being a special agent, that trait normally came from him back in his days when he worked with the KGB.
Observant and intelligent: Vasili was able to survive any sort of situation because of his good observant skills, and his capacity to act quicker. He was able to learn a lot of languages as well, and posed himself in different identities, that made it harder for the intelligence agencies to track him down.
Is reserved and introverted: Bell really doesn't speak to anyone much, unless when it comes to planning or going for missions, he needs to form a sort of communication to keep it lively. He is seen being more comfortable with Mason and Woods, but never felt having a good vibe with Adler. It was odd on his part, but it was going to grow very obvious when the truth would have come closer to any minute.
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Bell, who first used to live under the identity of Vasili Sokolov, was born in a family who had an army background, where his mother and father, both served during the Second World War, and hearing their stories, it gave Vasili a motivation to support his parents legacy by joining the intelligence — which was the KGB, going under the codename "Crow".
When Vasili joined the organisation, he showed a remarkable performance as a special agent. Some say he was born to join the intelligence and make the country proud, or he was a gifted child who could learn anything quickly and successfully perform a mission by stealing info or destroying any plans that could harm his country, without any failure. He even pointed out possible mistakes while planning out a mission, and in the end they worked out efficiently. Alongside, he made himself a friend, whose name was Dimitri Belikov, and grew closer to each other and worked together as a team.
Sooner or later, Vasili's influence spread all around the world, especially during the Cold War, the enemies of the Soviet Union had a kill/capture on him. "Kill" because Vasili knew too much about them, and "Capture" because, they wanted him to tell everything he has with him, which likely created a risk for the KGB and they couldn't do so. With that, General Anton Charkov gave him the order to "retire" and stay hidden to protect himself along with the organisation. Disappointed, Vasili protested that it was the only thing that "kept him going", but having no choice, the agent decided to leave the KGB, under the General's orders.
It was a matter of time, when one was going to collect him instead, realising he was now no longer affiliated with the KGB. Vasili was met with someone who called himself "Perseus", and requested him to join his alliance, since he knew about Vasili from his influence, and promised to give him full security, knowing he was hunted worldwide too. Seeing that as an opportunity, Vasili agreed to join in good terms, directly becoming Perseus's loyal agent.
As he continued his journey in the faction, he had shown his skills again which made Perseus as his most trusted agent, unlike the rest. But, at times Vasili has shown inner conflict towards his ideas. During the moment when he was explained about "Operation Greenlight" with the members, it left a strange feeling within his heart. He tried to protest, but he somehow couldn't refute his superior's words, and decided to acknowledge instead. Vasili had kept showing a remarkable performance, much to Arash Kadivar, one of the faction members, being envious of his relationship with Perseus.
Kadivar lures him to Trabzon Airport, where he takes Vasili, and explains that he didn't want any more "competition", resulting in him shooting the special agent in the car he was present in, leaving him to die and bleed alone. But, sooner or later, an attack situated on the airfield, unbeknownst to the dying Vasili who was growing unconscious every passing minute. Growing lost in his own thoughts, about Perseus that promised him to give him protection from the outer forces, but didn't recognise that his "own" people were against him too, as he questioned his existence at the same time.
The voices echoed, and the man started to lose his breath.. until he woke up, and found himself in a strange place, where he couldn't remember anything of what happened. This is where, he encounters Russell Adler, a CIA agent who he curiously looks upon, having no idea. Unable to introduce himself, Adler briefed him about his name, being it under the codename "Bell". And this is where, all the very events of the canon game begin from here.
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welldonekhushi · 25 days
Solovetsky Ending
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Timeline: Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War
Characters featured: Russell Adler, Vincent "Bell" Stephens (Vasili Mikhailovich Sokolov)
Summary: Bell did the righteous by siding with Adler and choosing Solovetsky to stop Perseus from nuking Europe. But, even after achieving triumph, Bell feels a little unsatisfied with the result.
Warnings: Some profanity, use of guns, slight gore and a.. plot twist? Cliffhanger?
Adler and Bell, arrive at the cliffside, overlooking the sea where the seagulls fly. It seemed peaceful, and calm, especially after a bigger threat was over — stopping Perseus. Bell willingly handed over the coordinates to Adler about the hidden missiles that were in the safety of the Solovetsky Monastery, after revealing him about everything the reason they brainwashed him for.
Adler takes a glance at the weather for a while, while Bell just kept staring at the agent, with a neutral expression. Adler takes out a cigarette and lights it up, inhaling the stick and puffing out the smoke from his lips, as he speaks his first words.
"Arctic air. Clears the head, doesn't it?" Adler smiles, turning to Bell who rather listens to the conversation diligently.
"Bell, you made two extraordinary sacrifices to stop Perseus. One was without your knowledge. The other.. you made that decision of your own accord." Adler took another drag of his cigarette, blowing off the smoke from his lips. "I just want you to know that this little thing that's happened to you and me.. It was always for the greater good."
Bell slightly smiled at the success of their mission, his eyes darted towards the rocks for a while, before he could face the agent in triumph.
"You're a damn hero, you know that, kid?" Adler tossed his cigarette away, as he took one step away from Bell, looking out at the horizon.
"I'm sorry that along with wiping off your memories, with giving you the Vietnam flashbacks, and your indulgence with Park with the MI6.. we had to make you reluctant to speak. But don't worry, that will wear off anytime, just the secondary brainwash effects. And as they say, heroes have to make sacrifices. For the greater good."
"I know." Bell finally spoke towards Adler, in a confident tone. "But, I'm glad that you brought me wherever I am right now, Russell."
Adler was slightly confused, yet surprised when Bell had his voice opened after a long time of being silent. It made him feel a bit uncomfortable, but continued to cooperate with his teammate. "What do you mean, Bell?"
"To teach me. What it feels to be controlled under somebody, when in truth, you were always meant to be free." Bell speaks his thoughts, after having them caged inside of him for a long time.
"Perseus only thought of me as an useful asset. He used me for his own advantage.. despite promising me he'd protect me. I lost everything that I had. Turns out, I feel glad that you saved me from that turmoil." Bell was opening up to Adler, as he carefully listened to him talking about his days with the opposing faction.
"But.. can I be honest with you, Adler?" Bell tilts his head, his hands now inside of his pockets as he takes a satisfied sigh. The agent was a bit reluctant to listen, but he gave the nod.
"Sure but, I think we don't have much time so, speed up kid."
Bell looked at the sky for a short while, before he spoke the truth. "I was about to send you all to Duga. I had no choice."
Adler was a bit astonished by Bell's words. Did Bell have a plan in his head to kill the whole team before? If he wanted to, he could have chosen that very path, but instead he went for Solovetsky. It was quite baffling for Adler to piece together everything, as Bell continues to speak.
"But.. knowing that Perseus used me, I couldn't spare him for what he did along with the rest. So, I took my revenge, and gave him what he deserves.. but — something in me still feels empty. As if Perseus wasn't enough."
Adler was feeling a bit unsure that what was the other thing Bell felt incomplete all this time. They got to Perseus already, who was the other one in his head?
"I used to feel like I was inside of a cage. Locked. Nowhere to escape. But now, it seems like the crow has finally spread its wings. And it knows what to do now."
Something didn't feel right for Adler, as the uneasiness inside of him grew even louder. Bell was smiling towards him, in a way that would leave the CIA agent into a thousand doubts.
"Because as you said, Adler.. sacrifices are to be made. For the greater good."
Adler slightly backed off from Bell, who gave him a neutral expression but the smile in him vanished the moment his stare became a glare. Bell took one step ahead towards Adler, as he tried calling onto to bring him back to his senses.
"It's Vasili." He drew his gun out of his pocket, and shot Adler on the shoulder, making the man fall down with great force. The agent groaned in pain, the blood leaking out of his jacket, as Adler growled and drew his hands towards his pockets to take out his pistol and aim towards Bell, but he knocked the gun off by his legs and slammed his feet on Adler's chest, pinning him on the rocky surface on the cliff they were while the injured man grunted in agony.
"I want you to remember this very moment, Russell. The day you tricked me was the biggest mistake of your entire life." Bell, who now referred to himself as Vasili, expressed his resentment towards Adler who was responsible for the brainwashing, and made him believe that he was one of the family, only to get what he wanted — which was finding Perseus.
"You fucked with my mind. You fucked with my identity. And you took away the only thing that represented me for who I was!" He gripped the pistol tighter towards Adler as he spat in anger, letting out the pent-up frustration he had inside of him for a long time. "You aren't less than Perseus, aren't you Adler? But what to say.." Bell chuckled half-heartedly. "You were so.. blind. Thinking you're the pure one here when you have blood on your hands as well, sir."
Adler watched in horror as he couldn't believe that Bell would actually turn his back away from him. Vasili then slowly bends down towards the man, so he can say something important before he takes his leave.
"Not even Perseus, nor Russell Adler. But just.. Vasili. Which is me." Bell said, his words sharp so they'd be remembered. He pulled out his leg from Adler, as the agent choked and wheezed for air, coughing. He gripped his shoulder tightly, trying to get on his feet but got on his knees instead.
Bell checked the reloads and cocked his gun. "I could have killed you right now, Adler.. but I have better plans than that. I hope that the wound gives you a good time when you return to the safehouse."
Adler tried to reach out to Bell, extending his arm as if he didn't want him to leave. "Bell.. listen to me. We can talk about this."
Vasili just glared at the man, with no remorse. Yet, he wishes to hear him one last time. "I would want you to speed up as well, Adler. I don't have much time."
"Trust me. I didn't mean to make you suffer, Bell.. I only want you to understand. That.. this was never personal." Adler quickly grabbed the pistol that was on the ground, and drew his aim towards Vasili, prepared to shoot the agent back. Meanwhile, Bell widened his eyes as Adler was about to retaliate, and before Bell could pull out the gun —
Fade to black.
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welldonekhushi · 2 months
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I had the urge to draw Vasili again, so I came up with an idea to show him when he was young and currently as an adult!
Would you prefer a young, sweet bean or a depressed, brainwashed bean? It's up to you guys. Cause right now, I'm going adios amigos 😌🤙🏻
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welldonekhushi · 14 days
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I was inspired by @imagoddamnonionmason's post of their Bell OC's bio, that also made me do mine as well! Thank you so much for providing me the template! 🫶🏻✨
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welldonekhushi · 10 days
Vasili’s Retirement
Here's an aesthetic moodboard I made of Vasili when he was in the KGB!
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Summary: Charkov convincing Vasili to retire after giving his full service in the KGB. What made the General do so? And would Vasili agree to it?
Note: This is where I change some of the canon story for my Bell! General Charkov being a father figure for Vasili and Dimitri.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,293 words.
“Amidst the complexities that are rising in between the relationship with the East and the West, we solemnly take your contribution as a huge factor to handle the situation quite well, Major Vasili.” The General of the KGB, Anton Charkov talks as Vasili carefully listens to his superior who called in for an important discussion. Charkov pours a cup of tea inside Vasili’s cup and for himself.
“Take a sip.” Charkov offered Vasili to partake of the beverage, as he needed the conversation to be as neutral and calm as possible, even knowing it was a hard decision for the General who was holding a heavy heart within himself to tell the news. Vasili grabbed the cup handle and took a sip of the tea, before placing it back on the General’s desk.
“But as we’re worried about the safety and security of the organisation, along with your own being... you’ve already made a lot of enemies, Vasili.” Charkov furrowed his eyebrows, placing the brim of the cup on his lips as he sipped the tea inside, before pulling back and kept it on the desk, crossing his hands. “And it’s not because we don’t trust you, but we’re only trying to keep the secrets within ourselves. You know a lot more than they do. You’re their prime target.”
“You mean the CIA could be behind me anytime? Regardless they’re the ones desperate to catch me and miserably failed.. somehow?” Vasili raised an eyebrow.
“Possibly. You can’t always trust your wits, Vasili. This isn’t a game, but a matter of serious consideration. Your life's on the line, and it’s standing on a tightrope. You’d never know if the pressure would soon be unbearable, that would likely make not only you, but the whole KGB at risk. Even if you die or get captive, it’s the same consequence.”
“So... what do you want me to do?” Vasili questioned.
Charkov held a heavy heart while trying to reveal his response to the Major. He sighed, and shook his head, and faced the officer again, feeling prepared. “You should retire.”
Vasili was astonished by that order, and it made his eyes widen. He forgot about everything at that very moment, from hearing Charkov’s response. It felt like a part of him was about to shatter. The very duty that kept him sane and dedicated, only for him to be told that he should finally let go of it. “But... General I – “
“I know, Sokolov. This is a very, very hard decision that I took upon myself. But I also had to hold a cabinet meeting for it. They advised you to retire but go undercover with a new identity and appearance. Conceal yourself as much as you can... the Western powers would do everything, and anything to get to you. And I’m not saying this as a KGB General... but as a concerned father.” Charkov tried to assure Vasili that whatever he was doing was for the sake of the whole nation’s safety and security. He didn’t want to lose it... but he wouldn’t want to see his country fall as well, only because he disagreed with what Charkov told him to do so.
With a bitter understanding, Vasili gave the nod, not wanting to condemn Charkov’s order. “Sir, yes sir.”
“Otlichno. I’m proud of you, Vasya.” Charkov lit up a smile, but Vasili had his face drowned in deep emotions. He had so much to succeed in, but turns out, this was the end. It felt like his glory days were over, but for the better, he agreed to leave the KGB on the General’s order.
“Don’t worry about what happens next here after your departure. Major Dimitri Belikov would take your place from now on. I trust him as much as I do with you, too. You both made me really proud, and I wish you luck.” Charkov extended his hand towards Vasili for a handshake.
Vasili gave a slight smile and joined the handshake the General offered to him. As Vasili got up from his chair and started to leave the office and walked through the hallway, he saw Dimitri, who too was also approaching the General’s office. The man stopped in surprise, who concealed his pain by leaving the duty to greet his beloved friend. “Dima?”
“Vasya!” Dimitri gave him a grin. “What happened? Did you do something mischievous again, that made Anton Charkov give you a huge, philosophical lecture? Like the last time?” He laughed it out, but Vasili gave a sly smile, knowing the truth.
“Ah, no Dima I... I think this is my last meeting with you.” Vasili spoke in a demotivated tone. Dimitri’s smile vanished when he said that, but he tried to brush it off thinking he may be joking with him.
“Oh, zamolchi! You’re playing with me. Aren’t you?” Dimitri laughed it out, but Vasili shook his head back.
“I’m being honest.” There was a moment of silence for a second, in between each other. Dimitri was still confused, and Vasili was the one to break it again. “I’m retiring.”
“What?!” Dimitri said in shock. “Are you serious, how could you retire – “
“I understand you feel the same as me, Dimitri. But... this is only for the sake of the nation’s safety and security.” Vasili replied. “Charkov and I have talked about it, and he wants you to take my place instead.”
Dimitri was internally disagreeing with him, as he didn’t want to believe it at first. But hearing Vasili’s words, he felt conflicted. “But... I could never be like you.”
“You’re misunderstood. Charkov trusts you like he trusts me. You’ve been assigned with a responsibility, Dima... and you must do it. For me.” Vasili grabbed onto his shoulders, assuring him. “I won’t be there, but I’d never forget what you did for me.”
Dimitri tried not to break in tears, seeing that his friend was now bidding a farewell from his post. Vasili gave him a hopeful smile and hugged him. Dimitri too hugged him back tighter, not wanting to let Vasili go this quick.
“It’ll be okay, Vasili...” Dimitri sniffs as he tries to control himself at this moment. “If you ever need something, get to me first. And it should be me only.”
Vasili pats his back and chuckles. “Of course, moy brat. Your number would be dialled first.”
“And if you feel you’re in danger... and I had to take my life for it, I will.”
“Shut up, Dima. You’re not dying, and when I’m still here, nothing would ever happen to you. Never.” Vasili looks at Dimitri and sets his cap and uniform. “That would be betrayal. That I kept a promise and you still decided to give your life for me.”
“But at least it’s better than a betrayal of trust.” Dimitri mentions something that did hold weight to Vasili’s thoughts. But he was curious about something else so he asked ahead before he could leave.
“Besides, did General Charkov call you in too?” Vasili asked, as Dimitri wipes off his tears as he responds. “Did you do something mischievous, instead?”
“No uhm, I wanted to have a conversation with him... maybe I’d talk about your leave and the new steps that I might have to follow while being in your shoes.”
“Oh, that’s currently necessary. You may take your leave, Major.” He saluted Belikov before departing, and so did Dimitri in return. As they both started to walk in the directions they were supposed to, Vasili slightly turned around to check on Belikov, and saw him fumbling with something in his hand before shoving it into his pocket and leaving a trace. Though Vasili didn’t really pay attention to it, and the scene ends to black when he exits.
Translations: Otlichno — amazing, Zamolchi — shut up/shut your mouth, Moy brat — my brother
Tagging: @deeptrashwitch @islandtarochips @alypink (or if you want to be included, send me a DM!)
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welldonekhushi · 4 days
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Vasili "Bell" Sokolov moodboard ♡
Also, my Bell OC bio reached 102 notes! Thank you so much for giving him the love! It makes me so happy since it further encourages me to write and create more of him <3
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welldonekhushi · 2 months
Bell's Inner Thoughts
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Summary: These are some texts that we've procured from Bell's mind. About having an existential crisis. Trying to remember what he really is. What he feels about others.
"These people call me their family. They tell me it's like my home."
"But why do I still feel this empty?"
"What's making me feel isolated? What makes me want to keep myself silent among others?"
"Why can't I raise my voice? What's stopping me?"
"Who am I? What am I?"
"Why are they nice to me? Why do they want to be closer to me?"
"What's so special about me, that they would love to drag me into situations every time?"
"Why do I feel I used to be something? But it faded somewhere within my reach."
"My name.. is Vincent Marcus Stephens. CIA. MI6."
".. Vincilli.. grh.. V-Vas.. Markovich.. S-Sokol — Bell."
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