#very proud of the p-ranking especially considering some of them were by accident
peridots-pixiwolf · 2 years
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[Start ID. A doodle of V1 and the Flesh Prison from ULTRAKILL. V1 is shooting volleys of nails in the general direction of the Flesh Prison, whilst very harriedly running around and attempting to dodge its numerous attacks. Next to it is a thought bubble reading "I AM IN HELL". The Flesh Prison's healthbar is displayed at the top, and the text "You are here" by the very right end of it displays the futility of V1's efforts to deal any lasting damage. End ID]
aka "i thought this was the kind of boss fight where you're supposed to stay alive and wait for something to help you" aka "guess who p-ranked eight levels in one day and is suffering the consequences" aka "help."
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fan-clan-fun · 5 years
A character that I’ve been touching up, for my Illinois FanClans! I really like her, and i’m excited :) feel free to give me your thoughts on her!
Awesome! I’ll give you any suggestions if I have any!
I made her using Paleclaw’s cat generator. Here she is!!
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Name: Sycamore- (suffix pending)
Previous Names: Sycamoresprout, Sycamoreseed
Age: 26 moons
Appearance: Sycamore- is a short molly with an average-width face and muzzle and is fairly muscular. Her fur is short, yet thick; enough to protect her when it’s cold but not thick enough that she will risk overheating in the warmer moons. Her eyes are a dull copper and are close set in shape. Sycamore- is a blue-and-cream calico, with tuxedo markings.
Personality: Sycamore- is more quiet than the rest of her family; however, that doesn’t make her meek. She has inherited her mother’s cleverness and deduction, though she is a bit more quiet about it; she’s thoughtful, preferring to study things first and then making a decision based on the information she’s collected; she pays attention to the greater details. Sycamore hungers for knowledge and always wants to know more; that being said, Sycamore- is not ambitious in the way one might think; she has no desire to be leader or deputy, and simply wants to serve her Clan as best she can; to her, this requires learning much of the world and territory around her, as well as about the other Clans. As a kitten, she would often ask a lot of questions, and once she got her answer, she would simply think about it in solitude, wondering why things were the way they were. She’s good in social situations, being polite and thoughtful, always one to consider her next move or the word she’s about to say. In a way, she can be a bit manipulative at times, using her lack of intimidation to get things others might not. She’s considered to be good looking and as a result, she’s collected a lot of admirers now that she’s a warrior - much to her chagrin. She likes to watch birds and is quite good at hunting them. While she loves her family, sometimes she feels overshadowed by their great deeds and desperately wants to prove her worth in the Clan. She likes to sleep in the sun, and loves listening to stories about the past. Her greatest fear is drowning; she often has nightmares about this.
I really love Sycamore’s personality. She’s quiet but not to the point of being terrible in social situations which is what people usually put together. I appreciate that others in her clan still like her and she has her own admirers, but she isnt arrogant or ambitious. Overall she seems quite developed, with a few fun little quirks, not shallow or a caricature.
Clan: MarshClan
Rank: Warrior
-Mother, Foxstep. Foxstep is a blue-and-cream mackerel torbie molly with dark hazel eyes, short fur and white feet. Like her namesake, she was cunning, sneaky, and light-footed. She was known for getting into mischief as a kit and had a lot of energy, which often saw her in trouble. She was quite clever, and great at deduction, proving herself to be adaptable and pragmatic, as well as a good hunter. Now that she’s older, she’s calmed down somewhat, energy-wise, but she still enjoys a good harmless prank now and again and serves as her daughter’s biggest supporter. Silverstream left a moon after Sycamore- was born, and Foxstep plans to give him a good smack across the nose if he ever shows his face around her again. She enjoys telling small lies for fun, and she and Tawnyflower often get into fun little debates over certain topics. She qualified for the -tail suffix, but requested -step instead.
I love this description! She perfectly fits the -step suffix!
-Biological Father, Silverstream. Silverstream was a handsome silver classic tabby tom with white feet, long fur and hazel eyes. He joined MarshClan after several meetings with Foxstep. He proved himself to be quite the swimmer, and brought back many fish to MarshClan, along with being a good hunter - he and Foxstep often teamed up and during a particularly harsh winter, the two of them brought back decent amounts of prey which was invaluable to MarshClan. Silverstream was a kind tom, who cared for his mate, yet he could sometimes come off as distant. It took him awhile to adapt to Clan life, and during one foggy morning (after Foxstep told him she was pregnant with his kits), he set off into the marshes and has yet to be seen again. No one knows where he went though some theorize he returned to his loner roots.
Curious about his history, it honestly sounds like he met his untimely end somewhere past the territory. From his description it doesnt sound like he would abandon his family. Sad :(
-Cousin, Lightningclaw. Lightningclaw is a semi-foreign epistatic white cat with long, sleek fur, orange eyes and a fluffy tail. Lightningclaw is a very proud cat, and can come off as a bit vain. Being a -claw, they are brilliant at fighting and have trained several apprentices in battle training. They are good on the battlefield, not so much when it comes to social relations. Lightningclaw is actually good at listening to others plights, and will sit with a Clanmate and listen to their struggles. Even if they doesn’t have the right words to comfort, just having someone to listen to is enough, for some cats. Lightningclaw has several idols in the Clan, one of which is Foxstep. They admire her wit, her cunning, her dedication… The two grew up together, with Foxstep being a moon or so older than Lightningclaw. She quickly roped them into her friend group and made them feel wanted; after Foxstep saved Lightningclaw from a surprise attack during a raid on the Snakerocks, the crush they had been nursing privately on her grew, and they confessed. Foxstep gently turned them down, and they remained good friends with each other. When Silverstream left Foxstep and a then kit Sycamore-, Lightningclaw stepped up and offered to become a parental figure for the molly. Foxstep agreed and the two worked together to raise Sycamore-. Lightningclaw is more of a cousin than a parent, which they both enjoy.
Aww this is super cute, Lightningclaw seems nice. Its good to see other cats taking a role in raising a kit, especially considering that in canon not even the dads do anything. Its always nice to see multiple cats taking an interest in raising the kits of the clan.
-Aunt, Tawnyflower. Tawnyflower is a large, sleek and muscular amber classic tabby tortoiseshell molly with deep green eyes, long fur and a few scars. Younger sister of Foxstep, she was born a few moons after Sycamore- and the two grew up in the nursery together, and became very close. Aside from Foxstep, Tawnyflower is Sycamore-’s closest confident, and the two can often be seen sharing tongues and going out on patrols together. Tawnyflower is a very gregarious molly, and loves being surrounded by friends and family - she believes that everyone should have a good support system, and if they do not have one, Tawnyflower will gladly take them into her family. She adores kits too and is particularly brilliant at looking at them, giving the queens a welcome respite from being tumbled over and ear-pulling of rambunctious kits. Cannot lie to save her life, she prefers to tell the honest truth, and loves exploring every nook and cranny of camp, as well as outside. Lately, she’s been spending more time with another molly named Yarrowfur, an epistatic white molly with odd eyes.
Lovely, I am a fan of ambers and lesbian babs.
-Grandfather, Brokentail, formerly Stormclaw. Brokentail is a dark blue classic tabby cat with a white belly, long fur and amber eyes. Previously holding the title of Deputy, they soon stepped down after Foxstep had Sycamore-, wanting to spend the rest of their time with slowly expanding family. In their prime, they were a well-respected warrior, leading their Clan into several battles and at one point, rose to the rank of battle tactician. They were known for being calm in battle, yet ruthless and their attention to detail in battle led their clan to many victories. Now, older and wiser, Brokentail is a highly sought out storyteller, and is calm, yet still holds a stubborn streak. Brokentail (then Stormclaw) has never been great at running, as just a few miles can make them have trouble breathing. During the spring, their allergies flare up and sneezes can be heard from the elder’s den, much to their embarrassment. Stormclaw’s tail was crushed in an accident and after much deliberation, they took the name Brokentail. They wear their new name with pride, and are often sought after for advice from Clanmates. Their mate is Ryeheart.
Yesss reclaiming and re purposing a misused name from canon. I love this, he sounds like a good old man.
-Grandfather, Ryeheart. Ryeheart is a large tom with long fur and hazel eyes. His fur is a warm golden-brown, and he is one of the rare cats in the clan that bears the Amber gene, thanks to some house pet ancestry in his bloodline. Ryeheart is brave and headstrong, and doesn’t back down from a challenge, which would explain the numerous scars that criss-cross his face and ears. He wears them with pride and will gladly give a story about how he earned them to the apprentices and kits that visit - though, some of the older cats have noticed that everytime he tells a story of how he received a scar, it changes every time, getting wilder and more questionable. Regardless, he loves telling stories almost as much as his mate, and the two will often compete to see who can tell a story best. He adores his daughters and still now will brag about their accomplishment to the other elders at Gathering time. He wishes the best for his granddaughter, and while he may not offer the steadfast advice of Brokentail, he does care in his own way and will say so in his own way. (so he’d p much be warrior male “train and fight!! Solve your problems head on!!”)
Sycamore has a lovely supportive family! Its a pity she feels pressured to live up to their legacy.
-Sycamore-’s suffix is pending. I’m not sure what to make it, i’m working on it.
-She’s very close with her family, but at times, feels pressure to live up to (what she considers to be) great expectations.
-Is attracted to darker pelts. Lighter pelts hold no value to her.
-Originally, she started out as an AU re-working of Silverstream of RiverClan, but in the short time i’ve spent with her, she’s moving away from that and i’m excited to see where she goes.
I like these fun little quirks, and I love the idea of taking a canon character who’s story you werent happy with and reworking it, but its even better when that turns into your own story.
-I plan for her to be in a inter-clan relationship; she meets a ForestClan warrior (who’s a blue smoke polydactly tom; haven’t named them yet, but I’m leaning towards Cranestorm or Birchstorm) and at first, is cautious and a bit shy, but after they spend some time together, she starts to open up and they become friends. At first, she’s worried about being caught, but finds that she likes breaking the rules and wants to lead her own path, separate from her family and so goes along with it eagerly as time progresses. She and her mate end up being discovered by the seer of ForestClan who tells them this is a bad idea. They both ignore him, and eventually, they have kittens. Both Clans assume that the blue smoke warrior and her just simply had a mating for new blood only, but are surprised when he wants to move to MarshClan. He does, and the two become betrothed to each other (something else I’m trying out for this. If two cats of different clans have kits, one can move to the other’s clan, and then they become betrothed; in the past, this was used as a way to somewhat control inter-clan relationships if they were truly serious, but it’s since died down when the story starts.)
This seems like a very mature way to handle an interclan relationship. There is some drama and secrecy, but in the end, they make the decision to be together and it doesnt sound like it ends in tragedy. Im very tired of interclan romances that end in tragedy or go on forever instead of just making a solid decision, so this is a breath of fresh air.
-Sycamore- is a very picky eater. She also collects bones and has a little collection of them she’s built up over the moons.
- Her mentor was Crowcloud, a black tom with lemon yellow eyes and a torn ear. He was patient and became like a second father to Sycamore-; the two are still close even now, and often go hunting together.
I dont know why, but Crowcloud has a lovely ring to it.
Anyway! Thank you for the submission! She is a lovely character!
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