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Cauliflower is a good source of fibre and B vitamins. It's high in vitamin C which helps in better absorption of iron by the body. It's also a good source of antioxidants. You can introduce this to your baby from 6 months. It's easy to prepare and kids usually love eating it. Our experience: we introduced this to S in his 6th month. We initially offered it steamed and he loved it. Chewed through the florets. However towards the end of his 7th month, he suddenly started refusing it. He would pick it up, lick it, look at us like what's this and move on to the next item on his plate. We then tried sauteing it slightly with some spices sprinkled and offered it again as part of the same meal and this time he gobbled it down 😂 Size suggestion: at 6 months, bigger florets would work better. The stem is easy for them to hold onto while chewing. As your baby grows and develops a good pincer grasp, you can start offering smaller florets as well. Ways to prepare: you can steam or saute the cauliflower until cooked. Based on our experience, we would suggest you to experiment and see which taste your baby likes. Tastes keep evolving and you might generally notice the trend with other veggies as well when their preferences change. Check out babyledweaningindianrecipes.com for healthy Indian recipes :) #blw #babyledweaning #blwindia #babyledweaningindianstyle #babyledfeeding #fingerfoodforbaby #fingerfoodfirst #solidstarts #weaning #weaningfood #weaningideas #blwsouthindian #cauliflower #babyfood #vegetarianbabyfood #veggiesforbabies #vegetarianbabyledweaning #veganbabyfood #veganbabyledweaning #babyapproved #whatmybabyeats #whatifeedmybaby #babyfoodideas (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSpB5JQBpO-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Healthy easy to make Ragi Cauliflower rotis. Goes well with onion tomato chutney or hung curd. Our experience: S stopped enjoying ragi porridge and refused preloaded spoons around 7.5 months. We then started using the ragi malt in veggie rotis since he enjoyed eating it in this form. Keep in mind that the rotis have to be made slightly thick to make it easy to pick up. Serve them with a dip smeared on top so they are soft and not dry. We used to cut them in strips and offer on his highchair tray. Ingredients Cauliflower Sprouted Ragi flour Jeera powder Pepper powder (9M+) Preparation 1. Rinse cauliflower florets well and immerse them in boiling hot water (with a pinch of turmeric optional) for about 5 minutes. Grate it finely once done. 2. Mix grated cauliflower, ragi malt, a pinch of jeera powder and a pinch of pepper with just enough water added to bind well. 3. Flatten it out using your hand into a slightly thick paratha. 4. Heat the tawa, add homemade ghee/ homemade butter and cook the paratha well flipping on both sides. Note: 1. If making for toddlers you can add some salt as needed to the dough 2. you can also add some grated garlic and chopped coriander leaves to the dough for added flavour. Check out babyledweaningindianrecipes.com for fun healthy recipes! ❤️ #blw #babyledweaning #cauliflower #ragiforbabies #ragi #milletrecipes #millet #ragirecipes #babyapproved #babyledfeeding #babyledeating #solidstarts #weaning #weaningfood #blwindia #blwsouthindian #blwindianideas #blwinspiration #babyrecipes #babyfood #babyfoodrecipes #healthybabyfood #healthybabyfoodideas #whatmybabyeats #whatifeedmybaby #babyledweaningindianrecipes #babyledweaningindianstyle #vegetarianbabyfood #vegetarianbabyledweaning #vegetarianbaby (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT_e4MgBJTB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pasta is both fun and healthy for kids! In this recipe we used a combination of broccoli and coconut milk for the sauce and it tasted sooo good! For the pasta itself we used the red lentil pasta from @pinkharvestfarms (highly recommend). It's a single ingredient pasta which means if you see the list of ingredients there would be only one ingredient listed, nothing else. No better way to check which products are actually healthy in our opinion. Also, we've got a few questions on how babies can enjoy pasta without teeth. Babies gums are extremely strong and if the pasta is cooked soft, they can easily chew through it. From our experience S loves picking up the pasta pieces one by one and we usually overload it with the sauce since S loves the taste. Note: Don't overcook the pasta though, because then it'll easily break in their hold making it extremely frustrating for them to pick and eat. Ingredients: Pasta of your choice Steamed broccoli florets Coconut milk Powdered pepper/ whole peppercorns Homemade butter/unsalted butter Preparation 1. Add the steamed broccoli, coconut milk and a pinch of pepper to a blender. Blend until smooth. Adjust coconut milk amounts to the consistency you desire. 2. Add pasta to a pan of water and boil until soft. 3. Heat a little butter on a pan. Add the blended broccoli sauce and let it heat until you see it thicken. 4. Add the cooked pasta and mix well. Remove from heat and serve once cool. That's it! You're done :) Check out babyledweaningindianrecipes.com for fun and healthy baby recipes ❤️ #blw #babyledweaning #broccoli #broccoliforbaby #coconut #coconutmilk #pepper #babyfoodrecipes #weaning #blwindianideas #blwfoodideas #babyapproved #whatmybabyeats #whatifeedmybaby #solidstarts #babyledeating #pastaforbaby #pasta #blwinspiration #blwindia #babyledweaningrecipes #babyledweaningindianrecipes #weaningfood #weaningrecipes #vegetarianbabyfood #veganbabyfood #vegetarianbabyledweaning (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTtZefwBK1y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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First foods are always special :) we put a lot of thought into them and want to introduce the best foods to our babies. On the very first day of weaning we offered preloaded spoons of ragi porridge and steamed carrot sticks to S. Very messy and not too much was eaten but S immediately took both the spoons and the carrots to his mouth and attempted eating them which we felt was a very good start! Our daughter also introduced the concept to him earlier by doing activities like giving him raw carrots (peeled and washed in drinking water) as teethers and we did our best to keep meal time a zero pressure space for S so he would explore at his pace. Today, he's an adventurous eater and he's slowly developing a good pincer grasp. He tries to pick up smaller pieces of food that breaks off and attempts to fully finish the pieces offered to him. He also looks forward to his meal times and starts getting annoyed if we put him in his highchair but delay getting his food by a couple of minutes 😂 The post has the very first foods we offered S :) All were offered in a blw friendly way. Initially we held out the pieces for him to grab and eat and by the end of the week he was picking them off the highchair tray on his own. Do try to include iron rich foods as part of the meals. It's said that iron reserves reduce by 6 months and that's why it's important to start weaning at this stage. Iron is essential for growth and brain development and deficiency in iron may also cause lower appetite. Pairing iron rich foods with foods high in vitamin C help in better absorption of iron. What foods did you offer your baby on their first day of solids? Do share below ❤️ #blw #babyledweaning #fingerfoodsfirst #solidstarts #babyledeating #babyledfeeding #blwindia #blwsouthindian #blwinspiration #blwideas #blwindianideas #babyapproved #whatmybabyeats #whatifeedmybaby #babyledweaningindianstyle #babyledweaningindianrecipes #weaning #weaningideas #veggiesforbabies #babyfoods #blwindianfood #vegetarianbabyledweaning #vegetarianbaby #vegetarianbabyfood #veganbabyfood (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSUTlApBMIL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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