gamanaware · 1 year
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No es un batido ni tampoco un postre. Es una… ¡VELA! Una preciosa #velaaromatica hecha con muchísimo amor, cuidando todos los detalles y… ¡¡¡¡como huele!!!! #nutella #velanutella #velón #velones #velonesdecorativos #velasmelilla #velascolladodevillalba #colladovillalba #colladodevillalba #galapagar #lasrozas #velaslasrozas #madrid #melilla #oreo #galletalotus #galletalotusdecera #canelaenrama https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTNvzSoO6M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Somos energía. 🙌 Vibramos y recepcionamos en sintonía con lo semejante. De la misma forma, los objetos también se cargan con energía y así es cómo a veces sentimos que algo tiene "mala vibra", "está cargado" o "tiene energía fea" y necesitamos realizar una limpieza, lavarlo o resetearlo con la luz del sol o la luna. En Conejo Blanco 🐰realizamos todas las semanas un ritual de alta vibración (con cuencos, mantras tibetanos, sahumo de salvia y palo santo y oraciones) para alquimizar y consagrar todos los objetos esotericos de la tienda. De esta forma te llegan con un aura brillante y clara para potenciar tu propia energía. Vení a visitarnos a la tienda y conocé más de nuestra magia. 💫🐰 Nos encontramos en: Paseo Vía Devoto - local 17 (Asunción 4223, CABA) ❣️ #tiendaesotericaconejoblanco #tiendaesoterica #tarot #velasalquimicas #santeria #oraculos #resinas #sahumos #santos #velones #cristales #libros #pendulos #sagradamadre #sahumerios #lamparadesal https://www.instagram.com/p/CgudROGuUfJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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guy60660 · 19 days
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Tadej Pogačar | Velon CC
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1950 advertisement for Velon fabrics by Firestone
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themesnulled · 9 months
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New Post has been published on https://themesnulled.us/velonic-v6-0-admin-dashboard-template/
Velonic v6.0 - Admin & Dashboard Template
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beezlebubs-art · 12 days
Piacere, space, whatever you go by, you said you wouldn't mention anyone from this, or at least that was what the deal was, I hope you were told about it. We'd not mention you, as long as you wouldn't mention us. But you did, so a new callout post with new points, people defending you don't really do a good job. TLDR: they blame everything on mental health, takes little fault for hurting people because of said mental issues, vents to people decently younger than them constantly, and they demand boundaries, but get extremely upset when anyone asks for them to do so for them.
NOTE I didn't directly see any of this, I'm doing this to defend my friends because, no offense, they are kinda letting themselves get walked all over. If anything is wrong please tell me. Do not harass anyone in this situation, no one deserves it.
First up a recap on the first situation with a new moral because talking to your friend made it more obvious what the issue was, you blaming mental health. My friends silver and JJ banned someone from wheezle's easel for in their mind being toxic, the other mods including piacere and their friends didn't feel the person was that bad, but instead of voicing that they went on a rant at how they were never listened to. Even when given an opportunity to unban the person piacere went on about not being listened to while actively ignoring their attempts at giving them an input. They caused my friends to have anxiety attacks and cry, yes they apologized, but only after saying my friends were horrible people. I don't know how you go from that to sorry in a few days and mean that apology. Proof under this, and another situation and perspectives of other people on them.
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Now for the new situation i heard of, they were in my friend's server, velon's, and they'd do their constant venting. They were asked to not mention suicide so often and got really upset. More stuff must have happened because like, everyone there says how they would make them super stressed out with how often they'd beg for attention and do things like make sex jokes with people who were uncomfortable with it. Here's people's opinions on it and also i'd check out Typhoonclade's post on them here for more opinions.
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Generally they'd vent everywhere around like 16-18 year olds as an almost 20 year old. they'd constantly cry about not getting attention while they got a lot of attention from at least half the active members in our server. And also a lot of weird sexual stuff that granted is hearsay to me but tbhI don't care anymore, there's no way two unrelated people have similar stories. Here's some other stuff of them being mean about people and attention seek-y I have.
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Piacere, you won't read this tbh, but just get off the internet, its clear you can't handle it, and you hurt people, for everyone's good, please just get offline. I know real life sucks for you, you'd say it a lot man, but its not an excuse to hurt people who aren't doing anything to you. Just, idk what you should do, other than leave the wider internet.
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courtofthrones · 11 months
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x reader
Summary: What happens when two people who are the opposite ends of a thread of fate try to get the other end of the thread to burn knowing they would burn too. Because he was the throne but she will see the throne burn.
A/N: This is definitely an Eris loaded chapter. I think this is by far the longest chapter(still not much longer). I haven't checked for any mistakes so please ignore them if you can. Reblogs and feedback of any kind appreciated.
"And you must incorporate the royal colours in your wedding attire dear to signify our union with the High family. You know what I will have the seamstresses bring their best red fabrics."
You didn't even bother gracing the repetitive droning of your mother with a reply. With the fateful day of your wedding approaching faster than ever your mother had all but declared herself the sole decision maker on the matters regarding the preparations for your impending nuptials.
And you could not be more grateful about it because you were more than happy to not spare a single thought on it. But as you walked the castle grounds you prayed to the Mother for her to just shut her mouth for a single moment.
Having been reinstated in his court duties due to the 'mercy' of the High Lord your father had been busier than ever, so he made sure to take an evening walk with his family everyday before dinner.
However today the meetings had run a little longer than the others so Myhir who always accompanied him during court matters had also joined the walk. With a strong grip on your hand he helped you through a particularly treacherous path in the garden. You grabbed his arm a tad tighter with every step you took, allowing yourself a moment of happiness amongst everything.
You could also see it on Myhir's face how much these small moments meant for him. Having to see your lover get married and not being able to do a thing surely couldn't be easy. Had it been you in his place you would have crumbled with heartbreak.
Eris yearned for a warm bath in his chambers after the exhausting day he just had. Having to play all these mind games along with endless court posturing for years without a crack in his mask truly did manage to suck the soul out of him.
As he made his journey back to his private chambers his mind managed to wander off to thoughts of a certain sharp tongued beauty. His thoughts seemed to do that a lot these days. Revolve around you.
You were strong, that he'd give you. Having endured the scorn of the court for decades without so much as shedding a single tear. But that is where his admiration of you ended because due to some unfortunate reason you managed to bring out a part of himself that he had long thought buried.
You always said the right words with enough bite for him to lose control of his emotions. There has always been something lurking beneath your eyes ever since he saw you in the garden at the gala. If it was hunger for vengeance or something else he was not sure.
And you being aware about his association with Lady Alena Velon certainly didn't help with matters. For the last few days he has tried thinking of all possible ways you could use that information to your advantage but he has failed in reaching to a conclusion.
Unpredictable and disastrous.
Truly someone that tore through all his walls and left him utterly unarmed.
As Eris looked out towards the royal gardens which shined golden under the setting rays of the sun through the glass windows, his thoughts suddenly died in his mind.
There you were. Looking graceful as ever walking with your family, your arm around that damned advisor.
Smiling and looking up at him as though he held the stars in his hands.
Eris Vanserra thought himself a novice when it came to matters of the heart but he knew in his heart at that moment, it was a look between lovers. Hanging onto every word, grabbing each other a tad closer and gravitating towards each other no matter where.
At that Eris began closing the space between you before his mind could come up with a reason for it.
You allowed yourself this one moment of reprieve from all your burdens, walking alongside Myhir. The day had not yet ended and it had already tired you out. Your parents had managed to walk quite a bit ahead of you, so you let yourself look at Myhir unbashedly.
"Is there something on my face?" Myhir said as he bent down to pluck a rose from the garden.
You took the flower from his hands as he held it out to you ."Can I not look at you just because I want to?"
"Is that so?"  He watched as you put the flower in his hair.
You mimicked the smile on his face."Yes because it is quite beautiful."
"What is?"
It took all your strength to not let out an annoyed groan at the voice of the person you wanted to get away from the most.
"Your grace ." Myhir greeted him.
However Eris only glared at him with annoyance on his face before turning to watch you with his keen gaze.
" I will escort the lady from here. Leave us." Eris finally spoke with a cocked head in the direction of the palace . Without even sparing Myhir a second glance.
Myhir opened his mouth as if to protest but thought better of it and bowed his head in farewell before walking off towards your parents.
" Walk with me." Eris commanded before you offering his arm. He always sounded like that.
Authoritative and entitled.
"And pray tell me why should I do that ?" You grit out with venom in your voice and you hated yourself for it. You should know better than show him how much his presence affected you. This simmering enmity between you both had managed to invade your life and lodged itself deep in all aspects of it.
Eris managed to take a hold of your hand and played with your fingers absent-minded. Your breath caught in your throat.
"Do not look so upset princess. You were smiling to your heart's content just a moment ago. Surely you could manage taking a walk with the one you are set to spend the rest of your life with."
Your lips pressed themselves into a thin line. "That is a hard thing to do , don't you think? Since neither of us are each other's choice."
" Yeah I can see that." He scoffed as if finally remembering the reality of the relationship between you both.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You ask narrowing your eyes at the harsh tone in his words.
"Do you take me for a halfwit? Surely you did not think I wouldn't find out about your secret lover. For a lady who was so vexed about my relations I expected you to hold yourself to the same standards but alas I was wrong."
Your bones went gelid right where you stood. This would be the information that you would wish to share with anyone but him. “It is none of your concern,” you replied rather blandly.
Eris is all stormy anger and volatile fury at your words. None of his concern? Is that to say he was right in his assumption. He did not have the name for it but he felt extremely unsettled at the thought of your heart being occupied by another. At you not looking at someone with hatred shining in your eyes.
It was unnatural and utterly selfish.
"None of my concern? I think it is especially my concern to know who my soon to be wife is entertaining herself with." He gritted out as if he would start breathing fire.
You stood there with your hands still in his gentle grip wildly different from his harsh voice and the world melted around you like ice facing fire.
"Entertainment?" You could not believe the word. "Is that what everything is to you ?"
"Do tell me what it is then? Do not tell me it is true love?" Eris didn't quite understand where the question came from but it left a sour taste in his mouth.
"Jealousy is not a good look on you darling."
You say all amused smiles and cheeky voice. You looked like you were enjoying yourself, like a predator toying with it's prey.
"Why would I be jealous of your little boy toy? Though I expected much more honour from you."
It is truly pressing how affected he is at your words.
The setting sun painted the sky in shades of orange and red as if your mere presence made the Autumn Court dance, Eris thought to himself. With fire beneath his skin Eris Vanserra truly was the Prince of Autumn but you were Autumn incarnate with your fiery smiles and cinnamon fragrance. However the breathtaking scenery did not alleviate the tension surrounding you both.
"You speak to me of honour? You? Son and heir of High Lord Beron Vanserra? Where was this so-called honour of yours when your subjects were dying? Where was your honour when you burned my brother at the stake?" You pinned the words with your blood singing in fury. "But do not worry my prince I would make sure that you would at least see an honourable death."
You gritted out with all bared teeth and venom before shaking your fingers out of his grip and making your escape towards the castle.
Your furious words and the resentment in your eyes woke him up as if he was slapped in the face and made him remember how you were the last two individuals that would find  comfort with each other.
Because the blood on his hands had never birthed something as remarkable and pure as love.
Despite your mother having declared herself the sole decision maker on matters regarding your nuptials, you were not spared from the tediousness of it all.
Every day, tailors from all over Pyrthian come and go to have you try out their designs. It was the same with Eris but you believed it was more nerve-wracking on your end .After all he was the beloved prince of Autumn .He did not have to cater to anyone else's wishes. Which you could definitely see him having a hard time with.
The present day was no different than the last others as you were ushered out of your chambers into the parlors where you pushed into multiple dresses, having to hold your breath and arms up for long hours.
Upon your arrival, you were greeted by a bustling room with multiple seamstresses biting needles and toiling away at their tables .But the moment you entered the room they all turned to greet you. Flustered at the sudden attention you took some time before nodding your head at them.
And it began: the unending fitting and picking at you.The seamstresses tried their best to be delicate with you but sometimes they pricked you by mistake having been pressed for time.
"Your grace." Everyone greeted in unison.
You inhaled sharply before turning to face the least appealing person at the moment for you.
Unlike from your last encounter, there was not a trace of emotions on his face. Although when his eyes locked with you something unnamed stirred underneath it.
He studied you head to toe. You were wrapped up in the finest white silks with your house's cloak cascading from your shoulders.
You only inclined your head in greeting deliberately trying to avoid any kind of conversation with him but it would seem everyone else in the room was awaiting with scrutinizing eyes for your interaction with the prince.
With a forced smile Eris strutted his way towards you and the faes helping you took a few steps back to give you some privacy.
You studied your intended as he stopped in front of you. He was in his usual court garbs with his cropped red hair slicked back to reveal a little of his forehead. But it would seem on the way here he had managed to undo a few of the top buttons of his shirt revealing some of his defined tanned chest to the room.
He captured your cheek in his hands and pressed his lips firmly on your forehead.
"How are you this fine day, princess?"
The nearby faes swooning as though Eris was declaring his eternal love for you.
"Better now that I have seen your beautiful face my sunshine." You replied with the fakest smile adorning your face as you gripped his hand.
"That endearment is surely a choice."
The familiar weight of his gaze settled on you as the seamstresses finally excused themselves from near you.
At that you dropped his hand immediately."Which is why we must stop calling each other these vain nicknames."
"Never." He grinned as if you served him his favourite food on a platter.
"Surely you could keep all that limited between you and your paramour." You continued with all the disgust you could muster coating your voice.
Eris Vanserra's face turned grim at that and he answered with a question.
"You would know all about that wouldn't you?"
" Know all about what ?"
The words caused both of your spines to snap straight as you turned to face the Lady Aelia of Autumn. When did she arrive? Surely you would have noticed the sound of her footsteps before she entered the room?
"Mother I didn't expect to see you here." Eris stammered out the words.
"Know all about what?" She pinned, perfect brow lifted while studying you and Eris.
Lady Aelia remained clueless to the rift between you and Eris pertaining to the matters of your respective secret lovers. And you would like her to continue remaining unaware of it.
Though how Eris had managed to keep Lady Alena Velon and his relation a secret under his mother’s watchful eyes was certainly impressive. What would happen if you’d reveal it to the Lady of Autumn? Not only would you have her on your side, Eris’s action would be reprimanded. But what is the surety of Eris not doing the same with you? It was too great of a risk and it would certainly destroy you -a female much more than it would destroy him.
You were to be husband and wife now. There was no need to drag Lady Aelia to your arguments. You shall hold this secret close to you and use it to your benefit in the future.
"It was of no importance mother." You jumped to save both of you. Eris pivoting to look at you with shock having heard the way you addressed his mother.
"We were merely talking about each other's interests." You finished.
At your words Lady Aelia's eyes softened on your face as though she knew of something you didn't but had spared you of it.
"That gives me comfort my dear ."she answered before taking a seat near the refreshments table and declaring to the room.
"Let us proceed with the fitting ."
As you walked away from him, Eris was left puzzled as to why you did not expose him to his mother. Eris watched your back as you walked away towards the waiting seamstresses. You always carried that ruthlessness in your stride— spine straight, chest pushed out, eyes straightforward.
A shudder snaked down his spine and in between his legs, where it had no right going to.
You glimpsed at Lyna through the gilded mirror as she finishes lacing up your dress.
It has been quite a few days since your last dispute with Eris. You remained in the Forest House restless and short tempered most of the time and your concerns regarding the lack of contact between you and Senkas surely did not help with matters.
"My lady let us go for a walk." Lyna suggested as if she could see the war inside your head. She was lovely. She had been your closest female companion since your childhood. Growing up there were not many people who you could call your friends and the bad name to your family certainly didn't help. Therefore Lyna was someone you cherished with all your heart.
So when she asked for your company you agreed immediately. Moreover being confined in your chambers and worrying yourself to death surely aren't going to help with your uneasiness.
On your way to the open courtyard, servants and sentries alike greeted you here and there. Everyone working in the palace had some kind of chore to do. Whether it be buying ingredients for the grand feast for royal wedding that had been promised to the members of the court or be it decorating every nook and corner.
Even with magic it was a tedious job due to which even Lyna was pulled from your side.
In the golden hour The Forest House was truly a sight to behold. The red splashed leaves created a picturesque beauty all around. You allowed yourself to bask in the tranquility of it but like always the cauldron's fate was never on your side.
"Lady Tarsa. Join us." Someone bellowed from the open courtyard.
Right there, smack dab in the middle of it stood the Autumn princes beckoning you towards them.
You looked at them through narrowed eyes before schooling your features into an amiable expression and walking towards them.
You gathered that they were about to set off for hunting in the forest from their bows and arrows.
"Am I to still call you that or something better? Like sister? Or perhaps Princess." It was Prince Blaze ,the second youngest and definitely the most disgusting son of Beron Vanserra. Rumours of him being a sadistic bastard were not uncommon in court. Thus the grin on his face certainly did its job of making you feel uneasy.
"Don't be an ass Blaze." Surprisingly it was Drystan, the second eldest who came to your defence and you found yourself gravitating closer to him.
"Come on brother surely she can take the heat. I just assumed hailing from the traitor's family should have made her thick skinned."
Your nails tattooed crescent shaped marks onto your palms as rage and bloodlust rushed through your veins. Don't kill him.
Do not kill him.
Just then Eris stepped away from his horse and strutted closer to you.
Eris stared at you blankly."What are you doing here ?"
You exclaimed with your hand on your chest. "It is a beautiful day is it not your grace. I am not a prisoner am I? Surely I am allowed to roam the palace grounds to my heart's content."
"You know that is not what I meant."He pushed closer to you instinctively.
A saccharine smile was what he received as you snaked your arms around his neck. "I know darling."
"Whatever you are planning y/n you better stop." He whispered so low that only you could hear his warning.
"You wound me my love. I would never."
Eris narrowed his eyes at that.
As you felt everyone's eyes on you, you leaned in and kissed his cheek fondly.
You could hear his bastard brothers laughing themselves to the ground at the action.
" Have a safe hunt."you smiled up at Eris.
Eris stared at you stunned by your open affections ,no matter how fake they were.
"Or not" you continued only for him to hear before stepping out of his embrace.
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facks-stories · 16 days
Soooo here's an update:
Teardrop is pregnant again, his hormones are out of control, and something is messing with teardrop's head. More lore to find out too~
😭 is velon dead or locked up?
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celuloideycarbono · 20 days
This is my opinion on the first season of Tour de France Unchained. As a regular cycling follower, I found it focused on insignificant aspects of the race, creating completely nonexistent duels. It turned one of the most memorable editions of the Tour de France into a mundane race, focused solely on stage victories. It manufactured dramas where there were none and forgot to mention the great moments. The interview segments with riders and directors seemed excessively edited to convey a misleading or ambiguous impression of their words. Many times, it felt like an elongated Velon video. Chainel and Chennaoui's comments seemed too obvious and not even clarifying about the race, as they focused on inconsequential moments. Truth be told, I found it quite difficult to finish. Regarding this new teaser, it seems to overly sensationalize crashes. It's unnecessary to show all of that. It seems disrespectful to the cyclists and a misguided interpretation of our sport. On the other hand, the insinuations of doping seem extremely distasteful to me. It's strange that ASO approves of a product being sold in this way. There are many stories that could be developed in such a documentary, but for now, everything seems overly superficial and sensationalist.
I think I'll still watch the series because I consume everything related to cycling, but my stance is certainly defensive.
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pcwt · 1 year
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LEGEND !!! One of the all-time great road riders Peter Sagan has announced that 2023 will be his final season at WorldTour level, bringing an end to an incredible record of racing  Credit: Velon CC
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thenighthawk · 5 months
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Character - Dzu Nymir Velon (Boutella) | Leader of the Vix'Tnur
It's a blue day We could jump or leap When I hit that water When it holds me
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sporcafaccenda · 2 years
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128 numéros divisés en quatre séries ont été publiés entre novembre 1972 et avril 1979.
Fumetto per adulti imaginé et écrit par Renzo Barbieri avec la collaboration de Tristano Torelli qui narre les aventures de Playcolt alias Alan Velon, 34 ans, un playboy américain milliardaire ayant des intérêts dans un empire d'édition; son apparence et son nom sont basés sur ceux de l'acteur français Alain Delon. Velon est un personnage audacieux et aventureux qui vit la plupart de l'année à Barracuda, son île privée (en forme de requin), et bien qu'il soit lié de manière romantique à la bombe sexuelle Scarlett Lizzy, il continue de flirter avec de belles femmes où qu'il aille. Velon a un puissant sens de la justice et prend souvent son identité secrète: le cynique et impitoyable Playcolt, un vengeur et un héros de la lutte contre le crime qui vient en aide aux faibles et aux opprimés. Les récits basculent allègrement d'un genre à l'autre, criminel, espionnage, mœurs et même SF, fantastique et horreur. En outre, au fil des épisodes, on croisera quelques "jetsetters" des années 70, tels Frank Sinatra et Aristote Onassis. Le contenu ici est assez subtil par rapport à ce qui allait suivre dans les bandes dessinées des années 80.
Dessins du Studio Leonetti (nn. 1/10) et du Studio Montanari (Claudio Lopresti, Per Luigi Cerveglieri, Giuseppe Montanari). Couvertures du Studio Rosi, Emanuele Taglietti, Alessandro Biffignandi et Carlo Jacono.
Alain Velon/Playcolt n'eut hélas pas droit à sa propre collection chez EF. Pour lire ses aventures, il faudra chercher dans les n•s spéciaux ou diverses séries comme "Detectives", "Mafia", "Mafioso"… Les couvertures italiennes n'ont pas été reprises en France (pour ne pas avoir d'ennuis?)
Reproduction de pas mal d'originaux et autant de tascabiles. Que ne ferait-on pas pour le bel Alain…
Editeur: Segi > Edifumetto Via Archimede 118 - Via Francesco Redi 22 - Milano Directeur de la publication: Mameli Gatti
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#Playcolt #Alain Velon #Alan Velon #comics #fumetti #illustration #original art #Emanuele Taglietti #Alessandro Biffignandi #Carlo Jacono #Studio Rosi
#Studio Montanari
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1950 Firestone Velon Raincoats
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wouteke · 7 months
Uhm feel free to ignore me, but I just stumbled upon a few older short videos that I thought were cute and funny.
You probably have access to a lot more information than I do, but in case you haven't seen them I thought i should share, since I thought you might enjoy them as well 😁
They are all from the YouTube channel: Velon CC
Sorry for spamming. I really like your blog ❤😁
Sorry for missing this in my inbox for like a week but thank you!!! I think that first one is actually one of the first wout and mathieu clips I ever saw 😭❤️
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beezlebubs-art · 16 days
I did an art trade with velon of their character Aella! It was super fun! Uh idk they’re @velonthemerolotl yeah it auto correct ats good
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thefallencomet · 2 years
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Velon (Planet)
Mass: 7 Earths Masses   Radius: 19000 km   Surface Gravity: 0.78 g    Semi-Major Axis: 0.292 AU
Velon is a fairly average sized planet, and is classed as an ice giant. Upon first glance, Velon’s most distinctive feature is its color. Ice giants are typically found to be blue due to methane in their atmosphere and by nature of Rayleigh Scattering, (though a handful of other exceptions known), Velon however is strikingly red. This is due to the presence of iron oxide in its atmosphere, a fact that would be discovered by the first robotic probes sent into Velon’s atmosphere, though the origin of this chemical would remain a mystery for quite some time. Velon hosts a ring system, tenuous, and not observable from Macor, generated by volcanic activity on its innermost moon, Foks. As this material falls to Velon through drag, it reacts with oxygen, formed deep within Velon’s supercritical ocean, to create the red color the planet is known for. Notably, this rusted material sinks over time, and deeper cloud decks are significantly redder and darker than higher cloud decks. This is partly responsible for the pareidolic Eyes of Velon, a chain of semi-permanent equatorial storm systems. While the storm’s are surrounded by high altitude water clouds, the deeper eyes of the storms are notably darker. These storms were first observed by early Macorian astronomer Vonchitl Xo, and considered the first astronomically gathered proof that planets were sentient entities. Xo recounted the story several times, notably in their autobiography, “As I gazed at a globe unfamiliar, I was astonished to find myself gazed upon in return.” Vonchitl Xo was heavily rewarded by the Collective Astrological Churches of their time for the discovery, and hailed a hero. Five Zarz-Flax years after Vonchitl Xo’s death, the Eyes of Velon disappeared, notably sparking much debate over their nature and if they had even existed in the first place. The Eyes reappeared approximately one Zarz-Flax year after their disappearance. It is understood now that these storms break up and reform periodically, but at the time it was regarded as indication that Velon, like all living beings, required rest. Velon hosts a system of twenty-two moons, five large enough to be spherical, and of the remaining seventeen only three have formed in the Velon System, the rest are understood to be captured objects.
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