#vertical radiator installation
lillylvjy · 9 months
Can you please write a Wilbur x reader from the sorry boys zombie apocalypse video? Thank you ❤️
Hi! Yes ofc I can!
warnings; reader has low iron deficiency, reader feels guilty about it, all of the boys are so sweet, sweet Tom and reader moments, established relationship, kissing, Wilbur “dies”, mention of reader liking older men, it’s all around silly and like the video just with reader!
wc; 9k….. shhhh
edited…. NOPE
who; Wilbur soot x reader, sorry!wilbur x reader
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“Thanks Janet, fuck.” Charlie said opening the video after the brief intro, followed by Tommy crying and leaning over the edge of the wall. “It’s all over man, it’s all over! You gotta pull it together!” Charlie grabbed Toms shoulders as Tommy cried out for his mother. 
“He’s kinda pathetic.” You whispered to Wil, huddling close to his warmth as you watched the interaction. 
“He’s always pathetic.” Wil said back, wrapping an arm around you, bringing you into him. “You should’ve taken the coat I offered.” 
You nuzzles into his neck, loving how he was practically a walking heater. “I’m good, I have you.” You heard Wil give a soft chuckle as he kissed your head. 
Letting go of you, ignoring the whine you let out as the warmth left, Wil walked up to Tom and leant down as he looked him in the eye. “It’s worse than you could ever imagined.”
“I should’ve installed optifine?”
“We’re in Portsmouth.” Wil declared to Tom as Tom yelled in agony. 
“Jesus Christ you’re loud!” You told the blonde as he popped up after the bit was done. 
“It’s my specialty! You should know that by now.” Tom said as he smiled at you. You smiled back as you gently hit his arm. 
“Hi, my names William Godwinson and here’s my 8-foot vertical leap.” Wil said as he ran up and barely made the jump as he stood up and looked proud of himself. 
“What’s up I’m Charles Dogman and here’s my 9-foot vertical leap. Jackass!” Charlie said to Wil as he ran up to the wall and tripped, failing miserably. “Ow fuck!” 
“You guys are idiots, we’re gonna die-“ the camera cuts off before your sentence was finished, cutting it off as it cut to Wil frantically asked where to go. 
“Oh, I don’t know. Safety!” You sarcastically said to the brunette as you smiled down at you, and lightly shoved you. 
“Are we going down this way?” Charlie asked pointing down to the pit. 
“I mean, it’s either that or the cliff so-“
“Shit, that makes my life easy.” You said as you started to jokingly get up on the wall following the cliff.
“No! No we are not doing that!” Wil picked you up before you could fully get up, anxiety radiating off of him a bit. 
“I’m fine Wil, I promise. I was joking.” You whispered to him as he set you down. 
“I know but still, you could’ve fell. Just be careful please.” Wil cupped your face as he looked down at you, making sure you understood. 
“Always. I’ll be glued to you anyways. I’m terrified.” You said as Wil laughed and followed where the other boys were going, dragging you with. 
“There’s only one way boys. In!”
“I don’t, I don’t want to.” Wil said as he looked down at the pit yet again. “What’s your name? Weirdo? Freak? Idiot? Fucking cunt?” Wil asked Ran as Tom started to laugh, as you scoffed at him. 
“That’s the full name.” 
“Have you met me?” Ranboo said as the drone zoomed out and showed the whole ground. 
“Listen guys! We’re all, we’re all boys right? We’re all boys.” Charlie said, putting his fist up to Tom. 
“I’m no boy. I’m no man. I am sperm.”
Tom said as groans were heard all around you. 
“Guys…” you said quietly. 
“Alright, Cum. Put it in.” 
“Cum. Nice to meet you cum.” Wil gave Tom a fist bump as well. 
“Guys…” you said a bit louder. 
“Everyone! Okay, everyone. Bring it in, let’s cum on three-“ Charlie said as the boys all huddled together as you stayed at the edge looking down at the mass amounts of actors in the pit now. 
“You sure. It might take me longer than that.” 
“One, two, three- CUM!” They all screamed out. 
“GUYS!” You yelled, finally getting their attention after a bit. 
“Oh my god! That’s just straight zombies guys!” Charlie yelled as he jumped up on the wall.
“Yeah no shit!” You sarcastically said as you waited for all of them at the top of the hill. 
“Get down!” 
“What’s that going to do? They can still hear and smell us?” You said as you walked further down the way. 
“Love, where are you going?” Wil came over and stood next to you. 
“Trying to find a way in. If the walking dead served me any good, it’s to sneak into places. Without making too much noise.” You said as Wil shook his head and smiled at you. 
“Well, lead the way darling.” He put his arm out in front of him as you bowed. 
“Thank you, kind sir.” You joked as he wrapped his arms around your waist and hid his face in your neck as Charlie came up to you all. 
“Guys! I’m gonna kite them!” Charlie yelled at all of us as he started making random noise, attracting all of the zombies while the rest of you found a way in. 
“Guys in here!” Ranboo said as you all climb down, Wil helping you, as Charlie continued to distract the “dead” people. 
“This is kind of the part that I haven’t really figured out!” Charlie yelled as he started panic. 
“There’s no time for baseball now, Phil!” 
“If I don’t make it, take my spork! Take my spork!” Charlie yelled as he threw the utensil, getting it no where. “Everyone over here!” Charlie continued to yell and distract. 
“Where’s the spork?” Tom asked as he and Wil went to check what was happening. 
“Go! Go! We need to go inside!” Wil told you all as he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. 
You all finally made it to this little area that welcomed you with an arched door way and a bunch of random junk. 
“Charles. Did you get your spork? Where’s your spork?” Ranboo asked as he saw him coming down the hallway. 
“I lost my fucking spork, guys.” Charlie said defeated. 
You leant against the wall and closed your eyes as Wil stood in front of you and rubbed your arms and looked at Tom as he put a random ladder in the doorway, doing absolutely nothing. 
“What the fuck is this?” Wil asked, bewildered. 
“There’s no where to go up there!”
“Ok, to be honest, I don’t know your name but what you’re doing right now is pretty fucking dumb and not going to help us in the slightest!” You told Tom, playing into the bit as he laughed and adjusted it. 
“It’ll help slow them down!” Tom said looking at you with wide eyes. 
“…. They may be dead but they aren’t dumb-“ 
“They kind of are-“ 
“Ranboo you’re not helping.” You said as you looked at him with soft eyes as he nodded and turned to talk to Phil. 
“Where are you gonna climb?” Charlie asked, laughing at the stupidity of the situation. 
“I’m a fool!” 
“Are you trying to set up a Looney Tunes trap for the fucking zombies ?” Charlie asked as you searched around for clues, tools, anything to get you out because frankly you were scared and all the survival shows you watched were coming in handy. At least you hoped. 
“I don think we need the spork!” Tom said as you looked at him wide eyed, knowing what was about to go down. 
“Goddamnit! Just imagine your beans! Okay? Imagine your beans! Imagine your a can of beans-“ Charlie started to rant as you tuned all of it out, sitting in the chair that you found, silently giving up on getting out with tweetle dee and tweetle dumb fucking around. 
Wil came around the little corner you hid around and found you sitting in the chair.
“Hey, you alright?” He said as he crouched down, looking up at you as he rested his hands on your knee and lower thigh, rubbing to try and comfort you in anyways he could. 
You smiled down at him as you cupped his face. “I’m ok, promise. Just needed a little break, got overwhelmed with all the yelling and echoing but it’s ok! I’m good!” You said as you rubbed his cheekbones, wanting to give him the same comfort back while silently saying:
‘I’m ok because you’re here.’
He smiled back as he turned his head and kissed your palm. Getting up, he pulled you up with him and hugged you, arms around your neck as he kissed the top of your head. 
“I have an idea..” he whispered to you as he let go of you and picked the chair up. “May I use this?” 
You nodded as he walked out. “We can start a council!” You quickly followed him out as he placed the chair down and sat in it. 
“The rock is our leader.” Tom said, picking up a rock he found and handing it to Wil. “Guys! Wilbur has the talking role. Be very quiet. Wilbur, what do you want to say?” 
“Guys, it’s been hard. The Covid-19 pandemic, and then, whatever the fucks going on now-“ Wil got cut off my a bunch of groans being heard from down the way. 
“Oh fuck-“ you said as you looked wide eyes down the hall. 
“They’re coming.” 
“Oh god!” 
“Tommy! Save the rock!” Wil said as he came up to you and grabbed your hand in his and started to walk down the corridor that led to another hallway. 
All of you scampered down the hall and found a stair case, rushing down it while screaming in fear and panic as the zombie’s groans approached closer. Wilbur gently pushed you in front of him, running close behind you down the hall. 
“Why are there so many halls?!” You yelled out as you ran. 
“Who ducking knows but I can’t do this anymore-“ Wil said, slightly out of breath as you came to a stop. 
“Why’re they fast?!” Charlie screamed.
“These aren’t slow zombies. These aren’t slow zombies!” 
You and Wil found a door, hidden behind a corner. “C’mon! Here.” You said as you popped open the door and stepped in, Wilbur and the rest of them close behind. 
“Shut the door, shut the door!” Tom yelled as he hid in the corner. 
“Question for you guys, how do you all feel about spending the rest of our days in this room?” Wil asked all of us as you sat in his lap, slightly lightheaded from running and just wanted to be close to him .
“If I’m with you, I’m good.” You whispered in his ear as he smiled and rubbed your back, softly humming in your ear only loud enough for you to hear.
“Well uh, we’ve got a gun in for day three, so-“ once ranboo mentioned a gun, everyone was all eyes on the object. 
“What the fuck-“ Wil said as he gently got up and placed you back on the seat, squeezing your hand, a silent promise he’d be back. Wil grabbed the gun as he examined it. 
“Yo, wait- does that work?” 
“It doesn’t got a magazine.” Wil said before pointing it at Charlie. 
“Whoa! Whoa!” 
 “No, just give it a- I can take it man. Here I can take it-“ charlie insisted as he went up and set the guns barely to be directly aiming at his mouth. 
“No, I’m doing it, I’m doing it. I promise you-“ 
You rested your head on the back of chair as you watched the men go back and forth, playing with a gun. Like children.
“Is there any resources in here we can use?” Wil said as he hopped on the chair you were once sitting in, now sitting on the dusty floor watching them all .
“Uh- I see about 3 metal, 2 screws, 5 paper, a water right there.” Ranboo started listing everything he saw. 
“I’ve got a bit of a tall order here.” Wil said as he looked down at all of us, standing at a good 8-9 feet with the chair. 
“That’s true cause you’re up, yeah, that’s good.” 
“Does anybody know how to craft?”
Wil asked as Charlie started laughing. 
“I was hoping you’d ask-“ Charlie then turned around and started waving his hand around like he was casting some spell close to the ground. 
“What is he doing?” Tom asked confused as you shook your head and smiled at the man. 
“Camouflage.” Charlie presented the packaged camo tarp they bought earlier for the video. 
Wil and Tom came over to you as they asked you to open the material, since they were struggling to break the plastic. 
“Jesus, this is sad-“ you took the package as you ripped it open and handed it to them. 
“Wanna come over here, y/n? We could use some help over here!” Tom said as he held out his hands to you. You nodded as you placed your hand in his, slowly getting up from your sitting position as Tom smiled at you and walked over to the rest of the group, you close behind. 
“Everyone knows golfers are the weakest of the species.” Wil said as you joined his side as Tom and Ran went over and did their own thing.
“Excuse me?” 
“He’s got a point, Phil. Sorry.” You patted his shoulder as Charlie agreed. 
“So what I’m thinking what we do. The creatures, they- they respond to sound, but they can’t see you. He’s invisible.” Wil said to Charlie as he held Phil’s head. 
“Who’s invisible?” 
“Tiger Wattson.” Wilbur said, as you clapped your hands and pointed at them all. 
“So that’s his name! Nice to know-“ you joked as Wil laughed and Phil shook his head. 
Wilbur finished laughing as he looked at Phil again. “Tiger listen. If you go out there, they won’t be able to see you-“ 
“But they can smell you.” 
“Wha-“ Phil said as Wilbur chef kissed.
“They can hear you.” Wilbur said as a honk noise appeared out of no where. 
“That doesn’t make me feel better about the smelling me thing-“ 
“Don’t worry, you’re fine! Go get ‘em!” You said as you pushed him towards the door. 
“Tiger! Come here.” Wil beckoned Phil over as everyone wondered where he went. “I may not get to say this again to you before I throw you to your almost certain demise.” 
“Not helping-“ you told him as he continued. 
“But I’m gonna say it now, go get ‘em Tiger.” Wilbur said as he pushed Phil out the door and closed it. “And now we can share the fort between 4 people instead of 5.” Wil said as he stood in front of everyone, please and cheers came his way. 
“Very inspiring. I could tell you meant it too!” You said as you patted Wil’s chest.
“Thank you, I felt like it was needed-“ 
“Hey I just noticed when I- yeah, so when we high-fived, I just noticed, I feel like I saw just super quick, just like a little-“ 
You saw it as well, grabbing his wrist gently and bring it down to examine it. You knew it was there the whole time, have putting it there earlier before filming, but still going with the bit.
“Oh no.” 
“Wil-“ your force came out hushed and fear laced the word. Wilbur looked down at you concerned but quickly realized that it was for the big and relaxed. 
“It’s a- it’s a little tiny tiny scratch.” Wil said as he hid his arm from staring eyes. You quickly brought his arm back down  and giving the “wound” a kiss and smiling up at him. 
“Better?” You asked as he rested his forehead on yours.
“100%.” Wil whispered to you as he brought his lips to yours in a short thankful kiss as Phil opened the door on the opposite side of the room. 
“Guys I did it! Come on, come on!” Phil whispered to all of us and we all ran out the room. 
“Go! go! Not that way! Wait- yes that way!” Wil yelled, as we all followed and yelled at him for being indecisive at the moment. 
Running a little bit farther, Wil found a door, guiding us all to go through, Charlie going through a little weird hole in the wall. 
After getting him through the wall, Wilbur crouched down and held his arm, looking down at the mark on his skin in worry, making sure no one was watching. Yet forgetting you were behind him. 
“Wil what happened?” You whispered down to him, knowing the cameras were on and wanted to create a bit of a story. 
“I- Nothing I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, what we need to worry about is getting out of here.” Wil said, grabbing your hands and bringing them up to your mouth to give your knuckles a kiss. “You need to get out of here and I’ll make sure you do.” 
You softly smiled up at him as Elodie made a gagging noise as you two stared at each other. 
“Didn’t need to see that.” They said as they turned the camera off briefly and looked at you with an uneasy look .
“Oh c’mon on! It was good, right?” Wil asked out in the open as you swung your hands in his and nodded as Elodie rolled their eyes and nodded as well, silently admitting that the “sickeningly sweet” scene was really cute. 
“And now, the end is near-“ 
“And so I face, the final curtain-“ 
“Guys I was wrong, it’s no time for Sinatra.” Wil admitted as he slowly got up from his sitting position as you and Ran came into the cameras view. 
“Those guys know how to sing.” Ranboo told the camera as you nodded. 
“Almost as good as me-“
“I was about to say that!” Ranboo added on as he looked down at you and nodded.
“Guys, I have a fucking idea. Tiger-“ 
“Do you carry some of your patented Tiger’s scent cologne?” Wil asked as Phil confirmed he in fact did as you looked at all of them with furrowed eyebrows. 
“If we can make one of the zombies smell like a professional golfing star…” Wil left the sentence open as Phil clicked the idea together. “Whip out the spray.” 
“Why did that sound-“ you started but quickly shit your mouth before anything else came out, Tommy overhearing the little joke you were going to make and laughing. 
Phil pretended to look for it as he then suddenly found it and went to the opening of the room. “This is Tiger’s essence.” 
“Go Phil! Spray!” Tom yelled as Phil started to get attacked by the crawling zombies. Phil made a hissing noise as he moved his hand everywhere, trying to get the “cologne” everywhere he could. 
As he sprayed, all of you figured out a way to get out of them room, having realized you were cornered. You all ran out the room, running as fast as you could up stairs and down some halls to an empty open room. 
“Wait where’s Wil?” You asked as you finally got out of the rush of adrenaline and realized Wil’s hand wasn’t in yours nor was he infront or behind you. 
“Wil?!” Tom yelled as he soon realized too.
Everyone yelled your boyfriends name, worried as to where he was, but decided to continue on if they didn’t want to be eaten. Yet you and Tom both were deciding if pausing and looking for Wil was a good idea. 
“He’s fine, he’s probably following the actors. Plus Elodie’s with him so!” David told you as ease ran through your body, thankful that at least someone was with him. 
“Guys wait! Come back, come back. This is the perfect, circuit! This is it! This is the dark circuit!” Charlie declared as he looked at all of us, yet none of us were buying it. 
“I think this is just a circle-“ 
“Please don’t make me run anymore-“ you whispered out next to Phil as he patted you on the back and gave you a soft smile which you returned. 
“All we have to do, is run around continuously-“ 
“And we’ll go so fast that they explode!” 
“That’s right Tom! Alright! Is everyone ready?”
“I’ll sit out-“ you said as you leant against the wall.
“Here if you sit there in the little cave, I’ll protect you with my club.” Phil offered as you slowly moved to sit in the corner. 
“Thank you Phil.” You smiled appreciatively up at him as Charlie stated that he was absolutely delusional. Once the zombies appeared, they all started running. 
“We’re going to die.” You declared as you rubbed your head. Maybe this wasn’t the best video for your to do. 
“Yup! Are you alright?” Phil agreed as he continued to fight or the zombies. 
“Yeah, I forgot my medicine this morning and I forgot water so. Yay!” You put your fist in the air as a celebration while Phil laughed. 
“We can ask for some water? We can stop real quick.” 
“No it’s ok. I’ll be ok.” You said, more for yourself than anyone else. Phil nodded as the rest of them arrived back and and ran down one of the halls. 
“Guys come on! This way- you alright Y/n?” Ranboo asked as he saw your state. 
“Yeah can I have help up?” You asked as Ran nodded and lifted you up. 
“Want a piggy back ride?” 
“Ranboo you don’t have too-“ 
“Come on! I know you aren’t doing good right now, so please.” Ranboo insisted as he bent down.
“Thank you, I’m sorry.” You said as you hopped on his back and held onto him. 
“Hey no need for apologies, it’s my pleasure!” 
Ranboo jogged until he caught up with the rest of them who were waiting, you giving all of them an apologetic smile as they all gave you an understanding look and small ‘it’s ok, we know’ smile back.
“Guys you go on! This’ll stop them!” Charlie said as you looked behind you and saw him doing the stanky leg, shaking your head and laughing at him. “It’s not working! Oh god!” 
Charlie started to scream for all of us to run and go. You all found a little staircase leading up as Tom and Charlie found tables and object to put in front of it. Ranboo put you down as you went up the stairs, everyone following close behind. 
“Thank you, and I’m sorry again.” You told all of them in general as you slid down the wall, needing some sort of support. 
“Hey, it’s ok. We’ll get you some water soon, promise. You have nothing to apologize for.” All of them agreed with Phil as you smiled up at them and curled up, wanting the pounding in your head to stop, but kept with the video anyways.
“I unlocked a new recipe.” Charlie said as he paced. 
“What do you need, Charlie?” 
“I need wood and I need stone” Charlie declared as ranboo gave him a gun. 
“Here! Here’s a rock!” You said as you lifted the big rock you found next to you and gave it to the man. 
“Oh, thank you!” Charlie said as he nodded down at you in thanks as you saluted back. 
You all heard yelling coming up the stairs as Wil’s silhouette comes into view as he yells and runs into Tom. 
“It’s me! It’s me!” Wil yelled at Tom as he pushed him back and held his fist up. 
“Tom I still need your wood!” Charlie demanded as you shook your head. 
“What the hell is going on?!” You whined out as the stupid situation made no sense. Wil fell to the ground, covering his face as he came too.
“He’s alive! He’s not- wait! Did you get bit?”
“No.” Wil said as he got up and looked around, finally spotting you on the ground, quickly going over to you and crouching down and cupping your cheek, making your eyes flutter open. “Darling…” 
“I’m ok, I just need water.” You confirmed before he could say anything. 
“Hey guys, can we stop real quick and get some water?” Wil asked the group as they all nodded and agreed that they probably needed some water too. 
Charlie walkied down to the rest of the crew, asking if they could get some water, which would be given and brought shortly. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered out to Wil as he held you to his chest. “I shouldn’t have come.” 
“Hey, love. You’re ok, you didn’t know it’d get this bad and we didn’t think we’d do this much running. Which now I’m thinking about it, that’s pretty stupid of us. Besides that,” Wil was cut off by your laughter. “Don’t give yourself a hard time over this. You and the rest of us come before content. Always. And if we have to stop for a little water break, that’s very much needed, so be it.” Wil finished as you smiled against his neck and nodded. 
“Thank you.” You whispered to him as Russ came with an arm full of water bottles, handing you one first. Wil responded to your thanks with a kiss on your head as he squeezed your hand three times. 
Cheesy bastard. 
“It’s almost done. It’s almost done!” Charlie declared as he waved his hand around infront of Tommy as he screamed in pain and agony. All of you were watching in pure confusion and terror as the scene played out.
“I crafted your dick into a gun.” 
“Oh fuck this.” You said as you looked at the pair in disgust. As much as you loved both of them, some bits were just- weird. Weirder than weird. 
“Wilbur look at me.” 
“What’s up man?” Wil asked as he stepped forward towards Tom. 
“You’re the only man it trust with my dick-gun…..” Tom said as he gave the gun to Wil. 
“Well yeah, I served in the arm forces for 32 years.” Wil said as he took the gun in his hands, leaving you bewildered at the statement. 
“Wait, hold up-“ you said as you did mental math in your head. 
“Wait how old are you?” Charlie asked the question that you were desperately trying to figure out. 
“I’m 41.” 
“I- ok when I said I liked older men, that’s not what I meant.” You joked as everyone laughed around you. 
“Wait, I gotta make sure the gun is any good, cause I did just craft it. It’s like a make shift so it doesn’t- it’s not like, the stats aren’t super high so just make sure that it- yeah. No just- I can take it. I can take it.” Charlie said, again wanting Wil to shoot him and make sure the equipment worked as he aimed it at the man. 
“Oh, it’s jammed. Hold on.” Wil said as he fixed the gun and pointed it again. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t- ok.” You cut off your sentence as Wil pointed it again and it was yet again jammed. 
“Do you have friendly fire?” Charlie said as Wil shot the ceiling as the gun went off. 
“Oh there we go- oh it’s fucking jammed again!”
“Ok! That’s it! Give me the gun!” You held your hand out to Wil as he held it away from you. 
“Not my dick-gun!” 
“Wil give me the fucking gun!” 
“No frankly I don’t think you should have it since Tommy only trusted me-“ 
 “Yeah well! If you have the gun you’re gonna shoot someone’s eye out so give me the fucking gun.” You said one last time, getting close to his face as his eyes widened and mouth quivered. 
“Ok.” He whispered to you as he handed you the gun. 
“Thank you-“ 
“Can I see it?!” Charlie said as as he tried to grab the gun from you. 
“Wait, no Charlie-“ 
“Is that a light?!”
“Charlie watch out!” Wil said as he grabbed the gun and Charlie pulled the trigger, making air pop out of the object and all of you popping back from it. 
“Ah! I’m blind in one ear! I mean deaf!” 
We all followed Wil as he lead us back to the beginning where we started. 
“This was pure goofy Looney Tunes trap!” 
“That didn’t do us any good-“ you whispered under your breath. 
“It was a beautiful creation!” Charlie said to you as you shook your head and patted his back. 
“Sure thing bud. Think that.” You said as you followed behind Phil as Wil led the way. 
“Oh man-“ Charlie said as you all heard groaning behind you.
“Hang on guys, I got this!” Wil said as he pointed his gun at the shadows as the groaning got closer to reveal Ranboo in all his might. 
“Jesus christ-“ 
“That was a good one!” Charlie said as Phil clutched his chest and told Ran that he was seconds away from being dead. 
“It was a funny little prank man! Don’t be so uptight! Grandpa.” Ranboo said as you bursted out laughing and fist bumped them. 
“This is where it began! Sporky!” Charlie yelled as he ran to his spork. 
Coming up behind Wil, you wrapped your arms around his waist as he flinched and turned to see who was holding onto him, relaxing once he saw you. 
“Well hello!” He said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around your neck, pulling you closer. 
“ hello!” You smiled back, nuzzling back into his warmth. You all followed Charlie to where the utensil lie, circling him. 
“I thought I lost you forever! Every utensil, all in one. Together again. Let’s have some fun.” Charlie said as he lifted the object to his lips and kissed it. 
“Did he-“ 
“Did he just kiss it?” Ranboo said, curious of the same thing. 
“He kissed it.” Wil confirmed as he went up to Ranboo. “Look, motherfucker. If you had a part spoon, part fork, part knife, you’d be kissing it too.” Wil said as Charlie moved the spork in the air, silently worshipping it. 
“I’d be more than kissing it, imma be real.” Ranboo confessed. 
“Why don’t you just, eat with it? That’s what it’s for.” You said as they all gasped and Charlie looked at you. 
“This, is much more than a thing you use for food. This is a sacred object.”
“Reach nirvana. Reach your element.” Wilbur said as Charlie lifted the spoon up once again. 
“Guys!” Tom said as Wilbur acknowledged his presence. “The zombies are coming!” 
“No guys, I’ll fend them off.” Charlie said as lifted his spork and the rest of you were sprinting up the stairs and onto the upper land. 
“Wait! Get rad.” Tom said as he took Charlie’s glasses off. 
“Wait- oh shit! Where did everything go?!” Charlie said as Tom ran off. Wilbur started to shoot at random as Ranboo collected Charlie and helped him up the steps. 
“There’s some plants there. It’s plants vs zombies! Hey-“ Ranboo said as continues to help Charlie and defend them both. 
“Guys come on, we gotta go!” You yelled as fear settled back into your bones as you looked at the crowd of zombies appearing. 
“Hang on this guy might be a stair guy.” Charlie said as the boys all gathered around to look at the zombie who they assumed was a “stair guy.” 
“Which ones the stair guy?” You asked Wil as he pointed at the one that started climbing one of the steps. 
“Oh that’s two! If he gets to give we’re in trouble!” Wil said as we all backed up. 
You all started to walk to the opposite of the pit away from the stairs as many of them started climbing the steps and roaming then land. 
“I’m gonna need to go for a scoop! This is a very risky scoop!” Charlie said as he made a scooping motion to the lady that was following us. 
You followed Wil as he went to the edge to get rid of some of the zombies, to find the gun jammed yet again. 
“Shit! It’s not um-“ 
“Wil! This can’t happen right now!” 
“I’m trying! I’m out of ammo!” Wil said as he started to skip over to the group leaving you to follow him. 
“Take the spork and then swing it, okay?” Charlie instructed Tom as you all walked away from the herd that was following you. 
“This is so fucked man.” Charlie said as you looked at him and nodded.
“I’ve been saying that the whole time, thank you!” You said as you saw Phil jump from the ledge and trip as he did. “Phil!” Phil swung the club around and hit the girl in the head as he looked back up to us as we all clapped and praised him for his approach. 
Wil helped you down yet again, noticing the big drop of the ledge. After placing you on the ground, he held your hand and walked over to the rest of the group. 
“What’s he doing?” You asked out in the open as Tom lifted his hand and one of the zombies pretended to choke and die. 
“He has the forces apparently!” Ranboo said as he came back over. 
“Of course he does.” You said as you shook your head with a smile. 
“Guys, I have the force!”
“Are you some fucking side kick?! What?” 
“How did you just do that?!” Phil said as you all watched him use it again and again. 
As you all asked him questions you heard running coming from behind you and saw Wil. “We have to go! Tom. Come! Come!” Wil said as he ran into the building again, all of you following close behind. 
As you went deeper and deeper into the  tunnels and building, you noticed Wil getting paler and slower. 
“Wil, man hey! Dude are you alright?” Charlie asked for you.
“Yeah I’m fine. No it’s cool! It’s cool. Don’t worry about it.” Wil said as he leant against the wall and rubbed his face. You looked up at him with concern but his smile that he gave you drew the worry out of your body a bit. 
As you all continued down the tunnels, making left and rights, going through random rooms, Wil started to limp and fall against the wall. Charlie offered him his shoulder as Wil wrapped his arm around his neck. 
“I feel hot. It’s like in my veins!”
“You are hot! You are so hot man.” Charlie said as he continued to carry Wil with him. 
“Are they flirting?” You asked Phil as you looked at the the two men ahead of you. 
“Who knows.” Phil said as you nodded with him as Charlie and Wil went back and forth about thinking sexy. 
“You’re so damp, man!” Charlie said as Wil groaned in pain and apologized. 
“This is like a shitty gay unrequited love short film…” you said out loud as Phil started to laugh and Wil started to run.
“I’m gonna be so fucking ripped- OH!” He yelled as zombies appeared in the doorway. “Okay and- down to the right!” Wil said as he crouched down and ran away, the rest of us following. 
You and Charlie made sure Wil was staying up right as you roamed and looked through the building for something, anything.
At this point you were pretty sure you were lost. 
“The adrenaline is wearing off-“ 
“You don’t look okay , man!” 
“I’m fine!” Wil said in a shaky tone. 
“Now you just sound like a white girl-“ you admitted to Wil as he turned to look at you with a smile. 
“‘I’m fine! I just have a zombie bite in my arm but it’s ok!’” You said in a high pitch voice as Wil and Charlie bursted out laughing at the imitation. 
“Ok that was fucking good!” Charlie said as he fist bumped you. 
“I can try sucking it out of the wound-“ 
“That’s not gross at all…” you whispered out as you searched around the room. 
“It’s ok, it’s not snake venom. The fucking bear trap!” Wil whined as he held his arm.
“I can try to suck the- suck the bears out.” 
All of you paused and looked at Charlie with a confused look. “What?” 
“I think I might be feverish too.” 
Tom brought it to our attention that zombies were coming both ways, which caused a panic to arise in the group. 
“Boys, if we don’t make it out, just know, you’ve been okay!” Wil told us all as I scoffed at his way of being nice. 
The conversation were all cut off by a gun going off from down the hall. 
“Oh shit, someone’s shooting!” 
You all coward away from the noice but your attention was caught on a women that had camo and darker attire on.
“This is an evac! Follow me, this way, right now! Come on, let’s go!” You all stood around confused as the women screamed and was taken down by the zombies. Hiding away from the scene in terror, Wil brought you into his chest and told you that he’d protect you no matter what. 
“Get the gun! Get the gun!” Wil yelled out as the gun was facing our way and so close.
“I really thought she knew what she was doing.” Charlie said as he held his hands behind his head. “I’m just gonna- I’m just gonna take this if no one else is gonna need this.” 
Charlie grabbed the gun as he went towards the gate hoarded by zombies as Wil told him to say something cool as it makes the gun shoot harder. What ever the fuck that meant.
“Uh uh, CUMZINGA?!” Charlie said as he shot it from between his legs, taking down a good bunch of them. Wil quickly opened the gate as you all started to run down the hall, away from any more zombies. 
“Put some wood in me, please?” Wil asked as you all went upstairs to see Wil holding a plank of wood.
“Cheating on me already?!” You said jokingly as you clutched your heart in pain as Wil shook his head and carried the wood over to the steps as zombies crept closer. 
“I’ll show you my wood, alright.” Charlie said as he started shooting at the zombies again. You shook your head as the jokes got worse and worse as they went.
Blocking the stairs, you all gathered back into the middle as Wil asked if this reminds any of us of squid games. 
“Um…. no, because I’d much rather die in this scenario.” You said honestly as you joined Ranboo against the wall. 
“This is so dumb-“ 
“That’s what I’m saying. We’re all going to die….” You told Ran as he looked at you with furrowed brows.
“You’re really on about this death thing.” Ranboo confessed to you as you nodded and looked at him. 
“I watch too many shows.” 
“Fair enough!” 
“Ow! My fucking foot!” You heard Charlie yell as you went over to join Tom and him in whatever they were doing. 
“Here Tom, give me the gun.” You said as he placed the weapon in your hand as you pointed it at his other leg “Charlie if you want to make it bearable, you gotta trust me!” You told the man as he looked at you with fearful eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” 
“Making it better!” You told him as you show his knee. 
“Fuck! That didn’t make it better!”
“He’ll be fine.” You waved it off as you handed the gun back to Tom.
After Wil and Charlie spent a good 5 minutes listing off random cheeses they could make and worrying about Charlie, Wil said there was an extraction. 
“There’s a way out! There’s hope. There’s hope for us.” Wil said in a soft tone as he looked around at all of us. 
“Isn’t an extraction when you get the oil and you put it in the pan?”
“Yes! Extra virgin!” 
“Ok what is your deal with extra virgin olive oil?!” You asked in a genuine tone as you looked at the man. 
“No, isn’t extraction when you have the lufa and you rub it in a clockwise motion on your skin?” 
“No that’s- that’s exfoliation!” Ranboo clarified to Charlie as they bounced back and forth trying to figure out what extraction was. 
“Guys, shut the fuck up for a second!” Phil harshly yelled at the boys as you silently thanked the older man. “There’s an extraction point. Somewhere. Somewhere there’s an extraction point. Someone came down here, with guns, and ammo, and armour. They are prepped. They are ready, they can help us.” Phil said as you hugged him and thanked him for his wise words. 
“So where do we go?” 
“Out. Where she came from.” 
“What do you mean out?!” Wil asked as you placed your head on the wall from all these stupid questions. 
“We have to go back from where she came from!” 
“Phil what does her mom have to do with this?” A long pause rested over the group as Phil took in the words Charlie just spoke. “She came from her mom Phil!” 
“She came from the tunnels!” That was the last thing you heard before you tuned everything out and placed your body weight against Wil, just wanting to be close to him. 
Wil fell against the wall a few seconds later, worry taking over your body. 
“You ok man? You good? You doing okay?” Ranboo asked as Wil lifted a fist bump up to him. “Pound it.” 
“Can you get my glasses?” Wil asked you as you nodded and reached into his pocket that stored way too much shit in them and pulled out the glasses he barely wears. “Thank you darling.” Wil said as he gave you a peck.
As Wilbur pulled Charlie aside, and the rest of the boys were doing their own thing, Phil teaching Tom and Ranboo the ways of his club, you decided to listen in on Wilbur and Charlie’s conversation. 
“I need to ask something of you man.” 
“Anything for you, man.” Charlie said as you peaked your head around the corner and saw Wil and Charlie sat on the floor as Charlie held him. 
“Tell me where are you from? How’d you end up here? What’s your story?” Wil asked as you truly believed they were about to break out into song yet again that night. 
 “Well, my mother was a humble hot dog maker-“ 
“Oh Jesus Christ, please no…” you whispered as Wilbur cracked a smile, hearing your not so quiet pleads for Charlie to just stop, hating how that part of the story went for that video. 
“She sat there all day and, plugged those pigs into those casings until the sun went down.” Charlie looked directly into the camera, voice brought up to add dramatic effect. 
“That actually sounds- why’d you make it sound so gruesome??” You asked as you walked up to them, quickly sliding down on the other side of Wilbur.
“Gotta add some storyline-“
“Know what, fair. I respect it.” You fist bumped Charlie as they continued the bit, Ran and Toms yelling slowly seeping into the recording. 
“She slipped those boars up and she sausaged them. And then, she sausaged me, and I was born.” Charlie finished as you looked at him with disgust, yet having the best idea ever. 
“So she pooped you out?” You asked as Charlie and Wil both sputtered and laughed, not being able to respond normally to that.
“What the fuck?!” Wil asked as he looked at you.
“Well he said she sausaged him so-“ you said, trying to help them connect the dots you did. 
“Oh god, that got me.” Charlie said as he wiped his eyes, making you and while laugh a bit more. “And ever since I was born, I’ve had a call. A calling, a calling to dog. A calling to keep dogging, no matter what. To always be raw dogging it and- and I was a hot dog for a bit. I was like a hot dog mascot and I was selling my hot dogs all across the land. I thought I had that dog in me. But the problem was, I put that dog in them. And those dogs, I think that’s what started all of this.” Charlie ranted about his hot dog past as Wil nuzzled into your neck and whined and groaned to add effect as to what was happening to him. 
“You think the hot dogs started it?” Wil asked as he leant back up and looked at Charlie. 
“I think the dogs started this.” Charlie said as a dramatic pause took over. 
“I got the dog in me. I got the dog in me, I got the dog in me-“ you started lightly singing as Wil and Charlie slowly started to join in. 
“Sorry dogs?” 
“Yeah, sorry dogs. There was a like a little , a little dog, it was like in a little hot dog bun-“ 
“Oh yeah! I remember that! Good dogs, tasted a little funny, but good. Handsome chef as well-“ you said as Wil smiled in your neck briefly and kissed it lightly. 
“Dog, Charlie. Have you ever had a really good spaghetti bolognese with meatballs?” Wil asked as you looked at him with furrowed brows. 
“What the fuck is that?!”
“No?” You and Charlie said at the same time as you both looked at him with confusion. “I only eat hot dogs.” 
“Can I describe, a really good-“ 
“Lay down, lay down.” Charlie quickly placed Wil against the wall as you went back with him, placing your hand in his hair and gently rubbed as he painted slightly and held his arm. “Is this your favorite food?” Charlie asked as Wil nodded and leant against your shoulder. “Here, tell us about it, ok? Tell us about your favorite food.”
“There was- so- there’s a word they use in a little country you may have heard of called Rome.”
“The word spaghetti?”
“Al dente-“ once the word came out of his mouth, you started laughing, thinking the way he said it and the context of the situation made the word better than it was.
“I’m sorry, proceed-“
“Of the tooth. Now what you do is you cook the spaghetti, until it’s just cooked through enough. That’s is Al dente. You mix in some tomatoes, some onions-“ you and Charlie made some comments and noises at the food being mentioned, all of you being hungry and Wil talking about food not making it better.
“Crunch. Crunch.” 
“Yeah! Caramelized is the best.”
“Oh damn…”
“Oh god!” Both you and Charlie made comments of praise at the mention of good food. 
“Throw on some meatballs. Some purée. Mix it all together… you don’t know what i- I’d kill for some hot dogs and ketchup and bolognese. Bolognese spaghetti, hot dogs-“ 
“No hot dogs, just think of the bolognese, ok?” Charlie told Wil as he started to writhe underneath your arm. 
“Hot dogs do sound kinda good tho-“ you whispered under your breathe, the mic picking it up slightly.
“Are you feeling a radiating in your face?”
“No not even close-“
“Just you babe.” You patted his shoulder as he curled up more against you.
“I’m feeling it’s like up through my my nodes.” 
“You’re what?!” You said while laughing.
“I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to picture that bolognese, ok?” 
“Or me, but either works!” You whispered in his ear as he leant back and closed his eyes with a hint of a smile forming, taking your hand in his and squeezing. 
“Did you go to the bolognese?”
“I’m there, I’m there.” 
“You’re at the bolognese. Now I want you to take a bite on three, ok?” Charlie said as he brought his hands up to Wilbur’s head, one on his chin and one on the top of his head. 
“Wait, Charlie-“ you tried to intervene but it didn’t work. Wil opened his mouth as Charlie said the words again. “Charlie don’t.” Your voice turned desperate as you made eye contact with him, which he gave you a determined look back. 
“On three, ok. Ok, one… two…”
Charlie took more than a few seconds to breathe as Wil held his mouth open. You were waiting for something to happen, but it never came until-
“ three!” Charlie turned Wilbur’s neck as he fell against you, head in your chest as you looked down at him in terror and disbelief.
“No. No no no! Charlie what the fuck did you do?! Wil? Wil wake up.. please!” You said, tears making their way into your eye line as the camera died off. 
“Damn that was good!” Charlie said giving you a fist bump as Wil sat up slightly. 
“Thanks! Drama club helped!” You said as you wiped your eyes from any tears. 
Wil looked up at you and cupped your face as he pulled you down, gently bringing you into a soft kiss full of love, happiness and smiles. “Good job, darling. Made me believe I might actually be dead.” He whispered to you as he caressed your cheek. 
“Thank you, my love. But if you were actually dead I would’ve gone full on psycho and probably murder Charlie.” You joked as you looked up at him with a smile as he quickly rubbed the back of his neck and said something about leaving, making Wil laugh more. 
After all the boys argued about feeding him to the zombies, overall deciding to even after you yelled at all of them that they’d leave him here to rest as you rubbed his head and held him, still keeping up the distant and revengeful persona. 
As they carried him out of your arms and down the hall to groaning people, you held the gun in your hands Wil had and followed silently, not wanting to be apart of this dreadful experience, seeing your boyfriend get swarmed with half dead people. 
“Fucking cruel.” You whispered to yourself as Wil watched with you, shaking his head. 
“It’s ok, we’ll get out of here, alright?” Phil said as you nodded and left with the rest of them .
Running down halls and tunnels, all trying to find the extraction point, Charlie cried about turning Wil to pasta.
“Should’ve fucking listen to me before turning my boyfriend into mush yeah?!” You yelled at them, still feeling a little upset they decided to feed him to the herd. 
As you guys came across steps, Charlie pointed out a sign that clearly said “way out.” 
“Well if it’s the way out, get going!” You yelled as you hurriedly pushed past and ran up the steps. Coming out the doors to the night sky and crisp air, you all looked around as you laughed and spun around, letting the fresh air and earth take you in its wake. 
“I smell survival that way.” Tom said as he pointed to the right. 
“I smell goo.” 
You shook your head as you all followed Tommy once the zombies started coming back. As you all got to the gate, all of you realized it was locked. Well, most of you. 
“Here, Tom.” You pointed to a little lock that he turned and opened the gate as you all ran, Charlie staying clung to the metal bars, shaking and yelling to let him out. “Charlie here! Come on!” 
“Charlie!” You all yelled out for the man but realized it was too late once the herd reached him and took him in their grasp.
“Charlie’s gone down. So will I- actually no I’m scared, I’m scared.” 
“Pussy.” You said to him as you all stood there waiting for something to happen. 
“Hey! Actually I’m very much a strong-“ 
“Car! Go to the car!” Ranboo yelled as you all started running again. As you all started to slow down and look for the car, Phil decided it was his turn to stay back and help defend us. 
“You have to go-“ 
“Phil, no!” All of you yelled out as Phil started to get attacked by some zombies, you pulling both of them away, already knowing his fate.
“Come on! There’s no time! He already chose!” You yelled as you all ran a bit more you all saw a car sitting there, on and ready to go. 
You all hoped in, sitting across the back seats as you all slumped and rested as you told the driver where to go. 
“We’re safe, I think we’re ok!” Ranboo said as you leant against Tom in relief. All of you being able to breathe for once after hours in end of agony and pain. 
Hearing groaning, both you and Tom’s eyes popped wide as you both looked back to see a sickly looking Wilbur. 
“Tom?” Ranboo asked worriedly as Wilbur just sat there for a minute before launching at you and Tom, both of you screaming as Wil toppled on top of you both.
Screams turned into laughter as Wil’s hands gently dug into the sides of your and Tom’s side, tickling you both briefly as he retracted back into the trunk.
“Was I scary?” Wil asked as he smiled at you three. 
“Hmm… no but you do look really pretty.” You smiled at him as the car stopped and you all got out.
Going to the back you opened the trunk and let Wil out as he sat on the edge of the car, letting you stand between his legs as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hand resting on your hips. 
“Am I always pretty and handsome to you? Even when I’m trying to be scary or cringey or-“ 
You cut him off with a short kiss as you smiled down at him. 
“Yes. Always. Now let’s get this stuff off of you, it looks itchy.” 
“Oh it is!” 
taglist; @mysticalsoot (wanna be added? Send an ask or dm!)
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handlersandhumans · 2 months
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IC-40: Aenocyon
"Bite Down"
Three more buildings fell, old skyscrapers and apartment complexes buckling and failing like a child’s toy city. All of it just to provide a smokescreen for Bite Down to approach, for molten Coral to rain down on BAWS weaponry and kill anything inside. If the temperature didn’t, the radiation would.
The Wall simply couldn’t hold. ASC cannon shots, jagged chainsaw wounds, Coral contamination, and high-velocity missile impacts tore artillery installations from their perches, tumbling down to the ground with great chunks of concrete and steel.
The pilot of the BAWS tetrapod died screaming, having chosen to stay behind in defiance of their leader’s orders. Ideas about “heroic defense” and its ilk failed to buckle in the face of Flatwell’s announcement that the Wall was lost.
They did buckle as the chainsaw tore their piloting capsule apart.
Build Below Cut:
Right Hand Weapon: JVLN Alpha (Over Arms Load Limit) Left Hand Weapon: Double Trouble Chainsaw Right Shoulder Weapon: 12-Cell Vertical Missiles Left Shoulder Weapon: 12-Cell Vertical Missiles Head: Melander C3 (Doggi :3) Core: Nachtreiher Arms: Basho (Max melee spec) Legs: Spring Chicken Booster: P06SPD (Max Boost speed to make up for high weight) FCS: Talbot (Close Range and Missile Lock Correction) Generator: NGI 000 Expansion: Assault Armor Additional Notes: If you want an AC more focused for AC-on-AC combat, swap out the JVLN Alpha for nearly any other grenade launcher/bazooka.
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hirocimacruiser · 2 years
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Secret technique!! Transmission from the master
First set your direction!!:
The modified machines and aero parts created by Mr. Sugiyama of Madhouse are all so cool that they make people groan.
Not only is it stylish, but it's functional as well. How do you build such a machine?
Photography: Takahito Naito Editorial Department
There is a factory called Madhouse in one corner of the Fuji race village. In the world of racing and other parts of the automobile industry (they also work on show models for motor shows), the factory is famous for its FRP body molding technique and its eccentric ideas. Its representative is Satoshi Sugiyama, commonly known as Mad Sugiyama. He seems to have a job as a hobby.) He has released many modified machines to the world. In the past, it was a mid that was created based on the original CR-X.
There is MidShip Sports' "Bummuhle", and as the latest work there is a Grp5 machine created based on a Cara "Cara-R ". “Modification is different for each car and each target, so it’s hard to say how to make it cool. So, I am doing modifications in pursuit of speed.
It is a machine that has the potential to aim for the top in light car endurance races (which I participate in as a hobby), maximum speed, Zeroyon, Tsukuba Attack, etc. At first, we basically made a normal car based on the AZ-1, but we soon saw the limits. In that case, I decided to thoroughly modify the car using the same method as forming a group, and here it is. Even with aero parts, I thought about how to make the air flow efficiently.
The shape of the rear hood was also determined by that. The light that acts as a resistance is also embedded in the front spoiler because it is for endurance racing. So it's a completely different car, including the body. But, since it's based on the Cara, I deliberately left in the part that it's the same as driving on a public road. Considering only the aerodynamics, it would be better if the line between the front and rear over fenders, that is, the door part, was on the same side as the fenders, but if you do that, it will lose its character. The door is a very characteristic part of the Cara, so I have to leave it alone. That's why I dared to make it the same shape as the normal one (the door is also molded with FRP for weight reduction). And the keyhole of the door is purposefully pasted with a dummy.”
While pursuing functionality, we do not forget that it is a modification only for the base machine. Finally, let's hear some points about modding.
"First of all, the person who wants to do it
It is better to clarify the orientation and image.
Racing for Caras to run fast
I made it because it's a joke, so it's like this
rice field. in that direction
how to match
think about what to do
naturally if you go
where, how
if you defy
I can see if it's good
I think
If there is a part of the normal that goes against the overall flow, smoothing it out is one of the fine mods.
The Cara's gull wing door is daringly left normal because it is the part that represents the Cara itself. It is proof that the Cara is the basis.
This part was actually a window, but now it is part of the cowl. But in order not to break the line of the window, I painted it like a window.
The rear cowl was created with the theme of how to circulate the air. These function-oriented parts are tied to coolness.
This bodykit will be on sale next year.
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(1, 4) When the rear hood is opened, it is clearly different from normal. The engine and transmission are placed vertically, and the frame and suspension pipes are installed functionally and intricately. (2,7) Box-shaped fender that protrudes greatly to correspond to the expanded tread. Also, using the overhang, the radiator and intercooler are arranged on the body side. (3,6,8)The cockpit has a roll cage, and the safety tank has been replaced where the passenger seat used to be. ⑤ The tires are Yokohama slicks, but they are hard to find in Japan.
This Cara - R was created with the aim of winning the kei car endurance race, which is just a hobby, and setting the K car fastest record in the zeroyon and Tsukuba attack. The car-making method is reminiscent of the old Grp5. Needless to say, the exterior looks exactly like the Grp5 with its large box-shaped over fenders and front and rear spoilers. But what's surprising is what's inside. Only the monocoque of the cockpit part is based on normal
However, the front and rear are remade with a tube frame.
In addition, the suspension is equipped with a completely different thing with a vibe.
It is Furthermore, the engine and mission
After changing the horizontal position of the normal to the vertical position,
Over 180PS with max.
I'm letting It's such a monster machine.
Fortunately, the contents are normal, but the appearance is
Almost the same complete car (of course Roadgoing) will appear next year.
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sanaavay · 2 days
Ant Esports ICE-211TG ARGB Cabinet (Black) Key Features Futuristic Front Design: Impressive spaceship-inspired conical front panel design to make it stand out from the crowd. Ideal for liquid cooling: With support for a 240mm/280mm radiator in the front and a 240mm on top the case is built for liquid cooling. Well-equipped IO Panel: 1 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0, 1 x Audio, 1 x Mic and Reset button laid out in a vertical fashion for an edgy look. Dual Chamber Design: Separate PSU shroud to assist in cooling as well as in a much cleaner design. ARGB Fans pre-installed: Comes with two 120mm ARGB fans out of the box. Ant Esports ICE-211TG ARGB Cabinet (Black) Specifications Front 140 mm x 2 / 120 mm x 3 Top 120 mm x 2 Bottom 120 mm x 2 Rear 120 mm x 1 Ant Esports ICE-211TG ARGB Cabinet (Black) Specifications
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architechts · 2 days
Bungalow house design- inspiring tips and ideas
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Designing a bungalow house is a wonderful way to create a cozy and comfortable home, especially in a picturesque location like Mahabaleshwar. Whether you're planning new construction or remodelling an existing structure, bungalow house design blends timeless style with modern amenities. From open floor plans to classic details, there are countless inspiring ideas to bring your vision to life. In this blog post, we’ll explore a range of tips and ideas to help you create the perfect bungalow design tailored to the beautiful landscape of Mahabaleshwar.
What Makes a House a Bungalow?
A bungalow is a style of single-family house that originated in Mahabaleshwar, characterized by a low, rectangular structure with a pitched roof and verandas featuring large overhangs. Typically, bungalows have a one-story floor plan and often boast symmetrical designs. Modern bungalow designs incorporate open-concept living areas and larger, more expansive layouts, offering a unique blend of contemporary design and traditional charm.
When designing a bungalow in Mahabaleshwar, it’s essential to consider the local climate and the features you desire in your home. For instance, if you enjoy cooler evenings, adding an enclosed porch or extra bedroom might be ideal. Additionally, for those with an active lifestyle, consider larger bedrooms and bathrooms. Many bungalow plans offer flexible options to incorporate these features seamlessly.
Modular Kitchen for a Smart Bungalow
In modern bungalow design, a well-thought-out kitchen is vital. A modular kitchen is an excellent choice for maximizing available space while creating a functional and stylish area. With pre-determined cabinetry and shelving, modular kitchens provide flexible storage solutions without taking up too much room. These cabinets come in various sizes, colours, and materials, ensuring you find the perfect match for your bungalow's overall style.
By optimizing the layout to create an efficient work triangle—positioning the stove, sink, and refrigerator in close proximity—you can save time and energy while cooking. Sleek pull-out drawers and cupboards help maintain a clutter-free environment, making your kitchen a joy to use.
Mount Everything to the Wall
A crucial tip for designing a modern bungalow is to mount everything to the wall. This strategy opens up floor space and creates a clean, streamlined look. With thoughtful planning, you can ensure your bungalow includes only what you need while maximizing functionality.
Securely anchor mounted items to avoid any safety issues, and consider utilizing ceiling space for lighting fixtures or hanging plants. Be mindful of the height when mounting items—too low can create a cluttered feel, while too high can make access challenging.
Utilize Every Space Possible
Making the most of every available space is essential in modern bungalow design. Here are some tips for maximizing storage and functionality:
Built-in Shelving: Add built-in shelving and cabinets to create valuable storage while keeping your space organized.
Multi-level Storage: Use multi-level drawers and cupboards in the kitchen to accommodate bulkier items like appliances.
Floating Shelves: Incorporate floating or corner shelves to make use of underutilized spaces.
Attic Space: If your bungalow has an attic, consider transforming it into storage, a bedroom, or an office.
Furniture with Storage: Opt for furniture that includes built-in storage, like ottomans with lids or beds with drawer’s underneath.
Use Vertical Space
Maximizing vertical space is key to a functional bungalow. Install wall shelves for books and decorative items, and consider hanging artwork or plants to enhance your decor. Utilizing vertical space can make your living area feel open and inviting while adding a touch of personality.
Modern Radiators: A Stylish Heating Solution
Modern radiators add warmth and style to your bungalow design. When choosing a radiator, consider your space, heating needs, and desired aesthetic. Radiators can be wall-mounted or fitted into alcoves, depending on your layout.
For larger spaces, a designer-style radiator can serve as a luxurious focal point, while a cast iron radiator offers a classic touch. Ensure that your radiator is energy-efficient to keep energy costs low while maintaining a comfortable temperature.
Designing a modern bungalow in Mahabaleshwar is an exciting opportunity to create an inviting and functional home. By utilizing every space, maximizing vertical areas, and mounting items on walls, you can make your bungalow feel larger and more open. Stylish modern radiators will keep your home warm and cozy, even in cooler months. With these tips, you can create the perfect bungalow design that fits your lifestyle and complements the stunning surroundings of Mahabaleshwar. Let us help you bring your dream bungalow to life!
0 notes
lllouisblog · 5 days
Essential Components for Crushing and Milling Equipment: A Detailed Overview
In the industrial and mining sectors, the efficiency and longevity of machinery depend heavily on the quality of its components. This guide explores key parts and accessories for crushing and milling equipment, including cone crusher parts, jaw crusher parts, impactor blow bars, vertical roller mills rollers or tires, hammer mills hammers, wear blocks, cutting edges, storage shelters, stretch hood tubes, and general crusher parts.
Cone Crusher Parts
Cone crushers are used extensively in various industries for secondary and tertiary crushing. Key parts include the mantle, concave, main shaft, and bushings. These components are essential for the efficient functioning and durability of the machine. High-quality materials and precision engineering ensure that cone crusher parts can withstand the high levels of pressure and abrasion they encounter during operation.
Jaw Crusher Parts
Jaw crushers are primary crushers widely used in mining and aggregate production. Important parts include jaw plates, toggle plates, and cheek plates. These components play a critical role in breaking down large rocks into smaller, manageable pieces. Durability and strength are crucial for jaw crusher parts to handle the constant impact and wear they endure.
Impactor Blow Bars
Impactor blow bars are vital for impact crushers, which are used to crush materials by striking them with high-speed rotating bars. These bars must be tough and wear-resistant to handle the intense impact and abrasion. High-chrome and manganese steel blow bars are commonly used for their durability and ability to provide a consistent crushing performance.
Vertical Roller Mills Roller or Tire
Vertical roller mills are used in the cement and mining industries to grind raw materials. The rollers or tires are critical components that apply pressure to the material being ground. These parts must be made from wear-resistant materials to ensure longevity and efficiency. Proper maintenance and timely replacement of rollers or tires can significantly enhance the performance of vertical roller mills.
Hammer Mills Hammers
Hammer mills are used to crush and pulverize materials in various industries. The hammers, which repeatedly strike the material, must be robust and wear-resistant. Alloy steel or manganese steel hammers are commonly used due to their high impact resistance and durability. Regular inspection and replacement of hammers are essential for maintaining the efficiency of hammer mills.
Wear Blocks
Wear blocks are protective components used in various types of crushing and milling equipment to prevent excessive wear and extend the lifespan of the machinery. They are often made from hardened steel or other wear-resistant materials. Proper installation and regular monitoring of wear blocks can help reduce maintenance costs and downtime.
Cutting Edge
Cutting edges are critical for earthmoving and construction equipment, such as bulldozers and graders. These parts are designed to withstand high levels of stress and abrasion while maintaining a sharp edge. High-carbon steel and carbide-tipped cutting edges are popular choices due to their durability and cutting efficiency.
Storage Shelter
Storage shelters are essential for protecting machinery and equipment from the elements. These structures can significantly extend the lifespan of equipment by shielding it from rain, snow, and UV radiation. Properly designed storage shelters also help in maintaining a clean and organized work environment.
Stretch Hood Tube
Stretch hood tubes are used in packaging to secure and protect products during transportation and storage. They provide a tight and secure cover, which helps in preventing damage and contamination. Stretch hood tubes are widely used in various industries, including construction, agriculture, and manufacturing.
Crusher Parts
General crusher parts encompass a wide range of components used in various types of crushers, including jaw crushers, cone crushers, and impact crushers. These parts include bearings, shafts, liners, and gears. High-quality crusher parts are crucial for the reliable and efficient operation of crushing equipment. Regular maintenance and timely replacement of worn-out parts can prevent breakdowns and extend the service life of crushers.
Understanding the essential components of crushing and milling equipment and their respective roles is crucial for maintaining efficient and reliable operations. Whether it's cone crusher parts, jaw crusher parts, or impactor blow bars, using high-quality materials and ensuring proper maintenance can significantly enhance the performance and longevity of machinery. Additionally, protective measures such as wear blocks and storage shelters play a vital role in safeguarding equipment and reducing operational costs.
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sunfiber · 7 days
HDPE Spiral Tank Manufacturer
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Sunfiber is a Manufacturer of HDPE Spiral Tank in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Our Registered Office and Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. An HDPE spiral tank is a type of storage tank made from High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) using a spiral-winding construction method. Available types of Tanks are Vertical Closed Tank, Horizontal Closed Tank, Tanker, Conical Bottom Tank, Conical Top Tank, Open Top Tank, and Underground Storage Tank. Features: Spiral Winding Technology: Provides a seamless and leak-proof construction, enhancing the tank’s strength and durability. High-Density Polyethylene Material: Ensures resistance to chemicals, corrosion, and UV radiation, extending the lifespan of the tank. Customizable Sizes and Capacities: Available in a range of sizes to meet various storage needs, from small-scale applications to large industrial demands. Temperature Resistance: Withstands extreme temperatures, making it suitable for both hot and cold storage requirements.Easy Installation: Lightweight and designed for straightforward installation, reducing labor and transportation costs Applications: Chemical & Process Fertilizers Textile Processing Petrochemicals Pulp & Paper Industries Pharmaceuticals Salt & Marine Food & Beverages Steel Industries Sunfiber is a Manufacturer of HDPE Spiral Tank in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India and Supplier in Karnataka including locations Bangalore, Mysore, Hubballi-Dharwad, Kalaburagi, Mangalore, Belagavi, Davanagere, Bellary, Vijayapura, Shimoga, Tumkur, Raichur, Bidar, Udupi, Hospet, Gadag-Betageri, Robertsonpet, Hassan, Bhadravati, Chitradurga, Kolar, Mandya, Chikmagalur, Gangavati, Bagalkot, Ranebennuru, Arsikere. Feel free to contact us for more information and inquiries. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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aangussca · 1 month
Art Studio 2 Research: Installation Concepts (19.8.24-22.8.24)
Possible methods of installation (from 'Projection Mapping Demo'):
Method 1: Similar approach to Organic Space, but layered rows with multiple fabric sheets (may require horizontal projector slightly angled upwards - more details in labelled concepts).
Method 2: Panels (solid material and painted white/black) arranged on the ground to look like a "ripple" or "radiating sound wave" from above (may require horizontal projector - more details in labelled concepts).
Method 3: Repurpose any designs (rippling/waving (which I've designed already), ambiguity between floral/animal, etc.) from the interactive sound sculpture concepts (ceramic) and project the patterns onto them instead (may require vertical projector). However, I am undecided as to this particular method due to time constraints and my current skill level in sculpture.
Rough sketches (19.8.24):
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Labelled concept illustration (20.8.24-22.8.24):
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Link to relevant notes for reference:
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bagichi · 1 month
Transforming Spaces: Bagichi Landscapers - India’s Premier Commercial, Residential, and Vertical Wall Experts
We at Bagichi Landscapers take great satisfaction in being one of India's leading landscape designer, providing complete solutions for both residential and business buildings. Our design ethos is based on designing outdoor areas that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly and practical. Whether it's a modern rooftop area, an elegant patio, or a lush garden, our team of professionals works directly with customers to realize their vision from concept to its operation.
Garden design, installation, and upkeep are just a few of the many services we provide as a top landscaping company in India. We ensure that every garden we design is distinct by customizing our projects to each client's particular demands and tastes. We make sure that every landscape is not only beautiful but also useful and simple to manage since we believe in the marriage of beauty and utility. 
With a focus on creating and establishing kitchen gardens that flourish in both urban and rural environments, Bagichi Landscapers is also acknowledged as the best kitchen garden builder in India. Our staff helps people grow their own fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs by optimizing space and choosing plants that thrive in the Indian environment. Our kitchen garden ideas are intended to improve the entire landscape by being both beautiful and productive.
In addition, we have a reputation as the best rooftop gardening company in India, turning abandoned rooftop areas into verdant retreats. Our specialty is designing low-maintenance, effective rooftop gardens that enhance aesthetics, lower temperatures, and enhance air quality. Our rooftop gardening services are tailored to your lifestyle and tastes, making the most of every square foot, whether your vision is a fashionable lounge space, a flower-filled sanctuary, or a vegetable garden.
A leading commercial landscaping company in India, Bagichi Landscapers recreates areas by fusing style and practicality. We have a long history of creating beautiful gardens and green areas for commercial buildings, and we are well-known for our skillful approach to selecting landscapes that improve the visual appeal of commercial buildings. Because of our knowledgeable staff's dedication to completing each job precisely, we have established ourselves as the industry leader in premium landscaping solutions.
We take great satisfaction in providing exceptional services that demonstrate our dedication to excellence as the best landscaping company in India. All of our designs are created with the idea that any outdoor area has the capacity to be spectacular. Our goal is to design and implement landscapes that meet the demands of our clients while providing sustainable and environmentally responsible solutions.
We are an elite residential landscaping company in India in addition to our commercial experience. Our home renovation projects are meant to enhance the quality of life, transforming average backyards into breathtaking havens. Our residential landscaping services maximize space and bring nature closer to houses, whether it's a tiny garden or a vast estate. We make sure that every area radiates elegance and peace.
The best living space & vertical wall builder in India is acknowledged to be Bagichi Landscapers. We can add greenery to urban areas and turn lifeless walls into dynamic, living ecosystems thanks to our creative approach to vertical gardens and green walls. Our solutions not only improve air quality and help to environmental sustainability, but also blend aesthetics and practicality.
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govindhtech · 2 months
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Introducing the New Gaming Case from GIGABYTE Panorama Stealth C500.
Gigabyte AORUS C500 stealth mid-tower computer case
The C500 PANORAMIC STEALTH mid-tower gaming case was revealed by GIGABYTE, the world’s leading manufacturer of high-end gaming gear. Panoramic tempered glass is used in the design of the C500 PANORAMIC STEALTH front and side panels. The device’s 270-degree viewing angle allows the internal rig and RGB lighting to display flawlessly at every detail, giving the impression that the devices are artworks in a glass showcase that showcases user-selected components and the pinnacle of craftsmanship and aesthetics.
Gigabyte AORUS C500 stealth mid-tower computer case – black
Furthermore, the C500 PANORAMIC STEALTH comes in both black and white colours. Users can customize the colour to suit their tastes, rig designs, and use cases, and build an amazing  PC on their own.
Enjoy the 270-degree view
The case’s front and side panels are made of full-size tempered glass that can reach 270 degrees for wide views. This makes it possible to see the case’s RGB technology and interior rig in optimal clarity. Furthermore, the no-drill design of both glass panels efficiently lowers the possibility of damage, improving the  PC’s overall looks and offering safety during disassembly, all of which contribute to a longer product lifespan.
Covert Style with Rear-Connect Motherboard
The C500 PANORAMIC STEALTH game case offers consumers a range of alternatives by combining with a GIGABYTE’s Stealth series motherboards, which may be paired with regular ATX back-connect motherboards to create a series style PC setup. The panoramic glass panels’ advantages are completely utilized by the back-connect motherboard architecture, which provides several benefits:
Hidden Cables: By keeping the internal space orderly and tidy, hiding the cables that connect to the motherboard creates a more flawless visual impression.
Better Airflow: The concealed wires free up more space for air to flow, which improves the case’s cooling capabilities and guarantees steady system performance.
Simple Installation: Hardware installation and maintenance are made easier by the back-connect motherboard, which centralizes the connector interfaces in the right cabin. With greater flexibility in terms of customization, users may update and assemble their systems with ease, all while preserving the internal design and functionality of the case.
Optimal Airflow Architecture
The vent design on the top, bottom, and partially side panels reduces airflow blockages and makes it easier to draw in cool air and expel heated air. In addition, four 120mm ARGB fans that are pre-installed and placed at the case’s side and back offer a great airflow path. This guarantees high-efficiency cooling, preserving consistent performance and keeping the computer system well-ventilated.
Maximum Harmony
In addition to having excellent compatibility, the C500 PANORAMIC STEALTH gaming case also supports motherboards with rear connections. Standard ATX motherboards, CPU coolers up to 176 mm in height, graphics cards up to 410 mm in length, and power supplies up to 200 mm in length can all fit inside the case. In order to provide optimal cooling, the case can accommodate up to 10 fans. It can also accommodate radiators up to 360 mm in diameter on the top and side, in addition to a 140 mm radiator at the back.
With regard to drive support, the case has room for three 2.5″ SSDs or two 3.5″ HDDs. Its entirely modular installation design makes assembly simple. Furthermore, customers can choose the optimal viewing angle for their graphics card thanks to the case’s support for both vertical and horizontal GPU installations.
Simple Installation, Elevate Effectiveness
Because to its tool-less construction, users can effortlessly remove the front and side panels without the need for any tools. This improves flexibility and convenience by streamlining the assembly process. Dust accumulation is long-term prevented and excellent cooling performance is ensured by the dust filters on the side, top, and bottom of the case.
Because every dust filter has a magnetic construction that allows for simple detachment, cleaning is quick and easy. Additionally, users can connect additional RGB strips and cooling fans using the five 5v 3pin ARGB connectors provided by the built-in ARGB hub controller. Construct the gaming PC of your desires!
Support for RGB Fusion
Users may easily customize their desired RGB effects with the GIGABYTE CONTROL CENTRE lighting software, and pre-installed ARGB fans allow users to pair with other RGB devices. When combined with panoramic tempered glass panels, it offers a clear view of the entire computer, presenting all gaming accessories flawlessly, while also adding a sophisticated filter to the RGB lighting. This provides users with a special and improved experience.
Gigabyte C500 Panoramic Stealth Availability
The Gigabyte C500 Panoramic Stealth can be bought from computer hardware stores and a number of internet merchants. Availability could change depending on where you live and how popular the product is. You can check well-known online retailers like Amazon, Newegg, and the official Gigabyte website to find the most recent availability.
The store, special offers, and your region can all affect the cost of the Gigabyte C500 Panoramic Stealth. According on the most recent data, the cost normally falls between $100 and $150 USD. It’s best to check several merchants and compare their offers for the most accurate and current pricing.
Gigabyte C500 Panoramic Stealth Features
Popular among  PC fans, the Gigabyte C500 Panoramic Stealth is renowned for its distinctive look and premium features. Important characteristics consist of:
Wide-angle, immersive vision made possible by the panoramic design is perfect for both professional and gaming purposes.
Superior Construction: Constructed using robust materials to guarantee durability and dependability.
Advanced Cooling: Outfitted with effective cooling mechanisms to sustain ideal temperatures during demanding operations.
Compatibility: It is adaptable for a variety of builds, supporting a large range of components and combinations.
Stealth Aesthetics: A sleek, contemporary style emphasizing clean lines and minimalism.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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Choosing the Right Windows for Your Home in Pittsburgh with Window Installation Specialists
Pittsburgh has a rich architectural heritage, with distinct neighborhoods showcasing everything from charming Victorians to classic Colonial homes and sleek modern contemporaries. But even the most beautiful home can be brought down by outdated, inefficient windows. Here at Window Installation Specialists, we're proud to be Pittsburgh's trusted partner for window replacements, helping homeowners enhance both the beauty and functionality of their homes.
Each style has unique window needs that blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. In this guide from Window Installation Specialists, we'll walk you through selecting the perfect windows for these common Pittsburgh home styles 
Victorian Homes: Elegance and Detail
Victorian homes are known for their intricate designs and ornamental detailing. These homes often feature tall, narrow windows with arched tops, which add to their historic charm. For Victorian homes, consider:
Bay and Bow Windows: These are ideal for Victorian homes as they add space, depth, and light to rooms. Their curved shape complements the ornate style of Victorian architecture beautifully.
Double-hung windows: A classic choice, these windows offer vertical sliding sashes that allow for excellent ventilation and maintain the symmetrical look.
Colonial Homes: Traditional and Symmetrical
Colonial homes are distinguished by their symmetry and formally defined spaces. Typically, these homes have a balanced arrangement of windows that are as functional as they are decorative. Suitable window types include:
Double-Hung Windows: These windows offer a classic look that enhances the traditional colonial architecture. They are practical, easy to clean, and provide excellent ventilation.
Casement windows: These windows hinge on the side, offering a clean look and excellent ventilation.
Modern and Contemporary:Minimalism and Efficiency
Modern contemporary homes emphasize clean lines, open spaces, and minimalistic design, often with large windows to bring in natural light and offer unobstructed views. For these homes, the focus should be on:
Large picture windows: Maximize your view of the city skyline or surrounding hills with expansive, fixed picture windows.
Sliding glass doors: Create a seamless transition between your indoor and outdoor living spaces, perfect for entertaining or enjoying Pittsburgh's beautiful weather.
Horizontal casement windows: These windows open outward, creating a sleek look and excellent ventilation.
Beyond Style: Functionality Matters
No matter your home's architectural style, functionality is key. Here at Window Installation Specialists, we recommend prioritizing energy-efficient windows made with materials like vinyl or fiberglass. These windows will help you save money on your utility bills while keeping your home comfortable year-round, especially during Pittsburgh's hot summers and cold winters.
Energy Efficiency Considerations
No matter the style of your home, energy efficiency is a key consideration in Pittsburgh’s climate. Look for windows with double or triple-pane glass filled with inert gas like argon or krypton, which provides greater insulation than air. Low-E coatings are also recommended to minimize heat transfer and UV radiation, protecting your home from heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer.
Installation Matters
Choosing the right windows is only part of the equation—proper installation is crucial to ensure your windows perform as expected. Always work with reputable window installation specialists like Window Installation Specialists, who are familiar with Pittsburgh’s building codes and climatic conditions. Professional installation guarantees that your windows fit perfectly, preventing drafts and water damage, and ensuring optimal performance for years to come.
Ready to Find Your Perfect Windows?
Selecting the right windows for your Pittsburgh home involves considering both the architectural style and the functional needs of your living space. Whether restoring a Victorian beauty, maintaining the traditional elegance of a Colonial, or embracing the sleek simplicity of a modern contemporary home, there are window options available to meet every need and taste. WIndow Installation Specialists offers a free consultation where our experts will assess your home's needs and recommend the perfect window solution that complements your style and budget. Contact us today at 724-446-0275 and let's work together to bring the beauty and functionality your Pittsburgh home deserves!
#WindowInstallationSpecialists #PittsburghHomes #WindowInstallation #HomeImprovement #EnergyEfficiency #Victorian #Colonial #ModernHome #LocalBusiness #ReplacementWindows #PellaWindows #AndersenWindows #MarvinWindows #HomeImprovement 
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omarvektrapc12 · 2 months
The new Smart Device V2 with faster microprocessor with two RGB LED strips
Two RGB lighting channels and three fan channels (for voltage regulated or PWM fans)
USB 3.1 Gen 2-compatible USB-C connector
Iconic cable management bar, and uninterrupted tempered-glass side panel showcase stunning RGB builds
Patented cable routing kit with pre-installed channels and straps makes wiring easy and intuitive.
Four fans are included for optimal internal airflow
Removable front panel and PSU intake filters.
Includes a reversible, removeable, top-mounted bracket designed for radiators up to 360mm
Graphics card can be highlighted with a built-in mounting bracket for installing any GPU vertically*
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expertworx · 2 months
Understanding Solar PV Systems: How They Work and Why They Matter
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As renewable energy becomes increasingly vital for a sustainable future, more homeowners and businesses are turning to solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to meet their energy needs. At Lectogic Ltd, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, sustainable living solutions without any radical increase in costs. But how exactly does a solar PV system work, and why is it such a beneficial investment? Let’s break it down.
How Does a Solar PV System Work?
Solar Radiation to Direct Current (DC)
Solar PV systems begin with the basic principle of converting sunlight into electricity. When solar radiation, or daylight, falls on the PV panels, it creates a direct current (DC) flow. This process occurs because PV panels are made of semiconductor materials, usually silicon, that generate electricity when exposed to light.
Inverter: Converting DC to Alternating Current (AC)
The DC electricity produced by the PV panels isn’t immediately usable by most household appliances and the electrical grid, which operate on alternating current (AC). This is where the inverter comes in. The DC current travels to the inverter, which transforms it into AC current. This AC current can then merge seamlessly with the mains electricity coming from the grid, making it usable for everyday needs.
Meters: Monitoring and Managing Energy
To keep track of your solar energy production and consumption, three types of meters are typically used:
Import Meter: Measures the electricity you draw from the grid.
Export Meter: Measures the excess electricity your system exports back to the grid.
Generation Meter: Measures the total electricity generated by your solar PV system.
These meters help determine your electricity bill by accounting for the energy you generate, consume, and export. This precise monitoring ensures you maximize your savings and efficiency.
Ideal Conditions for Solar PV Systems
Nearly all homes have a roof that is suitable for solar panels. While a south-facing roof at a 30° angle is ideal for maximum sunlight exposure, any orientation from east to west and any pitch from flat to vertical can work well. This flexibility means that most properties can benefit from solar energy.
Minimal Maintenance and Ease of Installation
One of the significant advantages of solar PV systems is that they have no moving parts. This design means they require little to no maintenance, ensuring long-term reliability and minimal upkeep costs. Furthermore, planning permission for solar installations is now relaxed in all but listed buildings, making the installation process smoother and more accessible for homeowners.
Why Choose Lectogic Ltd?
At Lectogic Ltd, we aim to provide homeowners with high-quality, sustainable living solutions without any radical increase in costs. Our expertise in solar PV systems ensures that you receive the best technology and service available. By investing in solar energy, you not only reduce your carbon footprint but also enjoy significant savings on your electricity bills.
Contact Us Today
Are you ready to explore the benefits of solar PV systems for your home or business? Contact Lectogic Ltd for a consultation and let us help you transition to a more sustainable and cost-effective energy solution.
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haihongnewenergy · 2 months
Development and Application of Modern Ground-mounted Solar Mounting Systems
Globally, solar energy is rapidly developing and being widely used as an important component of clean energy. Ground solar mounting systems play a vital role as brackets and support structures for solar panels. This article will explore the development history, main types and importance of ground-mounted solar mounting systems in the solar industry.
As solar technology advances and costs fall, ground solar mounting systems have developed rapidly. The initial system designs were relatively simple, mainly consisting of steel or aluminum alloy frames to support solar panels and fix them to the ground. Over time, with the advancement of engineering technology and the development of materials science, modern mounting systems have become more sophisticated and efficient.
Main Types
1. Fixed Mounting System: This system is fixed to the ground, and the tilt angle of the panel is generally adjusted according to the local latitude and solar altitude angle to maximize the collection efficiency of solar radiation.
2. Single-axis Tracking System: Single-axis tracking systems enable solar panels to track the movement of the sun along a single axis (usually east-west) to increase power production.
3. Dual-axis tracking system: This system can not only track the movement of the sun in the horizontal direction, but also adjust the tilt angle in the vertical direction to maximize the use of solar energy.
Ground-mounted solar installation systems play a key role in modern energy systems. They are widely used in large-scale solar power plants and industrial uses such as agriculture, manufacturing and commercial facilities. These systems can not only help companies and institutions reduce energy costs, but also help reduce carbon emissions and environmental impacts, and promote sustainable development and green energy transformation.
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lllouisblog · 12 days
Essential Components for Crushing and Milling Equipment: A Detailed Overview
In the industrial and mining sectors, the efficiency and longevity of machinery depend heavily on the quality of its components. This guide explores key parts and accessories for crushing and milling equipment, including cone crusher parts, jaw crusher parts, impactor blow bars, vertical roller mills rollers or tires, hammer mills hammers, wear blocks, cutting edges, storage shelters, stretch hood tubes, and general crusher parts.
Cone Crusher Parts
Cone crushers are used extensively in various industries for secondary and tertiary crushing. Key parts include the mantle, concave, main shaft, and bushings. These components are essential for the efficient functioning and durability of the machine. High-quality materials and precision engineering ensure that cone crusher parts can withstand the high levels of pressure and abrasion they encounter during operation.
Jaw Crusher Parts
Jaw crushers are primary crushers widely used in mining and aggregate production. Important parts include jaw plates, toggle plates, and cheek plates. These components play a critical role in breaking down large rocks into smaller, manageable pieces. Durability and strength are crucial for jaw crusher parts to handle the constant impact and wear they endure.
Impactor Blow Bars
Impactor blow bars are vital for impact crushers, which are used to crush materials by striking them with high-speed rotating bars. These bars must be tough and wear-resistant to handle the intense impact and abrasion. High-chrome and manganese steel blow bars are commonly used for their durability and ability to provide a consistent crushing performance.
Vertical Roller Mills Roller or Tire
Vertical roller mills are used in the cement and mining industries to grind raw materials. The rollers or tires are critical components that apply pressure to the material being ground. These parts must be made from wear-resistant materials to ensure longevity and efficiency. Proper maintenance and timely replacement of rollers or tires can significantly enhance the performance of vertical roller mills.
Hammer Mills Hammers
Hammer mills are used to crush and pulverize materials in various industries. The hammers, which repeatedly strike the material, must be robust and wear-resistant. Alloy steel or manganese steel hammers are commonly used due to their high impact resistance and durability. Regular inspection and replacement of hammers are essential for maintaining the efficiency of hammer mills.
Wear Blocks
Wear blocks are protective components used in various types of crushing and milling equipment to prevent excessive wear and extend the lifespan of the machinery. They are often made from hardened steel or other wear-resistant materials. Proper installation and regular monitoring of wear blocks can help reduce maintenance costs and downtime.
Cutting Edge
Cutting edges are critical for earthmoving and construction equipment, such as bulldozers and graders. These parts are designed to withstand high levels of stress and abrasion while maintaining a sharp edge. High-carbon steel and carbide-tipped cutting edges are popular choices due to their durability and cutting efficiency.
Storage Shelter
Storage shelters are essential for protecting machinery and equipment from the elements. These structures can significantly extend the lifespan of equipment by shielding it from rain, snow, and UV radiation. Properly designed storage shelters also help in maintaining a clean and organized work environment.
Stretch Hood Tube
Stretch hood tubes are used in packaging to secure and protect products during transportation and storage. They provide a tight and secure cover, which helps in preventing damage and contamination. Stretch hood tubes are widely used in various industries, including construction, agriculture, and manufacturing.
Crusher Parts
General crusher parts encompass a wide range of components used in various types of crushers, including jaw crushers, cone crushers, and impact crushers. These parts include bearings, shafts, liners, and gears. High-quality crusher parts are crucial for the reliable and efficient operation of crushing equipment. Regular maintenance and timely replacement of worn-out parts can prevent breakdowns and extend the service life of crushers.
Understanding the essential components of crushing and milling equipment and their respective roles is crucial for maintaining efficient and reliable operations. Whether it's cone crusher parts, jaw crusher parts, or impactor blow bars, using high-quality materials and ensuring proper maintenance can significantly enhance the performance and longevity of machinery. Additionally, protective measures such as wear blocks and storage shelters play a vital role in safeguarding equipment and reducing operational costs.
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eteily4 · 3 months
Understanding RF Antennas: The Backbone of Wireless Communication
Radio frequency (RF) antennas are essential components in the field of wireless communication. They are the unsung heroes who make radio waves possible to send and receive, opening up a wide range of uses from mobile communication to broadcasting. The definition, operation, and wide range of uses of radio frequency antennas are examined in this article.
What is an RF Antenna?
A device used to send and receive radio waves is called an RF antenna. It allows for wireless communication over a range of distances by converting electrical signals into electromagnetic waves and vice versa. Radar systems, mobile phones, satellite communication, Wi-Fi networks, and television and radio broadcasts are just a few of the many uses for RF antennas.
How Do RF Antennas Work?
Electromagnetism's foundational ideas govern how RF antennas function. This is a condensed description of the procedure: Transfer: An alternating current is produced when a radio transmitter transmits an electrical signal to the antenna (AC). The antenna radiates radio waves into the surrounding space as a result of the electromagnetic field this AC creates around it.
When radio waves from a transmitter reach an antenna, they induce an AC in the antenna.
The antenna converts these electromagnetic waves back into electrical signals, which are then processed by the receiver.
Types of RF Antennas
Each size and shape of an RF antenna is intended for a particular use and frequency range. These are a few typical kinds: Dipole antenna: consists of two conducting components, usually with the same length. Use Case: Broadly utilized in wireless communication systems and radio and television transmission.
A single-pole antenna A solitary conductive component positioned above a ground plane is described. Use Case: Frequently found in walkie-talkies, cell phones, and antennae installed on vehicles.
The Yagi-Uda antenna consists of several parallel elements, such as a reflector, a driving element, and a number of directors. Use Case: Common for point-to-point communication, amateur radio, and television reception.
Antenna Patch: Describe: Usually placed on a level surface, this antenna is rectangular and flat. Use Case: Frequently utilized in satellite communication, cell phones, and GPS equipment.
Antenna Parabolic: Has a parabolic reflector that concentrates radio waves into a slender beam. Use Case: In radar systems, satellite dishes, and long-distance communications.
The Antenna Performance Factors
The following variables affect how well RF antennas work: Frequently: Various frequency ranges are intended for use with particular types of antennas. The antenna's resonance frequency is determined by its dimensions and form.
Gain: An antenna's ability to concentrate energy in a certain direction is measured by its gain. Longer signal transmission and reception ranges are possible with higher gain antennas.
polarization The electromagnetic waves' orientation is referred to as polarization. The polarization of antennas—vertical, horizontal, or circular—affects how they interact with transmitted signals.
Volume of bandwidth: The range of frequencies that an antenna can function well over is called its bandwidth. A wider range of frequencies may be handled by wideband antennas.
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