almightyhamslice · 10 months
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OK YEAH I completely forgot to post these!! A handful of my StarFox OCs. Maybe you recognize them? In order, they are: Petal, Geneva Shepherd, Izzy Dynamo, and Jast Todon.
As a refresher (or maybe an intro?):
Petal is an Aparoid made of Killer Bee and Borzoi fighter scrap metal. She was stationed on Katina, but lost all direction when the Aparoid Queen was killed. This event was fatal to most of the Aparoids, but as demonstrated by Pigma, some of them found a way to survive. Petal was one of them; her will was too strong to allow herself to die so soon. She would lay low and hide out of sight as to not be spotted by Cornerian soldiers, but was eventually discovered by Bill Grey. Rather than killing her, he took pity on her and let her live and integrate into society. She has no voice of her own and mimics other Lylatians’ voices to communicate. Since she spends most time around Bill, she sounds almost exactly like him.
Geneva Shepherd is a Cornerian-born German shepherd scientist affiliated with Andross’s empire and Venom. She views Venom’s rules as more freeing than Corneria, latching onto Venom’s side early into Oikonny’s rebellion; she was far too young to fight during the Lylat Wars. She runs a farcical Bioweapon rehabilitation program under the guise of benefiting the Cornerian government, but truthfully her program is a testing ground for her ultimate experiment: cloning Andross to revive him from the dead.
Izzy Dynamo is a Venomian frilled lizard mechanic. In his youth, though he was too young to fly a starship, he would help repair broken fighter ships alongside an older brother he lost to the Lylat Wars. He saw all Venom’s casualties as senseless and brutal, sympathizing with the remaining lieutenants who had lost many of their friends to the same war. He harbors a deep-seeded hatred for Corneria, but fears he is too weak to fight them himself. So, he made it his goal to unite Venom once more and pick up the pieces Star Fox tore out of the former empire. He teamed up with Geneva to covertly sew distrust and unrest among Corneria’s population.
Jast Todon is a hybrid—half sharpclaw half salamander—born in Sauria. As a non-dinosaur in a dinosaur world, he’d always feel inadequate and unwelcome for being “too soft”, especially among Sharpclaws. He didn’t even have clawed hands, how could he fit in, he thought. So as soon as interstellar travel was established between Sauria and the Lylat System, he left his home behind to start anew in Corneria. However, there, he began to experience the opposite problem. Suddenly he was dubbed “scary” and “beastly” by the denizens of the planet. No matter where Jast was, he felt alienated. He joined Andrew’s cause late into the rebellion and was assigned to Geneva and Izzy’s team as a bodyguard. He felt somewhat better about it, but still out of place in a way. He doesn’t care much for war or revenge, and just wants to meet someone who understands him completely.
Ok that was a lot!! I have been thinking abt these guys a lot lol. Hope you like them!
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skyhunter95 · 1 year
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An old meme I made awhile back. I heard people were coming back to Tumblr so I figured I’d try to get some attention. Fox at Sargasso Base
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bakfoo · 1 year
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I forgot that Star Fox was a thing until today and in some weird stupor I wrote a 1.4k word fic surrounding the first skirmish between SF and SW heavily influenced by @rainboopz 's Krystal is Kursed AU
This is a totally self-indulgent hurt/comfort fanfic and I won't apologize for it because I didn't realize how weird star fox command gets and I need to fix it before I explode
Krystal couldn't believe it. Her ship's HUD blared all kinds of damage reports in her face. With no choice, she wrenched the stick and turned away from the battle. She flew back in tatters.
"Days... Weeks... Months of training and flight hours and I still can't down him," Krystal whispered to herself, gripping the joystick so hard she swore she heard it creak.
She used every trick in the book and more. Even when she pulled out all the aces she had up her sleeve, she was countered at every turn. She held up against the rest of Star Fox just fine on her own, but their leader was different. It was cold. It was surgical. For someone who only knew her previous captain as a squadmate, this was the harsh reminder:
Fox McCloud was the deadliest pilot in the Lylat System.
Was he holding out on me?! Did I get weaker? Did he get stronger? How...?
Krystal slammed the canopy with her fist through tears of frustration. As if on cue, Wolf's face showed up in a small monitor. From the red glow on his face, it was clear that his ship was also no longer combat effective. A bit behind, her other squadmates were returning from battle, not faring any better.
"Well, Princess? How does it feel?"
Krystal quickly wiped tears of frustration from her face, too scared to say anything in fear that a sob would come out. Losing wasn't new for her, but this loss had so much more at stake. She glared at the screen without saying a word.
"It fucking sucks," Krystal choked out bitterly, not seeming to care that the entirety of Star Wolf was now fixated on her response. Eavesdropping, Panther begrudgingly smiled, Leon huffed and twisted his face into a frown. She was only a part of the team in name, but this was their unofficial induction ceremony.
Wolf grinned, knowing the exact feeling. He saw it reflected all over Krystal's face.
"Welcome to Star Wolf."
During the Lylat Wars, the Arwing was considered a next generation fighter. It was so above and beyond the competition that it boasted a higher kill count than the entirety of the Cornerian Militaty during the war. Even after the Arwing was reverse engineered by the Venomians, even after battles against the supernatural, and even after another war against the Aparoid invasion, the Arwing towered above the rest.
The gap, however, has decreased over time. The Arwing was a successful proof of concept, and everybody in Lylat wanted it. Its newest G-Diffuser system was now commonplace around the most basic cargo haulers. Its nano laminate armor was on all commercial shuttles. Gimble cannons were spacecraft standard issue. Even the Wolfens had all of this and more.
The only edge above the competition was the pilot. The Arwing boasted a 99.9% survival rate, with the near perfect record broken by none other than James McCloud. The reason why Star Fox is where they are is because their trusty spacecraft kept them alive and forced them to learn from their mistakes. Given their track record, Star Fox has learned everything and more when it comes to ship to ship combat.
None of that experience didn't make it any less awkward when Fox met his ex for the first time months and immediately shot her down.
Battles between ace pilots were always one or the other: decisive or extremely drawn out. When the first blasters were fired, from Krystal nonetheless, all moments of hesitation flew out the window. Further chatter included the usual battle call outs and insults, but it was over almost as soon as it started.
Fox peered over the side of the canopy. He watched as four Wolfens flew away from them, heading away from the now-empty battlefield.
"... All ships, turn to solar bearing 0-3-0. Return to base."
"Copy that." "Roger."
Damages were almost a guarantee when facing off against Star Wolf, but it's been a while since Slippy and Falco danced on a razor's edge in a dogfight. Landing on the Great Fox wasn't this tense since wartime.
"Damn. She got me good," Falco scoffed, a bitter sense of pride in his former teammate-turned-enemy. When he left his cockpit, He ran his hand along scorch marks on the main fuselage, scoring near critical hits to the space frame.
"Yeah, no kidding! It's going to take a week to get all of our ships in working order," Slippy sighed as he scratched underneath his cap. His Arwing was in worse condition with a wing tip blown off and a hole where one of its cannons used to be.
Wordlessly, Fox stumbled out of his cockpit and headed immediately to the Great Fox's mess hall. Slippy and Falco's gazes followed him until the doors were closed, and they exchanged a wordless look of concern over their captain, then peered at the last remaining starcraft.
Fox's Arwing was practically spotless minus a single scorch mark over the Star Fox insignia.
Following Peppy's retirement and the reduction of the squadron, it meant that Fox had to be on top of his game in every level. Thousands of hours were logged in the simulator, mock battles were held weekly between his squad mates, and he even learned basic engineering from Slippy. Star Fox no longer held the technological edge, and with the increasing pressure from fulfilling new roles and staying relevant in the Mercenary world, it was no surprise that Fox was at his wit's end.
He slumped forward on his chair, watching as the ice melted in his glass of bourbon.
"Hey Slip." He murmured, catching Slippy off guard as he tried to tiptoe around his moping boss. Slippy looked around for Falco, but realized he probably hit the showers (or whatever else the birdbrain was up to). He wasn't too experienced with relationships, so he let Falco do all the talking with anything to do with Krystal. After seeing the rough shape his captain was in, maybe it was time for a lighter touch.
"Heyyy," Slippy said slowly as he sat down next to Fox. His captain's eyes were sunken, his hair was a mess, and once he looked close enough, his inner shirt was inside out. It didn't take a genius to realize that even after all this time, he wasn't quite over her.
"What's up, Fox?"
"Slippy, am I a bad person?"
Slippy's physically recoiled from the question. He may not be the most sociable person around, but he even knew that this was one of the questions that you just don't ask your friends. Still...
"Are we talking legally or morally?" Slippy laughed. Fox returned with a look that would rival the unsettling gaze of a dead fish's eyeballs.
"Oh God."
"Let's talk about something else!" Slippy forced a laugh and pat his hands on the table, stepping yet into another conversation taboo, this time between Mercenaries. But when Fox saw that Slippy was trying to avoid the subject, he sighed.
"I'm sorry. Everything is just... A lot." Fox took a small sip, his face scrunching a little. Alcohol wasn't something he usually partook in, which made his attempt at calming down all the more pathetic.
"Everything including... everything and Krystal?"
Slippy took Fox's flinch as a physical "yes."
"Did I make the right call?"
Slippy took a moment to look at his friend and didn't see his captain, he saw a friend who needed help. He threw rank and hierarchy out the window. This conversation was friend-to-friend now, and he leaned in.
"Look, Fox. I know that you did what you think was right, and... Uh, I don't know. Most of the breakups I see on holo-tv have people not liking each other over time. But, like, it seems like you had too much responsibility to give her any attention she needed and that caused a breakup neither of you wanted."
"That is... Spot on, yeah," Fox sighed at the astute observation. He swirled his drink, this time more alive at the simple act of being heard out and validated.
"Not having Peppy is a lot harder than I thought. He always has an answer for everything."
Slippy smiled at the sound of his friend's name.
"Hey, how about we wash ourselves up, give Peppy a call, and we make ourselves proper drinks? How's that sound?"
"Sounds good, Slip." Fox smiled. Slippy returned the smile, sure in himself that he defused the delicate situation.
"Yo, is your ex a crack shot, or what?" Falco chimed in from behind, coming back from a quick rinse donning shorts and a plain white T-shirt. Slippy glared at him, worried that all the work just went down the drain, but Fox gave him a nonchalant shrug and downed the rest of his drink.
"Yeah. She sure is."
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deviantstyle · 1 year
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What happens when Star Fox needs to infiltrate a Venomian dance club on a covert op? Clearly there's only one vixen for the job Krystal © Nintendo --- Support me on Patreon Ko-Fi
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galacticazure · 5 months
If I were you, I'd avoid any jobs involving Fortuna. I heard The Venomian Remnant has been stirring up alot of trouble there recently.
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"They are always stirring up trouble...everyone knows that, besides I have connects with a certain someone that can get me in and out no problem."
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chewpacabras · 1 year
Follow-up to my last reblog:
Many fans have made a valid point that they find Star Wolf + the Venomians are more interesting than our protagonists because they ally themselves with Corneria, thus making them appear like they are "keepers the status quo".
However, I would like to point out a couple of things that could potentially add more nuance to this narrative:
This perspective differs a little bit from Benimaru Itoh's loose comic adaptation of the first game, in which even Fox is openly critical of the Cornerian government + military forces. This is probably no longer considered "canon", as the series has been rebooted twice since then, but it's something I'd like to see brought back going forward.
Star Fox being a mercenary squadron in the first place. Why would James McCloud, a former CDF combat pilot, resign to form his own team + company? Probably his own experience within the military and seeing how it is run influenced this decision. Also, Fox replying "sorry, general. We like doing things our own way" to Pepper's offer suggests the squadron's differing philosophies or even politics that may sometimes conflict with those of the CDF. Sure, they are allies, and General Pepper trusts Star Fox with his life, but I can easily see James splitting off because he kept butting heads with ineffective authority figures and firmly believes that sometimes breaking the rules is the right thing to do.
Now, it would be interesting to see a story where Star Fox does indeed go rogue. Even better if our heroes are forced to become unlikely allies with Star Wolf.
My own headcanon is that General Pepper + Corneria's heads of government does some shady stuff, as implied in the end of Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins. This has influenced much of my fan canon explaining many things from Andross' exile to Venom, Vixy Reinard-McCloud's disappearance, and Cerinia's history + destruction.
Nintendo, feel free to take any of these ideas as long as you give us new content pls pls pls
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game-boy-pocket · 2 months
Random thought, but if I did Star Fox Adventures, Fox would fight with a pair of special boots with jets on them and later a blaster, Krystal would use the staff and its spells.
Also I'd foreshadow the Andross connection more, such as Scales having a lot of venomian tech.
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beastfury5580 · 1 year
Donkey Kong Z Episode 7
Episode 7: Planet Corneria Under Siege (Emperor Andross sends his army to attack planet corneria and the crossover gang managed to make it only to witness Andross army out of hyperjump to invade corneria. Fox and Falco went to find the Pear and Mango fruit gem along with DK and Diddy while fighting through androsses soldiers as well as star wolf.)
Dragon Ball Z Opening Theme Song Rock the Dragon 720p HD (Short)
Next Episode/Last Episode -  Dragon Ball Z ost - The Saga Continues
Narrator: Last time on Donkey Kong Z! DK and his friends made it to planet corneria only to witness Andross and his army warped out of hyperjump to begin the assault on the planet. K Rool had taken DK and diddy kong into space to kill them, only then did he chugged them into another planet where he met villager on horizon island. K Rool tried to have DK and diddy surrender to his will but managed to obtain their new super kong form and defeated him and return to planet corneria. The invasion has just begun and kaiga is out for blood, the epic battle begins now!
Two Days Earlier
Breaking news in corneria - Policenauts Soundtrack [PSX][Sega Saturn][PC98] 12 - Theme from news order
Katalina: (Female fox reporter) This is Katalina of corneria channel 7 news. We've just received an invasion from emperor Andross himself along with the venomian army that has invaded our planet. Luckily the star fox team is teaming up with general pepper as well as the corneria military to stop the invading forces. I recommend everyone to stay at home unless being told to leave immediately, this is Katalina, stay safe out there.
*The news went static*
Andross's army/Venomian's Attack - Corneria (Strategy to Reclaim the Capital) - Star Fox Assault [OST]
Present Day
Diddy: No.... what happened? DK: K Rool was just distracting us from helping our friends. Diddy: We gotta do something DK! DK: Let's go find the others and the fruit gems. Diddy: And quickly!
Fox: *Running around shooting Andros's army with my blaster with falco* Krystal report! Krystal: *In the arwing* This is terrible! The city has become a battlefield! It's crazy out there! Multiple venomian forces in the air and land, and slippy will deal with them in the air for as much as possible along with Spyro! Crash and the others went off to escort the people to safety! Falco: We still haven't found DK and diddy yet. Fox: Well keep looking! We need them and the fruit gems intact! Falco: It's been two days! *Saw a golden blast from the distance* No way. Krystal: They came back!! Now we can end this! Falco: You might wanna take this. *Gives fox a laser blade item* Fox: What's this for? Falco: Slippy made it for you since you know all that swordsmen stuff than any of us does. Fox: ...Thanks slippy.
Diddy: I hope that got some people's attention to come to get us. DK: Me too little buddy. Venomian Soldier: You!! Stop where you are!!
*Several androsses soldiers ran towards DK and diddy and fired their blaster rifles at them*
Diddy: Uh oh! It gave us unwanted attention! DK: Not to worry, we got this! BANANA SLAMMA!!! *Jumps in the air and dive punches one of the venomian and started punching more of them* Diddy: WATA!!! *Jump kick one of the venomian's in the face* HOO!! WAH!!
*Fox came rushing in using his laser blade to cut through the many venomian soldiers*
Diddy: Fox, falco! Falco: It's about time you two came back! We thought K Rool ended you two! Fox: Nevermind that, come on we have to find the fruit gems! *Ran off*
Search for the Fruit Gems - Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire (PS1) Soundtrack - Atlantis Is Waiting (Fire Variation) (gamerip)
Spyro: *Flew around taking down the venomian soldiers* Any luck yet?! Lucario: "Not a sight on those gems!" Banjo: We gotta keep looking!
*Several moments after the search*
Fox: Still nothing. Falco: Man this is getting us nowhere! Slippy: Fox! The fruit gems are moving! Someone must have taken them! Fox: But who is it?! Wolf: That would be me.
*The Wolfen ships flew in beside wolf o Donnell*
Star Wolf Attack - Star Wolf [Brawl] - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Falco: Andross must have called star wolf here! Wolf: You want the gems? Come and get us! Fox: You two gonna be alright? Diddy: Yeah just do what you have to do!
*Fox and Falco called their arwings and jumped inside of them as they flew into the sky*
Kaliga: So it seems we meet at last. DK and Diddy: ?!
Kaliga's Theme - Vegeta's Theme (Extended) - [Faulconer Productions]
*Kaliga walked up to DK and diddy kong with a vicious glare and menacing walk*
Kaliga: So you've been the one causing k rool the trouble for the longest. Diddy: Oh great, another of k rool's kremling lackey's. Kaliga: Slience yourself you nitwit!!! Diddy:... Kaliga: I am supreme commander kaliga! The strongest among the kremling armies, you will show me some respect! Diddy: Supreme commander....that must mean he outranks both Klump and krusha. DK I don't like this one bit... DK: Where are Klump and krusha anyways? Kaliga: ....Who? DK and Diddy: ?! Kaliga: Oh, you mean those filthy weaklings I killed with my bare hands? Diddy: You did what?! DK: Come on, that was unnecessary! Kaliga: Oh please! It was what k rool wanted! I wanted to tear their heads off for thirty seconds just by listening to them. Diddy: ....K Rool truly has changed. Kaliga: He sends me to dispose of the both of you and that's exactly what I intend to do. Diddy: Not if I can help it! DK: No diddy. Diddy: Say what?! DK: I'm gonna need you to stay back. Diddy: You can't just take him by yourself! DK: I can't let you get hurt either! Just do as I say! Diddy: ... Kaliga: A kong that honors a duel? K Rool warned me you and your monkey nephew would tag team me but I'm impressed. You must be asking for a death wish, how pathetic. And let me guess, your thinking of using your banana power cannon on me right? Go ahead, try it. DK: Okay you asked for it. Diddy: ...What's he up to? DK: *Started cupping my hands then moved my hands back as I concentrate my inner energy chi as it is slowly charging, creating an orb of chi energy in my hand, it grows bigger and bigger as I continue concentrating* BANANAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! CANNONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!
*DK thrust his hands forward and shoot out a golden-yellow stream of powerful energy at kaliga but there was nothing but smoke as DK uncupped his hands, kaliga is still standing*
DK: SAY WHAT?! Diddy: Oh no....it did nothing! Kaliga: *Dust my shoulders* Not even a scratch on me. Diddy: *Started trembling as I backed away sacred* Kaliga: You should see the look on your face right. How would you feel if I easily defeat you right here and now? Or maybe kill off your precious nephew while he squirms in fear? DK: You leave diddy out of this!! Kaliga: Allow me to show you what true power looks like. *Concentrates my energy through my palms while grunting as they flow through my hands* Grrrrrrrrrr, grrrrrrrrr, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diddy: DK GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!!!! Kaliga: What did you think was going to happen?! That I would just simply die from a blast like that?!? You're just a dumb ape, I am a warrior!!! A warrior that will strike you down till this planet's last breath!!! NOW DIIIIIIIE!!!! KAIZER FLARE!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!!!!!
*Kaliga puts his hands together and shoots a gigantic blast of dark red energy as DK dodged left, only to witness the destruction from behind them. 10,000 people died and buildings exploded in to people's, creating a huge hole with nothing left*
Krystal: OH MY GOODNESS!!! Peppy: What the hell did he do?!? Fox: All those people! Kaliga: *Panting as I put my arms down* Diddy: No.... Kaliga: Yeeees, look at it. Drink it in. This is the power that will destroy both of you. That is true power, that is the pride of the true kremling army. Nothing more, nothing less. DK: *Simply stand up* ..... Diddy: DK? Kaliga: What do you think now "hero"? Still,, think you can fight against me? DK: *Growling* How dare you?! How could you kill all those people like that?! Kaliga: ..... DK: Now I'm gonna make you pay!!!! *Roars as I beat my chest then ran towards kaliga* Kaliga: Bring it on!!!
DK Vs. Kaliga - Multi-Man Melee 1 Super Smash Bros. Melee Music Extended [Music OST][Original Soundtrack]
*DK and Kaliga started punching each other*
Fox: My home.. everything is gone. Falco: Get him DK!! Krystal: Fox... DK: *Punched and kicked kaliga down as I use my chi to enhance my powers* Kaliga: *Dodged every single one of DK's punches and kicks even his enhanced attacks by slapping or blocking as I simply pimp slapped DK away from me*
*DK flew into another building and crashed inside then kaliga flew toward the building then throws DK straight into the ground*
Spyro: AGH!! *Got hit by a dark firebolt blast then got up slowly* Dark Ember: *Walks over to Spyro* You insignificant simp. How much rejection is a girl supposed to take? Spyro: Ember? Dark Ember: No. The ember you knew is gone now. I'm on the villain's side now. Spyro: No! You're wrong! The real ember, she would have never let them- Dark Ember: Never let them what?! Turn me into this! I choose this Spyro! After the number of rejections you've done, I stopped caring about the dragon realm! Now all I want to do is destroy you, and that cynder you "love" so much! Spyro: Leave cynder out of this! Dark Ember: Awww does it hurt because I struck a nerve? I don't even know why I wasted my time loving you! All you are is nothing but weak little dragon, all-cause of that dragonfly that protects you! Spyro: Grrrrrr... Dark Ember: That's right, get angry, it will do you no good!!
*Spyro and Dark Ember clashed each other while DK slides back from the impact and then punched kaliga right in the face but he felt nothing*
DK: HUH?! Kaliga: That tickled. *Uppercut DK straight in the stomach* DK: Oooouuuuhhhh!!! Kaliga: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! *Punched DK all over his body furiously* DK: *Took all those strong punches* Lucario: *watches the fight* "This is unreal, kaliga is both physically and mentally stronger than DK in terms of power and energy. This kremling is a monster. K Rool is willing to go this far just get rid of DK and Diddy just to obtain the fruit gems." Banjo: DK come on! You can't let him beat you! Slippy: Fight DK! You can do this! Kaliga: *Uppercut DK in the face*
*DK flipped backward and fell flat to the floor*
DK: *Groans in pain* I think you broke something... Kaliga: Oh is that so? Here, let me break something else for you!!! RUGH!!! *Kicked DK across the chest* DK: *Rolled over fast then slides* Ugggggghhh... Diddy: DK get up! You gotta get up!!
DK's Defeat - Resident Evil 2 OST - Good-Bye Leon ( Ada's Death )
DK: *Grunts as I slowly got up while panting* I just...need....to catch my breath... Kaliga: Why do you even bother getting up? Can you not understand when you have been beaten?! DK: No...I won't lose...My friends *pants* are counting on me. Fox: DK you have to retreat! This is not the time to be stubborn! Kaliga: *Walks over to DK*
*DK walked over to kaliga and started punching him more but his attacks became weak as kaliga just slapped them aside then kaliga simply punched DK's chest*
DK: HMM!!! O_O *Spits out blood then holds my chest, shaking and panting* Diddy: Stop!! You're hurting him!! Kaliga: That's the idea. *Grabs DK's arm then gave him a sinister smile as I punched into DK's elbow and bend it back* DK: *Screams in pain and agony* Kaliga: *Broke DK's left leg and feet by smashing his feet on them* DK: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *Groans while hyperventilating from the extreme pain* Kaliga: *Walks behind DK then punched into his spine* DK: *Instant fell on my back as I cry in pain* Please no more!!! I give! I give! Kaliga: It'll be enough when I say it's enough!!! *Charged my finger and shot a laser through DK*
*The energy laser went through DK's chest, donkey kong continues to scream until he can't scream anymore, and everyone was traumatized by the brutal attacks that kaliga is giving out, kaliga grabs DK by his neck and started punching him twenty times*
Krystal: *Looks away from the brutality* Falco: We gotta do something fox, we can't keep watching this!! Russ: Please make it stop, please make it stop! Fox:... Kaliga: *Finally stopped punching then K Rool called me* What? K Rool: Star wolf got the fruit gems. We're done here. Wrap this up. Kaliga: Understood. I'm just about finished. Over and out. *Turned my communicator off then looks down at DK* Be lucky I gave you what little life and honor you have left. If we ever meet again, maybe you'll be strong enough to defeat me, or maybe not. Doesn't matter. And as for you. *Walks over to Diddy*
Kaliga's Theme - Vegeta's Theme (Extended) - [Faulconer Productions]
Diddy: AH!! Krystal: Diddy no! Falco: Fox, come on! We gotta get diddy out of there! Fox: Right!
*All four of the arwings flew towards kaliga then he simply throws an energy wave shape of an arrow*
Kaliga: SHATTER ARROW!!! Krystal: *Screams*
*All four arwings dodged the shatter arrow attack*
Kaliga: *Continues walking over to diddy* Diddy: *Trembling in fear as I can't move then whimpers* Kaliga: *Stopped walking while glaring* GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! *Was about to punch diddy to pieces* Diddy: *Screams as I covered my face with my arms* Kaliga: Don't cry like that! I haven't even punched you yet! Diddy: S-s-spare me! Kaliga: ...Say what? Diddy: D-don't hurt me... Kaliga: I can't hear you! Diddy: Don't hurt me! Please... Kaliga: What is this I hear from a so-called warrior? Whatever. You're not worth my time. Diddy: Please...don't hurt me... Kaliga: Oh don't worry, I'll let you live for now. *Turned away from diddy* Just stay out of my way, if I so much as see you again, I promise you I won't grant you mercy again. Trust that your death will come and when it does...I will be the one to end your life. *Teleport away*
Diddy's Sadness - Resident Evil 2 OST - Mother ( Annette Birkin's Death )
Diddy: *Ran over to DK while crying, kneels to him* DK! DK!!! DK: Diddy...*slowly moved my hand and rubs diddy's face with tears in my eyes* Diddy...*my hand fell on the ground as I closed my eyes and suddenly stopped breathing* Diddy: *Gasp* DONKEY KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG!!!!! *Burst out crying while hugging DK in my arms*
*The great fox flew down to the ground*
Krystal: *Walks over to diddy then grab his arms* Diddy: *Tried to get out of Krystal's grip* LET ME GOOOOOO!!! PLEASE!!! Krystal: Diddy stop! Diddy, it's me! *Turned diddy and around and grab his face* Look at me! Look at me! Diddy: *Stopped struggling then hugs Krystal and cries into her chest* Krystal: Shhhh, it's going to be alright. Fox: *Hugs Krystal along with diddy* It's okay diddy, it's okay.
*Everyone else grabbed DK by his arms and legs and went inside the great fox to rush into the medic lab. Moments later, the great fox flew back into space. Diddy is watching DK on his bed in the medic room*
Barely made it / DK Hospitalized - Resident Evil 3: Nemesis OST - Complete Rest
*Everyone was in silence as the great fox continues to travel*
Dillon: ...... Spyro: *Stares into the window* "Ember.....why?" Fox: We've managed to restart donkey kong's heart and wrapped up all of his bruises and wounds. But the injuries have become quite serious, and diddy hasn't left the medic lab since we took him in. Krystal: I feel awful about all this. He witnessed his uncle brutalized in front of him and we did nothing to stop it. The risks were just too great. Falco: Yeah and not to mention they took the fruit gems right after it all happened. We barely managed to get DK's heart pumping again otherwise he would have died. I don't think diddy can handle losing any more family members. Fox: We have to keep moving despite our loss here. Somehow those villains are ahead of us and we need to get back on track. Slippy repair the weapons. We're leaving now. *Walks off* Krystal: Fox, you're hurt. Fox: *Ignored Krystal as I kept walking* Falco: That's what being a leader is about. Show no emotion of how you feel for others to feel strong enough to move on. Russ: Spyro where is Sparx? Spyro: ..... *Flew off to my room*
*In the distance you hear Fox scream in anger and bashed through the wall*
Falco: Yep there it is. Bango: Scary..
*Diddy is still in the medic lab watching DK breathing in his life support mask while the heart monitor beeps*
Diddy's Sadness Ver.2 / Uselessness and Fear - Naruto Soundtrack- Sadness and Sorrow (FULL VERSION)
Diddy: Why did I do that? I...I couldn't stop it...
*Flashback of DK's fight with kaliga as well as brutalization as DK's cries of pain were echoed as the flashback ended*
Diddy: *Tears came down my face and sniffled* Uncle DK...I'm sorry...I hope you can forgive me. Koriju: Diddy. Diddy: *Gasp as I turned around fast* Koriju: Oh...I didn't mean to frighten your little one. Diddy: Sorry...I thought... never mind. Lucario: "Diddy, you're not well." Diddy: Yeah, tell me something I don't know! I could have helped DK, I could have stopped this but I couldn't! I was scared okay?! I thought he was going to kill me too! And I...I...*holds my face* I feel so useless! *Cries* Lucario: *Walks over to diddy and kneels to him and puts my paw on his head* "You're not useless diddy. You had a moment of paralyzing fear, there was nothing you could have done. DK knew how dangerous the supreme commander would be, that's why he told you to stay put. We're just glad he's still alive. Don't ever blame yourself for something that was out of your control." Koriju: Lucario is right. We're all praying for DK's recovery. But let me tell you this, you must learn to control your fear. If you let the fear control you, it will weaken you to the point where you cannot become strong. *Speaking Japanese* Diddy: ...In English, please? Koriju: It means, learn and live, courage and strength are a part of you, use them well. Lucario: "And besides, what would DK do if it was you instead of him?" Diddy: ....He would keep going. Lucario: That's the spirit little one. *Ruffles diddy* Koriju: Come with us, you need food and rest. Diddy: But...I can't leave him...I wanna stay with him just for a little bit longer... Koriju and Lucario: ..... Lucario: "Okay, we'll give you a few more hours but you have to sleep until then, understand?" Diddy: Yes... Koriju: Daisuke, stay with diddy. Daisuke: *Walks over to diddy and sat down in front of him*
*Koriju and Lucario walked out of the medic lab, diddy turned to DK again while still hugging Daisuke*
Diddy: Please get better DK....please... Daisuke: *Whines and licks diddy's face*
*Four hours later*
Diddy: *Sleeping in my bed while mumbling* Daisuke: *My ears went up as I woke up from my sleep then walked over to diddy* Diddy: *Whines as I toss and turn in my sleep*
Diddy's Nightmare - Resident Evil - The Night Begins ~ Mansion 1st Floor Theme #1 [EXTENDED] Music
*In diddy's nightmare*
Diddy: *Looks around in complete darkness* Kaliga: *Voice* Give in to the fear! Hate me! Curse me!
*Visions of Kaliga came popping out in different directions laughing while repeating the same words "Give in to the fear! Hate me! Curse me!" all diddy could do was look around and see kaliga everywhere while covering his ears, kneeling, and screams*
Diddy: *Woke up screaming* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *Panting* Daisuke: *Tilt my head while whining*
Afraid of Kaliga / Diddy's Sorrow - 11-Game Over-FFX-2 OST
Diddy: ..... *hugged Daisuke and started crying softly* Daisuke: *Hugs diddy*
Find out what happens next (Episode 7 only) - Sacred Moon (Game) - Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days Music Extended
Narrator: It seems that diddy's fighting spirit is now broken thanks to the supreme commander of the kremling army, kaliga. Witnessing donkey kong's most brutal fight was very painful to watch and the fighting ape himself is now on life support, time will tell whether DK will rise again and continue leading his friends to victory. Meanwhile, with k rool, he managed to obtain two of the fruit gems thanks to star wolf. Kaliga: *Staring into outer space with my arms folded* .......... K Rool: I'm very impressed with how you handled donkey kong so easily. I was right to have called you after all....my son. Kaliga: Father, just because I did this for you doesn't make us buddies. Strength is the only thing that matters in this world, everything else is just a delusion for the weak. K Rool: Right...what was I thinking, I've taught you TOO well. Kaliga: And besides this level of fear is exactly the kind of thing I was expecting. There's only one certainty in life. A strong man stands above and conquers all. I care not for your banana hoard or the fruit gems. All I want is to make the kongs extinct and to fight an opponent worthy of my time. K Rool: But why spare diddy kong? Kaliga: That little punk was toothless. He wanted mercy and I gave it to him, for now. Should I see him again, he will not escape death. K Rool: But of course, I trust you'll know what to do next once we reach the next planet? Kaliga: Consider it done. K Rool: Wonderful, see you in the morning. *Walks off* Narrator: With little hope left, our heroes will have to pick up the pace to beat K Rool in his own game but will their efforts be enough to stop both him AND his son kaliga? The fight is still not over until then, see you next time on donkey kong Z Kaliga: ...... *Cracks and evil smile then laugh psychotically*
Next Episode/Last Episode -  Dragon Ball Z ost - The Saga Continues
Narrator: Next time on Donkey Kong Z! The shadow alliance made it to planet fichina to look for the mango fruit gem but the heroes came in and battled against them as a distraction for fox to grab the fruit gem while also dueling against Andross himself. Kaliga used a doomsday device to try and destroy the planet. But what if diddy kong? How will he face his fear of stopping kaliga from destroying another planet like corneria? Find out next on donkey kong Z!
End - Dragon Ball Z Funimation Season 3 Outro (Short)
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The boy walks slowly but directly to where his legs take him while kicking a bottle in the street. He feels the dirty water dripping from his backpack, which has been like this for barely half an hour since he left his fencing class. Though it wasn't the dirty water that worried him but the fear of feeling blood dripping from his nose again.
Pluto ignores everything around him caught up in the music playing on his mp3 and his thoughts. From time to time the young man feels and caresses his Band-Aid on his pointed nose, trying to forget the awkward moment with his "partners" as soon as they finished their training sessions, but with the wound on his nose it was difficult.
Saw that gap again today While you were begging me to stay Managed to push myself away And you, as well, my dear
The young Galaxicos sings in a whisper. He kicked the bottle one last time sending it flying into a corner away from him. Pluto takes a break from his journey to watch the Venomian sky and watch the military ships fly by like shooting stars.
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martincart · 4 years
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I am working on some new hcs / concepts art with the Venomians, and even if its the final result, i want your opinion.
Venomians type A: They are the reptilian species that evolved from ancestors for 300 years ago. For that reason, they are considered pure blood. They are creatures with a more humanoid appearance, with a height greater than other species and more brute force.
Type B venomians: Exact to type A venomians but are not considered pure class (aka. Bastard children). They are hybrids between different species of reptiles, and are not often born by the laws of most various peoples. This type are considered strangers to many.
Type C venomians: Venomians of not so humanoid appearance, small and weak, They are characterized by having some traits of the reptile species that they are, They are considered inferior by those of class A and B because they are not so evolved and only live in few of them in Venom.
Type D venomians: They are hybrids of a relationship between a type C venomian and another non-venomian race. There is only one known case of this type.
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almightyhamslice · 1 year
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I recently redesigned Commander Sidney! long story short I saw his N64 sprite n noticed he had nostrils (and prominent fangs), which made me realize he DEFINITELY was meant to have a long snout... but I’d been drawing it wrong even when I knew that much. So now he’s HALF horned lizard, half iguana! Spiny tailed iguana, specifically. Now he and Caiman have more in common! I think that’s sweet. Realistically Caiman is likely just another soldier under Sidney’s command, but I like to think Sidney has a somewhat fatherly bond with Caiman. Perhaps they do after the war, since I’m pretty sure they both survive their encounter with the Star Fox team.
The mechanical rabbit Caiman is carrying is actually my anthro design for Spyborg! can’t believe I didn’t post him here... I have expanded the anthro bioweapon squad to include Spyborg and Golemech even though they aren’t bioweapons or biological at all, but I figured they fit in since Spyborg talks but is not anthropomorphic, and Golemech is nonspeaking but ‘person-shaped’ (human shaped feels weird to say when all the characters r talking animals LOL)
additional sketches under the cut:
Sidney sketches I drew to figure out his profile. The straight-on perspective of his talksprite is actually kinda beneficial in the sense that his profile can look TOTALLY DIFFERENT so long as I angle everything correctly... so technically I altered his helmet but it looks unchanged if you view it from the front, so it doesn’t really matter lol. As with his previous designs, his horns fold back slightly when he wears the helmet... though now it’s a bit more comfortable since there’s less horns and his skin is more flexible/baggy. 
I chose iguana as his secondary species bc I really like their profile/shape! I think this posture makes him seem more menacing in a way! I also feel that his sagging skin makes him appear old, but not frail like he appeared before. As such I also bulked him up slightly; I thought he looked too scrawny before n wanted more variety between my Venomians. I dunno why I made him skinnier than Benjamin before, he really ought to look stronger than him.
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Spyborg sketches! since he was only an upper body before, he has disproportionately long arms. I wanted him to appear kind of bunnyish, so he has a pair of laser cannons atop his head that resemble ears! His third eye is meant to be red while the other 2 are orange, so his two faces are combined. I’m still a bit indecisive abt his arm structure so I apologize for these sketches being inconsistent in that regard LOL.
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59ardentflame · 4 years
Hello! Sorry for the random message. Several years ago, I used Tumblr for TF2 fan art. I don't know if this is the right person, but someone named carsonianstate sent me a used 3DS as a gift and possibly ACNL. I really want to find them and give thanks for their generosity, but it's been so long. If that was you, I'd love to send you something if possible. If that's awk, I just want to say thank you so, so much. It was terribly sweet of you and I was a dumb mess. If that's not you, my apologies!
oh my god yeah that was me, so incredibly sweet of you to reach out!!! (good thing i literally never changed usernames since i signed up lmao) i remember being so excited to find a 3ds I could afford on ebay, a bunch of my friends poked fun at me for it since I hardly even knew the person I sent it to but it's been a LONG time since ive thought of it!! literal years! I'm so glad you still think of it as a good thing and remember me after all this time 😭
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moss-ball69 · 4 years
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bouncyenvos · 5 years
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>>For a strange reaction, I can imagine Andross and some little  venomian lizards. via @martincart
the emperor showcases his finest (and smolest!!) lizards ^ o^
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birdsaretoddlers · 4 years
what do you listen to when writing whav?
My guy Imma be real with you here, it’s 12:30AM, I’m listening to Caramelldansen. Speedycake remix.
I mean, I have the Smash Ultimate remix of DKC queued up for later in the chapter?
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