#vegas would have to take an ENORMOUS amount of accountability for me to ever get onboard this relationship
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theoverworld · 7 years
There Is No Such Thing As Area 51
There is no such thing as Area 51. Sorry! And the fact that it’s the golden egg of conspiracy theories worldwide is exactly what the US government wants. I’m writing this in a bit of a rush and I don’t have any of my thoughts organized, so I’m just going to break it down as follows:
Groom Lake / Paradise Ranch / Edwards AF Extension / Restricted Training Facility UX104
These are a few names for the place you know as Area 51. I don’t know much about its history, but essentially it was intended by the US Air Force to be a secret weapons-testing facility during the Cold War. It had a few on-site extensions; one of them was for developing experimental rocket and jet engines, one was for training contingents of troops for nuclear warfare and post-apocalyptic survival, etc. But much like the third Star Wars movie, the site and its purpose got out around the time of the Roswell incident, and a media frenzy popularized the base. The government tried at first to quell speculation about it, but then adopted another strategy: feed into the hype, and simply move the base a few dozen miles away.
Today, Groom Lake (Area 51) is a small but functional military airport and base. It’s got a bunch of bunkers mostly housing low-security servers, and some munitions tests are performed there. Staff are regularly moved in and out, mostly folks who are low on the totem pole and trying to climb up the ladder to the real facility. There are some very outdated nuclear fallout shelters that are still maintained and used for storage. The facility consumes an enormous amount of power, and everything possible is done to make it look like a well-guarded military base that is engaged in some huge, secret operations.
The employees really do fly there every day from Las Vegas on conspicuously inconspicuous jets marked as “JANET,” sometimes referred to as “Just Another Non-Existent Terminal.” And they want you to notice. And wonder. They want you to wonder where those jets are going.
And they never want you to spend one second thinking about where they came from.
The real “Area 51”
This is the most exciting part, because as far as I can tell in my limited and clandestine researching, nobody has ever divulged the real secret before. It’s pretty highly guarded, and they straight up murder people who are stupid enough to share it. Murder isn’t even the right word. They erase people from existence. Sometimes entire families. That’s why the government freaks out when they find that one of their employees is terminal and has nothing left to lose. It’s why if you’re an employee there, you only see their doctors, so that they know about your health before you even know about it. They want you to die real quick of a sudden heart attack, so that you never have a moment to think about how you might do a public service and air their dirty laundry. And sometimes they induce those heart attacks when they determine you to be an HMT, or “health-motivated threat.”
But I didn’t need to see a doctor to know that I am suffering from the same malignant tumor that killed my father: glioblastoma multiforme. Every three months we get a health evaluation, and every six months we get a CAT scan. I simply didn’t report the very damning symptoms this past eval, and I’ll probably be gone before they scan me next. I really wanted to do this instead. Maybe just to be the first, I guess. The only other thing I’ve ever done with my life is fix computers.
The real secret military base is McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas.
The history of the airport was always bound up in military involvement. Before and during WWII, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Air Force were building, storing, training, and doing all sorts of things there. Basically the government (and its corporate benefactors in the military-industrial complex, of course) acquired full ownership of the airport around the time Area 51/Groom Lake exploded in the public eye. It was a rush job, and a simple solution.
For all intents and purposes, McCarran is an airport. It moves civilians in and out and all over the world just like any other airport on earth, but its subterranean operations are really something else entirely.
First of all, you have to understand the structure of this military base.
Because it serves ostensibly as a business of public transportation, every single aspect of the base has dual functions. This is called “masking,” and it is deployed with remarkable effectiveness at McCarran. To name a few examples, the constant take-offs and landings of airplanes provides sound-camouflage for cutting-edge engine tests. The public completely ignores these sounds and dismiss them as the standard cacophony of airports. Some of the jets themselves are even equipped with technology under test, while others are used to transport hundreds of government employees dressed as vacationing civilians. At any given time in McCarran, up to six of the gates* (corrected by a reader; I initially said terminals) are filled with employees of the highest echelons of the US military and government. They sit around on their iPhones, dressed as college kids in their pajamas or weary businessmen. And they’re paid to look the part.
The entire base is heavily guarded by plainclothes soldiers. Military police, tactical specialists, counter-terrorism forces, and all kinds of soldiers scurry about the airport dressed like cops, airport security, and desk attendants. Their weapons are usually concealed sidearms; the real firepower is packed by the boys waiting around underground. Assault rifles and armor-piercing weaponry is stored around the airport’s public spaces in various places. It’s not hard to do, because nobody’s looking for it. And of course they hire a good number of civilians to work the TSA and other positions; this is called “mixing” and it’s necessary. What kind of airport would never post any job listings?
Have you ever watched the mechanics ducking in and out of the planes outside, or seen your luggage loaded onto the plane as you board? Well, all of that cargo transport activity acts as a cover for the mass movement of special forces, lab equipment, military hardware, exotic building materials, etc. It’s not hard to do. They drive one of those rigs by with all the luggage spilling out of it, and then you instinctively don’t question what’s on the other four rigs behind it. We even have mix-ups and spills occasionally, and nobody bats an eye.
You’re always exposed to some level of radiation while flying (and McCarran, by the way, is why the standard of safe exposure is set where it’s at), but excess radiation from weapons-testing is vented into the earth and out of the nearby desert. Having an airport to explain the radiation is an effective means of ridding the base of nosy folks with Geiger counters. But the true genius of this top-secret military installation is at the largest scale: the base was built under an airport because of the enormity of its power consumption. But it consumes a lot more power than a regular airport, so it was built in a city that consumes a tremendous amount of power – Las Vegas. So the base is hidden from view, even on the electric power grid. Area 51? Not so much. And that’s on purpose.
Inside the base
So if Area 51 is the distraction, what do we call the real one? It has many names, but it’s usually referred to as the “NEXUS.” That’s an acronym, but not many people know what it means. Not even me. Everything about the Nexus, from its operations to its structure, is compartmentalized. That means everything is need-to-know, and virtually nobody knows anything more than their own specific task. You could work in an office in the Nexus doing something like accounting, and never have one single clue what the woman next to you does. Or the guy down the hall. They say not even the President knows exactly what’s going on there, just a few generals and some dudes in the CIA.
The business culture here is insane. It’s like North Korea. Everyone is smiling, everyone is fine, and everyone is happy to say just a few phrases about what it is they do (when we’re allowed to socialize, which is not much). Every line is bugged, every room has a camera in it, and nobody knows who’s watching/listening or when. So that makes you think, nobody here is telling me the truth about anything. Not even the guy I share an office with. I wonder if any of us know why we are here. People you’ve worked with for a long time will suddenly get “reassigned” or have a “medical emergency” and you’ll never see them again. And nobody will remember that person, no matter how many people you ask.
I actually got hired to do some programming for the Navy when I was in my early 20’s out of college, and then got sent to Groom Lake to do server tests. They liked my IT/networking skills, so after a series of strange psychological tests and mountains of non-disclosure agreements and background searches, I got offered a job “at a facility near Las Vegas proper.” Here are a few stipulations of that job, by the way: It’s a $1,500,000 after-tax lump sum plus a $220,000/year stipend, housing/car/medical paid for – but psychological breakdowns, anxiety attacks, grave health conditions, and family issues void the contract. I also sign approximately 2 new non-disclosure agreements per week, most of which read “under penalty of death” somewhere. Employees aren’t allowed to leave the grounds for 5 years, and we all live underground. Term of service is 5 years, then 4 in debriefing, wherein we get to live in Vegas but report to another facility four days a week. We are discharged and observed for the rest of their lives. Our passports are permanently void; we cannot ever leave the continental US. I heard a statistic that 20% of former employees commit suicide. I don’t know if it’s true, but if it is, I bet it’s actually “suicide.”
The base is underground. It’s a network of large structures called hives, which form what is called the “Colony” or the “Nexus.” We make lots of Resident Evil jokes, by the way. Except unlike in that movie, the government doesn’t try to make its employees feel comfortable with fake forests and windows overlooking digital cityscapes. It is a dark, dreary, Soviet-style labyrinth of halls and bunkers, replete with all sorts of submarine-like features: water- and air-tight hatches, trap doors, reinforced blast doors, etc. The only exception are the office ‘buildings’ inside where chair-moisteners like me work. They look just like the office you work in. Except the men with guns standing guard 24-7 everywhere, looking over your shoulder. Oh, and the beautiful, almost surreal glow of the cutting-edge laboratories that pock the lower levels of each building. I’ve never been in them, but I’ve passed by a few times.
There are 4 hives to my knowledge (although I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more). I work in Hive 1. I run some of the servers with a few other guys on one particular floor (there are 16 floors in our hive), but we monitor and maintain all of the servers in Hive 1 so we move around a bit. I’ve gotten to skim some of the data that passes through, and from what I can tell, we’re the most boring hive. I’ve compiled the following list based on the things I’ve intercepted on our network and also from hearsay from other coworkers. The Nexus has multiple networks and they’re all decentralized, but there are some ways in which they communicate, and it is via those lines of communication that I am privy to some sensitive information. Here’s what I know:
Hive 1: finance, accounting, operations/organization divisions, troop training/housing, and some small-scale weapons testing.
Hive 2: Chemical engineering, some nano-tech research, and “advanced psychological fitness,” whatever that means, for elite military forces. Probably black-ops stuff and how to survive thirty years in solitary confinement at a Siberian prison. I also have reason to believe this is the hive where the bigwigs meet and live.
Hive 3: Upper levels = bioweapon and disease research/testing. If the government has zombies, they’ve got to be here. I’ve wanted to make so fucking many zombie jokes over the years, but I never know which of my coworkers is a rat. Lower levels = Advanced space-travel and space-warfare technologies. Particle engines and gravitational beams and the like (guessing, no real evidence). Science-fiction stuff. I once saw an email with all sorts of coded language, marked “A-B,” which is widely believed to refer to “astrobiology.” That’s alien life. Maybe it’s just some single-celled organisms or fossilized plants from some meteor, or maybe it’s something much more advanced. Whatever it is, there must be some reason it’s not on the upper levels with all the biologists.
Hive 4: Total informational blackout. There are encryptions and firewalls and network security features protecting this hive that I’ve never seen before, not even on top-secret Navy projects I worked in the past. I’m being very nonspecific in the language I use to describe our server clusters and networks because I don’t want to tell them exactly who I am. They’ll eventually find out anyway. But there’s a widely-whispered rumor about Hive 4: allegedly, the most terrifying thing in the world is in that structure on floor 15.
There are a few unusual things about Hive 4. First of all, none of the top brass has clearance to get in there. They access it remotely via video feed in their conference rooms, and materials are often transported from 4 to 2 for physical review. I don’t know why our bigwigs won’t go into 4, but maybe it’s because it’s too dangerous? There was one guy who worked in 4 a few years ago when I first started, and he caused the first Nexus-wide lockdown I’ve ever seen. He was being escorted through 1 thumpers (what we call the squads of black-booted soldiers that grant access to different hives), and he started shrieking about IDA’s. I didn’t hear his screams, but I heard the gunshot while I was eating lunch. They put a bullet in the back of his head before he could finish his sentence. IDA’s, by the way, are inter-dimensional anomalies. I have no further information on what those are.
Another thing I’ve read minimally about are “the twins.” I don’t know who or what these are, but they’re the “above-top-secret” gem of Hive 4. It is treasonous to even correspond about them on our secure networks unless you are cleared to do so, and only four employees are. I’ve only seen a few things about them. One was a medical record. No vitals, unusual vocalizations that manifest hallucinations and psychosis in nearby employees, and skin that produces violent nausea when touched. The document was basically speculation that the skin functions much like the Australian stinging tree or a jellyfish.
I read documents about people who worked with them as well. In 4, a woman was remanded to the psychological ward after being in the same room with them, and a soldier who stood outside of the laboratory where they are kept basically killed himself. Specifically, he peeked inside during a routine access, then began bashing his own brains out with the butt of a pistol while singing an Irish folksong. The woman who was remanded to psych was even weirder: during breakfast with her colleagues, she grabbed a fork, stood up, walked out of the mess hall, stripped all of her clothes off, blinded herself in both eyes, then somehow managed to make her way all the way up to Floor 1 where the access corridor to Hive 3 is located. How she managed to operate the dozens of keycard readers, passcode boxes, and retinal scanners is still under review. Last email regarding her was sent in 2012, about how she sits in the dark of solitary on Floor 11’s psych ward with a permanent and blissful grin on her face.
One of my colleagues whom I trust told me that he saw the twins once through hacked access to a video feed. He said they are woman-like, about twice as tall as a full-grown man, with unidentifiable black growths dangling from their heads (like hair but thicker), and they basically float a few inches off the ground and drag their toes lightly as they move. They’re utterly pale. He never saw the faces, but he claims that they appear to distort reality (or at least the video feed) in such a way that space looks bent around them. Perhaps these are the IDA’s that earlier dude was screaming about.
This is all I have for now. But hopefully the world knows the truth someday about what goes on down here. We are all basically prisoners. We have very limited and supervised access to the internet, so if you don’t hear from me again, assume they figured me out.
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taww · 6 years
Show Report: AXPONA 2018 by MGD
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I’m deeply honored to share this show report by my old friend and audio mentor Martin DeWulf. Marty, or MGD, founded Bound for Sound magazine back in 1989, and quickly became a major voice in the subjectivist high-end scene. More personally, he was hugely influential in my formative years as an audiophile. Back when I was a broke music student, he responded to my letter asking for affordable recommendations by sending me my first speakers, a pair of Tannoy bookshelves. Later he brought me on as a staff writer and taught me most everything I know about this crazy hobby. I’m forever grateful for his support and guidance over the years.
Marty had to stop publishing several years ago due to serious health issues, and after a long hiatus it was wonderful to hear from him again. He stopped by the AXPONA audio show in Chicago in April, and shared this thoughtful and touching account. Marty, it’s great to have you back.
It had been approximately 9 long, cold years since I had attended an audio show of any kind. There had been a time when audio and the trade shows were an indispensable part of my life…I went to at least one show a year for over 26 years. So, it was a decision of monumental proportions when I decided that I would go to AXPONA 2018. It would mean putting my cane away and driving to the Chicago area (Schaumberg). Worst of all, it would mean talking my wife, Laura, into going with me.  I couldn’t go it alone and she is not a fan of audio shows.
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Unfortunately, the illness that has been so much a part of my life for the last 9 years could not be totally cast off for even a day, not entirely anyway. My wife knew how much being there meant to me, so I begged her indulgence and promised her the moon in return…how could she not bend to my persuasion? She agreed to go once I plied her with chocolate. Laura even agreed to drive. We found the hotel with ease and made our way inside after putting the handicap placard in the window of our car. Once in the front door it smelled like audiophiles wearing cheap cologne and Burkenstocks. I started seeing people that I hadn’t seen in almost a decade. Paul McGowan was first to go by, I recognized him, but I don’t think he remembered me … just a big guy looking lost and a bit out of breath. Turning my attention down the hallway I spotted Richard Vandersteen. Not that many years ago (the middle 1970s but it seems like yesterday to me), Richard made his way to his first CES with a pair of Model II speakers under his arm, after which, and for good reason, he became an almost overnight audio sensation. Again, I wasn’t recognized, but he did smile nicely at my wife.
The longer I was there, the more those old feelings of purpose and belonging started coming back. As some of the pain that kept me away for so long started to settle in my back and legs, I knew it was only a matter of time until someone that I knew would turn around and be glad to see me too.
Every year in Las Vegas while I was reviewing, there would be a flock of manufacturers in big, fancy rooms setting up systems costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Sometimes the speakers alone would cost more than a years’ wages, maybe double that - $35,000 for an amplifier, $25,000 for a preamp and another $20,000 for a source component. Put it all in an enormous room, far larger than any real audiophile would want, get lousy sound and then tell everyone how wonderful everything was under the conditions. Conditions!? A system costing over $150,000 should be able to overcome anything you throw at it. I am therefore, out of a sense of fairness, going to put an emphasis on those rooms that were smaller than a basketball court and filled by names which might not be, for the ordinary audiophile, common household names.
There were three rooms, which, in my estimation, were ahead of all others for reasons notable and different. Now this is what an audio show is all about!
As a whole, I thought the aggregate sound to be far above anything I’d heard while attending the various CES from 1989 through 2009. I believe some of the praise for the overall sound had to do with the quality of the rooms at the Renaissance convention center…far better than anything I can recall from CES Chicago or Las Vegas. If there was a common failing demonstrated from room to room there, it had to be in the bass. There was plenty of bass, everyone had bass, but save for the very few (that I will mention), the lower the bass went, the more “one-note” it became. Fortunately, by the time the music hit one-note-land it was sufficiently deep that most people wouldn’t even notice the effect.
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PranaFidelity, HRT Stage VIII, YG Acoustics, Ayon Audio
There were three rooms that I felt to be well ahead of the others that I heard. Not having heard every room, please don’t view my opinions here as some Biblical truth on everything at the show – it’s not. Except for maybe these rooms:
GamuT: Until this day, I’d never really been a big Gamut fan…well, I am now. The Gamut amp, preamp and speakers (RS7 speakers, $39,000.00) disappeared in the room, but that isn’t what mesmerized me – no, it was the tone and organic texturing which hijacked my sonic expectations, expectations founded on years and years of listening and observing critically. I’m not referring to these things in the normal context of a reviewer writing for his readers. For, I have never, ever heard the human voice reproduced as naturally as it was in this room, and I expect, had you been in the room with me you would feel the same. For the “old audio soldier” who has quite literally “heard it all” and heard it all more than once, I had never before experienced the breathy sensation of life in front of a microphone being played back into a room like it had been that day. It was uncanny and, need I say?, lifelike. Extraordinarily, lifelike. Why? Pinning the “why?” on any one component is foolish and a sure way to be found wrong when the reason for this wonderful illusion is made manifest. But I should mention this, the components in this “living” room were all perched upon a product named Pneuance and the Pneupods. Feet that one inflates inside an industrial looking metal cup, and then places under the equipment (even the speakers, or so I’m told). Was it the Pneupods? I don’t know, and I suspect that even without the Pneupods the room would still have dropped my jaw multiple inches.
Prana Fidelity: Here we have a speaker that doesn’t cost more than a new Harley Davidson, though it may be just as exciting. Steve Norber is a wonderful human being, but now I suspect he might be an even better audio designer!!! Fed by a Luxman CD player, Steve designed the preamp (purna/ca $5,950.00), the power amp (purna/ma, 400 wpc, $8,950.00) and the loudspeakers (Bhava $4,950.00). The speakers heard that day were a relatively small three driver, two way affair mounted upon sturdy stands by Sound Anchor. Immutable are the laws of physics. A clear understanding of electrical engineering and speaker design might allow a designer to cheat a physical law here or there (something Bob Carver has been a genius at), but, from what I was hearing with these speakers, amp and preamp combo, there appeared to be a complete re-write of the laws of audiology in progress. How did Steve do it? The one note bass in other rooms was not present here. With speakers this size, bass response isn’t generally expected in prodigiously clean amounts, yet, bass from this compact speaker went wonderfully low, and scary loud without the faintest hint of distortion or fatigue inducing colorations. If looking for a speaker in the $5,000 range, I strongly suggest visiting Steve Norber at Prana.
HRT Stage VIII stacked speaker system from Elite AV Distribution: The speaker arrangement was indeed unusual being unique in my experience and very favorably priced. Supported by a distinguished group of backup components those speakers truly sang. Paired with a table that costs more than I’ll ever be able to afford, the beautiful Kuzma Stabi M ($19,225.00), with another $10,000.00 worth of arm and cartridge, feeding a Plinius phono stage, was a dynamo, even explosive at times, making some of the hottest vinyl of the ‘70s seem on fire. But the speakers were the attention getters in this room. A pair of HRT speakers will set you back $650.00. That’s not a typo. What Elite did, something most audiophiles would not think of doing, was stack multiple pairs of the HRT speakers one upon the other. I haven’t seen someone do that since the hot audiophile trick of stacking large Advent speakers one upon the other back in the 1970s. Was it 8 pairs here? I forget, but once tied together with some very effective Furutech wires and cabling, the system was capable of a stentorian assault on the human auditory system – oh, could it go loud! And yet on getting a simple whisper right, the system excelled. Good job Elite.
These are the show entrants which, for one reason or another, struck me as superb performers and fully deserving of mention:
The VAC Amplification Company is here, not for a single performance in any one room, but for the fact that VAC gear was sounding exceptional in any number of rooms. VAC, with speakers from Von Schweikert, Sonist and Gershman enhanced their presentations. I particularly liked the Posh speakers from Gershman with the VAC electronics. They gave a full room experience that was balanced and enjoyable.
I’ve known Bill Dudleston for a long time and was hoping to talk to him in his room … he wasn’t there (when I was, anyway). But his speakers were and acted like the world class performers they are. Taking up a small corner of a very large room, Legacy Audio demonstrated the AERIS, 4.5 way system ($21,450.00). They sounded articulate as well as potent, all packaged in a very attractive industrial motif.
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Legacy Audio, Acapella Audio Arts, Clearaudio Innovation
Being an audiophile born in the 50s, but coming of age in the 70s, I have known of and wanted, at times desperately, a speaker based on the Ohm/Walsh driver. In Chicago was HHR Exotic Speakers and their top of the line product carried the moniker TLS-1 ($15,000.00). Low and behold, what I saw was a single 12” Walsh type driver with full 360 degree dispersion filling the room with seamless sound! No woofer, no midrange driver, no crossover, just the beautiful Walsh driver energizing a room of happy audiophiles. I believe that this speaker may have made the top rank were it not for the sensation I had that the driver wasn’t quite broken in. The exhibitor confirmed my suspicion when he said that the speaker had been built just for the show…and I was there on the first day.
I don’t usually think of audio when I hear the word Einstein. From Germany comes Einstein audio electronics. As I sat and listened, the more I was convinced that these guys with their tube and solid state designs knew the sound of music and saw to it that their equipment reflected that. I wish I had more facts to give you other than a few subjective findings; the sonic experience in the Einstein room was a worthy one. Which brings me to a new marque called Eikon. From Gayle Sanders of Martin Logan fame comes a new DSP intelligent loudspeaker that, if I understand this correctly, constantly adjusts its output to compensate for irregularities in the listening room. Ordinarily, I’d be supremely skeptical of such a system - too complicated - but it sounded good. I liked it a hair less than the Gamut (less refined, not as amazingly textured), but the potential to be better does seem to be there. Ayon tube electronics with Lumen White loudspeakers showed fast and full range at the same time. The Orthos mono amps with Spheris preamp retail for around $60,000.00 together. The Lumen White speakers had an unusual finish and retail for $49,900.00.
Help! I need something that costs less than thirty-fifty thousand dollars – quick! Whew, leave it to an Italian firm to come to the rescue. AudioThesis of Arlington, Texas is importing a sweet sounding, single-ended integrated tube amplifier from Mastersound with a retail price of $3,500.00. Now we’re talking! Appearing much more expensive than its price, the unit was refined yet dynamic sounding, while maintaining that certain organic sweetness so many audiophiles hunger for. If you are not an oil baron or social network owner, the Mastersound may be your musical ticket. And while on the enjoyable subject of equipment some would say is affordable, let me introduce Wells Audio. Showing with Anticables and Salk Sound, Wells featured the Commander preamplifier. Trying to get technical aspects of a product correct in a full blown review can be difficult, much less in a show report, but let me try. This preamplifier is a tube/transistor hybrid using a 12BH7A triode tube and phase splitter buffer stage . . . and it just gets more complex after that. But the gear sounds really good. Affordable? They have solid state power amps at $4,000.00, $6,000.00 and a coming amp at $1,699.00. I’m going to keep an eye on these guys because the power amplifiers look especially worthy of coverage.
A decade ago, I didn’t care for these speakers at all. Nor did I care much for the sound of their power amps and preamps. The company was mbl, my first exposure being to the Radialstrahler metal driver loudspeaker. You’ve seen them. They look like a metal football on top of a shiny base. When I first heard them so many years ago, they sounded metallic and hard: which they were, they being made of metal and being hard. They sounded better this year, a lot better, so much so, that I thoroughly enjoyed my 15 minutes or so in the mbl suite. The drivers kind of remind me of the Walsh driver, at least in principle, and that’s a good thing. Expensive? Don’t ask.
Pass Labs has it right. Pricey electronics, okay, I understand that. But the build quality, in my opinion, justifies the price. For $4,900.00 Pass has introduced a 25 wpc pure class A amplifier, and they have a new preamp in the affordable range too. The cool thing about Pass is that they may introduce a less expensive model every now and then, but they don’t sacrifice sonics to do so. In my estimation, the 25 wpc amp sounds as fine as the 30 wpc amp, which sounds as fine as the 60 wpc amp. They just have less power, but since they all run pure class A and are built to a similarly high quality – they all sound fantastic. I’d be as happy as a hound dog chasin’ a raccoon if I had a set of 160 wpc mono amps, but owning the 30 wpc Pass stereo amplifier has made me a happy audiophile for a long time.
With the rejuvenated interest in vinyl records, the invasion of the record cleaners was in full force – it had to happen. I’m not naming them, nor am I making any recommendations as to what works and what does not. Why don’t you buy one and then tell me.
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Joseph Audio Pearl 3, GamuT RS7
I didn’t feel that I could walk away from this assignment without first giving a nod to some of the attendees that came across extremely well without me being able to have an extended listen to the products themselves. Here are my impressions:
Joseph Audio: Fine drivers with Infinite Slope crossovers.
Pear Audio turntables: Made great sound in more than one room – made me want one.
Karan Acoustics: Beautiful electronics made to high standards.
NOLA loudspeakers: The Contender S3 for $6,900.00, high efficiency with purity of sound.
Dynaudio: I love their drivers…
Clearaudio turntables: Beauty with functionality (and I own one!).
VPI turntables: They were everywhere.
Magico: I’ve always loved the sound of these, if only they didn’t cost so much!!!
Daedalus speakers: Gorgeous build quality and sound. Made great advancements in sound.
ELAC: Old name, new promise with a nice sounding inexpensive speaker.
Rogue Audio: Every room they were in sounded good.
YG Acoustics: Didn’t care for this speaker a few years back, much better now.
Kronos: Beautiful turntables with counter rotating platters that I had a hard time taking my eyes off of.
Parasound: I got to their room just as I was starting to feel pretty poorly. As always, Richard Schram was amiable and a joy to talk to, but I wasn’t able to take him up on his offer of a tour. They were showing with Tekton loudspeakers, a brand I’ve been dying to hear, if only for the unique, some might say weird, tweeter arrangements. Sorry guys, I couldn’t stay.
And kudos to the two guys from Peoria, Illinois that not only remembered me but remembered my heart’s work, Bound for Sound.
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airoasis · 5 years
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/quit-social-media-dr-cal-newport-tedxtysons-2/
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
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Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Denise RQ You as a rule do not have an understanding of that correct now, you’re in reality looking at anything rather rare. Considering the fact that i am a millennial laptop scientist booklet creator standing on a TEDx stage, and but, I’ve in no way had a social media account. How this occurred used to be actually reasonably random. Social media first got here onto my radar when I was once at tuition, my sophomore 12 months of school, that is when fb arrived at our campus. And on the time, which used to be proper after the first dotcom bust, I had had a dorm room trade, i’d had to shut it down in the bust, after which, instantly, this other kid from Harvard, named Mark, had this product referred to as fb and humans being thinking about it. So in sort of a match of slightly immature reliable jealousy, I mentioned, "i am now not going to make use of this factor.I is not going to help this kid’s industry; something’s going to amount to." As i am going along my lifestyles, I seem up now not long later, and that i see everyone i know is hooked on this thing. And from the readability you can get when you have some objectivity, some point of view on it, i noticed this seems a bit of bit hazardous. So I under no circumstances signed up. I’ve not ever had a social media account given that. So i’m here for two explanations; I want to supply two messages.The first message I want to deliver is that even though I’ve by no means had a social media account, i’m ok, you don’t have to fear. It seems I nonetheless have pals, I still recognize what is going on on on the earth; as a pc scientist I still collaborate with persons all around the world, i’m still typically uncovered serendipitously to intriguing ideas, and i not often describe myself as missing enjoyment choices. So i have been adequate, but i would go even farther and say now not simplest i am adequate with out social media but I think i’m in reality better off.I suppose i am happier, I consider I to find more sustainability in my lifestyles, and that i suppose i’ve been extra effective professionally due to the fact that i do not use social media. So my 2nd intention right here on stage is attempt to persuade extra of you to think the equal factor. Let’s see if I might surely convince more of you that you just too would be should you quit social media. So, if the theme of this TEDx event is "Future tense," i suppose, in different words, this might be my imaginative and prescient of the future, can be one where fewer men and women actually use social media. That is a enormous declare, I consider I have to back it up. So I concept, what i would do is take the three most customary objections I hear once I suggest to humans that they give up social media, after which for every of those objections, i’ll attempt to defuse the hype and notice if i will really push in some extra truth.This is the primary most customary objection I hear. That’s now not a hermit, that’s truly a hipster web developer down from 8th avenue; i’m now not sure. Hipster or hermit? Commonly it is tough to inform. This primary objection goes as follows, "Cal, social media is likely one of the important technologies of the 21st century. To reject social media can be an act of extreme . It will be like driving to work on a horse or utilizing a rotary mobilephone.I can’t take this sort of huge stance in my life." My reaction to that objection is I suppose that is nonsense. Social media is not a predominant technology. It leverages some principal technologies, but it surely’s better understood as this. Which is to claim, it is a source of amusement, it’s an enjoyment product. The way that technologist Jaron Lanier puts it’s that these businesses offer you shiny treats in alternate for minutes of your concentration and bites of your private data, which can then be packaged up and sold. In an effort to say that you do not use social media must not be a significant social stance, it is simply rejecting one form of entertainment for others. There will have to be no extra controversial than pronouncing, "i don’t like newspapers, I prefer to get my news from magazines," or "I decide on to watch cable sequence, as opposed to network tv series." it can be no longer a fundamental political or social stance to say you don’t use this product. My use of the slot desktop photograph up right here additionally just isn’t unintentional given that if you seem just a little bit nearer at these technologies, it can be no longer just that they’re a source of enjoyment but they may be a rather unsavory supply of entertainment.We now comprehend that a few of the foremost social media firms hire participants known as concentration engineers, who borrow ideas from Las Vegas on line casino playing, among other places, to take a look at to make these products as addictive as possible. That’s the favored use case of these merchandise: is that you simply use it in an addictive fashion in view that that maximizes the revenue that can be extracted out of your attention and data. So it’s no longer a foremost science, it is only a source of amusement, one in all many, and it’s rather unsavory in the event you seem a bit bit nearer. Here is the 2nd original objection I hear once I endorse that men and women give up social media.The objection goes as follows, "Cal, I can not give up social media seeing that it is critical to my success within the 21st century economic climate. If I should not have a good-cultivated social media manufacturer, individuals won’t know who i’m, men and women will not be ready to find me, opportunities will not come my method, and i’ll without problems disappear from the economy." again my response is as soon as again: this objection also is nonsense. I not too long ago released this e-book that pulls on a couple of distinct strands of evidence to make the point that, in a aggressive twenty first century economy, what the market values is the potential to provide matters which might be infrequent and are useful.For those who produce whatever that is infrequent and useful, the market will price that. What the market dismisses, for probably the most part, are activities that are effortless to duplicate and produce a small amount of worth. Good, social media use is the epitome of an effortless to copy activity that does not produce quite a lot of worth; it is anything that any six-12 months-ancient with a smartphone can do. Via definition, the market is just not going to present a lot of value to those behaviors. It’s alternatively going to reward the deep, centred work required to construct actual talents and to apply these capabilities to produce matters – like a craftsman – which might be rare and that are valuable. To place it another way: if that you may write an elegant algorithm, if that you could write a legal transient that may exchange a case, if that you can write a thousand phrases of prose that’s going to fixate a reader proper to the tip; if that you would be able to look at a sea of ambiguous information and apply data, and pull out insights that might become a industry method, if you can do these kind of hobbies which require deep work, that produce effects which might be rare and priceless, men and women will find you.You are going to be ready to write your own ticket, and construct the basis of a meaningful and positive legitimate existence, in spite of how many Instagram followers you’ve gotten. That is the third remark objection I hear when I propose to humans that they quit social media; in some experience, I believe it possibly one of the most principal. This objection goes as follows, "Cal, maybe I agree, might be you are right; it’s now not a main technology. Perhaps utilizing social media is not at the core of my authentic success. However, you realize what? It’s innocent, i have some fun on it – bizarre: Twitter’s funny – i do not even use it that much, i am a primary adopter, it can be variety of intriguing to try it out, and might be I might miss out something if i do not use it.What is the damage?" again, I look back and i say: this objection is also nonsense. In this case, what it misses is what I suppose is a very major fact that we have got to talk about extra frankly, which is that social media brings with it more than one, good-documented, and colossal harms. We virtually ought to confront these harms head-on when trying to make selections about whether or now not we include this technological know-how and let it into our lives. One of these harms that we know this technology brings has to do with your legit success. I simply argued before that the capacity to focus intensely, to supply things which are infrequent and valuable, to hone capabilities the market location value on, that that is what is going to topic in our financial system. However proper earlier than that, I argued that social media tools are designed to be addictive. The precise designed preferred-use case of those tools is that you fragment your concentration as so much as feasible in the course of your waking hours; that’s how these tools are designed to use.We now have a growing quantity of study which tells us that for those who spend big portions of your day in a state of fragmented concentration – big portions of your day, breaking up your awareness, to take a fast glance, to simply examine, – "Let me rapidly look at Instagram" – that this can completely scale down your capacity for awareness. In different words, you would permanently cut back your capacity to do exactly the form of deep effort that we’re finding to be increasingly imperative in an more and more aggressive economic climate. So social media use isn’t innocent, it will possibly honestly have a gigantic poor influence on your ability to thrive in the economic climate. I’m primarily concerned about this after we look at the more youthful new release, which is the most saturated on this technological know-how. When you lose your capacity to sustain awareness, you are going to turn out to be much less and less principal to this financial system. There may be additionally psychological harms which are good documented that social media brings, that we do ought to address.We know from the study literature that the more you use social media, the extra possible you’re to feel lonely or isolated. We all know that the consistent exposure to your acquaintances cautiously curated, confident portrayals of their lifestyles can go away you to believe insufficient, and might increase charges of depression. And something I think we’re going to be listening to extra about within the near future is that there is a major mismatch between the way our brains are wired and this behavior of disclosing your self to stimuli with intermittent rewards for the period of your whole waking hours. It’s one factor to spend a couple of hours at a slot desktop in Las Vegas, but if you convey one with you, and also you pull that control all day long, from whilst you wake up to whilst you go to bed: we’re not wired from it.It quick-circuits the mind, and we’re opening to search out it has exact cognitive penalties, one in every of them being this style of pervasive historical past hum of anxiety. The canary within the coal mine for this predicament is definitely university campuses. Should you speak to mental well being experts on institution campuses, they’ll tell you that together with the upward push of ubiquitous smartphone use and social media use among the scholars on the campus, came an explosion of anxiety-associated issues on these campuses. That is the canary in the coal mine. This variety of conduct is a mismatch for our mind wiring and can make you think miserable. So there’s real price to social media use; this means that when you are seeking to come to a decision, "should i take advantage of this or not?", announcing it’s innocent shouldn’t be enough. You really must identify a greatly optimistic, clear advantage that may outweigh these skills, fully non-trivial harms. Persons more commonly ask, "good enough, but what’s life like without social media?" that can truely be a bit bit scary to suppose about. According to humans who went via this procedure, there is usually a few problematic weeks. It surely is like a authentic detox approach.The first two weeks will also be uncomfortable: you believe a bit bit anxious, you think like you’re missing a limb. But after that, matters settle down, and definitely, lifestyles after social media can be really confident. There is two matters i will report back from the world of no social media use. First, it may be quite productive. I am a professor at a research institution, I’ve written 5 books, I not often work prior 5 pm on a weekday.Part of the best way i’m looking to in a position to drag that off is due to the fact that it seems, if you happen to deal with your attention with recognize, – so you don’t fragment it; you enable it to stay whole, you maintain your concentration – when it comes time to work you can do one thing after a further, and do it with intensity, and intensity can be traded for time. It’s surprising how much that you can get executed in a eight-hour day if you’re equipped to present each thing extreme concentration after an additional. Whatever else i can record again from lifestyles with out social media is that external of labor, matters may also be quite peaceable. I in most cases funny story i’d be very cozy being a Nineteen Thirties farmer, for the reason that should you look at my enjoyment time, I read the newspaper while the solar comes up; I listen to baseball on the radio; I honest-to-god sit in a leather-based chair and read hardcover books at night time after my children go to mattress.It sounds ancient-original, but they were onto something back then. It is truly a restorative, peaceful way to really spend your day trip of work. You should not have the steady hum of stimuli, and the background hum of anxiousness that comes together with that. So lifestyles with out social media is quite now not so dangerous. When you pull together these threads, you see my full argument that now not every body, but obviously rather more people than proper now, far more folks will have to not be utilizing social media. That’s given that we are able to first, to summarize, discard with the principal issues that it’s a most important technological know-how you must use.Nonsense: it is a slot laptop to your telephone. We are able to discard with this suggestion that you simply won’t get a job without it. Nonsense: some thing a six-12 months-historic with a smartphone can do isn’t going to be what the market rewards. And then I emphasised the point that there’s actual harms with it. So it can be not just harmless. You particularly would must have a large advantage earlier than you possibly can say this trade-off is worth it.In the end I famous, that life with out social media: there may be actual positives associated with it. So i’m hoping that once lots of you definitely go by means of this identical calculus, you’ll at least keep in mind the standpoint i am making proper now, which is: many extra folks can be so much at an advantage in the event that they didn’t use this technological know-how. A few of you might disagree, a few of you would have scathing however correct critiques of me and my features, and of course, I welcome all terrible suggestions.I just ask that you direct your feedback in the direction of Twitter. Thanks. (Applause) .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
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Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Denise RQ You usually do not realise that right now, you’re actually looking at anything particularly rare. Due to the fact i am a millennial laptop scientist book author standing on a TEDx stage, and yet, I’ve under no circumstances had a social media account. How this occurred was clearly fairly random. Social media first came onto my radar when I used to be at tuition, my sophomore 12 months of institution, that is when fb arrived at our campus. And at the time, which used to be correct after the primary dotcom bust, I had had a dorm room trade, i’d had to shut it down in the bust, after which, all of a sudden, this different kid from Harvard, named Mark, had this product referred to as facebook and people being interested by it. So in kind of a fit of rather immature reputable jealousy, I mentioned, "i am not going to use this factor. I won’t support this child’s trade; anything’s going to amount to." As i go along my existence, I appear up now not long later, and i see everybody i know is hooked on this thing.And from the readability which you could get when you’ve got some objectivity, some point of view on it, i spotted this seems slightly bit dangerous. So I never signed up. I’ve never had a social media account due to the fact. So i am here for two motives; I wish to supply two messages. The first message I wish to give is that even though I’ve on no account had a social media account, i’m good enough, you do not have to fear. It seems I nonetheless have neighbors, I still comprehend what is going on on on the planet; as a pc scientist I still collaborate with men and women all world wide, i am nonetheless most likely uncovered serendipitously to fascinating suggestions, and i hardly ever describe myself as lacking entertainment options. So i have been adequate, however i’d go even farther and say now not simplest i am ok without social media but I believe i’m in reality . I believe i’m happier, I think I find extra sustainability in my lifestyles, and i feel i’ve been more positive professionally on the grounds that i don’t use social media. So my 2nd goal here on stage is try to convince more of you to suppose the equal factor.Let’s examine if I might actually persuade extra of you that you simply too would be at an advantage if you quit social media. So, if the theme of this TEDx event is "Future disturbing," i suppose, in different phrases, this would be my vision of the long run, would be one in which fewer people clearly use social media. That’s a giant claim, I think I need to again it up. So I idea, what i might do is take the three most fashioned objections I hear once I advocate to individuals that they give up social media, after which for each of those objections, i’ll attempt to defuse the hype and spot if i will actually push in some extra truth. That is the primary most fashioned objection I hear. That is now not a hermit, that is simply a hipster internet developer down from eighth street; i’m now not definite. Hipster or hermit? Many times it is tough to inform. This primary objection goes as follows, "Cal, social media is among the predominant technologies of the twenty first century.To reject social media can be an act of severe . It might be like riding to work on a horse or utilising a rotary phone. I can’t take any such tremendous stance in my lifestyles." My response to that objection is I consider that’s nonsense. Social media will not be a foremost technological know-how. It leverages some essential technologies, nevertheless it’s higher understood as this. Which is to say, it’s a source of enjoyment, it is an entertainment product. The best way that technologist Jaron Lanier puts it’s that these corporations offer you brilliant treats in alternate for minutes of your attention and bites of your private knowledge, which is able to then be packaged up and sold.To be able to say that you do not use social media will have to now not be a enormous social stance, it can be simply rejecting one form of amusement for others. There should be no more controversial than pronouncing, "i don’t like newspapers, I like to get my information from magazines," or "I prefer to look at cable sequence, versus community television sequence." it’s not a major political or social stance to claim you don’t use this product. My use of the slot computing device photo up right here additionally is not unintentional since if you seem a little bit nearer at these technologies, it’s not simply that they may be a supply of leisure however they may be a relatively unsavory source of amusement. We now understand that many of the primary social media businesses hire individuals known as concentration engineers, who borrow concepts from Las Vegas casino playing, among different places, to take a look at to make these merchandise as addictive as possible.That is the desired use case of those merchandise: is that you use it in an addictive fashion given that that maximizes the profit that can be extracted from your awareness and information. So it’s not a main technology, it’s only a source of enjoyment, one among many, and it’s somewhat unsavory for those who look a bit bit closer. Here is the 2nd fashioned objection I hear once I suggest that men and women quit social media. The objection goes as follows, "Cal, I cannot stop social media on account that it’s crucial to my success within the 21st century economy. If I would not have a good-cultivated social media manufacturer, men and women will not understand who i am, persons is not going to be ready to find me, opportunities won’t come my means, and i’ll easily disappear from the economic system." once more my reaction is as soon as once more: this objection is also nonsense. I recently released this publication that attracts on a couple of extraordinary strands of proof to make the point that, in a aggressive twenty first century financial system, what the market values is the ability to supply things which are infrequent and are useful.When you produce whatever that is infrequent and valuable, the market will worth that. What the market dismisses, for probably the most phase, are events which can be handy to duplicate and produce a small quantity of worth. Good, social media use is the epitome of an easy to copy recreation that does not produce quite a lot of value; it can be whatever that any six-year-historical with a smartphone can do. By using definition, the market just isn’t going to present a variety of worth to those behaviors. It’s as an alternative going to reward the deep, focused work required to build actual expertise and to use these talents to supply things – like a craftsman – which are rare and that are valuable. To position it another approach: if that you could write an elegant algorithm, if you could write a legal temporary that can change a case, if that you could write a thousand phrases of prose that’s going to fixate a reader correct to the tip; if which you can seem at a sea of ambiguous knowledge and observe facts, and pull out insights that might become a trade procedure, if you can do these kind of activities which require deep work, that produce outcomes which are rare and useful, humans will in finding you.You will be capable to write your possess ticket, and build the foundation of a significant and positive professional life, regardless of how many Instagram followers you have. This is the 0.33 comment objection I hear when I propose to folks that they give up social media; in some sense, I feel it possibly probably the most most important. This objection goes as follows, "Cal, probably I agree, probably you are correct; it can be now not a fundamental technology. Maybe using social media just isn’t on the core of my legit success.But, you understand what? It is innocent, i have some fun on it – weird: Twitter’s humorous – i do not even use it that so much, i’m a first adopter, it can be variety of intriguing to take a look at it out, and maybe I might pass over out some thing if i do not use it. What’s the damage?" again, I appear again and i say: this objection also is nonsense. In this case, what it misses is what I suppose is an extraordinarily fundamental truth that we ought to talk about more frankly, which is that social media brings with it multiple, well-documented, and big harms. We in reality need to confront these harms head-on when looking to make selections about whether or not or no longer we embrace this technological know-how and let it into our lives. This type of harms that we all know this technological know-how brings has to do with your authentic success.I simply argued earlier than that the capability to focal point intensely, to provide matters that are rare and useful, to hone abilities the market place worth on, that this is what is going to matter in our financial system. However correct before that, I argued that social media tools are designed to be addictive. The specific designed favored-use case of those instruments is that you fragment your attention as a lot as viable throughout your waking hours; that’s how these tools are designed to use. We have a developing amount of study which tells us that in the event you spend large parts of your day in a state of fragmented awareness – large parts of your day, breaking up your attention, to take a rapid look, to just determine, – "Let me rapidly look at Instagram" – that this may permanently diminish your potential for awareness.In different phrases, you would completely shrink your capacity to do exactly the type of deep effort that we’re finding to be increasingly vital in an more and more competitive economic system. So social media use will not be harmless, it may possibly clearly have a giant terrible have an effect on for your capacity to thrive in the economic system. I am particularly worried about this when we seem on the younger iteration, which is probably the most saturated on this technological know-how. In the event you lose your potential to sustain attention, you are going to end up much less and not more principal to this economic climate. There’s also psychological harms that are well documented that social media brings, that we do must deal with. We know from the research literature that the extra you utilize social media, the more likely you are to think lonely or isolated. We all know that the constant publicity to your buddies carefully curated, positive portrayals of their existence can go away you to suppose insufficient, and may increase rates of despair. And something I suppose we will be listening to more about in the close future is that there is a fundamental mismatch between the way our brains are wired and this habits of exposing yourself to stimuli with intermittent rewards for the period of your whole waking hours.It’s one factor to spend a couple of hours at a slot computing device in Las Vegas, however for those who carry one with you, and also you pull that manage all day lengthy, from when you wake up to when you go to mattress: we’re not wired from it. It short-circuits the brain, and we’re starting to seek out it has specific cognitive consequences, one of them being this style of pervasive history hum of anxiousness. The canary in the coal mine for this drawback is truly college campuses. In the event you speak to intellectual well being specialists on institution campuses, they are going to tell you that along with the rise of ubiquitous smartphone use and social media use among the many students on the campus, got here an explosion of anxiousness-associated problems on those campuses. That is the canary within the coal mine. This variety of conduct is a mismatch for our mind wiring and might make you feel depressing.So there may be real fee to social media use; because of this when you’re seeking to make a decision, "will have to i exploit this or now not?", pronouncing it is harmless isn’t adequate. You simply have got to establish a drastically constructive, clear advantage that can outweigh these expertise, completely non-trivial harms. Folks most likely ask, "ok, but what’s existence like with out social media?" that can really be a bit bit horrifying to think about. Consistent with humans who went via this procedure, there can be a few elaborate weeks. It genuinely is like a proper detox approach. The first two weeks will also be uncomfortable: you suppose just a little bit anxious, you consider like you are missing a limb.But after that, things settle down, and truly, life after social media will also be particularly optimistic. There may be two things i can document back from the sector of no social media use. First, it may be quite productive. I’m a professor at a study college, I’ve written 5 books, I rarely work past 5 pm on a weekday. A part of the way in which i am seeking to competent to tug that off is considering the fact that it turns out, in case you deal with your attention with respect, – so you do not fragment it; you permit it to stay entire, you maintain your awareness – when it comes time to work you are able to do one factor after an additional, and do it with depth, and intensity will also be traded for time.It can be shocking how a lot that you can get accomplished in a eight-hour day if you are ready to give each thing severe concentration after an extra. Something else i can document back from lifestyles with out social media is that outside of labor, matters will also be quite peaceable. I quite often comic story i would be very relaxed being a 1930s farmer, given that should you look at my amusement time, I read the newspaper even as the sun comes up; I hearken to baseball on the radio; I sincere-to-god sit down in a leather chair and browse hardcover books at night time after my youngsters go to bed.It sounds old-original, however they have been onto something again then. It’s definitely a restorative, peaceful solution to really spend your day out of work. You do not need the constant hum of stimuli, and the historical past hum of anxiousness that comes along with that. So existence without social media is particularly not so bad. For those who pull together these threads, you see my full argument that now not everyone, but without doubt far more folks than correct now, much more humans must not be making use of social media. That’s in view that we can first, to summarize, discard with the essential issues that it is a predominant science you ought to use. Nonsense: it is a slot desktop to your phone. We will discard with this notion that you simply is not going to get a job without it. Nonsense: anything a six-12 months-old with a smartphone can do just isn’t going to be what the market rewards. After which I emphasised the factor that there is actual harms with it.So it can be no longer just harmless. You quite would must have a significant improvement earlier than you may say this alternate-off is valued at it. Subsequently I noted, that lifestyles with out social media: there is actual positives associated with it. So i am hoping that when lots of you virtually go via this identical calculus, you’ll be able to as a minimum don’t forget the standpoint i’m making right now, which is: many extra individuals would be so much better off if they failed to use this technology. Some of you might disagree, a few of you would have scathing but correct opinions of me and my points, and of direction, I welcome all poor suggestions.I simply ask that you direct your comments closer to Twitter. Thank you. (Applause) .
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New Post has been published on Attendantdesign
New Post has been published on https://attendantdesign.com/sports-bosses-on-thin-ice-in-eu-antitrust-probe-2/
Sports bosses on thin ice in EU antitrust probe
Ostensibly, it’s about men in skin-tight suits racing on ice. But it has the potential to cripple the power of corporations that run many of the Global’s pinnacle sports.
The European Commission is nearing the finish line in an antitrust research right into a complaint through two Dutch pace skaters, whose governing frame banned them from taking component in a rewarding and glamorous race planned for the rolling sands of Dubai.
For the skaters and different athletes who guide them, the case is ready having the liberty
to ply their trade at a time while money is pouring into sports — and gamers and golf equipment want greater manipulate over their personal fortunes.
But the associations and federations that run many important sports warn that if their powers are diminished, business interests will have triumphed over carrying values and their capacity to invest inside the grass roots will decline. They additionally increase the threat of other sports activities going the manner of boxing, with its difficult array of multiple governing bodies, all with their own titles and champions.
Big sports activities businesses, which includes the International Olympic Committee and European soccer’s governing body, UEFA, are retaining a near eye on the case, which is likewise a reminder of how even the maximum obscure probes with the aid of Europe’s competition company can ship shock waves across European economies and industries.
“A precedent [could] Similarly the erosion of global federations’ strength and ‘open the market’ of sports activities opposition business enterprise ways beyond skating,” James Ogilvie, an EU affairs representative with know-how in global soccer, stated through electronic mail.
“We suppose they pass too far in stopping us from pursuing possibilities as professional athletes and operating citizens within the EU” — Former Olympic champion Mark Tuitert Across a variety of sports activities, clubs, athletes, and competitions such as soccer leagues are vying for extra autonomy from their governing bodies, and a bold verdict from the Commission might want that transition, Ogilvie stated.
After conserving a listening to earlier this year, regulators are the idea to be final in on a final verdict, consistent with two humans following the case, and a choice could come as soon as after the Commission’s summer spoil. Europe’s effective commissioner for competition, Margrethe Vestager, has taken a private hobby inside the case, telling one of the skaters on Twitter: “I will inspect the problem.”
Plans on ice
Back in 2014, the area of interest sport of speed skating appeared to be on the cusp of a commercial enterprise revolution.
Icederby, an organization owned by a South Korean occasions firm, became making plans pace-skating races within the dunes of Dubai and aimed to maintain comparable activities in Las Vegas, Russia, and Asia.
The concept, apparently, became to deliver the glamour of Formula 1 to the sport.
  European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager was enthusiastic. But Ottavio Cinquanta, an Italian businessman, one-time ice skater and then-president of skating’s governing body, the International Skating Union (ISU), became now not a fan.
The ISU refused to authorize the occasion, which it stated could attract gamblers. Under its guidelines, any skaters who took element would face a lifelong ban from the events it controlled, which include the Olympics.
In June 2014, skaters Mark Tuitert, a former Olympic champion, and Niels Kerstholt, a former world champion, complained to the European Commission.
The Dutch skaters argued that the ISU became abusing its dominant role over skating, restricting their professional possibilities and prescribing the game’s reach. Icederby offers a pinnacle prize of $a hundred thirty,000 — a great quantity in comparison to the €2,000 a top pace-skater could aspire to win at ISU occasions, according to the skaters’ attorney.
“We think they cross to a long way in stopping us from pursuing opportunities as professional athletes and working citizens inside the EU,” Tuitert advised POLITICO. He complained that skaters had no say “about who is inside the ISU, nor about the rules.”
“What is the role of federations and the powers they need to monopolize the game?” EU  he requested probe Sports 
EU Athletes, a federation, has voiced its guide for the skaters.
  ALSO ON POLITICO Spanish league wishes EU to referee Neymar switch saga
NICHOLAS HIRST The Commission opened a research in the fall of 2015 — its first carrying case in nicely over a decade, regardless of numerous court cases — and officially accused the ISU of infringing antitrust guidelines in September 2016.
That triggered a stir inside the world of sports activities, wherein governing bodies concept they loved a wide margin of discretion to determine what turned into in their sport’s high-quality pursuits.
The ISU, which became 125 years antique remaining month, informed the Commission it approves activities as long as they meet its standards, inclusive of on safety and values, inclusive of competition to gambling. Since the criticism became filed, it has decreased the duration of the ban for skaters that take part in unauthorized occasions.
What’re The Odds?
Most people betting sports aren’t aware that you only need to win 52.5% of your bets to break even. 56% winners make you very successful. If you can manage to average above 56%, you are going to make an enormous amount of money.
Now 56% doesn’t sound like much, does it? just over half your wages.
The rest is discipline, money management and no doubt, a good selection method. But let’s be clear, there is no magic bullet, no quick and easy method… or is there?
Are You In It For Fun Or For Money?
It can definitely be fun and very exciting to win, especially when you’ve got a big bet riding on the game. Or maybe you just lost a game and decided to double up on the next one to try and “get even.”
If you’ve ever tried this tactic, I’m sure you know all too well that more often than not you lost the 2nd game too. Now you’re broke, starting over, building up a new bankroll and hoping for a better outcome the next time… But as you know, hope is not a winning strategy.
This kind of heart-stopping action is not for me. For my money, I prefer a more predictable type of wagering
whether it’s betting on sports or any other form of gambling. I like to have more control over the result.
Just to be clear, there will be losing games and maybe even losing days, but by managing your money, patiently building your bankroll, you can comfortably afford to take a swing at those parlays.. that is a winning strategy.
Betting a small consistent amount per game is not exciting… but that is what intelligent, professional sports bettors do. So the question is, “are you doing it for the excitement, or for the money?”
Taking The Gambling Out of Sports Betting
A winning bettor always tries to take the gamble out of the game. Each bet is a calculated risk. There is no magic method that will bring in thousands of dollars overnight.
Taking down a steady monthly profit, working only 5 minutes a day IS the only way. And if you let your account multiply for a few months, before long (months not years), you will reach a point where you could be bringing in hundreds or even thousands of dollars of profit each month… now that’s magical.
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Information On Healthy Eating
New Post has been published on http://www.firsthealthfitness.com/healthy-food/how-one-can-help-your-diet-and-quicken-excess-fat-decline-effects.html
Information On Healthy Eating
What i normally confront whenever i speak with other gals about losing weight is the say stress with where they may be weighed against wherever these people were when they were younger. It seems everybody has those memories of inside us our far more toned days to weeks printed on the brain and we are not able to seem to shed individuals extra in physical form flattering illustrations or photos individuals in people pretty creator skinny jeans and variety-fitting tiny dresses. Of course, we all have these needs and plans to lose that weight which includes mercilessly crept. . . no. . . leaped amazingly up on us and damage to eclipse us when we don’t deal with the problem. A lot of women do contain the drive to do something to reduce those unwanted fat, but merely are unable to manage to placed points in concert to view results they really want. . . at the least not for very long and without major fight.
Quite often you can find reliable campaigns to burn fat, but there seems to be some poor nutritionary practices which may have crept in and sabotaged their weight reduction initiatives. Our talk tends to return to a single middle matter. . . their snack food habits. I’d personally request a query about like ingredients they eat and the sorts of replies I obtain reveal that they have been a bit mischievous on the subject of involving their accountable wonders. I am going to then talk with them more details on what they have to can do to increase their nourishment along with their likelihood of successful weight loss. The main one big issue that does getaway them up, and that we will heart all this informative article all over is the reason they can have difficulty creating healthy possibilities in terms of making the great idea every single day. Why is it that they generally tend to continuously getaway on the unhealthy foods bin when going after their weight loss ambitions? Do you find it because they don’t have do-it-yourself-manage? Will they be vulnerable-minded, or without stength?
How Come It’s So Hard For People in america To Consider Wholesome Consuming Practices?
There are lots of motives will be able to visualize, one that comes to mind is that our fast paced routines keep us centered on the rest besides balanced healthy eating plan. It just looks like we have generally became some thing taking in our existence. In the event you little ones in your house like I truly do, then it results in being much more hard to eat correctly. With more folks performing longer hours at your workplace or doing the job some job opportunities, the ability of scores of People in the usa to acquire good quality eating plan will likely be a little more forward compromised in the years into the future. Regrettably, this will likely create a massive problem for many people all.
Another reason why why it’s very challenging for us to adopt healthy eating tactics is usually that throughout the years individuals lives, we’ve put into practice and still have perfected some very poor dietary habits. A lot of us spent my childhood years in households where high fat, large sea salt, and fiber-bad dishes ended up the standard, rather than the exception to this rule. Some households got ways of life that provided substantial relatives gatherings with tons of meal every week. Look at poor choices. For a lot of Us residents, the routines which have been produced and InchencapsulatedIn . in this minds from all of many years of inadequate nutritional choices can appear just about impossible to kick.
In addition, I believe that many people today, when requested will show you which they would die to feed on superior to they now do. For a lot of them, having said that, the major dilemma is assistance and reputation. I know of more and more people, personally involved, would you begin a new eating plan then after a few 2 or 3 weeks, would end up backside at square one questioning what went down to all of the exhilaration and hope. What’s important to grasp whenever a new eating plan commences is the fact there must be an appropriate assistance technique constantly in place, and there needs to be other people readily available for responsibility since we are prone to traveling across the improper way, specifically when we’ve got developed so comfortable to precise style of ingesting that provided acid reflux disorder that we are now wanting to nufactured-highlight in the every day eating plans.
How Could Bad Dietary Practices Destroy Your Overall Health
Using the enormous health and fitness-care conditions that we have now face, current many Americans entering into the older numerous years of their lifestyles, there is a great necessity for us to re also-evaluate our ways of eating and take action how to switch them. We all believe regarding the impression of weak nourishment on our health and wellness, many us often believe we have been for some reason immune to it. How interesting that significantly otherwise I perspective lifestyle now than I did so when I is at my kids. In those days, I experienced I really could take every little thing my small cardiovascular desired because I was little and I didnt really care about balanced feeding on or about my determine. Fast forward to nowadays. . . now, I’m able to notice the effects of poor taking in on my own physique quickly. As I find myself personally going out to restaurants more than ever before because of a chaotic 1 week, my figure now InchspeaksInch with me in ways that told me that my meals are not what it needs to be. I’m pleased for people information because it then gives me to be able to get my taking in back to normal.
What I’ve found while i have endorsed other gals is their lives are often perpetually busy, and in addition they won’t be able to seem to definitely devote by themselves to healthy consuming during this year in their existence. I totally understand them, having said that, I am unable to find a way to protein shake the concept that currently could possibly be all of that we have and we aren’t offers next week. I am aware of so many people how old ive become that are by now dealing with tough medical conditions and disorders because of terrible ways of eating. As a result, we actually must pay back it to yourself to start out embracing wholesome feeding on strategies right now. When we grab the state of mind that we will do it the next day, organic beef wind up operating not enough far too late. This specific not easy to invest in balanced feeding on, I do believe it’s important into a extended and balanced existence to take a few little still progressive steps to raise your healthy eating plan. Lifestyle an enormous amount difference, so when you need to do, you’ll see that it’s not as complicated as you believed it could be, and you will ponder why you did not start off faster. So, what else could you do in order to feel free?
How One Can Help Your Diet and Quicken Excess Fat Decline Effects!
First off, I recommend actually talking to your partner andAndor perhaps a reliable pal about your intend to make some modifications to your nutritional routines. It is really essential that you not excess them with each of your good reputation for frustration with the recent consuming failures, but I do declare that you know them how you’re emotion these days about how precisely you have been feeding on, and give them about your need to take on the project as part of your way of living to assist you come up with a stage towards better well being. Offer them dui attorney las vegas perception a must make these alterations, and say to them the help and support are going to be crucial in your eventual accomplishment. Another primary recommendation here is to ensure that you usually do not thrown pin the consequence on or discuss them by any means. You should very own your very own struggles and be responsible for all your measures. I also imagine it is important that they’re betting that while this will have an impact on them, you wish for taking slower and intensifying direction to their goals, not rapid In .all-or-nothing” method that you have used with almost no success before. This method will convey for them that you’ll require them, and will inspire these to do anything they can do to work with you for your trip. To know, they may furthermore prompted and motivated to do something about it together with you (a pleasant benefit).
So far as attempting to increase your eating routine, the initial place to begin with is to take a look for your latest eating routine. Are you currently feeding on the correct ingredients? What can you nibble on? Does one skip meals? When does one consume any occasion? Other concerns contain whether you are consuming too much meal when you have a seat for food, and no matter whether you’re having plenty of drinking water? Something that assists me would have been to get started an educational process to ensure that I produced me personally knowledgeable about what good nutrition actually. Many Us citizens concept of about good eating plan making all of their efforts to enjoy well and shed weight a no-earn proposition. Do not allow this happen to you. If you are likely to shed the fight, do not let it is because you didn’t be aware of the rules of involvement.
Here are a few recommendations that I think can get valuable when wanting to enhance your eating routine. Primary, make certain that you determine to commence your daily diet make-over, try to combine just one new healthy food choices product into your food consumption at once! Discover that I mentioned Ina singleIn new foods without numerous new food products. Keep in mind, the battle is provided to he who endures to your finish, so you shouldn’t be including the hare. . . moving out to the massive guide and then be bypassed because of the turtle. Because you integrate one new item, then check out your overall diet and pay attention to what you could take from your everyday plan also. So, fundamentally, that you are introducing some thing healthful, and simultaneously, using something not-so-healthy away. Accomplish this for your whole week so that you can let all by yourself to adjust to the modern sensible food merchandise, andOror perhaps the omission with the bad foods. When you experience achievement with all your 1st 7 days, then look to do precisely the same with a further food option that must be altered.
There’s just one qualifier that I want to speak about the following. I don’t think that we have to reduce meals directly from our diets, for those times you make an alternate, ensure that you be aware that it is just for helping you to achieve emphasizing ingredients you’ll want to feed on even more of, and environnant les-centering on those meals that you should eat less of. As you get accomplished at creating these alterations in your weekly diet program, you may get started preparation once a week selections that incorporate all those food items you want, in just a food list of foods that you need permanently well being. Now, you may be more comfortable having those people foodstuff you love to eat in far more reasonable and possible approaches. If you will always have a problem with home-regulate, then you may need to take a far more extreme phase and get rid of those meals or make it possible for it however with additional exacting guidelines (internet explorer, your spouse is alone that can give that foods to you personally, possibly at only particularly specified occasions). It will not be understood as significantly, but by looking into making some small adjustments like this can mean an important reducing of calories inside a couple weeks, which gradually turns into considerable weight reduction for anyone who also challenges to achieve andPeror keep health pounds. Many people also document experience highly extra energetic when bad eating habits modify for any greater. . . which in turn triggers higher work productivity at the office and in your home.
We’re believing that long lasting switch for people, no matter where we’re also, gets underway with one particular tiny and profitable weight loss transform. After that, heaven would be the restriction to how long we will go. All it requires a little effort and much of determination. Try to remember, the competition is offered to the one that continues towards the conclude. I believe which can be you. . . but will you?
By employing what you’ve got read through, I really believe that you’ll set out to see why right now must be the day to start out giving your body what it requires to thrive. . . not only make it through! Hopefully you will have some classy and sensible ways of eliminate inadequate eating inside your life and start suffering from better health and vitality. Finally, you are going to truly know how improved upon nutrition will accelerate weight decline success, boost your energy level, and likely improve your lifestyle.
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The Simple Fact Of The Topic Is
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from Argyll Steffan reagangothic http://reagangothic.com/the-simple-fact-of-the-topic-is/
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airoasis · 5 years
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/quit-social-media-dr-cal-newport-tedxtysons-9/
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Denise RQ You usually do not realise that right now, you’re actually looking at anything particularly rare. Due to the fact i am a millennial laptop scientist book author standing on a TEDx stage, and yet, I’ve under no circumstances had a social media account. How this occurred was clearly fairly random. Social media first came onto my radar when I used to be at tuition, my sophomore 12 months of institution, that is when fb arrived at our campus. And at the time, which used to be correct after the primary dotcom bust, I had had a dorm room trade, i’d had to shut it down in the bust, after which, all of a sudden, this different kid from Harvard, named Mark, had this product referred to as facebook and people being interested by it. So in kind of a fit of rather immature reputable jealousy, I mentioned, "i am not going to use this factor. I won’t support this child’s trade; anything’s going to amount to." As i go along my existence, I appear up now not long later, and i see everybody i know is hooked on this thing.And from the readability which you could get when you’ve got some objectivity, some point of view on it, i spotted this seems slightly bit dangerous. So I never signed up. I’ve never had a social media account due to the fact. So i am here for two motives; I wish to supply two messages. The first message I wish to give is that even though I’ve on no account had a social media account, i’m good enough, you do not have to fear. It seems I nonetheless have neighbors, I still comprehend what is going on on on the planet; as a pc scientist I still collaborate with men and women all world wide, i am nonetheless most likely uncovered serendipitously to fascinating suggestions, and i hardly ever describe myself as lacking entertainment options. So i have been adequate, however i’d go even farther and say now not simplest i am ok without social media but I believe i’m in reality . I believe i’m happier, I think I find extra sustainability in my lifestyles, and i feel i’ve been more positive professionally on the grounds that i don’t use social media. So my 2nd goal here on stage is try to convince more of you to suppose the equal factor.Let’s examine if I might actually persuade extra of you that you simply too would be at an advantage if you quit social media. So, if the theme of this TEDx event is "Future disturbing," i suppose, in different phrases, this would be my vision of the long run, would be one in which fewer people clearly use social media. That’s a giant claim, I think I need to again it up. So I idea, what i might do is take the three most fashioned objections I hear once I advocate to individuals that they give up social media, after which for each of those objections, i’ll attempt to defuse the hype and spot if i will actually push in some extra truth. That is the primary most fashioned objection I hear. That is now not a hermit, that is simply a hipster internet developer down from eighth street; i’m now not definite. Hipster or hermit? Many times it is tough to inform. This primary objection goes as follows, "Cal, social media is among the predominant technologies of the twenty first century.To reject social media can be an act of severe . It might be like riding to work on a horse or utilising a rotary phone. I can’t take any such tremendous stance in my lifestyles." My response to that objection is I consider that’s nonsense. Social media will not be a foremost technological know-how. It leverages some essential technologies, nevertheless it’s higher understood as this. Which is to say, it’s a source of enjoyment, it is an entertainment product. The best way that technologist Jaron Lanier puts it’s that these corporations offer you brilliant treats in alternate for minutes of your attention and bites of your private knowledge, which is able to then be packaged up and sold.To be able to say that you do not use social media will have to now not be a enormous social stance, it can be simply rejecting one form of amusement for others. There should be no more controversial than pronouncing, "i don’t like newspapers, I like to get my information from magazines," or "I prefer to look at cable sequence, versus community television sequence." it’s not a major political or social stance to claim you don’t use this product. My use of the slot computing device photo up right here additionally is not unintentional since if you seem a little bit nearer at these technologies, it’s not simply that they may be a supply of leisure however they may be a relatively unsavory source of amusement. We now understand that many of the primary social media businesses hire individuals known as concentration engineers, who borrow concepts from Las Vegas casino playing, among different places, to take a look at to make these merchandise as addictive as possible.That is the desired use case of those merchandise: is that you use it in an addictive fashion given that that maximizes the profit that can be extracted from your awareness and information. So it’s not a main technology, it’s only a source of enjoyment, one among many, and it’s somewhat unsavory for those who look a bit bit closer. Here is the 2nd fashioned objection I hear once I suggest that men and women quit social media. The objection goes as follows, "Cal, I cannot stop social media on account that it’s crucial to my success within the 21st century economy. If I would not have a good-cultivated social media manufacturer, men and women will not understand who i am, persons is not going to be ready to find me, opportunities won’t come my means, and i’ll easily disappear from the economic system." once more my reaction is as soon as once more: this objection is also nonsense. I recently released this publication that attracts on a couple of extraordinary strands of proof to make the point that, in a aggressive twenty first century financial system, what the market values is the ability to supply things which are infrequent and are useful.When you produce whatever that is infrequent and valuable, the market will worth that. What the market dismisses, for probably the most phase, are events which can be handy to duplicate and produce a small quantity of worth. Good, social media use is the epitome of an easy to copy recreation that does not produce quite a lot of value; it can be whatever that any six-year-historical with a smartphone can do. By using definition, the market just isn’t going to present a variety of worth to those behaviors. It’s as an alternative going to reward the deep, focused work required to build actual expertise and to use these talents to supply things – like a craftsman – which are rare and that are valuable. To position it another approach: if that you could write an elegant algorithm, if you could write a legal temporary that can change a case, if that you could write a thousand phrases of prose that’s going to fixate a reader correct to the tip; if which you can seem at a sea of ambiguous knowledge and observe facts, and pull out insights that might become a trade procedure, if you can do these kind of activities which require deep work, that produce outcomes which are rare and useful, humans will in finding you.You will be capable to write your possess ticket, and build the foundation of a significant and positive professional life, regardless of how many Instagram followers you have. This is the 0.33 comment objection I hear when I propose to folks that they give up social media; in some sense, I feel it possibly probably the most most important. This objection goes as follows, "Cal, probably I agree, probably you are correct; it can be now not a fundamental technology. Maybe using social media just isn’t on the core of my legit success.But, you understand what? It is innocent, i have some fun on it – weird: Twitter’s humorous – i do not even use it that so much, i’m a first adopter, it can be variety of intriguing to take a look at it out, and maybe I might pass over out some thing if i do not use it. What’s the damage?" again, I appear again and i say: this objection also is nonsense. In this case, what it misses is what I suppose is an extraordinarily fundamental truth that we ought to talk about more frankly, which is that social media brings with it multiple, well-documented, and big harms. We in reality need to confront these harms head-on when looking to make selections about whether or not or no longer we embrace this technological know-how and let it into our lives. This type of harms that we all know this technological know-how brings has to do with your authentic success.I simply argued earlier than that the capability to focal point intensely, to provide matters that are rare and useful, to hone abilities the market place worth on, that this is what is going to matter in our financial system. However correct before that, I argued that social media tools are designed to be addictive. The specific designed favored-use case of those instruments is that you fragment your attention as a lot as viable throughout your waking hours; that’s how these tools are designed to use. We have a developing amount of study which tells us that in the event you spend large parts of your day in a state of fragmented awareness – large parts of your day, breaking up your attention, to take a rapid look, to just determine, – "Let me rapidly look at Instagram" – that this may permanently diminish your potential for awareness.In different phrases, you would completely shrink your capacity to do exactly the type of deep effort that we’re finding to be increasingly vital in an more and more competitive economic system. So social media use will not be harmless, it may possibly clearly have a giant terrible have an effect on for your capacity to thrive in the economic system. I am particularly worried about this when we seem on the younger iteration, which is probably the most saturated on this technological know-how. In the event you lose your potential to sustain attention, you are going to end up much less and not more principal to this economic climate. There’s also psychological harms that are well documented that social media brings, that we do must deal with. We know from the research literature that the extra you utilize social media, the more likely you are to think lonely or isolated. We all know that the constant publicity to your buddies carefully curated, positive portrayals of their existence can go away you to suppose insufficient, and may increase rates of despair. And something I suppose we will be listening to more about in the close future is that there is a fundamental mismatch between the way our brains are wired and this habits of exposing yourself to stimuli with intermittent rewards for the period of your whole waking hours.It’s one factor to spend a couple of hours at a slot computing device in Las Vegas, however for those who carry one with you, and also you pull that manage all day lengthy, from when you wake up to when you go to mattress: we’re not wired from it. It short-circuits the brain, and we’re starting to seek out it has specific cognitive consequences, one of them being this style of pervasive history hum of anxiousness. The canary in the coal mine for this drawback is truly college campuses. In the event you speak to intellectual well being specialists on institution campuses, they are going to tell you that along with the rise of ubiquitous smartphone use and social media use among the many students on the campus, got here an explosion of anxiousness-associated problems on those campuses. That is the canary within the coal mine. This variety of conduct is a mismatch for our mind wiring and might make you feel depressing.So there may be real fee to social media use; because of this when you’re seeking to make a decision, "will have to i exploit this or now not?", pronouncing it is harmless isn’t adequate. You simply have got to establish a drastically constructive, clear advantage that can outweigh these expertise, completely non-trivial harms. Folks most likely ask, "ok, but what’s existence like with out social media?" that can really be a bit bit horrifying to think about. Consistent with humans who went via this procedure, there can be a few elaborate weeks. It genuinely is like a proper detox approach. The first two weeks will also be uncomfortable: you suppose just a little bit anxious, you consider like you are missing a limb.But after that, things settle down, and truly, life after social media will also be particularly optimistic. There may be two things i can document back from the sector of no social media use. First, it may be quite productive. I’m a professor at a study college, I’ve written 5 books, I rarely work past 5 pm on a weekday. A part of the way in which i am seeking to competent to tug that off is considering the fact that it turns out, in case you deal with your attention with respect, – so you do not fragment it; you permit it to stay entire, you maintain your awareness – when it comes time to work you are able to do one factor after an additional, and do it with depth, and intensity will also be traded for time.It can be shocking how a lot that you can get accomplished in a eight-hour day if you are ready to give each thing severe concentration after an extra. Something else i can document back from lifestyles with out social media is that outside of labor, matters will also be quite peaceable. I quite often comic story i would be very relaxed being a 1930s farmer, given that should you look at my amusement time, I read the newspaper even as the sun comes up; I hearken to baseball on the radio; I sincere-to-god sit down in a leather chair and browse hardcover books at night time after my youngsters go to bed.It sounds old-original, however they have been onto something again then. It’s definitely a restorative, peaceful solution to really spend your day out of work. You do not need the constant hum of stimuli, and the historical past hum of anxiousness that comes along with that. So existence without social media is particularly not so bad. For those who pull together these threads, you see my full argument that now not everyone, but without doubt far more folks than correct now, much more humans must not be making use of social media. That’s in view that we can first, to summarize, discard with the essential issues that it is a predominant science you ought to use. Nonsense: it is a slot desktop to your phone. We will discard with this notion that you simply is not going to get a job without it. Nonsense: anything a six-12 months-old with a smartphone can do just isn’t going to be what the market rewards. After which I emphasised the factor that there is actual harms with it.So it can be no longer just harmless. You quite would must have a significant improvement earlier than you may say this alternate-off is valued at it. Subsequently I noted, that lifestyles with out social media: there is actual positives associated with it. So i am hoping that when lots of you virtually go via this identical calculus, you’ll be able to as a minimum don’t forget the standpoint i’m making right now, which is: many extra individuals would be so much better off if they failed to use this technology. Some of you might disagree, a few of you would have scathing but correct opinions of me and my points, and of direction, I welcome all poor suggestions.I simply ask that you direct your comments closer to Twitter. Thank you. (Applause) .
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airoasis · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot-2/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Looks like rain Ted come on Duggal it can be your go I need to say father Hernandez it is been individual having you over but I expect you’re getting homesick for Cuba with the aid of now right here oh sure my nation is very beautiful good k what’s that it endured have a exceptional lifestyles here on craggy i’m going to raggy i’m going to as a substitute we will have two just right neighbors padre doogal father doogal gotta run of path father Jack yes however I ought to say I neglected the noise and the lights the whole buzz of the enormous city we mentioned it can be that bad you were in spot Wexford weren’t you I was yes what craggy Island has its charms the west a part of the island used to be wonderful except it drifted off of path exceptional pal drifted off yes there was a bit of of a storm and it just got here loose huh now we should not have a west side it is just north south and east it used to be beautiful at the same time I used to be there sorry mister have you learnt Ted your housekeeper is an awfully stunning girl sometimes this celibacy is tough for a man you have to check her off of the soft I feel bishop brennan springs to mind I see oh yes yes Bishop Lynn Renan he is our style of boss it sounds as if he used to be myself and the union used to be blessed so they are saying no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the usa our soul goes to rumor anyway used to be it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard within the kitchen with the candlestick you will have Colonel Mustard you showed him to me earlier how might it be Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard very well father Hernandez your go see yes well I consider it was a certainly not-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i finished within the drawing-room huh these Protestants as much as no good as ordinary what’s father Jack looking at what’s that you are gazing father Jack okay is that a movie you are watching huh is not that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you are watching what purple John is for the Jackman a little bit tough of hearing spouse sure he will get a style of waxy buildup in his ears after which we must syringe them it can be no longer very best it is first-class although in a technique considering that you recognize we’re on no account in need of candles good that was in his head last week and there is a few more over there but now we have virtually ample for a papal funeral he’s a sort of 1 man candle manufacturing unit aunt your father Jack huh be sincere he can hear well sufficient when he needs to watch this father Jack would you adore a pitcher of brandy yes oh you see he is a horrible man okay brandy all right all right all proper now say when huh say when huh tell me particularly wanted to discontinue pouring oh all correct that’s it you sure long past anymore hiya craggy Island parochial condominium father Ted truly speaking ha ha ha whats up bishop Brendan how are you yes no all proper good sure all correct of path yes goodbye bye so that’s the boss he’s coming over he wants to speak to us about something come on we better finish this it can be ought to be the longest recreation of Clue I’ve ever played how lengthy we’ve not be aware of five hours Ted must no longer be some playing cards in here or anything however I have no words to assert how grateful i am do that’s just a little ungrateful – do not you worry father Hernandez dangled a gallows nonetheless I do have some items from the persons of my village please do not chuckle of this straightforward example of Cuban handicraft it is a video recorder see no no guys yes i am sorry exam it can be an extraordinarily normal model it is only a 3 week pre-record facility do not fear about that it is satisfactory thanks very so much father nandus it is distinguished feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have whatever fallacious muy it is very specific you fairly do not need you particularly should not have image opal it’s a Cuban fertility image i’m hoping it brings you as so much good fortune because it brought me sure all right muttering oh yeah well I rather come on now drew seem the bishop can be here any minute all proper now you take into account what I advised you huh it can be quite simple a brand new nation to mention what we have been speaking about last night time all proper Jeff what were we speaking about last night time good day you know the rumors in regards to the bishops little mistake all proper yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in america oh yes he’s a son in america yes what’s strange it can be a race race huh that’s news to me Ted we have been speakme about it final night Deauville to Father Hernandez who all correct the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure if you don’t forget right k just disregard all about it just fail to remember about it simply don’t mention the son have you ever bought that i have Ted the lights are on however there is no one dwelling father Brendan is here hells bells right showman juga now bear in mind now not a phrase concerning the solar hiya bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your costume beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s the whole lot on the planet faith the sector of faith what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good you realize Oh mrs. Darling sign that tea here i am I mentioned mister and i am great thanks mrs. Doyle will you no longer have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to remain I want to get proper to the factor and get the hell out of here definite you will not have a clog i’m unique thanks oh one have a call no thanks oh no however everyone else is having a cop would you now not have one yourself I would not have the time you left out you can be Bishop piggy within the core i’m fine first-class you definite you will not have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say sure or is it it can be faster suppose me all proper then yes Mon Tiger lads good i am hoping you’re no longer doing torture damage right here huh Jack are you behaving your self thanks did you see your grace what brings you to these elements considering of sending us again to our parishes a reality chance you are right here unless I inform you or else you think both jack again into a common parish after the marriage ceremony he did in earth long huh undoubtedly i’m no no no no you had been right here until all of that cash is accounted for I failed to be aware of what after that money I ample you went to Las Vegas as soon as that bad baby was once imagined to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere idea of letting him again into the real world after the Black Rock incident sure that wasn’t the amount of persons’s lives a rep to be broken there have been handiest nuns nuns are people too my god the strings I needed to pull the stop the Vatican getting involved I do not wish to speak about it I just wish to get this sense business over and completed with film about what film this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it but due to the fact of some loophole the bloody thing is displaying on this godforsaken dump oh yes that is correct is it any excellent if it is any excellent or not all i do know is that we have to be visible to be making a stand against it i have been brought again from my excursion in California to form it out and that’s the place you went Larry and Moe are available in what do you imply well i know that most of the time you wouldn’t be ready to organize a nun shoot in a nunnery but regardless of that’s as much as you to make the church’s role clear make some style of a protest on the cinema even you must be ready to manipulate that oh thanks very much listen that is very serious don’t make a balls of it correct i’m going to be in contact your grace but this this is not rather my area nothing is your area Crilley you don’t have an field and this is the variety of a play field with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you are told correct via now this is silly there is nobody here for God see females and gents i’m joyful to say now we have a deal with in retailer today for all you fanatics of French cinema is that this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it can be whatever any person stare at the protesting now or what sure I suppose so or maybe we will have to just stay and spot somewhat little bit of the filling for us well let’s just get it over with how maybe it is no longer too bad Ted it would be in different commitments it’s not relevant whether it is excellent or bad Dubin it can be the morality we don’t consider proper let’s go dude did your sin hello Michael how are you oh i’m grandpa how’s father Jack what we’ve not seen him due to the fact that we the last shall set up in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be on my own in these days all correct but you are making a couple of circuit it can be a protracted story we’ve got the bishop or you recognize Len Brennan or at gob sheet it is going lad seeing that in film I any taller down right here and kick up just a little of a drive all proper yeah however there’s only one dingo yeah you are sort of an just anything to exhibit we’re not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no problem at all though however when you might preserve it down I imply we have got to feel of different humans that you can rely on us make it Michael Michael um i do not suppose you are inclined to cook dinner yourself that’s only a television no hindrance huh do you need to head on now oh hush or no means would as well stay and notice the movie first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand fight i am carried out we’re nonetheless ok from the bath location EJ the worry mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the fallacious individual there Ted I might make head nor tails i know for a incontrovertible fact that sane tibula swore extra garments than that he used to be from Norway our summer time the frozen to death and do you remember that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the opposite lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm provide us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God no longer blockbusters once more Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Pleasant a further 8 hour sleep you’re going to wake 10 oh that is fantastic isn’t it one more nice lie in for the men there’s do you need to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be terrible if Bishop Brennan got here in and he instructed us to get out of the cinema and began protesting again that is ridiculous the location doesn’t open for a further 7 hours what about what they Bishop said didn’t he need us to change ourselves the railings how we supposed to try this hilarious might have some thing correct you go and get some thing i’ll I simply keep here and preserve a detailed cinema wager they’re gonna would want to watch a film that does not begin for an extra 7 hours Jack what the hell are you as much as why don’t seem to be you at the movie psycho what what did you say listen the dead you see my bag anywhere my travelling bag hmm well for those who do see it will you give it back to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh the whole lot correct you gonna stand there all day a fats historical bitch on high to be like there is a large pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i’ll watch nothing i’m going to stick this up your ass oh hello YouTube father how’s tricks we have not obvious you in a at the same time we were simply going to have some tea if you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i am first-class hiya what can we do you for our Father well I was watching for a pair of handcuffs surely pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing so much stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re just attempting whatever out Oh in reality humorous ample I consider we do have a pair i’m Sergeant pawns had left them right here when he retired retired from what from the police the police used to be Sergeant harm on a policeman um he used to be yes why do you think you’re the uniform oh I idea he was just having a laugh anyway young here’s the handcuffs k thanks cost quality i do know my father canine with this kind of thing careful now yeah with this sort of factor Oh father clearly hiya Jim i love Italian I obvious your picture in the paper watch right here have a seem so it can be a blasphemous turn father what’s my type of factor is he mad stuff it is very immoral Jim you would not adore it is it a sort of nudie factor you would not feel the amount and oldest unit you see the Latia father – just the highest section you see i am watching this left an creativeness howdy good if i’ll be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah whats up mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the passion of seeing time yours what’s that’s it a Western or a musical or some thing we at all times put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a exceptional one a few weeks in the past The Crying recreation it was once extraordinary k there was once this exceptional bit ended you see there was once this girl and then you discover it can be now not a lady however a man oh he obtained his letters let me see it for a 2d however you get the message I was it forced it see you later considering I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder at the high probably anything then stepping into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady nobody takes a blind man or woman or so what the church says anymore hello reduce father obviously good day how’s your wife I hear she hasn’t been well she’s lifeless father and he or she are simply a couple of hours of all fairly sure anyplace that is just the way it’s what is the feeling like father what’s it any just right I was once studying about it in the paper I instructed you you must think about going to a film in case your wife is simply die here I might wander it I cannot act about the funeral important points later fathers I ought to say that is uncommon this is the most triumphant Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all different types of documents as a result of all this publicity over your protest circle that’s method oh my god would you look who it is oh thank god a little of support that’s reasonable 54 turn a nun father I get to a seat proper Dougal I’ve had ample of this we’re leaving give me the keys keys what’s this than your costume why am I watching at a globe of the waters good um how can i provide an explanation for first of all a resume of the last few days now I do not know should you recall however I got here in right here with the suggestion of you making a dignified protest about this village don’t forget that sure sure good you know simply to show the Church’s opposition to the film bus and this is the phase that I find most exciting you could have clearly made this movie the most effective movie ever proven here is not that pleasant I mean men and women are coming from far and wide the country to peer the movie they are even coming from Gdansk to peer the film i do know but it surely’s now not that seem there may be you there is Forrest Gump there is father Jack actually staring at the villain now there’s a flip-up for the books what right now I consider the first-rate factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as clergymen come fill and promoters external of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I inspiration that you could like to move to the united states hmm what phase do you think well dumb Las Vegas i am sorry i am sorry Ted i’m in South america certainly there is a lovely little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you are going to like this and they have got been knocking the shit out of every other now we have on no account been able to find the proper man to bring them collectively in the spirit of Christian harmony but I think that you’re the man well thanks very a lot no have to thank me incidentally are you aware how to make arrows well not to worry not to fear it’s going to come to you now go blue over to you isn’t it funny how a few of these areas in the Philippines can keep on going with no right sewerage procedure hmm your honor now Jack the place can we send you huh Jack get up Bishop i would not do that you shut up Jack get up I got you oh my god if you happen to consider this place is unhealthy wait till you see your new parish just wait except you see well that’s it then I consider I suppose all we will do now’s percent Ted i don’t wish to go to the Philippines I imply I are not able to even spell the Philippines I understand it starts offevolved with an F i know i do know honey go someplace we might persuade the bishop to change his mind if simplest we had some thing we could discount with I do not know what’s that Jack did you get a film the final factor I need to watch now is a movie well that was excellent wasn’t it right there Ted and will have to we cell him now or will we watch it once more I believe we watch it once more you
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot-2/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Looks like rain Ted come on Duggal it can be your go I need to say father Hernandez it is been individual having you over but I expect you’re getting homesick for Cuba with the aid of now right here oh sure my nation is very beautiful good k what’s that it endured have a exceptional lifestyles here on craggy i’m going to raggy i’m going to as a substitute we will have two just right neighbors padre doogal father doogal gotta run of path father Jack yes however I ought to say I neglected the noise and the lights the whole buzz of the enormous city we mentioned it can be that bad you were in spot Wexford weren’t you I was yes what craggy Island has its charms the west a part of the island used to be wonderful except it drifted off of path exceptional pal drifted off yes there was a bit of of a storm and it just got here loose huh now we should not have a west side it is just north south and east it used to be beautiful at the same time I used to be there sorry mister have you learnt Ted your housekeeper is an awfully stunning girl sometimes this celibacy is tough for a man you have to check her off of the soft I feel bishop brennan springs to mind I see oh yes yes Bishop Lynn Renan he is our style of boss it sounds as if he used to be myself and the union used to be blessed so they are saying no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the usa our soul goes to rumor anyway used to be it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard within the kitchen with the candlestick you will have Colonel Mustard you showed him to me earlier how might it be Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard very well father Hernandez your go see yes well I consider it was a certainly not-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i finished within the drawing-room huh these Protestants as much as no good as ordinary what’s father Jack looking at what’s that you are gazing father Jack okay is that a movie you are watching huh is not that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you are watching what purple John is for the Jackman a little bit tough of hearing spouse sure he will get a style of waxy buildup in his ears after which we must syringe them it can be no longer very best it is first-class although in a technique considering that you recognize we’re on no account in need of candles good that was in his head last week and there is a few more over there but now we have virtually ample for a papal funeral he’s a sort of 1 man candle manufacturing unit aunt your father Jack huh be sincere he can hear well sufficient when he needs to watch this father Jack would you adore a pitcher of brandy yes oh you see he is a horrible man okay brandy all right all right all proper now say when huh say when huh tell me particularly wanted to discontinue pouring oh all correct that’s it you sure long past anymore hiya craggy Island parochial condominium father Ted truly speaking ha ha ha whats up bishop Brendan how are you yes no all proper good sure all correct of path yes goodbye bye so that’s the boss he’s coming over he wants to speak to us about something come on we better finish this it can be ought to be the longest recreation of Clue I’ve ever played how lengthy we’ve not be aware of five hours Ted must no longer be some playing cards in here or anything however I have no words to assert how grateful i am do that’s just a little ungrateful – do not you worry father Hernandez dangled a gallows nonetheless I do have some items from the persons of my village please do not chuckle of this straightforward example of Cuban handicraft it is a video recorder see no no guys yes i am sorry exam it can be an extraordinarily normal model it is only a 3 week pre-record facility do not fear about that it is satisfactory thanks very so much father nandus it is distinguished feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have whatever fallacious muy it is very specific you fairly do not need you particularly should not have image opal it’s a Cuban fertility image i’m hoping it brings you as so much good fortune because it brought me sure all right muttering oh yeah well I rather come on now drew seem the bishop can be here any minute all proper now you take into account what I advised you huh it can be quite simple a brand new nation to mention what we have been speaking about last night time all proper Jeff what were we speaking about last night time good day you know the rumors in regards to the bishops little mistake all proper yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in america oh yes he’s a son in america yes what’s strange it can be a race race huh that’s news to me Ted we have been speakme about it final night Deauville to Father Hernandez who all correct the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure if you don’t forget right k just disregard all about it just fail to remember about it simply don’t mention the son have you ever bought that i have Ted the lights are on however there is no one dwelling father Brendan is here hells bells right showman juga now bear in mind now not a phrase concerning the solar hiya bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your costume beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s the whole lot on the planet faith the sector of faith what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good you realize Oh mrs. Darling sign that tea here i am I mentioned mister and i am great thanks mrs. Doyle will you no longer have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to remain I want to get proper to the factor and get the hell out of here definite you will not have a clog i’m unique thanks oh one have a call no thanks oh no however everyone else is having a cop would you now not have one yourself I would not have the time you left out you can be Bishop piggy within the core i’m fine first-class you definite you will not have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say sure or is it it can be faster suppose me all proper then yes Mon Tiger lads good i am hoping you’re no longer doing torture damage right here huh Jack are you behaving your self thanks did you see your grace what brings you to these elements considering of sending us again to our parishes a reality chance you are right here unless I inform you or else you think both jack again into a common parish after the marriage ceremony he did in earth long huh undoubtedly i’m no no no no you had been right here until all of that cash is accounted for I failed to be aware of what after that money I ample you went to Las Vegas as soon as that bad baby was once imagined to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere idea of letting him again into the real world after the Black Rock incident sure that wasn’t the amount of persons’s lives a rep to be broken there have been handiest nuns nuns are people too my god the strings I needed to pull the stop the Vatican getting involved I do not wish to speak about it I just wish to get this sense business over and completed with film about what film this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it but due to the fact of some loophole the bloody thing is displaying on this godforsaken dump oh yes that is correct is it any excellent if it is any excellent or not all i do know is that we have to be visible to be making a stand against it i have been brought again from my excursion in California to form it out and that’s the place you went Larry and Moe are available in what do you imply well i know that most of the time you wouldn’t be ready to organize a nun shoot in a nunnery but regardless of that’s as much as you to make the church’s role clear make some style of a protest on the cinema even you must be ready to manipulate that oh thanks very much listen that is very serious don’t make a balls of it correct i’m going to be in contact your grace but this this is not rather my area nothing is your area Crilley you don’t have an field and this is the variety of a play field with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you are told correct via now this is silly there is nobody here for God see females and gents i’m joyful to say now we have a deal with in retailer today for all you fanatics of French cinema is that this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it can be whatever any person stare at the protesting now or what sure I suppose so or maybe we will have to just stay and spot somewhat little bit of the filling for us well let’s just get it over with how maybe it is no longer too bad Ted it would be in different commitments it’s not relevant whether it is excellent or bad Dubin it can be the morality we don’t consider proper let’s go dude did your sin hello Michael how are you oh i’m grandpa how’s father Jack what we’ve not seen him due to the fact that we the last shall set up in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be on my own in these days all correct but you are making a couple of circuit it can be a protracted story we’ve got the bishop or you recognize Len Brennan or at gob sheet it is going lad seeing that in film I any taller down right here and kick up just a little of a drive all proper yeah however there’s only one dingo yeah you are sort of an just anything to exhibit we’re not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no problem at all though however when you might preserve it down I imply we have got to feel of different humans that you can rely on us make it Michael Michael um i do not suppose you are inclined to cook dinner yourself that’s only a television no hindrance huh do you need to head on now oh hush or no means would as well stay and notice the movie first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand fight i am carried out we’re nonetheless ok from the bath location EJ the worry mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the fallacious individual there Ted I might make head nor tails i know for a incontrovertible fact that sane tibula swore extra garments than that he used to be from Norway our summer time the frozen to death and do you remember that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the opposite lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm provide us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God no longer blockbusters once more Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Pleasant a further 8 hour sleep you’re going to wake 10 oh that is fantastic isn’t it one more nice lie in for the men there’s do you need to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be terrible if Bishop Brennan got here in and he instructed us to get out of the cinema and began protesting again that is ridiculous the location doesn’t open for a further 7 hours what about what they Bishop said didn’t he need us to change ourselves the railings how we supposed to try this hilarious might have some thing correct you go and get some thing i’ll I simply keep here and preserve a detailed cinema wager they’re gonna would want to watch a film that does not begin for an extra 7 hours Jack what the hell are you as much as why don’t seem to be you at the movie psycho what what did you say listen the dead you see my bag anywhere my travelling bag hmm well for those who do see it will you give it back to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh the whole lot correct you gonna stand there all day a fats historical bitch on high to be like there is a large pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i’ll watch nothing i’m going to stick this up your ass oh hello YouTube father how’s tricks we have not obvious you in a at the same time we were simply going to have some tea if you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i am first-class hiya what can we do you for our Father well I was watching for a pair of handcuffs surely pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing so much stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re just attempting whatever out Oh in reality humorous ample I consider we do have a pair i’m Sergeant pawns had left them right here when he retired retired from what from the police the police used to be Sergeant harm on a policeman um he used to be yes why do you think you’re the uniform oh I idea he was just having a laugh anyway young here’s the handcuffs k thanks cost quality i do know my father canine with this kind of thing careful now yeah with this sort of factor Oh father clearly hiya Jim i love Italian I obvious your picture in the paper watch right here have a seem so it can be a blasphemous turn father what’s my type of factor is he mad stuff it is very immoral Jim you would not adore it is it a sort of nudie factor you would not feel the amount and oldest unit you see the Latia father – just the highest section you see i am watching this left an creativeness howdy good if i’ll be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah whats up mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the passion of seeing time yours what’s that’s it a Western or a musical or some thing we at all times put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a exceptional one a few weeks in the past The Crying recreation it was once extraordinary k there was once this exceptional bit ended you see there was once this girl and then you discover it can be now not a lady however a man oh he obtained his letters let me see it for a 2d however you get the message I was it forced it see you later considering I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder at the high probably anything then stepping into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady nobody takes a blind man or woman or so what the church says anymore hello reduce father obviously good day how’s your wife I hear she hasn’t been well she’s lifeless father and he or she are simply a couple of hours of all fairly sure anyplace that is just the way it’s what is the feeling like father what’s it any just right I was once studying about it in the paper I instructed you you must think about going to a film in case your wife is simply die here I might wander it I cannot act about the funeral important points later fathers I ought to say that is uncommon this is the most triumphant Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all different types of documents as a result of all this publicity over your protest circle that’s method oh my god would you look who it is oh thank god a little of support that’s reasonable 54 turn a nun father I get to a seat proper Dougal I’ve had ample of this we’re leaving give me the keys keys what’s this than your costume why am I watching at a globe of the waters good um how can i provide an explanation for first of all a resume of the last few days now I do not know should you recall however I got here in right here with the suggestion of you making a dignified protest about this village don’t forget that sure sure good you know simply to show the Church’s opposition to the film bus and this is the phase that I find most exciting you could have clearly made this movie the most effective movie ever proven here is not that pleasant I mean men and women are coming from far and wide the country to peer the movie they are even coming from Gdansk to peer the film i do know but it surely’s now not that seem there may be you there is Forrest Gump there is father Jack actually staring at the villain now there’s a flip-up for the books what right now I consider the first-rate factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as clergymen come fill and promoters external of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I inspiration that you could like to move to the united states hmm what phase do you think well dumb Las Vegas i am sorry i am sorry Ted i’m in South america certainly there is a lovely little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you are going to like this and they have got been knocking the shit out of every other now we have on no account been able to find the proper man to bring them collectively in the spirit of Christian harmony but I think that you’re the man well thanks very a lot no have to thank me incidentally are you aware how to make arrows well not to worry not to fear it’s going to come to you now go blue over to you isn’t it funny how a few of these areas in the Philippines can keep on going with no right sewerage procedure hmm your honor now Jack the place can we send you huh Jack get up Bishop i would not do that you shut up Jack get up I got you oh my god if you happen to consider this place is unhealthy wait till you see your new parish just wait except you see well that’s it then I consider I suppose all we will do now’s percent Ted i don’t wish to go to the Philippines I imply I are not able to even spell the Philippines I understand it starts offevolved with an F i know i do know honey go someplace we might persuade the bishop to change his mind if simplest we had some thing we could discount with I do not know what’s that Jack did you get a film the final factor I need to watch now is a movie well that was excellent wasn’t it right there Ted and will have to we cell him now or will we watch it once more I believe we watch it once more you
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