#verse; Arasaka Academy
ofsandevistan · 2 years
@gloria-emt​ | X
It was a shitshow of a day. The pricks had ganged up on him, thought it was funny trying to shove NiCola down his throat, when he spat it back at them they just went ahead and poured the sticky blue drink over his head after getting a few cheap hits in.
Wasn’t really a fight when your pals had to hold the opponent still.
Felt like all eyes were on him when he took the train home. He pretended not to care. It only soured his mood more, made him into the pouting teenager his Ma found melted into the couch.
He blinked slowly. Looked at his Ma when she made him turn his head, though he didn’t look moved by her encouragement. If anything it looked like he had somehow managed to roll his eyes without ever moving them.
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Then his eyebrow started to twitch.
The way she pinched his lips to make his expression more pronounced — part of him wanted to throw his head back with a scream, another part almost wanted to crack a smile.
But then she said the best thing yet. Something that lit up David’s face.
One moment he was laid out on the couch, the next he was curling his legs up, winding himself like a spring, and then he leapt up shoes and all running along the couch with the soda-towel flying behind him. His shoes squeaked along the tiled floor to the shower with a shouted “WHOA-HA-HOH NOVA!”
He approved.
And just like that he was upbeat again.
David toweled himself off with the same NiCola towel as if that was at all hygienic or made sense, ever a young boy. Said towel was wrapped around him as he waltzed on out grinning wide. “Hey Ma, you gettin’ an undercut too right?” It was a tease, but even so, it was a style that many were digging.
He ripped through the clean laundry. Changed into some fresh boxers. A black tee that was probably his. Coulda left the apartment just like that, though his favourite pants were retrieved from the floor where he’d last kicked them.
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usagimen · 8 months
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Anyway, since Cyberpunk 2077 continues to be the oldest verse here - a new synopsis is in order.
      A former Arasaka prodigy, she spent most of her time growing up in the arms of the Academy. Hailed as a prodigy, her netrunning skills are second to none, if she continued on Sayuri would have become a corporate legacy within no time. Most, if not all her implants are throwbacks to those former glory days or so many of her corpo allies would say. At the age of eighteen, she faked her death && lives under the alias, Ryūjin. It’s been rumored she has no understanding of her former surname nor will she allude to it, proclaiming whoever that girl was, she is dead. Most of her territory is within Westbrook, particularly Japantown, though she holds onto all of the region by proxy. She is a competitive woman that sought her claim as a fixer through her former career; a BD actress that specialized in grindhouse movies. Yes, everyone && no one has seen Sayuri in some shape or form. She is constantly swapping faceplates, thus it is easy for her to evade detection altogether. Her work is considered top of the line, premium, easily tapping into thousands && millions worth. If one decides to speak with her more in depth, she will remark it’s been a long time since she recognized herself in a mirror, but she’s never changed her eyes since then she would be lost forever.
How intense is her reconstruction? Here are the finer details of each implant
Multiple face plates, currently sporting a rather infamous gravure model’s look, during her days as a villainess in BD’s she had a personal faceplate created && trademarked.
Rippers, rose gold claws
Full body sculpt, outer epidermis is enhanced to make lacerations difficult - covered in a soft subtle sheen 
Nanowire, a relic from her days with Arasaka
Deep dive port, she covers it primarily with her hair opting for medium to longer lengths so it remains secretive
       She is frequently seen within the Afterlife, during the prologue, Sayuri can be seen ordering sake bombs for her own crew. By Act Two, her office can be found within a smoky karaoke den where she jokes, there is no way in hell she would let anyone know her actual location. While remaining competitive edge, she often breaks deals with other fixers, though this is to secure her position as an elite employer. High paying jobs that are worth the risk, it’s something she prides herself in but will rescue anyone in her crew that is in danger, safety is important to her.  Personal items often showcase she has a pension for fast cars && bikes, loves disco && dancing, her former cyberdeck is covered in vintage stickers from old bands no one remembers. There is also a hint she still holds onto her traditional roots as she is prone to being superstitious && seemed to speak with Sandayu Oda on a regular basis before her vanishing, even remarking they sparred a few times - she won, naturally.
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loqis · 11 months
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VERSE | Cyberpunk 2077
Age: end of 20s
Loqi proudly enters Arasaka as a mechanic and soldier, building and testing mechs for the megacorporation. He graduated top of his class and early in the corporation's academy at Nightcity. His life was streamlined to be that of a loyal and bright employee.
Blinded by the glory and power of it all, Loqi arrogantly rose high - before he fell deep. One of the missions he was assigned to going sideways outside Nightcity.
Arasaka of course did not come to help - instead they wanted no loose ends. But before they could pick a badly wounded Loqi from his mech, he was rescued by old friends ( @rebelichor ) and brought to a premise of Lucis Corp. in the Badlands.
There he remains as mechanic under a new identity, officially KIA. That happening shook his loyalty and trust into the Arasaka corporation deeply - beside a new pair of prosthetic legs he gained a deep wish for revenge.
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idolbound · 1 year
Anyway, Meredith’s basic Cyberpunk verse details:
Family immigrated to Night City when she was just a baby, and her older sister began dabbling into cybernetic implants (mostly to help w her bodily ability and mental stability) but, unfortunately, wound up suffering from cyberpsychosis, turning on their parents among other bystanders. She was eventually put down by the NCPD.
Meredith, at 7 years old, was taken in by one empathetic officer - Wentworth Kell. He saw she was an intelligent girl, and as he had no other family, opted to put her into one of the top academies with the hopes she would be able to make a life for herself some day.
As Wentworth aged, however, despite many medical advances, he could not afford any kind of preventative treatment for his onset Alzheimer’s. At 19, Meredith buried her adoptive father. 
While her technical skill was never going to make her into a fully fledged net runner, she showed extreme potential in using tech otherwise, along with her pre-existing weapons handling knowledge (And, of course, has taken up sword play in her spare time). 
As such, she began her career originally with Militech, working up to be in command of a highly specialized military unit. However, after a lot of corporate competitiveness and clashing (particularly with one Meredith Stout), Meredith applied for a similar position with the recently returned Arasaka corporation, immediately painting a Militech target on her back but caring little for it.
This career move was done to seek more power and influence in the corpo sphere. Meredith has a number of cybernetic enhancements, and is always constantly hungry for more power and control over those under her command.
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kitschd · 2 years
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In the main verse, David’s knowledge of Japanese definitely came from his time at Arasaka Academy.  It is still one of the few institutions that had its students to learn foreign languages, with Japanese being a requirement, despite the availability of language translating chips.  
Arasaka bans the use of these chips on campus, considering them cheating devices.  Of course, hasn’t stopped some students finding away to program them to bypass the detection software.  Doing so had been the only way for many students to even be able to pass the class.  
Katsuo was one of the few students to breeze right through the course since he came from a Japanese household.  He constantly accuses David of cheating, finding it hard to believe he could possibly get scores that high if you were not already a native speaker.  
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