#vastu tips for office
jeevanjali · 25 days
Vastu Tips For Office: ऑफिस में इन 5 चीजों में करें बदलाव, जल्दी होगी तरक्कीVastu Tips For Office: हर कोई अपने करियर में आगे बढ़ना चाहता है। हर कोई नौकरी और सैलरी में तरक्की चाहता है। इसके लिए हर कोई कड़ी मेहनत करता है।
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thevastupractice · 10 months
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Vastu Tips for Office Large windows and clear glass walls should be provided in the North ans East walls. Do visit the website for more detailed information
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vaastudevayah · 1 year
Vastu Directions For Offices (+ Tips, So Your Business Prospers)
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Vastu shastra has been getting popular these days, and one of the best ways you can take advantage of it is by using its concepts in your workplace.
Based on the five core elements - Fire, Water, Space, Air, and Earth, Vastu can help balance the energy around you. Thus, helping anyone occupying that space achieve their true potential.
Want to make sure your business reaches its full potential? Read on and implement the tips in this article.
How To Use The Cardinal Directions In Vastu
The North direction is best for your sales team to sit in. when sitting there, the team should also face the North direction. The pious energy of the North helps attract more high-paying customers.
Even if you are not on the sales team, facing the North when working on your business can help improve your mindset and productivity.
Those belonging to the banking sector, or have work related to legal or accounting services, should sit in the North-West.
The South-West direction is remarkable for skill development. The design and development team of any business should be sitting in this direction. Interns or students trying to master a skill should also utilize this direction.
The South also helps attract name and fame. Companies that are yet to establish themselves should have their key employees or leaders working in this direction. 
The team that works on client proposals, signing of contracts, and deals with money should sit in the South-East corner to increase cash flow. Facing the South while sitting here would also help. 
Ensure you do not use the South of South West to work for your business. Being a disposal zone of negative energy, it is bound to create problems for you. Consult a Vastu shastra consultant to help you identify the precisely correct areas in the South direction. This way, you can take full advantage of its goodness.
The marketing team of a business should be sitting in the East direction. The positivity of the East, brimming with the sun’s enriching energy will help the business create a powerful image for itself. 
You can add green colors or some plants in this direction to help increase the focus of the team. 
If you are a solopreneur and work as a digital marketer, copywriter, social media expert, or consultant, this direction will help you use creative ideas and do better in marketing.
We have already discussed how beneficial the South-West and North-West directions can be for specific teams working on your business. But that’s not all! 
The complete West direction is fantastic for making profits. That’s why Vastu suggests that the leaders of a company, the CEO, or business owner must be seated in the West direction of the office. 
Facing West while sitting in this direction will add the cherry on top of your cake (gains).
Bonus Vastu Tips For Offices
Add some motivation.
Wherever your staff is seated in the office, posters with motivational quotes, whiteboards to brainstorm, and dartboards to take a break can help keep up the spirits of those occupying that space.
Employees should also use motivational wallpapers on their computers to add to the motivation. 
The leaders should also make sure to add a picture with mountains on the wall behind their team members. It will help the employees get the support of their seniors and keep them inspired. 
Bring nature into your office environment.
Nature has its mysterious ways of supporting our success. For example, the green color in plants helps us concentrate better. The cool wind from the East can help us stay calm and stress-free, so we enjoy our work more. And the Sun’s energy helps boost our energy similar to caffeine, so fatigue doesn't come in the way of our goals.
That’s why you should try adding more plants to your office. Don’t keep them in the South or West regions as they may not get enough Sun. 
You should keep the doors and windows open in the morning to let the cool breeze and the Sun’s warm rays come in and bless you. 
Lastly, you should also try to use natural light instead of artificial ones to light up your office. 
Keep unnecessary things out of sight.
Make sure any documents, stationery, broken electronics, and any sort of clutter is not on your or the employees' desks or near them. These things, not only spread their negative energy into the environment but they distract you from your work.
Another major distraction at the workplace is our smartphones. It’s true. as they say, that smartphones are getting smarter, but making us humans dumber with every passing day.
Smartphones bring their cancerous radiation to your table. And that with social media apps which can distract you from your important work. So, it’s best to keep your phones in your bags or drawers and that too, on silent mode, so they don’t disturb you. 
Wrapping Up
Those were some tips of Vastu for offices that should help your business and career prosper. By ensuring that every staff member is sitting correctly, as per Vastu, you can make way for better profits, recognition, and growth in your business.
Want to know more such tips? Follow us now!
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South Facing Office Vastu
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direction in office as per vastu
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vastuguru · 1 year
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bestcareerprection · 2 years
Vastu Tips: घर की इस दिशा में न रखें डस्टबिन वरना होगा बड़ा नुकसान। वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार घर में रखी हर चीज की सही दिशा हो तो घर खुशियों से भर जाती है और मंगलमय होता है। इस तरह कूड़ेदान भी वास्तु के हिसाब से सही जगह रखें अन्यथा कई परेशानियां घर के सदस्यों को घेर सकती हैं। चलिए जानते हैं कूड़ेदान की सही और शुभ दिशा भगवान शिव की दिशा में कभी न रखें आग्नेय कोण में कभी न रखें भगवान सूर्य की दिशा में न रखें यमराज की दिशा में न रखें भगवान कुबेर की दिशा में कभी न रखें वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार, घर की दक्षिण-पश्चिम और उत्तर-पश्चिम दिशा में कूड़ेदान रखना शुभ होता है। यदि आप वास्तु शास्त्र से जुडे अन्य प्रश्न का उत्तर जानना चाहते है तो इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/vastu/vastu-for-home.php
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sauravsharma3489 · 3 months
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Discover essential tips on orientation, office layout, desk placement, colors, décor, lighting, and ventilation to optimize your workspace for productivity and positive energy flow. Learn how to identify and remedy Vastu doshas to ensure a balanced and harmonious environment conducive to growth. Unlock the full potential of your business with Business Vastu and embark on a journey towards prosperity and success.
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astroanuradha · 5 months
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srikarunachannel · 7 months
Vastu Tips In Telugu : వాస్తు సమస్యలు తొలగిపోవాలంటే.. వెంటనే ఈ మొక్కను
తెచ్చి మీ ఇంట్లో పెట్టుకోండి .... !
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In today's competitive business world, entrepreneurs and business owners are constantly seeking ways to enhance their success and create a harmonious work environment. One approach that has gained popularity over the years is Vaastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science that emphasizes the harmonious balance of energies within a space. Vaastu for business has emerged as a powerful tool in optimizing workplace energies and promoting prosperity. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Vaastu and delve into how it can positively influence business ventures, offering valuable insights and practical tips for implementing Vaastu principles in your business setting.
Understanding Vaastu:
Vaastu Shastra is rooted in the belief that every physical space, including offices and commercial establishments, possess a unique energy field that can greatly impact the well-being and success of its occupants. Vastu for office takes into consideration various factors such as the direction, placement, and arrangement of objects within a space, with the aim of creating a harmonious and balanced environment. By aligning the office space with Vastu principles, businesses can optimize the flow of positive energies and promote a conducive work atmosphere. Here, we will delve into the significance of Vastu for office and explore practical tips to implement these principles, offering insights on how to create an energetically balanced and prosperous workplace.
Key Principles of Vaastu for Business:
Entrance and Location: According to Vaastu, the entrance of a business premises plays a crucial role in attracting positive energy. It is advised to have the main entrance facing a favorable direction, such as the north or east, to invite prosperity and good fortune. Additionally, the location of the business itself should be carefully chosen, considering factors like the surrounding environment, accessibility, and positive energy flow.
Office Layout and Design: Vaastu emphasizes the optimal utilization of space and the arrangement of furniture and equipment within the office. Desks and workstations should be placed in a manner that allows free movement and encourages positive energy flow. It is recommended to avoid clutter and ensure that the office is well-lit and properly ventilated.
Directional Significance: Each cardinal direction is associated with specific energies in Vaastu. For example, the north is associated with wealth and success, while the east signifies growth and new opportunities. By aligning key elements of the business, such as the reception area, conference rooms, and the CEO's office, with the relevant directions, one can tap into the positive energies associated with them.
Colors and Elements: Vaastu advocates the use of appropriate colors and elements to create a harmonious atmosphere. For instance, vibrant and energizing colors like yellow and orange can be used in areas associated with creativity and innovation, while calming colors like blue and green are suitable for spaces focused on relaxation and decision-making. Additionally, incorporating natural elements such as plants, water features, and natural light can enhance the overall positive energy of the business environment.
Remedies and Corrections: If certain Vaastu principles cannot be fully implemented due to structural limitations, there are remedies and corrections that can be applied. These may include the use of mirrors, crystals, or specific placement of energizing objects to mitigate any negative energies and create a more favorable environment.
While the impact of Vastu on business success may vary, many entrepreneurs and business owners have experienced positive outcomes after implementing Vastu principles in their workplaces. Incorporating Vastu Tips for Business and embracing Vastu for Office can help create a balanced and harmonious environment, leading to improved employee morale, increased productivity, and enhanced business growth.
It is important to recognize that Vastu is just one component of overall business success, and it should be combined with effective business strategies, efficient management practices, and a skilled workforce. However, by embracing the principles of Vastu, businesses can create an environment that nurtures positive energies and aligns with the natural forces of the universe.
Disclaimer: The ideas and beliefs discussed in this blog post are based on traditional Vaastu principles, specifically Business Vastu. The effectiveness of Vaastu may vary depending on individual perspectives and circumstances. It is always advisable to seek professional advice and use personal judgment when applying these principles to your business or workspace.
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visheshaank · 1 year
Best in Corporate Astrology Medical Astrology Numerology Vastu Shastra Meheaq Preet @ 9116507953
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jeevanjali · 2 days
Chanakya Niti for office work: नौकरी में परेशानी का कारण बनती हैं ये गलतियां, आज ही सुधार लेंChanakya Niti for office work: हर व्यक्ति खुशहाल जीवन जीना चाहता है, जिसके लिए वह अच्छी नौकरी करता है। नौकरी की मदद से वह अपनी सभी जरूरतों को पूरा करता है।
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thevastupractice · 10 months
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Vastu Tips for Office The South- East is the best direction for offices run by women because it is ruled by Venus. For More Details
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sudhirology1 · 1 year
"Experience Positive Change and Achieve Your Goals with Sudhirology, the Best Numerologist and Vastu Expert Providing Solutions for All Areas of Life."
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vastuguru · 1 year
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Vastu Tips for offices in Dubai can be the key to unlocking a positive and harmonious work environment. As Dubai continues to grow as a global hub for business, it's important to create a workspace that promotes productivity but also helps reduce stress and anxiety among employees. With these Vastu Tips, you can create an office space that looks great but also supports the well-being and success of your business. Whether you're a startup or an established company, Vastu Tips for offices in Dubai are worth considering to create a positive and productive work environment. For more information: https://universalchanakya.com/service/commercial-and-industrial-vastu/
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