saptrishisastro · 9 months
Science of Remedies in Vedic Astrology Course – 2024
Join Astrology Course the Science of Remedies in Vedic Astrology
Trainer: Vinayak Bhatt Date: Jan 27, 2024 Mode: Live Classes Language: English Duration: 11 Classes
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immyoutube · 7 months
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uttraashadha · 3 years
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(Some of my information that I have shared here has been discussed in my previous posts but you can look at this post as collection of all those informations connected to Rahu)
(This post is quite LONG also like a conversation to you guys so I'm not always on the topic. I talk about things connecting to eachother but trust they aren't boring. So please save if for later.)
Bad, Evil, Rachet, Trickster, Fear Inducing, Horrible, Downfalls, Extreme and Obsession.
Are some of the words that are always in Synonym with Rahu.
Why's that?
(Also I'm gonna refer to Rahu as Him because that's how I connect with him)
Rahu has always been this feared shadow planet. This evil entity that everyone runs away from. Specially in India, if an astrologer says "Your Rahu Dasha is coming up"
The first reaction of anybody would be "wait..am I doomed?"
Why did this image of Rahu took place in the first place?
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Well, we gotta look back to early days. When Sages had attached Particular meanings to "Good" and "Bad".
Materialism was looked down upon, while Spirituality was always seen as the "Goal" of life. Rahu being a significator of Materialism hence was given a bad image.
And ofc , as years passes on so does an information. But in an exaggerated form. We humans do have a tendency to exaggerate information EVEN UNKNOWINGLY. We all have our own form of Information and spice to it, and we pass it.
Even if Rahu was seen as mildly malefic and bad in early days. I wouldnt doubt that over the years he had his bad rep spread across even in more exaggerated fashion.
That being said, coming to the current status. Rahu is extremely feared. And at times some astrologers would even charge their clients more out of this misguided fear they have about Rahu.
I also want to discuss how many astrologers also suggest to undertake certain Poojas (worshipping practices) to give Shanti to the planets. Meaning, to Calm down/or give peace to the Planets. So that they give "positive" results and erase the "bad" results.
I want to make a REQUEST. If you ever see an astrologer suggesting you to undertake any worshipping practices to "Calm" down your malefic Planets. -- DONT.
(I see such practices taking place for Saturn and Rahu alot..)
The calming process would not only calm down the bad effects but also the good ones. Putting the planet into a sleep like state and almost invisible in its work towards you.
Rather make active changes in your life style. Yes. Making changes in your lifestyle can help you LOADS. I hope you understand that it's not just planets effecting you. BUT YOU effecting the planets back too and direct how they act towards you. The energies are in constant communication. Its NOT one way.
For example, if you want to make your Saturn be better. Make a routine, Help others, Give food to the need, Take care of your Hair. Etc.
This can change Saturn's energy towards you and make him work in favour of you for the best.
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Coming back to Rahu-!
Rahu is this mobile phone that you are holding right now. Rahu is the internet that's letting you access this page you are on. Rahu is the building you are in right now. Rahu is those highrise towers, Rahu is those bridges. Rahu is this constant curiosity, if directed right EXPLODES in success and is constantly breaking boundaries. Rahu is "Development".
A planet that works like a signifier for all those things that are literal achievements for us as humankind happens to be the most feared of all. Ironic? Isnt it?.
Weirdly also Saturn, which is quite opposite to Rahu's "breaking boundaries" kinda deal is also feared. We seem to be hating on two extremes, I mean that's good, but ironically we humans are always on the extremes ourselves.
(Just a thought)
If I begin to start with what Rahu is in one word. That would be "Teen"
Rahu is legit a Teen. It's a Teen that needs direction. An excited Teen that is explosive in his expressions. Gives back what you give him. Rebels when he feels like it. Is funny in nature. But can give fruitful results if directed towards right.
Rahu is neither good or bad. Rahu is an energy that walks according to YOU. Yes, your chart will determine how this little Teen will work in your life but,. But. Hey. Dont forget it's not one way. Rahu is in communication with you. You can redirect his energy in better direction, honestly.
Rahu is very progressive and is a very energetic/jumpy(?) energy. Hence it needs constant channeling in some way or the other. Restlessness can be quite common when in Rahu Mahadasha or Anatardasha, often you'll think about "I wanna do something" "i wanna start something" "I wanna invest somehwere" "I wanna travel pls take me somehwere". This is quite common. But because of this constant push from rahu for doing something people who are quite lost in life and struggle in decision making can direct his energy towards tricky things, you need to know how to control his energy in such situations. Overindulgence is very common, investing too much in stocks without much of thoughts into it and drug addiction can be common too.
Rahu is ruler of foreign. Stagnation is something rahu might run away from. So trying out new things, new activities (WITH GUIDANCE and RIGHT KNOWING) is a must done thing. He loves progressiveness.
To balance Rahu you need to focus on Ketu. I cant stress on this enough. This is similar to what you must've heard about your SN and NN (your nodes). Becoming spiritual helps Rahu to not totally lose its energy in one way. Passing it to over to Ketu a bit can help create a balance in your rahu.
People with Rahu and Ketu prominent in their charts. Have big dreamy eyes, they are hypnotic in sense. It's like they'd suck you in. Why is that?
It's because expansiveness of these planets. These peoples also happen have big plump lips and very feminine like features to them. Because, Rahu is feminine in nature.
This is something I recently came across on how Rahu is instead very feminine and expresses itself in very very feminine fashion, Taurus and Libra vibes honestly. Its love for beauty, fashion, materialistic things, money speaks for itself . And honestly can be called as sister planet to Venus here.
(EXPECT AN ENTIRE UPCOMING POST ON THIS, I'll explain how Rahu-Venus Nakshatra individuals had alot to do with Art together and how the relations are made)
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Heading on..
Rahu has sense of duality, as I just channeled, Rahu is very experimental and doesn't like to fit in "one" thing. He plays around with his energies and often I believe is why someone's Rahu aspecting 7th house, or having connection to 7th lord or prominent in Navamsha makes them someone who is most likely to be part of LGBTQ+ and date foreigners, or if uncontrolled/badly aspected these people can also fall into dating alot of people and as well as having obsessive tendencies in/with relationships and can also result in cheating or being cheated.
Hence why Rahu does amazing with Mercury (planet known for its duality and also a representative half man/half woman, falling in between and not falling in particular term)
Rahu with Mercury becomes this intellectual that understands this world quite well. And hence know how to manipulate things into their favour for good. I've noticed North node/Rahu in Gemini are such??? Good??? Dual Players??? They are some very good diplomats. But this can go extreme in bad if their mercury energy is not channelized well. Mercury is a trickster and so Is Rahu hence entire situation CAN be tricky ahah-
But if you guys also have Mercury and Rahu in gemini sitting Haha.. I guess you'll be quite successful if you take right directions. coughs BUSSINESSMEN cought
This brings me to the fact that Rahu takes on the energy of the planet its sitting in with and explodes it. The planets its sitting in with hopefully should be in good condition itself. Hence Rahu is best preferred if it's sitting alone. Abd specially in the basis of fame, Rahu alone is best preferred.
Rahu-Sun and the Degree games.
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Rahu with sun becomes tricky honestly. Eclipse. You see? Rahu's a Shadow planet, so conjuncting planet like Sun SPECIALLY within 6 degrees, its said that the Sun is now eclipsed by the Rahu's Shadow. (Lunar Eclipse is associated but Ketu and Solar, by Rahu) Mhm, but there is a degree play here for it to be ACTUALLY eclipsing the planet. We all are aware that Rahu and Ketu or the Nodes are ALWAYS in retrograde. Meaning they travel backwards than other planets, so seeing that. Let's say your Sun is at, um 18°. And your Rahu is at let's say 19°. The conjunction is close yup, but you see here Rahu is REACHING the sun. I mean Rahu goes backwards right, so when it Reaches the sun. It can be said that the Eclipse is happening. Meaning, Rahu now is putting a shadow on Sun, hence issues with Father, distance with father, identity issues? Issues with law can hover around.
BUT! If your Rahu is at 17° it means that it has now CROSSED the Sun, so the eclipse is NOT occurring. Meaning now Rahu is going to explode Sun's characteristics and Support it as it's NOT hindering Sun's shine anymore. And hence the "Negative" effects of Rahu wont be seen as Rahu's shadow has CROSSED the sun and isn't effecting it anymore. But instead is affecting it quite positively. Rahu working as an exploser and also quite dominant planet now as it's at the "lower" degree. (To clarify I've said before, that planets that are at lower degree are dominant in the conjunction and has more of a say in the behaviours/outcome of that conjunction) but dont forget, Rahu is STILL following Sun's footsteps.
And also by "Negative" effects of Rahu, I by no means mean to say that Rahu possess natural negative effects. I'm just saying Rahu is shadowing and hindering Sun's shine.
Ways you can positively direct Rahu
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(ima just copy paste from my previous post and add more BECAUSE ITS 3AM PLS) THE POST .
🖤 0% VERBAL ABUSE, look not gonna lie idk what it is but I've already explained Mercury and Rahu's connection and how similar they are. Rahu also likes the energy of Gemini, i believe he just likes to not mess with things his fav sign represents LMAO jokes apart but stop with bad tongue or your Rahu gonna not direct itself well it, turns his energy wayyyy off.
🖤 Have your Sun "eclipsing" your Rahu?, Got a remedy for you. If you feel like you have issues with your father figure/authority. Try understanding their perspective at some point. I know that's hard, but just "Trying" can give out a positive engery ATLEAST from your side.
🖤 Dont wear torn shoes and stuff like that disturbs your Rahu as well as Saturn's flow in your life.
🖤 Surroundings should be clean, As I said Rahu explodes the energy. And there is a constant communication. You create energy of messiness in your room, rahu gives back more messiness in your surroundings in general.
🖤 Following other people's advices during rahu can be beneficiary. Also of people who you trust, like mom and dad or anybody older in age.
🖤 Not thinking before actions (Look , Rahu is a trickster. He sometimes likes to trick you for test purposes only so you can grow and be stronger. Now its up to you if you dont think through things and or fall for his tricks)
🖤Traveling Empowers your Rahu. He loves the energy of it. No you dont gotta travel abroad (Though he will create circumstances for you to travel again and again if your positions in chart agree to it). But only if you just go around the block and meet new people,if not that, study about different cultures and so and different things that’s outside your comfort zone.
🖤 Feed Cats,Take care of them or if you love Cats just get one😭. But feed some here and there if you find any. Rahu rules Cats. Ketu Rules the Dogs. Feeding Dogs during Ketu’s dasha helps. Take care of them.
🖤 Be spiritual and Nice to others. Rahu is materialistic but you also gotta balance that Ketu to balance both of their energy as whole or else you just gonna get sucked in to only one way.
🦚If you have Rahu in first, touch your body with a peacock feather 7 times.
🦚If you have in 3rd, Keep it in your office or so.
🦚If in 2nd, keep it your money area.
🦚If in 4th, keep in your house in general. Etc.
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I hope through this post, I was able to clear some misconceptions and confusions about our shadow teen, Rahu and also If you have any stories, thoughts etc to share, comment below to let me know I'd love to hear all of your sides.I am so grateful for all your support. I love you guys. Bless your hearts.
reception! 𓆉
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vydicyagnyacenter · 2 years
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vyasivedichomas · 3 years
Goddess Maha Saraswati Homam | Saraswati Puja
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Saraswati is the Goddess of intelligence, wisdom and learning. This Homam helps to achieve heights in their career and education.
To book this "Goddess Maha Saraswati Homam" online, please contact Us Now @ +91 86021 55935
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lifehealershribadri · 3 years
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July 1-Mars opposite Saturn Feeling frustrated? Over heated by an inner fire? Stay calm, #Pitadosha is enflamed now. Deadly high temperatures have swept across North America, as fiery Mars has aligned with a hard cruel gaze of Saturn. Simultaneously disruptive Uranus is at the midpoint between them, increasing their high-pressure potency and enflaming tempers everywhere. This is a particularly tense astrological alignment that may feel frustrating, awkward or sticky. There may be a lot to do, and no clear action plan. Stay cool, non-reactive, and keep things as simple as possible. Things will get done, one step at a time. Warrior Mars is now positioned in the entangling star of the snake, ASHLESHA, a tantric star of healing, magic and inner-work. There’s an inward pull for self-protection now, that may feel at odds with a desire for connectivity and love, as Venus and Mars join in July. Issues around trust, creativity and power are unfolding in the weeks to come-- especially following the new moon of July 9. Sign up for free Full and New moon forecasts to find out more. Link in bio @anandashree_vedic_astrology Art by Andrew Gonzales #vedicastrology #jyotish #jyotishastrology #vedicastrologer #vedicspirituality #nakshatra #ashlesha #saturnretrograde #marstransit #kuja #ayurveda #spiritualawakening #yogaart #kundalini #tantrichealing #vedicremedies #energyhealing #venustransit #yogacalm #healingmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CQxUe1VH15o/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarotbymansha · 4 years
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DROP A TEXT TO KNOW MORE.💖 Please note that we are also humans and we don’t do magic. So the remedies will take a lot more than just the work. Your intentions need to be pure. You need to be a little patient for the remedies to work.❤️ It takes 21-41 days for remedies to work. . . #tarotbymmansha #astrology #astrologyposts #vedicremedies #vedic #vedicastrology #vedicremedy #vedicremediesforallproblems (at Tarot by Mmansha) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKqcz78AbEF/?igshid=1y2o7ccp65fvl
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bssastrology · 5 years
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Remedial Measure allows one to solve his or her problems by modifying the karma in a systematic way. Each planet emits specific energy and these devic energies can be influenced by using appropriate tools and approaches. Jyotish Remedial Measure means a conscious effort which may include chanting (Japa) of Vedic prayers (Mantras), wearing of gemstones (Ratnas), fasting (Upavash) on certain days, wearing amulets (Yantras or Kavachas), donating to the poor (Daana), , contributing to Vedic fire-rituals (Yajnas) etc. - Call us now: +91 9810466622, +91 9871620010
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saptrishisastro · 1 year
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vedicguruji · 6 years
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vyasivedichomas · 3 years
Ganapati Tarpanam For Success in Career, Education & Business!
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This can be helpful for depression and at the time of surgery. Mahaganapati Tarpanam is a ritual involving invocation whereby we offer our happiness to Lord Ganapati. The ritual involves taking a leaf (beatle leaf or any leaf) and making a small pyramid of turmeric on top of it – into which Lord Ganapati is invoked.
To order this Homam, you can directly contact with
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Visit: https://www.vyasi.in/
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vydicyagnyacenter · 3 years
"TARA MAHA VIDYA YAGYA" On 27th April, 2021
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Vedic Yagya Center is Conducting "TARA MAHA VIDYA YAGYA" On 27th April, 2021. BEST REMEDY FOR EDUCATION AND KNOWLEDGE Sponsorship: $351
To Book This Yagya Call or WhatsApp: +1-512-633-7999 Email: [email protected] To Get The Order Online: https://www.vydic.com/yagya/tara-maha-vidya-yagya/
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vydicyagnyacenter · 3 years
Free Vedic Astrology Advice Online | Vedic Yagya Center
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Vedic Yagya Center provide the most effective traditional Vedic Yagyas, Pujas, and other remedial measures that assist individuals and organizations in achieving their desires in daily life.
Book an Appointment Call or WhatsApp: +1-512-633-7999 Email: [email protected] Visit: https://www.vydic.com
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vydicyagnyacenter · 3 years
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The second one in the Dasa Maha Vidya series is Goddess Sri Tara. This form of Goddess is worshipped as a guide, protector, and savior as well as the one who bestows Spiritual knowledge by opening our third inner eye, which helps one discriminate between the real and illusionary forms of creation. She is the only one who can lead us to Salvation by empowering one’s perception of genuine spiritual knowledge. She is also known as Matangi or Neela Saraswati. Through this Yagya, Planet Jupiter can be appeased, and it is a potent remedy for Education and Knowledge.
Sponsorship: $351
To Book This Yagya
Call or WhatsApp: +1-512-633-7999
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We suggest and encourage you to participate in this yagya and be blessed by Mother divine.
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