#verse.   tbd
vanyashay · 2 months
➥ He had been fiddling with the pen and paper all morning, tearing off pieces, tucking them into his pocket because littering and wasting paper were BAD manners. He'd make a use for it. Couldn't risk anyone with a half a decent brain finding it and stealing his work. And perhaps he'd find the answer to his mind's runaway thoughts somewhere in the scribbles and idle formulas scratched on paper later. Vanya wasn't very good at thinking when he was distracted. The person he had come to meet likely wouldn't have any comprehension of what he was thinking about, still, he couldn't risk the slight chance that they would understand and ask him about it. Much too complicated to explain or drum up some lies about. He sees a body come closer and he flips over the lined paper pad, looking sheepish while blue eyes are raised to meet the other. "I don't know. Don't ask."
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hightownquccn · 2 months
@theprice-cffreedcm asked: "You don’t need to tell me everything. I just want to know how I can help.” (From Here)
It would be so easy to just snap at him; to tell him he could help by keeping his nose out of her business. That she didn't need his help. But she is just so tired. And it was Steve. There was no ulterior motive to his asking. It wasn't an interrogation. It was just Steve.
It was hard to figure out where to begin. She was tempted to ask him if he'd ever been shot by someone he cared about but then she thought of Bucky during his time as the Winter Soldier and decided that was a dumb question. Shots had definitely been fired on more than a few occasions.
Honestly she didn't know if she was ready to tell him. There was so much they still hadn't shared with one another. And he understood that. He'd told her she didn't have to share. He just wanted her to let him care. Let him in. For once. It was something she was bad at. All her life she'd learned to keep things to herself; to bottle everything up. It was how she kept from getting hurt. Normally. The few times she'd slipped up had cost her.
"Just-" She didn't know what to say. Or where to begin. Giving up she just reached out, pulling his arm closer and around her. " Just sit here with me. "
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oldfuckeditor · 20 days
"You know the key to running a convincing bluff? every once in a while, you've got to be holding all the cards." -Nick
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➥ "And why do I need YOUR advice for that, exactly?" There's a heavy pause before he continues, giving Nick a chance to answer, but when he doesn’t, Charlie takes the opportunity to be bitchier. “You know the basis of journalism isn’t bluffing, despite all the pick me, grab attention bullshit out there, that’s meant to garner views more than devise the news. Even then, you have fucks who make up stories, invent pieces of the investigative process so they have a chance at a Pulitzer.”
He has never once held all the cards, even in his lofty office, head of the Times, hand picked to be there by God his freaking self - Not once had Charlie ever felt like he was ahead of the game. Once his boss had died, then printed newspaper went out of style, and now, he has to battle bullshit news and entertainment pieces. No one writes what’s happening in the world anymore, it’s all about instant gratification now.
He would hold a better standard than that for his journalists. They may not be prize worthy, but he feels the sand and dirt being crushed into diamonds under his feet. “Don’t give me advice about my work, I don’t go into your shady underground buildings and tell you how to run a convincing scam on stupid people.”
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twcheaded-a · 1 year
"Khajiit is most used to... big cats... Senche, or Senche-raht" 'most used to' was a half-truth; he hadn't ridden on the backs of any of his cousins since he'd left Anequina or the caravaning lifestyle behind — few of their cousins were brought in the caravan he traveled to Skyrim with. "They fit those his size much easier than one's steed might." Golden-green eyes move between his companion and the horses, his brows furrowed in concern, tuffs of hair-- done up in gold beads -- with it. "Ri'shardul will walk, or perhaps, better, find a cart for us both."
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makesmiistakes · 2 years
A closed verse starter for @alpheas
YES+ | | PREGNANT + pregnant+
All signs that yes, she was indeed pregnant again.
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She'd taken two after getting off work the night before. Then three more early this morning...
All positive.
She was screwed. Well. Been there done that and apparently there was a lovely little additional prize. It wasn't that she didn't want to have kids. She did eventually. She already had one baby girl and that was handful enough at the moment and that was with Laura AND Derek's help. Derek. Shit.
Derek and Nina had been...close since she'd found out she was pregnant with Regan. Peter had run off and left her with only her friends family? pack for support. The two had grown close over the last year and may or may not have helped each other scratch some itches at times. Being pregnant again had not been one of them. And they'd only JUST decided to stop that altogether. How was she going to tell him?
Glancing at the clock she muttered another few curses before quickly throwing on a change of clothes ( she'd gone to the pharmacy in her joggers ) . Next she woke up Regan and began to get her ready. They were supposed to be at Laura and Derek's in less than an hour for breakfast this morning. Thankfully it was a good morning and it didn't take too long to pack up Regan and her bag.
She spent the whole car ride over worrying. In her rush, Nina didn't realize till she was knocking on the door that they were actually a good ten minutes early. Well at least she'd managed to pull herself out of bed this morning at all with how she was feeling.
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[ HIPS ]: sender pulls receiver in closer by the hips. Kalinda - Lena
          Lena sucked in a breath, eyes widening as they were tugged into Kalinda. They really wanted to let this happen, but they knew where this road stopped and they were not a fan of that side of town. "Kalinda... we can't do this. I can't do this." Part of her was worried that it would end just like last time, but she didn't care that much about that. The problem was... Lena had feelings that Kalinda didn't (or if she did, she'd probably never admit to that) and Lena really wasn't in the headspace to be able to navigate such a complicated relationship. They would just hurt each other and Lena would lash out and hurt Kalinda worse than she had hurt them.
          "You and I both know this is a recipe for disaster." That was just their personalities, but Lena wouldn't let the real reason out. It made it all too vulnerable.
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toppuppy · 2 years
“you’re so dumb.” [insert fond smile here] greta
          Taylah's face fell, eyebrows scrunching together. She knew Greta didn't mean it that way, but she'd heard similar things from a lot of people who did mean it that way and it still kind of hurt to hear it. But Greta's smile helped and a half fake, anxious smile brought her own lips up. "I..."
          The girl faltered for a second, trying to decide if she really wanted to go there. "I-I... a lot..." God, this shouldn't have affected her. It had just been a silly comment made in kind. "A lot of people have used that word in... they weren't... like you. Sorry, I'm... it's fine, I didn't- you weren't... Can we just..."
          They reached to gently grab Greta's face, trying to indicate that they wanted to go back to kissing.
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aregebidan · 2 months
head in hands in a t-shirt that says i ♡ narratives that criticize narrative i ♡ stories that resent being told
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askfallenroyalty · 8 days
Ok I'm kinda low key in agony I'm so uncertain of what to do (aaaaaaaaaaa)
But anyway I want to take action. The more I think about it just making small changes lead to ripple effects and that's just gonna cause a total rewrite regardless. I see no way where I'm not just remaking everything at this point
So it's a reboot. I'm doing a reboot.
But at that point I'm thinking "should this still be a webcomic, would making it a visual novel justify remaking it more?"
Cause idk I just have this horrible gut feeling that people are gonna get maddy that I'm rebooting ""again"" but it was originally a redraaaaaw. It wasn't supposed to be a reboot originally but now it iiiiiis
So either I just get over myself and reboot it or I make it a visual novel but I don't have a TEAM to make it I just got some friends helping with story and I'd feel bad asking help oh god why is everything painful to handle I'm dying insideee
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sintoknow · 13 days
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starter call 😇 pick an archangel, or both.
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vanyashay · 22 days
CLOSED STARTER @isabellaxrossi
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➥ "Isa!" It's accented, playful, and not any cause for concern, even if the call was sudden. She just happened to be on the other side of the basement, probably engrossed in her own work. Vanya had been working on this new formula all morning, shifting around the index cards on his corkboard that held the different elements to his struggle. Now, he was finally asking for a second opinion, feeling confident that his brain's ramblings finally made sense enough for someone else, especially one who worked with him, would be able to tear through. Perhaps he's even missing a variable or two, maybe he's placed one too many. It's a puzzle to him, one that he's intent on solving, or else all his promises don't mean shit.
This would surely change the game in terms of uppers, a drug unlike any other, and only half the addictive qualities some of his favorites held. Maybe he should have been focusing on the products already set out for the two lab monkeys to make, but Vanya was never one to do the same thing over and over for long. "Lunch is on me if you can help me, please?" He's about ready to turn around and pout.
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hightownquccn · 2 months
@guiltburdened asked:   ‘ comforting ‘  - bucky, fatws send me    ‘ comforting ‘    for my muse’s reaction to yours gently wiping their tears away after they’ve been caught crying 
For a while all she felt were the tears trailing down her cheeks, soaking her eyelashes that were now practically stuck together as she sat curled up on the couch. She didn't hear the door or the footsteps as he approached her. The spy didn't even sense him she was so wrapped up in her thoughts. But she did feel him when he reached out to her. Warm and cool fingers moved below her eyes, gently brushing at the liquid that continued to course down. Both were a comfort.
Fuck. He was home.
She was tempted to lean into the touch but it also shocked Shar back from where she had let her mind wander. Ducking her head slightly she tried to push him away, not wanting him to see her like this. " No, " she murmured, trying to pull away.
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oldfuckeditor · 23 days
CLOSED STARTER for @berkeleys
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➥ Charlie didn’t like strangers in his office, he really didn’t like PEOPLE in general in his office, but sometimes there needed to be a space to have one on ones with his writers. A space to yell at them without others to overhear. He had stepped out of his office, just for a moment, to look over the shoulders of his computer monkeys, doing the daily check ins and progress reports, before heading back. In the dim light of his office, though it usually bled through the slats of the window shades facing out into the writing pit(as he called it), now there was a shadow of a man. Cheryl had taken off for coffee, so there was no asking who the guy was.
The door was wide open, so the simple fact that whatever was happening, whoever had decided to visit him wasn’t a private matter, remained his sole source of comfort in walking through the door. Footsteps halt right as he turns in, however, arms crossing over his chest like a defense mechanism. “Jesus.. Couldn’t wait until Cheryl was back? Need some fanfare to introduce you next time.” He removes one arm to close the door behind him, because whatever Julian has come to talk to him about, it’s gotta be interesting enough, since an email or phone call wouldn’t do. Though, consider it curiosity that a politician so well known as he would even be interested in Charlie at all, even if he could take a few guesses why he was here.
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twcheaded-a · 1 year
"Wrap a piece of pancetta around each fillet..." Kieran stood in front of a range, cooks gathered around him amid preparations for the night ahead. This was the last of many dishes on the menu to be served tonight, and save for this moment of silence and attentiveness, the kitchen had been busy, bursting with the sounds of knives on cutting boards and the clanging of pots and pans.
He folds the pancetta around one of the fillets in a way that he doesn't need a toothpick. "We're going to sear--" Kieran glances up from the fillet when the door opens. If it had been one of the cooks, he would've continued with the preparation of the dish. But this is different; his brown eyes linger on the guest a moment before speaking. "I'll be back." He doesn't specify when, setting the fillet back down on the cutting board for one of the cooks to deal with.
Kieran takes a step back before glancing at the chefs gathered around him, peeling off his gloves. He doesn't know how long this will take. "After you sear both sides, set it on top of the roasted vegetable rounds, and put it in the oven till the fish is perfect. Plate with the creamy fennel sauce.. you can get creative, just make sure we can replicate it." His fingers dance across each other as he counts down --index to pinky finger--. He's met with a chorus of 'heard' and 'yes, chef.'
He pulls a clean towel off the rack after taking off his apron and washing his hands, slinging it over his shoulder. Drying his hands, Kieran walks over to his guest. "You're here early." 'Very early.' His lips twitch into a toothy smirk. It's too soon to tell if the look borders on annoyance or something more playful. "Coming around tonight?" He moves past them, then, while still facing them, back toward the dining room.
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makesmiistakes · 2 years
@alpheas asked: “  of course i came.  you needed me.  ” / for nina. exes with feelings prompts | ACCEPTING
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Leaning down over the cot she planted a kiss on the now just warm baby's forehead. Thank whatever may be that the fever had broken finally. And it wouldn't have been possible ( or at least for her to get through this without freaking out completely ) without Derek showing up when she'd called earlier in the day.
Walking over to him in the doorway she stopped close by, leaning against the other part of the doorframe across from him. Her eyes looked over to him before tracking back to watch Regan sleeping. She crossed her arms over her chest. " Thank you for coming today. And staying, " she said, " I didn't mean to take up your whole day. "
" Of course I came. You needed me. "
Her gaze moved from the crib back to the other adult in the room. His gaze was also on Regan. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lip. She missed him. Reaching across the way she rested a hand on his arm before leaning up slightly and planting a kiss on his cheek. " Well, thank you. I couldn't have done this without you. " She gave his arm another small squeeze before letting go. " Can I make you a drink? "
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          Now that the fun had ended and the quiet was settling in, Jess’ mood dropped and his mind grew loud whilst simultaneously thinking about nothing. He turned over in the small bed and then after another few moments, he turned over again, cuddling into Amy and nudging her hand with their head. They hoped their bed partner got the hint without them having to speak and admit what she needed and why because it was embarrassing and she hated needing comfort when she was just trying to give Amy a good night.
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