#victoria turnbull
allofthebeanz · 11 months
Buckle up, kids, Beanz is gonna rant about fictional characters...
(heads up that while I'm not being negative or critical of someone's interpretation, I do refer to what I've seen in fic and how I feel about it in terms of my own reading of characterization. If you're sensitive about this kind of meta (like I am!) please feel free to skip over this post)
Okay so during my recent marathon of Due South fic reading, I noticed that some people characterize Ray (Kowalski) as seeing Fraser as 'Supermountie' and I definitely see where this comes from. Everyone has an image surrounding Fraser. Ray Vecchio definitely buys the persona and deals with hero worship until the second season where he comes to terms with Fraser being a repressed bastard rather than superman. I personally adore Red, White, and Blue because of Ray's character development in the pretend argument he has with Fraser. (And I have to say it's a shame that the actor didn't want to come back for more cameos so we could see the interactions between the two afterwards).
Now obviously Ray, and most of the people Fraser surrounds himself with (Thatcher, Turnbull, Welsh, Frannie) care about him as a person, but they still see him as an indestructible hero. He does crazy shit and he pulls you along and you're scared for yourself because you're not like him. Or, if he gets hurt, he just bounces right back because his duty is above anything else how can he stay down for too long. He's Fraser, he can do ANYTHING.
Maybe this is just me, but I never got that from Ray Kowalski. Ray comes in, he thinks 'wow, what a weirdo' (not in a bad way, Fraser's just weird like all the other members of the cast tbh). He tells Fraser not to go in a burning building. He tells him not to lick electrical sockets. He calls Fraser a freak - there is zero hero worship towards him. What happens when Fraser turns out to catch a knife? Ray's livid about it. Ray decides to box with Fraser because he sees them as equals, right? There's no 'wow, Fraser's gonna kick my ass' it's just 'fight me'.
To me the only thing Ray had to do, which everyone does, is figure out how Fraser communicates. Ray figures out how Fraser manipulates. He's passive-aggressive with the niggling and the high vocabulary. But he never needed to figure out Fraser's human. Because he told him - to his face - 'you don't have a cape'. He wants Fraser to be vulnerable about him because he already knows he has vulnerabilities. There's no 'do you get angry Fraser' it's 'just get angry already!'.
In MotB Ray gets all snippy again in the submarine because Fraser does that thing where he's blank faced and calm. Fraser, five minutes ago, was yelling at Ray and giving him the beautiful 'are you happy now' face. Ray seemed to be calmer with that Fraser. And, hey, sure Fraser shows anger there but we also get a rare smile at the end. With Ray! That's the most emotion we've ever seen from him since Victoria's Secret!!!
tl;dr: RayK, at least to my reading, has never seen Fraser as SuperMountie
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the-bi-library · 7 months
do you have book recs with bi male rep which is not romance? i love romance but i really want to see bi male rep in other genres as well.
Yes, here are some:
💕Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo 💕Fractured Souls by E A Copen 💕The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi 💕No Gods, No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull 💕The Atlas Six by Alexene Farol Follmuth 💕The Feverwake duology by Victoria Lee 💕Boyslut: A Memoir and Manifesto by Zachary Zane 💕The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons 💕Proper Scoundrels by Allie Therin
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pwlanier · 2 years
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carved sandstone figure group.
Note: John Steell (1804-1891) was born in Aberdeen in 1804, but moved to Edinburgh with his family in 1807. He entered into an apprenticeship with his father, who was a carver and gilder, and trained at the Trustees' School of Design. Just five years after going into partnership with his father in 1824 he resolved to become a sculptor and travelled to Rome. On his return in 1830, he was made a member of the Royal Scottish Academy. During the course of his career he became one of the most important and esteemed sculptors of nineteenth century Scotland, being made sculptor to the Queen in Scotland in 1838. He is known for several famous statues including the statue of Queen Victoria atop the RSA building on Princes Street, Edinburgh, the statue of Sir Walter Scott in the Scott Monument, also on Princes Street, and Edinburgh's Prince Albert Memorial monument in Charlotte Square, for which he received his knighthood in 1876.
In 1832 he was commissioned to design his first architectural piece, the current lot, which would adorn the entrance to the St Andrew Square, head office of the Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society in Edinburgh. It was based on the decorative emblem that was used on the society's policy documents. The sculpture depicts Providence, who is the divine representation of the ability to make provision, with a cornucopia with fruit and vegetables spilling from it. To her left is a child holding a bulging sheaf of wheat. On the left of the sculpture sits a mourning widow, shawled and seated in a Madonna-like fashion, surrounded by her children who look up at her. On the right of the sculpture is a headstone, signifying the lost husband, with the date AD MDCCCXV (1815) inscribed on it, which was the year of the society's establishment.
In 1859 the society's offices were moved a few doors down and the sculpture was relocated to their Glasgow branch on Buchanan Street. From there it was removed some time before the building's demolition in the 1970s, at which point it was stored in the basement of the old Scottish Widows' building at 9 St Andrew Square. The sculpture was subsequently gifted to Donald Mackenzie who placed it in his garden.
Lyon and Turnbull
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asvellyon · 24 days
¿Cuáles fueron las alineaciones del Celtic F. C. en el partido contra Lazio?
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¿Cuáles fueron las alineaciones del Celtic F. C. en el partido contra Lazio?
Formaciones del Celtic F
Las formaciones del Celtic F son un conjunto de posiciones defensivas y ofensivas utilizadas por uno de los clubes de fútbol más emblemáticos de Escocia. Este equipo, también conocido como Celtic Football Club, cuenta con una larga trayectoria en el fútbol profesional y ha desarrollado varias formaciones a lo largo de los años para adaptarse a diferentes estrategias de juego.
Una de las formaciones más características del Celtic F es el clásico 4-2-3-1, que se compone de cuatro defensores, dos mediocampistas de contención, tres mediocampistas ofensivos y un delantero en punta. Esta formación se destaca por su equilibrio entre la defensa y el ataque, permitiendo al equipo tener control en el centro del campo y crear oportunidades de gol de manera efectiva.
Otra formación popular entre los seguidores del Celtic F es el 3-5-2, que se caracteriza por incluir tres defensores, cinco mediocampistas (dos de contención y tres ofensivos) y dos delanteros. Esta formación suele utilizarse en partidos donde se busca dominar la posesión del balón y presionar al rival en su propia área.
Independientemente de la formación utilizada, el Celtic F se ha ganado un lugar destacado en el fútbol escocés y europeo gracias a su estilo de juego ofensivo y atractivo para los aficionados. Con un legado lleno de títulos y momentos históricos, este club continúa impresionando a sus seguidores con su pasión por el deporte rey.
Jugadores del Celtic en el partido contra Lazio
El Celtic Football Club, uno de los equipos más emblemáticos de Escocia, enfrentó recientemente al Lazio en un emocionante partido de fútbol. En este encuentro, los jugadores del Celtic mostraron un rendimiento excepcional, destacando su habilidad y determinación en el campo de juego.
Uno de los jugadores clave en el partido fue el delantero Odsonne Édouard, cuya destreza en el área rival resultó fundamental para el equipo. Édouard demostró una vez más por qué es considerado uno de los talentos emergentes del fútbol europeo, anotando un gol crucial que contribuyó a la victoria del Celtic.
Otro jugador destacado fue el mediocampista Callum McGregor, cuya visión de juego y precisión en los pases fueron fundamentales para controlar el ritmo del partido. McGregor desempeñó un papel crucial en el centro del campo, distribuyendo el balón de manera inteligente y ayudando a generar oportunidades de gol para su equipo.
Además, el defensor Kristoffer Ajer impresionó con su solidez en la parte posterior, frustrando los intentos de ataque del Lazio y protegiendo la portería del Celtic con determinación. Su actuación impecable fue fundamental para mantener la ventaja de su equipo hasta el pitido final.
En resumen, los jugadores del Celtic demostraron su talento y compromiso en el partido contra el Lazio, logrando una importante victoria que los acerca más a sus objetivos en la temporada. Con un equipo sólido y motivado, el Celtic continúa dejando su marca en el fútbol europeo.
alineación titular del Celtic F
El Celtic F.C., uno de los clubes de fútbol más emblemáticos de Escocia, cuenta con una alineación titular poderosa y competitiva que ha causado sensación en la Scottish Premiership. Con jugadores talentosos en cada posición, el equipo ha demostrado ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta en cada partido que disputa.
En la defensa, destacan jugadores como Christopher Jullien y Diego Laxalt, quienes aportan solidez y experiencia para proteger la portería. En el centro del campo, figuras como Callum McGregor y David Turnbull son piezas clave en la creación de juego y en la recuperación del balón.
En la delantera, el Celtic F.C. cuenta con un ataque letal liderado por Odsonne Edouard y Albian Ajeti, dos delanteros con una gran capacidad goleadora que mantienen en vilo a las defensas rivales en cada encuentro.
Además, el equipo cuenta con un banquillo de lujo, con jugadores como Ryan Christie, Olivier Ntcham y Leigh Griffiths, quienes pueden entrar en cualquier momento y marcar la diferencia en el juego.
Con una alineación titular tan talentosa y equilibrada, el Celtic F.C. se posiciona como uno de los favoritos para conquistar la Scottish Premiership y seguir dejando su huella en el fútbol escocés. Los aficionados del club pueden estar seguros de que su equipo está en buenas manos con esta alineación estelar que promete grandes logros en la temporada.
Suplentes del Celtic en el encuentro ante Lazio
En el reciente encuentro entre el Celtic y Lazio, el equipo escocés sorprendió al mundo del fútbol al derrotar al equipo italiano 2-1 en la Europa League. Pero más allá del resultado, la actuación de los suplentes del Celtic merece una mención especial.
Los suplentes del Celtic demostraron su valía al ingresar al terreno de juego y contribuir de manera significativa a la victoria de su equipo. Jugadores como Jonny Hayes y Olivier Ntcham demostraron su calidad y compromiso al marcar goles decisivos que aseguraron la victoria del Celtic.
Además, la profundidad de plantilla del equipo escocés quedó en evidencia durante el encuentro, ya que los suplentes demostraron estar a la altura de las circunstancias y no desentonaron en un partido de alto nivel como el disputado contra Lazio.
La actuación de los suplentes del Celtic no solo demuestra la importancia de tener un banco de suplentes fuerte y comprometido, sino también la capacidad del entrenador para tomar decisiones acertadas en momentos clave del partido.
En resumen, los suplentes del Celtic demostraron su valía y contribuyeron de manera significativa a la histórica victoria de su equipo ante Lazio en la Europa League. Su actuación refuerza la idea de que en el fútbol, el trabajo en equipo y la profundidad de plantilla son fundamentales para alcanzar el éxito.
Cambios realizados por el Celtic F
El Celtic F.C. es un club de fútbol escocés con una rica historia y una base de seguidores apasionados. A lo largo de los años, el club ha experimentado varios cambios, tanto dentro como fuera del campo, que han moldeado su trayectoria. Estos cambios han abarcado desde la gestión hasta la composición del equipo y la estrategia de juego.
Uno de los cambios más significativos que ha experimentado el Celtic F.C. es en su dirección técnica. El club ha contratado y despedido a varios entrenadores a lo largo de los años, en busca de la combinación perfecta que garantice el éxito en el campo. Estos cambios en el banquillo han tenido un impacto directo en el rendimiento del equipo y en su estilo de juego.
Además de los cambios en el cuerpo técnico, el Celtic F.C. también ha realizado movimientos importantes en su plantilla. El club ha fichado a jugadores talentosos de todo el mundo y ha vendido a otros en busca de mantener un equipo competitivo. Estas decisiones han sido clave en la evolución del equipo y en su capacidad para competir tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
En términos de estrategia de juego, el Celtic F.C. ha pasado por diversas etapas. Desde enfoques defensivos hasta estilos de juego más ofensivos y vistosos, el equipo ha experimentado con diferentes tácticas para adaptarse a las demandas del fútbol moderno y a los rivales en constante evolución.
En resumen, los cambios realizados por el Celtic F.C. a lo largo de su historia han sido numerosos y variados, pero todos tienen un objetivo común: mantener al club en la cima del fútbol escocés y competir al más alto nivel tanto en casa como en el extranjero.
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featurenews · 3 months
Australia news live: Sydney Harbour shark attack victim ‘stable’ in hospital; fresh floods after intense rain in Queensland
Plus: former PM Malcolm Turnbull tells ABC documentary about run-ins with his nemesis. Follow the day’s news live * Woman seriously injured after being attacked by a shark in Sydney Harbour * Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast We’ve just spoken to St Vincent’s hospital and confirmed that the woman bitten by a shark in Sydney Harbour last night remains in hospital in a stable condition. The woman, in her late 20s, was bitten on the right leg by a suspected bull shark in Elizabeth Bay last night. Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/global/live/2024/jan/30/australia-news-live-queensland-weather-floods-storms-flooding-stage-three-tax-cuts-anthony-albanese-peter-dutton-nemesis-abc-malcolm-turnbull-tony-abbott-victoria-nsw-politics?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Nova Scotia's Blayre Turnbull leads scorers as Canada trounces U.S. to claim Rivalry Series
Blayre Turnbull led all scorers with two goals as Canada used a four-goal second period to fuel a 5-0 win over the U.S. to claim the Rivalry Series.
Ella Shelton, Marie-Philip Poulin and Victoria Bach added the others for Canada, which won its fourth straight Wednesday to take the series 4-3.
Laura Stacey dished out three assists and Ann-Renee Desbiens earned a 25-save shutout.
"I'm really proud of everyone in the room and any of the girls who have a played a role in any of these games," Turnbull said.
"It's a hard thing to do, but if any group can do it, I believe it's us. Getting the win is a great way for us to build momentum and hopefully keep it going as we head to Brampton (for the world championship)."
Nicole Hensley surrendered three goals on eight shots before Maddie Rooney entered the game in her place. Rooney stopped 8-of-10 shots in 29 minutes of relief for the U.S.
The Canadians were coming off a 5-1 victory on Monday in Trois-Rivieres, Que.
Canada had dropped the first three contests in November after going 3-1-1 against the Americans in last season's Rivalry Series, which was cut short by the pandemic.
"I think coming back after losing the first three games says a lot about the character and heart we have in our room," Stacey said. "We knew we were in a tough spot, we knew we weren't playing our best but we were going to do whatever we could to change that.
"We didn't focus on the outcome, we showed up, put in the work, focused on the game in front of us and it worked in our favour."
Shelton opened the scoring at 17:02 into the opening frame when Stacey sent a centring pass to Emily Clark, who was stopped. But Shelton came crashing in and tucked the puck into the net despite a scramble in front.
Poulin kick-started a dominant, yet efficient second period for Canada, which scored four goals on just seven shots.
The captain doubled Canada's lead at 3:41, taking a pass from Jamie Lee Rattray and beating Hensley with a wrist shot.
On the power play, Stacey's shot from the left faceoff circle was tipped in by Turnbull at 10:26.
Thirty-two seconds later, Stacey found Turnbull with a centring pass and Turnbull scored on a one-timer between two American defenders to make it a 4-0 game.
Bach joined in on the action under two minutes later. Jill Saulnier sprang Bach on a breakaway and she beat Rooney with a backhand shot.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 22, 2023.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/lhAPyvI
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
A collapsed cryptocurrency exchange used customer funds to obtain a business loan
A court heard that an Australian cryptocurrency exchange that collapsed last year trapped more than $20 million of client funds in client funds to provide a loan to support another part of its business rather than keeping the funds in reserve. The group — Blockchain Global, which operates the ACX exchange — pooled client accounts into a single fund and mixed those funds with company funds, keeping scant records of each of its clients’ deals. The three founders of Bitcoin Global: (from left) Jin Chen, Sam Lee and Allan Guo in happier times. attributed to him:Paul Jeffers Blockchain Global’s unusual business activities were revealed in the High Court of Victoria on Wednesday during the group’s general liquidator exams. Blockchain Global collapsed in October last year owing creditors as much as $50 million, including hundreds of Australian account holders who lost large sums after the group blocked withdrawals. Liquidators Andrew Yu and Ines Cole of Pitcher Partners are now investigating the disappearance of millions of dollars deposited with the platform by its clients prior to its collapse. The tests provided insights into the running of one of Australia’s first bitcoin exchanges, the risks to investors dealing with these largely unregulated operators, and Blockchain Global’s significant differences in business practices when compared to traditional exchange operators and exchange brokers. Formerly known as Bitcoin Global, Blockchain is a bitcoin mining group that halted plans to list on ASX in 2015 after the company’s regulator demanded that the group address concerns about its prospectus, which included giving investors the impression that Malcolm Turnbull was supporting the group (when he wasn’t) and its claims that it Profitable (when it isn’t). By 2016, the group had redesigned itself as a cryptocurrency trading company that allowed clients to invest fiat currencies to trade cryptocurrency on the ACX exchange. loading On Wednesday, the court heard that Blockchain Global’s ACX exchange took the funds invested by its crypto-trading clients and mixed the funds into one pooled fund – a practice that violates the rules for reporting client funds to licensed stock brokers and trading groups but not to the unregulated crypto market. so far. Blockchain Global’s chief technology officer, Jen Chen, under scrutiny by liquidators’ attorney Andrew Silver on Wednesday, said the company keeps limited records of each client’s trades and holdings. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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St Mary’s Catholic Church
This is the third St Mary’s Church in Whanganui, the first opening in 1857 and the second opening in 1877. Both were sited on Victoria Avenue near Majestic Square. After the second St Mary’s, designed by Thomas Turnbull, closed in 1973, this striking new church was built on another site, opening in 1977 and containing many pieces reused from the 1877 St Mary’s, including the stained glass windows, font, organ, parts of the altar rails, vessels, and statues. The architect was the late Ron Lamont, who wrote "I have designed scores of buildings, but none has given me as much joy and satisfaction as St Mary's." Lamont designed multiple buildings in Whanganui, including the District Library in Queens Park. He also later had involvement in designing the Officers Barracks and Mess Hall (1984) in Waiouru, which recently received an Enduring Architecture Prize at the 2021 Western Architecture Awards.
This building is more modernist than it is Brutalist — however, it is important to remember that Brutalism is generally considered to be a variant or subtype of post-war modernism. It is far less ‘blocky’ and monolithic than buildings of the typical Brutalist style, and its origami-like roof and large windows are also a breakaway from Brutalism; but it also boasts several features that show Brutalist influence, such as its geometric form, monochromatic appearance, and use of raw unpainted concrete.
As with the Trinity Church, a Brutalist architectural approach is an interesting one to take for this building considering the ornamentation typical of most churches, which tend to favour more decorative styles such as Gothic. Yet despite its relatively pared-back, stark design, St Mary’s is still an arresting building that doesn’t fail to draw the eye.
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lostinthestacks · 3 years
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JOMP BPC June 18: Wings
From Pandora by Victoria Turnbull
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thebookwars · 7 years
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Pandora by Victoria Turnbull Hardcover, 32 pages Published April 4th 2017 by Clarion Books Source: Raincoast Books Oh the art in this one is so glorious.
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geenee27 · 4 years
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womenshockeydaily · 4 years
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Victoria Bach wins it in OT | 03.02.20
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spacetimeconundrum · 2 years
2021 in Writing
Happy 2022 everyone! I hope you're all staying healthy and warm out there this January.
This past year was a bit of a rough one for me (and many of you too, I'm sure). And yet, according to AO3, 2021 was somehow my most productive year so far in terms of writing: over 58,500 words! That's basically a whole novel's worth of fiction! So for fun, let's look back on all the things I wrote in 2021:
Not the Time Dad - Due South, Gen, 600 words, Benton Fraser, Bob Fraser, Diefenbaker, werewolves, awkward conversations Bob picks an inconvenient moment to drop in on his son. Short scene / entry into my Due South, but Make Everyone Werewolves series that I wrote in May, in an attempt to shake free of writer's block (I hadn't been able to write anything since late November at that point.) It worked, because I was finally able to start making progress on my C6D Big Bang fic after this. And any excuse to write Bob Fraser should be embraced, really. A Canadian Werewolf in Las Vegas -  Due South, T, 29.7k, Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski, Ray Vecchio, Victoria Metcalf, werewolves, Las Vegas, established relationship, kid!fic, family feels, road trips “It’s… look, there’s no good way to say this. It’s Victoria. She’s in Vegas, in Intensive Care..." Originally the idea for this story came to me in the summer of 2020, but I lacked the time and energy to get more than a few scenes written before that year's C6D Big Bang, so I put it on the agenda for 2021 instead. Written in concentrated bursts while working an obscenely stressful job this summer, I'm incredibly proud of this story, even if it's gotten far less attention than a few of my others this past year. It's about the unexpected shapes family can take, forgiveness, and yes, werewolves. (It's also part of the aforementioned werewolf AU series.) Plus, it's pretty funny in places, or at least I think so. (If you haven't jumped into this one yet because kid!fic and/or Victoria aren't your jam, I get that, but I promise this story isn't what you're expecting it to be.) Icing the Pack - Due South, G, 6.9k, Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski, Ray Vecchio, hockey AU, werewolves, didn't know they were dating Ben Fraser is an NHL defenseman in Chicago. When his best friend is  traded to Florida for a late round draft pick and a scrappy right winger  a few years from retirement, he isn't expecting his entire life to   change. Or the secret his new teammate is hiding... Written in August immediately after I wrapped up work on A Canadian Werewolf in Las Vegas because I was still buzzing with writing energy and wanted to use it, this was the product of a Discord conversation where I asked my friends there what I should write. The suggestion I got was "werewolf hockey player Ray K and suspicious teammate Fraser", which, if you know me well, you also know that this was something I absolutely HAD to write immediately. I had a lot of fun writing it and am particularly proud of the jump scare. You don't really need to know anything about hockey to enjoy it, but it can't hurt. A Little Less Conversation (A Little More Action) - Due South, T, 9.6k, Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski, Elvis, Renfield Turnbull, Francesca Vecchio, Harding Welsh, accidental marriage, fake/pretend relationship, modern setting Ray and Fraser accidentally get married. Well, as accidentally as one  can deliberately go through all the required steps to marry someone and  then somehow be surprised by the result. It's complicated. Also written in August, with the knowledge that I was leaving the terrible job that was making me miserable, this turned out to be the most popular out of anything I wrote in 2021. Another product of zany Discord discussions, this story started as a joking comment about how I wanted to write an accidental marriage plot that snowballed into a fully formed story in nearly record time. I'd already written one Vegas-set story, how about another? I set it in the vaguely present-day, instead of the late 90s, because marriage equality is way more fun, especially when you're trying to write a silly 'oh no, I accidentally married my best friend in Vegas' storyline. Ray and Fraser succumb to peer-pressure, Turnbull bonds with a stripper, feelings are felt, there's a shower scene, it's a good time. Drop It Like It's Hot - Due South, M, 11.6k, Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski, Renfield Turnbull, Bob Fraser, curses, magical realism, first time, crack treated seriously What do you get when you mix two Mounties, a Chicago police  detective, a half-wolf, and an opinionated ghost with a bit of cursed  pottery? A little romance, if you're lucky.     My entry into this year's due South Seekrit Santa, and the reason I couldn't write this post until after New Year's. I wrote this for a good friend and frequent enabler (who's already convincing me to write more silly things for this year, so you all have that to look forward to), who requested some magical case fic for F/K. I gave her a cursed vase, ghost shenanigans, and possibly the steamiest scene I've ever written (again, so far).
That’s the list! Thank you to everyone who read my stuff this year, left comments, kudos, beta read things at the last minute, and encouraged my nonsense on Discord. May 2022 treat you all kindly, and may the words come when you need them!
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
When the footpath is not a footpath
We’ve been told of pedestrians refusing to be careful when crossing roads (“Police Urge Pedestrians to Remain Alert After Death,” October 2). As a decent elderly person, always aware of my surroundings, I am stunned by the daily dangers that law-abiding pedestrians face from cars, bikes, and scooters. At my local intersection, cars often light up when pedestrians have the right to cross. Often on footpaths, cyclists fail to sound their horns when approaching pedestrians from behind. Also, cyclists and scooters (not just children) dash on footpaths and put pressure on those who walk. I’ve seen speeding cyclists crossing crowded roads almost onto footpaths and crashing into pedestrians. The term “pedestrian lane” has become a misnomer, and the idea of ​​a “common path” has become a joke. The lion’s share of space will always go to those who drive fast cars, and not to weak humans. The benefits of walking for the elderly are many. But if threats to their safety persist, many will forego this inexpensive health activity. Caroline Gresh, Dulwich Hill Your article referred to an important safety issue for pedestrians crossing Sydney’s main roads. We live on the corner of Parramatta Road and Glebe Point Street. We were given about 5 seconds to walk through the four lanes of the Broad Parramatta before the drivers made the turn from Glebe Point Road to get the green light to turn into Parramatta Road. We leave the pavement a second the light turns green, but believe me there is always a scramble to try to get out of the way of turning vehicles that are often (not always) driven by impatient drivers. Lots of pedestrians cross this intersection to go to Victoria Park, the University of Sydney or the public swimming pool. Please give us a reasonable amount of time to cross so that we can avoid a tragedy like the one at Sunflower Drive in Claremont Meadows (“Three pedestrians killed in 24 hours as police urge caution on long weekend,” October 1, where a grandfather was killed On his way home from visiting his grandchildren. Louis Katz, Gleb Parramatta no strength Not only does the new planned museum for Parramatta look like an event center masquerading as a museum (“More Event Center than a Museum: Report,” October 2), it has also adopted a pseudonym and in the process stole a distinct identity. It’s not the Powerhouse Museum. That institution, however weak it may be in the future, still stands proudly at Ultimo. Phil Rodwell, Redfern Dangerous sex on TV Applause to Daisy Turnbull for her thoughts on screen approval rating (“We should know what we agree to watch,” Oct. 2). The most recent example is House of the Dragon, where sexual encounters in sexual encounters transition from one-sided “exercises” to intimate, heart-warming heights. Whether the audience will pick up the director is not a very subtle difference in the various interrelationships, there is a question. It is no exaggeration to suggest that developing young minds who take in these cinematic pairs can leave them with a less than consensual sense of reality. Steve Dillon, Thyrol No need to classify consensual or non-consensual sex. Just make movies without sex scenes and let the viewer use their imagination. Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill Rules can’t be broken I also attended a Catholic girls’ school in Sydney (Letters, 2 October), in my case during the 1960s. The rules were ample. Athletic height rules and uniforms were also an advantage. Others included: not talking to boys in uniform, not talking in toilets, covering bleached or colored hair with a cloth shower cap (school colors), and not pulling out eyebrows. We never thought about wearing jewelry or makeup. At one point we were asked to carry bricks, yes bricks, from the lower campus up to the top in preparation for the new science block building. However, we knew the rules and no one forced us to go to school. We would not describe our experience in four letter words. Margaret Wright, Narembern Albu Tax Hero Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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pwlanier · 3 years
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each fold with two panels with applique silk needlework depicting roses, thistles, shamrocks, and lilies, against a faded red velvet ground, the same on the reverse for twelve panels total, in an ebonised frame, bearing a brass plaque engraved 'THIS EMBROIDERY CAME OFF THE DAIS ERECTED AT DELHI/ FROM WHICH/ QUEEN VICTORIA WAS PROCLAIMED EMPRESS OF INDIA/ 1877'
Lyon and Turnbull
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