#very pretty pajamas meant for mannys eyes when he came home
hellas-himself · 4 years
WIP Whenever because you already know.
I’m the worst :)
Tagged by the darling @schoute​
Life has been... shit. I’ve been drawing some more at least but I haven’t read any books and writing fics has come to a very sad pause. 
But I FINALLY made a break through with my story. So here is the beginnings of the minor rewrite I’m doing to give Z, Manny and Sam what they deserve ;) @mythicaitt​ I spent the last few days going back to older work and seeing that I did lay down enough foundation so the OT3 can be a thing and it not be out of left field. I am soooooo excited. 
She had been falling asleep when she heard a loud bang from downstairs. Zahara rose to her feet and hurried out of her room as she heard shouting, weapons being drawn. Soldiers stepped aside as she rushed to the front doors of the castle and stopped when she found June holding her dagger to an angel’s neck.
The angel was beautiful, with porcelain skin and raven hair… black wings so unlike her brother’s pure white. Her dark eyes met Zahara’s and despite having a blade to her neck and being shorter than her, the angel seemed to be looking down at Zahara. 
“What the hell is this?” Zahara demanded and her brother answered, keeping his gaze on the angel.
“She brought Zacharia back to us… unconscious.”
“He’s unharmed-” The angel stopped when June stepped a little closer.
“She says she’s here for you.” June pressed her dagger enough to draw blood.  
“And only her,” the angel said and June huffed a laugh. But before June could say a word, Zahara felt Samson as he appeared behind her. She watched what little color the angel had fade from her face as she beheld him, as he took his place beside Zahara. 
“A half-truth,” Samson said far too calmly and the angel’s eyes widened. “This is the archangel Raphael… Emmanuel’s been taken- because of her.”
June let go of the archangel right before Zahara’s fist connected with her jaw.
“What the fuck did you do?” she growled as she took her by the hair, forcing the archangel to look up as she summoned fire with her free hand, holding the flames up to Raphael’s face.  
“I was buying him time,” Raphael stammered out. “I swear. Samson… tell her!”
“Where is he?” Samson asked instead. 
“I’ll take you to him,” Raphael replied. “But you won’t find him if I’m dead.”
“Try me, bitch,” Zahara hissed and Raphael flinched as the flames threatened to lick her too perfect skin.
“She speaks true,” Samson said at last, and Raphael sighed with relief as Zahara let her go and stepped back. She shook her hand, letting the flames die out. 
 “You’re going to take us to him.” Zahara motioned for June to follow her as she walked away. “And if there’s even one scratch on him, you and your Legion will be nothing but ash.”
Raphael is actually who Manny was in love with but Z doesn’t know that. Yet ;) 
I can’t wait to flesh this out better but it’s a start. AND WHEN Z FINDS MANNY. ugh my heart guys
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