wellfell · 7 months
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 she made him stare into her eyes ; when he was choking on his own blood , when her blade tore out of his throat . he was staring at her , widened eyes . * ‘ were you the wolf all along , little lamb ? ‘ she wishes she could record it , she wishes she had a place for all this anger but it was balling up in the centre of her core . taiyang was a name dai mentioned once , goro said he was annoying . [ @velvetineblue ] taiyang tseng , revealed to be the owner of the nightclub that her little hideout was in . it was a warehouse where the mori clan had decided to keep akina in , for a while , changed her name to mitsuri and told her to stay low . . . but a girl has to get drunk . his face looked familiar , and when he introduced himself , akina wanted to flee ; he's not pulled any moves yet , he would if he wanted to . so she sat back on the stool . donned in cheap rags to wipe the flash of elegance and extravagance that her clan carried . she was just a homeless girl , nobody knew her but the yamazakis . . . and taiyang now . ❛ you don't have to be my enemy . ❜  she had a switchblade in the pocket of her worn out jeans , but that won't be necessary nor useful in the den of lions . so no , akina shrinks back into the shell of good girl once again , and shakes her head gently . like a doe , like a white piece of paper devoid of wickedness ; ❛ – are you taiyang ? dai’s friend ? ❜
* cont.
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ellieenables · 1 month
@velvetineblue continued from here.
she could pout and defend, but she is feeling very, very playful. taiyang theodoré tseng is a good target for flirtarious pick-up lines, but as in ellie's next words:
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" you will be so kind and let me practice on your, right?"
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pararennial-archived · 5 months
stand under the stained glass and i will know it's you
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This isn't like the light and breezy masi dress she wore at the ceremonial part of the destination wedding in Fiji. This isn't like the traditional, dainty, white, drape-sleeve wedding dress she wore right after for the reception. No, what she sported currently is a designer form-fitting, number with a plunging neckline. She thinks its stunning but it doesn't suit her, if anything, the "second" wedding is beyond suitable to her sensibilities. Having her bridesmaids helped, but having Taiyang to bring in some humour, dampened her irritated mood.
Yes, she and Maciu eloped with the same wedding party who were in attendance for this "repeat" wedding ( which is a relief ). Taiyang was amongst one of them, in fact he was one of the groomsmen. So why have a "repeat" wedding? It was under the insistence from the Preternatural Syndicate, according to them the resident lovebirds needed to have a bigger celebration. In actuality they really didn't, hence the elopement, but it seemed there were one-too-many hurt feelings on not being part of the selected list of guests.
She doesn't fault her fellow comrades for wanting in on a good time, but the novelty has passed. She just wanted to get this over with, and with Taiyang in solidarity with her, at least she knows there will be someone who can mock such absurdity alongside her. Fortune granted her a favour by allowing her some room to breathe and time to catch Taiyang before the ceremony starts.
❝I mean... the dress looks great. But I feel like it's wearing me more than I am wearing it.❞ The words are carried along with an exasperated sigh, but she doesn't let the glum spirit behind them linger. As quick as a current, she pivots in another direction to keep up with Taiyang's chipper disposition around the situation. ❝Pretty sure you're looking forward to another big bash more than I am?❞
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wingached · 8 months
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫: @velvetineblue from minwoo
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the music in Black Cat is thumping, reaching every corner of the lively club. the place is busy with bodies; some mingling with others in the hope of getting lucky, others moving to the music, or admiring the dancers platformed above the growing crowds. it's a friday night, but this area of Seoul is always busy.
Minwoo slips through the club unnoticed, tailing a mark that he had been following for most of the evening. nimble fingers slip into the mans pockets they brush shoulders on the dance floor, being careful not to attract too much attention. swapping the sim card into a new phone is easy enough to disguise under the dark lighting of the club, with only the occasional strobe passing his face. the mark has hardly noticed his phone missing, too eager to chat up the girl adorned in ( expensive looking ) cat ears.
he only scrolls for a few minutes, careful to keep the target in his peripherals before deciding the information wasn't going to come from a device. he'd have to go directly to the source. does this man deserve to die for holding information a mystery organisation felt may be useful to their plight?
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Minwoo doesn't think it necessary to ponder for too long over the triviality of life and death. his orders, given to him by a suited man back at the penthouse suite of the Gangnam Hilton branch, were plain and clear. get information, get rid of the evidence, get out. simply put, this man wasn't leaving Black Cat unless it was in a body bag. talking of leaving, the assassin is quick to notice his mark heading to the privacy of the bathroom, so he takes the opportunity to follow.
the bathroom, dark like the clubs furnishings, sets the stage for his next performance: there's a kick to the back of his targets legs, sending him to his knees, before his head is held by a grip to the hair against the seat of the toilet. it works, what ( little ) information the man had is given over in an instant at the threat of being drowned in a toilet. it doesn't, however, save him from his fate. a stronger grip and a few flushes later the body is limp.
satisfied he turns, stepping uncaring over the splayed lifeless limbs of the body, he meets the eyes of one Taiyang Tseng who had unfortunately chosen the worst time for a bathroom break: " I found him like that. "
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stillresolved · 5 months
continued from here. / @velvetineblue
DISLIKE IS A STRONG WORD to describe her thoughts on him- disliking someone means that she would have to know him to form an opinion. And even if they are connected by one important person, she doesn’t know him. Of course, whether that is voluntary or not is a very different story. But disliking doesn’t necessarily equate to liking and if there is one thing she remembers from Umma, it is that if you don’t like someone, ignore them. 
If only Annie could apply that lesson to the other parts of her life. 
But the better word, perhaps is…mistrust. Skepticism. Even if Taiyang has come to her with no tricks up his sleeves, all the cards on the table. This is not the King of the Underworld who has paid her a visit. This is Ara’s boyfriend.
“You’re not doing a very good job at showing her that either,” she says. If there is a hint of acidity that lace her accusation observation, she won’t say. She won’t say it stings her just as much, saying it. But it’s out now and she can’t take it back. Even if it would make Ara sad. Eyes turn away from Taiyang and back towards the rain, still falling. “She comes by with injuries. She says she can’t have you or the others seeing them.” 
Injuries, they both know, that Ara would have gotten while with him. And yes, Annie knows, he’s just one person. And yes, yes she knows Ara hides them because Quinn has to be seen as invincible and yet- 
“They’re getting worse, both of them.” The injuries and Ara- maybe Ara knows it herself, how it seems more and more unstable she’s getting. Maybe Annie doesn’t know all the details, but she knows how it starts. How it grows, the spiraling. And again, that’s not something Taiyang can control but-
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“Just because you care doesn’t make it better. You can say you just want the best for her all you want, but that doesn’t change that what she’s doing benefits your group the most. You, most of all. At her expense.” Ara can say it’s for the good of the people all she wants but at the end of the day, she acts in the name of the Black Fang. Him and the criminal empire he’s inherited. What if he decides one day to up and leave? If he does, then the immunity Ara supposedly has goes disappears too and Ara will have to fend for her own crimes.
A soft scoff comes from Annie’s throat. And now Taiyang’s asking her to take care of Ara as if he’s already gone. That kind of thinking is a form of abandonment in and of itself. “...the fact that you have to ask- I would never abandon her.” Eyes sharpen. “Why? People who think in hypotheticals- it means they’re already thinking it’ll be a reality.”
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yaoogui · 8 months
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There are many invitations Sen does not hesitate to decline, not being much of a partying man himself. The exceptions to that rule are rare : Taiyang Tseng @velvetineblue has to be one. To share a cell in goddamn prison does build unexpeted and deep connections. It is a costumed party so in order to honor the halloween tradition, it's as the Frankestein monster Sen decides to show up. A black suit, a big screw in his neck and stitches on his face. Oddly suitable for such a stoic lad, there is self depreciating humor in that one. "So This is your club huh." The photographer questions actually quite surprised : Sen never was too aware of Seoul's underground scene and so when Taiyang was describing his dailylife to him, his insane battles with the korean governement, it all sounded like bunch of crazy shit from withdrawals of an acid addiction - not that Sen ever doubted Taiyang's sobriety no, he liked to listen to the stories. "I mean I liked prison, the food was alright and I'm pretty sure that guard giving me extra phone time had some crush on me. It's nice to feel wanted, you know?" Sarcasm. "Now that I see all you have in here, yeah, I understand why you wanted out so bad. You sure tho? If you ever miss our bunk bed sleepovers I mean, just call me. " They are standing on the roof, his cigarette traveling to his mouth as he takes a hit, his forearms down the railing, bent, his eyes traveling from the city view to the other. It's quite in here. He likes it. "It was your girl? The one in red?" ⟶ Sen's halloween short starters
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yxkanna · 4 months
@velvetineblue // con't from here
THE GROAN THAT falls from Nick is nigh obscene, shoulders slumping as he shakes himself like someone's lifted him up by the head and given him a jiggle.
"I'M NOT A doctor, Tai," is his complaint, "I can't help you with anything that isn't actively killing you. And I'm part of 911 so maybe you'll get lucky and get me. Or you can go to an actual doctor."
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uroborosymphony · 4 months
   Love of my Life,
   2024, February 14th. Unsent letter to Taiyang Tseng.
Obsession. I'm obsessed with you. With the sound of your voice in my ear, my name rolling on your tongue, your touch down my back and loins, I feel you, deep, carved under my skin. You are my sun. Through years of a past of misery, of struggle and pain, you are my light. And I remember these hopeless nights begging for Gods to see me and they did, they made us find each other.
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But now, she wants you, too. She is the eye watching me from the inside, the voice that gets louder than yours in the night. The things she says to me are so unbearable to the human soul, I cannot allow myself to share them with you. I'm haunted, Taiyang. By this monster of another Me that has been birthed from the deaths of my pasts and untold secrets. She makes me lie to you, every time I lay down by your side, everytime I look at you in the eye, you, the man who I promised my life, my core, my thoughts and my hearts to, she tells me Not to say anything about what we did, she tells me you wouldn't understand, she tells me you will leave us.
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I don't remember exactly what she did. What I did - what we did. I simply know we're responsible of it. My nightmares and many realities are blending, hallucinations of scenes and demonic theaters I cannot write myself out of anymore. I stand on this stage, alone and she, becomes my shadow at first, my puppeteer at last. We watched the building burst into flames as we were laughing Oh we were laughing in ways we never laughed before, her and I, in ways I could feel my inside shaping, morphing, turning into something I couldn't recognize anymore . And then I cried, I cried for not knowing where I was, how I ended up here, not knowing why my hands were covering in all this blood and gasoline. It used to be games, with you by my side, my hair in the wind as the car was running, setting us free in the heart of the city. I am a prisoner now, a prisoner of these voices inside my head who tells me it's my Duty to kill.
I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you.
Sun to my Moon. Joker to my Quinn. Clyde to my Bonnie.
I would kill for you. I would let the blood pour and pour until there is nothing left but you and I. Will she take you away from me? Will she burn everything around me for me to end up as alone as we have always been?
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My mother once told me, You are a malediction, Ara. Jung women do not deserve happiness, Jung women are toxic, Jung women are poison. I see it now, us, Jung women are meant to this suffering she saw her own mother perish of. The white of the walls is hard for me to stand whenever I go to see her. I cannot bear the eyes she lays on me : I am her, her from a past - she wishes she could beat me up until she breaks skin for not fixing her the way she wished I could, when she gave birth to me. I cannot bear the eyes I lay on her either, she is me, a future I cannot escape : damned, locked.
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I am losing my mind. I know I am. And I will spiral and spiral indefinitely, I will let it happen, I will let it take me whole. I used not to be scared, with your arms around me, your soul within mine, I used to be fearless. Am I still? Knowing the clock is ticking, knowing the end is coming.
She must kill them all, my Love, else I will never be free.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Unsent letter to @velvetineblue. From Ara.
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clemencetaught · 10 months
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@velvetineblue sent in: how can we make the world a better place? ( for black knight verse! i'm picturing tai saying this in frustration when the black knight objects to tai & quinn's methods; asking the black knight how THEY expect to do better . . . o w o i'm here for that anti-vigilante spice and drama!! lmao ) || time for a heart-to-heart ( prompts for deep conversations. )
IS THAT NOT THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION? With a system that has been proven in more than one way to be broken and is almost as good as defunct, that is the ultimate question to answer: how do we fix this city? How do we help the people?
It is an idealist’s question in a cynic’s world. And Myungdae, who probably leans towards the latter ( though Nell insists that they’re all the former, why else would they be sacrificing their nights for this lifestyle- Alfred called himself a realist instead ), doesn’t actually have an answer. Not when his reasons for going into this lifestyle is more about settling a score, putting his ghosts to rest, than it is about making the city a better place. Not when Joker, Quinn’s boyfriend AKA Taiyang as he goes by in the civilian world is clearly wrapped around her finger. No matter what answer Myungdae gives, Taiyang will not buy it. 
That being said. What Harley Quinn and Joker are doing is not the answer.
What the Black Knight is doing isn’t the answer either.
“You have a forest to protect from hunters,” he says, his coffee next to him untouched. Most likely the next time he takes sip from it, it will be lukewarm, mostly due to his own forgetfulness. Rook will not be pleased when he goes back to the counter for a refill. “You want the hunters to leave so you try to negotiate with them. See if you can make them leave by their volitation. It doesn’t work so you turn to drastic measures.
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"You snipe them through the trees. You strike their campsites when they least expect it. They still won’t leave. They keep coming back again and again. So you take it up a notch. You set their supplies on fire. You make the trees themselves fall onto them. It works, but the fires set have burned the undergrowth to the crisp and the birds that once inhabited the trees are gone. If they had homes in the forest before their eggs and nests went down with the hunters.” He gives Taiyang a sharp look.
“How is that supposed to be a city people can live in when all you have been doing is property damage? The ones paying for the damage won’t be the ones you’re targeting.”
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mystiika · 6 months
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@velvetineblue asked: 🍒 for platonic taijamie mistle toes? : 3 meme: come on & come all!! send “🌿🍒” for a mistletoe smooch <3
tai was over for their usual pre-christmas traditions — tree trimming, a couple movies, some years some baking, hell there even used to be matching pajamas but they outgrew the last set some time ago.
❝ whoa, whoa, whoa there !! bump the breaks, tai. ❞ one hand starts outstretched in the typical 'stop' motion, then switches to point up to the bush of green & red above them. ❝ —you're not seriously gonna skip by this, are you? surely you would give a pal a smooch or that's some bad luck you're inviting in! ❞ but there's no time to refuse before jamie gives him a tight hug & a kiss on the cheek, letting go with his arms only to turn his face to the side to expose his own cheek next. ❝ come on, you gotta kiss me back now or it doesn't count ! ❞
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mythvoiced · 11 months
@velvetineblue | continued~
It's easy to let things fall into the background when someone so much smaller than her somehow survived the same thing she did. Some sort of specialist would have something to say on the matter, how it's easy for a group of people like them to for once not look at their mangled selves solely because someone so much smaller than them (in every sense of the word) needs care and warmth, needs some sort of shield between her and the world none of them can save her from anymore.
María isn't that specialist.
María doesn't even spend time thinking about these things.
There's no analyzing the softening of her being in the face of Elise's games.
There is, though, albeit relatively subconscious, the analyzing of her peers.
Taiyang exists somewhere outside her peripheral, has so far at least. It'd been easy to gravitate towards Patrick and Deva, something about their connection to one another had slotted them into the empty spaces in María's perspective onto the world that she'd needed someone like them to slip into.
Assertive and trustworthy, reliable and soothing, shield and sword and pen and tongue, poet, soldier, and king/queen, two figures with hell to carry on their back - much like all of them - whom María looks to with the same grimaces and desperate attempts to make herself understood she might have reserved for...
Tai, on the other hand, he... He's not unreliable. He's not agitating in any way. María doesn't plop down next to him, body turning almost instantly with her legs spread away from her and her arms crossed protectively over her chest (habit, habit) with the idea she doesn't want to.
She hadn't been designated as a momentary keeper to Elise along with Taiyang and felt herself reluctant, walking into the other room begrudgingly.
But he doesn't occupy the same pedestal Deva and Patrick do - dangerous in their own way, a few steps too close to idolizing, a path she's only kept from because of her stubbornness to disagree with them.
If anything, he feels more like an older brother.
It's why she asks.
Because there's nothing wrong with him - besides what is wrong with all of them - there's nothing all too foreign about him either, same thousand yard stare she'd never admit to recognize in her own reflection when she startles him out of it, same background to have them both here in this room at this time, same desire to make a difference, but at the same time...
Because María is a selection of exposed wires Patrick might have found some way to defuse with his skills, popping and crackling and just waiting for the opportunity to set an entire house on fire with one well-placed, where Taiyang is so closed-off he might very well appear as the most 'well-adjusted' out of the bunch simply, perhaps, because he's better at keeping the haunted look off his face.
Or maybe she isn't looking hard enough.
That's why she asks. That's why she nudges his shoulder with her foot and tries to soften her frown to the point it only seems to amplify it, now with the added frustration of not appearing frustrated.
"No, we all share one goal," she's learning, picking it up from Patrick, most likely, the importance of speech, choosing the right words, calm over impulsive spitting, even if she's about as poor a learner in this context as they come.
"We don't all have the same deal," or she'd be much better at this, without the odd pause and the stern look, or the frustrated growl at the back of her throat when she folds herself to lean over, get enough into his space she might figure out how to actually read anything he portrays within it.
"And that's just a fact," she brushes a strand of hair out of her face, one gliding along her forehead she seems to harbour particular antipathy towards. Her hair is so... silky, has been, lately. So healthy. So preened. It's sickening to have as a reminder. She wonders how it'd felt like for him to grow into his persona and decides to ask... later.
"We'd all be a mess without each other, we need you as much as we need anyone here. But that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about your deal, your... uh... your thing," not the member of this family designed to hold 'the eloquent one' as title, that's for certain.
"Not your thing... that's- I'm not asking you to talk about anything... nothing that hurts, you know, obviously not, I-" her half-gesticulating hand falls onto the space separating them, narrowly avoiding slamming full-force into his thigh. "How... how can we help you? Or I, specifically, I bet Patrick and Deva already- they're already helpful to you."
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pararennial-archived · 5 months
i know this seems crazy, but the weather changed as soon as you left
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Airports are not her most favourite place in the world, the tedium of check ins, festering anxiety over missed flights or delayed departures, and let's not forget the dreaded customs security screening. Luckily for her, she didn't have to operate under the guise of a traveler. She is waiting on her friend soon to be arriving at the gates with something precious in tow. She trusted him with this task in safely delivering a baby loch monster ( "delivering" is much too innocuous a word to describe smuggling, but the former best suits the heroic deed to them, anyway ).
When she sees Taiyang stroll through with a pretty inconspicuous pet carrier in tow, it brings a genuine smile to her face ( relief that Tai made it safely along with their important passenger ). She calls out to him, scurries up and casually throws her arms around him, bringing him close.
Rolling up to her tiptoes, she murmurs softly, ❝How is she? Was there any trouble?❞
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hvnbrn · 9 months
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@velvetineblue ˚ ༘ ♡ ⋆ 。˚ continued from here
the pout furthers, gloss slick lips curling downwards in time with furrowed brows. the probability of the slayer getting everything he wanted in the next five minutes was becoming starkly larger by the second. " i wasn't going to suggest that at all. " in fact, a different equally slated trashy show had been on the tip of his tongue instead. but he stills for a moment, taking in the facts of the situation the pair had found themselves in ...
first - they're in some sort of mausoleum or crypt, with very limited light straying in from the crack in the stone covered doorway. it seems, from first glance, the way they'd managed to get in was no longer a viable way out. blocked intentionally, or perhaps unintentionally, during a fight that had taken place involving the slayer shortly before.
second - daesung had followed more than one figure inside, but the fight that ended with him thrown against a stone cold wall, only involved one unfriendly vampire.
third - taiyang had appeared at his side moments before the entry way the vampire came through crumbled, which could only suggest ... " there must be another way out, or in. i didn't see the vamp leave, and our easy exit crumbled behind you ... " so he considers a different plan.
" im looking pretty right? you think i could just walk into a maybe vamp lair and turn heads? and then you turn 'em further, you know ... like -- " he mimes snapping a neck, complete with tongue click for emphasis. " or not ... have you got a better plan? i'm all ears. "
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stillresolved · 5 months
continued from here. / @velvetineblue & @uroborosymphony
Outings can be tricky for Annie. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she knows this atmosphere is familiar, one where her blood spikes out of anticipation, the bright lights and the cacophony of music and conversation over alcohol spurring the adrenaline along. She missed that, Annie likes to think, even if it makes her heart race in a bad way a lot sometimes- the line between fear and excitement isn’t always that apparent after all. 
Maybe that’s why Imo was skeptical when Annie told her about the party. Maybe that’s why her old friends drifted away too- a person who barely goes outside of her aunt’s store, a person who covers her ears at sounds no one but she can hear doesn’t quite make for a fun friend to hang around, does it? Ara doesn’t seem to think so, thankfully- why else would she have invited Annie- and neither does Ga-ram. Annie didn’t think he would actually agree to come though. He repels people the way insect repellents do; she just happens to be one of his exceptions.
Which is why Annie feels, well, a little guilty for leaving him alone. And Ara too- they’re the reasons she’s at this house party to begin with. But the concept of being in a conversation ( about fashion trends she’s neither ever heard of or cares about ) without them realizing she’s mad is too tempting- a reprieve, one might say, from the 'mad girl' reputation. They won't suspect her if she doesn’t say anything. 
The only problem is when the subject of conversation turns to her. Granted, the girl- she said her name was Yoona- probably doesn’t any harm, but even her compliments hackle on Annie’s nerves. What is Annie supposed to say? What would she think and would she tell the others? So it’s a relief when Taiyang, however much Annie still doesn’t trust him, motions her away from Yoona with Ara’s name on his lips. 
At the edge of the party, Annie feels her nerves calm a little, the lights and the music of the room softer. Ara’s hand, warm and callused, in hers helps too. “…They’re nice.” She offers simply with a mostly sincere smile. She tries not to blink too much either. “They talk a lot.”
She lets go of Ara’s hand and turns her other friend. If Ara is bursting with warmth at the seams, then Ga-ram is cooler, like a stream of water running down her skin. He towers over her and seems agitated, yes, but he looks more concerned if anything. She barely hears him over the music even when he leans in.
“You good?”
She nods, sharply. She doesn’t need to be coddled and definitely not by him. He ruffles her hair, which she takes to mean ‘okay.’ She huffs- she had curled her hair for tonight too- and tucks a strand behind her ear. She can’t tell if she’s making it up, the sound of Ga-ram snorting under his breath. 
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But there’s no time to think about that, not when Ara and her boyfriend rejoin them with an offer of a pool game on the table. The moment over, Ga-ram hardens once more. He turns towards her once more in question.
“We…We’re down,” Annie says, answering for her and Ga-ram. “I might um…I might not be very good though. I’ve haven’t…I haven’t played in a long time.”
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“You two go first.” Ga-ram then picks up, tersely, on the way over to the pool table. He follows behind Annie, hands shoved in his coat pockets. “You’re the ones who made the offer so the hosts should go first.”
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wellfell · 8 months
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 they don't trust the outlanders around here , especially not the friendly ones like him . taiyang never not looked like trouble — actually he looks like he's soaked in it , in the dangers of the dark woods he suggests they follow the kids into . akina fixes her bag on her shoulder and frowns at his back . follows wordlessly since she didn't quite have anything better to do back home . the arcade closed , and akina was going home when they caught the four eagerly kicking their pedals to get inside the woods . she warned them , raised her brow at their bold response and mindlessly got aggressive about her worry . ' crazy miss . . . ' , a fitting nickname . taiyang was simply a little unfortunate to have witnessed it all .
  even if he didn't ask she'd follow them to make sure they were alright .
 ❛ you're the biggest boogeyman around these days because the girls pass out when they see you . ❜  mostly the kids , max who was listening to his songs nonstop and politely asking akina to play his songs while they were in the arcade . she lazily fished for her mint gum in the bag as they walked , chewing it between white teeth before reaching back to tie her hair up in a ponytail . [ @velvetineblue ] this got a little too serious and she wasn't about to let these four join the list of missing kids on hawkins high school board . though , it was all quiet and peaceful until she heard a noise and automatically jumped a little closer to her companion . fingers curling on his sleeve , pausing to glance around with her heart hammering in her chest . the kids were getting further , and something was walking on the dried leaves . closer , closer . ❛ did you hear that ? ❜
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kamipyre · 1 year
“If you were to pick between Tai and your love for crocs, what would it be.. ”
@rippleofwords way to throw tai ( ft. @velvetineblue ) under the bus :'D
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"Crocs-" She covers her mouth soon after- that's not the appropriate response here, is it? But then again, he's the traitor...she crosses her arms and huffs. "He can survive with his HATER FRIENDS just fine!"
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