j-diamond · 7 years
I have you? (Zsasz x Reader)
This goes out to @miss-androgony  I am so sorry it took so long, but part 1 is done, and I’m already half way through with part 2.
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   “Just this once.” You say following him. You were teens and as a teen you are supposed to try and figure out what you’re meant to do. That’s what you were doing, sort of…
  You lived in a family of three, your mother, your brother, and you. You were the most mature, and basically held the family together, even though you were but sixteen. Your mother didn’t really appreciate you and you would’ve left as soon as you could, were it not for your brother. You adored your brother, as did your mother- really the only thing you had in common. You wanted to give him a better life ever since his birth. He, having been bullied, grew up with a tough life. Seeing that made you hurt, because even though it didn’t look like it, you knew exactly how he felt. So you grew up fast, that way he never had to.
   “So what are we doing?” You ask him as you follow him through alleyways.    “You said you needed money. Right y/n/n?” He asks, stopping,    “Yes. But what of it V?” You ask him, confused.
   This was your friend Victor Zsasz. You had grown up together, and basically were inseparable. You met him in 4th grade, under the school stairs. He had been crying, he’d lost all his hair. ALL of it. No eyebrows, lashes, no hair anywhere. You’d been going there because that’s where you went when it all got a bit too much, ever since then you guys have been friends. Zsasz grew up to be daring, you well, you became a bit of a heart breaker. After puberty, you’d grew to be very beautiful. Boys fell for you just for your looks and that disgusted you because they didn’t like you, for you, the beautiful person inside. Zsasz constantly made fun of you because of it.
  “Now here me out?” He says as he holds your hands.   “V…” you say wearily,   “We need you. You’re a straight shot.” He says slowly.   “You don’t mean killing…” You say suspiciously.   “I do. But only if you want to.”
  You said yes. Both of you basically grew up to be the most feared people in Gotham. Victor Zsasz, the city renowned hit man, and Y/n L/n, also known as The Siren, The Spider, The Charmer and The Seducer, a female who preyed on people, charming both men and women alike, right before she kills them. Even though all of Gotham knew you were the most dangerous people there, they still did not fear you as though they should. And instead of doing something about it, you did nothing. For that’s the way you loved it.
   “One of Maroni’s men?” You asked looking at Falcone, he shakes his head,    “Yes, he has stolen some of my stocks, and I believe Maroni knows but is doing nothing about it. So you’re going to have to kill him in the most obvious way so that it does not look like it was us. Okay?” You and Victor exchange glances,    “Yes boss.” He says slyly, this was going to be fun. You both turn and leave and as soon as you close the door you both are dashing. The sound of laughter and shoes continually pounding on the ground filled the hallways and anyone who heard the sound already knew; you had a new target. They all cleared the way, giving you a clean exit.
  “I should probably take this.” You say as you pull out your five, toothed blade, i’ve been dying to try this out.” He looks at you, smirking,   “I’d rather not.”   “And I’d rather not- no I am not going to be your zsaszette.”   “Fine.”   As you both walk the halls, of his diner, which also doubled as his lair, you heard a familiar voice. You motioned to Victor to go the other way, as if you wanted him to search the other rooms, but in reality you just didn’t want him to know what you were up to. You had a tenday of shooting and not caring, because you hated liars and traitors, so to you it didn’t matter who they were, they would most likely die.   “Falcone doesn’t know i’m here.”   “Good. Cause babe if-”   “Don’t call me babe.” A voice says roughly. It was females, but it was deep, meaning they were angry. Which could only mean one thing. You frowned looking at your knife,   “Looks like I won’t be able to use this,” you whisper looking at you blade, then smirking, “but I can use this.” you say looking at the machine gun outside the door. So you do what some consider to be your best, and you aim low just below the shins, and shoot. You continue to shoot until the bullets are gone. Once they are you dash, finding Zsasz having basically mauled the target you frowned.   “You weren’t here.” he said bluntly   “Doesn’t matter. We gotta run.”   “Y/N/N… What did you do?” He asks hesitantly, you look at him and but hear the sound of shuffling feet,   “Doesn’t matter. V, we gotta run.” You say grabbing his arm, pulling him as you ran.
  “Mooney’s place was shot up yesterday,” Falcone says interrupting you and Victor’s relaxation time. You stood up, only to be pulled back down onto his lap.   “So?” Victor asks as he starts playing with your hair. You frown, you didn’t like people playing ni your hair, or was it you didn’t like sitting on his lap?   “I need you to-”   “We don’t do body guards.” Victor says not looking up from your hair. You turn around and look at him,   “V.” He pauses, and sighs,   “Fine.” He says as you both get up, “Let’s go protect the damn fish.” You smile, holding back a laugh. You know he and fish weren’t on so great of terms, and hell, you hated her also, but you just had to see if you were right.
  “Why hello. What do we have here?” A female voice rings out as you and Victor are coming in from the skylight. He smiles, one of his ‘cut the bullshit’ smiles. She limps over to you two with open arms, and you reluctantly hug her. As you hug her you look around, examining it.    “So this place was shot up?” You ask as she lets go of you.    “Yes actually. Luckily Butch here was able to stop them.” She says motioning to the  beast of a man.    “Yeah, once I got out there, I beat them to a pulp.”    “Is that why you’re limping?” You ask Fish, and she looks at you briefly,    “You noticed. Yes indeed it is. I was on stage looking at the overview of the room when the shots started, I covered. Sadly not in time enough to not have been shot.” She says as she shows the bullet wound in her shin.    “Must’ve been using nylon 66’s.” you say lying.    “Yes I believe so.” She says and you smirk inwardly. You caught the lying bitch.    “Well Zsasz and I will figure out who, and kill them, by order of Falcone. Mind if we investigate. No? Good.” you say without letting her answer and motion for Victor to follow you. You lift things up and down, pulling out your gun stepping around to get a picture of things, all while pretending you care.    “You’re actually taking this seriously?” Victor asks,    “Of course not. I already know who shot her and the place.” You say continuing to pretend like you were investigating.    “Really?” he asks intrigued,    “Yep.” you say popping the p, “You remember yesterday?”    “Yea…”    “Well I shot up the Maroni’s office at shin level.” You say pointing at the stage, “then I left.”    “So you shot up his office without consulting me?”    “I had to catch the traitor.” you say turning around and looking at the floor, “And I did. I used a machine gun, and clearly that’s a bullet wound for a machine gun, but she’s saying it’s a 66. Which is false.” He looks at you in awe, he couldn’t help himself he lo-    “Sorry i’m late Fish. I had to make sure that the ride was prepared.” a voice says. You know that voice, but it couldn’t be… right?    “It’s okay Penguin. I have some people for you to meet. They’re well know, so you must remember them.” She beckons you two over and you follow lost in thought behind Victor, confused as to why you knew that voice, “This is Gotham’s most feared hitman.” He shoots a gun as always, “And this is Gotham’s very own Siren.” You smirk as you turn around to meet who she was interesting you to, but as soon as you saw him you froze. And the moment his eyes met yours he followed suit.
   “I’m sorry V.” You say over the phone, “I can’t stay anymore.”    “But isn’t this a good thing?” He says stammering, “I mean now you don’t have to hide.”    “You don’t understand,” you zipping up the suitcase, “I did this so that he wouldn’t have to, but now that he’s tied up in it I’ve no reason to continue.”    “Yes you do.” he says quietly, You pick up your suitcase and open the door to your room.    “What? Why would I possibly continue to do this?”   “Me.” he says almost inaudible. You briefly stare at the phone in shock   “What? V… I mean?”   “Y/N/N. I-” But before he could finish you found yourself ending the call. Oswald was back. You had to leave now. Closing the door, you looked at the fire escape. You leave your phone on the bed and before you jump out the door opens, with Oswald tumbling in. The look on his face pains you so much, that you almost stay, but you wouldn’t, you couldn’t.
   “I’m sorry Ozzy.” you say, jumping out the window.
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j-diamond · 7 years
Notice Me (Nygma x Reader x Zsasz)
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  “Yes, she loves you.” He says rolling his eyes.   “Well she likes me more than you.” He says smirking, “I mean look at you. You’re an assassin.”   “And you’re a riddling freak.”   “No one can love the loveless.”   “And no one wants to love somebody who killed their last lover.” He shows a quick grin then continues to straight face him.   “Well I, unlike you, know how to find my way into a girl's’ heart.” Nygma says smirking. Zsasz raises his eyebrow,   “You? I highly doubt that.” He says, almost laughing, “Yes, of course. Nygma the love expert.”   “Are you guys still fighting over my cousin?” A female voice says. They turn around, finding Tabitha in the doorway, “You realize she doesn’t like, let alone, know either one of you. I highly even doubt that she even knows you exist.”   “Ha. Ha. Ha.” Edward says, “Very funny Tabitha.”   “How about we place a wager then?” She says, smirking., “Who ever she notices first this week wins. And if she notices neither one of you at all. I win.”   “This should be easy.” Edward says, “If all we have to do is get her to notice us. How-”   “What’s on the line?” Zsasz asks, “What are we betting here.”   “Simple.” Tabitha says as she pulls out a folder.
   “So,” Tabitha says walking over to her desk,    “What do you want?” Y/n asks looking through files, “I’m a bit busy here. If you hadn’t noticed.”    “Don’t you have time for your dearest cousin?” Tabitha asks, sprawling herself over y/n’s desk. Y/n stops her work and looks at Tabitha.    “Fine.” She says as she kisses her cheek, “What do you want?”    “I want you to come to The Sirens. You should really meet Barbara. You’d love her. I just know it.” She says smiling at you.    “Sounds fun, you know, going to a club owned by psychos.” You say, making her frown    “Barbara and I are not-”    “Psychos? Yes, you are. So am I, and so was Theo. Oh well.”    “Don’t-”    “I’ll be there. I just have to finish-” you say when you’re cut off by the knocking on the door, “You need to go. You’re not supposed to be here.” She smirks and runs to the door, and before you can stop her, she sticks her head out,   “Y/n’s not here currently. I was waiting on her also.” She says lying.   “Well, give these to her.” a voice, you don’t recognize, says.   “Okay. Better luck next time Nygma.” She says, smirking.   “Who was that?” you ask walking up to her,   “No one. He wanted to give you these.” She says handing you papers. She sees something on top and snatches it.   “Tabby. Give me the paper.” You say holding your hand out,   “No.” she says, “If you come to the club you can get it.” She then jumps out the window. You sigh, there was no way you were getting it back.
  “Eeeeeeeee!”A voice screams, “You actually came!” You look at Tabitha and roll your eyes,   “Yes. Yes I did. Now don’t make me regret it.”   “B-but-”   “Wow. I’ve never seen this side of her before. I would know, I have seen All of her.” A voice says from behind you. Turning around, you see a woman, about your height.   “You must be the infamous Barbara Kean.” You say smiling   “Indeed.”   “Y/n L/n.” you say as you shake her hand. You turn around to see Tabitha, having completely changed her attitude. Going from her usually childish self to her now dominatrix like self. You smirk, “I’m little Tabby's older cousin.” You hug her as if she was a little kid, embarrassing her. Barbara smiles, and you smile back. You were gonna be great friends.
   “That was actually quite fun.” You say smiling with your cousin. As you’re walking you run into Gordon, who is-as usual, running.    “Y/n. Just the person I need. I need you to hold off Zsasz, so I can make it back to GCPD.” He says and hands you his gun.    “Who?” you ask taking off your heels.    “The person shooting.” He says as he limps behind a truck. You turn to Tabitha,    “Go back to the club. You don’t need to be in this crossfire.”    “And neither do you. You’re not GCPD.”    “Gordon’s my friend.”    “You’re my cousin.”    “Fine. You know where you need be.” you say as she runs to a roof. Gun shots start, and you cover Gordon as he runs to GCPD and Tabitha covers you. You don’t see the person shooting, but you knew you shot him, because you heard him curse, right before he ceased fire. Wednesday   “You’re messing with it. That’s not fair.” Edward says as he approaches the two.   “Life’s not fair.” Tabitha says, unamused.   “And Gordon almost had me shoot her.” Zsasz says, angrily.   “Not my fault. You play your way and I’ll play mine.” Tabitha says, as she smirks and begins to leave, “Remember; Sunday’s the last day.”
  A loud thump in your living room, stirs you in your sleep. The sound of glass breaking, wakes you up. The sound of a gunshot jolts you out of bed. There was an intruder, you knew it. Slowly opening your drawer, you pull out your pistol. Checking for people, you slowly walk out of your room and into the hallway. As you walk down the stairs, you hear the sound of shuffling. You peer over the corner and see a tall man. He wore all black and had no hair on his head, or at least the back of his head. Which is all you saw.   “You’ll make sure not to upset the boss again.” One of them say. The one limping on the floor nods his head. You watch quietly, trying to understand what was going on. As the tall one points the gun at the limping one, your eyes lock, sending a chill down your bones. You quickly hide behind the wall, trying not to be seen. “Who’s there?” a voice calls, “Is there another one?” you hear the sound of loud shoes hitting the ground. You could only guess it was the tall one, considering the stride of his steps were normal. Calculating how far you were from the nearest exit, you realize you had to do what you used to do. So you did the only thing you knew how to do well; without looking, you shoot randomly, and run to the nearest window and jump.
  “So, you’re gonna stay with me now?” Tabitha asks   “Sure.” you say thinking, “Or I could stay with Gordon.”   “You’re staying with me.” She says as she leaves the room, “I’m making some cocoa. You want some?”   “Yea.” you say as you sit there, recent events playing in your mind, “Where’s the phone this time?”   “In the garden.” you shake your head. Tabitha had a habit of carrying the phone around in every conversation, so it had never stayed in the same place. You get up and walk to the garden and call your boss,   “Hello?” a voice asks, you stare into the phone, trying to identify this voice, “HELLO?” You blink rapidly, the voice having pulled you out of your thoughts,   “Sorry, hectic night.”   “.... I’m sorry, who is this?”   “This is Y/n. Where’s Mayor Cobblepot?”   “In a  meeting, why?”   “I was just calling to let him know I won’t be going to work for about a week.”   “Okay. I’ll let him know.”   “Kay. Thanks.” You almost hang up when you hear him call your name, “Yes?”   “Y/n I was wondering if” he says as then pauses, “Did you want to go out for dinner?”   “I’m sorry, but who is this?”   “Oh silly me. I’m N-” his sentence is cut short by the shouting of your name,   “I’m sorry, but I gotta go.” you hang up, never getting his name. Walking into the living room, you smile, having noticed Barbara, “Well… This outta be fun.” You sit down on the couch and grab a glass of wine.   “CHEERS!”
  “So Y/n.” He says smiling,   “What?” you ask smiling also.   “I know you hate it, but just think about it. We could be together.”   “You already know how I feel about that.”   “Yeah, but you’re just so good.”   “But i’m not a good person.”   “That means nothing. All the best people are crazy.”   “Who said I was crazy?”   “The way you were last night.”   “Wow. Playing that card are we?”   “I’m just saying. We’d be the best. No one could stop us.”   “Except for the fact that most people don’t like me.”   “Screw most people.”   “No thank-you. I’m not that kind of girl.” You say, almost laughing. He looks at you, and smiles,   “Fine. But as your best friend, I am asking you to do it for me.” he says making a heart with his hands. You push him off the couch.   “Fine.” he looks at you, eyes wide with shock,   “Really?”   “Yes.” you say rolling your eyes at him. He smiles largely,   “I’ll go down to the station-”   “So help me Gordon. If anything happens…” you say grabbing his arm, letting him know.   “It’ll be fine. You’ll make a great addition. Detective Y/n, it has a nice ring to it.” He says as he puts on his shoes and opens the door, “Oh and thanks for last night. The amusement park was a blast.”   “Glad you liked it. Because I’m banned from it.”   “Not surprised. Ms. “I’m a rage gamer”. So much rage.” He says emphasizing, i'm a rage gamer. You roll your eyes yet again,   “Bye Gordon.”   “Bye Y/n.” he says as he leaves. You sigh. Now you were a detective. Great…
   “Hey Y/n.” Harvey says as he passes you.
  “Hey partner.” you say as he double takes.   “Gordon. I think she’s trying to steal your job.” he says in a low voice, but loud enough for you to hear.   “No Harvey. She’s actually a detective now.”   “Did you lose a bet or something. Cause I remember when we went out for drinks and you said you’d never become a cop in any way, shape, or form.”   “No Harvey. I just decided to, under the influence of Jimmy of course.”   “I knew it. What are you using to blackmail her?”   “The, “I’m your best friend” shtick.”   “Shame on you Jim. Shame.”   “It seems like you’re always hunting this guy.” You say as you run with them.   “Well he is The hit man owned by the biggest crime boss of Gotham.”   “And you guys have not managed to kill him yet?”   “Considering, we’re always trying to save our assess? No.”   “I see why.” You say as you evade an almost fatal bullet. You run across shooting and motion for them to to do the same. They follow suit and you three move your way closer to the target.   “Y/n! WATCH OUT!” Gordon yells, and you turn around to find darkness. You loose consciousness.
   “I didn’t know what to do…”    “So you kidnapped her!?”    “Yea…”    “Does Penguin even know?”    “No…”    “You have failed. Get out, before I tell Penguin.” you knew those voices. Images and sounds play in your mind.    “Phone, and house break.” you whisper quietly, grabbing their attention. You hear footsteps, and immediately became quiet.    “We should go…” The phone guy says in a hushed tone. Their footsteps grow softer and you can hear a creak of a door.    “Y/n should never know that we were the ones who did it…” The house break guy says as he shuts the door. You frown, beginning to think of a way to escape.    The sound of gunshots wakes you yet again. You look around only to realize, you were still tied up. Fatigue catches you again, and you unwillingly fall asleep.
   “Y/N!!” Someone yells. Your head perks up. You listen closely to wear it had come from; Outside. You stand up, and fiddle your way around the room. You had woken up blind. Well temporarily blind at least. You had drunken some kind of drug given to last night and woke up blind.    “Hello?” You ask out into the darkness.    “Y/N!” the voice yells, “I’M OVER HERE!” you walk towards the voice, and hit a wall. You just sit there, waiting. Waiting to be found, waiting to see. Just waiting. Hands grab your shoulders ripping you from your thoughts and you scream.    “No no no no. Shhhhhhh!” the voice says, “I’m here to get you out.”    “Who are you?” you ask frantically, “Did Tabitha or James send you?”    “No. I’m just a good samaritan, you could say.”    “That’s good to know. I’m Y/n.”    “I’m Edward, but people call me Ed.”    “Ed, where are we going?” you ask as you hold his hand, carefully following him.    “Wherever you want. At least once we get out of here.”    “There you are Ed!” a voice calls. You turn towards the voice, but of course, see nothing.    “Victor. I thought you left,” Ed says, in an almost hostile tone.    “Ed. You know we stick together. We’re a team.”    “But Vic-”    “Who’s this lovely lady?” Victor asks, cutting Ed off.    “This is Y/n. I’m helping her escape.”    “Ah. Ah. Ah. Ed, I told you about teamwork. We are helping her escape.” he says, and you hear a faint grumble.    “Here, drink this. This should help with your blindness.” He gives you a drink and you blink a couple times. Nothing happening.    “Ed, i’m still blind.” you say giving him back the cup.    “Yea, you’ll get your sight back in the next few minutes.” he says, then you hear shuffling.    “Do you know who kidnapped you?” Victor asks    “Yea. It was a hit man named Zsasz. He’s bald, and that’s all I know.”    “That sucks.” he says, in an almost sad tone,    “But at least we rescued you. Who would’ve known what he could’ve done. He could’ve raped you. Who knows?” Ed says in an almost playful tone. You hear the sound of a punch and you could only assume they were fighting.
    “So where are we going next?” You ask as you look up to find that neither one of your saviors were there. You had just gotten your eyesight back and right after you had told them you could see some stuff they had taken you to the amusement park. Now that you could see fully, you could see that they were gone.   “Sorry.” a voice says after having ran into someone. You look up to see a tall man with nice black hair, brown eyes, and black glasses. He looks at you, eyes wide, and starts coughing. He shakes his head as he walks away coughing. You shrug and start walking home to Tabitha. She’d be very interested in knowing how you day went.
  “I don’t like this.” Y/n says as they rig her up.
  “Well considering you’re the closest thing we have to getting information from him.”    “And why is that Jim?” Harvey asks joining the conversation,    “Well didn’t you hear about it?”    “No. What?”    “She went on a date with a hitman and a cop killer.”    “Wow. She must feel really mortified by that.”    “Oh shut up!” you say, and both of them laugh, “I was blind.”    “No excuse.” Jim says as he reloads his gun, “Now get stepping. You have a date to go on.” You roll your eyes and leave the GCPD with Jim and Harvey.
   “Tabby!” you yell up the stairs. You walk up the stairs hearing her voice, but then you walk slowly hearing more than just her voice,    “She actually did notice me,” a voice you identify as Ed says.    “More than just the ‘rescue’? Because I don’t believe that counts. She won’t be able to identify you on the streets or even when she sees you. Besides I should count this as invalid. Being that you blinded her and all.”    “But it wasn’t just me. Zsasz is the idiot that kidnapped her.”    “You kidnapped my cousin!!” Tabitha whisper shouts    “An accident.” A voice, you identify as Victor says, “She happened to be with Gordon. The one I actually meant to kidnap.”    “That’s no excuse. Once you realized it was her you should’ve returned her.” Tabitha says    “It was Nygma’s idea to keep her.”    “Was not.”    “Was to.”    “Was not.”    “Was to.”    “Was-”    “I DON’T FUCKING CARE WHOSE IDEA IT WAS. YOU KIDNAPPED MY COUSIN AND EXPECT TO ME TO SHOW SYMPATHY!?” she says yelling, “That’s it.” her voice dripping with venom, “That deal we had; is off. ANd as for you two-”    “You’re under arrest.” You say swinging open the door. And before the three can react you shoot all three of them. Shocked by what you had done Tabitha looks at you, plead in her eyes, before collapsing. One by one, they all fall to the ground and Gordon walks in.    “Y/n…” he says wearily.    “Don’t worry,” you say pulling out your ammo, “Sleeping darts.”
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