#very heavy on the greed of everyone trying to take their share without considering future generations means future generations get blamed
fertilizerforflowers · 6 months
Hozier really said to future generations, it’s not your fault. You can’t “work hard” and get what you need and want. It’s not your fault that the dreams of fifty years are now unrealistic and unattainable without breaking your soul and maybe not even getting it. You were fucked over before you came into this world, and they continue to fuck you over so much that it’s better to live your life as you see fit. It would be easier because being young and living as you want won’t ruin you but abiding by the systems most likely will.
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The Name is Lance (Salazar): Chapter 1
Today, sixteen year old Lance Salazar was on a mission. It was a secret mission. No one could know about his plan he’d been devising for a year now. He wore his favourite sky blue Italian suit with a royal blue dress shirt underneath it and a much lighter blue for the tie around his neck, and a dark blue (close to black) pants to complete the set. He sneaked out early in the morning, where the sun was still sleeping and the mountain was covered by a heavy fog making unpleasant wanderers to get lost this time of the day. He was not alone though, no, he could never accomplish this mission alone.
Lance used the secret underground passageway, one that was created for each Salazar child but differ to each other in usage, it was total darkness and a simple roamer would never find their way out. But not Lance, never him, he knew every cracks and every crevices of the path hidden in the shadows. He could hear every sound, every breath, and every beat. He could smell the faint scent of water that covered the tiled slippery ground by a few millimeters. He could feel every presence and intent if someone would decide to crouch in his territory. A Salazar always utilizes every sense they have. It was a simple rule of their life.
Finally reaching the exit, a man taller and older than him of ten years was waiting for him. He was one of the most trusted servants that Lance learned to cling on and in return he was given an unconditional loyalty. This man was one of Lance’s personal butlers and his name was Marcello*. His red hair was like a beacon in this fog and as such it was the reason why he covered it by a black fedora and it seemed also that Marcello just liked to stick with the stereotyped Mafia attire. Not that Lance could complain since he was wearing a full blown Italian suit.
Lance showed him the hush sign and Marcello just nodded at him in return with a soft smile that Lance really liked to see. It was a smile full of assurance that someone got his back for better or for worse. Marcello handed him a simple black trench coat. Lance looked at it with great distaste, just because they were Mafioso didn’t mean that they should always wear colors like they were going to a funeral. But still, he let Marcello put it over his shoulders. Marcello closed the buttons and chuckled a bit when Lance muttered under his breath that he was not a child and he could do it on his own, thank you very much.
They took the west side of the mountain until the two of them reached the car waiting for them. Marcello opened the door of the backseat and guided Lance to get in and after that he sat on the passenger seat.
“Ready now, Young Master Lance?” their driver for this mission was Benita, Marcello’s twin sister, her hair was a shade lighter compared to her brother but they have the same olive skin. She was wearing a standard Salazar maid uniform with the insignia of the Familia imprinted on the right side of her sleeves. At least she was not like her brother who wanted to flaunt the stereotyped mafia attire. Though it was hard not to express which family you belong to.
“Let’s do this.” Lance relaxed on his seat, he was trying to let go of his nervousness. If everything will go according to plan then that would be a plus for him. But if things will turn out for the worst…there was a high possibility that the three of them would be branded as traitors.
Let fate decide his worth.
There were many Famiglia* inside the Cosa Nostra* but still among them the most powerful groups still arise and feared by others or envied by some to the point of wanting to take them down. The three Famiglia along with the Arcobaleno that represents the tri-ni-sette policy were probably considered the strongest ones. Whoever allied with them will either be really lucky or very unfortunate. Milliefiore Famiglia was not really the sanest group you would ever meet. The Mare Sky ring holder has the ability to travel multiple parallel worlds at their own whim after all. The bloodline of Giglio Nero, also the one who became the constant holder of the Arcobaleno Sky pacifier, has the ability to see snippets of possible futures. Though the events going to happen were sometimes could not be deciphered properly. The Vongola Sky ring was probably the one that harmonizes everyone, especially when Decimo became the bearer of the said ring. Tsunayoshi Sawada and his guardians tried their best to uphold the real reason why Vongola was created in the first place. Vongola started as a vigilante group to protect the wronged and oppressed. It was a policy that Tsuna wanted to grow again inside the Famiglia that was corrupted by bloodshed and greed.
Vongola Decimo was an old man now but despite with the age of sixty he was still a great leader for his own Famiglia and the loyalty of his men was still solely for him. Lance remembered when his Father decided to form an alliance with the Vongola Famiglia.
Salazar has no clean track record themselves. They had their own fair share of torturing, mercenary acts, drug and weapon dealings, and murders. But still, Don Ernesto Salazar tried his best. He liked the policy of the Vongola and wanted to be a part of it. Don Ernesto, with the help of his brother, wanted to destroy the bloody caged that the Salazars found themselves trapped in. A bloody cage passed down from their own Father who came from the past leaders.
Don Ernesto attended a meeting inside the Vongola mansion, after that the Vongola Decimo, along with his Guardians, visited the Salazar’s mansion in return. It was a long discussion between a powerful Familia and a more powerful Famiglia. It came to the point where Don Ernesto let Decimo meets his three oldest children. That was the time also where little Lance was dared by his younger sister to sneak inside the meeting room.
Little Lance thought he was stealthy enough (as such the mentality of a child) but stopped in his tracks when a foot got in his way. He looked up from the ground where he was crawling and found a man with pretty funny curly sideburns. The man’s fedora cast a shadow on the half of his face but his right eye was visible enough. The man’s stare was unnerving but at the same time Lance found it interesting.
The two of them stared at each other for some time, the man leaning on the wall and Lance sitting patiently on the floor. Then the man grinned at him, crouched down on his level, and then ruffled Lance’s hair for a bit.
“Want to join the Vongola Famiglia?”
Lance puffed his cheeks like a squirrel gathering foods for winter. He pouted at the question directed at him and with all confidence that he could muster he said, “I’m a Salazar! We carry our name with pride!”
The man with curly sideburns merely laughed at his exclamation before standing up and started to walk away from him.
Little Lance forgot about the dare when his sorellastra*, Flyssa the fourth Salazar child, suddenly approached him and asked if he was okay. His older sister then told him that that man was dangerous. That he was commonly known with the name “Reborn” and considered as the number one hitman in the current history of mafia. This Reborn person also was the keeper of the Sun pacifier making him an Arcobaleno and thus one of the core members of the tri-ni-sette policy.
He was warned not to approach that man again alone.
A warning that was thrown out of the window the day after tomorrow when Decimo visited again and was only accompanied by Reborn, the both of them actively seek Lance and at first the older Salazar’s children was a bit dubious in letting one of their little siblings meet these powerful people but at the same time they knew that the Vongola’s had no ill will to them, yet.
Decimo asked Lance to play a board game that the old man brought with them. Little Lance agreed since he was bored by all the lessons he was taking from his private tutors. It was game called “Games of the Generals”. Lance immediately took a liking to it since it was exciting by the fact that you don’t know which piece was attacking which one. Victory would just be a surprise by the winner.
Lance won three out of two and Decimo chuckled nervously when Reborn aimed the barrel of the gun on the back of the Vongola’s head with a soft mutter of “You’re slipping”. Lance could care less about the interactions, he had seen far more weird things inside the Salazar Familia.
From that day, the alliance between the Salazar and Vongola was formed. As years passed, Lance realized that Vongola Decimo was fond of him. Of course it caused some vines of guilt to climb up his chest but it was also a relief that old man Vongola got his back as long as he would stay as a “good boy”.
And that was the reason he was now in front of Vongola Decimo and Reborn so early in the morning.
“I will not lie to you, my dear boy.” Old Man Tsuna started to speak and caused Lance to stiffen his back more than before, “You know there is no escape when it comes to being a Mafioso, right? Especially when you are related to it by blood.”
Of course Lance knew it. He knew he could never escape, not when his flesh and blood was made by the Salazar’s themselves. But he still want to spread his wings, his very own wings, he wanted to soar up in the sky without the help of his so called Familia. He wanted to explore what was outside of the Earth itself.
Lance heard the stories of long ago. On how Decimo vehemently tried to oppose the role being shoved deep in his throat, even if old man Tsuna already fought the enemies of the past, present, and future he still didn’t want to get on the Vongola throne. Things happened and old man Tsuna was only left by a single decision of fully accepting his position in the dark world or else his friends (guardians) would suffer the consequences of his selfish desire. It didn’t stop old man Tsuna to change Vongola from inside out though.
“I know.”
Lance was just standing there in the middle of the study room. His eyes staring straight on Vongola Decimo and he didn’t dare to look anywhere else. He wanted to make his decision be taken seriously. He wanted to have this chance.
Old man Tsuna sighed, “And yet you still want me to back you up in this plan of yours?”
“Yes.” Straight to the point, no flattering words.
“Why?” old man Tsuna leaned backward on his chair, “we have lots of private jets and ships, be it on water or in outer space. Your Familia alone is enough to provide you private lessons and your very own spacecraft.”
Lance took a deep breathe, “That’s the very reason, Vongola Decimo.”
Reborn and Tsuna both raised their eyebrows when Lance used the title instead of calling the other “old man Tsuna”.
“I…I don’t want to ride on my family’s name. I want to achieve this dream on my own. Just… give me ten years. That’s all I asked. Please?”
There was silence after that. For a few more minutes, Lance was ordered to wait on the common room of the mansion. Trying not to let his feeling of hopelessness leaked out, Lance heed the order and walked outside of the room they were currently on.
Marcello escorted him towards the common room. The both of them could feel it in the air that the Vongola mist guardians were observing all of their movements like a hawk ever since Lance got out of Decimo’s study room.
They waited for two hours, the sun was slowly illuminating the surroundings. Benita approached them and silently handed a cup of coffee towards Lance and hot chocolate for her twin. Marcello hated the taste of coffee and usually stick to chocolates, no one made fun of him about his taste anyway (lie, Benita would not let anyone call his twin childish just because he preferred sweets than the bitterness that coffee brings).
After two hours, Vongola’s Storm guardian came in to retrieve them with a message that Vongola Decimo and Master Reborn would accompany them on their return to the Salazar’s mansion. It was a journey spent with a stifling silence.
Their arrival back at home caused everyone to stop from whatever they were doing. It seemed that Lance’s siblings immediately assumed that he was kidnapped, with the exception of Halberd who was silently nursing a cup of their strongest coffee and an expression that he had totally gave up to hammer some sense to the rest of their brothers and sisters.
Halberd, the oldest Salazar child, escorted their guests towards Don Ernesto’s study area. To say that the Don was surprised was an understatement but he still welcomed both Vongola in his mansion.
Lance felt like he was waiting for his execution. He didn’t even managed to answer the questions of his siblings when they were ordered to stay away from the meeting between two mafia boss.
For five hours, Lance was just waiting in his room. He was sitting on his bed and he kept his fingers tapping on his knees in a rhythm he just made up on the spot. He suddenly stood up when Halberd knocked on his door and told him that he was being summoned by their Father.
When Lance saw that old man Tsuna was smiling at him softly yet a bit tired, Lance knew that his wish was finally granted.
Things were all great and dandy for a start.
“For goodness sake! He is just a newbie! A freshman! He is not a veteran soldier! Back off!”
Great in a sense that the first thing Lance did in the very first day of his student life at Garrison was to be listed on someone else shit list. Oh boy, he was sure that that Iverson guy would watched his every move from now on. Great, very great, Lance “McClain” Salazar. You just made a new hell for yourself.
Hey, at least he managed to help Hunk out of his panic attack! Lance just got the feeling that the two of them would be the very best of friends! And a panic attack and motion sickness after, Hunk’s fate as his best friend was sealed. At least there was one thing going right in his life at the Garrison.
Back at home, he was someone that has power and authority, but here, he’s a commoner who’s been the butt of the joke ever since he crashed and burned in one of their flight simulators designed for children. Lance knew that in choosing to walk away from being a Salazar and forging his own path, he will start from the bottom and work his way up. But dammit it’s hard! Especially when you’re competing with people who have been training for this their whole life!
Learning from books and tutors are far more different from learning first hand. Back in the comforts of his home, Lance can enjoy the leisurely pace he was in in learning about space, piloting an aircraft or spacecraft, physics, and all the topics covered in going to outer space; but here in the Garrison, it was different. The slow and careful pace that Lance was used to was suddenly replaced with deadlines and time constraints. Instead of reading and understanding the manual first, Lance was forced to figure things out as he goes. What makes things worse, the people in the Garrison has the sense of humor of an elephant stuck in a barrel on its way to Madagascar.
They don’t seem to get Lance’s witty banter during lectures, they even punish him for it. Every quip, every sarcastic response, every attempt at dry humor, Lance was silenced by a stern look and a disapproving frown. Growing up in a house full of mafiosos, one would be bored of the empty threats that each person in the household spews. In addition to that, Lance’s siblings are the sharpest people he knows, both with their blades and their wit, even Falcatta who prefers to act than to speak can shut people up with her words. So Lance had to keep up with their conversations to prove that he belonged and can participate in family matters. And for his talent of witty quips to be undermined and ridiculed are downright offensive.
The people at the Garrison assumed that he’ll eventually bend according to the Garrison’s standard, some even expected him to give up and drop out when one of the professors himself screamed at Lance right on his face, but the people back home would tell you otherwise (well they might shoot the person who screamed at Lance first and ask questions later; one does not simply insult a Salazar right on their face and expect no consequences). Every challenge the mafia world thrusted upon him, Lance made it his mission to overcome every single one of them. If people thought that he’ll simply keep his head down, they’re dead wrong.
Whenever the people at the Garrison scoff at his efforts whenever he was in the library, he kept his chin high and walked past them. Whenever a professor tried to one up on him by asking him a question they haven’t discussed yet, Lance answered with complete conviction and enjoyed the look of shock on their faces when he got the answer right. He memorized the schedules of the night security so he can sneak into the flight simulator to practice. Whenever people expected him to give up, he did his damndest to prove them wrong… and he enjoyed every second of it.
Lance was given the opportunity to lead a new life, to live a life that was his own. Sure, being a mafioso had its perks (power, money, influence), but nothing beats a life that you yourself built from the ground up. He may be sleeping a few hours less than he’s used to, skipped a few meals, gained a few callouses on his hand from gripping the controllers too tight, but it’s the life he chose, and he’s pretty damned satisfied with it.
Now? Not so much.
Iverson was speaking loudly at his face again. This close, Lance can see the veins popping on his forehead. He was so close that he can smell what he had for breakfast in addition to the spit that flew out of his mouth. Lance wanted to lean back and stand as far away from him as possible, but he was his commanding officer and his commanding officer haven’t ordered him to be at ease yet. Lance didn’t want to dig himself a deeper grave so he stood still and took it all.
“I hope I don’t need to remind you that the only reason you’re here is that the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue and flunked out-”
Ah! Finally! The first chapter of the rewritten version of Mafia!AU Lance Salazar! This is a collaborative work by @psychotic-cheesecake and I @gdesertsand.
* Info was given by @biancadibi (Thank you!)
*Marcello = I am told that this is the usual spelling
*Famiglia = Italian for “Family”
*Familia = Spanish for “Family”
*Cosa Nostra = um....the collective term for Mafia
*sorellastra = a sister that is only connected to you by one parent. Example, same Father different Mother.
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cover2covermom · 4 years
*Books included in this batch of mini book reviews: Dig by A.S. King, Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee, The Shepherd’s Crown (Tiffany Aching #5) by Terry Pratchett, & The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee
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» Dig by A.S. King
I picked up Dig because it won the Printz award for excellence in young adult literature.  » Dig is one of those stories where you follow multiple perspectives & story lines, but do not know how they relate to each other until much later in the story when they begin to intersect.  This format worked really well here.  I went into this book without reading the synopsis, so I was completely blind.  I almost think this is how the author intended the book to be read.  The book description spoils the format of the book & lessens the impact in my opinion.
» This book almost gave me Breakfast Club vibes in the sense that you have a group of  teens coming together with widely different experiences.  I felt connected to each of the five characters & their separate story lines, but really enjoyed when these stories converged.
» Dig contains very heavy content including racism, sexual assault, dysfunctional families, abuse, terminal illness, domestic violence, and greed.  This is NOT a light-hearted read.  It is one of the books you need to read when you are in the right frame of mind to fully appreciate it.  I always appreciate when authors write very raw & gritty books for the YA audience.» It takes a LONG time before I became invested in the story & found the story a bit jarring until I got into my reading groove.  It wasn’t until after the 50% mark that I felt connected to the story and characters.Dig is not going to be for everyone, however if you enjoy hard hitting novels told in a unique way, I’d encourage you to give this book a try.
› Trigger/content warnings ⇒ racism, sexual abuse, terminal illness, domestic violence, etc.
» Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee
» Maybe He Just Likes You is a middle grade novel that addresses sexual harassment in a very appropriate way.  I think this novel is an important read for not only the middle grade audience, but parents/adults as well.  I appreciate that the author tackled such a hard & relevant topic targeted to a middle grade audience.  I’ve seen many YA books tackle sexual harassment, but none for middle grade readers.
» Maybe He Just Likes You not only tackles sexual harassment, but also goes into consent, bullying, parental loss of employment, problematic friendship dynamics, etc..  There was plenty of important content within these pages.
» I really appreciated how things wrapped up at the end of this book.  While the book had a heavy tone overall, the book ends on a positive and hopeful note.  I truly do think this book will encourage kids to recognize problematic behavior & to speak up when they experience or witness it.» My only criticism was that I wish there had been some more light-hearted moments in this story to balance out all the heaviness.This is a timely MG novel that I’d recommend parents/teachers/Librarians to share with their middle school aged kids.  This book could definitely be used as a tool to open dialogue and have important conversations.
› Recommended to ⇒ middle schoolers; parents; middle school teachers; librarians
› Trigger/content warnings ⇒ sexual harassment; bullying
› If you liked this book, try ⇒ Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson *YA target audience*
» The Shepherd’s Crown (Tiffany Aching #5) by Terry Pratchett
*4.5 Stars*» Prior to picking up the Tiffany Aching series, I had never read one of Terry Pratchett’s books.  I decided to give him a go after reading Good Omens, a collaboration with one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman.  This series was my first step into Pratchett’s Discworld.  I am so glad I started with the Tiffany Aching series because it has me itching to read more of Pratchett’s books.
» I’ve mentioned this in every review of these books, but these characters (yes, even the unlikable ones) are some of the most endearing and memorable characters I’ve ever read.   Tiffany Aching is one of my favorite characters in all literature.  I will definitely be measuring up future female lead characters to her, but I doubt anyone will be able to live up to her in my eyes.
» Pratchett’s writing is pure entertainment.  Witty, clever, and highly amusing, you may find yourself laughing out loud on more than one occasion while reading his books.» This felt more like another installment in the Tiffany Aching series, but not necessarily like the conclusion.  That doesn’t mean I didn’t love this book, just that I wasn’t entirely satisfied with the conclusion.  This is totally understandable considering this was Terry Pratchett’s last novel before his death.  The afterward explained that this was not intended to be the final draft.   I wish Terry had been able to give Tiffany the ending she deserved.  I wonder what this book would have looked like had he had more time.
› Recommended to ⇒  I’d recommend this series to Neil Gaiman fans
» The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee
*3.5 Stars*
» This YA historical fiction follows a 17-year-old Chinese-American maid in the 1890s.  The Downstairs Girl tackles issues like racism, discrimination, sexism, and poverty that many minorities faced post Civil War.
» Jo was an awesome main character.  I appreciated her spunk, grace, bravery, intelligence, and how level-headed she was.  Jo was the type of character that was not satisfied to stand by and watch injustice, but rather the type to speak out for change.
» I really enjoyed the pseudonymous advice columnist aspect here.  I loved “Miss Sweetie” and all her sass & insight. » The romance felt forced & insta-loveish.
» The secondary characters were flat & underdeveloped.
» This book included a dark family secret, which was a great addition to the story, however would have been more impactful with more development in the secondary characters.
» While I appreciate that the author touches upon some hard topics, it almost felt like too much.  I would have liked for the author to focus on fewer issues & go more in depth.
› Recommended to ⇒ Historical fiction fans
› Trigger/content warnings ⇒ Racism; sexism; discrimination; poverty
› If you liked this book, try ⇒ Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
Have you read any of these books?  If so, what did you think?
Comment below & let me know 🙂
      Mini Book Reviews: April 2020 - Part 1 #BookBlogger #BookReview #Bookworm #Reading #Books #Bibliophile *Books included in this batch of mini book reviews: Dig by A.S. King, Maybe He Just Likes You…
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zingganusantara · 5 years
What Exactly Are Sexy Russian Females Like?
New Post has been published on https://zingganusantara.com/what-exactly-are-sexy-russian-females-like-7/
What Exactly Are Sexy Russian Females Like?
What Exactly Are Sexy Russian Females Like?
It is simple to find people that are many the planet who are nevertheless wondering exactly just just what Russian brides are just like on the reverse side for the amazing images onthe internet dating sites. Many people believe that they understand every thing about these gorgeous Russian girls because certainly one of their acquaintances or buddies had the partnership with your girls or had merely a talk during the cafe.
Once the other people, having resided in Russia years that are several declare that they don’t have actually the right response to the concern because a big element of their image of those girls ended up being incorrect and another component can not be unambiguous. So, how will you recognize that mystical soul that is russian? just What in case you understand just before simply take a situation on the situation without learning all of the available information?
Russian brides
Just exactly exactly How Westerners see women that are russian whatever they are really like
a part that is big of does not want to consider beyond your box and prevent treating other countries as his or her close friends when you look at the many sense that is unpleasant just as if they know most of the “dirty secrets.” Individuals become accustomed to various cliches which are regarded as the reality even in the event they appear absurd and really embarrassing. It’s very convenient to think in the statements that are prepared while making no efforts to comprehend the problem and also to discover whether this really is truth or perhaps another lie. Westerns can scarcely single the truthful out moments through the ocean of rumors that sometimes just seem to be someone’s bad laugh without having a punch line. Therefore, just how do Westerns see breathtaking Russian females?
Most of the girls dream of moving away
Western individuals give consideration to Russia to be a gloomy and bad nation where residents haven’t any hobbies, no aims and simply take in greatly when you look at the nights. But, in the event that you face the reality, you will find that Russian people drink no significantly more than other countries and on occasion even less, particularly if chatting about ladies. Whenever you mention going away, you your investment extremely important reality. Girls leave not only the nation but surroundings that are also familiar buddies and a lot of notably, their loved ones. Can it be maybe maybe not the price that is big a leap in to the unknown?
All of the girls are looking for a possiblity to enhance by themselves also to find another possibility to be delighted. Numerous girls have previously succeeded to get their delight without moving also to a different town within Russia although some will always be into the look for the greater life. The concept is always to obtain the internal pleasure to be loved and love inturn with the Tenderness and passion.
marry a Russian woman all the ladies have quite bad style
In the event that you ask Westerns to shut their eyes and explain the image of an ordinary Russian woman, they are going to inform you of a really stunning but tasteless dressed woman whom wears stripper’s heels and makes smoky-eyes on any special occasion. It is crucial to get to Russia to improve your brain also to start to see the situation that is actual your own personal eyes. Nowadays, Russian girls choose elegant and outfits that are feminine using tiny heels and making simply hidden makeup products in order to stress their natural splendor.
Girls searching for just for cash
Just as if a fortune-hunter can be found by you just in Russia and all sorts of other countries are indifferent to cash. In reality, you can easily fulfill such an individual every-whereyou choose to go, also among your friends that are close acquaintances because greed is a function of an individual although not a country. Speaing frankly about Russian girls, a huge element of them is quite tolerant according to the situation that is financial bank-account.
These girls are gorgeous although not smart
You understand how far this when you meet a Russian girl personally statement is from truth. Every 2nd woman has not yet just high training but in addition finished classes in various spheres of the interest. They decide to try to devote enough time to their self-improvement both as an individual and a professional. Russian girls learn how to be self-motivated and attain their objectives.
Russian ladies’ approach to dating and relationships
If you believe about Russian ladies dating, be aware that it’s considered the absolute most intimate amount of the relationship as soon as the very first emotions are appearing, both lovers like to appear better therefore the girls expect you’ll be conquered with good ways and intimate deeds. Dating Russian girls, you are required in order to become a magician whom produces an environment of the finest intimate movies and publications. This is certainly sort of indispensable condition for winning girls’ hearts.
A person is obviously a frontrunner
In Russian girls dating you shall scarcely face a stand-off for the equality associated with the sexes because all things are quite clear there. Everyone gets utilized into the one feasible choice associated with relationship where a guy is a frontrunner and a female is their muse and help. Females anticipate that a person shall simply just just take initiatives by himself in addition they simply can add on one thing if required. In case a guy desires to date a Russian girl, he should phone and deliver a note first so that you can ask a woman on a night out together. Guy is often anticipated to act such as for instance a gentleman in ways, language, and actions.
A guy is a charming and knight that is chivalrous
Because it was already mentioned, Russian girls are particularly romantic as well as desire a knight that is chivalrous helps you to save them from day to day routine featuring its challenges and certainly will treat them just like a princess, pampering all of them with intimate deeds. If you are planning up to now a Russian woman, you have to know that she’ll expect treatment that is special minimum at the beginning of the partnership. If you wish to show your unique mindset and good manners, don’t forget to open a hinged door right in front of one’s woman and also to assist simply take her outwear down. a great guy shows himself in their actions as he does not enable a woman to hold things that are heavy does not provide to generally share the bill. If a person asks a lady on a romantic date, he will pay the common bill, it is only a customized. If two different people share the bill, they’re not together in almost any feeling.
Russian brides A man brings flowers
It really is among the pleasant traditions that is maintained by practically all people. Russian girls prefer to get plants also without essential event, it really is an indicator that a guy really wants to cheer the lady up. If you’d like to shock A girl, a bouquet can be sent by you and a card with a distribution service. Don’t forget to simply just take just an odd amount of plants since a straight quantity is employed for funerals. Don’t be bashful to inquire of a lady about her flowers that are favorite color ahead of time in order to avoid misunderstanding in the foreseeable future.
Some ladies like yellow plants when other people genuinely believe that a number of yellowish plants is an indication of a breakup. In the event that you don’t know very well what to decide on, just take red or roses that are pink they have been suitable very nearly on most of the occasions. In springtime, it is achievable to provide tulips. The primary thing is that most of the flowers must be fresh because some ladies genuinely believe that freshness for the bouquet reflects the level associated with the men’s emotions.
A person should watch for a woman if she’s later
It could appear strange but once you may be involved with dating women that are russian do not be astonished that your particular woman may be late for at the very least ten minutes. It’s a serious typical thing and|thing that is usua types of unwritten guidelines. The most frequent basis for being belated is choosing the ensemble, making makeup that is perfect a traffic jam. If you see your gorgeous date, you’ll forgive her this 15-minutes wait.
A person must be respectful
You won’t get the list using the themes that are required the discussion having a Russian woman on a date. You both should determine upon which subjects you may grow your conversation and just what part of this tale you may select. Nevertheless, expect you’ll tune in to the whole stories about your woman’s Family and try to memorize some brief moments, possibly these records will undoubtedly be beneficial in the near future. Don’t also you will need to joke about this subject because Russian ladies treat family very really. Inform her regarding your household and some funny moments from your youth, fill your date with warmth.
A guy ought not to require making love
If the two of you a cure for the serious relationship then sex will never be the most readily useful concept in the stages that are first. If you’d like to have sexual intercourse, you should utilize all the feasible means of providing proof your serious motives. Russian girls don’t search for a stand that is one-night. They would like to find their one and just and also to become familiar with their lovers closer. This conventional approach towards the relationship makes Russian women therefore desirable among Western guys.
Russian ladies’ way of marriage and family.
Just how many smart folks have you met inside your life? Wisdom is certainly not about knowledge but about life experience, historical history this is certainly conserved and sent from one generation to another of Russian ladies. There clearly was a declaration that the Russian woman can stop a galloping horse, but, nonetheless, in the event that you marry a Russian woman, she’ll provide the leadership in the partnership for you. Feminine knowledge is manifested in a variety of areas of life being, remaining the dependable help for their guys being a continuing motivation to help keep going.
Russian ladies would like to get hitched
To the contrary to many other countries, Russian girls would like to get hitched and have a family group. They genuinely believe that producing their family that is own is many crucial and wonderful part of the life span. They try to combine a successful job with maybe not less effective individual material. Every thing outside your family may take only a place that is second. Whenever you marry a Russian woman, you can expect to note that she does her most useful to help keep the fire of passion even with wedding. Wedding is certainly not a goal that is final ground to check ordinary when it comes to dating site husband.
Russian women don’t make surprises that are unpleasant
You should know that the if you think about Russian women for marriage household because of this woman is really a talk and contract of two different people in almost every problem. A large section of Russian ladies will not have a decision that is vital without talking about it making use of their partners. There may never be any secrets behind the back since they constantly make efforts to locate compromises. Russian women comprehend the point regarding the healthier relationships and value it.
A woman that is russian be your steadfast partner
If you choose to get hitched by having a Russian woman, you’ll get not really a passionate fan but additionally a friend that is loyal. A girl that is russian constantly to support her partner whatever took place rather than provides up. Your spouse will be prepared to follow you across the globe and start to become your soulmate and partner in criminal activity therefore to express.
So, in the event that you nevertheless consider marrying a woman that is russian begin looking for her today straight away!
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indigo-ra · 5 years
What the fuck are you doing?
I’m an optimist. But lately, I have this overwhelming feeling of dread that I cannot shake. I am not afraid of death or dying. But I am afraid of having lived a mediocre life. I am finally at a point where I can pursue my personal projects independently and it seems I can never find the energy and time (together) to be sufficiently productive.
I try not to make excuses, but there are things that take priority over my dreams, and being a responsible adult, I put those things first, only for survival purposes. There’s just so much bullshit in the undertow. Every night before I go to sleep, I feel an apocalyptic pressure that haunts my very dreams. I always have hope for tomorrow. But lately, I’m having a very difficult time forming a future at all. It feels like a dark cloud stretching over the horizon, heavy with smoke and dust so thick I cannot see through it, I cannot breathe, I cannot hear through the shaking, panic and chaos and the worst part of it is I cannot feel anything but the pain and suffering it brings. While, personally I do not fear the afterlife, for some reason, every time I try and be my same happy-go-lucky self, it all feels for naught.
I don’t question my life decisions or regret anything I’ve done up until now. I feel like I’ve been the kindest I could have possibly been regarding my failures and personal relationships, I’ve lived up to my given name and have been the BEST person I am capable of being, without having to make any excuses. I want to live a life worth living and every day it is becoming a pre-packaged branded commercial ad as if it was ever a choice and if you don’t fit neatly into the options given, you simply are not afforded the luxury of a life even though we all are here sharing this one commonality.
I don’t understand how anyone who is simply already living needs to earn a fucking living. I’m already here. It’s like planting and watering a seed only to have to pay  money every day to watch it grow up. How the fuck is that fair? It is everyone’s right who is alive to live, FOR FREE.
But no one knows what true freedom is. No one has tasted true liberation without it being sold to them in some pre-packaged format or another. The only real freedom that anyone can taste the sweet release of is oneiric in nature.
I live for an amazing dream. Nothing compares to the wonderful freedom of flying and an open world where the surroundings are welcoming and strange while simultaneously feeling all too familiar. But lately, my dreams are also under pressure. In my waking life, I am a skeptical  being. I have major trust issues with pretty much every single person in my life and, in trying to heal and overcome all the tragic reasons for my predisposition, I keep running into re-iterations of the same problems through the same cookie cutter people. The name changes, and so does the face, but  the motivations and general reasons for the hater output is always the same.  
As widespread and predictable as this behavior has become, zombies don’t know anything other than  the fact they want to eat brains. Bringing it to their attention won’t stop them. Politely asking a zombie to not bite you won’t have any effect simply because it’s driven by a basic instinct that it cannot control because it’s of a hive mind. Kill one, and there’s a whole planet’s population left to try and defend against. All the while We’re all starting to ask what the fuck is the purpose? Why do we fight the inevitable? Why do you work so hard to try and have some semblance of a peaceful or pleasant life that’s worth living in a world so viciously fueled by greed and consumerism that it’s never actually safe?
I’ve worked so hard to gain my own independence and some financial stability. Something that has been taught to me as a basic human right through years of schooling, education, TV shows, all consumerism and media combined was so incredibly hard to attain that I had to flee my own country just to have the opportunity for SURVIVAL.
Life’s not fair. We all know that. But I look at these kids and realize the only time I ever felt safe in my entire life was when I was a child. Some people hide this existential suffering under video games, memes, Youtube,and the constant white noise of all the media of this digital age. The contact and social relationships we entertain are as ephemeral as two ships passing in the night. Nobody wants to face the reality of the big question mark hanging over their collective heads, “What the fuck are we doing?”
It hurts too much to think about. Because being one person in a sea of nameless voices makes you feel insignificant. So they run away from the existential dread we all know very well, toward shiny baubles that will somehow make us different from the next person. The question never goes away though. It will follow every one of us to the bitter end, begging for justification with every breath we take to validate the life that is being lived. If for no one else, at least the individual.
What’s really important? Friends? Family? How does one succeed? By living out a dream? If you are afforded the opportunity to accomplish your goals in life and you succeed, how do you  continue to feel fulfilled? Is it possible to master more than one skill in one lifetime?
Not without a fat bank account from birth, and unfortunately, the ones who don’t have to work, don’t see a reason to.
It’s almost paradoxical. How do I master an art or a skill over the span of 80 years when two thirds of my time is dedicated to sleeping and working in a way which is fundamentally exploitative and taxing to my soul? If someone asked me this before considering living a life on Earth, I wouldn’t have a sufficient answer for them. Yet, everyone can identify with this truth, and they all conform to it out of fear of having to face that question “What the fuck am I doing?” with a justifiable answer.
People drink it away, fuck it away, hide it under the chaos of whatever they can find to push it to the back of their hearts and minds, but it’s now becoming the underlying pulse to your dubstep beats and the course of all your dreams, the sky seems smaller and closer to the ground every day and we all feel suffocated and, depressed, repressed, suppressed and oppressed. Even those who are doing everything they can to give the illusion of power feel utterly powerless under the pressure of that same UNIVERSAL QUESTION that everyone is vehemently ignoring “What. The FUCK. Are you doing?”
You feel it too, don’t you? It’s deafening in the silence, and constantly confrontational in every action, deed, thought and word, spoken or unspoken. I know why I’m depressed. I don’t need a psychologist or a therapist to tell me that and push drugs at me to push away what is essentially the underlying cause for every societal malady that is universally identifiable in every single living human being. I know what is wrong. I just can’t fix it alone. It is emphasized that “No man is an island.”and yet “God bless the child that’s got his own,” so we toil at life, trying fill our own individual voids and yet we all fall short, needing the support, love, friendship and general compassion of others and we all feel guilty for that. Because more often than not it’s measured in dollars and cents. We are all trying to be independent in a world where we’re pack animals. Everybody wants to be a brand named “Homo sapien” while striving toward a uniqueness that caters to the widest demographic, and yet remain unattainable to the entire population. That makes sense.... Except… it doesn’t.
So. Sure,  I’m “depressed” but only for the reasons that everybody else is running away from. So don’t call me weird, don’t call me crazy, don’t call me strange or try and put me in some tragic, ironic angsty trendy category, simply because I am facing up to a zeitgeist Tsunami of emotional crisis with my eyes wide open, instead of trying to pretend it’s not happening; and doing it for all of you who aren’t. You’re welcome.
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