#viki...... pls.... why the hard subs
feuqueerfire · 2 years
Roommates of Poongduck 304 Live Blogging
Viki (free)
This is the first kBL that has the same actor pair starring in a second BL, right? I've heard it's better than Kissable Lips and I need it to be fun after what KL, I hope I like it.
Also why does Viki not have Korean subs of their Korean shows :(
Ep 1 (Jan 29)
oh yeah I remember seeing a clip of the guy saying No! to shower heads lol
oh Holland (Seong Ho Cheol). is this a cameo or is he a side character? also he has a satoori accent but which?
Is Holland gonna overcharge the guy?
pls not the guy screaming and fainting at the sight of a cockroach
pls I didn't realize this show was gonna lean that hard into comedy
lmao Ho Cheol fr scammed them with the rent and maintenance fee
the guy's name is Ji Ho Jun
lol the landlord guy is like hmmm i needa see how much you gave my friend before I can refund you and Ho Jun is like umm I'm being scammed by this landlord and his friend. meanwhile Ho Cheol's spending the money. fun enemies dynamic though and understandable
고객 = customer (18:50)
plss Ho Jun so annoying, I'm saving the public from getting scammed like me by living here
as expected, Ho Jun is the new manager of landlord guy's team
Ep 2 (Jan 29)
ahhhh he's a spoiled rich kid layabout who doesn't understand the value of money and doesn't have interest in the business! his actions and behaviour make a lot more sense now than when I thought he was a rich higherup but with actual talent probably
Linguistics: Ho Jun talks informally/banmal to his father's/his ex assistant
landlord's name is Seo Jae Yun
ah the antagonizing continues as Ho Jun now has the power of Jae Yun's next evaluation in his hands
This show is much more comedic than I'd realized haha
Ep 3 (Jan 29)
oh i hate this. This is the problem with office dramas, I can't handle office problems or drama or politics or scary bosses. School troubles? Sure, fine because I'm okay at it and I have enough experience to overcome my troubles even if it's a shitty semester. Office troubles? not fine whatsoever - I can't find a job and even if I did, I think office politics would crush me fr
Ho Jun's niceness in putting a bandaid on Jae Yun after putting him through everything and also being snarky about workplace injury lol
Some things I'm confused about - so when it says Jae Yun's the landlord, it means he's the owner of the condo? Or is he the owner of the whole building, whichis what I previously thought? Also, why does Ho Jun still have two cars at least if his father told the assistant to sell them
at least the two other teammates are nice to him and slightly try to speak up for Jae Yun
girl they sure chose an insane decision to make the relationship progress. Jae Yun accidentally kicking Ho Jun in the face -> being sorry -> sharing food with Ho Jun and eating together. and Ho Jun letting Jae Yun stay in the office
ah okay once again confirmation that Jae Yun has bought the whole building, that's wild fr
Seung Seok friend is so disingenuous but then sometimes seems genuine and I'm like hmmm. or maybe he knows that Jae Yun seems to kinda have a crush on him? idk but at least he's taking advantage of jae yun caring about him as a friend
...I don't care enough yet about Ho Jun or their relationship thus far to be sad that Jae Yun's kinda leaving Ho Jun to eat alone, esp after how Ho Jun treated him purposefully throughout the ep. too fast of a change
poor Jae Yun realizing that he's being used for Seung Seok's sales but convincing himself that he did the right thing
The change in their dynamics is too quick but I hope that means we'll have to deal with less workplace horrifying-ness.
Ep 4 (Jan 30)
oof drunk Jae Yun letting out all the ways he's bought so much from Seong Seok rip
"If I loved like a normal person, I wouldn't be going through this right now" is this about him liking men because Jae Yun you'd probably be a dumbass even if you liked a woman
I'm gonna pretend that's a great business idea
do I care about Jae Yun's father and his sad backstory and how he came here to learn etc
lol Ho Jun said he remembers the night when they got drunk loll embassed Jae Yun
Ep 5 (Jan 30)
I'm not disliking it but I also don't feel the need to watch the next ep but also I wanna finish it by tomorrow agh since it's the end of the month
lol I've been like 'lol k' so far in the ep but Jae Yun's sheer disbelief that Ho Jun was smart and clever in university is taking me out
is this how businesses and decisions work? anyway idc about this business or their work
lol not Ho Jun legit tearing up after seeing Jae Yun meet up with Seong Seok (and then go away in a car by himself to do some work/errand for Seong Seok agh drop that man!)
Ep 6 (Jan 31)
I was honestly planning on just skipping and skimming through these last 3 eps but there seems to be interesting parts with Seong Seok and finally Jae Yun stands up for himself, so I'll give it an actual watch but like on 2x speed bc i can't otherwise
Jae Yun fr selling for Seong Seok and doing his work
Did Seong Seok fr sign the contract on that random woman's name to buy 20 Jade mats? and then Jae Yun's having to pay the settlement money
ohh Seong Seok is doing MLM stuff lmfao I hadn't originally realized it but now he's talking bout Sapphire level and getting money without sales and lol
Ho Jun and his friend
oh a kiss
Ep 7 (Jan 31)
lol they started dating really quickly, i guess that angst got wrapped up so that we can get the angst of dating at the office, esp when Ho Jun is his boss + chairman's son
pls them each overhearing people talking about the chairman's son or calling Jae Yun cute
be more careful at the office, I'm so nervous
lmfao boohoo poor chaebols and their unfortunate lives like we can follow this specific character and how the lack of privacy affects him without making it a
ah the breakup
Ep 8 (Jan 31)
too much of an acceleration like lmfao "do you need a reason to get sick of someone?"
damn Jae Yun fr is like gbye I'm gonna leave the home and also not be at work here's my resignation letter
plsss not Ho Jun chasing Holland's character
girl wtf Ho Jun just did all the resignation and launching by himself? verrry cramped together huh lol
Overall Thoughts
I wish I was in more of a romcom mood because this was really funny, more so than expected but I didn't really care about the romantic aspect and the last ep was so fast and squished. It was good but not great.
A step up from Kissable Lips. I wonder which production company made this, it's like 30 min episodes, so it's 4 hours, one of the longer kBLs. Oh it's Poongduck, the kinda meh ending makes sense when we think about that but I think they have a higher budget than their other BLs.
Rating: 6/10
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jamescarstairs · 6 years
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books read in 2018 → Through Blood, Through Fire (Ghosts of the Shadow Market #8) by Cassandra Clare & Robin Wasserman 
“There were those who believed that because Jem was so kind, so capable of gentleness and generosity, because Jem loved so selflessly, that Jem was weak. There were those who suspected he was not capable of violence or vengeance, who assumed they could hurt Jem and the ones he loved with impunity, because he did not have it in him to strike back. Those who believed this were wrong. Those who acted on it would be sorry.”
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pharawee · 2 years
highlight what you like or what applies to you
tagged by @piningintrovert​ - a very belated thank you so much! 💜
hot shower or cold shower // texting calling or email // earbuds or headphones // paperback hardcover or ebook // matte or gel (?? ???) // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids (I love plants but not these plants lmao) // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy (I can’t eat chocolate 😭) // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future (the present for mindfulness brownie points) //
bl version — by @absolutebl
crying in the shower or making out in the shower // give cute boy line ID or stalk his IG // share his earbuds or share his closet // manga or manwha (I tried, it’s not for me, but I love Thai novel translations) // long dangly silver earring or dark leather cuff // time loop (this is me recommending TRIAGE) or reincarnation // blue engineering smock or red engineering smock  // kisses at the beach or kisses in the mountains // cactus or chili plant // fairy lights or spot lighting // ghost boyfriend or vampire lover (we need this so bad in a Thai BL -  there’s only so many times I can rewatch Red Wine in the Dark Night) // hard sub or soft sub // stray cat or … actually that’s your only option (!!!) // Hawaiian shirt or blue shorts // evil ex-girlfriend or predatory fujoshi supportive female characters (🤡) // suit jacket or leather jacket (no no no, what we need is a bl with both) // high school or university // kitchen drama or office drama (bc all the office dramas I’ve watched so far have been subpar) // forehead kisses or cheek kisses // Viki or GaGaOOLaLa (uhmmm I might be paying for both and also aisplay send help)  // Japanese arthouse depth or Korean high concept  (laughs in Thai bl) // pink milk or yakult (ok so I’m actually on my 2nd bottle of sala syrup but I only drink it with water tbh) // censored Chinese BL or trashy Thai pulps (this surprises exactly no one) // body swap or dead body (am I the only one who loves that trope 😭) // sexy or story (story with sexy on the side pls)) // back hugs or lap sitting  (why not both??) // piggybacks or cradle carry
tagging @cytharat @thii-nii @icouldhyperfixatehim @desification @combeferret @lutawolf and anyone else who feels like doing this ♥
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