kneipe · 1 year
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köln 2023
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Kho Kardex - Giải pháp cho đặt hàng hiệu quả bền vững Có trụ sở chính tại Đức, Hella Distribution GmbH, cung cấp cho khách hàng trên toàn thế giới các bộ phận và phụ kiện ô tô cho thiết bị gốc cũng như cho khu vực hậu cần. Để đảm bảo việc giao hàng hàng ngày nhanh chóng và chính xác, mở rộng công suất kho và tạo ra quy trình bền vững cho đơn hàng hiệu quả và tiện lợi, họ đã chọn giải pháp kho Kardex tự động. Một chiếc Kardex Miniload-in-a-Box cao sáu mét* từ dòng sản phẩm Mô-đun bộ đệm dọc (VBM) là giải pháp hiệu quả và tiết kiệm nhất để đáp ứng mọi yêu cầu. Nó hoạt động như một bộ đệm hợp nhất cho các đơn đặt hàng của khách hàng đang chờ vận chuyển. Công nghệ băng tải tự động vận chuyển các thùng carton có kích thước khác nhau, đã được chuẩn bị trước để vận chuyển, đến Kardex Miniload-in-a-Box, nơi chúng được quét và lưu trữ. Sau khi xe tải đến, danh sách truy xuất đầy đủ các thùng carton liên quan sẽ bắt đầu. Những sản phẩm đó, được sắp xếp trước theo kích thước và trọng lượng và theo đúng thứ tự, sẽ được phân phối qua hai lỗ truy cập. Nhân viên quét các thùng carton và chuyển chúng lên pallet.
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rakuencoffee · 2 years
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【マシンのメンテナンス】 エスプレッソ屋なら自分のマシンは自分でメンテナンス 海外では当たり前 以前はパーツは個人輸入でしたが DCS様 @espresso.store のおかげである程度のパーツは安く国内調達可能になりました♪ しかも図面付き! 円安だしありがたい やっぱり工具持って機械整備するのが1番楽しい #楽園珈琲 #rakuencoffee #espressostore #vbm #スチーム関連定期整備 (楽園珈琲 rakuen coffee@蚊口浜) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWxTkyv4H4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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statespoll · 2 years
2022 VBM&Early Voting Post. 11/2~ Compare to 2018 VBM&EV
Early Voting Favors DEM compare to 2018: PA
Early Voting Favors GOP compare to 2018: GA/WI/NH/NC/MN
Neutral: AZ
Not sure yet: MI/NM
1. PA  (in 2020 Midterm PA, Total  159,278 requested 84,906  voted )
DEM: Voted 781,004 / Total requested 984,879
REP: Voted   235,849 / Total requested 302,855
Voted(Returned): DEM 69.7 / REP 21.1 / Indy&Other 9.2
11/6 Total 1,436,536 requested
DEM: Voted 775,894 / Total requested 984,847
REP: Voted  235,181 / Total requested 302,842
Voted(Returned): DEM 69.7 / REP 21.1 / Indy&Other 9.2
11/5 Total 1,437,023 requested
DEM: Voted 758,640 / Total requested 985,182
REP: Voted   229,579 / Total requested 302,950
Voted(Returned): DEM 69.8 / REP 21.1 / Indy&Other 9.1
11/3 Total 1,436,681 requested
DEM: Voted 714,301 / Total requested 985,158
REP: Voted  209,855 / Total requested 302,697
Voted(Returned): DEM 70.5 / REP 20.7 / Indy&Other 8.8
11/2 Total 1,436,142  requested
DEM: Voted 682,765 / Total requested 984,830 
REP: Voted 196,898  / Total requested 302,520
Voted(Returned): DEM 70.9 / REP 20.5 / Indy&Other 8.6
  2. WI (in 2018 Midterm WI, Total   595,914  requested)
11/1 Total 650,173 VBM requested
Voted(Returned) 343,184
Online and by mail deadline in WI: The request must be in the office of the municipal clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the *5th  day preceding an election.
3. AZ (in 2018 Midterm AZ, Total   2,522,740  requested)
2018 AZ Early voting returned:  REP 41.2 DEM 34.0%  R +7.2%
2022 AZ Early voting
11/4 Total 3,069,177 requested
DEM: Voted 527,076 / Total requested 1,054,809
REP: Voted 497,742 / Total requested 1,071,073
Voted: DEM 38.9/ REP 36.7 / Indy&Other 24.4
11/1 Total 3,053,662 requested
DEM: Voted 404,239 / Total requested 1,049,576
REP: Voted  377,885 / Total requested 1,065,804
Voted: DEM 39.6 / REP 37.0 / Indy&Other 23.5
4. MI  (in 2018 Midterm MI, Total  1,177,523 requested 876,064 returned )
11/7  Mail Ballots Requested: 1,969,981
Total Early Votes: 1,525,312
11/1 Total 1,901,722 VBM requested
Voted(Returned): 1,224,236
5. GA (in 2018 Midterm GA VBM 207,306 returned + In person 1,890,156
Total 2,097,462 voted early )
2018 White 58% / Black 30.9 / Other 11.1%
2022 Early voting in Georgia (VBM+In person)
11/3 Total 2,261,178 voted
White 57.7 / Black 29.0 / Hispanic 1.8 / Asian 1.8 / Other 9.8
11/1 Total 1,947,275 voted
White 57.7 / Black 29.3 / Hispanic 1.7 / Asian 1.7 / Other 9.5
6. NH -  (in 2020 it was total 181K)
11/5 only 45k voted and
2020: D +39K votes
2022: D +6.4K votes
Which favors GOP
11/1 Only 34.7K voted
7. OR 
8. NY
9. ME - 11/1 Total 157k voted
DEM 51.5 / REP 23.3  DEM +28.2%(+54.3K)
Which slightly favors GOP
10. MN (in 2018 Midterm MI, Total  539,806 VBM returned ) 10/7  340,525 requested 10/13 400,975 requested10/20 467,902 requested 172,520  VBM returned
11. CO
10. NM (in 2018 midterm NM, Total 430,796 voted)
10/14   74,339 requested
10/21     91,517 requested   Total Early Votes: 45,748
11. CT (in 2020 Total  715,003  requested)
10/17  67,546  requested
12. KS
  7. NC (in 2018 Midterm NC, Total 2,050,864 )
10/21   186,838 voted.
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aishite-normally · 5 months
extremely low effort rendition of a dream i had where i listened to a love love nightmare x venetian blind man mashup
i feel like it could be done justice by anyone that doesnt have my current skillset
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sandcastle-art · 1 year
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from left to right: Evie (they/them) - Rev's sibling, has a talent for manipulating void energy (they're a space wizard), currently trying to apprehend Rev Rev (he/him) - Evie's brother, separated himself from the hive mind-ish situation his species has going on and is currently trying to hide from his government Jack (it/its or no pronouns)- tiny squid alien :) escaped lab experiment that definitely doesn't have anything strange going on.
Alright writing time 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Rev did not feel good at all. But being nearly unconcious did that to a person.
Evie had managed to track him down yet again. Unfortunately this time Rev just so happened to not be alone, which would normally be a good thing, except that the poor folks in his vicinity really did not deserve to have their ship rocked by void explosions.
That was certainly one of the things making him feel like shit at the moment.
The other thing… Considering he was one of the only crew members able to survive outside of the ship without needing to waste time putting on a space suit, he had taken the responsibility of rushing out the airlock in an attempt to get his sibling off the ship's ass. It did not go well, to say the least. Evie had much more practice and actual training than he did when it came to weilding void energy, on top of literally being better built for it than him. It didn't take long for them to tire him out.
"Awww, you're no fun, I barely got started there! You never should have gotten those cords cut, you could have been such a powerhouse!!" Evie blippped, in the same annoying synthetic tone as usual. Rev attempted an answer, but all that came out was a low bass-y drone, trailing off into a distorted crackle. That didn't sound good.
"Yikes, that sounded bad." Evie hummed with faux concern. Ugh. Rev managed to look up at them and glare. "Well, I guess I should at least put you out of your misery for a bit before I turn you in. Certainly wouldn't want any trouble." If they could sneer, they probably would have. Oh they were insufferable.
With a mechanical growl, Rev flew towards Evie, his wings and horns glowing brighter as he prepared to hit them with everything he had. Evie's eye widened suddenly, and they let out a short, high-pitched note as they quickly dashed out of the way. They hadn't been expecting him to react so intensely, but he wasn't nearly quick enough to catch them completely off-guard. He quickly shut down his jets and attempted to whirl around to face Evie again, when a sudden impact in his back sent him reeling.
Glancing down, he could clearly see shards of metal floating around him, and bright blue void fluid leaking out of his back into the surrounding space. That was definitely not good. Turning around, he could see Evie had their hand out, still wreathed in lingering multicoloured energy. The playful buzz emanating from them earlier had completely vanished, now they emitted only a dark, quiet drone.
"I'm not going to let someone like YOU get the jump on me like that." They whirred angrily.
Rev saw their eye and wings flaring up, ready to cast a final attack, when the attention of both machines was drawn back towards the ship by a sharp ringing sound. The noise grew louder and louder as a light coming from the airlock grew brighter and brighter.
Suddenly it collided violently with both of them. Evie let out a synthetic shriek as their systems came into contact with the incredible amount of void energy it was producing. Rev was thrown back a short ways, towards the ship. He squinted at the bright object that currently had Evie in it's clutches, and noticed a tiny hint of bright green amidst the intense sparks.
He hadn't realized he'd managed to say the tiny alien's name out loud until the light suddenly died down as it glanced towards him, fear and concern filling it's eyes. In it's moment of distraction, Evie growled, grabbing it's helmet and wrenching it off of them. They pointed their eye square at Rev's head, and began charging energy once more, this time clearly aiming to do more than just incapacitate him. Jack reacted quickly, sparking up again with such rage that Rev swore he could feel it from where he was floating.
Evie's eye laser was knocked off course by the sudden attack, clipping Rev's chest and doing more damage to his back. A horrible roar echoed from the veritable supernova that was Jack, and Rev felt a wave of force propel him back towards the ship. His vision going white from the sudden energy.
And that was what brought him to where he was now. On the verge of unconsciousness, feeling terribly guilty for making the crew deal with Evie, and leaking precious void fuel all over the airlock (He was in the airlock now?) and the rest of the ship. He'd have to apologize to Hrr'Gr'Ah for the mess later. Faintly, he felt the vibrations of the crew running towards him and Jack (when did Jack come in here? Where was Evie??), voices chattering trying to ask both of them what happened, Jack making panicked sounds as it gestured towards his shattered processors.
With his vision and hearing rapidly failing, he was about to happily pass out until the whole ordeal was over. Until a sudden violent spark in his back wrenched a horrible discordant scream from his very cores. The last thing he remembered was more yelling from the crew, the lingering ring of a powerful void spell, and a terrible writhing sensation travelling rapidly through the flesh underneath his shell.
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catboy-joyfriend · 2 years
venetian blind man is SO fascinating to me babygirl what is going ON with you
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narasnooze · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
you have no idea how badly I wanna take you in bed right now. Fuck. Or anywhere. On a desk. In bed. Against a wall. Your so frigging beautiful baby and so easily ruined. Wanna sink into you so bad and grip your hair tight 
   Blushing furiously, and frowning, Shikamaru has his eyebrows knit together in an annoyed but also very abashed expression. “Has people no damn shame...? Honestly..”
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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Wilson Chinn (fl. 1863) was an escaped American slave from Louisiana who became known as the subject of photographs documenting the extensive use of torture received in slavery. The "branded slave" photograph of Chinn with "VBM" (the initials of his owner, Volsey B. Marmillion) branded on his forehead, wearing a punishment collar, and posing with other equipment used to punish slaves became one of the most widely circulated photos of the abolitionist movement during the American Civil War and remains one of the most famous photos of that era.
The New York Times writer Joan Paulson Gage, noted in 2013 that "The images of Wilson Chinn in chains, like the one of Gordon and his scarred back, are as disturbing today as they were in 1863. They serve as two of the earliest and most dramatic examples of how the newborn medium of photography could change the course of history."
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lemondrop07 · 2 months
Postcards to Voters!!!!
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[image ID: ten postcards flipped to show the messages on them. they say: "It's time to renew your Florida Vote By Mail. Call (727) 464-8683 to update your VBM enrollment. Get Pinellas County ballots at the address of your choice for every election." the ending of the message varies, but most say "Your Vote = Your Voice" and are signed by Moss. the addresses of the postcards are obscured.]
[image ID: ten postcards with "Be a voter!" written on each, as well as hand-drawn flowers.]
you can help increase voters by volunteering for Postcards to Voters! it's easy and you can do it from your own home. i think the presidential election coming up is probably the most high stakes we've ever seen, so we need to make sure that people are voting!!!
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eraserdude6226 · 2 days
Now that early voting and vote by mail is getting underway, let people know that their votes GO IN THE BOX NOT THE BAG OF SOMEONE ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!! I know, after working 4 elections in the VBM department of the local BOE that there's plenty of money available for workers to work extra.
Make them do their job correctly!! I'm this example, the person should have been calling the local sheriff and letting them know what's going on at that box!!
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Giải pháp lưu trữ an toàn và hiệu quả với kho Kardex trong ngành công nghiệp: Rubix là nhà phân phối sản phẩm công nghiệp nổi tiếng toàn cầu. Tại trung tâm phân phối quốc gia của họ ở Wolverhampton, Vương quốc Anh, các nhà điều hành chọn và bảo trì nhiều bộ phận và cung cấp hàng sẵn có cho khách hàng. Rubix cần một giải pháp mới và an toàn để lưu trữ và phân tách các mặt hàng nguy hiểm. Với hơn 30 máy Kardex được sử dụng trên toàn quốc, Rubix một lần nữa dựa vào các công nghệ tiên tiến của Kardex. Kardex Miniload-in-a-Box được thiết kế đặc biệt cho các vật dụng nhỏ hơn, chứa mọi thứ lên tới 35kg trong thùng 640 × 440 mm, trong khi Kardex Shuttle xử lý phần còn lại. Để tối ưu hóa không gian và duy trì tổ chức có hệ thống, Rubix đã trang bị cho những chiếc máy này Hộp Kardex VBM và Hộp Kardex VLM.
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themiscyradobermans · 6 months
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Themiscyra's Act of True Love IGP1 CGC ATT WAC VBM
Protection phase of her IGP1 routine
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Judd Legum at Popular Information:
There are 49 days until Election Day in the United States. Although the presidential race remains extremely close, Donald Trump and his allies have escalated their efforts to undermine the results.  In a post to Truth Social on Sunday morning, Trump falsely claimed that the United States Postal Service (USPS) "has admitted that it is a poorly run mess that is experiencing mail loss and delays at a level never seen before." Trump asked, "how can we possibly be expected to allow or trust the U.S. Postal Service to run the 2024 Presidential Election?" 
Trump has attacked mail-in voting for years, baselessly asserting that mail-in ballots facilitated fraud that robbed him of victory in 2020. Early this year, Trump appeared to change his tune on the practice. "ABSENTEE VOTING, EARLY VOTING, AND ELECTION DAY VOTING ARE ALL GOOD OPTIONS," Trump posted to Truth Social on April 19. "REPUBLICANS MUST MAKE A PLAN, REGISTER, AND VOTE!" That change of heart appears to be short-lived. In addition to attacking mail-in voting, Trump has advanced broader claims that Democrats "want to cheat" in the 2024 election. In a September 7 Truth Social post, Trump pledged to prosecute and jail Democrats who repeat "the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election." (In nearly 4 years since the 2020 election, Trump has produced no evidence of cheating.) Trump claimed that prosecuting "Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials" was the only way to ensure "this Depravity of Justice does not happen again." Trump will not commit to accepting the results in November, saying he would only do so "if everything's honest." Otherwise, Trump said, he plans to "fight." 
The actual issues with the USPS
Although Trump's claims about the USPS are false, there are specific issues that can be addressed before election days. On September 11, the National Association of Secretaries of State and the National Association of State Election Directors wrote to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who was appointed by Trump, to express concerns about the ability of the USPS to "ability to deliver election mail in a timely and accurate manner." 
For example, in the letter, the groups reported that some USPS staff were not informed about USPS policies around election mail — which is supposed to be prioritized — and urged further training before Election Day. The groups are concerned about receiving ballots with timely postmarks three days or more after Election Day and election mail that is being improperly returned as undeliverable.  The USPS pushed back on the criticism, noting that first-class mail is delivered in an average of 2.7 days and "Election Mail routinely outperforms our regular service performance due to our long-standing processes and procedures." The USPS recommended voters "should mail their completed ballot before Election Day, and at least one week prior to their state’s deadline," which it describes as a "common sense measure."  Notably, none of the National Association of Secretaries of State, the National Association of State Election Directors, the USPS, or the USPS Inspector General expressed any concern about mail-in ballots being used to facilitate fraud. 
The Republican war on the legitimacy of the 2024 election results has begun, with baseless attacks against VBM (even while Trump’s campaign is promoting it).
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statespoll · 2 years
2022 VBM&Early Voting Post. 10/21~ Compare to 2018 VBM&EV
Early Voting Favors DEM compare to 2018: AZ/PA
Early Voting Favors GOP compare to 2018: GA/WI/MN/NC
Not sure yet: MI/NM
1. PA  (in 2020 Midterm PA, Total   159,278   requested  84,906  voted )
10/18  1,205,771 requested  +18.629 from 10/17
10/19  1,223,607 requested. +17.836 from 10/18
10/20   1,243,957  requested +20,350 from 10/19
2. WI (in 2018 Midterm WI, Total   595,914    requested)
10/12 411,945  requested
10/18  442,663  requested
10/20 455,828  requested
Online and by mail deadline in WI: The request must be  in the office of the municipal clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the *5th  day preceding an election.
3. AZ (in 2018 Midterm AZ, Total   2,522,740    requested)
2018 AZ Early voting returned:  REP 41.2 DEM 34.0%  R +7.2%
2022 AZ Early voting
10/17 2,815,953 requested
10/19 2,897,095 requested
10/21 3,011,986 requested
Requested: R 35 / D 34.5  R +0.5
Returned: D 40.2 R 36.1  D +4.1
4. GA (in 2018 Midterm GA VBM 207,306 returned + In person  1,890,156
Total 2,097,462 voted early )
2018 White 58% / Black 30.9 / Other 11.1%
2022 Early voting in Georgia (VBM+In person)
10/20 total 573,598 voted  White 55.3% / Black 33.4 / Other 11.3%
10/21 total 729,053 voted White 55.8% / Black 32.6 / Other 11.6%
5. MI  (in 2018 Midterm MI, Total  1,177,523 requested 876,064 returned )
10/21 1,751,509  requested.  642,877 VBM returned
6. MN (in 2018 Midterm MI, Total  539,806 VBM returned )
10/7  340,525 requested
10/13 400,975 requested
10/20 467,902 requested 172,520  VBM returned
7. NC (in 2018 Midterm NC, Total 2,050,864 )
10/21  186,838 voted.
8. NH
9. ME (in 2018 Midterm ME, Total   192,496 requested 153,969 voted)
10/6   61,117  requested
10/20 150,827 requested.  65,278  returned.
10. NM (in 2018 midterm NM, Total 430,796 voted)
10/14   74,339 requested
10/21    91,517  requested  Total Early Votes: 45,748
11. CT (in 2020 Total  715,003  requested)
10/17  67,546  requested
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sandcastle-art · 2 years
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Help: my robots designed to be mindless tracking machines are getting attached to eachother and exhibiting cat behaviours.
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