ofsandevistan · 2 years
“Rose to his current power through Rogue. He worked with her back in the day of 2010 onwards. He’s pretty old.” Rebecca didn’t seemed fazed, even when she cocked her head over her shoulder and saw the big man glaring at her without any real heat behind the gaze. “His younger brother’s a ripperdoc. He’s who I went through to get my gorilla arms!”
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The jab aimed at her for still being an ASSHOLE got her beaming, not seeming to take the bite seriously at all. 
“You’d have to ask Maine! He’s the one putting the team together.” She leans back, still remaining perfectly balanced on the thin metal railing she sits on. “Hecc’s got me and Falco going on a separate few gigs though, so we won’t be seeing much of each other for awhile.” She looks sad for a bit at the thought, but wipes it away real quick.
“All I know about the gig’s with Maine is that it involves Militech, so you gotta be careful if you ARE chosen to go!”
That new piece of information made David perk up. This dude worked with Rogue since when? The Afterlife was well-known within their circle. It was the place to be, and the place everyone wanted their name to be. This Hector guy was still kicking — not the type to be fucked with, age in Night City was a damn luxury and he really wanted to step out on the right foot here.
Thing was, David knew he was a marvelous fuck up. Packed a lot of short-fused anger into his pumped up chest. The kind of anger that led him to make some real stupid decisions.
“Heh. That case, Maine can’t refuse me.” He’d be the biggest pain in his ass to get a chance at one of Hector’s gigs, no matter how risky. “Don’t forget my face while you’re living it up in the big leagues. Might hurt my feelings.” The joke was chased by a boyish little grin.
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“No need to worry about me, Becca. Militech, Arasaka, they’re all the same. Just another bunch of gonks working paycheck to paycheck, so long as the plan is solid there’s always a way to get the job done.” David believed in Maine’s crew. Truly. Somehow his peabrain already counted himself among the names that could be relied on.
Though he did utter a small sound. A vocalisation from someone who just realised something. He cast a small glance to her arms. Almost wanted to ask about this ripperdoc — likely out of his range, he still needed to pad out a safety account for his Santo apartment. Instead he veered into a whole other question. “How the fuck do you eat with those things?”
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
Me: Rebecca’s leg tattoo is a reference to Philip K Dick (PK DICK) the author of Blade Runner.
David [pointing]: Because you’re a dick right?
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
David on the first day of kindergarten not missing his Mama:
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
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Gloria and Baby David doodle
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
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Cyberpunk : Edgerunners
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
Anyway, the AU where Maine and his crew located Gloria in time before that FUCKING SUSPISHUS ripperdoc who had her lined up for some organ donations could ruin her and David’s lives and moved her to another, better, safer ripperdoc, but David already had all her personal belongings and while his Ma was in a coma he went ahead and Did The Thing and Maine’s sandevistan is already wedged firmly in his back. What about that AU huh.
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
She knew her son far too well - so Gloria didn’t take too much offence at the show David still put on. He tried hard to seem all unbothered and cool. But she could see the twitches in the corner of his mouth.
And just a second later her little boy was back again.
Gloria was left to grin and shake her head a little at the sudden change of David’s mood as he took a shower. Picking up a few things in the apartment that seemed to never be tidy because space was so crammed, she had a few moments to herself.
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Moments used to make a call to a few contacts that were interested in cyberware, the call coded and protected. Far away from the ever-watchful eyes of the NCPD. And far away from her son, with his silly little ideas.
“Oh, sure I will.”, she replied in a sarcastic tone, grabbing the keys to the old Thorton.
It would not be a hairdresser like the flashy ones in the city center. No, they were out of reach. But Gloria and she bet her son, too, wouldn’t have felt comfortable there anyway. But it was a better part of the city than where they lived. Gloria knew the owner. Her brother was a client of hers. But neither would lose a word about that. Just a greeting and nod, before Gloria gave David a little shove.
“Now, go on. You can tell her what you have in mind by yourself.”, she teased him a bit. Last time they had taken on such a luxury had been years ago and back then little David had still shyly insisted his mother tell the hairdresser what he wanted.
Gloria herself took a seat and looked at the cosmetic and dermal implants the shop offered, too. You could change everything about your appearance. It was fun to dream a bit at times - and to be informed what the latest trends were, in case an edgerunner wanted some cosmetic implants from her - but they were here to make David’s day better. And from the corner of her eyes, Gloria kept watch of her son.
For once there wasn’t any tension in the car ride. He had been on edge more and more, unable to keep still, foot jumping — but not today. There was an odd calm in the ride. Perhaps it was because they kept to their side of the city, their home, a place that was familiar. Or perhaps it was the knowledge he was about to be styled by someone other than his Ma.
Whatever the reason, David was walking on a cloud when they entered the roughed-up looking salon.
“Ma!” he complained, hands shoved into his pockets. He knew the reference. Wanted to declare he wasn’t a damn kid anymore. Instead he slouched and walked on through to the chair.
Didn’t take long for the moody little pout to bounce off. Before he knew it he was grinning wide again. “That’s fucking awesome!” He was still within earshot of his mother, but that didn’t keep him from trimming his language. She was far enough away not to clip him with her boot.
In that chair, it was easy to forget Arasaka for a little while.
A place where he didn’t belong. Where he never would. His mother didn’t see it yet, but he had no future there... no one was gonna take him on. Even if he were best in his class. But he tried. For her.
In these moments he was just another teen kicking around Santo Domingo. He soon approached with a fresh undercut and precisely styled fade lines that screamed ‘I’m not a fucking suit!’ And of course, a massive fucking grin. No room for doubt this had made his day.
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“Your turn, warmed the seat for ya.” he thumbed over to the stylist. “Told ‘em you’ll be having the same as me.”
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
@gloria-emt​ | X
It was a shitshow of a day. The pricks had ganged up on him, thought it was funny trying to shove NiCola down his throat, when he spat it back at them they just went ahead and poured the sticky blue drink over his head after getting a few cheap hits in.
Wasn’t really a fight when your pals had to hold the opponent still.
Felt like all eyes were on him when he took the train home. He pretended not to care. It only soured his mood more, made him into the pouting teenager his Ma found melted into the couch.
He blinked slowly. Looked at his Ma when she made him turn his head, though he didn’t look moved by her encouragement. If anything it looked like he had somehow managed to roll his eyes without ever moving them.
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Then his eyebrow started to twitch.
The way she pinched his lips to make his expression more pronounced — part of him wanted to throw his head back with a scream, another part almost wanted to crack a smile.
But then she said the best thing yet. Something that lit up David’s face.
One moment he was laid out on the couch, the next he was curling his legs up, winding himself like a spring, and then he leapt up shoes and all running along the couch with the soda-towel flying behind him. His shoes squeaked along the tiled floor to the shower with a shouted “WHOA-HA-HOH NOVA!”
He approved.
And just like that he was upbeat again.
David toweled himself off with the same NiCola towel as if that was at all hygienic or made sense, ever a young boy. Said towel was wrapped around him as he waltzed on out grinning wide. “Hey Ma, you gettin’ an undercut too right?” It was a tease, but even so, it was a style that many were digging.
He ripped through the clean laundry. Changed into some fresh boxers. A black tee that was probably his. Coulda left the apartment just like that, though his favourite pants were retrieved from the floor where he’d last kicked them.
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
“Have you come to laugh at me in my miserable state?” David muttered, looking like the sulking teenager that he was. He was all but pouting. Didn't even spare his mother a glance. — @ofsandevistan
Raising a child had been a piece of cake compared to raising a teenager... at least a child was easily distracted from the horrors and injustices of the world. But now that David saw it all around himself daily and he could understand...
It didn't help that the transition to Arasaka Academy had been nothing short of a shitshow for the boy. But that was how it always was. The elite tried to draw clear lines between themselves and those who tried to break the glass ceiling. It was hard. Rough. And fucking unfair. But David had to stay strong and get through it. And Gloria would do anything to give him the ability to.
Picking one of the dry towels from the basket that balanced on the couch's edge, she stepped towards her son and just started to wipe whatever liquid they had poured out over his head from his face. Some soda if she had to guess from the smell. Of course they would add insult to injury and use a carbonated drink to bully David with.
"David.", she gently admonished him for his question, dabbing the drink off him before moving to dry off his hair, like she had done when he had been a little boy.
"Don't let them get at you. They are idiots... you know that, right? They're not worth your time - or tears.", Gloria reminded him, before cupping his face with the towel and making him look up at her. He still looked a little beaten down. And she couldn't fault him for that. Fuck those other teenagers. Just like their parents.
"You're so much better."
She had just gotten an influx of eddies from selling some skin cyberwares she had pilfered from last weeks victims. Enough to get new work boots that she needed. But seeing David like this, there was a spontaneous change in plans. And Gloria would do that gladly. Smiling a little, she squeezed David's cheeks together to make his teenager-pout a bit more pronounced for a moment. A small tease.
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"Come on. We go and get our hair cut and done. Properly. Not at home. You wanted a proper undercut and those razor shaved lines for a while now, right? We go for that and then check our fave diner."
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
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by 俺正讀(アジェンド)@ireading62
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
⚡ — Like or comment on this post for a small unplotted starter.
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
No one:
David Martinez:
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ofsandevistan · 2 years
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David has this in his apartment
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