#victor hugo can suck my dick
cowboyunderscore · 30 days
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hasty grantaire sketch for my grantaire loving heart
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lerios · 7 years
all of Les Mis but every time victor hugo says something unnecessary it gets faster
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enjolraspermettendo · 3 years
I was bored so I played Bitlife as Grantaire and added the others as custom characters:
So, I was born as R Grantaire on the 14th of August and my parents are Anna Grantaire (22) and Paul Grantaire (26). The mother has an Italian name so I'm keeping my headcanon that R is Italian
R has Looks at 78% so he's beautiful, suck my dick Hugo
Oh okay, R's three years old and he just got a baby brother named Victor, which, weird, because I didn't put Victor Hugo as a custom person. This is completely random and almost scary
Oh okay, apparently R and Victor hate each other.
Wait I just realized R is blond, of all things. Gonna dye his hair as soon as I can
R is 6 years old and started school; Mme Thenardier is a classmate, definitely staying away...
Oh we're getting bullied. I decided not to react since he always accepts and makes even worse insults to himself in canon
R has low smarts and I can't make him keep good grades :(
R started Jiu-jitsu classes
R is 11 and he just received another baby brother named Noah
I just made R join his Middle school's Politics club LMAO
OH a classmate named Napoleon Bonaparte, who is also a popular kid, just asked R out. I'll accept just because, I mean, I can make R hookup with Napoleon, think about it
Grantaire and Napoleon are officially boyfriends
Grantaire has been elected secretary of the politics club
Cosette and R are classmates!!! Gonna befriend her because Cosette and R friendship is precious
R is 14 and 1) his parents gave him yet another sibling, a sister named Victoria seriously guys, learn how to put a condom on, they've all been caused by it slipping off, and 2) R JUST GOT ELECTED AS PRESIDENT OF THE POLITICS CLUB
R started secondary school and joined the dance club; he also started working as a part time golf caddie
The game said I can't attack him cause he lives in Afghanistan and I am in France???? What???? How does he go to school with Victor???? I'm confused
R and Feuilly are classmates so I made them become friends :)
R is 18 and his parents divorced :(
R started studying arts at university. Eponine is a classmate BUT SHE REFUSED TO BEFRIEND GRANTAIRE
Grantaire and Napoleon broke up 😣
Grantaire came out as gay. Uhm, we been knew honey
classmate Hugo Fontaine asked R out but he got rejected
R and Combeferre are now friends. Eponine keeps rejecting Grantaire
R's mum just married a very rich guy named Rousseu but he hates Grantaire sike. R calls him "bro"
R's dad remarried too, she's normal. R calls her "sis". She has a daughter called Juliette, so now she's R stepsister
Grantaire graduated and started a position as Junior graphic designer!
Grantaire started drinking wine
Oh okay, R and Bahorel are now dating
They broke up
Bishop Myriel asked R out on a date... R refused, sorry it's too weird even for me
R and Montparnasse are dating. Damn R you really go around
They broke up. And R started dating Courfeyrac
They lasted two years
Grantaire and Enjolras are dating!!! (yes It's because I wanted it to be like this shut up)
Okay, I looked at Enjolras's info and I shit you not, he graduated in political science. He's a real estate agent tho
Enjolras came out of the closet as gay
Grantaire proposed to Enj and he accepted 🥺🥺
They got married at the beach and went to Pompeii for their honeymoon 🥺🥺🥺
Feuilly got married to a certain Mila
Grantaire is now an uncle! His brother Victor fathered a baby girl called Camille!
Grantaire and his brother Noah got in trouble for dancing in the middle of a road 😬 they've been declared not guilty tho
Grantaire and Enj adopted a little girl named Iris!!!!
Enjolras and Grantaire have been married for 10 years :)
For some reason the game is not proposing the other custom characters I added sike
They adopted another girl named Eva 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Cosette had a son called David Antoinette. The father is unknown
Grantaire's stepfather died of Hepatitis C
Feuilly pranked R by setting 15 alarms on his phone hours before he was supposed to wake up
Grantaire's brother Noah fathered a boy named Ethan
Eva wants a cockatiel so OF COURSE WE'LL GET HER A COCKATIEL
We got her a cockatiel named Ronda :)
Enjolras and Grantaire have been married for 20 years
Grantaire's father died of leukemia ☹️ Grantaire and his siblings inherited quite a lot
Eva and Iris started secondary school 😭 they grow up so fast
While at a soccer game a brawl started between parents... So of course Grantaire joined in
Feuilly and R went partying. 55 years old and still kicking
Iris and Eva graduated 🎉
Grantaire's mum died of tuberculosis
Ronda the Cockatiel died too of dehydration after her water bottle malfunctioned :(
Eva moved out
Iris is a writer, while Eva is a cadet at the police 😬 imagine the tension at home.
Grantaire just befriended Joly!!!! Joly is married to a Charlotte Clement
Grantaire's stepmother died of Aids
Eva has been promoted to patrolman
Joly and Grantaire are officially best friends
Enjolras retired (both him and R are 62 now)
Eva has been promoted to Trooper. Enjolras must be going crazy
Feuilly has invited R to do mushrooms so of course he accepted
Eva has been promoted to corporal
Grantaire retired (he's 67)
Eva has been promoted to sergeant
Enjolras is nagging at Grantaire to buy a car so R bought a purple lambo 😎
Feuilly keeps inviting Grantaire over for drugs and OMG FEUILLY YOU'RE ALMOST 80 STOP IT
IRIS GOT MARRIED!! To a certain Paul Girard
Iris had a baby girl named Alice 🥺🥺🥺 Grantaire and Enjolras are grandpas 😭😭
Omg, now that Feuilly is dead Combeferre is the one that keeps offering drugs
Iris had another daughter named Olivia 😭😭😭😍😍😍
Eva just had a son named Ethan 😭😭😭 there three grandchildren now omg
4 grandchildren!!!!! Iris gave birth to a girl named Lina!!!!!!
Grantaire's brother Victor just died :(
Omg the grandchildren are starting to go to school, my heart cant
Grantaire's brother Noah died too
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ENJOLRAS DIED IN HIS SLEEP 😭😭😭😭 at 91 tho which is way better than canon
Grantaire died at 93. Game over. Here is the grave:
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squidproquoclarice · 5 years
Would you be able to explain your thoughts on not liking characters dying for redemption more? Like other people have said, you make things easy to understand.
All right, gather round the campfire, kids, and we’ll sing a round of Jack O’ Diamonds or Ring Dang Doo and let’s talk about the trope of “This character has done bad things, and deliberately choosing to sacrifice themselves for the survival of other people, in dying, finds their ‘redemption’.”Which can be powerful and eloquent.  The issue is when it becomes the only acceptable ending for a character with problematic actions, where it becomes an equation of “redemption=death”.  Establishing the notion that there is no redemption possible in life, that this character has done things that render them unworthy of surviving, of living, of happiness.  And that’s…kind of an issue.There’s a conflict between the viewpoints of retributive and restorative justice.  Retribution, which is more the Western legal system, and has become largely our cultural view, tends to take the notion that you can’t escape your past.  You can’t erase it.  Your sins will catch up to you, and you will pay the price for them in some kind of suffering.  Eye for an eye.  Action, consequence.  Crime, punishment.Restorative justice looks more at the balance of things.  You’ve done wrong.  What can you do to fix that specific sin to your victim, or if not, how can you make the world around you better and pay for your wrong in that way?Look, this is a moral conflict that Victor Hugo explored in detail in “Les Miserables” (and you can bet your ass that’s a very pertinent novel Arthur will be reading during his TB convalescence).  Jean Valjean is an escaped convict.  Javert is very much the retributive justice POV: you still need to pay your punishment to society.  Others, like the Bishop of Digne, tell Jean that the best way to pay for his sins is to look at the world around him, to do good, and to make it better.  Can Jean make up for being a dick to Fantine in her hour of need and helping cause her suffering and death by becoming an amazing adoptive father to her daughter?  Can he make up for his criminal past by it?  Debate at 11!This is why I love RDR, to be honest.  You have two very different men and situations, and the notion of “redemption” is handled in interesting ways for both of them.I love John Marston.  We see him now in 3 different eras, and the evolution between 1899, 1907, and 1911.  And he’s a fascinating character presenting that dilemma of an ex-criminal living a quiet life. He’s made up for his mistakes as a husband and father, but has he truly earned a peaceful life?  As of 1907, he’s still fucking up, getting into fights, taking Abigail and Jack for granted, pursuing revenge for Arthur which is the last thing the man would want.  As of 1911, I’d say “no”, he hasn’t quite earned absolution.  He’s not hurting anyone any more, and he’s a fantastic husband and dad, but he’s running from his past.  He’s not adding to the red in the ledger, but he’s not really putting any black to offset it either.  He still seems to have left the gang mostly because of it breaking apart and Dutch’s betraying him, rather than genuine soul-searching and contrition.  He goes after Bill and Javier and Dutch because he’s forced to, not because they’re hurting people.  Though I’d say by the end of RDR1, he is becoming more the man who deserves the peace he seeks.  He’s making more honorable choices to make the world around him better, helping strangers rather than looking out for only his own family.  Unfortunately, it’s too little, too late, as he’s caught in Ross’ snare and is killed to tie up loose ends.  John is a great character who can’t quite leave his past behind, or come to terms with it, and it catches up with him before he can complete that evolution.  (And man, that really sucks for Arthur, because John’s becoming a good man living a good life is what he hoped for so much.)Arthur?  Gaaaah, much as I loved John, R* found a new level of storytelling with this boah.  By the end of RDR2, yes, from a restorative justice POV, I think he’s earned that chance at a happy life.  He’s squarely faced who he is and what he’s done in the past, sincerely regrets it, recognizes he can’t directly fix many of his past actions (though damn, does he try where he can, in cases like the Downes family) but he’s actively chosen to do good.  To spread kindness and mercy, to make the world better where he can.  And I have to believe given another 30 years of life, he’d continue taking on that role of fighting for the downtrodden where he can, because this is a man who now genuinely believes.  But from a retributive justice standpoint, he still deserves to die for the things he’s done.  So therein lies the dilemma: which justice system wins?  Restorative, and the good he can do for so many, or retributive, and “making him pay”?  While I respect the tragic poetry of his sacrifice for John, I choose to believe that Arthur surviving the TB, finding a way to challenge himself to continue to be better, and doing so, and finding peace with himself, is a really profoundly meaningful ending.  Like Sister Calderon says, we’ve all lived bad lives, but to choose to love others, and to selflessly help them, makes a big difference.  So yeah, flipping over to Timeless, the notion as per the writer of the Christmas special that Garcia Flynn has “done too many bad things” and doesn’t “deserve” a happy ending so he should randomly go sacrifice himself for the happiness of Lucy and Wyatt is kinda BS-y.  He acknowledges his sins.  He fights for others, fights to try to become a good man again, without hope of personal gain for himself at this point.  He’s saved a hell of a lot of lives.  Compared to Wyatt, who’s been equally violent, hurt many people, and genuinely seems to believe his needs always take precedence, and yet “deserves” happiness including Babies Ever After, that’s really kind of a shitty reductive claim compared against the thoughtful complexity R* put into the “death via redemption” trope.In conclusion, use retributive justice where appropriate, but c’mon, let’s stop hitting the lazy button and see more restorative justice storylines for characters with “bad” pasts who are desperately trying to be better.Thank you for coming to my RED Talk.
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jehnt · 7 years
book meme
 Rules: Complete the qualities with books you’ve read or want to read (novels, plays, stories, etc.) then tag some friends.
I was tagged by @veganvenom. Reading other people’s responses has caused a whole passel of books to “accidentally” fall into my amazon cart. whooooops
Book I love:
Too many to list? It’s easier to list authors - Victor Hugo, Colette, Brandon Sanderson, Tamora Pierce, Meg Cabot, Emma Bull, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, JK Rowling, LM Montgomery - to name just a few. All have written books which were hugely influential on me at some point in my life and remain compelling to me still.
Book I hate:
There are exactly two books I have hated so much I threw them into the trash: Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld and Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay. The former was boring and overhyped; the latter was gross neckbeard dude fantasy. I read Prep because of a NYT book review and I read Tigana because several of my favorite fanfic writers said it was one of their favorites. I trashed them rather than donating them because I couldn’t stand the thought of possibly inflicting either upon some unsuspecting person.
Book I think is underestimated:
Okay so I read this "Swallowcliffe Hall” series I found on Amazon once and bought because they were hella cheap. And as I started going I thought... this is just like Downton Abbey. Then I saw that it was published years before. They’re interesting, not perfect, but I’ve never met anyone else who has read them and I think they’re worth a shot.
Also I think I said this in a previous post but Love in the Time of Cholera is superior to One Hundred Years of Solitude, and all the critics that think differently can suck my dick. I don’t have a dick but I will purchase one for the occasion.
Book I think is overvalued:
So many.
Book I want to see in a movie version:
I don’t know if I’d rather a movie or miniseries, but Playing for Keeps by Muir Lafferty, Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld, or some other delightful story about superheroes with nontraditional powers would be fun.
Last book I read/in progress:
And it Came to Pass by @itslaurastone​! I love it!
Book or saga I want to finish:
I don’t think there are any that I want to finish that I haven’t yet if all the books are out. Maybe The Princess Diaries? I haven’t read the latest books in that series.
Book or saga I don’t want to finish:
Hahaaaa I started And it Came to Pass last week and I’m nearly done but I’ve been SAVING the end. I do this with everything I really like, lol.
Next book:
lol, like I have just ONE book lined up next. I bought Scars of Independence: America’s Violent Birth after reading about it in The New Yorker, and Paris: The Secret History after seeing someone on here talking about it (maybe @spacestationtrustfund?), and I think one of those will be my next main book because I think it’s time for a bit of nonfiction.
The worst end:
Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay. tl;dr the only characters I remotely liked lost because some bitch fell in love with her rapist. NOPE. It was the first book I read by Guy Gavriel Kay and also the last. Every time I see it at Half Price Books I consider buying it to burn in case that would somehow be cathartic.
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neato-kiddo · 7 years
it's 12:30
and victor hugo can suck my dick. never before in my life did i ever think that i’d be talking about how lorde (my mom) relates to the french revolution, but here i am
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theultracheeese · 10 years
there's this french song called i like your ass and the word are just "i like your ass why i like your ass because i like your ass i like your ass" it's amazing
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