#meanwhile Victor is just a tit
cryogenicmuses · 1 year
@cloudyfenrir // with Victor // continued from this post
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Victor was at least glad that the cadet seemed to be listening to him, although he still questioned why the Crimson Commander wanted this specific cadet to test his materia.
"Should do. But that's why I need field tests done, so I can be sure that the materia works whether attached to a weapon or not. But that's what people like you are for, to do the field tests for those of us that can't go out in the field."
He puffed out a breath. "If Commander Rhapsodos is recommending you, then you'd do well to give the materia a thorugh test run. If you don't, it'll not only reflect badly on me and you, it'll reflect badly on him too." A pause. "When's your next mission? That'd be a great time to test it."
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cottonundiestf · 10 months
Winner Take All
Diana and Violet shared a streaming channel, DiViGaming, that was struggling to gain traction. The streaming space was crowded if you didn't have a gimmick, and they hadn't settled on one yet.
At least, not until they got their hands on the Victor's Spoils Chokers!
Wearing matching choker necklaces, their contests now had higher stakes, with the winner getting to steal away a trait of her choice from the loser. Viewers flocked to watch each stream, waiting with pants in hand for the results.
Today's games had been... rough on Diana. Violet won the first game, a rhythm game, which was expected; she was always more on beat than Diana. But Di had way better reaction time to make up for it in the next games.
Except Violet cheated! "As winner, I'm going to... drain some of your motor functions."
"What?" The small gem at Diana's throat glowed and suddenly she felt the world slowing down as dizziness overtook her. When the sudden wave subsided, she looked at her hands, trying to move her fingers, only to realize they were difficult to move and didn't react right away. "Ch-cheater!"
Violet just grinned. "We never said it was against the rules! Oh well, next game!"
With Violet's reactions and dexterity souped up and Diana's at minimal functionality, the next series of games were a stomp. And Violet was showing no mercy, laughing and bullying her friend the entire time.
"I win again! Let's take... that lovely tan complexion of yours." Diana grumbled, feeling the ripple of goosebumps across her body as the natural tan granted by her mixed heritage drained away until she was pale white and her friend's Nordic background vanished behind a perfect warm complexion.
"Another win? Oh my, how about... that round ass of yours! I could use a boost." The girls had comparable bottoms, or at least they did, but Diana was forced to stand and show the camera as her ass lost enough mass that her pants started to slip off. Meanwhile, Vi was happy to taunt Di, shaking her new cake for the viewers.
"Won. Again. You know, I can tell you've been hitting the gym. I'm fine reaping the rewards." Diana groaned, feeling weak as her muscle mass withered away, leaving her frame narrow as a toothpick while Violet enjoyed her new healthy build.
And this kept happening. Diana dropped out of frame as her height was reduced by a foot while Violet shot up. Diana's long hair had to be pulled into a close, messy bun as Violet flipped her new luxurious locks.
And, of course, with the final game, Violet approached her petite partner and touched her chest. "They aren't even that big. Cute little B cups. But..."
Diana whimpered. "...Please?"
Violet shrugged. "Sorry Di. It's all you've got left." The gem glowed, deflating the perky tits on Diana until she was left with naught but puffy nipples on her flat chest.
Violet chuckled, grasping her chest. "Well, this has been a fun stream! I hope everyone enjoyed this thorough ass-kicking! Now if you switch to our... 'private stream,' you'll get to see Di appreciate our body in all its glory."
"Can I at least get my brain stuff back," she grumbled?
"...Yes. But only because I'm going to make sure to put that dexterity to good use. Now smile for the camera, Di!"
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Tags for @misseviehyde and @bimbosanddolls for getting me in an attribute theft mood!
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nifolution · 1 year
Love Me Again
Pairing: Jake Jensen / Plus-size Reader
Summary: Jake was back, but the Loser’s sixth member is still M.I.A.
Warnings: fluff, angst, feels, bad attempt at humor, guns, killings, mention of memory loss, post breakup, enemies to lovers
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is still written in 3rd person. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated.
You Loved Me Once    Main Masterlist     
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Clay’s unit awaited him in a motel parking lot in Adelaide. He secured their post mission rooms and returned keys in hand. "Okay, I got good news and bad news... We can all look forward to hot showers, clean sheets, and a complimentary breakfast. However, there were only three rooms available, so we will have to share.”
The responding groans of protest were expected. “Would you prefer to sleep on the ground for another night? No? So shut your pieholes.” Clay pocketed one of the keycards and set the remaining on the vehicle in front of him. “Aisha will be sharing with me. One room has a king, the other two double beds. Work it out amongst yourselves.”
Wordlessly, Jensen, Cougar and Pooch launched into a game of rock paper scissors. It had been weeks of travel, tents and living on top of one another. The victor cheered, scooping up the keycard to the private room.
“No! Come on, best two out of three.” When his friend shook his head, Jensen changed tactics, “I’ll give you that bitching crossbow I got last op if you switch with me… my watch… a hundred bucks. I’ll even throw in a foot massager, top of the line.”
“No way man. I need a night to myself. The Pooch has earned this.”
Jensen hung his head, accepting defeat. Bunking with his bestie wasn’t so bad, at least there were separate beds. Sharing one with Cougar wasn’t fun, the man was a cover hog. Jake was still grateful Clay reinstated him eight months ago. His teammates were ambivalent about him at first, but eventually everything returned to normal. Well, almost everything.
The Loser’s current operation led them to South Australia. They’d been hired by a distraught (and wealthy) father as part of a rescue team. He hadn’t seen nor heard from his daughter, Isla, in two years. She had been kidnapped by an illegal arms dealer who forced her into marriage. All prior attempts to get her back had failed. No amount of negotiation, payment, threats or pleading could sway the nefarious man to return her.
A rendezvous with the rest of the group at their makeshift campsite, plus a thirty minute drive east put the Humvees at the perimeter of the target’s estate. “Alright, you all know the drill,” Clay barked into the comms. “We get our asses in there, extricate the woman, send her back to her daddy, and take down anyone that stands in our way.”
Meanwhile their tech genius had already hacked into the system to disable the security and jam communications. Once the cameras powered down, Pooch floored it, ramming through the gate, the other two vehicles followed close behind.
“Eww... This guy’s got raptors picking at a bunch of bones and sinew on his property, always a good sign. You’d think he'd want to be more inconspicuous.”
Pooch’s face scrunched up at the image, “Pretty sure that's just a dead animal.”
Jake shook his head, pursing his lips in mock disapproval. “There's a lot of places to bury a body in a vineyard, all I’m saying. Keep the place tidy.”
“Thanks for the tip,” Aisha deadpanned.
“What do you call that… carrion, right?”
Clay grumbled from the front, “I'm close to calling it Jensen.”
“Yes, sir. I hear ya loud and clear. Shutting up…” he paused for dramatic effect, “now!”
“This whole goddamn thing’s going tits-up!” Clay had thought his team was prepared, ready to engage the moment they entered the property, but the intel their employer provided was crap. The location was more heavily armed than believed. His unit was at a disadvantage despite the extra help. Outmanned and outgunned, a few men were down and one lost within the first ten minutes.
“Well look at the bright side, we're outside enjoying some fresh...” Jensen’s quip went unfinished as he dove for cover. Incoming drones zoomed through the air spraying bullets. They must have been linked to an independent off sight system because the primary and secondary security had been obliterated. 
Jake focused the scope of his rifle, aiming at the nearest flying pest. “Here birdie birdie…” ‘Wait. That - that’s.’ Still in disbelief, he shouted, “Guys! Guys, that's one of Y/N’s drones!”
Pooch was skeptical, “How can you be sure?”
“Cause they’re like my step kids. Franny, Freddy, Felix, Frank and Foxy. It’s been painted, but that's Frank,” he insisted before taking off, sprinting toward the assailing device.
Clay eyes widened at the other man’s actions, “Jensen, you realize it's shooting at us! Stand down!” Seeing his order ignored, he screamed at the rest of his group, “Cover his dumb ass.”
Disregarding his boss, Cougar pulled out his cellphone and spoke in hushed tones to the person on the other end.
Aisha grit her teeth at her teammate while continuing to fire at their opponents. “That idiot lost his mind, now our sniper decides to make a phone call mid battle. Are you ordering a pizza?”
“Don't forget the breadsticks,” Pooch chimed in. Laughing at the increasing absurdity of the situation.
Jake removed his helmet and dropped his weapon. Frantically jumping and waving his arms, repeatedly calling out ‘Angel.’ A drone moved in and shot at his feet, before slightly pulling back, continuing to hover above him.
“Understood. Our apologies. Copy that.” Cougar hung up and waited.
The remaining drones collected above Jensen’s head. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. However the moment he dreaded never came. The devices turned and began taking out the guards with quick precision. When only Clay’s men remained, they flew off. 
Sticking to the plan, the team continued to the manor. Wary of a possible ambush awaiting beyond the front door, in lieu of breaking it down, Clay instructed Jensen and Cougar to go through the nearest second floor windows, clear the immediate area and let them in.
Cougar nodded, but walked right through the unlocked door instead. To everyone’s shock but his, it was clear. Raising his chin toward the staircase, he proceeded up them.
“Okay, so we're just following him then?”
Clay shrugged, “Good enough for me.” He had the Losers head upstairs, leaving the rest of the group to keep watch at the entrance.
Cougar seemingly knew exactly where to go. Navigating the twists and turns of the large house with ease. Any lingering guards they came across were swiftly handled. Within the master bedroom’s closet, hidden behind sliding shelving they found a 16-point locking, bullet resistant, biometric fingerprint panic room door. 
Before Jensen could get his gear out to crack it, Cougar tapped the scanner, confirming it was off. He pulled the heavy door open, immediately shooting the two guards inside as if he was expecting them.
Jensen scratched his head. Not knowing what to make of it. “What is going on?... Are you a T-1000… What's my dog's name?”
Cougar just looked at him and chuckled.
“You laugh, but I'm legitimately concerned.”
Clay took point, announcing his entrance into the room, “Honey, I'm home.”
The occupants sat on a couch, Isla held a crying baby in her arms, wincing from her husband's hand on her thigh, squeezing painfully tight. The baby’s presence gave everyone pause. No one was aware there would be a child involved. There has been one surprise after another today.
“You lost, asshole. Now let them go and come quietly.” Clay slung his rifle over his shoulder and moved toward them, attempting to calmly apprehend the man.
The target pulled out a gun, shoving it into Isla’s side. “Stay where you are.”
“Don't be like that. This doesn't have to get more ugly than it already is.”
Seething, the man turned the gun on Clay, who discharged his sidearm, firing two shots into the arms dealer’s chest before he could blink. The group hurriedly moved Isla and her baby out of the building into one of their vehicles. Assuring the frightened woman that she was safe and going back to her father.  Pooch voiced his concern over their lack of carseat.
“Then drive extra carefully.” Clay smiled at the rescuees, “Let's get you both home.”
Riding in the second Humvee, Jake stared down a silent Cougar. He offered no explanation as to why Y/N's drones were on the property or who he had called, but it was pretty easy to connect the dots.
Hours later, Isla and her daughter were safely on their way home. At Cougar’s request, and after a stop at the motel for much needed showers, the team waited at a bar in the city. Leaving one chair empty, correctly guessing who they should be expecting.
Jake was a bundle of nerves. The hand gripping his empty glass started to cramp as he watched the door. He wondered if they had Boys II Men on the jukebox to help set the mood. ‘Would that be too presumptuous? She probably moved on by now. Has a new special someone in her life. Somebody else loving her, touching her, making her laugh.’ He wouldn’t blame her. His amnesia may have been temporary, but the damage he caused wasn't.
“You stare at that door any harder and it will burst into flames.” Aisha refilled her teammates' glass, encouraging him to relax and breathe.
“She'll be here soon, won't she? She's still coming, right?”
Y/N took a deep breath before entering the tavern. Her former teammates were easy to spot. Cougar gave her his number when she quit, asking her to keep in touch. It took a few months before she found the strength to do so. Even after learning of her exs' recovery, she couldn't bring herself to return yet. She wanted her Jakey back, but was scared of his rejection. Plus she was on assignment, the timing was off. The weight of this reunion wasn’t lost on her. “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you losers walk into mine.”
“Well that's unfair, you walked in after us.” Grinning ear to ear, Clay pulled her into a tight hug. “Missed ya, Y/N.”
“I had a few things to handle before getting here. So you beat me, but I've been dying to say it." She squeezed Clay tight before facing the rest. "I missed you all too. Sorry about earlier, I didn’t recognize you guys in all that fancy schmancy gear.”
Jake felt unsteady the moment she walked in, his blood roared in his ears. It was really her, his Angel, more gorgeous than ever. He watched her warm greeting with Clay, swallowing a lump in his throat. She was wearing the jacket he bought her. He hoped that was a good sign.
The group stood to welcome and embrace their former member. Jake waited through the exchange of pleasantries for his turn. Longing to throw his arms around his Angel and hold her close. It had been nearly a year since he’d done so. Ten months, three days and seventeen hours since he kissed her goodbye to go on that ill fated mission.
However, he noticed Y/N’s smile falter when their eyes met. Abandoning his desired hug, he forced a smile, awkwardly waved and sat back down.
“Hey Jake.” She crossed her arms, suddenly feeling self-conscious in front of her old love.
As everyone took their seats, Jensen glanced at the entrance then back at his Angel. “So are we um… waiting for anybody else?”
“Like who?”
“No-nobody. Nobody. Just wanted to make sure there was room for everybody. Everybody together again. It’s good to be together.” Jake took a long sip of his beer. His brain screamed with the knowledge that there was no boyfriend in the picture.
Y/N filled them in on her whereabouts since her departure. She’d gotten a job as private security for some rich asshole’s wife. Mostly involved keeping her in and others out. The winery was lovely, but the running of guns and heavier artillery, and the dabbling in human trafficking ruined the ambience. Of course, she knew he was dirty when she accepted the position, so Y/N did all she could to throw wrenches into his operations without being detected. Quietly dispersed his ill gotten gains into several hidden bank accounts, the biggest for Isla. She was helping the wife and baby prepare for a safe and covert escape. Simultaneously gathering evidence against the husband and his associates.
“It was all set to go down in a few days, and you guys just broke in and killed him. All that planning and hard work for nothing.” Y/N shoved Clay’s shoulder.
“Yeah, well it was the quickest way. Can’t argue that.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to let months of work go to complete waste. So I allowed you guys to be the heroes while I tied up some loose ends. That’s why I was late. Had to reroute the latest shipments, funnel the rest of the money to charities, victims and of course, a nice sum for myself. Scrubbed the camera footage and removed any evidence of us or Isla being there. Then I alerted the authorities to handle the rest. They’ll find all they need to take down the whole thing.” She took a deep breath, trilling her lips to exhale. “But I’m still mad at you about it.”
Aisha offered compensation, “I don’t think anyone here will object if you want in on the pallet of wine we rescued."
“Bold of you to assume I didn't take my own,” Y/N laughed.
After a few rounds, the Losers felt they were sufficiently caught up on each others lives. Pooch and Cougar announced they were going to play stripes and solids, inviting Aisha and Clay as their opponents. It was obvious that was an excuse to leave the ex-lovers alone.
Jake wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity. Putting on his most charming smile, he slid over next to Y/N. “G’day mate, fancy meeting you down unda. Maybe I can show you my down unda lata. I promise I'm koala-fied.” He tittered at his themed pickup line, but she didn't react. He desperately wanted to make her laugh. If she laughed, he knew things would be okay.
Trying to shake off the nervousness, he cleared his throat and continued his attempted seduction. “I like your jacket, where’d you get it?” He couldn’t backpedal fast enough seeing the alarmed look on her face. “Joke, really bad joke. Oh my god, I'm sorry. That was… Fuck,” he grimaced.
Y/N remained stiff and unsure. Wanting to give in to his flirting, but waiting for the other shoe to drop. The defeated look on Jake’s face broke her heart, so she attempted to bridge the divide with a safe topic, “How are Stephanie and Hannah?”
“They're good, they're good, um,” he scratched the back of neck, unsure how to proceed. His sister, having seen him at plenty of his worsts, forgave him instantly. His niece took a little bribery, but they were back to their usual shenanigans. “So, uh thanks for clearing the way for us back there, you know, after you shot at me.”
Her mouth dropped open, “Excuse me, I shot near you.”
Cougar gestured with his eyes over to Jensen and Y/N, knowing he was striking out. Pooch got the hint. He called the man over and handed him his room key. Demanding he take it before he changed his mind. Jake practically ran back to the table to ask Y/N to his room to talk in private. He was amazed she agreed.
Aisha’s lips pursed watching the pair leave. “If he doesn't blow this, we'll have to put up with them being nauseatingly cute with each other again.”
“You don't want them to make up?” Clay rested his hands on her waist.
“I do,” she huffed. “Look, I don't know if I believe in that true love, princess bride, bullshit. But they are the closest I've ever seen to it... They belong together.”
The entire car ride to the motel passed in uncomfortable silence. Both anxious and unsure about the outcome of this night. Each stealing glances at the other. Jake noticed how hard her hand clenched around the steering wheel. Y/N caught sight of each time his hand reached for the radio before pulling away without turning it on.
Jake felt butterflies in his stomach as they pulled in the lot. Painful butterflies… Vampire butterflies. He drummed on his legs before hopping out of the vehicle. Y/N was quick to follow. They walked to the room without a word shared. Jake kept looking over his shoulder to make sure she was still with him. He swiped the keycard several times without success. The red light and negative beep mocking him. The twisting in his belly intensified. ‘Yep definitely vampire butterflies.’
Finally, the door flashed green and unlocked. He sauntered in, pretending to be calmer than he really was. Turning on the old Jensen charm, he bowed and waved his hand over the large bed. “Have a seat, m'lady. It’s not exactly the Ritz, but I hope it will be to your liking.”
“It's a nice room. We've stayed in much worse.” She spotted the bobblehead chihuahua on the nightstand, smiling coyly as she sat down. “So this is Pooch’s room?”
“Nah, it's mine. At least now it is.” He plopped down beside Y/N. “Sooo, how’ve ya been?”
“Good, until earlier today when I lost my job and residence cause some assholes charged in guns blazing.” Y/N sighed dramatically, “At least I can take solace in knowing Isla and her daughter are home safe. What about you?”
“I - I’m okay… most days. Um, so what's next for you? Seeing as how your life's been upended by a bunch of inconsiderate assholes.”
Y/N hummed, thinking of a response. “Well, I’ll have a lot of time on my hands, plus a bunch of money. So I'll probably make a few brothers and sisters for the F-team. Maybe one with a flamethrower.”
He turned to her with a lopsided grin. “That would be badass, like its maker.”
Y/N’s heart fluttered. He looked at her with such adoration, like she held all life's answers.  That, that was her Jakey.
“Looks like the possibilities are endless now that you're homeless and unemployed.” Jake’s eyes squeezed shut, cringing. Not meaning to sound so callous.
She snorted, “I'm sure I'll be fine. I always land on my feet.”
Jake breathed a sigh of relief that she found humor in the situation. “Definitely, definitely… But if you're interested, I know of a job opening. Fast paced, high stakes, danger… romance,” he whispered the last word, blushing. “It’s with a great bunch called the Losers. I could put in a good word for you. In fact, I'm sure the two of us could strong-arm the boss to agree to any demands we want.”
“I'd have to move back to the states.”
“If you need a place to stay, your key still works… I um, kept the house. After you quit, I kinda skipped town. Woke up in Ohio about a month later. At first I completely panicked cause I didn't know where you were or where I was. Then it hit me that I REALLY didn't know where you were… and it was all my fault,” his voice cracked, on the verge of crying.
Her head lowered, unable to hold back her own tears. ‘If I had only waited longer.’ “You must be so disappointed in me for not sticking it out when you weren't yourself. I tried, I swear I did, but it was too much. I should have been stronger and held on until you were you again. I’m so sorry, Jakey.”
“No, Angel no.” he wiped Y/N’s cheeks with his thumb. “There's nothing to forgive. You didn’t abandon me, I drove you away. I don't blame you at all. Hell, I deserved it. I was a total asshole.” Jake took a deep breath, “I was so angry… I was in pain, confused. I felt trapped with no room to breathe. Was sick of everybody telling me things I was supposed to already know. Telling me over and over to relax and let myself recover when I couldn't calm down to save my life. I kept fighting with my sister, was short with my niece, rude and snapped at everyone… And you got the worst of it… When I saw you, there was something there in the back of my mind, just out of reach. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew your presence made my headache worse. So I aimed my frustration at you and chased you off. I can't say how sorry I am.”
Y/N gently touched Jake’s head, running her fingers through his hair and rubbing small circles with her fingers. The urge to comfort him stronger than any apprehension she felt before.
Jake leaned into her touch, “It's all better now. I'm better… I wish this was a cartoon so you could've wacked me in the head again to reset my brain and stop all the bullshit I put everyone through.”
She pulled her hand away too soon. “I'm glad you're better… You really hurt me, Jake, but you have to know I already forgave you.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You have? That fast? Are you certain, I mean…"
“It took some time. Months to push through that pain, but I'd be the bigger jerk if I didn't take into consideration that it wasn't completely your fault. You literally had a doctor's note to prove it.” Y/N smiled at him, brushing away a few more escaped tears.
“So you don't hate me?”
“I could never hate you, Jakey. Do you hate me?”
“It's going to continue to sting for a while though.”
He nods in understanding. Jake got on his knees before her, taking her hands in his, his face more serious than she's ever seen him. “I need you to believe me when I say I have NEVER thought those horrible things about you. You didn't deserve any of the awful things I said and I swear I didn't mean them. You’re my perfect Angel and I love everything about you. Every curve, every line, each and every inch of beautiful skin because it’s yours. You are the most incredible person I ever met and I can't stand knowing that I made you feel otherwise for even a minute. Please say you believe me.”
“I do.”
Jake leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her back.
Y/N returned the brief kiss. This was a good start, but she was exhausted. “It’s been a long day. I don’t know about you, but I’m wiped out. Can we pretend, just for tonight, that we’re good? That everything is back to normal? We can work on us in the morning, and everyday after, but right now I just need you and unconsciousness.”
‘She wants to sleep here, in my bed, with me.’ Jake jumped up, enthusiastically agreeing. His pants down around his ankles in an instant.
Her face became heated at Jake’s sudden nudity. Y/N bit her lips, shyly telling him she was going to change in the bathroom.
Jake realized he was jumping the gun. He pulled up his batman boxers, removed his shoes and remaining clothing. He turned the toy dog around, just in case. “Sorry mini Pooch, no looky loos.”
Y/N walked out in panties and t-shirt, tugging it down in an attempt to hide more of herself as she skittered to the bed and got under the covers. Jake frowned, he needed to mend his Angel's heart, squash the insecurities he created. He scrambled up the bed, took his glasses off and sat them on the nightstand. Hesitating at the edge of the bed.
“You can come closer.”
He didn't need to be told twice, scooting over and joining her under the covers. He sat next to her, tentatively wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Intent on never leaving her side again. “Hey, tomorrow, do you want to check out this awesome mini golf course I found? Just the two of us.” The smile that adorned his face when she agreed fell. His voice lowered to a whisper, “I'm terrified of screwing this up.”
“So am I,” Y/N admitted, lacing her fingers with his.
Jake kissed the top of her head. “I don't think I ever told you.”
“The moment I knew this was it for me… Remember our first comic con together, we had that bet going on over how many people we could get to follow us doing the bunny hop around the convention center. I said five, you bet nine, and we ended up having thirty-five people in line behind us.” He chuckled at the memory. “We had Link, predator, three Spidermans, a wookiee in a bikini and just so many others. I was behind you, my hands on your hips having the time of my life. And there was a moment midjump, midlaugh, when you looked back at me, making sure I was having fun too, and I knew with absolute certainty that I was going to love you for the rest of my life. That you were the one for me and there'd never be anyone else. That hasn't changed.”
Y/N’s eyes watered, an unreadable expression on her face. Somewhere between disbelief and amusement. “I knew then too. Slowly throughout the day, then all at once in one defining moment. You were like a squirrel darting around, but you never lost me. You held my hand the whole time, squeezing it when you felt me get nervous. And when we parted for even a minute, you always found me. But the moment that sealed it was when we stopped for refreshments. I couldn't drink my water properly because of my costume and seeing my struggle, without a word, you slid behind the counter, grabbed a straw and placed it in my drink, holding it to my lips. It was something so small but so considerate. I've never had anyone be so sweet to me. I never had anyone look out for me like you did. I knew you were the one for me.”
Not trusting his voice, Jake kissed the hand he held.
“I love you, Jakey.”
His heart skipped a beat. “I love you, my Angel.” The reunited couple shared another kiss before lying down. Y/N snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes. Jake wrapped his arms around her. “Would it be wrong if I copped a feel right now?” 
She laughed, “I missed you so much.”
Jake blinked back tears. He thought he'd never hear that sound again. “I missed you more.”
A few peaceful minutes passed, her warm breath ghosting over his chest. He noticed she was trying to stay awake. Each time she began to drift, her eyes popped open to search for him. He rubbed her back to soothe her asleep. “I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere, Angel, I promise.” Jake made sure she was sleeping soundly, before he allowed himself to follow her into slumber. 
Heading to his original room to get his belongings, Pooch was halted by a hand on his shoulder. Cougar, refusing to let Jensen and Y/N be disturbed, turned his friend around and led him to their shared room.
Pooch glanced back with a frown, “I'll guess I’ll get it in the morning.”
Cougar nodded, smiled and patted his shoulder. Tomorrow was looking like a very good day. The Loser’s would be a full team once more and his best friend would have the love of his life back. He didn’t save his best man’s speech for nothing.
The End
A/N: Thank you to everyone that has read this version or the original. I appreciate you all. I’d love to know your thoughts.
Sequel: Love Me Forever
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niffala · 1 year
Love Me Again
Pairing: Jake Jensen / Plus-size OFC (Maisie)
Summary: Jake’s back, but the Loser’s sixth member is still M.I.A.
Warnings: fluff, angst, feels, bad attempt at humor, guns, killings, mention of memory loss, post breakup, enemies to lovers
A/N: This is a sequel to You Loved Me Once. Reader insert version found here. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated. 
You Loved Me Once    Main Masterlist     
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Clay’s unit awaited him in a motel parking lot in Adelaide. He secured their post mission rooms and returned keys in hand. "Okay, I got good news and bad news... We can all look forward to hot showers, clean sheets, and a complimentary breakfast. However, there were only three rooms available, so we will have to share.”
The responding groans of protest were expected. “Would you prefer to sleep on the ground for another night? No? So shut your pieholes.” Clay pocketed one of the keycards and set the remaining on the vehicle in front of him. “Aisha will be sharing with me. One room has a king, the other two double beds. Work it out amongst yourselves.”
Wordlessly, Jensen, Cougar and Pooch launched into a game of rock paper scissors. It had been weeks of travel, tents and living on top of one another. The victor cheered, scooping up the keycard to the private room.
“No! Come on, best two out of three.” When his friend shook his head, Jensen changed tactics, “I’ll give you that bitching crossbow I got last op if you switch with me… my watch… a hundred bucks. I’ll even throw in a foot massager, top of the line.”
“No way man. I need a night to myself. The Pooch has earned this.”
Jensen hung his head, accepting defeat. Bunking with his bestie wasn’t so bad, at least there were separate beds. Sharing one with Cougar wasn’t fun, the man was a cover hog. Jake was still grateful Clay reinstated him eight months ago. His teammates were ambivalent about him at first, but eventually everything returned to normal. Well, almost everything.
The Loser’s current operation led them to South Australia. They’d been hired by a distraught (and wealthy) father as part of a rescue team. He hadn’t seen nor heard from his daughter, Isla, in two years. She had been kidnapped by an illegal arms dealer who forced her into marriage. All prior attempts to get her back had failed. No amount of negotiation, payment, threats or pleading could sway the nefarious man to return her.
A rendezvous with the rest of the group at their makeshift campsite, plus a thirty minute drive east put the Humvees at the perimeter of the target’s estate. “Alright, you all know the drill,” Clay barked into the comms. “We get our asses in there, extricate the woman, send her back to her daddy, and take down anyone that stands in our way.”
Meanwhile their tech genius had already hacked into the system to disable the security and jam communications. Once the cameras powered down, Pooch floored it, ramming through the gate, the other two vehicles followed close behind.
“Eww... This guy’s got raptors picking at a bunch of bones and sinew on his property, always a good sign. You’d think he'd want to be more inconspicuous.”
Pooch’s face scrunched up at the image, “Pretty sure that's just a dead animal.”
Jake shook his head, pursing his lips in mock disapproval. “There's a lot of places to bury a body in a vineyard, all I’m saying. Keep the place tidy.”
“Thanks for the tip,” Aisha deadpanned.
“What do you call that… carrion, right?”
Clay grumbled from the front, “I'm close to calling it Jensen.”
“Yes, sir. I hear ya loud and clear. Shutting up…” he paused for dramatic effect, “now!”
“This whole goddamn thing’s going tits-up!” Clay had thought his team was prepared, ready to engage the moment they entered the property, but the intel their employer provided was crap. The location was more heavily armed than believed. His unit was at a disadvantage despite the extra help. Outmanned and outgunned, a few men were down and one lost within the first ten minutes.
“Well look at the bright side, we're outside enjoying some fresh...” Jensen’s quip went unfinished as he dove for cover. Incoming drones zoomed through the air spraying bullets. They must have been linked to an independent off sight system because the primary and secondary security had been obliterated. 
Jake focused the scope of his rifle, aiming at the nearest flying pest. “Here birdie birdie…” ‘Wait. That - that’s.’ Still in disbelief, he shouted, “Guys! Guys, that's one of Maisie’s drones!”
Pooch was skeptical, “How can you be sure?”
“Cause they’re like my step kids. Franny, Freddy, Felix, Frank and Foxy. It’s been painted, but that's Frank,” he insisted before taking off, sprinting toward the assailing device.
Clay eyes widened at the other man’s actions, “Jensen, you realize it's shooting at us! Stand down!” Seeing his order ignored, he screamed at the rest of his group, “Cover his dumb ass.”
Disregarding his boss, Cougar pulled out his cellphone and spoke in hushed tones to the person on the other end.
Aisha grit her teeth at her teammate while continuing to fire at their opponents. “That idiot lost his mind, now our sniper decides to make a phone call mid battle. Are you ordering a pizza?”
“Don't forget the breadsticks,” Pooch chimed in. Laughing at the increasing absurdity of the situation.
Jake removed his helmet and dropped his weapon. Frantically jumping and waving his arms, repeatedly calling out ‘Angel.’ A drone moved in and shot at his feet, before slightly pulling back, continuing to hover above him.
“Understood. Our apologies. Copy that.” Cougar hung up and waited.
The remaining drones collected above Jensen’s head. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. However the moment he dreaded never came. The devices turned and began taking out the guards with quick precision. When only Clay’s men remained, they flew off. 
Sticking to the plan, the team continued to the manor. Wary of a possible ambush awaiting beyond the front door, in lieu of breaking it down, Clay instructed Jensen and Cougar to go through the nearest second floor windows, clear the immediate area and let them in.
Cougar nodded, but walked right through the unlocked door instead. To everyone’s shock but his, it was clear. Raising his chin toward the staircase, he proceeded up them.
“Okay, so we're just following him then?”
Clay shrugged, “Good enough for me.” He had the Losers head upstairs, leaving the rest of the group to keep watch at the entrance.
Cougar seemingly knew exactly where to go. Navigating the twists and turns of the large house with ease. Any lingering guards they came across were swiftly handled. Within the master bedroom’s closet, hidden behind sliding shelving they found a 16-point locking, bullet resistant, biometric fingerprint panic room door. 
Before Jensen could get his gear out to crack it, Cougar tapped the scanner, confirming it was off. He pulled the heavy door open, immediately shooting the two guards inside as if he was expecting them.
Jensen scratched his head. Not knowing what to make of it. “What is going on?... Are you a T-1000… What's my dog's name?”
Cougar just looked at him and chuckled.
“You laugh, but I'm legitimately concerned.”
Clay took point, announcing his entrance into the room, “Honey, I'm home.”
The occupants sat on a couch, Isla held a crying baby in her arms, wincing from her husband's hand on her thigh, squeezing painfully tight. The baby’s presence gave everyone pause. No one was aware there would be a child involved. There has been one surprise after another today.
“You lost, asshole. Now let them go and come quietly.” Clay slung his rifle over his shoulder and moved toward them, attempting to calmly apprehend the man.
The target pulled out a gun, shoving it into Isla’s side. “Stay where you are.”
“Don't be like that. This doesn't have to get more ugly than it already is.”
Seething, the man turned the gun on Clay, who discharged his sidearm, firing two shots into the arms dealer’s chest before he could blink. The group hurriedly moved Isla and her baby out of the building into one of their vehicles. Assuring the frightened woman that she was safe and going back to her father.  Pooch voiced his concern over their lack of carseat.
“Then drive extra carefully.” Clay smiled at the rescuees, “Let's get you both home.”
Riding in the second Humvee, Jake stared down a silent Cougar. He offered no explanation as to why Maisie's drones were on the property or who he had called, but it was pretty easy to connect the dots.
Hours later, Isla and her daughter were safely on their way home. At Cougar’s request, and after a stop at the motel for much needed showers, the team waited at a bar in the city. Leaving one chair empty, correctly guessing who they should be expecting.
Jake was a bundle of nerves. The hand gripping his empty glass started to cramp as he watched the door. He wondered if they had Boys II Men on the jukebox to help set the mood. ‘Would that be too presumptuous? She probably moved on by now. Has a new special someone in her life. Somebody else loving her, touching her, making her laugh.’ He wouldn’t blame her. His amnesia may have been temporary, but the damage he caused wasn't.
“You stare at that door any harder and it will burst into flames.” Aisha refilled her teammates' glass, encouraging him to relax and breathe.
“She'll be here soon, won't she? She's still coming, right?”
Maisie took a deep breath before entering the tavern. Her former teammates were easy to spot. Cougar gave her his number when she quit, asking her to keep in touch. It took a few months before she found the strength to do so. Even after learning of her exs' recovery, she couldn't bring herself to return yet. She wanted her Jakey back, but was scared of his rejection. Plus she was on assignment, the timing was off. The weight of this reunion wasn’t lost on her. “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you losers walk into mine.”
“Well that's unfair, you walked in after us.” Grinning ear to ear, Clay pulled her into a tight hug. “Missed ya, Maise.”
“I had a few things to handle before getting here. So you beat me, but I've been dying to say it." She squeezed Clay tight before facing the rest. "I missed you all too. Sorry about earlier, I didn’t recognize you guys in all that fancy schmancy gear.”
Jake felt unsteady the moment she walked in, his blood roared in his ears. It was really her, his Angel, more gorgeous than ever. He watched her warm greeting with Clay, swallowing a lump in his throat. She was wearing the jacket he bought her. He hoped that was a good sign.
The group stood to welcome and embrace their former member. Jake waited through the exchange of pleasantries for his turn. Longing to throw his arms around his Angel and hold her close. It had been nearly a year since he’d done so. Ten months, three days and seventeen hours since he kissed her goodbye to go on that ill fated mission.
However, he noticed Maisie’s smile falter when their eyes met. Abandoning his desired hug, he forced a smile, awkwardly waved and sat back down.
“Hey Jake.” She crossed her arms, suddenly feeling self-conscious in front of her old love.
As everyone took their seats, Jensen glanced at the entrance then back at his Angel. “So are we um… waiting for anybody else?”
“Like who?”
“No-nobody. Nobody. Just wanted to make sure there was room for everybody. Everybody together again. It’s good to be together.” Jake took a long sip of his beer. His brain screamed with the knowledge that there was no boyfriend in the picture.
Maisie filled them in on her whereabouts since her departure. She’d gotten a job as private security for some rich asshole’s wife. Mostly involved keeping her in and others out. The winery was lovely, but the running of guns and heavier artillery, and the dabbling in human trafficking ruined the ambience. Of course, she knew he was dirty when she accepted the position, so Maisie did all she could to throw wrenches into his operations without being detected. Quietly dispersed his ill gotten gains into several hidden bank accounts, the biggest for Isla. She was helping the wife and baby prepare for a safe and covert escape. Simultaneously gathering evidence against the husband and his associates.
“It was all set to go down in a few days, and you guys just broke in and killed him. All that planning and hard work for nothing.” Maisie shoved Clay’s shoulder.
“Yeah, well it was the quickest way. Can’t argue that.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to let months of work go to complete waste. So I allowed you guys to be the heroes while I tied up some loose ends. That’s why I was late. Had to reroute the latest shipments, funnel the rest of the money to charities, victims and of course, a nice sum for myself. Scrubbed the camera footage and removed any evidence of us or Isla being there. Then I alerted the authorities to handle the rest. They’ll find all they need to take down the whole thing.” She took a deep breath, trilling her lips to exhale. “But I’m still mad at you about it.”
Aisha offered compensation, “I don’t think anyone here will object if you want in on the pallet of wine we rescued."
“Bold of you to assume I didn't take my own,” Maisie laughed.
After a few rounds, the Losers felt they were sufficiently caught up on each others lives. Pooch and Cougar announced they were going to play stripes and solids, inviting Aisha and Clay as their opponents. It was obvious that was an excuse to leave the ex-lovers alone.
Jake wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity. Putting on his most charming smile, he slid over next to Maisie. “G’day mate, fancy meeting you down unda. Maybe I can show you my down unda lata. I promise I'm koala-fied.” He tittered at his themed pickup line, but she didn't react. He desperately wanted to make her laugh. If she laughed, he knew things would be okay.
Trying to shake off the nervousness, he cleared his throat and continued his attempted seduction. “I like your jacket, where’d you get it?” He couldn’t backpedal fast enough seeing the alarmed look on her face. “Joke, really bad joke. Oh my god, I'm sorry. That was… Fuck,” he grimaced.
Maisie remained stiff and unsure. Wanting to give in to his flirting, but waiting for the other shoe to drop. The defeated look on Jake’s face broke her heart, so she attempted to bridge the divide with a safe topic, “How are Stephanie and Hannah?”
“They're good, they're good, um,” he scratched the back of neck, unsure how to proceed. His sister, having seen him at plenty of his worsts, forgave him instantly. His niece took a little bribery, but they were back to their usual shenanigans. “So, uh thanks for clearing the way for us back there, you know, after you shot at me.”
Her mouth dropped open, “Excuse me, I shot near you.”
Cougar gestured with his eyes over to Jensen and Maisie, knowing he was striking out. Pooch got the hint. He called the man over and handed him his room key. Demanding he take it before he changed his mind. Jake practically ran back to the table to ask Maisie to his room to talk in private. He was amazed she agreed.
Aisha’s lips pursed watching the pair leave. “If he doesn't blow this, we'll have to put up with them being nauseatingly cute with each other again.”
“You don't want them to make up?” Clay rested his hands on her waist.
“I do,” she huffed. “Look, I don't know if I believe in that true love, princess bride, bullshit. But they are the closest I've ever seen to it... They belong together.”
The entire car ride to the motel passed in uncomfortable silence. Both anxious and unsure about the outcome of this night. Each stealing glances at the other. Jake noticed how hard her hand clenched around the steering wheel. Maisie caught sight of each time his hand reached for the radio before pulling away without turning it on.
Jake felt butterflies in his stomach as they pulled in the lot. Painful butterflies… Vampire butterflies. He drummed on his legs before hopping out of the vehicle. Maisie was quick to follow. They walked to the room without a word shared. Jake kept looking over his shoulder to make sure she was still with him. He swiped the keycard several times without success. The red light and negative beep mocking him. The twisting in his belly intensified. ‘Yep definitely vampire butterflies.’
Finally, the door flashed green and unlocked. He sauntered in, pretending to be calmer than he really was. Turning on the old Jensen charm, he bowed and waved his hand over the large bed. “Have a seat, m'lady. It’s not exactly the Ritz, but I hope it will be to your liking.”
“It's a nice room. We've stayed in much worse.” She spotted the bobblehead chihuahua on the nightstand, smiling coyly as she sat down. “So this is Pooch’s room?”
“Nah, it's mine. At least now it is.” He plopped down beside Maisie. “Sooo, how’ve ya been?”
“Good, until earlier today when I lost my job and residence cause some assholes charged in guns blazing.” Maisie sighed dramatically, “At least I can take solace in knowing Isla and her daughter are home safe. What about you?”
“I - I’m okay… most days. Um, so what's next for you? Seeing as how your life's been upended by a bunch of inconsiderate assholes.”
Maisie hummed, thinking of a response. “Well, I’ll have a lot of time on my hands, plus a bunch of money. So I'll probably make a few brothers and sisters for the F-team. Maybe one with a flamethrower.”
He turned to her with a lopsided grin. “That would be badass, like its maker.”
Maisie’s heart fluttered. He looked at her with such adoration, like she held all life's answers.  That, that was her Jakey.
“Looks like the possibilities are endless now that you're homeless and unemployed.” Jake’s eyes squeezed shut, cringing. Not meaning to sound so callous.
She snorted, “I'm sure I'll be fine. I always land on my feet.”
Jake breathed a sigh of relief that she found humor in the situation. “Definitely, definitely… But if you're interested, I know of a job opening. Fast paced, high stakes, danger… romance,” he whispered the last word, blushing. “It’s with a great bunch called the Losers. I could put in a good word for you. In fact, I'm sure the two of us could strong-arm the boss to agree to any demands we want.”
“I'd have to move back to the states.”
“If you need a place to stay, your key still works… I um, kept the house. After you quit, I kinda skipped town. Woke up in Ohio about a month later. At first I completely panicked cause I didn't know where you were or where I was. Then it hit me that I REALLY didn't know where you were… and it was all my fault,” his voice cracked, on the verge of crying.
Her head lowered, unable to hold back her own tears. ‘If I had only waited longer.’ “You must be so disappointed in me for not sticking it out when you weren't yourself. I tried, I swear I did, but it was too much. I should have been stronger and held on until you were you again. I’m so sorry, Jakey.”
“No, Angel no.” he wiped Maisie’s cheeks with his thumb. “There's nothing to forgive. You didn’t abandon me, I drove you away. I don't blame you at all. Hell, I deserved it. I was a total asshole.” Jake took a deep breath, “I was so angry… I was in pain, confused. I felt trapped with no room to breathe. Was sick of everybody telling me things I was supposed to already know. Telling me over and over to relax and let myself recover when I couldn't calm down to save my life. I kept fighting with my sister, was short with my niece, rude and snapped at everyone… And you got the worst of it… When I saw you, there was something there in the back of my mind, just out of reach. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew your presence made my headache worse. So I aimed my frustration at you and chased you off. I can't say how sorry I am.”
Maisie gently touched Jake’s head, running her fingers through his hair and rubbing small circles with her fingers. The urge to comfort him stronger than any apprehension she felt before.
Jake leaned into her touch, “It's all better now. I'm better… I wish this was a cartoon so you could've wacked me in the head again to reset my brain and stop all the bullshit I put everyone through.”
She pulled her hand away too soon. “I'm glad you're better… You really hurt me, Jake, but you have to know I already forgave you.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You have? That fast? Are you certain, I mean…"
“It took some time. Months to push through that pain, but I'd be the bigger jerk if I didn't take into consideration that it wasn't completely your fault. You literally had a doctor's note to prove it.” Maisie smiled at him, brushing away a few more escaped tears.
“So you don't hate me?”
“I could never hate you, Jakey. Do you hate me?”
“It's going to continue to sting for a while though.”
He nods in understanding. Jake got on his knees before her, taking her hands in his, his face more serious than she's ever seen him. “I need you to believe me when I say I have NEVER thought those horrible things about you. You didn't deserve any of the awful things I said and I swear I didn't mean them. You’re my perfect Angel and I love everything about you. Every curve, every line, each and every inch of beautiful skin because it’s yours. You are the most incredible person I ever met and I can't stand knowing that I made you feel otherwise for even a minute. Please say you believe me.”
“I do.”
Jake leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her back.
Maisie returned the brief kiss. This was a good start, but she was exhausted. “It’s been a long day. I don’t know about you, but I’m wiped out. Can we pretend, just for tonight, that we’re good? That everything is back to normal? We can work on us in the morning, and everyday after, but right now I just need you and unconsciousness.”
‘She wants to sleep here, in my bed, with me.’ Jake jumped up, enthusiastically agreeing. His pants down around his ankles in an instant.
Her face became heated at Jake’s sudden nudity. Maisie bit her lips, shyly telling him she was going to change in the bathroom.
Jake realized he was jumping the gun. He pulled up his batman boxers, removed his shoes and remaining clothing. He turned the toy dog around, just in case. “Sorry mini Pooch, no looky loos.”
Maisie walked out in panties and t-shirt, tugging it down in an attempt to hide more of herself as she skittered to the bed and got under the covers. Jake frowned, he needed to mend his Angel's heart, squash the insecurities he created. He scrambled up the bed, took his glasses off and sat them on the nightstand. Hesitating at the edge of the bed.
“You can come closer.”
He didn't need to be told twice, scooting over and joining her under the covers. He sat next to her, tentatively wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Intent on never leaving her side again. “Hey, tomorrow, do you want to check out this awesome mini golf course I found? Just the two of us.” The smile that adorned his face when she agreed fell. His voice lowered to a whisper, “I'm terrified of screwing this up.”
“So am I,” Maisie admitted, lacing her fingers with his.
Jake kissed the top of her head. “I don't think I ever told you.”
“The moment I knew this was it for me… Remember our first comic con together, we had that bet going on over how many people we could get to follow us doing the bunny hop around the convention center. I said five, you bet nine, and we ended up having thirty-five people in line behind us.” He chuckled at the memory. “We had Link, predator, three Spidermans, a wookiee in a bikini and just so many others. I was behind you, my hands on your hips having the time of my life. And there was a moment midjump, midlaugh, when you looked back at me, making sure I was having fun too, and I knew with absolute certainty that I was going to love you for the rest of my life. That you were the one for me and there'd never be anyone else. That hasn't changed.”
Maisie’s eyes watered, an unreadable expression on her face. Somewhere between disbelief and amusement. “I knew then too. Slowly throughout the day, then all at once in one defining moment. You were like a squirrel darting around, but you never lost me. You held my hand the whole time, squeezing it when you felt me get nervous. And when we parted for even a minute, you always found me. But the moment that sealed it was when we stopped for refreshments. I couldn't drink my water properly because of my costume and seeing my struggle, without a word, you slid behind the counter, grabbed a straw and placed it in my drink, holding it to my lips. It was something so small but so considerate. I've never had anyone be so sweet to me. I never had anyone look out for me like you did. I knew you were the one for me.”
Not trusting his voice, Jake kissed the hand he held.
“I love you, Jakey.”
His heart skipped a beat. “I love you, my Angel.” The reunited couple shared another kiss before lying down. Maisie snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes. Jake wrapped his arms around her. “Would it be wrong if I copped a feel right now?” 
She laughed, “I missed you so much.”
Jake blinked back tears. He thought he'd never hear that sound again. “I missed you more.”
A few peaceful minutes passed, her warm breath ghosting over his chest. He noticed she was trying to stay awake. Each time she began to drift, her eyes popped open to search for him. He rubbed her back to soothe her asleep. “I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere, Angel, I promise.” Jake made sure she was sleeping soundly, before he allowed himself to follow her into slumber. 
Heading to his original room to get his belongings, Pooch was halted by a hand on his shoulder. Cougar, refusing to let Jensen and Maisie be disturbed, turned his friend around and led him to their shared room.
Pooch glanced back with a frown, “I'll guess I’ll get it in the morning.”
Cougar nodded, smiled and patted his shoulder. Tomorrow was looking like a very good day. The Loser’s would be a full team once more and his best friend would have the love of his life back. He didn’t save his best man’s speech for nothing.
The End
A/N: A special thank you to everyone that has read this. I appreciate you all and I’d love to know your thoughts.
Sequel: Love Me Forever
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Which favorite character would you shortstackify and bimbofy
Every single character can be make a shortsack here,I love short girls with tall man,but for the canon shortsacks in the multiples AU we got:
Hiyoko Saoinji who without her heels is 1.20 or 3'11.
Mikan Tsumiki barely make the cut at 1.50 or 4'11
Kotoko Utsugi is slightly taller than her dancing idol at 1.31 or 4'3 (age up of course)
Monaca Towa is 1.38 or 4'6 (Aged up again see the pin)
Junko the Third (Yes, there is three Junko in the DMU)is 1.29 or 4'2
And to finish Himiko Yumeno is 1.40 or 4'7 despite her attempt at making herself taller with Magiiiiicccccc.
May is 1.45 or 4'9 of pure genius and horny
Dawn isn't a shortstack but at 1.55 or 5'1 she is not entering the NBA anytime soon (just for comparison her lover/brother Lucas is 2.05 or 6'8)
Rosa is 1.49 or 4'10 and therefore succeed at being 95 percent ass and tits and 0.00000001 percent brain.
Selene is 1.45 or 4'9 due to have been a savage child and not necessary "feed correctly"
Gloria is also at the limit at 1.50 or 4'11 and Victor abuse that endlessly of course.
Nagatoro and Uzaki both are 1m45 or 4'9.
And in general except if precised,the female characters of fire emblem tend to be quite short in my head,meanwhile the men tower above the modern average.
But,once again,every character can be made a shortstack I would never object to such a wonderful project.
As for the bimbo...
Every single female in my AU are bimbo or can be made one.
That include genderswapping.
Go mad.
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bulldyke-rider · 2 years
Deadbeat daddy ass cousin fucker. Straight up salivating at the mouth over his cousin while literally everyone else is like "dude, maybe you guys being raised together wasn't the best idea. Like, it's okay if you see eachother as family and don't wanna fuck" and he might as well be describing her tits to us.
Whole time Elizabeth is very clearly only doing this because it's what she's supposed to do. She's a fuckin arranged bride with no real choice of her own. And he's just hype to marry her. But at the same time keeps making everyone think he don't want her which kinda diminishes her worth. Like, she's just stuck taking care of her uncle and cousins while he gallivants around getting to live his life. She never got to do shit because she was always waiting on him. And she expresses desire to go out and do stuff.
Meanwhile, he's planning the murder of his son that he abandoned. Okay, that's his son, don't argue with me. Argue with your own absentee father. Talkin bout I gotta protect my family. Why didn't you start with him? And then we never woulda ended up here.
Nah, you wanted to be a father. You wanted to make a living fucking being. But only for the status. Only to feel smart and look like a goddamn true man of science which you never really were. One great invention, good for you, and it's something everybody's mama has done. Oh, everybody clap for Victor who has created a perverse and grotesque substitute for motherhood. You asked the Monkey's paw to cure your fucking womb envy, and it ended in the death of everyone you love.
Also, what happened to the living brother? That has no family now. Victor, did you abandon him too? I don't think he's dead.
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layce2015 · 5 years
John Wick (John Wick x Reader)
Chapter 5: Red Circle
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Chapter 1 / Chapter 4
John went up into his room and started to get ready for the fight he was about to bring to the Red Circle, which was a night club. He put on a new suit, a bullet proof vest and then began to load up all of his weapons either in his pockets or holster or even in his socks.
Meanwhile, at the Red Circle, the party was going on as people danced, drank and the music was blasting. One of Iosef guards, Kirill, walks in the dance floor and pulls up a radio as he does a sweep. "Level 2, give me your status." he asked. "Yeah, the VIP Room is clear." Another guard replied to him through the earpiece. "Balcony, tell me what you see?" Kirill asked. "No sign of him here." The balcony guard said. "Basement, how's it going down there?" Kirill asked. "Basement, clear." replied the basement guard as he looks over at Iosef, who was in the pool with his friends and a couple of girls.
Iosef and his friends started to sing in Russian together as a bikini clad waitress comes into the pool, carrying a tray full of drinks. They have no idea that John Wick had just arrived and is outside of the club.
John sees one of the guys that helped Iosef, Victor, getting out of a car and started to walk towards the side of the club, so he follows them. "Did you see the tits on that girl?" Victor said as he and his friend entered the locker rooms of the club. "Better hope Lita is working tonight." The other guy said and they laugh.
Meanwhile, Iosef and his other friend were still singing when Kirill walks into the pool area and over to Iosef. "Come in here and have a drink with us." Iosef tells Kirill as he starts to walk out the pool to them. "My job is to keep you safe. Not babysit a drunkard." Kirill said to Iosef, firmly. "Are you scared of the fuckin' boogeyman? I'm not." Iosef exclaims. "No. But you should be." Kirill said to Iosef as he grabs the bottle of alcohol out of Iosef's hand.
He gets up and walks away and Iosef glares after him then looks at his friends. "I want another bottle!" He orders but nobody moves as they were scared. "Right fuckin' now! Go get me a bottle! Come on!" Iosef shouts and one of his friends goes to get the bottle.
Outside of the entrance of the pool, a guard stands in front of the door and looks out on the streets when he felt that someone was behind him. "Hello, Francis." John said after he comes out of the shadows and aims a gun at him. "Mr. Wick." Francis said. "You've lost weight." John said. "Over sixty pounds." Francis informs. "Yeah? Impressive." John compliments.
"Are you here on business, sir?" Francis asked John. "Afraid so, Francis." John said and Francis nods, as if to say I should've known. "Why don't you take the night off." John said and Francis takes out his earpiece and turns to John. "Thank you, sir." He said and he let's John in.
Inside, Victor comes out of the locker room and begins to hum as he goes to the sink and turns it on. But then he hears the door open, he looks over but doesn't see anybody so he goes to clean his teeth. As Victor looks down at the sink, behind him, John grabs one of the men, wraps his hand around his mouth and stabs him in the neck then shoves him against the locker, letting the body slide against the locker.
Victor looks up at the mirror just in time to see a bloodstain on the locker. He turns around when John comes up and punches him. "Where is Iosef?" John asked him. "Fuck you, motherfucker!" Victor growls and he goes to punch John but John grabs his fist then kicks him right between the legs.
Victor screams out in pain and starts to slump forward but John grabs him and pulls his head up. "Where is Iosef?" He asked him then begins to pull him into a chokehold. "Bath house, downstairs." Victor groans then John turns him around to face him. "You kidnapped my wife!" John said then he slammed Victor's head against the sink then picks him up again. "And you stole my car and killed her dog!" John said then he shoves Victor's head into a sink full of water and held him down.
"Fuck you." Victor was able to say through the water until John uses his arm and breaks his neck, killing him. Victor's body slides down and crumbles to the ground as John takes his cellphone and pockets it.
He heads down to the bathhouse and quietly looks around until he spots Iosef.
"Any sign of John Wick?" Kirill asked. "No, nothing." one of his men said. "Level 2, give me your status." Kirill said but little did he know, John killed one of the guards.
"Basement, all clear?" Kirill asked the guard. "Yes." The guard said and he starts to walk up to a corner when John comes out, grabs him and places his hand over his mouth. The guard tried to fight back but John slams the side of his hand to the guard's neck and then stabs him in the chest, still covering the guards mouth with his other hand.
The guards eyes widen and he starts to slide down while John stares into his eyes, watching the life leave them, until he was completely dead. He pulls his knife out of him then starts to get up and looks over to see Iosef was still in the pool.
Then a door opens next to him and he looks to see another guard coming in. The guard jumps once seeing John and goes to grab his gun but John smacks his arm away and goes to stab him. But the guard holds up his arms, blocking it and holds it, then shoves John away and pulls out his gun. John grabs the guards arm and smacks the gun and the guard yanks his arm out of his hand and charges at John, making them crash into a shelf.
"He's here!" Kirill shouts to the other guards and he grabs his gun. Meanwhile, John and the guard were fighting, hand-to-hand, then John leans forward, puts his right arm around the guys side and flips him over then gets up to hold him down. He looks over and sees Iosef then he pulls out his gun and begins to fire, making everyone run out.
Iosef starts to get out but stops once he sees John there, aiming a gun right at him. Iosef stumbles back as he and John make eye contact then John shoots the guard in the head and makes his way to Iosef.
John shoots at Iosef but then Iosef's friend pops up and grabs John's hand that was holding the gun. John stabs the man in the shoulder with his knife, then looks over to see Iosef running. John steps on the guys foot and the man exclaims in pain then John shoots him twice before he headshot him, making the guy fall backwards into the pool.
He turns and shoots at Iosef, who runs and uses one of the waitresses as his shield and runs out. John goes to grab another gun out of his holster and starts to shoot at Iosef but the glass barriers where blocking the bullets as Iosef ran past them and disappears.
John started to follow after him but then he heard gunshots behind him and goes to duck in cover. John looks over his shoulder and see Iosef running up some stairs. He looks back at the guard that shoot at him and kills him before going after Iosef.
Kirill comes out and tries to shoot at John but misses as John heads up the stairs. "Follow me." Kirill ordered his men and they follow him.
Iosef ends up on the dance floor and looks around to make sure John wasn't following him. Iosef begins to run while John enters the room and starts to follow him. Iosef turns and sees him then runs through the crowd of people and towards his guards and yells at them.
He runs out as a couple of the guard runs over to John, but he shoots them. One guard comes at him but he shoots him three times then turns to see a guard was still alive and shoots him the head. He makes his makes his way through the crowd and see Iosef heading up to more stairs. 
"He's there! He's fucking coming!" Iosef yells at one guard once he makes it to the lobby area, the guard runs in while Iosef runs off. John makes his way into the lobby and one of the guards comes up to him, he shoots him then another comes up and he shoots that guy. The people that were in the lobby began to run and scream.
A few more guards come up but John kills them as they come up to him. One guard comes at him but he shoots and punches him, then he was about to shoot him but he was out of bullets. John reloads his gun and, before the guy could do anything, shoots him in the head then turns and shoots at a few more oncoming guards.
He makes his way towards the balcony of the dance floor and shoots at one guard coming at him. Then he turns around and breaks the other guards arm then shoots him. He kills a few more guards after either flipping them on their backs and shooting them or just shooting them at point blank until he saw Iosef running.
He goes after him when another armed guard comes up around the corner and shoots at John but he ducks and hides behind a pillar. The guy shoots at him and John turns to his right and fires and hits the guy on the side. He looks over to his side and sees a vase, grabs it just as the guard starts coming at him. John raises the vase and smashes it against the guys face, the guy cried out until John grabs him and slammed his head against a table and shoots him in the head.
Kirill comes up and was able to shoot John in the shoulder, knocking him down. John groans then sits up and starts to fire at Kirill and another guard but John runs out of bullets. He rolls to his side and runs off before Kirill could get to him.
Iosef makes it outside just as a car comes up and he sees one of his friend was driving. "Come on! Come on! Get in!" His friend yells and Iosef gets into the car and his friend drives off.
John goes behind a pillar and groans in pain then he reaches around his belt to see he was out of ammo. He let's out an annoyed and angry yell before he looks up to see Kirill coming up. John jumps up and grabs his arms just as Kiril begins to fire but misses him. The two struggle for the gun as they flip each other, then John gets up but Kirill starts to punch and kick at him.
The two fight but it seemed Kirill was getting the upper hand. John then shoves him against the banister and tries to shove him off but Kirill grabs a bottle, smashes it over John's head then used the broken piece he had to stab John in the side. John tries to fight back but Kirill grabs him, picks him up and tosses him over the banister and John crashes down to the floor.
He pulls out one last gun and fires at Kirill but he runs before John could get a shot at him. John sighs then gets up and starts to walk out.
As he gets outside, Victor's phone begins to ring. John digs into his jacket pocket and pulls the phone out to see Iosef was calling. So he answers. "Victor, where the fuck are you?" Iosef asked. "Victor's dead." John replied and Iosef's blood ran cold. "Everything's got a price." John growls and he tosses the phone aside and makes his way to the Contenintal.
"Good evening, Mr. Wick." Charon greets John as he stumbles in. "Good evening." John said. "How may I be of service?" Charon asked. "Is the doctor in?" John asked. "Yes, sir. 24/7." Charon replied. "Then send him up, please." John said. "Yes, sir." Charon said then John looks down at his clothes, which had some bloodstains.
"How good's your laundry?" John asked him. "I'm sorry to say that no one's that good." Charon said. "No. I thought not." John said and he starts to walk away. "May I suggest a drink, sir." Charon said and John turns to him. "Bourbon, perhaps." Charon suggests. "That sounds perfect." John said and he starts to make his way to his room. 
"So what sort of movement am I looking at?" John asked the doctor after pouring himself a glass of bourbon while the doctor tended to his wound. "Well, if you're lookin' to heal, then keep it marginal. However, if you still have...business to attend to, take two of these beforehand." The doctor said and he hands a bottle of pills to John. "Your stitches'll tear and you'll bleed, but you'll have full function. Do you need anything for the pain?" The doctor said once he finished stitching John up. "No, I've got that covered." John said as he holds up his glass and begins to drink the rest of the bourbon.
Feeling like your lungs were on fire, you stopped and hide in an alleyway and start to catch your breath. You lean against the wall and tried to slow down your heartbeat. You don't know how long you've been running but it had to have been a few hours as when you left that hotel, the sun was setting and now it was dark.
You run your hands over your face and take some deep breathes when you heard gunshots nearby. Curious, you start to walk down the street but not before you look around to make sure you weren't being followed.
You take a left turn and, cautiously, come up to this large building that had neon signs of a round red circle up on the front. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people were pouring out of the club and all of them were screaming. What the hell is going on? Why are they running and screaming? You thought as you walked closer to the club.
Then your heart stopped when you see John walking out of the club. "John?" You said, confused, but there was no denying it was him as you recognize his face. Relief washed over you and you felt a smile form on your face, so you began to run. "John!" You called out but the panicked screams of the people were drowning out your screams to him.
"John! John! I'm here!" You screamed but he didn't seem to hear you as you see him pull out a phone and began to talk into it. You got a bit closer and started to call out again when you felt a hand placed around your mouth. 
No, no, no, no, no! You thought, frantically, as you fight against the man. You saw John starting to walk across the street and getting further and further away from you, making you go into a panic. No! I've got to get to him! You thought and you grab the hand, pulled it then bite down on it, hard enough to draw blood.
The man yells out and let's you go and you turn around then pull out the gun. But before you could pull the trigger, the man grabs your hand knocks the gun out of your hand. You start to kick at him but he punches you in the gut, making you double over and gasp. You look up at the man in fear as he punches you across the face, knocking you out cold on the ground.
The man, Kirill, looks down at you, shakes his head, then pulls out his phone and calls Viggo. "I found the girl." He said once Avi picks up the phone.
Chapter 6
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #155: To Stand Alone
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January, 1977
Happy New Year! Just four or five more months until I hit the eighties!
But for now, there’s a storyline to be continued.
Also, I’m not sure what Namor is hitting so hard that its creating green shrapnel.
Last time: Attuma has some diabolical plan and captured the Avengers to force them to fight Namor. But Namor had run away from home and joined the circus so they ended up fighting Doom instead. Meanwhile, Beast, Whizzer, and Wonder Man formed some back-up Avengers. An incorrect belief that Doom was dead led Namor to fight some fighter jets and fly off to thwart Attuma.
This time: We pick right up from Doom blasting Iron Man.
And then over two pages he and some people I’d know better if I read Super-Villain Team-Up beat up the rest of the Avengers.
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So, the Avengers are still not having a great day.
With the Avengers defeated, Doom has Captain America put in the silly restraining harness to interrogate. And he doomands to know why the Avengers have come to Hydrobase and what they want with Namor.
But Cap can only whisper “Attuma... Attummmma...” and as we all know ‘Attuma’ means ‘to bluff’
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Namorita concludes that obviously the Avengers have sold out to Attuma sure that makes sense! And also demands that obviously Doom needs to help stop Attuma! Obviously! Because Doom is the only man, next to Namor, who can stop Attuma when he’s on a rampage and if he’s not stopped he’ll destroy Hydrobase and PROBABLY DOOM! And Doom is a person Doom cares about!
Meanwhile, elsewhere, Beast, Whizzer, and Wonder Man. Or the back-up no-respect squad.
And because Whizzer is an old-man who struggles with the concept of death being impermanent in a superhero universe, Wonder Man explains his origin to him. 
I mean, you know it. I’ve gone over that issue.
Whizzer asks whether Wonder Man was just in suspended animation, like Captain America? But no. Apparently according to the original Avengers, Simon Williams aka Wonder Man was reallyo trulio deceased.
And they still don’t know what brought him back!
But that��s a problem for later. For now, they have to follow a homing device that Beast planted on Tyrak’s ship.
MEANWHILE ELSEWHERE AGAIN: The Avengers. Stacked up like a special action figure pack.
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And Tamara, the red-skinned woman last of her kind from space. And she’s crushing on Vision who she thinks might be another one of her extinct race but she daren’t ask! She’s not ready to be hurt again!
So off she goes. Taking this plot point with her, for now.
Which leaves the Avengers unsupervised and ready to get into cahoots. In this sealed room, the collars are exerting less of an influence. Which they can tell because I guess the collars didn’t just zap the Avengers if they tried disobeying, they also filled them with blind fury?
Sounds fake but whatever.
The point being: now that they’re less angry about stuff all of a sudden, they can work together to escape.
Scarlet Witch uses her vague magics to control the air currents in the room to blow Cap’s shield towards him so he can catch it.
Hey! That’s actually a thing that magical control of the natural world could do! Wanda is getting back on her game!
And now Cap can use his special skill of being really good with his shield (which he now proclaims has been at his side for more than thirty years so we’re definitely onto the vibranium shield and not the various gimmicked up ones that Tony kept giving Cap and Cap was too polite to turn down)!
So he tosses the shield juuuuuuust so to bank it off a ceiling duct and right into Vision’s neck.
Thus breaking the slave collar and freeing him.
And he instantly intangibles through his bonds and flies through the ceiling, ditching the others.
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<Sideshow Bob grumble>
But enough about that! Lets check in on Namor!
He’s talking to himself because Namor loves talking to himself.
And after he beat up those communist fighter jets (?? so I guess they weren’t Latverian air force?), he learned Attuma was headed to a US government undersea research lab off the Maryland coast. To steal a newly designed chloro-beam which can increase the growth of plankton a hundred-fold.
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Which, of course, has evil applications in the wrong hands because there’s no science that can’t be used to conquer the world.
And sure enough, Attuma and his cohort shows up right when the sea lab scientists are testing the device.
And not one panel and already Attuma’s forces look stupid.
Your stupidity knows no bounds, Lord Arno.
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Attuma and his men follow the scientists into the research lab and CHOOM! right through an airlock.
But it is them being surprised when the Whizzer wondrously whizzes, Beast kicks a dude, and Wonder Man CHABOOM!s Attuma right in his dumb face.
Although I have a question. The Back-Up Avengers or Bvengers, if you will, were following a homing device Beast put on Tyrak the Treacherous’ craft. But Tyrak isn’t here and by all appearances neither is his craft. So what’s the deal? Who’s flying the plane?
Anyway, Wonder Man being approximately as strong as Thor’s holding-back-to-make-my-friends-feel-necessary level, he’s beating the heck out of Attuma pretty good. Maybe Wonder Man will be the heavy hitter that the Avengers have always needed that couldn’t carry a book of his own so he won’t leave the team due to stuff going on in another book.
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Anyway, right when they’ve backed Attuma to the edge of the distinctly not undersea portion of this undersea lab and questioned him about why he’s wearing Vision’s cape, Namor interrupts.
Just flying right towards them.
So Attuma is really doomed.
Unless he pulls his most diabolical trick of all!
Which is just having the gall to claim that Beast, Wonder Man, and Whizzer are totally his friends and that they’re going to kick your ass, Namor.
Namor demonstrates the kind of level-head decision making that would be necessary in a king, immediately believes his archenemy Attuma who he hates and starts beating up the three heroes.
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Whizzer and Beast are already down with one punch. So this looks like a job for Wonder Man!
And he doesn’t want to beat up Namor, which proves that he’s just met him because anybody that knows Namor wants to beat him up a little bit, but he’ll do it to save his new besties, old guy and hirsute friend.
So he just punches Namor right off the damn sealab.
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And I mean, sure, he flies back! He doesn’t have the ankle wings for nothing. But for one panel, I was truly happy.
But by now, Whizzer has regained his senses and helps Wonder Man when Namor counterattacks.
Beast has also regained his senses. But he notices Attuma taking the chloro-beam and running. And its veryyyyyyyy interesting that Attuma would just leave like that. So Beast decides to follow, dives into the ocean, and spots Attuma getting into his escape-sub which may or may not be the same vehicle that Beast put a homing device on.
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It looks similar but only -ish.
Meanwhile, Namor thinks Whizzer is Quicksilver because all high speed blurs of superpowered human look alike to him.
Although he figures out his error after he’s knocked Whizzer’s block off. In fact, he recognizes him as Robert Frank, of the Liberty Legion! They met back in Marvel Premiere #27-28!
(And kudos to Namor for remembering a thing. It took him awhile to remember Captain America was a guy he fought alongside during World War II. So him just getting this even though Frank has aged horribly is a good showing for him.)
Also, realizing that Whizzer is not Quicksilver and some other niggling doubts that Namor never let slow him down has Namor seriously questioning what’s going on here.
Although too little, too late.
Assuming Namor is still in attack mode, Wonder Man shatters a thick pipe on Namor’s abs and then punches his lights out.
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And hey, its easier to ask forgiveness then asking a hair-trigger sea king to calm his tits.
For now, they have to find Attuma. Because their captured friends? And also Attuma stole a dangerous device?
Meanwhile, an epilogue. Attuma’s escape sub escapes while Beast spies through a hatch. I’m not sure how, exactly, one sneaks aboard a submarine but Indiana Jones managed it and now Beast has managed it.
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And he overhears Attuma plotting something with the chloro-beam. And something about transforming Tyrak, who is already kind of ridiculous so why do you need to level him up again, Attuma? And why your spy instead of a more martial servant?
And then another epilogue. Because with only half a page left, we needed to see what Vision was up to.
Well, turns out that as soon as he was freed of the slave collar, he made an immediate beeline to make a deal with the devil sort of deal with VICTOR VON DOOM!
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Also, Doom. You blew it.
You missed your big chance to say “even an android can die.” You’re dead to me forever.
If Doom is dead to you forever or if you just like these biweekly posts, follow @essential-avengers. Send me some Avengers questions maybe.
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duskwitch · 7 years
Dusky watching episode 9-12
Yes, I have indeed not watched this since episode 8. Well, actually I did see 9 already but I haven’t written a rant about it. So, let’s do this, so I can rest in pieces until the next chapter!
Episode 9
Not even childhood makes Yukio tolerable.
Todo is ruining Victor’s voice for me.
I’m trying really hard to feel sorry for Yukio. I do. But the fact that he blames everything on the one person who knew NOTHING about what he’s been doing just makes it impossible for me. Sorry not sorry!
“Yukio is salty” is kind of a redundant statement at this point.
Awww, there comes out precious baby Satan. You go, Rin!
Could the Impure King please just take a dump on both Todo and Yukio? God...
Cue the intro!
Todo has a point in that Yukio avoids self-reflection. Otherwise he would have noticed what a massive dick he is towards his brother.
On the other hand, he spends waaay too much time thinking about every little shit his brother does. Get a hobby, Yukio!
Please don’t start counter-monologuing now...
Yeah, yeah, can we please go back to the more interesting characters now?
Karura... is it too much asked for you to show a little more concern?
Aaand there’s another kid who really needs to chill.
Dammit Rin, quit acting like a stereotypical Shounen protagonist!
Am I the only one who’s dissatisfied with the mediocrity of the animation?
You did well, Princess Suguro!
Dammit, Mephisto! Keep your comments to yourself if you are not going to lift a single finger!
Well, Yukio, maybe if you tried to show off a little less and summoned fewer demons, this would have worked out...
Burn the bitch!
Twin telepathy!
Shima, this is not the time for having a flashback!
Ah, my poor kitten son. Somebody give him a hug.
Hey, Shima! Don’t leave him alone, you asshat!!!
I can’t decide whether I like him better with dark hair or not. The pink is more unique. (PFFT, well, he did say he dyed it because the girls like it...)
I love how Shima always gets put in the front. lol
Yeah, I’d be annoyed, too.
Well, I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Stop being Tsundere and let Blondie McTits save you!
OH NO! The tiny foxes!
I don’t understand why it was so hard to summon Nee. They seem to be rather happy to be around.
Nyoa! Pfft! The cabbage eyes!
Oh, dramatic music!
Aaand the white stuff is everywhere! Eww.
Oh, yeah, we were about to get crispy Yukio earlier...
DRAMATIC MUSIC INTENSIFIES! Choirs make everything 10 times more epic.
K’rik to the head!
Juzou is here to steal the show! Roll credits!
Episode 10
And this week: Shit is still going down!
I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the fact that the Impure King is indeed drawn and not CGI as I originally feared. It still looks kinda goofy.
No comments from the peanut gallery, Mephisto! (jk he needs more screen time)
Is this a Game of Thrones episode?
Boobie jiggling!
How does she know that’s its true form anyway?
Kinzou, shut up!
Is this a fight fire with fire thing?
In a Shounen anime, everyone comes up with their attack names as they go...
Hey, how about you guys in the back... idk... HELP HIM?!
Todo has a point. Again.
First dude dies!
Okay, but that flying chicken head is really ridiculous.
Draw Todo like one of your French girls.
PFFFFFFFFFFFT OMG that fireball is DBZ level ridiculous!
Aaand of course that attack is also named.
THE CHICKEN IS EXPLODING!!! AHAHAHAHAH! OMG! This is something straight out of Skyrim modding. “Can you kill it with explosive chickens?“
Well done, four-eyes! Too bad you aren’t cool.
You guys are taking too long...
HOLY FUCK, Todo is just creepy.
Shura is moving out. Hell yeah!
I feel you, Renzou... I want her to smother me with her rack, too.
Ninja Shura! ... oh, wait.
Meanwhile, Izumo still needs saving.
Do something useful, Karura!
What are those teats anyway? Is the Impure King an Impure Queen after all?
Hey, 15 minutes is pretty generous. That’s like 3 seasons of DBZ!
Oh no! Kuro!
Not sure why he can’t draw the sword right now but either way Yukio is probably part of the problem. And Rin’s lack of shoes.
This situation is too heavy. Time for some comedy!
Awww, Rin is too precious for this world.
Bon is laughing. Which is not as apocalyptic of an omen as, say, Yukio laughing... but things are still pretty bad.
HE DREW THE SWORD! Everyone stop whatever you doing!
Episode 11
Friendly reminder that the Impure King looks really ridiculous.
“Hey Okumura! The white stuff is getting into my face!“
Yeah, you drew it. Now do something useful!
Shura is so pretty. =w=
The close ups are good but they really cut corners everywhere else in the animation. *sigh*
... Okay, I’m gonna say it, those things attacking Rin look like penises.
Oh no! Princess Suguro! You had one job, man.
Shine bright like a diamond...
I love every second of Mephisto’s screen time but I want to choke him for being a lazy asshole.
And there he goes quoting Nietzsche while Rin is dodging giant demon dicks and Yukio is trying to avoid surprise buttsex from Todo.
You are not his type, Todo! Take a hint!
K’rik to the head!
Okay, time to move the plot elsewhere.
Mephisto is having the time of his life.
Ucchusma has enough of your human bullshit and is here to get shit done. Also, he’s been waiting hundreds of years for his balls to drop.
Se interrupt this episode of Ao no Exorcist to give you... Shaman King!
Rin... you should have learned by now that hell chicken don’t give a single fuck ever.
Elsewhere, Nee still has the cutest butt ever. Look at that tail!!!
Shiemi to the rescue!
Damn, this scene is kinda hot. Forget the guys, Shiemizumo is the shit!
Hey! Don’t ignite other shipping feels over there! We just had a moment here!
Everyone calm your tits!
AAAHHHHH! The mediocrity of the animation makes me cry whenever they show Mephisto. It’s not as bad as the jail scene but eeehhhh.... why?!?! He could have been beautiful!
Did... he just switch legs? He totally just switched legs just now.
God, that LAUGH! I love it!
OMG did you see the way the ears shrunk when he sheathed the sword? Somebody gif this!!!
Bon probably thinks “Shit, now I have to show him Kyoto Tower after all...“
They are making up!! I CAN’T!!!!
*snort* Here comes the head rub!
“Oh, hey, Yukio! While you were busy fighting Todo, I drew my blade!”
"Who let him out of his cell?” Dude!
They sentenced him to death already. There isn’t anything worse they can do to him. What the fuck are you mad about? Seriously, calm down and fuck off!
... he punched him hard enough for Rin to spit blood?!? That’s the most serious injury he got in this fight! DUDE!
Oh, NOW he’s all “Nii-san!“? FUCK YOU!!!!
Not sure if bad or excellent parenting...
Episode 12
Here comes the clean up crew. If only the people who fought the Impure King all night had been this well equipped....
What is that kangaroo dragon thing?
You jerks had helicopters all along?
I love how Torako always gives the impression that she’s about to make a gentle gesture when she’s really about to blow up in your face.
Aww, poor Mamushi!
Nooo, don’t cry!!!
Pffft, Kuro!
Here comes the ship-tease!
BFF-ED! God, Shiemi, that was savage... *cackles*
Shima, you dick!
THE THING! THE SCENE IS HAPPENING! (Well, I already watched it twice but eh!)
The mediocre animation... oh, the pain!
Mephisto... y u lyin’?
Shura is so pretty!!!!
Am I the only one who always wondered about Mephisto just randomly starting to drink in the middle of day? Is this a Japanese thing?
They really had to zoom in on her... well, that is where her pussy is, no way to sweet it. Creepy animation guys...
At least we got the heart socks.
Sorry, our animation cannot do the hotness of this scene any justice. Have some tits to put you off!
Excuse Mephisto while he’s having a boner and being a dick.
gdi how can a woman be so beautiful!
Yukio needs to chill!
OMG Koneko’s parents were so cute!!! Look at his mom! She was a total cutie pie!
Making my way downtown, walking fast... walking back. WHAT!
What is Koneko WEARING?!
”We porked so now we have to get married!” What century are you from, Juzou?!
Dad Hojo’s reaction oh god! xD
Looks like everyone has their priorities together.
WHAT ARE THOSE SNAKES?!?!?! Uwabami what?
I’m so happy for Uwabami but I can’t stop laughing!!!!!
And now they are going to milk the joke. Ahhh, poor Rin!
Is that... a carpet floor on the top of Kyoto tower. WHAT?!
Everyone is friends again! I’m happy!
Aaand they are showing it by being dicks. Huehehe. How did they rope Salty-o into this, tho?
Oh, so because they did that Kraken arc in the first season they move up the conversation between Rin and Yukio to now? Does that mean they are not doing the canon Kraken arc? SUUUCKS!
Don’t think too highly of yourself, Yukio! You did jack shit to “force him into using Satan’s power“! If anything, you were part of the reason he was insecure about using it!
... this ending was shoehorned and awkward. I’m disappointed. But overall the last couple of episodes were okay. Now we wait for the next chapter.
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