dongtasticnamu · 4 years
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kaoruline · 2 years
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🔥CONCOURS🔥 Ça faisait longtemps que j’en avais pas fait 😌 et en plus c’est en pensant à ceux qui ont pas pu se rendre à Japan Expo ! Merci à Verytoon de me permettre de vous offrir ces petits cadeaux ! 5 d’entre vous pourront remporter un éventail, des badges et même des billets d’or 😍 Pour tenter de remporter un lot de goodies, il suffit de suivre ces consignes : - liker le post - suivre @carolinesegarra et @verytoon - taguer 2 amis qui aiment lire des webtoon en commentaire Et optionnel : - partager le concours en story pour la force 💪 Et un grand merci général, c’est aussi grâce à vous tous et votre soutien que je peux accéder à ce type de proposition pour vous gâter 🥰 Tirage au sort le 22/07 alors jouez vite avant qu’il ne soit trop tard ! Bonne chance à tous et toutes 🍀 #concours #cadeaux #webtoon #verytoon #corée #coreedusud #eventail #goodies #badge #billet #sololeveling #theabandonnedempress #crushoflifetime #questcequiclocheaveclasecretairekim https://www.instagram.com/p/CgKNxVSI-q9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lottieurl · 4 years
yknow when lights are off between performances but you can hear dc laughing? yeah
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whenfatecollides · 4 years
Do you think there's a reason for why they always performed Boca before Scream at music shows and concerts? It could just be that Boca was their more recent comeback at that time but I always wondered about why they went in that order
it’s just because it was the title track they were promoting at the time so it would be the one the general public is most familiar with~ 
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iamacolor · 3 years
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Handong performing Déjà Vu for Dreamcatcher x Verytoon Live Concert
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7-dreamers · 3 years
[211111] VerytoonFR Twitter Update: 
Les @hf_dreamcatcher ont un message pour vous 🥰
⏰ 20 novembre, 14H CET Concert #live sur la chaîne youtube de @maylinelou
Merci @KOCCAEurope et @KENAZ_official 👏
Video translation: JU: 2, 3... DC: Dream of me. Hello French fans, we are Dreamcatcher! YH: Join us on Saturday, 20 November for an exceptional concert offered by Verytoon and Kenaz.
Transl: 7-Dreamers ArchRod & Umateru | Please do not take without credit
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torivegafromindia · 3 years
This is, Dreamcatcher ❤🖤❤
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VeryToon Concert, 20/11/2021
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researchdive · 2 years
Webtoons Market Set to Witness an Uptick during 2021-2030 | Research Dive
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The 90’s kids have grown up watching iconic cartoons like Tom & Jerry, Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo, Duck Tales, Dexter’s Laboratory, and many more. But online comics, or webtoons, have been a hit among youngsters in the recent times since they can be watched anytime and anywhere on their mobile devices at utmost convenience.
What are Webtoons and Why are They So Popular?
Webtoons are digital comics that can be easily accessed via internet on any device like tablets, smartphones, laptops, etc. Webtoons were originated in South Korea with an objective to compete against the predominant Japanese manga and expand the South Korean cultural influence worldwide. Webtoons are fresh and appealing to readers and consist of visual images and textual content that appear in vertical strips. With an estimate of nearly 700 million monthly users and above 1 billion views annually, the webtoons market has gained immense momentum in regions like Europe, Asia, and the US.
Request an PDF Sample of Webtoons Market@ https://www.researchdive.com/download-sample/8584
Below-mentioned are some factors of the webtoons’ boom:
During the paper-cartoon era when comics and magazines were the only source of enjoyment for youngsters, the audience couldn’t connect with the writers directly. All they could do was discuss the episodes and share opinions with friends. But with webtoons, the audience can now directly reach out to them with appreciation comments, thus strengthening their communication with the writers.
The development of new devices like laptops, smartphones, and tablets have made it easier for the users to access websites and read webtoons whenever and wherever possible. Moreover, unlike paper-cartoons which readers used to buy from bookstores or borrow from friends, webtoons are free and easily accessible via internet.
Cultural Influence
Visuals tend to stay with us for a long time and are appealing to the readers. And that’s why countries choose webtoons to expand their cultural influence to other parts of the world and educate them about their deep-rooted traditions.
The Influence of Webtoons in India and Other Regions
Considering the immense popularity of Japanese manga and webtoons in South Korea, India too attempted to keep up with the trend. The Graphic India group recently announced the launch of Toonsutra, a webtoons platform for mobile devices which can be widely operated in India by the 2nd quarter of the year. The platform will specifically provide webtoon comics based on famous Indian TV shows and movies like The Legend of Hanuman, Baahubali, Chakra The Invincible, etc.  
Similarly, a comic book publisher Dupuis launched Webtoon Factory, the first European platform to offer original digital comics. Moreover, another France-based publishing company Delcourt launched Verytoon, an application for relishing original digital comics. The platforms offer a variety of genres like humor, fantasy, romance, thriller, and horror.
Are There Any Other Webtoon Mediums?
Besides these platforms, comic creators and webtoonists are actively creating digital comics on other applications like Canvas, Procreate, and Medibang. Additionally, live streaming mediums like Netflix and YouTube are also considering webtoons adaptation into movies or animated series to garner larger audience.
Webtoons’ 10 High-rated Stories
Many of the webtoons have gained so much popularity since their adaptation into other mediums like animated web series and TV series. For instance, Cheese in the Trap is a Korean TV series that was adapted by Webtoons that was later considered to be the top-rated toon. Similarly, Tower of God, another popular webtoon was also transformed into an anime series that amassed huge attention.
Request an On-demand Customization of Webtoons Market & Avail of Amazing Discount@ https://www.researchdive.com/request-for-customization/8584
Here are some of the 10 top-rated Webtoons:
Lore Olympus
True Beauty
The Remarries Empress
Age Matters
Mage & Demon Queen
Cursed Princess Club
Castle Swimmer
Weak Hero
Unholy Blood
What Does the Future of Webtoons Market Seems Like?
Since webtoon comics are amusing and have fresh and appealing visual images, and now sound as well, many production houses are seeing this as an opportunity to adapt webtoons for the big screen or perhaps OTT platforms
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solplparty · 3 years
[LET’S TALK 2022 유럽 콘텐츠산업 전망 세미나] 세션1. K-웹툰, 또 다른 한류가 될것인가? https://youtu.be/5hBVXB5VmaM 유럽 콘텐츠산업 전망 세미나 [LET’S TALK 2022] 2021년 11월 30일(화)~ 12월 2일(목) 개최! 유럽의 만화, 웹툰, 게임, 방송 및 포맷 업계 전문가들이 모여 한국 콘텐츠의 경쟁력과 미래에 대해 이야기합니다. ▶12월 1일(수) 오후5시 : 특별코너 | 픽코마 유럽지사 대표와 함께하는 라이브 Q&A! 유럽 웹툰 산업에 대해 자유롭게 질의응답할 수 있는 기회! [참여방법] 한국콘텐츠진흥원 유럽센터 페이스북 KoccaEurope ▶LET’S TALK 2022 시청인증&후기 이벤트 진행중! 자세한 내용은 하단을 확인하세요. 세션1 [웹툰&만화] K-웹툰, 또 다른 한류가 될것인가 2021.11.30(화) 14:00~16:30 ‘유럽에 부는 K-웹툰 열풍! 웹툰의 인기는 현상을 넘어 하나의 장르로서 안착할 수 있을까?’ 유럽 현지 웹툰&만화 전문가 7인의 발제와 심층 토론을 통해 그 답을 찾아봅니다. 프로그램 (14:00~) [축사 및 기조연설] 한-프랑스 콘텐츠산업 동반 성장의 의미 축사: 유대종 주프랑스대한민국대사 기조연설: 도미니크 부토나 CNC 대표 (프랑스국립영화영상센터) (14:10~) [발제1] 유럽 웹툰 산업의 시작과 전망 - 김형래, Piccoma Europe 대표 (14:25~) [발제2] 프랑스 만화시장 발전을 위한 주요 과제 - 디디에 파사모닉, Actua BD 대표 (14:45~) [발제3] 한국적 웹툰의 강점과 유럽 소비자가 좋아하는 장르 - 파스칼 라핀, Verytoon(Delcourt) 한국웹툰라이선싱 담당자 (15:17~) [발제4] 유럽 K-웹툰의 성장과 미래 - 김솔, 네이버 웹툰 프랑스사업 리더 (15:50~16:30) [토론] 한국-유럽 웹툰 산업 발전을 위한 협력 방안 - 스페판 페랑 Webtoon Factory(Dupuis) 편집장, 김형래 대표, 티에리 로드리게 Verytoon(Delcourt) 책임자, 세바스티앙 셀리몽 White Dragon 컨설턴트(모더레이터) * 해당 세미나 영상은 공개시점으로부터 2021년 12월 31일까지 시청 가능합니다. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LET’S TALK 2022 유럽 콘텐츠산업 전망 세미나] 전체 프로그램 2021년 11월 30일(화) ~ 12월 2일(목) [세부 일정] 11.30(화) 오후 2시 세션1. 웹툰&만화 ‘K·웹툰, 또 다른 한류가 될 것인가’ 장소: 한국콘텐츠진흥원 유튜브 채널(youtube.com/koreancontent) 12.01(수) 오후 5시 특별코너. 라이브 Q&A ‘유럽 웹툰 산업의 모든 것’ 장소: 한국콘텐츠진흥원 유럽센터 페이스북 LIVE(facebook.com/KoccaEurope) 12.02(목) 오후 2시 세션2. IP&포맷 비즈니스 ‘유럽의 포맷시장 트렌드와 IP 활성화 전략 ’ 장소: 한국콘텐츠진흥원 유튜브 채널(youtube.com/koreancontent) [LET’S TALK 2022 시청인증&후기 이벤트 안내] 세미나 시청 인증하고 SNS에 소중한 후기를 공유해 주시면, 추첨을 통해 에어팟(1명), 전자책 단말기(1명), 커피 기프티콘(50명) 등 총 52분께 감사 선물을 드리오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 참여 방법: 세미나 두 개 세션 중 하나 이상을 유튜브 ‘최초 공개 온에어'로 시청하면서 실시간 채팅창에 댓글을 달고 시청인증샷 캡처 또는 촬영 후 개인 SNS에 인증샷, 해시태그 #2022유럽콘텐츠산업전망 #KoccaEurope 과 함께 후기를 남겨주세요. 응모기간: 12월 2일(목)까지 당첨발표: 12월 3일(금) SNS 메세지를 통해 개별 연락드립니다. 더 많은 이벤트 참여방법 및 자세한 내용: https://url.kr/s26apx 태그 #한국콘텐츠진흥원 #2022유럽콘텐츠산업전망 #koccaeurope 한국콘텐츠진흥원Korean Content
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sedetoportfolio · 4 years
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Mascot conception and illustrations for Verytoon. https://www.verytoon.com/
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iamacolor · 3 years
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Dami performing BEcause for Dreamcatcher x Verytoon Live Concert
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iamacolor · 3 years
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SuA performing Black Or White for Dreamcatcher x Verytoon Live Concert
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7-dreamers · 3 years
[211111] VerytoonFR Twitter Update:
@hf_dreamcatcher have a message for you 😍
⏰ 11/20, 2pm CET 👩‍🎤  #live concert on @maylinelou's YT channel
Many thanks to @KOCCAEurope and @KENAZ_official 🤝
Video translation: JU: 2, 3... DC: Dream of me. Hello French fans, we are Dreamcatcher! YH: An exceptional concert organised by Verytoon and Kenaz will take place on Saturday 20 November. We'll see you at the concert! Bye!
Transl: 7-Dreamers BrightMinji | Please do not take without credit
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7-dreamers · 3 years
[LIVESTREAM] Dreamcatcher will go live for Verytoon's concert in approximately 2 minutes!
🔗 youtube.com/watch?v=odeszyZMbXA
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7-dreamers · 3 years
[SCHEDULE] November 2021 Update:
THU 11 ▶️ Young Street (8 PM) - radio (Sua only)
FRI 12 ▶️ Mokkoji Mini Talk (6 PM)
SAT 13 ▶️ Andong K-Pop LAN Concert (6 PM)
SUN 14 ▶️ Mokkoji Live (6 PM)
SAT 20 ▶️ Verytoon Concert Live (2 PM)
* All times in KST
🔗 7-dreamers.com/schedule
All schedules subject to change and further updates
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