sunniestshark-ocs · 1 year
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Something familiar, something unfamiliar
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sunniestshark-ocs · 1 year
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Jo spends the first chunk of her story as Raida, a silent, masked figure who spends their time making trouble for the Melek. Truth be told, Jo is simply not ready to be Jo after what she went through and struggles to even look at own face, let alone the thought of seeing her family again. Luckily she's a highly trained and augmented warrior, so she at least has no problem antagonizing her former captors and getting away with it.
Despite the fact that even under pretty heavy cover Jo is still a distinct looking person, the guise works well enough to fool the enemy.
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sunniestshark-ocs · 3 months
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There was this meme a while back to draw your masked character all chibi-like and of course I did a little Raida for it
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sunniestshark-ocs · 1 year
Why do Roshon and Fleur avoid confronting their feelings for each other? 👀
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@icybreaths thank you for asking I love talking about these two pining gays
To preface, Fleur belongs to my fiancé @theriversarebroken and we developed these two's relationship in her story, The Covenant That Fell. So speaking from that:
- In Covenant, Fleur is on a mission to rescue her sister. They both are constantly reincarnated when they die and Fleur has been searching for her for centuries. She's involved in some Serious Magical Shit and, in this life, is completely alone in her search.
- She eventually hires Roshon, a drifting sellsword, as a 'body guard' that she doesn't actually need. But Roshon does end up helping Fleur take better care of herself and does become a genuine companion despite Fleur not initially wanting to care about her at all.
- When they meet, both of them are in a place where they are determined to not care about other people or let other people get close. Fleur is too dedicated to her mission and Roshon has been burned too many times and thinks the best thing she can do for other people is die for them (another story)
- Roshon is softer than Fleur and falls first, but she refuses to distract Fleur from her mission. But her feelings keep poking out more and more and it becomes very difficult for her to hide them, so she stops bothering with hiding her affection- she just doesn't say anything. And Fleur is like yeah this is what best friends do!
- Fleur comes to the feelings revelation much later, and it's even a slow build for her to realize how special Roshon is to her because she's so focused on what she's doing. But when she does finally realize her feelings she absolutely refuses to let them distract her and Then when she decides to let herself have this, Bad happens and they're separated for a time.
- This all takes place over like 10 years. All of their friends can see it and are like ???? Because before they admit their feelings to each other they already act like they've been married forever. Like that picture up there? They just sleep like that. They're totally just friends, totally. But it is one of my favorite things of like, learning to care more about yourself because you have this special person that would be absolutely devastated if you died. This person is the other half of your soul!
In Ghosttowns it's a vaguely similar situation, Fleur and her sister have been separated for many years and her sister starts pulling Fleur towards her with her Theric powers. Fleur hires Roshon, a licensed bounty hunter, to help her find Helene. They are both uuuuh. Difficult. And stubborn. And still pine after one another for way longer than they realize they have very serious feelings for one another.
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sunniestshark-ocs · 2 years
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They kept each other's numbers just to shit on each other
For context, in Ghosttowns Jo was kidnapped by her homeland's enemy at 16 and turned into (essentially) a supersoldier with a bunch of other kids. They were all brainwashed into believing in, and fighting for, different gods under their new handlers. Jo and her team eventually escaped to join the Shepards, an international cobbled together military and the only thing opposing that enemy. Uriel is one of the handlers most invested in getting them back and punishing them, but Jo always manages to slip out of their fingers~ (here is another example of Uriel being the worst)
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sunniestshark-ocs · 1 year
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I wanted to eventually start posting about my original story and overwhelm everyone with the sheer amount of OCs I have but for now enjoy: Stupid sexy Reva, hater extraordinaire. She's a jerk and everybody loves her
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sunniestshark-ocs · 1 year
📁📁📁 (for Jo)
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In Bleach, Jo's canine teeth grew long (top and bottom) and her eyeshine (among a few other physical changes) happened when she died and came back with her Zanpakuto bonding to her. The teeth actually don't fit properly in her mouth, so it took a while for her to get used to talking again- it's one of the reasons she went nonverbal for a few months after that all went down, choosing to use sign language to communicate for that time.
In Ghosttowns, had she not been taken and turned into a supersoldier, she would have joined her home country's military and ended up in charge of a unit more geared towards search and rescue and relief operations. Violence, outside of fighting sports, isn't in her blood, but she often ends up forced into situations where violence is her best skillset. In GT, because of this, she has no idea what will become of her when the war is over and the fighting is through.
Any AU- Don't let her lowkey nature and her soft-spoken-ness fool you, Jo is crazy competitive. It doesn't often show because she doesn't like to let herself get too excited, but internally she's got a tiny little Jo with a whistle and a clipboard screaming at her about WINNING. She loses with grace but people that know her well enough can see the tiniest little curl to her lip as she smiles and congratulates the winner. That lip curl is inside Jo formulating a training plan so she does better next time!
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sunniestshark-ocs · 1 year
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- Ghosttowns -
Roshon Brightrun is a notable bounty hunter, distinct in appearance and in her choice of weapon. As a master of Tusk-style swordplay, Roshon's blade is a massive yet elegant weapon that is just as tall as it's 6'5" owner.
Roshon herself is known to be friendly but detached and difficult to get close to. Some people say she seems often like she's just coasting through this life, like there's no point in getting too attached to anyone when working so closely to death.
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sunniestshark-ocs · 2 years
△ “Is there anything ya see inside of yerself yer not sure of – that makes you uncomfortable when you think about it? What is it and why’s it make ya feel that way?” (for Jo)
Invasive Questions
10/10 (Jo doesn't want to answer this at all)
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Admitting an uncomfortable truth to herself is easy for Jo. Admitting it out loud is another story for her, as someone that is keenly uncomfortable with the thought that those admissions will lead to people looking at her differently. "I never thought I would be the kind of person that could kill someone and file it away as part of my job. When I was younger, all I wanted to do was help people, it's why I was always interested in first response and search and rescue. I wanted to be the person that pulled others out of the fire, not be the fire." "I don't go out of my way to kill, I offer an out when I can, but in a war I don't often get that choice. What could those people have become if they were given another chance? Am I kidding myself by thinking there was a way to end things peacefully? Am I stupid for even caring about people that would kill me without a second thought?" She pauses, taking a deep breath just to settle her thoughts. "I'm uncomfortable with how easy it is now. I tell myself that it's necessary to fight for peace. Innocent people will live because the enemy dies in battle. But I can't help but wonder sometimes. It's as routine to me now as any other part of my job. Where did my heart go?"
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sunniestshark-ocs · 10 months
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- no such thing as a good day to die. I'll outlast my enemies, I will survive what comes my way! -
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sunniestshark-ocs · 11 months
Jo: has been medically experimented on various times throughout her life, has a healthy fear of restraints and medical... anything, really
Also Jo: marries a "morally ambiguous" scientist with a past of shady experiments and someone that can body horror anyone she wants if she chooses to. Enjoys being tied up by them both
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sunniestshark-ocs · 1 year
📁📁📁 (for Nanouk)
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In Bleach, Nanouk's relationship to her Zanpakuto, Anguta is so close it's almost impossible for people to figure out what it actually *does*. The Gotei 13 archive has it classified as an Enhancement Type and has it written that it simply increases Nanouk's senses and physical abilities. Nanouk will never tell anyone what it actually does, because if you can't figure it out for yourself you don't deserve to know. What it actually does is allow her to manipulate probability and 'luck', in a sense, angling things in her favor constantly. The only person in the Gotei that knew this was the former captain of the 13th division, and she was entirely happy and entertained to keep that secret.
In Bleach again, Nanouk is fully expecting her Lieutenant to take a shot at her life, believing that is the fate of all Kenpachi. It's less of a paranoia and more that she'd almost be disappointed if the LT didn't even try it at least once. She doesn't believe LT. Valdez is completely content staying a Lieutenant forever, but Valdez doesn't care about the captaincy if someone she respects is at the helm.
In Ghosttowns, Nanouk is a rare member of her community that never took a voyage- a traditional journey for young adults to leave their country Ukut and travel. On these voyages Ukuti will cut off their braids and lose their family names, becoming 'clanless' until they return home or decide to settle in a different country. Instead of taking a voyage, Nanouk followed the path of their gods and travelled inland, on a long journey making her way through the heart of the continent her country belongs to. She made many incredible discoveries and found a bridge between the physical plane and the next. However Nanouk isn't one for frilly language or descriptions, and wasn't really able to describe what she saw. Plus, she believes that if you really want to see it you should go do it for yourself, and advocates that people take journeys to discover their own land, not just the lands across the sea.
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sunniestshark-ocs · 1 year
I'm feeling my original story lately so if anyone is interested here is a "summary" under the cut I'm sorry I don't know how to keep things short
So about 90 years before the main story begins, the worst war that the citizens of the planet Bast have ever experienced ended abruptly when a super weapon misfired and blew a chunk out of one of the moons. That piece fell into Bast and caused a catastrophic series of natural disasters, so bad that the warring world had to come together quickly to keep everyone from dying. 
About 1/3 of the world’s population died anyway, and the face of the planet was forever changed by the massive flooding that occurred. But, from the ashes and waves rose a period of peace, a technological renaissance  after the rubble was cleared and the rebuild of society began. A council made up of leaders from every nation became something of a world government that created a law of peace. No country could have a standing army, no technology would be developed into weapons, disputes over land would be settled in the world court. And the seas would remain free and nationless. Great for many countries, but disastrous for those that shouldered the blame for the war- Kurdir, Dogu, Batl, and Eyli were thrust into barely contained chaos, with Kurdir erupting into a ‘cold’ civil war and the other three just struggling to support their citizens, keep a solid form of government in place and begging for scraps from the world council. 
While Kurdir dissolved into 24 nation states with their own kings vying for power, something... new appeared in Dogu. The first Melek, the Seraphim, appeared as saviors to a country hanging on by a thread. People were ready to believe in anything, and three avatars of their ancestor’s religion with otherworldly powers were just the thing to unite them.
The Melek quickly integrated into society and government, filtering in and uniting Batl and Eyli under a new banner- ‘Merke’, the Center. While their guidance was welcome by the world council at first, the Seraphim quickly made it clear that their vision for the world was final, and those that did now bow to their gods would be doomed to be crushed beneath their heels. Non-believers were the enemy, corrupting presences that had to be eliminated before they could drag the good humans down with them. 
So, with their intentions for a holy war out in the open, and Merke now declared “The Holy Empire of Merke”, the world once again descended into violence. Merke marched and sailed on, capturing or occupying the countries around them easily with no real resistance to meet them. Countries an ocean away now either try to ignore the problem and remain neutral, or try to cobble together some sort of resistance. Hope wanes quickly, until a real resistance finds footing and manages to create a real threat to Merke. The Shepards- multinational, voluntary, and unwilling to hand the world over to the Melek.
The main character is a woman named Jo Mori. Recently liberated from being a mind controlled super soldier for the Melek, Jo and her team decide to make way to the Shepards to try and atone at least a little for the things they were made to do under the Melek’s control.
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