skymagpie · 6 years
(for that codex ask thing) 10 for volnarto and 9 for velraani ? OwO
10. a description of your OC by someone who hates them
[A page from the journal of an Alinor Banker, found tossed in a nearby river.]
Entry 199, 2E 583 - Tirdas, First Seed.
“And there you finally have it Volnarto, a page in my journal dedicated to you. Had you known I am about to waste time and more importantly my own ink on writing this, you would’ve probably smiled and patted me on the back, which would’ve warranted another entire page, so I am glad you don’t know I am keeping this journal at all.
As for you, future historians that might read the exciting life of an Alinor Banker, I hope it will be noted after my demise that I hated my coworker Volnarto with more passion than I hate this entire city. It began a decade ago, when he was transferred here from Shimmerene, for whatever reason, and appointed in my section. Despite being loyal to the Bank of Alinor for almost a century, he got to have his desk right next to the window, while I was cast in the shadows. Oh and let me tell you about shadows, because he casts a really big one.
Ever since he settled in he has enamored every man and woman in this building. Is it because he is tall? Take note future historians I am myself an average sized Altmer, but he is ridiculously tall he always hits his desk with his knees which startles me during my morning tea. Or is because he is acting polite? Yes acting! No man could possibly always ask our coworkers about their day or offer to help with their books once in a while, I know he has some ulterior motives, but naturally no one would believe me if I say it. No one ever believes me, I am the mean banker, the evil man that takes people’s gold and houses, but no, not Volnarto. I tried reporting him to our manager after I noticed that he finds every loop in the law to let people keep their property even after they’ve gone bankrupt. But no one believes me.
To make matters worse, I see him for eight hours every day and I know he hates this job. Being a banker is my life, but he values none of it. Just sits there with his dirty boots on the table, carving something with his pocket knife in the side of the desk, doing coin tricks or just sleeping in the back room on a slow day. If I didn’t know better I would’ve said he is a thief from Auridon (or perhaps even beyond that) mapping the banks layout so his gang can strike when we least expect it. But he will slip and then, then everyone will see that I was right.
Well this is the end of page three, so I will be wrapping it up. Remember, future historians, that I, Tandnmil Korius, have hated Volnarto ever since his arrival here, and I despite his out of fashion haircut and offensive mustache more than anyone else on Summerset. And should he turn out to be a thief, I have known all along. Let this be a warning to never trust charming men who cook their tea with the teabag in the pot.”
9. a future historian’s account of your OC’s actions
[ From the book “Buoyant Armigers - the unsung heroes of the Dunmer” written by the young scholar Cindria Acilone-Lupus ]
“It’s been almost a decade since I began researching the stories of the Buoyant Armigers and the unsung tales of their valor. Ironic isn’t it, that warrior-poets in service of the living god Vivec would be forgotten by history. But to those readers who know very little of the Dunmer, they used to worship the Tribunal, three living gods long before they returned to their worship of the Deadra. Unfortunate how all of that ended, but while I care little of the Dunmer and their gods, I found myself charmed by the Buoyant Armigers. One’s story struck me in particular.
I’ve written thus far about their culture, their armor and clothes, their worship and duties, as well as their Houses but never about them. Recently I learned the records of a Buoyant Armiger named Velraani Redoran. Yes from the Great House Redoran, where most of the Armigers hailed from. The records were scribbles by travelers and people they met, describing them as tall, athletic and broad shouldered, however gentle and polite and almost poetically calm. 
The most interesting record I recovered however, is their very journal. At first they speak of their family, the house by the shores of Vvardenfell and their younger brother. They go in length of how fond they are of their Lord Vivec, how they find inspiration in him as well admiration. It seems the young Armiger was almost enamored by the living God. However it is most interesting that for a warrior-poet, they had almost no work of their own, not until they left Vvardenfell for the first time upon meeting an alleged dwemer named Mlizeftdhis ( I do not believe this individual was a dwemer, but Velraani’s writing from this point on becomes very poetic, almost in the style of their God, so perhaps it’s important to read it as a metaphor for something.) 
They seemed to have travelled all across Tamriel with their friend - and heavily implied lover - Mlizefthdis during which the most amazing thing happens. They begin to question their own faith, their gods and their religion. It seems they still hold firmly to the values of the Buoyant Armigers, but their love for their Lord Vivec turns from the fear and respect for a god and an authority figure, to gentle platonic love one would have for a friend. I doubt these feelings were ever reciprocated, but the Armiger spoke fondly of him regardless. They seemed to have understood all his teachings in a way beyond what was intended and they found peace with that knowledge. Whether these were delusions or this Armiger saw what others did not, I can’t tell with certainty. 
The rest of the journal was sadly destroyed but from what I managed to gather, they had a quarrel with their brother which was peacefully resolved and they spoke about their love for him and his family. The journal contains many poems about their travels and about their alleged dwemer companion which I will not be publishing yet. 
I have found records that they did live well over two hundred years which is much for a mortal Dunmer. However all records of them after the third era are lost and they are never accounted for being alive or deceased. While it is most likely that they eventually met their end, I would like to believe this Armiger is still alive - and if they aren’t I am certain some of the people mentioned in their work are. Whether I manage to find the dwemer Mlizeftdhis (and settle the question of her real race) or I find the descendants of their brother’s family, they deserve to have this journal and do so as they wish with it.
I have studied many tales of heroic Armigers, brave people who risked their lives for what they believed in, but there will always be something for me in this tale of the Armiger Velraani, something mysterious and serene, as if part of their understanding touched me in a way I cannot explain. It might be my gentle writer nature, but I swear whenever I lay hands on their journal the room gets just a little brighter.”
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amililloryn · 6 years
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Vacation time in Clockwork city the Paris of Tamriel (paris texas that is)
@divaythfyr @lucianapullo <3
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skymagpieart · 5 years
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Velraani...my buoyant armiger Velraani, servant of Lord Vivec, Velraani, like all of them out there. I love you :pensive: 
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skymagpie · 6 years
1 and 14 for Velraani!
1. It’s a little unreasonable for everyone in a Middle Ages-esque fantasy to be perfectly literate, and writing with quills was considered legitimate labor! How well can your oc read and/or write? How detailed is their quest log/journal, if they keep one at all?
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect people to know how to read since this is not the middle ages (where most people who didn’t know how to read were women and folks forbidden from reading by religion) and it’s actually a fantasy world but I’ll entertain the question anyway. 
Velraani can of course read perfectly well since they are Buoyant Armiger and they have read Vivec’s work. Not only that but they are encouraged to write their own poems and often speak in rhyme even when talking. So Velraani is a writer in a way as all Buoyant Armigers are expected to be warriors and poets.  
14. How well-liked is your oc? What is their reputation, if they’re well-known? Are they simply liked/disliked, or are they respected but feared, or personally liked but not taken seriously, etc? Do major factions consider your oc an important player?
I think a lot of people don’t like Velraani. Perhaps because they are Buoyant Armiger and you would expect people to like the Armigers but they generally probably don’t. I think they respect them, I am sure some fear them because of their high position as Vivec’s personal guard but I don’t think people really like them. In fact the Armigers are first to blame when things go south regarding Lord Vivec and the first one to get all the anger and frustration from the citizens (along with the Canons).
And on a personal level, Velraani’s whole story is becoming a bit more human, more approachable and learning to be friendly with people instead of just isolating on Vvardenfell and taking their duty too seriously. I think a lot of the people they met on their travels think fondly of them and would even consider them a friend! 
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skymagpie · 6 years
12, 32 & 36 for Velraani, please!
12. What is their favourite food?
Has to be a kwama omelette but also I think they eat them soft boiled or rather drink them, and also maybe scrib jerky (probably used in soup or other dish like soup, how we use bacon in lentil) or maybe they just carry it around on their, ehem,“warrior-poet self discovery journeys” around Tamriel, since its made not to spoil as fast as regular meat.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Well they mostly wear the armiger uniform when they serve at the temple but it seems like a rather comfortable grab (at least the light and medium armors in ESO, they seem like pajamas in the lower part), so I assume they wear it around Vvardenfell even off duty. And casually, they probably wear the aristocrat clothes, Arvel’s Ashland Attire comes to mind in ESO. Also I think that during training the armigers don’t wear much and dress in the fashion of the god they serve so I assume they wear something covering the body but leaving the arms and legs exposed (and the armiger tattoos visible). For sleep I am 100% sure they sleep mostly naked (in undergarments) if warm or just wear simple wide clothes if it’s colder. Velraani generally dresses very casual, doesn’t wear long dresses or robes, they prefer either battle skirts or pants so I’d say they dress how they like!
As for the hair, Velraani has really long hair, it’s dark and thick and curly when loosened but they wear it in a tight fishtail braid that goes all the way down between their shoulders. They almost never wear their hair loose, its either in the braid or in a ponytail in more casual settings, and they take their time to wash it nicely and put it back up, both firmly but also comfortably. Later however, Velraani will have the braid cut off in battle, so they will wear shorter hair for some time. 
They wear makeup sometimes, in the fashion Vivec does his makeup mostly, but if they aren’t around him or the Temple I am pretty sure they don’t put anything on their face. 
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
They were trained to fight but also in becoming a poet, talking eloquently and in rhyme like most buoyant armigers, so you can say they are pretty good at writing, literary interpretation and poetry. Along with the other armigers and Vivec they taught themselves to play few musical instruments, and while I think Velraani has a nice and sweet voice, I don’t think they sing or can really hit the notes because they haven’t really tried. 
Their whole issue was that they were more focused of the aspect of warrior and less focused at the aspect of poet which is why they never really made a name for themselves. Vivec wants someone that can hold a conversation, exchange thoughts, be a little more in love with the world and not just someone who will be able to kill most things at his command. So they will have to learn to be a poet over the course of my ESO gameplay :> 
Oh and also they love to paint, they aren’t good at it, they love making murals with either paint or small rocks and sea shells, usually depicting scenes from Vivec’s life or their daily life at the temple, and I am sure they’ve made one somewhere in the cantons. And they like collecting seashells and make jewelry and necklaces with them!
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skymagpie · 6 years
we are buoyant armigers first, people second 
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skymagpie · 7 years
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I drew this comic a week ago on class and it sucks but I love it, Its Velraani’s brother Delion teasing them.
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skymagpie · 6 years
17 shirava nd velraani
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Oh man, she would play with anything she can get her hands on, you know how kittens are. Strings, dresses that are too loose, someone’s tail that’s not her own or her parents, little wooden animal figurines (all with scratch marks of course). 
She just mostly loved playing with her father’s half of a moon pendant that was matching her moms and eventually he let her have it. That is how she finds her parents! The pendants are unique and click together and she finds her real mom and dad like that! 
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? 
I know that the most obvious answer would be tracing the stone carvings of the Tribunal and mostly Vivec for three hours straight, because they did that, it’s like leaving your kid with a TV and a stupid cartoon marathon plays and they are entertained for three hours. 
But really they and their brother had this set of nicely crafted bugs made from precious stones. It was a gift to their parents since you know Redorans, but they still played with it because it was unbreakable and also they loved the shape of the things. Their favourite was a stag beetle and their brother liked the one that looked like a mudcrab. They were silly decorations but kids play with all sorts of weird shit. 
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skymagpie · 7 years
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the gorls (and nonbinary gorl) 
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skymagpie · 7 years
Vivec, shortest living god,
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skymagpie · 7 years
hightomtitty replied to your post “velraani’s top insult to everyone is telling them that they are wrong...”
Velraani: I could help you if you switched to worshipping our Lord Vivec
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skymagpieart · 6 years
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I forgot to post these back on Valentines, or rather ESO’s Heart’s Day but I still want to post them because I think they are cute! Characters are my Velraani and Shi’rava with @divaythfyr‘s Mliz and Voldith along with the roles the two of us play together when we go dungeoneering! 
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skymagpie · 6 years
I love that I have characters devoted to the Tribunal like Velraani (because they are a Buoyant Armiger) and I have characters devoted to the customs of the Dunmer without necessarily caring for the Tribunal (like Thalis) and then I have characters who don’t even know what the fuck Morrowind is like Volnarto who never left the Summerst Isles and asked Varo if her gods really lived in a volcano and upon explaining who the Tribunal is, asked her if Vivec can throw Bar Daau right at him, killing him instantly, before he has to go to work again tomorrow
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skymagpie · 6 years
I was playing ESO with Nat on the Deshaan quests and I don’t know I got into Velraani’s character and it just made sense that Velraani would put on a Hand of Almalexia cosplay to meet Almalexia, no it doesn’t really make sense but to Velraani it somehow does and Nat guilted me out of that 
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skymagpie · 6 years
i forgot the morrowind quests since january enough to replay them, i should play them on thalis...or velraani...or actually play summerset instead of just looking at screenshots people sent me cause i dont want the chars to [redacted]
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skymagpie · 7 years
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My two dunmer characters, Thalis and my Buoyant Armiger Velraani 
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