tobeblamed · 5 months
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You said you'd come and get me, but you were twenty-five And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired / @venustrape
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girlmisfit · 3 months
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❝       well,       if       you       don't,       ── you're       gonna       get       us       caught.       ❞
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@venustrape / liked. ( featuring maya. )
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mastermicd-arch · 3 months
@venustrape ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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"what now?" words came quickly as his head turned to the door as he heard it open and close in quick succession. "doesn't anyone in this office knock? i could have been deep in a training session." nathaniel pointed to the treadmill desk he often ran out when he needed to burn off some steam, though the reality was that he hadn't even thought about it today.
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dvarapala · 4 months
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
hiiiii @venustrape! thank you so much for sending this and allowing me to uno reverse you because oh my gosh! your whole multi! from emma to lorelei, i love all of your characters so much! each of them have a distinctive voice and background yet you tap into that so easily. like breathing. not to mention your take on miss moon from c.obra k.ai. and j.ulie m.olina from jatp and then there are your ocs! can i have a tv show about andrea marino please? :D
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lastblues · 2 months
@venustrape / karen sirko.
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          SATURDAY, 12AM: THE MOONLIT PUB.  that's all the information patrick received from karen's text, but that's all he needed. they've been doing this dance for--- what, a year now? it's shocking, really, how often a touring tennis player and a touring musician can cross paths. they first met in atlanta, when karen's band was playing at a small venue called the masquerade. patrick had gone out of boredom because the tickets were cheap and he'd flown into town a full day before he needed to play a match. since then they've met up in miami, new york, north carolina, and ohio. tonight they're both in washington. the pub is 'moonlit' because the entire rooftop has been converted into a space for their patrons. it's most often used for large parties including, but not limited to, a concert afterparty. patrick missed the concert since he was making his way through the seattle airport at that time, but made it in time for the party. he's tired, but he's not about to let that stop him from spending time with his favorite fling.
          when he arrives he greets the lead singer of the band, who he's sort of become friends with at this point (he would say that since he knows his name and has met him multiple times, they're friends), and then scans the rooftop for karen. when he sees her he smiles, then almost immediately the smile slides off his face. she's grinding against someone--- someone really hot--- and the fire patrick feels in his chest burns him. because he knows what their arrangement is, he decides to play it cool. he gets a drink, grateful that the band always makes sure these things have an open bar, and leans against a wall while he drinks it. he tries to keep his eyes off of karen, but he does a worse job at that than he wants to admit.
          as soon as she's alone he makes his move, weaving his way through the crowd toward her. "hey," he says, and he sounds cheerful enough. "i wish i'd seen the show, but you know--- airports." the tennis player shrugs. "so, uh--- who's your friend?" 
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ghoulsplay · 9 months
🎁 → @venustrape ( maya hart ) → wonderland - taylor swift.
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  it had been days, but he still wasn't convinced he wasn't stuck in an elaborate dream.  the world in which he found himself was far too fantastical, the type of place that existed in fairytales & bedtime stories ; the bedtime stories his mother used to tell him in particular. except pinching himself to wake up didn't seem to be doing the trick, and the dream world from his childhood felt far more like a nightmare with the amount of times he'd been chased, questioned, and prodded. the only thing keeping him sane in wonderland ( sorry - underland ) was the girl with blonde hair and the blood red wardrobe. maybe it was crazy, considering her mother's history with his own. she'd hated alice kingsley, had tried to have her murdered, & hawk didn't doubt that she'd do it all over again if she could have. but maya . . . maya was different. maybe a little strage, a bit of an edge to her ; she reminded him of him. conversation had never flowed so easily as it did with her, even amidst the danger at every turn. he'd been happy to go along for the ride with her in this maybe nightmare of his, but her latest idea was a little too crazy. she was determined and steadfast and apparently laughed in the face of danger because her idea was to sneak into her mother's castle and do some undercover work to move their plans along. ❛ woah, woah, hey - ❜ fingers reached out to grip her arm in a gentle but unwavering hold. ❛ haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds ? ❜ hand raised and he slid his finger across his throat, tongue poking out to further demonstrate. ❛ off with their heads. ❜
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wasntfaira · 8 months
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❛ ouch. geez , not throwing punches today , huh ? ❜ there's a half smile toying on his lips as he holds a hand over his heart , feigning hurt. ❛ i know it's no hot chocolate , but it's just coffee. IT WON'T KILL YOU. you're so grumpy in the morning. 'least that hasn't changed. ❜ / @venustrape , ♡'d
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lovethcrn · 9 months
@venustrape. veronica.
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yesterday was a total blur, but, for once, it wasn't due to too many chugs on a beer keg ― it was emotional hungover. from hoping all day for another hit on his mom's credit card, from slouching on that lobby couch waiting for a miracle for hours on end, but, most of all, from believing she was alive by the look of her silhouette, only to have that taken away by the reveal of her slutty, gold-digger sister in her clothes. sadly, this kind of hungover didn't come with amnesia as a side effect, although it was probably about time he started reckoning with the fact his mother had jumped off that bridge.
there was no one he'd rather have as a witness to his never-ending roundabout of familial tragedy than veronica, though. ever since he'd knocked on her door that night after the news broke, she'd been nothing but devoted to trying to give him some closure ― hell, she made a fake wedding scrapbook and everything. and, to be honest, he didn't feel like he deserved it, but hey, maybe she was just that cool of a person, and he'd just casually forgotten it somewhere along the bloody way.
and she was funny, too. a half-grin tugged on his lips at her sarcastic remark, hands hugging his cup of fresh coffee at her standing offer. ❝ thanks, veronica. for everything. i promise i'll drop by your dad's with a big fat check tomorrow for all the great detective work, but until i can think hard enough to figure out where i usually stash my checkbook, some sincere gratitude will have to do. ❞ a sip of warm coffee goes down his throat, comfortingly. her company is quite nice, too. that's enough to keep him calm, until flash memories start coming back and shame washes over him, ❝ a-and i'm sorry, about, y'know, the lobby. i don't make it a habit to weep like a baby in girls’ arms, but the whole thing just got to me, i guess. for what it's worth, you make a very good human tissue. ❞ another smile, a full-length one this time. the next comment came in the form of a fearful whisper, ❝ how much did you hear, from my conversation with trina? ❞
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pivotalmark · 2 years
@venustrape ( w. addams ) said to ( t. galpin ) : ❝ IF YOU LIKE IT , I'LL GET YOU ONE . ❞
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❛ oh ! that's so . . . THOUGHTFUL ! ❜ an uncomfortable laugh slips his lips as he darts his gaze away from her ━━━━━━━━ well , assortment of oddities was putting it nicely . ( never thought he'd prefer doctor kimbott's stuffed roadkill . ) ❛ i was just admiring it all . always wondered what your bedroom would look like . gotta say , THIS TRACKS . &* that ━━ ❜ gaze turns towards enid's side of the room , taking in the unicorn massacre that must be coming soon . ❛ i'm not sure which is wor ━━━ WORTH LOOKING AT LONGER ! ❜
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tobeblamed · 1 year
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" can i tell you a secret? " / @venustrape [ maya ]
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goldshadows · 1 year
@venustrape / savannah sc.
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" i'm here, i'm here. " luckily - and of course - she has a spare key to riley's apartment so after her text messages and the brief phone call, savannah wasted no time in coming over. the door falls shut behind her as she takes further steps into the living room. " what's wrong ? what's the emergency ? what's so bad you couldn't tell me on the phone ? "
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mastermicd-arch · 7 months
@venustrape, continued from here.
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it was part of what had the pair as close as they had been for so long –– their steadfast belief in one another, the belief that no matter what, they would be able to achieve whatever it was they planned to put their mind to. cheerleaders for each other, from their tween years and for as far into the future as cece dared to let herself imagine. "you won't screw it up." words came with confidence –– and despite not seeing the class that jess was set to teach, she'd seen her best friend do enough over the years to know that if there was one thing she could do, it was teach a damn good class. at least for the model, she didn't think the age of the students had anything to do with it. that was all jess. "you were meant to teach. who cares how old they old? fourteen or forty-eight, you are a damn good teacher, jessica day." she confirmed, smile wide and eyes bright as she hoped the message she was trying to deliver was landing in the way that she wanted it to. "what is not to like? you're going to kill it. they'll see you as this beacon of learning, guiding them on their creative writing journey ––" she trailed off, not convinced that she was using the right sort of metaphor, hoping that jess might jump in and fill the blanks for herself.
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huntedvideo · 1 year
LORELAI GILMORE: 🎲 33. A KISS TO A SCAR, BIRTHMARK, INJURY, OR OTHER MARKING. finley likes that lorelai remains almost entirely unscathed. his presense hasn't shaken her world, like it has plenty of others, and she hasn't gotten hurt because of him ( yet... ). he often saw her body and admired the smooth skin running across it. perhaps there were freckles and beauty marks, but she had no scars like his. no marks that way remind her of memories she would rather forget about. he'd been playing with her fingers, eyes dancing over her hands just for something to do, for a distraction. when he finally catches the almost faded scar on her plam, he's taken aback by it. even though he's sure there's a perfectly normal explanation for the mark, fin can't help but to furrow a brow. ' what's this from? ' he questions, brushing lips over the white line before looking up at lorelai for an answer. ' you cut yourself or something? ' @venustrape.
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ghostwhisperer · 2 years
there’s something so special about an early morning in the store,     dawn pressing in with pinks and blues to cast color across the past. it’s not every day melinda gets to wake up with grandview— not that that choice is ever of her own volition. on the busier days spirits cling to her side, she’s lucky if she gets to pop in once or twice during the afternoon; on the worst, it’s enough for her to get out of bed at all. melinda would be lying if she said missing as much as she does doesn’t disappoint her. her gift gives her as much power as it does to the souls she crosses over, but 'same as it never was' has always been different. in a way, it’s one of the only things she can call hers and hers alone; something she created from the ground up with her own two hands, tooth and nail.
at least she knows there’s someone here who loves it as much as she does.
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❛❛ y'know, it's a good thing jim's building the house. ❜❜     melinda chuckles from the floor, cross-legged and twisting a dismantled desk leg between her hands. the store smells thickly of coffee and the bagels she’d brought from home, a bribe, she’d joked, to make up for andrea coming in.
when a regular had stopped in and offered a tattered writing table free-of-charge— her only stipulation that she’d see the restoration before being shipped off to the highest bidder— melinda had to hold herself back from spitting out an overwhelming yes. truth be told, the most she knows about refurbishing comes from her weekly 'fixer upper' binge— unlike andrea, apparently, who’d done a lot of the heavy lifting this morning while she herself dawdled between nuts and bolts. she makes it look so easy, but then again, that was andrea— grace and passion and secrets melinda peels back the layers of each day.
she enjoys the vulnerability of this. the normalcy. here, she doesn’t have to be the link between the living and the dead. all she has to be is a woman sitting with her best friend— the one she always wanted, but never had.
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❛❛ oh, shoot, ❜❜     melinda exclaims out of the blue; the second desk leg practically crumbles in her hands.     ❛❛ i must’ve dropped a screw somewhere! ❜❜     her gaze sweeps circles around her, leaning forward to dig haphazardly through the pieces strewn about. she can feel @venustrape's laughter before she even looks up; giggling, she drops her hands in her lap and quips,     ❛❛ ha ha. very funny. laugh at the girl who sees ghosts for a living.❜❜     as if to toy with her, the screw rolls out from under her foot. melinda grins, grabbing a screwdriver with the confidence of someone who knows far more than she does, and asks,     ❛❛ how are you so good at this, anyways? were you a carpenter in a past life, or something? ❜❜
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privatevideo · 1 year
LORELAI GILMORE: DISTRACTION. TO RILE MY MUSE UP DURING A FILM. it's amazing how both of them could fit so comfortably on the old sofa. one holds up finley's head as he watches over lorelai's shoulder, who's laying in front of him, her back against his chest. other arm lays over her, wrapped around her waist. he'd like to say he's paying attention to the movie playing on the television across the living room, but all he can think about is the scent of lorelai's hair. the warmth of her body, and the curve of it against his own. pressing up a bit closer to her, hand moves until fingers can reach the hem of the woman's shirt, slipping in just enough to feel the warm skin of her stomach, but no further than that. 'great movie,' fin murmurs, grin apparent in his voice, sliding his hand along her waist and back toward her stomach. 'i've missed most of what happened, but it seems pretty good,' @venustrape.
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matriiiarch · 2 years
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@venustrape (wednesday) asked for a starter.
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❝ I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS OBSESSION with wanting to be different from me, Wednesday. To be different from your family. But I hope you know, whatever decisions you want for your life, we will always be supportive. ❞ Living in her shadow, that was how the young girl had described it. For whatever the reason, she was haunted by that phrase. First from her former roommate and now her own daughter. She had never meant to put anyone in that position or feeling as if Morticia's accomplishments in life had somehow reigned supreme in such a way that everything was a competition.
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