Chapter Twenty One: House of the Devil
My computer deleted everything I had written for this episode, so this is take two. Hopefully it’s as good as my original.
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We start with the sex montage. First up this cute black sweater/burgundy skirt. While very similar to the burgundy skater skirt Ronnie wore in the last episode, this is in fact a different skirt. It’s TV land, and in TV land people own almost carbon copies of the same item. I wish I lived in TV land. Other significant piece in this item in the navy velvet coat we haven’t see since the start of this season. I miss this coat. I LOVE this coat.
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More sex montage. Cute throw back to Ronnie and Archie’s first night together with her wearing what I’m 99% certain is the same shirt Archie wore to the Jubilee/Ronnie wore very shortly after that.
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Can we take about her underwear for a minute? I’m so used to seeing women on TV walking around wearing their skimpiest underwear as if women do that on a daily basis. While I’m sure that may be the go to for some, I feel like, for the majority, the idea of comfy high waisted undies and a bra that actually covers our breasts is what were more inclined to wear on a  day to day. I’m actually really impressed with the Riverdale costume department for showing that comfy can 100% still be sexy.
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Can we count a fur rug in an outfit analysis? How about the new pearl necklace? Not quite a pearl strand, not exactly a major statement piece either. It’s just different enough to be different, yet the same.
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Ah ha! Clothes! Actual real clothes! This dress will come back multiple times over the series, so get used to seeing it. I love the brocade floral pattern, paired with the slight scalloped collar and dramatic bow. It’s such an interesting piece that, paired with the go to tear drop pearl, constitutes a perfect Ronnie outfit in my view.
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The scalloped coat makes a return. There’s a lot of scalloping going on here.
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Offft. I say that because I love plaid and that is the sound I made when I first saw this shirt on screen. The purple/pink colours work really well here and it’s definitely one of the brighter shirt we’ve seen our girl wearing. Paired with a simple black skirt, possibly the one she wore in 203 but don’t hold me to that, it’s an iconic Lodge investigative statement.
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IT’S ANOTHER CAPE! It’s BURGUNDY! This is everything to me. Ronnie’s investigating cape has had an upgrade and it is glorious. I like the idea that, since Ronnie is taking over from Betty in investigating this case, her usual investigation cape wouldn’t work. It’s almost too iconic Veronica Lodge for her to wear in an episode where she’s supposed to be playing the role of Betty. I literally only say this because we only ever see this cape one more time over the rest of the series so far and that feel like a crime against nature if it’s not for a story telling purpose. I need to move on from this.
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This ones interesting, because while it looks like it’s a shirt and a pinafore, it’s actually one whole dress which is very on brand for our girl. I think the professional nature of this outfit fits the scene, while I feel like you wouldn’t see very many high schoolers running around the halls in a crisp white shirt with a bow neck and matching bow pumps, this is very much the look for a Junior Detective which we know is the role that Veronica is trying to fulfil.
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WE SEXY AND WE KNOW IT! Ronnie is bringing the sexy out tonight and I am here for it. While not very easy to see this VERY low cut crop and plaid zip front skirt is a very different look for our girl. Have we EVER seen her in a zip front skirt? That comment aside, I’m OBSESSED with this whole look. The not pearl pearls, the heeled sandals, did I mention the leather trim? It’s edgy. It’s Biker Bar chic and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.
Total: 10, including one rug, one underwear appearance and two counts of sex montage wear.
Ted Baker Count: Thirteen. I’m considering changing this to a Kate Spade tracker.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Oh yes, she back and looking as good as ever.
Favourite Outfit: Biker Bar chic. I would wear that whole outfit in a heartbeat.
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cheryl-b0mbshell · 2 years
*Sound on *
An edit by @varchie_westallen on Instagram.
I think this is so cute like they were endgame I don’t really ship #veggie I think they are falling apart fork what I can see in season 6.
I’m rewatching season 2 and 3 when they were together and I think they could have married if it weren’t for Hiram lodge.
I wanna know what you guys think. Imma tag some random riverdale fandom accounts so Because I wanna hear your opinions.
@varchieforever @varchiefanfiction @veronicalodgeandrews @veronicalodgestylecompendium @varchieforever @riverdaledaily @cherylblossom @veronicalodgegifs @riverdalecentral @archieandrewx
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Are there any other blogs like this for the other characters?
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Timely ask!
In addition to the previously mentioned @veronicalodgestylecompendium, there are now two individuals diving into Cheryl’s wardrobe. You can visit those at @theclosetofcherylblossom and @cherylblossomfashionanaylsis. EDIT: Oop—correction, there are three: @cherylblossomstylerating. 
Is there space for two three independent explorations of Cheryl and her wardrobe? Fuck yeah! We read hundreds of iterations on oh-my-god-they-were-roommates, and each has a different voice, perspective, interpretation. The same can be said here. 
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Chapter One: The River's Edge
Welcome one and all to @cherylblossomstylerating, my (fair inferior) Riverdale outfit blog! I adore Cheryl, and I love her fashion! Thank you to @bettycooperoutfitwatch inspiring me to make this blog! (Also, thank you to @veronicalodgestylecompendium for further inspiration!) I'm definitely not an expert on fashion, so this blog is a little different from the other ones. It'll just be my thoughts on the outfits and a rating for each (between one-to-ten stars.) Edit: Show some love to @theclosetofcherylblossom and @cherylblossomfashionanaylsis
I'm just gonna get started.
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What an iconic season opener! I, myself, would really like to wear those heels and feel like Cheryl Blossom. Unfortunately, there's not a good look at the front of this outfit, so I can't be sure what exactly it looks like. (but ep 4 is coming soon) I really love the short cardigan and the lace gloves she wears. It's truly the perfect outfit for rowing your twin brother across the river and it still makes you look good when you're soaked on the river's edge (😏)(I'll show myself out). Much like Veronica's pearls in the first season, red is Cheryl's safe place and always is. I'm sure you can count the number of outfits she wears without anything red on one hand.
All in all, a solid: 9 stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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This is the best and only look you get of this look™ sadly. I wish I owned it. It's very unlike Cheryl, it's almost innocent. It looks like something season 2 Betty would've worn.
5 stars ☆☆☆☆☆ (only because of the poor look you get of it)
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This truly seems like Cheryl trying to channel Penolope, it really looks like something she would've worn. I'm sure the heels are killer, but we don't get to know. Something interesting that I'm not sure if you can tell on tumblr is this dress is black lace on top of red, so she still wears something with her safe color. I love her hat? headband? whatever you want to call it. The short veil really brings it all together.
8 stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (it's the perfect look for the grieving Blossom)
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While at first glance, this outfit seems very much like Cheryl, but after looking at it something feels a little off about it. It's cute, no doubt about that, and the color scheme is perfect, but it just doesn't look like her. It could be the top that, if it was a different color, could be Betty's. There's also the skirt, which appears to be knee-length. Which you do not see on her very often. The backpack could be messing with me too, who knows. I do, however, j'adore (in Cheryl's words) her cherry pin. I wish she had worn this instead of the spider broach but whatever.
7 stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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This is peak Cheryl. This is HBIC. I love it all. The cheerleading outfit is perfection. But my favorite part of this look is the hair. It screams head cheerleader, also you don't see her in different styles that often, so it's a nice change of place. Plus, this is the closest she gets to her classic red lipstick in this episode, that's definitely different (and the entire makeup job is gorgeous)
Unabashedly 10 stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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This is the Cheryl we're used to. Dressed from head to toe in red with more killer heels that I can't see. The fabric appears to be satin, but I'm no expert that's just a guess. The freshly done curls complete this look.
6 stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆ (it's just not really my thing)
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We, of course, do not expect Cheryl Blossom to host a house party in the same dress she wore to the dance. That's just silly. It is very similar, just shorter (about mid-thigh) and a different fabric. She also brushed out her curls to give the appearance of a new hairstyle. She closes out the episode with the same dress but with what appears to be a cape (a la Veronica) over it.
8 stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Total outfits: 7 (8, if you count the cape over the dress as one)
Broach count: 1
Favorite item: The dressing gown
Favorite outfit: Head River Vixen Cheryl
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riverdalefashion · 5 years
If any of you are interested in checking out a detailed analysis of the costumes in the show I encourage you to check out @veronicalodgestylecompendium and @bettycooperoutfitwatch The Ronnie blog is just starting up, but it’s run by a close friend of mine who is an awesome writer! The Betty blog is well into season 3 and her insights always manage to surprise me! Go check them out!
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1x01 Chapter One: The Rivers Edge
Hello, welcome to the Cheryl Blossom Fashion Analysis where I will be analyzing every one of Cheryl’s iconic outfits from Riverdale! Blog idea credit goes to the wonderful @bettycooperoutfitwatch​ as well as added inspo from @veronicalodgestylecompendium​! Now let’s dive in to the first episode! 
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Our first glimpse of Cheryl, ironically no red in site. This outfit is pure white, save for a few touches of red. I think that is an important way to start out the show for her, as the loss of her brother was a loss of innocence for Cheryl. 
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Here is one of the aforementioned touches of red, these peep toe bow heels (the other being a red skinny belt that is hard to notice in the first episode but seen better later). 
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The rest of the outfit includes the white fishnet gloves seen in the first picture, simple crystal stud earrings, a white rounded crop cardigan, a white knee length shirtdress, the heels, the belt, and a open cuff gold bangle. This was an important outfit in Season 1, one she will wear again and obviously it has close connections to her relationship with Jason. 
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Her 2nd outfit is very brief, consisting of crystal stud earrings and a colorful floral kimono. I find this kimono to be a bit out of character for her, especially as we see her later pajamas. But, that is how pilot episodes usually go. It’s still cute however. 
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Our first school look for Cheryl and a dramatic one at that! She continues to wear the same simple crystal stud earrings with a black fishnet veil fascinator that I looove. Her dress appears to be burgundy with black lace over it, very Cheryl. Mourning chic, perfect for school! (In Riverdale at least.) 
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Her shoes are some sort of strappy burgundy heels. I think this outfit is adorable and a very Cheryl approach to showing sadness over her brother’s death.
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Onto her second school outfit. We have the crystal stud earrings again, a navy tie neck half sleeve top, a red skirt with pockets, a red, glassy cherry brooch, a skinny gold bangle, and a black hybrid purse backpack. I like her backpack which she uses in Season 1 before the red small backpack makes many appearances. Overall, I’m not a huge fan of this outfit. I like it in theory but I think it fits her weird and the skirt is long for her usual style. Again, pilot. This is the first time we see her wear a brooch and most definitely not the last. I do like this cute cherry one. Brooches are definitely a Cheryl motif (Alice as well) that connect her with her other motifs like cherries and spiders. 
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Cheryl in true HBIC form! Here we see her in the classic cheer top (not cropped as it is later) and matching skirt. She has a cute navy scrunchie in her hair, white socks, and white sneakers with blue poms. Not much to say about it other than it being a cute classic cheer look! 
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I wanted to include this true HBIC face and note that I loved her makeup here. 
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Only Cheryl would wear the most extravagant gown to homecoming. This red ball gown is lovely though paired with dangly gold diamond-ish shaped earrings, an open cuff bangle, and presumably heels though we don’t see them. We sense a recurring theme of Cheryl needing to be the best dressed or most lavishly dressed in the room. She uses her confidence and bitchiness as armor and this apparent through her style as well.
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For post-homecoming shenanigans, Cheryl changes into this tight fitting bandage style dress that I like a lot more than the gown. She looks amazing and exudes confidence in this scene. I like this picture because she stands out as the only one in red which this episode does a good job of establishing as her color. 
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We can see a more straight view of the earrings that she did not change. I love her smirk here, it matches her outfit well. 
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As everyone stayed up all night, Cheryl is wearing the same dress as she watches her brother’s body be pulled out of the river. She added a black shawl or maybe cardigan to it though. I think it is important that she is now in red and black seeing Jason again since the last time he was alive she was in red and white. She is wearing her red armor and looks damn good doing it. 
Outfit Total: 7, if you count the homecoming dresses separate as I do. 1 workout and 1 pajama outfit.
Brooch Count: 1 red cherry. 
Favorite Outfit: The lace one she wears to the assembly, it’s so cute! 
I hope you enjoyed this post and I can’t wait to continue :) 
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Chapter Nineteen: Death Proof
I’m fully healed. I’m back in my own country. There’s a lot to cover in this episode. Let’s do this thing.
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This dress has a lot of different textures in it and I have heart eyes for it. Between the collar, lace and brocade pattern, this dress screams VERONICA LODGE in such an aggressive way I’m not surprised this is longest worn look in the episode. This dress has echoes of the green lace dress our girl wore in the last episode when she first saw Nick and I love the contrast. There, she loved him, now she hates him. Not that we blame her. The much loved tear drop pearl necklace is holding strong here, you can just see it hiding behind the ties of our girls bow.
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Quick note: Check out Cheryl rocking Ronnie’s blue velvet coat. Girls supporting girls. I love it forever.
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It’s actually criminal that we only get a short look of this outfit. Her boots are over the knee and BURGUNDY guys! How could I not love it? It’s interesting that her sweater here is white, this isn’t really a colour that we see on our girl very often, and honestly not the colour that I would choose when picking up garbage… but again, each to their own. I love the ruffles on her skirt pockets. I love that her skirt has pockets in general. It’s a winner for me.
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Now THIS is a contrast. White high neck sweater, skirt and OTK boots in the last scene, v neck body suit, SHORTS, a fur wrap, sheer black tights and stiletto heels here. I’m not going to say I love this outfit, cause I don’t, but I love how bad ass it makes her look. I mean, between the studs on her heels and that killer belt she’s rocking, she definitely looks the part of kinky detective.
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Bow earrings, probably Archie’s shirt. The definition of comfort with your boyfriend. I love it.
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This one looks a lot more simplistic than it actually is. I mean, check the texture of the shirt AND the cross over back. The shirt screams ‘take me to a club’ where the skirt is much more mild, a very safe navy/burgundy/white plaid. I actually love the combination of the two items that you wouldn’t normally pair together, combined with a classic Ronnie accessory, the bow belt, it’s an outfit that I personally think perfectly represents the changes she going through.
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I LIVE FOR THIS SCENE!! The costuming on all the main characters here is incredible, however this is a Veronica blog, so my love for Betty Cooper shall remain internalised. This is not the last time that we will see this ring pull style of polo, however it is the first! I love the stripe detail around the collar on this one, paired with a printed lace-like skirt in matching colours. It’s very matchy matchy, yet it isn’t too matchy matchy… does that make any sense?
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Our final outfit, our girl is in her glasses which we all know mean business, paired with this high neck, slight v cut dress and she looks much more like a crime queen pin than the high schooler she actually is… Riverdale, the town of pep and teenage mafia princesses. I do love this dress though, the scalloping really brings it to another level over plain black dress. Very apt for this scene.
Total: Seven!
Ted Baker Count: Thirteen.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Naturally.
Favourite Outfit: Deceptively simple plaid skirt and textured shirt. What can I say? I love the contrast.
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Chapter Twenty: Tales From the Darkside.
Our girl may have only been in this episode for a max of 15 minutes, but boy does she do a lot in that short period of time! Lets begin.
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We start with this… combination. I’ll say this, I love the colour palette, the raspberry of her skirt, contrasted with the dark navy of her top really work for her and use the Ronnie colour scheme to their best. There’s just something about this look that I really can’t get around. I don’t know if it’s the overly poofy nature of her skirt, or the cutout ring pull of her top that honestly doesn’t seem like a Ronnie item to me. Either way, it’s a miss for me… Am I alone on this one?
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Ah, yes, here we have another example of Ronnie in satin pyjamas, this time, this adorable purple shirt/short set. I love the way the costume department manages to bring her classy nature to all her pj’s as well. If this were me, all we would see are oversized Harry Potter t-shirts, however our girl always looks put together. Even when investigating her friends Dad.
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YELLOW! We’ve got yellow again! Usually, when I’ve discussed the significance of Ronnie wearing yellow it has related to her problems with her family, here she’s dealing with conflict in Kevin’s family. Is it  bit of a stretch to think that that’s a connection here? Possibly, but I’m all about making stretches! It’s also interesting to note that this shirt has been previously seen in its black colour way, meaning there was definitely some major intent when putting this outfit together. Buying two of something shows purpose. Something to ponder.
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More sleep wear! This time she’s alone so it’s all about the royal blue negligée (I’m Australian, I want to call this a nighty and call it quits) and sexy black robe with lace detailing. Once again, she’s so put together and classic, even when at home where no one can see her.
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Our last outfit of the episode! If Ronnie’s black ring pull polo is giving you déjà vu, you’re not going crazy, she wore it’s twin in the last episode! Paired with a brocade patten skirt and OTK boots, I think we all know by now that I adore this outfit! This combination is something I love of Veronica, and I’m always drawn in when we see her experimenting with different patterns, rather than her usual tweed and plaid. It’s an all time favourite outfit for me.
Total: Five, including two counts of sleepwear.
Ted Baker Count: Thirteen.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Not today my friends.
Favourite Outfit: Do I even need to say? Ring polo and patterned mini skirt. I blame the boots.
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Chapter Eighteen: When A Stranger Calls
This episode is a lot. Let just jump in.
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I know I say this a lot, but I really wish we had been able to see more of this dress. The purple colour with the bow detail is classic Ronnie. We see in in a few more low cut numbers this season and this dress is no exception. It’s a winner.
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This dress has a lot going on and I’m here for it. The black lace overlay, the collar, the tie neck, the pearl necklace, the green body. It’s different, yet it hold a lot of familiar pieces that we usually see. I love the combination of the navy and the green, two very Ronnie colours coming together perfectly in the one piece. It’s not the last time this episode we’ll see this colour combo.
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This, by now, is a very familiar skirt! She first wore it in 103, then wore it’s twin in 201. I love the green/black plaid pattern, matched with a satin off the shoulder, cropped, zip back shirt, is very classy, yet more daring than the usual Veronica outfits we’ve seen before. Thinking back, I don’t think we’ve ever seen Ronnie in anything off the shoulder… Is it her ‘bad girl past’ coming through her clothes?
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The other thing I’ll make notice of here, and in fact through out the rest of the episode, is the difference in pearl necklace she’s wearing. It’s not a classic single strand, or a tear drop as we’re so accustomed to her wearing. It’s a nice departure from her usual, while still maintaining the continued motif of the pearl we constantly see on our girl.
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I… don’t quite know what to say about this particular outfit. I generally don’t use this blog to critique the outfits worn on the show, however this one has always felt weird to me. The length is confusing, the neckline is very low, and I’ve never comprehended why you would want to wear a zip up dress to high school. I can’t be the only one who safety pins my front zip outfits JUST IN CASE. I feel like the shoes make it worse for me, but we all know how I feel about these shoes. It’s just… an odd piece. In saying that, I do love the pattern on the skirt half of the dress, and the addition of the embellished bow belt is very in tune with class Veronica accessorising.
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Side note: Ronnie added pearls to her pussy cat ears. Of course she did.
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This is another odd one. Black embroidered mesh with a navy underlay? I get that one of Ronnie’s colours, particularly in this episode, is navy, but I feel like this dress would have been better serviced with a simple black undelay. I love the embroidery on this though, and I think the bright pink belt is an interesting addition.
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The last time we saw Ronnie in open heels (that we know of) was when she went clubbing in 106. Open toe heels are her party shoes?
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Also, note the new pearl necklace again. Still pearly, less in your face about it.
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This episode is full of interesting dresses, and this is no exception. This twist front, strapless,  corset back navy satin midi dress is not something I would of expected to see Veronica wear, but I’ve been saying since the beginning that we were in for some changes in season two. The corset back was added by the costume department, specifically for THAT action scene, and I love the beading detail they added to it.
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New Pussy Cat ears. These are metal!
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Pom pom pumps to perform in? Okay. Pom pom pumps to beat up a would be rapist? It speaks to me.
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A really good shot here of the new pearl necklace. I love the simplicity of it.
Total: Six!
Ted Baker Count: Thirteen! Zip front dress. I’m disappointed in them.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: She there, she sitting proudly.
Favourite Outfit: I’m going to pick the lace overlay collared dress, purely because it’s the least ‘interesting’ of them all.
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Chapter Three: Body Double
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New episode: same pearls. This outfit, featuring a satin like crop top and green plaid skirt can best be seen in promotional images for the shows first season. It’s classic Ronnie colours with simple black pumps. I kinda love it. 
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Next we have a soon to be classic V silhouette, purple ribbed mock neck sleeveless top, grey plaid pencil and tassel embellished pumps. We saw a very similar outfit in the last episode where she was rebuilding her friendship with Betty. Here she is on the war path ‘all dark, no stars’ to quote our girl.
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Side note: check out her pearls here. This is the first example of Veronica moving away from her classic white pearl single strand necklace. Yes. They’re still pearls. BUT THEY’RE BLACK. This is different. 
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The reappearance of THE CAPE as I’m fondly going to refer to it as, last seen in episode one. Betty Cooper has her adventure jackets, Ronnie has THE CAPE (soon to be CAPES, but we’re not there yet). Paired with a very daring neck line and what appears to be a lace skirt. She’s sultry AND capable of breaking into a school and exposing misogynistic behaviours. She can do it all. While wearing stilettos, obvs. 
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Here we have it folks, Veronica Lodge is a one piece swimsuit kinda gal. Which honestly, makes complete sense when we think about her style. It’s sexy, yet subtle. Plunging neckline without exposing more of herself than she needs to. Paired with a very interesting long pearl embellished necklace (our girl always finds a way to get her pearls in), that grey/black jacket and simple pumps, she is screaming ‘lets have some fun in the hot tub (only lets not, but you don’t need to know that)’. 
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This dress (Ted Baker, you hear me scream in the distance) is the first example on Veronica of the bow motif that can also be seen on Betty and Cheryl through out the series. It’s the one thing (besides that Zara collar) that binds all the characters wardrobes together. It’s like a little easter egg. Here Veronica pairs her dress with simple grey pumps, cause what else would you wear when celebrating your feminist victory?
Total: Five, including the swimsuit. That’s an outfit in itself.
Ted Baker Count: We’re up to four, in three episodes, this count is going to get high.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Not here, not there, not anywhere.
Favourite Outfit: I have to go with the breaking and entering outfit. Who knew robbery could look so good?
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Chapter Seven: In A Lonely Place
I have been waiting for this episode for awhile. Three guesses as to why.
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If the reason you picked was THIS opening scene and THIS outfit, you would be correct! To really appreciate this outfit, we need to go to the promotional photos of it. We’ll start with the pearls. We’ve seen them before actually, back in episode four, worn with the satin-like button front shirt, pencil skirt and vintage pumps, it still stays somewhat true to the classic Veronica looks we’ve become used to seeing.
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The skirt here really intrigues me. From the front, it looks like a normal plaid pencil skirt, however, looking at the back we can see a pleated vent with an attached bow. My goodness the costume department put a lot of effort into an outfit that was only seen from the waist up for a very short amount of time. I’m actually devastated for them. This outfit is retro perfection.
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This dress has always been a favourite of mine. The navy blue floral lace, the ruffle neck, the added gold bow belt (not the same as previously seen). It’s a shift away from the uniform we’re used to seeing Veronica in. She’s rebelling against her Mother and one way she does it is through her clothes.
Also: note the pearls, or lack there of I should be saying. This is the first time we have seen Veronica without any type of significant pearl.  Her pearls are her connection to her family, and she’s not very impressed with them right now.
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This is new. We have never seen Veronica Lodge wearing pants. Yes, they’re searching for Polly in the woods, but our girl picked up trash in a $250 skirt and thigh high boots later in the series. Note that even though she’s wearing pants, she’s still got heeled boots on, because a Lodge can never been seen in flats, obviously.
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Her jacket is super cute too, a double breasted number in a purple colour that matches her jewel palette completely! Matched with a beret (we’ve also never seen Veronica in any kind of headwear), the bow pearl choker from her Pussy Cat performance and fur lined leather gloves, V is ready to hunt down a possibly mental patient… Or plan a night out to annoy her Mum. Whatever works best.
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I don’t have much to say about this outfit since it was literally seen for a second. The neckline is very low for Veronica. We’ve really only ever seen her in something this low during the school break in. Her pearls are back, although black this time, is she mourning them or something? Paired with a very typical plaid skirt and sheer black stockings (I take back my earlier comments about Veronica not wearing black tights often, this is the third time she’s worn them this season) it’s an interesting look that I wish had gotten more screen time to really see the nuances in it.
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Now THIS is exactly what I too would wear if I too wanted to go out clubbing to piss my Mum off and have a great time. The purple floral lace mini skirt, the black sequin cami (loose, not tucked into the skirt!), the cropped FUR COAT. It is a complete departure from the uniform that we have come to associate with Ronnie, and I’m thankful for it. Once again, she has ditched the pearls in favour of a simple black choker, something we will see reoccurring through out the series from now on. Our girl is ready to P-A-R-T-Y.
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This, my friends, is the first time we see Veronica in a full length sweater, a look that will, again, follow her through out the rest of the series. I’m beginning to note that this episode is the beginning of a lot of different Veronica trends, the wardrobe department is finally figuring out exactly what they want to happen with her clothes.
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Veronica has made up with her Mum, and now her pearls are comfortable back around her neck, and wrist. They’re everywhere! The last time we saw this version of the pearls was when Ronnie found out about Hermionie and Fred, so it’s only fitting she wear them here as they make up and tell Daddy Lodge about what’s been going on in good old Riverdale.
Total: Six
Ted Baker Count: Six. Why did I start this count when not adding to it makes me sad?
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Imma count the bow choker again.
Favourite Outfit: Navy floral dress with gold bow.
I Own This: Not Ronnie pieces, but I wear Betty’s Zara bomber jacket religiously and I also have her pink waffle top sweater. Whoops.
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Chapter Ten: The Lost Weekend
The gang parties hard and Jughead declares his ‘weirdo’ status. Just a regular Riverdale day, really.
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We start the episode with this dress that we literally see for 2 seconds. The long lace shirt end sleeves, the embellished tie collar, it’s an amazing dress that I wish we had the chance to see more of.
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RiverNixens Practice Uniform. I don’t really think any comments need to be made. 
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This dress is reminiscent of the dress previously seen in 107. The navy blue lace detailing is some thing that we will frequently see on Ronnie, as is the embellished bow belt, though this particular one is new. I love the ruffle sleeves of this dress, it’s cute, it’s says ‘I’m a part of this buosness now and there’s noting you do do to stop me.’ I appreciate the addition of her small peal choker here, a full pearl strand would have been too much for this dress which is already a statement in itself.
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A moment of appreciate for Ronnie first appearance in glasses. As a glasses wearer myself, I love these rounded black frames. She wears them when she means business.
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Our girl dances off against Cheryl and wins the HBIC position (but does she? I’m so confused on the purpose of this dance off)... not that we ever really see her in it ever.
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This outfit is one of the outfits that are in my top ten Ronnie outfits of all time. I love it. A lot. It manages to be so different from her usual look, while still maintaining all the essential elements, bar the usual pearl necklace. We’ve seen this coat before. It’s her party coat. She’s well and truly down to party till she drops.
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I have so many things to say about this top, it’s crazy. Is navy a colour we see her in frequently? Yes. Is that navy usually in the style of a lace front, skin tight crop top? No. Even when we previously saw V in her clubbing outfit, her top was no where near this risqué. This is a step in a different direction for our girl, and I love it. 
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Her skirt is a simple green/navy plaid pencil skirt. This very classic skirt kind of counteracts the effect her shirt might have had if she wore it with a more modern style of skirt. The effect of the risqué and the refined are very purposeful here, and it’s something we have seen, to a degree, previously in our girls wardrobe. She’s here to party, let her hair down, and not think about the act that her Father threatened her Mother in order to ger his way.
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Another moment of appreciation for her shoes. These navy embellished Jimmy Choo’s are everything that I could of asked to be paired with this outfit and more. The embellishment adds a detail of extra glam to the outfit that I’m obsessed with.
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Now THIS is a moment. Think of the last time we saw Ronnie in pink? Think about the connection her wearing this colour has to do with her Father. Here, our girl is committing to saying her Dad is a decent guy, when she truly believes him capable of bad things, all to protect her Mother. The added leather/heavy satin trim and bow detail add some edge to what could have been a very innocent and placid outfit. Paired with the patent leather mary janes we’re seen previously (and you know my thoughts on them) Ronnie does her daughterly duty with a false smile. Our girl truly has been through a lot these last through episodes.
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Her earrings her are different from what we’ve ever seen before. I haven;t spent a lot of time on her earrings in the past, usually they’re jsut simple pearls or the like, but these pearl embellished jacket earrings are stunning. 
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To end, we have another appearance of THE CAPE and Ronnie bringing Betty more pastries to make up for Archie indiscretions. What can I say? Ronnie seems to speak through apology cakes.
Total: Five, six if we include the cape over the top of her pink dress.
Ted Baker Count: Eight. Nothing new to see here.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance:  Nothing to see here.
Favourite Outfit: The party outfit without a doubts (THOSE SHOES!)
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Chapter Nine: La Grande Illusion
This episode is iconic for many reasons: THAT dress (you know the one), THOSE shoes (you know them too), along with further cementing B & V as being ultimate friend goals.
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We start with this stunner. The colour of this dress is so Veronica you could be tricked into thinking it was custom made, however it’s Ted Baker and I think we all know by now how much I love our girl in a good TB number. The embellished collar is a new motif that we will be seeing a lot through out the rest of the series. Note the teardrop pearl necklace that I previously mentioned she wears when she’s got a lot going on on her collar.
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The shoes are a different style as well. I can’t exactly say I like them, but they definitely work as a protector of her feet… and that’s my only comment about that.
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I love the detail in this dress and I’m beyond devastated that we only got to see such a small part of this stunning piece. The eyelet detail and laser cut outs are elegant and refined, however still slightly daring. Exactly what you would expect from our girl. Also: peep the pearl belt hidding in the bottom corner. I though it was off that she wasn’t wearing anything pearl related, but there they are, sitting proudly around her waist... for now.
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This dress is what I like to think of as ‘school girl chic’. The lace peter pan collar is immense and paired with her usual pearl gives off the innocent and beyond reproach vibe that I’m sure she is trying to portray to Ethel.
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On a separate note: what on earth is Ronnie trying to give away to Ethel? A red fascinator along with other, might I say, very un-Ronnie like pieces of clothing. Where on earth did she get this stuff from? Because I highly doubt it was her own closet.
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THIS dress is what I was talking about at the beginning. All Riverdale fans remember this scene, and if you’re anything like me, my immediate thought, other than ‘aww, poor Ronnie’, was ‘where did they get that dress, I WANT IT!’. Unfortunately, it was custom made, but what an amazing job they did! The pink plaid was an excellent choice, slightly different from her usual colour palette but brought back to normal due to the heavy black woven through out. The burgundy embellished belt (also custom made, these guys are busy!) is the perfect match to it, bringing what could possibly be seen as an out of left field outfit right back into our girls wheel house.
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Lucy, who runs @riverdalefashion​, has told me these shoes are one of her most requested items ever. Can we blame people for wanting to know where they came from? No. I don’t. I want them for myself and I wear heels literally once a year. 
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Now, I’ve been so focused on her dress and her shoes that I haven’t made comment on the most significant detail of this scene: the pearls. We have always known Ronnie’s pearls signify her connection to her family. Her Father gave her the pearls she constantly wears and her Mother is always adorned with a matching strand. Ronnie tearing them off in this moment of complete panic over what her family is capable of signifies her wanting to be different from her family. She doesn’t want to be apart of destroying lives. She wants to be with her friends and make peoples lives better, not worse. Our girl is a star, all right.
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Girls supporting girls. We stan even harder.
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THE CAPE makes a reappearance over the top of her previous school outfit. The cape usually portrays mystery and sneaking around. Here she is in the light, she is admitting to being her Father’s daughter. It’s a poignant moment for Ronnie, and a moment where we truly see the person she has become after coming to Riverdale.
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Take note of the skirt here: you may recognise the material from her skirt in the retro scene in 1x07 as being the same used in this skirt here. It is clearly not the same skirt, the structure is completely different, but I like that they used the left over material to make something different. Her top here is cute too, the embellished collar is already becoming a thing and we’ve just started the trend
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No pearls here. Our girl is showing herself to be free from her family and her visual connection to it.
Total: Six
Ted Baker Count: Eight NOW! We had two appearances in this episode!
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: It’s back! It’s finally back!
Favourite Outfit: Pink tartan dress, obviously.
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Chapter Eight: The Outsiders
As I write this episode the first post on this blog has just come out. Thank you all so much for your kind words. I’m so glad your enjoying the content as much as I’m enjoying creating it. That being said, lets get this started.
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This is such a cute dress and I’m kinda devastated we never get to see a full standing shot of it. The burgundy and grey plaid print in very Ronnie, especially when we consider the sleeveless fit and flare style of the dress. Her burgundy bow belt (the matching colours, swoon) appears to be of a velvet material, which just makes me love it more.
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Her colour block block heel pumps are a bit of a variaton from the stiletto heels we have seen Ronnie mostly wearing, but these will appear a few more times before the end of this season. I hesitate to say they are one of my favourite pairs of V’s shoes (thigh high boots aside).
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The gangs all here and this grey checked short sleeve J Crew dress, paired with what appear to be the same colour block pumps from above, is the dress of my professional dreams. The print, the pockets, the contrast material on the back, the black contrast detailing. I imagine wearing this when walking into a job interview and blowing the people in front of me away. Would I wear it to high school while discussing the highs and lows of being asked to attend the Vanity Flair Oscar Party (on the same night as Elton John’s, oh my!)? Probably not, but each to their own I guess.
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Now THIS is a very different look for Ronnie, and I wish, not for the first time in this episode, that we had gotten a better look at it. The square neck is a serious departure from the mock or crew neck we are accustomed to seeing on our girl and the thick straps show more of her than we would normally see. Paired with a pearl belt (LOVE) and two different choker necklaces, the pearl and the purple bow, Ronnie is changing up her look a bit and I must say: I. AM. HERE. FOR. IT.
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This dress is important. It’s blue, but not navy blue. This is Ronnie showing support to the Cooper family in the best way she knows: her clothes. Veronica wearing blue shows her once more taking on the Betty Cooper caretaker role in her friends life. She is keeping Polly safe and Betty sane knowing her sister is protected, all the while looking like a total snack with that low neckline. Claps for Ronnie, she deserves them.
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Her last outfit is simple and elegant. A navy bue sleeveless lace fit and flare dress with an embellished bow belt, what appear to be classic Ronnie pumps and, of course, her pearls. I love the simplicity of this outfit. She’s not trying to steal the show here, her neckline is high and her hem line low. She knows this day is about Polly and mending fences, and she is not going to let anyone stop her, not even Archie.
Total: 5.
Ted Baker Count: Holding steady at 6.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Yes, with the purple choker. I never noticed until I started this count, but Ronnie actually has a few tear drop pearl necklaces. This count will be for all of them. Because I love them.
Favourite Outfit: J Crew girl living in a Riverdale world.
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Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil
And we’re off again.
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Veronica starts the episode wearing this navy blue lace inset tie neck dress from Ted Baker. It’s sweet. It screams ‘I’m sorry I kissed the guy you like now lets go get mani-pedis’ (as do the cupcakes).
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Note the tear drop pearl necklace she wearing. This is the necklace she wears when she already has a lot going on near her collar, but she still needs to have that pearl going on somewhere. We love this necklace. It’s a staple.
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A better look at the bag that still haunts me because I don’t know where it’s from.
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The RiverVixens practice uniform. We’ve seen it before, we’ll see it again. Betty is not impressed with Ronnie’s apology cupcakes and mani-pedis. Our girl will persevere!
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Now THIS is an interesting outfit and not something I remember seeing Ronnie in again. A navy blue sleeveless rolled turtle neck, a purple jacquard diamond print and blue block heel sandals. I’m not sure I like it? I mean, the colours are completely in fitting with Veronica’s palette, however the turtle neck? I don’t know, it seems a little off brand for our girl. LOVE the rest of the outfit though.
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The RiverVixens uniform. Ronnie looks cute in her headband and being a good friend looks good on her too.
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Peep our girl in the corner, next to a very on brand Cheryl (where is the outfit compendium for Cheryl, because hit me up with that). Dressed in what seems to be a black sleeveless bow neck top and black, white polkadot midi skirt it’s great shame we never got to see more of this outfit!
Total: Five.
Ted Baker Count: Three. Navy blue tie neck dress.
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Yes! It’s here in all its tear drop glory!
Favourite Outfit: Ted Baker Dress.
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Chapter Fourteen: A Kiss Before Dying
Season Two! Let’s do it!
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We open on our girl lounging in bed, stil wearing Archie’s shirt, basking in the nights events. We can also notice here that her underwear matches her bra in colour, would we really expect anything else from Veronica Lodge?
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Our first dream sequence from Mr Andrew’s traumatised mind. The gangs graduating and our girl shines in royal blue, a colour I would normally associate with her being with Betty. Here, I would think it has more to do with the Riverdale High school colours, especailly with the gold tassle on the hat. She seems to be wearing some kind of patterned white and black dress under it, but we never really see any details.
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Back in the real world, and back in Archie’s shirt. Note the embossed diamond print on it. Very relevant for our girl. She also still has her pearls on. Clearly, those things come off for nobody and nothing. I love that she’s not even trying to hide her nights exploits from her Mother. She’s got her mimosa, chocolate almond croisant and a guys shirt on. This is her life now. 
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This is the outfit that she wears for the rest of the episode so lets go through it slowly. This coat, which is actually a blazer dress, is amazing and definitley fullfills my need for seeing Ronnie in some epic outerwear. I love the navy velvet texture of it, along with the blazer structure which is something we haven’t seen on our girl before. 
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The skirt is interesting. It’s the twin of the green skirt she wore in 103. The structure and pattern are very normal for Veronica. It’s the colour that throws me. We’e never seen Ronnie in red before, it’s definitley a departure from her usual jewel tones that she usually wears. What’s the significance of this? Possibly the red representing Archie and her continued support of him through out the episode? She’s showing her new girl friend prowess. It’s a great look on her. Also note her belt. It’s not a bow, but it is interlocking. Showing how two sides can come together to be one... Am I reaching here? Possibly.
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Her shoes we’ve seen before, back in 110, the first time Ronnie and Archie had a moment that definied their relationship. This is a cute throw back by the costume department to show the connection between both moments.
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Take a pause. Our gang is v. cute and suportive. Moving on.
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I love the slight embellishment on this shirt. It’s subtle, but it takes what would normally be a plain black shirt, and Ronniefies it up. This is a much lower neck than we normally see on our girl. Exposed chest generally equals vunerability and she’s definitely that this episode. She’s trying her hardest to be the supportive girlfriend. She doesn’t want to run away when things are getting intense. 
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Case in point: Great girlfreind material.
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Barley visable, black (?), lace (?) bra. 
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Can we count no clothes in an outfit analysis? I’m not sure, but note that the pearls have not gone anywhere. My previous statement stands.
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Another dream sequence. Mr. Andrews has great taste in wedding outfits. I love the floral applique on this dress, along with the illusion neckline and button back. It’s classy and very Veronica. Also: Even Mr. Andrews appreciates that our girl can’t do anything with out her pearls. 
Total: Five, including the no clothes outfit, because she still had on her pearls which are an outfit in themself.
Ted Baker Count: Still at nine. What will the new season bring us?
Tear Drop Necklace Appearance: Not as of yet.
Favourite Outfit: I mean, there’s really only the one choice. 
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