#verses // arrogant researcher // ffvii
cryogenicmuses · 1 year
@warofthebeasts // with Victor // continued from this post
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"I've tried on several occasions. But Commander Rhapsodos is either too busy to take me on or he's doing PR fanservice... whatever he does. Either that or he hates everyone in Science more than you do."
The researcher heaved out a defeated sigh. He was having to swallow every ounce of his pride. "Please help me out here, General. That research is incredibly important to Materia R&D."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
“Are you still panting?”- to Victor, sometime around/during the last rp
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unprompted asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING // @magicalberserk
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"I-I'm wearing pants!" The researcher shook his head, still breathing a little more heavily than usual. "Oh. Fuck. Shit. Look, I'll be fine. I got this."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
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"General? Can I... touch the titty? Uh, purely for scientific research, of course."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
@magicalberserk somehow wants the attention of the genius researcher!
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"What the fucking-- 'Field research is good', he said... 'get out of the lab, Dr. Niguel', he said... Hojo has got SOME fucking nerve asking ME to go out and get his stupid samples... Crusty unwashed bastard can go stuff a whole Cactuar up his Gaia-damn ass!"
Victor was not happy about being sent out on a field trip, but unfortunately despite his past with Hojo, the man was still the head of Science and so he did have to defer to him.
It was while en route to Junon that he found himself waylaid by several angry Hippogriffs, and the researcher scrambled for the sidearm that he carried. "Just my fucking luck..." He fired off a few shots at the first one, forcing it to retreat before another one lunged at him. Its claws tore through his side and he dropped his gun, having to press a hand to his side as he dropped to his knees.
"Shit! Shit--!" He was panting a little, looking around to see if there was anyone around, and he thought he could see someone in the distance. "Hey! Over here! Need a fucking hand here!" Managing to snatch up his gun with his free hand, he was attempting to fend off the remaining Hippogriffs.
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
@ofgeneticperfection // with Victor // continued from this post
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The shocking thing was not the fact that Hojo wanted anything from Materia R&D. The shocking thing was that Hojo wanted his research specifically, especially after being stricken from the Jenova Project all that time ago. Still, at least his assistant was easy on the eyes. He could deal with that.
"Surprised the Professor would want anything to do with me or my research. It's not exactly a secret that he's no fan of mine." And Victor was still holding that against him. The grudge had been festering for years.
"Feels like it's been a while, Isrieal. The papers the Professor asked for are all there. I'd ask what the fuck he wants with my research but I think we both know that trying to get a coherent answer from that man would be like trying to get blood out of a fucking stone."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
@fairfallcn somehow wants the attention of the genius researcher!
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"So... Zack Fair, was it?" Victor was pulling up the records on his computer, puffing out a slow breath. "You do know that missing your mandatory medical exam without good reason is cause for reprimand, yeah? And the only reason I'm not reporting you to Director Lazard is because this is the first time you've done it, plus your track record is good."
Pulling on a pair of nitrile gloves, he gestured to a nearby chair. "Right. I'll need you to take a seat so I can draw bloods before anything else. Then we'll get on with the rest of the exams."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
@cloudyfenrir // with Victor // continued from this post
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Victor was at least glad that the cadet seemed to be listening to him, although he still questioned why the Crimson Commander wanted this specific cadet to test his materia.
"Should do. But that's why I need field tests done, so I can be sure that the materia works whether attached to a weapon or not. But that's what people like you are for, to do the field tests for those of us that can't go out in the field."
He puffed out a breath. "If Commander Rhapsodos is recommending you, then you'd do well to give the materia a thorugh test run. If you don't, it'll not only reflect badly on me and you, it'll reflect badly on him too." A pause. "When's your next mission? That'd be a great time to test it."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
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"... She's so hot. Fuck. I can't."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
 "make me forget everything except your name. " [For Victor] ((Ah yes - the good ol' escapism route for Izzy there's a lot of shit to make her forget )) ((They both seem fairly dominant so this is nuetral. xD Though I could see her giving the upper edge to him since she's usually always in control))
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prompts from the RP memes tag // @ofgeneticperfection
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It was a late night in the Materia Lab for Victor. In truth, it always was. He always worked the late shifts because he worked better at night, so he worked nights and slept in during the mornings. And because he was on the late shift, most of the time the lab was empty aside from him.
The click of heels against the lab floor made him tense briefly, but as he looked over his shoulder and saw who it was, the faintest smirk tugged at his lips.
"Good to know I'm not the only one on lates, Isrieal." He was about to ask what she was here for when he felt her arms snaking around his neck, her plush lips teasing against his ear as she whispered to him.
"Make me forget everything except your name..."
The words immediately sent a surge of heat throughout him, and in that moment the researcher couldn't think of anything else but her.
"Never thought you'd ask..." A light grin tugged at his lips as he pushed Isrieal against the nearest lab bench, tugging her into a deep and hungry kiss while his hands worked to remove her lab coat, trailing down over soft, pale skin. "Might even leave you not walking right afterward..."
Slipping out of his own lab coat, he hastily unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, reaching under Isrieal's skirt to trace a hand up one thigh, his grin widening as he teased further upward.
"No underwear? You really were ready for me..." Molten steel gaze met hers as he slowly pushed two fingers inside of her, loving how hot she felt. The sounds and mewls she made were like music to his ears. Victor took his time, his other hand reaching to pull her into another hungry kiss and enjoying the feeling of her moaning into his mouth with each thrust of his fingers.
Normally Isrieal was so commanding, so domineering. But the way she gave herself to him only excited the researcher all the more. Victor finally pulled his fingers free, moving back so that he could lick them clean, moaning softly at the taste of her on his tongue.
"Fuck... you really are ready for me..." He purred the words as he pulled down his own underwear, stroking over his hard cock. He was certainly bigger than the average human, and as he parted Isrieal's thighs to grind up against her, the motion of rubbing himself between her heated folds coating him with her slick, a quiet groan escaped him. That was when he felt her hands grasping his shoulders, and as he finally stopped teasing so he could push into that tight heat, the way she threw her head back and mewled in pleasure was enough to send a shockwave of pleasure through him.
"Y-You're so fucking hot..." Victor could barely get his words out, taking a moment to let Isrieal to adjust before he set a rough pace, loving the feeling of her body tensing and relaxing beneath his hold. The sounds she made as he pounded into her were like music to his ears.
He gripped her shoulders tightly as he picked up his pace all the more, leaning in to kiss her hungrily. The rush of heat was far more than he anticipated and he loved it.
It wasn't long until he could feel the coil of heat tightening in his belly, and after several more desperate thrusts the researcher let out a low moan of delight as the coil finally snapped, his vision exploding into stars as he gripped Isrieal's thighs firmly, riding out the waves of his peak as he filled her with liquid heat. His breaths came out in short, sharp pants as he held her tightly to him, enjoying the wave of euphoria that washed over him.
Slowly, after he felt like he could move again, he slowly eased out, pulling her into another deep kiss. "We gotta do this again sometime..."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
*Sneaks a seat into Victors lap*
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unscripted asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING // @ofgeneticperfection
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Victor couldn't help the smirk on his lips as he felt Isrieal's weight in his lap. One hand traced over the curve of her hip while his other hand grabbed onto that firm rump of hers, pulling her closer.
"And to what do I owe this pleasure, Isrieal? Is this a new experimental method, huh?"
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
9. “I don’t like people, but you’re an exception.”  -Victor
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Grumpy Affection Starters // @ofgeneticperfection
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"Should I be flattered or insulted, Isrieal?" Victor was still unsure as to why she was so intrigued by him. Was it even her own perogative, or was Hojo using her to spy on him? "Eh. Whatever. I'll take it."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
The Arrogant Researcher of Shinra
A more detailed writeup on Victor Niguel's FFVII verse
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in this verse, Victor is 37 years old and has been working within Shinra's Science Department for a long time. He began as a small-time researcher who eventually got the attention of Professor Hojo, for better or worse. During his tenure he worked up to become one of the heads of R&D, his focus going between genetics and materia development.
He was involved in the Jenova Project for a short while, but he was stricken from it after he presented Hojo with a few theories that contradicted the work he was doing. Victor has never forgiven Hojo for this, and since then he's been doing his own research and has been trying to piece together what Hojo was doing after stealing some of the man's research to look through.
He's also done some scant research on Project G. Although he's never worked with Hollander directly, Victor has gleaned a fair bit from some of the research he's done and has noticed some rather disturbing things in it...
Despite being at constant odds with Hojo, Victor is sure that he'll outlast the old man with his theories and techniques. Or at least he is in in his head. It's to that point where he has his own massive arrogant streak because he's incredibly confident in his own abilities, and that of his research team.
He's also running many of the rounds in the SOLDIER program, occasionally doing mako infusions and doing blood tests. Some of the results he's found are concerning to him and he's been using every ounce of his genius to try and find a solution. Many of the other scientists seem to be taking it as a fact. Despite his unethical methodologies at times, Victor wants to find a way to cure it. However that may be.
For now though, he keeps his genetic research more on the side, and looks as if he does far more research on new materia. One of the materia he's developed is a more potent form of elemental magic materia that's supposed to react to the user's emotional state to charge the attacks further. He doesn't yet know it, but the fire-aligned one was more of a success than he could have hoped for.
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
'Describe me! From Victor and Angeal pwease? :3c
Send 'Describe Me!' and my muse will describe your muse based on their own point of view/opinions. // @magicalberserk
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"Reckless. Absolutely reckless." Angeal shook his head when he recalled just how Alma had run off ahead. "I'm honestly not surprised that she ended up befriending Genesis. They have similar energy. Still, I think she needs to rein herself in before she gets herself hurt, or worse."
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"What do I think about Alma, huh... well, she's a tough cookie, I'll give her that. She did save my ass when I was out doing field research." A rare hint of a smile crossed Victor's lips. "She looks cute and soft but she certainly kicks a lot of ass. Safe to say she can definitely handle herself out there."
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
When the light turns on Victor finds Isrieal sitting behind his desk with her legs kicked atop it, ankles crossed. "Why Hello, did anyone ever tell you, you have a lovely phenotype?" She grins. ((For Victor - need to mess with him of course xD))
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unscripted asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING // @ofgeneticperfection
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Victor suppresses the urge to roll his eyes. "Isrieal what the fuck." Why does she have such an interest in him, anyway? Is it because of his former involvement with Hojo? Or is it, Gaia forbid, that she's crushing on him?
He heaves out a sigh, folding his arms in front of his chest. "And only those of us in Science would really appreciate a pickup line like that, huh?" Still, he doesn't know what to make of this, so he forces himself to act neutral.
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
@wclfstrife somehow wants the attention of the genius researcher!
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Victor had been seated at one of the tables in Seventh Heaven, a sheaf of papers in one hand. He'd been waiting for someone to come by and had heard that they often frequented the place, a blonde-headed merc who was pretty well-known around the Slums.
He was about to go and order himself another drink when he spotted the merc he was looking for coming through the doors, waving him over. "So you're the merc that the Director keeps hyping up, eh?"
His face might have looked familiar, he did often appear in some Shinra news bulletins, but Victor's true loyalties were not with Shinra. "Listen, I need someone who's got combat skill for this job, because it's a big one. And the Director tells me that you're just the guy. Ready for the details?"
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
☕ for Victor maybeee
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send me   ‘ ☕ ‘   and my muse will talk about someone they don’t like and why // @warofthebeasts
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"You really wanna know who I fucking hate here? Fucking Hojo. I swear to Gaia, that man is beyond insufferable. Maybe the guy should've considered a career change since I don't think anyone in Science particularly likes him. Crusty old lab bastard."
Victor picked up his coffee to take a sip. "Nah. It's not just the fact that he's got a crusty unwashed ass. I was on his research team once, his big pet project. I was doing some of my own research on the side, you know, as a researcher should, and found out some shit that... well, didn't exactly support his hypothesis for the project. Wrote up a detailed paper for it, showed it to him along with my reasons, and he just cut me off from the team like THAT. No explanation, no fucking nothing. Took one look at my paper and told me to basically fuck off."
"Mm. But here's the thing. He's a crusty old man. His time will come soon enough. If he thinks he can keep all that big brain shit to himself and not expect consequences, he's got another thing coming. No, I'm not gonna do anything myself." Not yet, anyway. "Fucker will eventually drop dead. Then when I present all the research I've been doing, they'll be idiots to not put me at the head of the Science Department."
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