#loveable ruthless dark baby
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alitheamateur · 5 years
A Taste of Home-Chapter 10
A/N: This feels a bit rushed, and some of you may feel it’s a poor excuse of a chapter. AND, I will humbly agree. Pardon my lack of length, and choppy descriptions, if you will! I’m trying to reel in this stupid case of writer’s block, and this is the best I’ve got right now, ladies and gents.
Warnings: Oral smut. Language. 
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The packing. The damned packing, and the repetitious unpacking. It was an all-nighter, ruthless and exhausting with indecisive agony. What in the literal hell did you bring along that said:
“Hello. Love me.”
Your fitful mind balked and fretted with the consideration of turning down Chris and his perfectly agonizing romantic gesture to swiftly wisp you off to the other side of the world because he simply “just really need to fucking see you.” But, you wouldn’t do it. You knew it all along. This was a chance to be with him. Maybe even be with him, and that just purely wasn’t an opportunity you would ever pass up.
You called upon the heavenly angels of beauty in the city to freshen your blonde, pluck nearly every hair on your body, and moisturize your every skin pore with some goop smelling of cucumber and coconut. But, truly. Was there ever enough one could do to really prepare to crawl into bed with a man such as Chris and his glorious, brazenly sexy biceps?
You were rattled by the bell of your 4:00 a.m. alarm, followed by a call from your zealously punctual boy-toy to make sure you were keeping a tight and tidy schedule, and on-time for your flight. You could feel in your bones the smile he wore when he rambled on about airport gates, and cars, and baggage claim.
When you arrived at the terminal, the big, dutiful idiot had of course upgraded you to first-class. Knowing you would never have showed up to begin with had the original ticket stated so. You were tucked into your window seat, situating your bending neck-pillow, and about to flip your cell to airplane mode, when it rattled with a text.
C: I’m fucking stoked you’re coming to see me, Mil. Have a safe flight, and have at least 3 mimosas. I can’t have you being all pissy and jet-lagged by the time you get to me. Although, grumpy, asshole Amelia is one of the cutest versions.
You replied with a simple ‘xo’, and you felt a little squeal course through your veins.
Whether it be the side-effects of the early hour, or the fruitful symptoms of the 3 strong mimosas you downed before your nap, you felt dazed and extremely wobbly when your plane landed at the rainy airport in London. The flight attendant had somehow relayed a message that your driver would be waiting at baggage claim, and you were to go straight to him.
Just as promised, he waited there in his black fitted jeans, and downward tilting baseball cap with your suitcases at his feet. The man was large, wide enough to turn when attempting to clear a doorway, and you were certain he must’ve been a member of Chris’ longtime security team.
He hauled your crammed bags into the hatch of the SUV, sprinting around to catch the handle of the door before you could open it for yourself. No question, Chris had threatened he be on his best, chivalrous behavior when in your presence.
“Miss Calvert, we’re to head directly to set to meet up with Chris. But, is there any stops you need to make on the way?” He asked, a hard Queens lilt to his accent.
“No, thank you. I’m fine! Straight to Chris would be great.”
“Yes, ma’am. He also asked that you call him once we’re en route.” The car slid into a winding lane of traffic.
You dialed, his name the last on your recent call list.
“Ello.” The dork chided in his well-worked English accent.
“Well, I’m buckled into the backseat of some vehicle with a guy who says he knows you. Let’s hope I picked the right driver.”
“Guy? I didn’t send anyone for you.” His voice never hitched.
You gulped down a taste of spilt-second worry. “You fucker. Mess with me and I’ll turn this car around, Evans.”
He barked out that heinous laugh that only you, and his mother could love. “Hey, hey. Settle down, firecracker. Did that flight attendant not liquor you up enough on the way over?”
“I’ll have you know, I obeyed your direct orders and downed 3 the first hour in. I might even be drunk. So, good going there. You trying to take advantage of me, Christopher?” You bit on your chapped lip, just at the hopeful possibility he would do exactly that.
“Why the hell else do you think I flew you across the world, Millie girl? I can’t wait to see if those sweet little cheeks get all blushed when you’re buzzing like they used to get when you got drunk in our basement.”
Sentimental current shell-shocked you to life.
“What?” Was all your racked brain could piece together through the muddle of feelings.  
“Your entire face used to flush like you had been out in the sun for too long. If the cute as a kitten way your words slurred didn’t give it away when you and my sister snuck those wine-coolers, your red little cheeks would have.”
You’d have swallowed him whole if he had been in your presence.
“Anyways, I’ve gotta jump off. Carter is bringing you to set, and my manager will make sure you get settled in my trailer until I’m all finished. Snag a nap, and help yourself to the fridge. But, stay clear of my beer, little lady. You’re cut off.”
“See you soon, handsome.” Your words rolled and squeaked like your head was full of only air.
You were high with the endorphins of Chris Evans, and his constant successes in turning your every bone to mush. You had no utter idea how long you’d been driving, or barely what day it was when you felt the pace of the car slow into a gated lot. You were waved through by security, and you fidgeted for a compact inside your purse to fuss with your smudged eyeliner and fading foundation. 
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You whispered a prayer as you climbed the noisy steps bolted to his trailer, that maybe he would be finished with the duties of his day already so you could be at the center of his attention, but found your wishes ungranted.
It was silent in the metal tin can, little traces of the so very loveable dork sprinkled throughout. It smelled of him, the crumbled t-shirt on the floor next to the hat hanging from a doorknob made you smile. Although he wasn’t palatably present, this was the closest to him you had felt in the past days.
You flopped to the couch after grabbing yourself a water from the fridge, and a handful of the jellybean bag half-empty on his table.
A: The eagle has landed.
Kicking off your shoes, tucking your manicured toes beneath you, text bubbles of a reply from Chris appeared.
C: The best news I’ve heard all week. Be there when I can, Millie.
A strong doze had apparently taken over, and a hazy dream of his watercolor eyes drowned your consciousness. You could almost smell the thick aroma of his peppermint and musk scent, and the wind of his coffee laced breath tangling with your eyelashes.
Long, lean, worked fingers felt like an imaginary embrace around the nape of your soft throat, and there was a suckle of popping wetness meeting the heartbeat there.
“Wake up, sleeping beauty.” Your bones absorbed the reverberation of his rattling voice, and the sweet dream was indeed the most pleasing moment of reality.
“Sleeping beauty, huh?” You kept your eyes sealed, smiling against your will. “Well, if that’s so, I guess you’ll have to kiss me, right? You know how it goes, Evans. Disney would be so disappointed in you right now.”
His familiar laugh delighted your every sense, and when he kissed you, you were convinced that happiness had a taste, and it was the minty prickle of Chris’ fleshy lips.  
There was a pressing situation soliciting the hotness of your sex, and already the both of you were ripe with desire. As the tip of his tongue licked at yours, your eyes rolled back into your head meeting the euphoria of being ravished by the man you loved. Whether he loved you back, or not…
Lightening heat and possessed passion instantly took over, and you were maneuvering out from beneath the blanket of his muscled weight on top of you, to mount his lap.
“Woah. What’s gotten into you, Millie girl?” He wheezed with brows uplifted in shock, yet satisfaction.
“Are you complaining?” Your teeth bit into his jaw, the friction of his auburn shaded whiskers chaffed your lips.
“By all means, baby, have at it. You don’t know how much I’ve been thinking about you.”
There were many ways to say ‘I missed you’, but in the midst of the dampness collecting in your underwear, there was only one way to squander the fire you were feeling after being without him all those months.
Makes sense, right?
The tight, elastic waistband of his sweats popped as you writhed and shuffled to unwrap the ribbed fullness inside the soft fleece. His breaths were shallow, and the rhythm reeked of unraveling, making you smile behind your lips a little. Chris’ held for dear life on the pillows resting in each corner of the couch, his nails clawing at the seams of the fabric.
“Lose that shirt, Evans.” Your throat was thorny, like your taste buds were trying to punish you until they got a drop of his flavor. Tugging downward on his boxers, he lifted to help you undress him, while pulling out of the collar of his t-shirt.
You know, the way every man does, and women worldwide lose their entire shit?
When his boxers hit his ankles, you beheld what you’d been missing while he was away. Recollection of the night you had talked him through his release over the phone while climaxing on his sheets swelled your pupils, your world going dark with lust now that you were able to feel him between your fists.
His thighs tensed under your palms when you looked up at him with eyes pained of overloading need, and his scruffy chest shook with the traces of a chuckle.
“Amelia Calvert. Never did I ever thi-“
Before he could sour the moment with some trip down fucking memory lane, you swallowed him to the hilt. You felt his whole body shift to stone, totally rigid like even his blood had calcified to a solid state. His head fell back, not a hair on his gorgeous head knocked out of place. You counted as you gulped around his cock, and Chris held his breath for precisely 22 seconds. His eyes shifted behind screwed shut lids, and you wondered if he had simply forgotten how to breath.
“You alright up there, handsome?” You purred, emptying your mouth of his impressive size for not a moment longer than necessary.
“I’m… Fuck. Yeah, baby. More… More than alright, Mills.”
What a sight he was for your fluttering eyes. Sculpted pecks unevenly flexing from his jerks of pleasure when your throat contracted around him. The outline of his picturesque abs had softened, but as you trailed your tickling fingers down his torso, you felt the hardness of a healthy, well-exercised man.
When your eyes would close, concentrating on milking away the stress of his day, he would breeze a finger through the lashes resting on the highest peak of your cheek. The squeaks and hiccupped mutters sliding off his lips made your head hurt with arouse, and you were sure if he didn’t finish soon, you’d be kneeling in your own mess beneath you.
“I’m almost fucking there, Amelia. Damn, baby. Look at me, will ya’?”
You had already concluded he had liked the angelic-like expression of your wild-hair framing your cheeks, and a dopey, wet-mouthed grin watching up at him. So, you tightened the lippy vice around his length, and bat your glassy, lidded eyes.
His back arched inward, and his damp palms latched onto the sides of your face as he leaned up to almost lunge for a kiss. When your tongue slurped and slid back and forth around his tip, and your grip around his base strengthened, Chris Evans blew all working circuits in his brain.
His beard with waxy with sweat, and his unclothed chest was blotched with redness and the glisten of an overdue orgasm. You dipped your head to clean your face in secret for a moment, and he was easily tugging at your hair.
“Don’t you hide that gorgeous face from me.” He combed back his now loosened, un-styled hair, words lagging in ecstasy.
You’d taken him like a desperate trollop, and truthfully, you’d felt a bit cheap now that the act was done. But the way he smiled at you, and swiped his thumb under your eyes to clean up the little smears of makeup there made the moments after a little better.
“I wasn’t expecting that, you know…”
“Good. And, neither was I, for the record.”
His discarded shirt was balled around his knuckles as he dried off the perspiration leaking out of his skin, then he stood to redress himself when you found a seat on the couch.
“Well, keeping taking me by surprise like that, Calvert, and I just may have to return the favor sooner rather than later.” He kissed you with spit-slicked lips and groped around the stretch of your throat gingerly.
The way you had gone at him in only the first hour of being in his presence had you anticipating the many, many surprises that would unfold over the next three days while he had you across the world globe, all to himself.  
TAGS: @miidailyinspiration @spideypxgirl @eap1935 @mollybegger-blog @littleluna98 @firstangeldragonranch @chrisevansforever 
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muffinw · 8 years
Rose Quartz + Pink Diamond + Lion theory
Hey everyone! I’m breaking a several month Tumblr hiatus to speak not about politics (fuuuuuuuuuck all of it) but to talk about Steven Universe. 
Spoilers for Steven Bomb 5 after the cut.  All is speculation until proven.
I’m not the first person to propose a lot of this, but most of the theories related to this came out before Steven Bomb 5, and are therefore already outdated. I’ll sum up my thoughts first and then give evidence: 
I think that Pink Diamond asked/commanded Rose to shatter her, and that Rose preserved one of the remaining shards to create Lion.
Now to explain my thinking. Let’s start with what we know about the Diamonds.
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1. The number of planets each Diamond has. Yellow and Blue have a roughly equal number (and the same gem placement, and equal footing in the emblem), White has a lot, and Pink has only one, which we now know to be Earth. Based on this and the structure of the emblem of the Diamond Authority...
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...it seems that there is a hierarchy within the Diamonds, with White at the top and Pink at the bottom. A lot of fans are saying “Pink was the baby sister.”
2. White, Yellow, and Blue are all posed in austere, somber stances, while Pink is wild, maybe even dancing. Her mural confirms that she had a belly gem, and belly gems are associated with being warm, loving, and cute.
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As we saw in That Will Be All, Yellow and Blue both seemed to really love Pink. Given the coldness we’ve seen from them, especially Yellow, this seems exceptional; Pink Diamond must have been very loveable. 
Thus, it’s no stretch that Rose Quartz would have loved her as well.
3. We now know, that Pink Diamond definitely appreciated Earth, if not downright loved it. The human zoo is a point of.... well, fuzziness on the topic, in that we don’t know if it was a healthy kind of love, but regardless, I think we can all agree she had positive feelings towards it. “It was YOUR planet, after all,” Blue Diamond says to the grave of PD. 
Moving on.
4. Here’s a pretty major thing we learned back in Buddy’s Book:
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“Rose didn’t have a lion!” Correct, Pearl, she had A BUNCH of lions!
5. And here’s something we’ve known for a long time: Rose had (and Steven has) the ability to create sentient life from organic matter. 
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Moving on.
6. When Steven finally learns that Rose shattered PD Garnet says that “Rose did what she had to do to protect Earth.” 
Tons of people want to believe that Rose didn’t actually shatter PD, or that  the Temple fusion consisting of Rose, Garnet, and Pearl did it together, but Eyeball was there, she saw it. She would have said “a fusion” did it. The show does not lie; once something is said, that’s how it happened. Rebecca Sugar doesn’t pull Shyamanlanian bullshit.
But part of why they say “the Temple Fusion did it!” is because of these faces in Back to the Moon:
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But just because they are exhibiting shame and guilt doesn’t mean they personally killed PD. They can be feeling those things for a hundred reasons, starting with the fact they probably didn’t want Steven to find out this way. 
And like I said, it seems like PD was a very loveable being, so she probably inspired a lot of loyalty among her subjects. It’s possible that Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire all grieve her loss and feel guilty at being Rose’s accomplices --
-- which brings me to something we DON’T know: Did the rebellion begin before or after PD was shattered? Ruby and Sapphire didn’t fuse until Blue Diamond took charge of Earth, so it seems that whatever Garnet knows about PD’s death was told to her after the fact. Pearl was almost certainly there. 
7. “But Rose has thus far been portrayed as practically perfect!” Yeah. Were you not suspicious of that? There were a lot of hints that there was something dark lurking at the edges of Rose Quartz’s history, which is why so many people accurately predicted before Back to the Moon that Rose shattered Pink Diamond.
And regardless of Rose’s intentions, this is not the first story to show that wonderful, beloved people can have deeply dark sides. 
But we do know that at least one of Rose’s intentions was to protect Earth. 
Add that to the allusions to PD’s personality, and everyone’s assumption that Rose seems to have been highly ranked in PD’s court, and it’s possible Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond were on the same team to protect Earth.
Some have even theorised that given that Quartzes are warriors, Rose may have been PD’s personal body guard.... which begs the question: who did Pink Diamond need protection from?’
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That’s pure conjecture, as we know ABSOLUTELY ZERO THINGS about white Diamond, other than she owns more planets than the other Diamonds and her symbol is at the top of the emblem of the Diamond Authority.  But I do wonder about the planet WD is holding. I’m not the first to propose that it represents Homeworld itself. 
Either way, it seems the WD has more power than the rest of the Diamonds, and may even rule the others. 
I’m also going to guess that White is even colder and more authoritarian than Yellow, a juxtaposition to the warmth I assume Pink had. With that kind of clash of personalities, I would think they argued a lot. 
8. Consider Yellow’s distaste for organic matter, and Holly Blue Agate’s rudeness towards humans. Not a stretch that this is an attitude held by WD, and if she’s as cold and ruthless as I’m guessing, that translates to a lot of open hostility toward Earth. 
So bottom line, I think White Diamond posed a threat to Earth, maybe beyond just hollowing it out, and Pink Diamond loved Earth enough that she decided (for reasons I’m not even going to attempt to guess at yet, as I’m still basing all of this on allusions and inference) that she had to sacrifice herself to save it, and she asked Rose Quartz to help her do that. 
And so Rose accepted, and I believe she did it out of love primarily for her Diamond, and once she was gone, Rose wanted to do right by her memory in every way she could. This would obviously include protecting Earth, but also preserving a literal piece of her.
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We know Rose had a bunch of lions, and that she could create life. 
We also know from Frybo that there are objects that, even in shards, can bring inanimate forms to life. 
It’s possible Rose figured out a way to merge a shard of Pink Diamond’s gem with one of her lions. 
I’m not the first to propose that Lion is Pink Diamond in some way. However, I still wouldn’t put it as broadly as “Lion IS Pink Diamond.” I think Lion is Lion. He isn’t going to suddenly turn into PD or any other being one day, he just originates from a piece of her.
So to wrap it all up: Pink Diamond sacrificed herself to save Earth, Rose Quartz loved her enough to preserve her and what she stood for, and did so by merging one of her shards with a normal lion to create the magical Lion we know and love.
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