#verosika mayday deserved better
grayluforever · 1 month
Apology tour should have been a verosika and blitzo focused EP Like showcasing more of their like, past relationship yk But nah let's make it all about that fuckass gay twink because Viv must feed her fujo brain
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Verosika Mayday deserves better
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everlastlady · 8 months
What would happen if someone were to cheat on Striker? He's an antihero in this one.
Sorry that this took so long to answer was taking a break from HB because burn out but I'm back I hope that you enjoy the story.
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Mr. Loverman
✰ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another Helluva Boss story with Striker x Cheating reader. I hope that you guys enjoy this story because I wrote this while watching Corpse Bride and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Makes me wonder if I should write something with a corpse bride reader. Don't forget to like, comment, or give reblog if you love this story. Remember to always support your local community writers or writers in general. Also don't forget to eat, drink water, take your medicine, and that you are loved.
✰ Word Count: 2302
✰ Story Contains: Angst, Cheater Reader, Distant Striker, Sexual Implementations, Gender Neutral Reader, & Best Friend Verosika Mayday.
You and Striker had been dating for a year, the two of you had always had a strong love for each other. Striker admired everything about you from the way you would sass him and that adorable laughter you had whenever you laughed at one of his jokes. You thought you had the perfect relationship until Striker got more involved with his work; he got more obsessed with killing some demon prince and a group of imps. Whenever you tried to hug Striker he would push you away or tell you to go away. Sometimes he would come home and yell at you for no reason whatever happened at work he would take it out on you. That now you would just sleep in the other room to avoid dealing with Striker. Currently laying in bed now the house was quiet and there was nothing really to do until your friend texted you about going to a club in the Lust ring. It’s been a while since you had any fun so you decided to go. You slipped into a lovely outfit that would go with the Lust ring and freshened yourself up. You grabbed your keys and left not bothering to tell Striker where you would be heading. It's not like he would care. You could hear him in the bedroom that you guys used to share cleaning his weapons while on the phone with a client. You arrived at the club in the Lust ring where your friend Verosika was already waiting for you. “ (Name)! There you are, get your ass over here and let’s head inside, before someone takes the good tables. “ She said, placing her hand on her hip. Thanks to Verosika being a famous popstar the bouncer had let the two of you and Verosika took you two towards her favorite table in the vip section. Six drinks later and Verosika rolled her eyes. “ You need to dump that cowboy imp if he’s just going to treat you like shit and not even try in the relationship. Take it from me honey, I was with an imp that left me shitty and dry emotionally and sexually, you deserve better. “ Versoika took a sip of her drink, as you sighed softly.
“ I don’t know I feel like me and him could still have something, maybe I should change my clothes or hair. “ You said while tapping your finger against the glass. “ Honey, you shouldn’t have to change yourself for anyone, just forget about him and have fun tonight. “ Versoika stood up to go and dance with a female spider demon she had spotted; you sighed and decided to go and get another drink. From the bar as you stood at the bar you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. You turned around to see an incubus demon with white hair and yellow eyes with black pupils, he had golden piercings on his eyebrow and was wearing a black leather jacket and matching pants. “ Hey, do you wanna dance? “ The incubus demon with the pink skin stared at you with a nervous expression. You grabbed your drink and looked at him. You won’t lie he was actually kind of cute and it’s been a while since you had fun so you decided to take Verosika advice and say fuck you smiled. “ I’d love to dance. “ The incubus demon smiled at your request and took your hand as the two of you head to the dance floor. “ My name is Jesse by the way what’s your name cutie? “ Jesse danced with you as the music played loud but you could perfectly hear him.
“ My name is (Name) “ You said while dancing with Jesse what a cute name you thought Jesse it rolls off the tongue like a sweet treat. “ Do you have a boyfriend, (Name)? “ He asked while holding your hand and placed his other hand on your hip, the two of you dancing close together. You wanted to say yes because you loved Striker but another part of you wanted to say no because did Striker even deserve the title boyfriend? besides you were having fun with Jesse. “ No, I don’t have a boyfriend. “ You giggled but felt bad about lying but decided to push that feeling aside. “ Wow, I’m surprised that a pretty thing like yourself doesn’t have a partner, sorry if this seems forward but do you wanna come back to my place tonight maybe watch a movie? I make a really good strawberry cheesecake. “ Jesse grinned while holding you close. You did want to get out of this nightclub since your feet were hunting, the music was starting to her overwhelming, and you wanted to spend more time with Jesse. “ Sure, I would like that very much. “ You flashed Jesse a sweet smile that made his heart almost melt. “ I rode my bike here so I hope you aren’t scared to hop on~ “ Jesse smirked but you only laughed. “ I was riding bikes when I was teenager. It was the first thing I bought with my own money but had to scrap to keep affording my apartment. “ You said walking out of the club with Verosika who saw the two of you. “ That’s right honey get some dick tonight and don’t think about him! “ You stopped in your tracks as Jesse turned around and looked at you. “ What did she mean by him? Also I didn’t know you knew Verosika “ Jesse raised an eyebrow.
“ She’s talking about my ex, he’s a real jerk who never paid any attention to me and would just take his anger out on me. So Verosika invited me out to the club tonight to forget about him, we had been apart for three weeks. “ You bite the inside of your cheek. Keeping up with this lie was something you tried to stomach. “ I met Verosika at a party, how do you know her? “ You asked while finally leaving the nightclub with Jesse. “ She is my cousin, before she was famous she would sing into her hairbrush in front of me when we were teenagers while wanting me to rate her singing, heh, also your ex sounds like a dick if I was dating you I would treat you right. “ Jesse’s tail is wrapped around your waist. “ It’s good that my cousin invited you out tonight to forget about him, maybe I could help with that too? “ Jesse placed his finger underneath your chin so you could look at him. “ Let’s get out of here. “ Jesse grabbed his helmet and handed it to you. You smiled and placed it on your head and got on the back of Jesse’s bike and wrapped your arms around his waist. Driving into the night, you had arrived at Jesse’s place. You got off the bike and handed him back his helmet. “ Heh, maybe I should get a custom helmet made for you. That;s if you enjoyed the drive? “ He smirked. “ I did and I wouldn’t mind getting a custom helmet. “ You walk with Jesse into his house; as Jesse flips on the lights. His place was quite nice and looked comfortable. You heard small meows and looked down to see a blue icy looking skull cat. “ Aw. “ You kneel down to pet the cat as Jesse hangs up his jacket and turns around. “ Oh, that’s snow she is my cat, got her from the shelter that I was working at before I became a bouncer at Ozzie “ He looked over at you, as you stood. “ Can I use your bathroom? “ You asked, all that drinking at the club had hit you. Jesse nodded and told you it’s down the hall on the right.
“ Thanks. “ You walked down the hallway and headed into the bathroom and looked in a mirror. Feeling disgusted at what you were doing you decided to splash some water on your face. You felt your phone buzz and pulled it out seeing it was a message from Striker who was asking you where you were at. You sighed and said that you were at the club with Verosika. You were surprised that Striker had texted you the last text that was shared between the two of you was three weeks ago. You waited for Striker to text you back as you could see the three dots of the bubble chat loading showing that he was texting but then it stopped and all he said was okay. You sighed and shook your head putting your phone back into your bag; you jumped when hearing a knock on the door. “ Are you okay in there? Hope you didn’t fall in “ Jesse chuckled. You opened the door and gave a weary smile. “ Just feeling weird from all that drinking at the club. '' You said. “ Then let’s get some water and food into your system, maybe you’ll feel better right after if not I’ll get you some medicine. '' Jesse guided you to the bathroom. He was kind enough to make an oven pizza for you both and handed you a water bottle with some medicine. You sat on the couch eating the pizza with Jesse and drinking some water; he was right you were already feeling better.
After eating, you had your head rested on Jesse’s chest while curled up next to him with his hand on your hip as the two of you watched a horror movie together; you remembered how you and Striker would sit on the couch like this and watch movies this almost brought tears to your eyes but you were snapped out of your thoughts when Jesse turned your face towards him and kissed you. Your eyes fluttered close as you kissed him back, he pressed his lips ,pressed against you and parted your lips with his fingers as he slipped his tongue into your mouth; and you leaned into the kissed and wrapped your arms around Jesse who sat up and pulled you into his lap, the kissing between you two got heated and intimate that Jesse pulled away for a second. “ Are you sure that you wanna do this? “ Jesse asked. You knew this was wrong even if you and Striker’s relationship was on the rocks cheating didn’t feel right but the moments you were having with Jesse was something that you desperately craved to have with Striker again. “ Yes, I wanna do this. “ You said. Jesse smiled and picked you up as he took you to his bedroom.
After that night of what happened between you and Jesse, you continued to see him behind Striker’s back, always texting him or hanging out with him. That sadness, anger, and loneliness Striker gave you, Jesse eventually found out that you were dating Striker when Versoika told him the truth thinking it will help you pull away from Striker. Jesse of course wasn’t mad he even tried to encourage you to leave Striker so that you and him could live together and date. You told him you needed some time to think about it to which he told you. “ Take all the time you need. “ You sat on the couch watching a movie when Striker walked in the room; and stood in front of the TV. “ Yes? “ You asked, annoyed. Striker didn’t say anything; he tossed your phone into your lap and glared. You looked down seeing that your screen was on the text messages between you and Jesse. Your heart dropped to your feet. “ So you're cheating on me, so when were you going to tell me dumpling? “ Striker glared letting out a hiss. “ Or were you going to tell me when you leave. Is this Jesse person better than me, do you love him? “ Striker stared down at you. You bite your lip and sigh; you might as well tell the truth/ “ I’m sorry for cheating on you, I know it wasn’t right and I should have broken up with you. Yes, I love Jesse because he’s giving me something you haven’t in a long while. “ You stood up and looked at him. “ You let your work and hatred for those imps get in between our relationship that we just feel like roommates more than lovers. So I’m sorry for cheating you so to end this we need to break up; I'm going with Jesse. “ Before you could turn away Striker grabbed your wrist. “ You’re upset because I’m not giving you any attention to you so you decided to cheat and now you wanna leave me for some demon in the Lust ring who could be fucking half the people in that ring. Darlin’ listen to yourself. “ Striker tried to reach out and touch you but you shook your head and stepped back. “ I’m going… “ You turned away and went to your bedroom.
Striker followed behind you telling you that you’ll regret leaving him, that Jesse is just using you for sex that if you come back to him that you’ll have to be begging on your knees. You ignored him and packed your things. With two suitcases back you looked at Striker. “ Goodbye Striker, I hope you accomplish your goals and don’t let them destroy you. “ You walked out the front door and left Striker standing in the doorway until you disappeared down the road in your car. Striker tried to stay calm but eventually broke down crying he felt like it was his fault that you left. He wanted this to all be a bad dream; he was mad at himself for not putting effort into the relationship, he was mad at you for cheating, he was mad at Jesse for stealing you from him, and he was mad at his work for getting in the way of your guys' relationship. He missed you and he wanted you back, he would get you back.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
⚡️ Thunder Howler (OC)⚡️
Russian name: Molniya
Note: Since Thunder is a copycat of Blitz — but less dysfunctional — and I decided to do the translation of the name Molniya which, in German, means “Lightening” 😈
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Theme songs:
• To get Stolas to understand that he deserves better and to coax him away from his dysfunctional relationship with Blitz
* Also to make sure Stolas is more than loved physically, mentally, and emotionally; to treat him with kindness, respect (things he had been lacking from both Stella & Blitz)
• For Thunder to rekindle the estrangement between him and his biological daughter (even if it meant he allowed Loona to continue her familial relationship with Blitz, despite how hostile he felt about it)
Species: Demon (Hellhound)
Sex type: Bottom (sub)
Sexuality: Pansexual
• 30 years old (for Stolas)
• 18 years old (for Phoebe OC)
Height: 8ft tall
Sex: Male
• Bodyguard for Verosika Mayday (formerly)
* Got replaced by Vortex as soon as she had heard about Thunder giving his daughter up for adoption
• Prince Constort
* Through being married to Stolas, if their relationship goes very well
• Spelling Bee Champion
(Definite dig at Blitz and his spelling 🤣)
• Lead singer of his band (part time)
* Genre: TBD
• Florist (full time)
• Russian 🇺🇦 (from mum)
*So, unlike Blitz, who cusses purposely for aggression, Thunder does it because it’s part of his Slavic culture and they’re known for it.
• English 🇬🇧 (taught by Stolas)
• Autism / ADHD
• Stage fright
• Insomnia
• Dyslexic
• Sexually experienced
*Thunder is more experienced than Stolas with both male and female partners, which is good because he can teach him what he likes and dislikes when come to being sexually active
• Literacy & spelling (like Stolas 😂)
• Emotionally stable
• Vulnerability
• Being family oriented
• Englishness (broken)
* Thunder may be perceived as pushy and gruff due to Russian being his first language for example: “you get better” (and really the accent doesn’t help 😂)
• Pacifism
* Unlike Stolas, who selectively kills as a last resort, Thunder will not be able to murder people even when it comes to friends & family being in danger
• Intellectual games
* Crossword puzzles
* Rubiks cube
* Scrabble etc
• Educating people on things
* Particularly telling/showing Stolas CAN be gentle when it comes to having sex (and that it doesn’t have to be BDSM all the time)
• Complimenting on his boyfriend & rewarding him with public affection
• Gardening
* Given Thunder’s occupation, of course, and it fits in very well with one Stolas’s favourite hobbies 🥹
• Musical talents
* Being the leader singer of his unnamed band
• Jokes (especially when Stolas makes them)
• Speaking in his mother (native) tongue
• Calling Blitz by his deadname/vowel
• Stolas being a top (dominant) 😏
• His daughter (familial way)
• Stolas’s human form
• Family orientation
• Reading books
• Soap operas
• Positivity
• Therapy
• Sex (making love)
* Being a bottom
* Gentleness
* Pillow talk
* Foreplay
Sex kinks:
• Human forms
* If bedding a hellhound, Goetia and succubi / incubi (with the help of the Asmodean Crystals)
• Multiple languages
* Mainly the arousing ones like Italian or Spanish
• Being dominated
• Praising Stolas
• Role playing
• Leg fetish
• Swearing
*Again, it’s apart of his culture to swear — unlike Blitz who does it out of aggression — but even though he does it himself he still doesn’t like it. Stolas would be pleased he doesn’t have to say “language!” every 5 minutes - which is ironic because he swears too… awww soulmates!! 🤣)
• His family being strictly homophobic (especially about Stolas’s sexuality)
* In Russia the punishable offence of being gay is death, so Thunder doesn’t mean to be a hypocrite, but it was how he was raised by, culture-wise
• Constantly being compared to Blitz and reminded that Thunder was never there for Loona as a father
• Stolas getting hurt (emotionally and physically)
• The song “Hound Dog” by Elvis Presley
• Blitz being a good dad to Loona 🤣
• Striker trying to kill Stolas (twice)
• Being treated like a pet / servant
• “Quiet Time” being interrupted
• Loona being upset with him
• The idea of eating rats
• Being rough in bed
• Murders >>> I.M.P
• Dysfunction
• Blitz himself
Romantic interests:
• Stolas of the Ars Goetia (boyfriend ❤️‍🩹)
• Moona Moonstone (baby mama)
• Verosika Mayday (formerly)
• Blitz Buckzo (temporarily)
• Moxxie & Millie Knolastname
• Loona Buckzo / Howler
• Joe & Lin
• T.J. of the Ars Goetia
* illegitimate child of Stolas & Blitz
• Blitz(o) Buckzo
* Arch rival & co-parent of Loona
• Hellhound Adoption Centre
* For mistreating Loona for years on end 😈
• Andrealpus & Stella
• King Paimon
• Striker
• Alejandro (by Stolas, when role playing 😆)
* My dear/love
* Darling
• Your guy (by Angel Dust, to Stolas)
• Thunder (by Loona & Stolas)
• Hound (by Alarik - RP)
• Brother (by Anastasia)
• Molniya (by Anfisa)
• Mutt (by Blitz)
Mother: Anfisa Belovuk-Howler
Father: Richard Howler (✝️)
Sister: Anastasia Howler
Husband: Stolas of the Ars Goetia
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(step) Daughter: Octavia of the Ars Goetia
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(biological) Daughter: Loona Buckzo / Howler (estranged)
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(adoptive) Daughter: T.J. of the Ars Goetia
* She is also the illegitimate child of Stolas & Blitz
Father-in-law: King Paimon of the Ars Goetia
Mother-in-law: Queen Octavia of the Ars Goetia (Sr) (✝️)
Unnamed aunts and uncles AKA Stolas’s siblings
Family name:
• Howler (original)
• Ars Goetia (via Stolas)
• Buckzo (via Blitz)
• Weapon proficiency
• Human disguise
• Night vision
* Dog noises
Skills set:
• Polyglot tongue
Appearance & personality:
Thunder is a white and grey wolf-like hellhound with red sclera and white irises (similar to Loona). He has a athletic build from his days of body guarding as well as moving around horticultural and it’s items
Human form:
How would you describe Thunder’s personality?
(Pretty much everything that Blitz isn’t 😂)
• Homophobic
* As a part of his culture which includes killing people who are actually gay! Which is why he had run away from home because he didn’t want to be killed for being attracted to men half (pun intended) of the time
* Jealous of Blitz and Stolas’s relationship 😆
* Professional
* Respectful
* Protective
* Comedic
* Honest
* Patient
* Loyal
* Kind
* Wise
Anfisa Belovuk-Howler:
Thunder’s mother was very strict with his upbringing and very much a homophobic which had lead Thunder to keeping it a secret that, if in future, he was pansexual.
He also oftentimes didn’t understand his mother’s accent or why she wanted him to learn Slavic languages but he went understood the best he could have done.
Ever since being forced to put Loona up for adoption as a pup, Thunder had cut all contact with Anfisa and taken his father’s surname, despite not being a “good influence”
Richard Howler:
Thunder had never met his father because he died when he was a puppy but he hadn’t heard good things about him so he was really indifferent about it.
Anastasia Belovuk-Howler:
Moona Moonstone:
Moona was Thunder’s first one night stand as he had begun to dabble around with his sexuality. But unfortunately he was more reckless than careful and soon enough impregnated her by accident.
Loona Buckzo / Howler:
Thunder has never met his daughter and when he had briefly, as a pup, Anfisa had stomped on it and told him to put her through an orphanage (preparing her storyline with Blitz 😈) and that no son of hers will be a father to a “bastard” child out of wedlock
His goal is make it up to Loona for “abandoning” her and putting her in the Hellhound Adoption Centre as a puppy and wants to rekindle their estranged father/daughter relationship
Stolas of the Ars Goetia:
The relationship became complicated whilst they were both “rebounding” (on the owl’s part 😂) from their previous relationships. Thunder first met Stolas in a gardening store to pick up some supplies for his flower shop.
Stolas had told Thunder that the didn’t want anything more than causal sex because he was still hurting from his “relationship” which both parties were in agreement.
Over time as Thunder and Stolas grew closer and closer to one another they eventually developed into a natural relationship (after many arguments, hurt feelings, and growth, and some respective therapy sessions)
Blitz Buckzo:
Thunder had NEVER liked Blitz. Not on— okay, maybe for a while he had, but that had been before finding out about his personality and type of person he was.
He also hadn’t liked the way Stolas would speak of him highly and even announced that he sometimes missed their situationship affair.
Thunder would oftentimes remind Stolas that he was in a better relationship now and that he didn’t need Blitz or his dysfunction anymore, that, he had done it out of the goodness of his heart to give him the book so he can continue his business but it wasn’t reciprocated in return.
Angel Dust:
Angel Dust had been the one to introduce Thunder to Stolas to help him “get over” Blitz and help the latter start his new life
T.J. of the Ars Goetia:
Thunder was excited to be a father to T.J. to begin with — hoping to incorporate some of his GOOD traits into her — but when she started having more of Blitz’s mannerisms he started to become more indifferent & polite towards her
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I can't write a comment in tumblr for some reason but I wanted to say that I loved your post about Stella and his brother and "it's all about Stolas". I'm a big stella fan and I'm so tired of her being so 2D dimensional and so unappreciated :/... The bias is real and I bet there will be so many fan arts of him to the point of being more than Stella.... I am so done. I love her so much but her character is just "Stolas' wife" ergh... Why waste her beautiful character design??
Helluva Boss fr has a problem with pushing its female characters to the wayside so the men get all the attention and character development. You could outright remove Loona from the show and it would barely change and Millie's entire character is basically "Moxxie's wife". I love Millie but she barely ever gets to do anything that doesn't revolve around protecting Moxxie - even the episode where we meet Millie's family focuses more on Moxxie, Striker and Blitzo than Millie. I know Vivzie came up with Blitzo and Moxxie first and they were originally meant to be in Hazbin Hotel, so it makes sense they get the initial focus, but it's not a good enough reason to give Millie no identity outside of being Moxxie's wife or Loona just being Blitzo's adopted daughter.
And you also have Octavia, Stella and Verosika, who are also all solely identified with their relationship with a man. Octavia doesn't seem close to Stella at all and admits to Stolas her worst fear is her dad abandoning her for Blitzo, yet she's conveniently written out of "Ozzie's" because it's Stella's turn with Octavia, even though we never see mother and daughter interacting or know if Octavia realises that Stolas is the reason Stella has been so angry. Stella is painted as nothing but Stolas' vengeful wife and she's consistently depicted negatively even though...you know, Stolas has been cheating on her for whoever knows how long, but everybody goes out of their way to pile sympathy onto Stolas while demonising Stella, even before Stella is revealed to have hired Striker. (And tbh I still can see why she'd do that since Stolas is still seeing Blitzo even after she find out and the family seem to now be something of a laughingstock in Hell because Stolas cheated on Stella with an imp. Yes, it's classist and extreme, but it's not like Stella is the only person in Hell who considers imps to be a lower class - even Stolas seems to partly think that since he hid his face when Asmodeus recognised him at the restaurant and Blitzo was clearly hurt by that. Even Striker points out this discrepancy and comments that Stolas treats Blitzo like a plaything and Stolas word-for-word calls Blitzo that in "Truthseekers".) And Verosika is also defined by being Blitzo's bitter ex girlfriend and Blitzo spends the entirety of her debut calling her a "slut", "whore," etc, even though the show make it clear he was a shitty boyfriend and hurt Verosika quite badly when they were together. It seems like Blitzo is the one who's bitter that Verosika is a famous pop star now, but she's still mostly known as "Blitzo's ex." I'm hoping Season 2 does more to rectify these issues and I feel like the female characters all do have potential (except for Loona, I really don't like her), but they are clearly of secondary importance compared to Blitzo, Moxxie or Stolas, which is pretty unfortunate.
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faikerpotermaluker · 2 years
My Blitzø Headcanons
Blitzo Headcanons blitzo is a descendant of a long family of cold bloodthirsty killers called kriegers. (alias is also his last name) the mark on his forehead is a family symbol for those who have inherited the krieger's will blitzo was born in a circus in the pride ring alongside his brothers blitzo has two family heirlooms two golden weapons that were your father's and a ruby ​​skull choker from your mother blitzo and fizzaroli are brothers they were united until "the accident" but he had to separate because fizzaroli became "too proud" it was blitzo who threw barbie in rehab despite not being able to speak, the two are very close and would do anything to meet again. blitzo worked as bodyguard and composer for verosika mayday blitzo broke up with verosika mayday for the simple fact that she uses it for her business after the end verosika pays the victim in front of blitzo showing that she is over him blitzo has demonic powers but the reason he doesn't use them is because he doesn't need them. blitzo fakes his age because he wants to feel young because he is over 50 years old blitzo has a high defense mechanism on its spikes he can grow more spikes on his back so he can increase his killer skills and instincts blitzo made a contract with belphegor to adopt loona blitzo worked for mammon as a circus performer and soon as a clown in loo loo land he holds a grudge against mammon for "causing the accident" blitzo is friends with some overlords and other powerful beings on voxtagram blitzo has talents for musical theater but he never showed these talents because his father didn't allow it he sings better than moxxie and has better taste in music blitzo and his brothers hide their past as they refuse to tell anyone about their tragedy at the circus and family he even banned the IMP from talking about it his family is something he wants to keep hidden he hides anything about her even his own cell phone from loona claws the white spots on blitzo's body are scars from his past stolas and other demons think the imp scars are actually just white spots although stolas always protects him blitzo can take care of himself if he wasn't so clumsy he could have run the imp without any problems blitzo is a succubus and imp hybrid of lust and wrath blitzo's relatives (his grandfather example) are still alive blitzo's father is the closest living relative blitzo hates himself always doodling himself on photos for the simple fact that he screwed up after all the tragedies before the accident and after the accident blitzo believes he will never be loved and does not deserve to be loved even wanting to be loved and spoils any relationship he has or does (however verosika mayday was an exception) blitzo not only works at IMP but also works for the owner of the building where the agency is located
I still have more but I'll think about it later good night
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