#vaz x naomi
helix-enterprises117 6 months
A new idea: Soul-Mates
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @makowrites.
Okay, so I want do a "force-dyad/soulmate" thing with one of TWO pairings: Vaz/Naomi or Fred/Kelly (can't do it with John/Linda since I already did the whole "bride of the reclaimer" thing).
The idea is that one character (Fred or Vaz) gets fatally-injured, resulting in the other character (Kelly or Naomi) bringing them back to life by using a Forerunner artifact (namely the keystone, but it could be something else) to transfer some of their life to their life to their love, connecting them on a mystical/spiritual level. Whatever one feels, the other will feel it too; making them... soulmates.
Obviously, this needs to be fleshed out; but that's not the issue.
The issue is: What pairing should this go to?
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For the Sentence Starters... I went with one from each category but feel free to pick the one that speaks to you the most. Or throw in all three, whatever works! Angst: 7, Fluff: 12, Misc: 1 馃挅
These come from this ask game! (If anyone else has more prompts for me, send them my way! I'm enjoying these ones a lot!)
Angst 7: Don't you ever do that again!
John felt a pair of hands collide roughly with his back, sending him staggering forward several steps. "What were you thinking?" a voice barked from behind him.
He turned slowly. "You're having a moment, Petty Officer," he answered coldly.
Linda-058, a woman known for her calm in the most adverse conditions known the humankind, regarded him with a vitriolic sneer. "No, Master Chief," she countered hotly, "it just appears that you forgot to switch your brain on today."
John crossed his arms over his chest. "You've clearly got something to say to me, Spartan. Say it."
"Oh, cut it," Linda barked. Her reactions were past the line of insubordination at this point, but he would let it slide. "You nearly got yourself killed today," the sniper continued, her temper burning to match her bright red hair. "Spare me the stoicism, Chief. You need to screw your head back on straight."
The Master Chief cocked his head to one side. She was right... he had nearly gotten killed earlier. But it was for the mission. From his perspective, sacrificing himself would have been a valuable trade for a successful mission.
Linda, evidently, disagreed.
The female Spartan glared daggers at John, her chest heaving under the weight of her rage. Finally, she dropped her gaze to the floor. "I thought I lost you," she confessed, her voice whisper-quiet. "It was... it was the worst moment of my life."
Suddenly it felt as though someone had stuck a knife in John's side and twisted. He looked at the barely disguised pain on Linda's face and realized what his action might have done to her. It wasn't a pretty thing to confront.
"I'm... I'm sorry," he said, the apology feeling foreign on his lips. He was a commander. The commander of the greatest soldiers in human history. Asking forgiveness was not something he often found himself doing. But for Linda... it was worth it. "I didn't realize."
He took a few slow, awkward steps forward. His hand landed gently on her arm. She wouldn't be able to feel his grip through her armor, but he hoped it made some difference.
Linda huffed out a sigh. Finally she lifted her eyes to meet his. "Just... don't ever do that again," she said firmly.
John wanted to tell her that he would do it again if the situation ever called for it. That he had to be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice at all times... that they all did.
Instead, he nodded. "I won't do it again," he promised. It was probably a lie. She knew that. But it was what she needed to hear at that moment.
Linda let out the breath she had accidentally been holding. She leaned forward and rested her forehead against his. "Good," she breathed. Then she lifted her eyes to stare at him from beneath her lashes. "Because if you do, I'll bring you back to life just to kill you myself," she challenged.
John grinned. That was a threat he could live with.
Fluff 12: He's so pretty I think I'm going to faint.
Serin Osman settled into the chair with a tired sigh. The massive woman across the table stared at a fixed point on the wall behind her, her face a somewhat adorable approximation of a pout. "Talk to me, Spartan," the captain said firmly. "Something's obviously wrong."
Naomi-010 dropped her head into her hands. "I don't know what's wrong with me," she groaned. "I can't focus, I can't sleep... it's like I'm possessed. This has never happened before."
Serin sat up straighter in her chair. This kind of fatigue was important to meet head-on when dealing with long-term missions behind enemy lines. "What's distracting you?" she asked in a measured tone.
As she waited for Naomi's answer, Serin's mind immediately began processing potential causes. Burnout - unlikely, but possible. Survivor's guilt - given the number of Spartan casualties of the past few months, a much higher probability. Exhaustion - the most likely by far.
Naomi pulled in a shaky breath before finally answering in a quiet voice; "Vaz."
Serin blinked. Then she blinked again. "Come again?" she asked, smoothing out her uniform in an attempt to disguise her mounting confusion.
The Spartan didn't lift her head from her hands. "Corporal Beloi," she confirmed, sounding absolutely miserable. "I can't stop thinking about him. I feel like I'm going insane.
Captain Osman did her best not to let a smirk show on her face. She suddenly didn't feel quite so bad about her own flirtations with Sergeant Geffen. "Is there something going on between you two?" she asked, trying to broach the topic carefully to avoid shutting the Spartan down.
Naomi shook her head vehemently. "No. At least... I don't think so." Finally, she lifted her eyes to look at Serin. "That's the problem though. I want there to be." Then she dropped her head back to the table with an audible thunk. "He's so pretty," she said pathetically. "I think I'm going to faint."
Now Serin couldn't keep the smile off her face. She didn't even try. To her credit, she at least didn't laugh out loud.
"What do I do?" Naomi asked, her voice muffled by the table she had shoved her face into.
Serin gently reached out and carefully patted the back of Naomi's hand, doing the most comforting thing she could think of at the moment. "Well... there's only one thing you really can do," she said slowly. Naomi lifted her face. There was hope in her eyes. "The next time we make port somewhere, buy him a drink," Serin proposed.
Naomi dropped her head again. "I was afraid you would so that," she moaned.
Misc. 1: All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.
"So, what do you do for fun?"
Senator Chuchi - Riyo, he reminded himself again - had such a light way of speaking. Like her words could just up and float away if they wanted to. She was wandering around Fox's office, trying to act as though the Spartan accommodations were at all interesting.
The clone knew, subconsciously, that the shelves on his office wall were supposed to be for holostills. For souvenirs from planets visited. For keepsakes from friends and family. He didn't have any of those things. So instead he had filled his shelves with extra charge packs, a few thermal detonators, and even the parts to a Z6 Rotary Canon for him to put together whenever the stress was too much to focus on paperwork.
"No time for 'fun,' Ma'am," he responded gruffly. "I have too much work to do."
Riyo circled away from the sparse 'decorations' adorning his walls and turned back to Fox. She reached out to pick up his helmet from where it had been sitting on his desk. Part of him wanted to snap at her. To take the helmet out of her hands and reprimand her for touching the kit of a Marshal Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic.
The rest of him knew that he would never be able to snap at Riyo. She could arm one of those thermal detonators and ask him to sit on it until it exploded for her and his only answer would be, "Yes, thank you."
To say he was in trouble when it came to the Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi would be an understatement of mythic proportions.
Riyo's delicate hands ghosted over the painted patterns on his helmet. She'd asked him, once, if the symbols meant anything. They didn't. He just thought that it looked nice. When he'd told her as much, she smiled at him as though that in and of itself meant something. She always smiled at him like that. Like he meant something.
"Come on, Fox," she goaded. There was a smile on her full, perfect lips that tasted like Jogan fruit. "There has to be something that you do for fun."
Fox glanced up at her from his datapad, offering her a rare half-smile. "You've known me long enough to know I don't understand fun, Senator. All I do is drink caf and swear at my troopers."
Riyo drew up to her full height. She wasn't a large woman. He couldn't help but smirk at her attempted intimidation display.
"And you have known me long enough to know that I hate when you call me that, Commander," she said sternly. She was the only person in the galaxy who got away with calling him by his name more frequently than by his rank.
For some reason, he hated it when she called him by his rank. It sounded wrong.
Riyo regarded him with a stern expression for several seconds before giving in and smiling again. "Well... we'll just have to find something fun for you, then," she said carefully. "Next time maybe I'll bring a board game along."
No matter how often they did this - which was almost daily - Fox couldn't help but worry it would be the last time. He felt an excited thrill tremble down his spine as she spoke so casually about next time.
Judging by the softening smile on her face, Riyo seemed to be reading his thoughts. She did that a lot. Sometimes he was convinced that she was a Jedi... or maybe he really just wore his heart on his sleeve. Or his face, as it were. Either way, Riyo was suddenly standing very close to him, her citrus-scented shampoo that she had used every day since he complimented it in passing once filling his nostrils and her hands delicately meshing in his black hair.
The first two fingers of one hand rested on the point of his chin, and she turned his face toward her. His eyes slid shut automatically, and then her lips were on his. They were soft, and full, and perfect. Just like the rest of her. She lingered longer than was strictly necessary - as if any of this were strictly necessary - and Fox soaked up every second he possibly could.
Finally, Riyo drew back. "I have to get going," she said, her eyes wide and vulnerable and sad. She always looked sad when she had to go. It broke his heart... but it also filled him with something else. A happier feeling. Pride, maybe, that such a perfect creature could possibly miss him.
"I'll miss you," he breathed. The words slipped out by accident, but he didn't retract them. What would be the point? They were true. He missed her every moment she wasn't around.
Riyo smiled, and it was more powerful than the light of Coruscant's star stabbing through the planet's ever-present toxic cloud cover. He basked in that light. Sometimes it felt more important to him than oxygen. "I'll miss you too," she sighed, her words barely audible.
Then she kissed him again. Then she was gone. She paused in the doorway, turning over her shoulder to say, "I'll see you tomorrow, Fox."
The door slid shut behind her. Once it did, and he was sure that no one could see him, Fox let a full-fledged smile fill his face.
He couldn't wait.
Thanks for the prompts! This was fun. Also thanks to @thefinaljediknight and @helix-studios117 for helping me decide which pairings to use! I'm also tagging @makowrites because there's some Vaz/Naomi going on and I'd hate to think she missed that.
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helix-enterprises117 7 months
Halo Reloaded: Advice
In the quiet corridors of the Autumn 2.0, the air was thick with anticipation as John-117 made his way toward Naomi-010's quarters. Unarmored for once, his towering figure moved with a deliberation uncharacteristic of the battlefield legend. He paused at Naomi's door, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before pressing the chime.Naomi, surprised by the unexpected visit, opened the door to find the Spartan-II she rarely saw out of his armor. Her blonde hair fell loosely around her shoulders, a stark contrast to the usual tight bun she sported under her helmet. "John?" she began, her tone a mix of curiosity and caution. "What brings you here?"
John's gaze lingered on her for a moment, the weight of his request making him momentarily hesitant. "I need advice," he finally said, his voice betraying none of the uncertainty that flickered behind his stoic expression.Naomi stepped aside to let him in, her expression puzzled. "Advice? From me?" she asked as she closed the door behind him. The very idea seemed to perplex her. "What about?"
"It's about Linda," John admitted, the name alone enough to convey the depth of his concern. "We...we're seeing each other. And I want to take her out, do something special for her."
Naomi raised an eyebrow, the pieces clicking into place. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder why John had come to her. "And you're asking me because...?"John shifted uncomfortably, the topic clearly out of his comfort zone. "Because of Vaz," he said, referring to Vasily "Vaz" Beloi, the ODST with whom Naomi had been in a relationship for several months. "I figured, since you're with someone outside the Spartan program, you might know a thing or two about...this."
Naomi's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. It was rare for Spartans to discuss personal matters so openly, and John's acknowledgment of her relationship with Vaz felt both invasive and flattering. "John, I'm hardly an expert on romance," she confessed with a sheepish smile. "But if you're looking for advice, I'll share what I can."John nodded, grateful for any insight she could offer. Naomi took a moment to gather her thoughts, her advice more earnest than expert. "Well, for starters, it's important to remember it's not about where you go or what you do, but the thought behind it. Linda's not just any Spartan. Think about what she enjoys, what makes her happy. It could be something as simple as a quiet place to watch the stars, or maybe a live-fire training session if that's more her speed."
John listened intently, Naomi's words sparking ideas in his mind. "And," Naomi continued, "communication is key. Make sure she knows this is special, that it's about the two of you spending time together. It doesn't have to be grand, just...meaningful." The Chief nodded, his usual confidence returning. "Thank you, Naomi," he said sincerely. "I appreciate it, more than you know."Naomi smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "Anytime, John."
As John turned to leave, a newfound resolve in his step, Naomi couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie that went beyond their shared duties. In the world of Spartans, where vulnerability was a luxury few could afford, moments of genuine human connection were rare and precious. John's visit, awkward as it might have been, was a reminder that beneath the armor and the accolades, they were all still human, still capable of love.
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @authortobenamedlater, @makowrites, @mrtobenamedlater, @killer-orca-cosplay, @empresskadia.
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helix-enterprises117 6 months
Halo Reloaded: 袠褋锌褍谐邪薪薪褘泄
In the low hum of the barracks' common room, Vaz Beloi was nursing a glass of vodka that had seen more refills than he cared to count. The room, lit by the flickering lights that struggled against the ever-present gloom of military life, provided a backdrop more fitting for confessions than celebrations. Across from him, a fellow ODST, Jenkins, was pretending to be more interested in his drink than the conversation, a tactful witness to Vaz's unraveling.
"You know," Vaz started, his Russian accent thickening with each sip of the alcohol, "I love her. God knows, I do. But man, there's this part of me that's just... pissing its pants, you know?" He chuckled, but it was hollow, the sound of a man trying to make light of his own dread.
Jenkins, a burly man with a scar running down the side of his face like a misplaced seam, raised an eyebrow. "Naomi, right? Your Spartan?" he ventured, already knowing the answer.
"Da, Naomi. She's not just any Spartan. She's a damn one-woman army," Vaz sighed, swirling the vodka in his glass as if it held the answers. "I've seen her in action, man. It's like watching death dance. And at night, when she's lying next to me, all I can think about is how those hands, the very ones I hold, have snuffed out so many lives."
Jenkins nodded, silent. What was there to say? Everyone knew the legends of the Spartans, but hearing it from someone who shared a bed with one was different, more real.
"It's like being in love with a hurricane, you know? She's beautiful, powerful, but damn if there isn't a part of you that's terrified of being swept away," Vaz continued, the words spilling out with an honesty born of desperation.
Unbeknownst to both men, Naomi had entered the common area, intending to surprise Vaz. But instead of a warm greeting, she was met with his fears laid bare. She paused in the doorway, a silent specter, as Vaz's words struck her like physical blows. The tears came then, unbidden, a testament to the raw pain that sliced through her heart.
Back at the table, Vaz was oblivious to the storm he had unwittingly unleashed. It wasn't until he turned, seeking another bottle, that he caught a glimpse of Naomi's retreating form. Panic, sharp and sudden, cut through the haze of alcohol. "Naomi!" he called, but she was already gone, her departure as silent as her arrival.
He found her later, in the small, Spartan (in more ways than one) room they shared. Naomi was sitting on the edge of their bed, her posture defeated, her body racked with sobs. The sight of such vulnerability in someone so powerful struck Vaz to his core.
"Naomi, I... Shit, I didn't mean for you to hear that," he stammered, the words clumsy in his mouth.
"You're right, though," she managed between sobs, her voice raw. "I am a monster."
"Hey, no. Look at me, Nomi," Vaz urged, sitting beside her and tilting her chin up so their eyes met. "I was being an ass, okay? Drunk and stupid. You're not just some... some war machine to me. You're this incredible, terrifying force, sure. But you're also the woman who laughs at my shitty jokes, who gets teary-eyed over old movies. I screwed up, malishka. I'm sorry."
Naomi's gaze held his, searching, vulnerable. "Do you really mean that?" she asked, her voice a whisper of hope and hurt.
"Yeah, I do. God, Naomi, I'm scared because I love you so damn much. Not because of what you can do to others, but because of what losing you would do to me," Vaz confessed, his heart laid bare in the dim light of their room.
They embraced then, a tangle of arms and whispered promises, as the fears and doubts receded into the background. It was a moment of raw honesty, of two people grappling with the complexities of love in a world that was anything but simple. For Vaz and Naomi, it wasn't just about weathering the storm; it was about finding the courage to dance in the rain.
@makowrites, @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @empresskadia.
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hello hello!
For the OTP ask meme, how about Vaz/Naomi, Fred/Kelly and Mal/Serin (plus any other couples you want to talk about, up to you!) for these questions:
8- Who needs/gets more sleep?
11- If they were to adopt a pet together, what kind of pet would it be?
13- What is their love language?
Okayyyy I'm excited about this one. I'm also going to throw Carter/Kat on there because I've been feeling a lot of Feelings about them lately.
8- Who needs/gets more sleep?
Vaz/Naomi - Naomi sleeps more. Which seems odd, since she's a Spartan, but c'mon. Vaz is in his 20s and he lives in a confined space with his best friend. He and Mal definitely get up to shenanigans as soon as everybody else goes to sleep. Phillips has gotten so accustomed to waking up with mustaches drawn on his face that he doesn't even question it anymore.
Mal/Serin - Same answer as above (because Mal is hyperactive) but Serin also needs more sleep. Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown, as they say. In her case, though, heavier hangs the head to which the crown is about to be passed.
Carter/Kat - Carter just doesn't sleep. He is always so stressed about taking care of his team that he can't bring himself to shut off. On the rare occasion that he does, Kat usually wakes up to start breaking into highly classified documents and Carter ends up staying awake with her because he's just as curious as she is... if a tiny bit less willing to do the law-breaking necessary to satisfy that curiosity.
Fred/Kelly - No sleep 'til Brooklyn. On the rare occasions that they aren't in the field, Fred has an easier time falling asleep, but Kelly has developed nightmares and Fred ends up staying up so that he can comfort her through them.
11- If they were to adopt a pet together, what kind of pet would it be?
Vaz/Naomi - They have Needs Adjustment and BB... what else could they want?
Mal/Serin - Serin is a cat person, Mal is a dog person. So they end up with a black alley cat and a golden retriever with one eye, three legs, and boundless energy.
Carter/Kat - A beta fish that sits on the desk next to Kat and judges her hacking skills. Its name is Thom.
Fred/Kelly - A Spartan from Gamma Company and a horse for Kelly. (Fred is a dad and Kelly is a horse girl, don't challenge me on this.)
13- What is their love language?
Vaz/Naomi - Quality time for both of them, though they are both very touchy whenever no one else is around.
Mal/Serin - Touch for Mal, words of affirmation for Serin. That's why their late-night snuggle sessions work out so well - Serin curls up in Mal's arms, and Mal whispers about how amazing she is until she falls asleep.
Carter/Kat - Acts of service for Carter. But he's more of a Giver than a Receiver, and so he is always trying to do things for Kat (like put himself bodily in front of her whenever a threat shows up). Kat's is quality time. Her favorite is when Carter lays his head in her lap and talks to her while she's working on breaking into some encrypted database she's not supposed to be touching.
Fred/Kelly - Touch. For both. Bumps to know the other is there and paying attention, kisses on the nose or cheeks whenever no one is looking, 24/7 cuddling whenever they get a moment together out of armor. They're just a couple of severely touch-starved little dorks.
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helix-enterprises117 7 months
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask and @makowrites.
"The Mark Love Leaves" and "Repairs" are probably my absolute favorite Halo fanfics (in-general) of all time.
Also, now I have a generally better understanding of Vaz and Naomi; thank you guys!
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For my friend @makowrites, and for the world because there isn't enough Vaz/Naomi in it.
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Naomi had always prided herself on her strength, both physical and emotional. As one of the most formidable Spartans in the United Nations Star Council, her resilience in the face of adversity was legendary.
...Yet, today, of all days, she found herself wrestling with a vulnerability she seldom acknowledged. It was her birthday, a day that she didn't usually celebrate with much fervor, but this year was different. This year, she had hoped to spend it with Vaz Beloi, the hell-jumping rusky who had won her heart against all odds.
The day had dragged on, each hour a reminder of Vaz's absence. Naomi had managed a smile for every comrade who had come by with well-wishes, their gestures sincere but unable to fill the void left by Vaz's absence. As the base's clock chimed the approach of evening, Naomi's hope dwindled, her heart sinking with the setting sun.
...When Vaz finally returned to their shared quarters, he was met with an eerie silence. The darkness seemed to swallow him whole, a stark contrast to the usual warmth of their home. As he fumbled for the light switch, a sudden collision with Naomi sent his heart racing.
"袝斜械薪邪 屑邪褌褜!!"
He took a breath. The momentary scare, however, paled in comparison to the sight of her standing in the dark, her usual stoic demeanor replaced by a palpable sadness.
"Naomi?" Vaz's voice was laced with concern, his eyes struggling to adjust to the dim light.
Naomi remained silent for a moment, her eyes betraying the turmoil within. "Sorry. I-I thought... I thought you might have forgotten," she finally whimpered, the words heavy with unshed tears.
Vaz's heart clenched at her words. He had never intended for her to feel this way, especially not today. He gently rests his calloused hand on her cheek, "I'm sorry I was gone all day, malishka. I was out looking for something... for you."
The skepticism in Naomi's eyes slowly gave way to curiosity. "You remembered?" she asked, a glimmer of hope breaking through her sadness.
Vaz nodded, his next actions deliberate. He knelt before her, an act so vulnerable that it caught Naomi off guard. From his pocket, he produced a small, velvety box, opening it to reveal a ring that sparkled even in the low light.
"Naomi Sentzke, you've fought by my side, you've held me through storms, and you've shown me what it means to be truly brave," Vaz said, his voice steady despite the emotion threatening to overwhelm him. "I don't want to spend another day without you by my side. Will you marry me?"
The question hung in the air, a testament to their journey together. Naomi looked at Vaz, seeing the man who had become her world, her partner in every sense. Tears welled up in her eyes, not from sadness, but from sheer joy. With a choked sob, she nodded, words failing her.
"Yes, Vaz. Yes, I will marry you."
This is adorable! I love it.
Vaz does need to learn to buy things before the birthday though 馃ぃ
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Chapter five is up! That means that I actually managed to post two chapters on consecutive days. That's definitely some kind of record for me.
This prompt came from @makowrites
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helix-enterprises117 7 months
"How'd you and your husband become Halo fans?"
"How and why did you end up shipping Kelly x Fred?"
"How and why did you fall in love with Naomi and Vaz (both as a ship and as individual characters)?"
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