#viking izuku x reader
gglitch1dd · 2 years
4. Back to You (Midoriya x Reader Week)
Reader is genderneutral in this one.
Viking AU
Long ago, when you were still but a little one, you were friends with a little boy in your village. But after an attack, you never saw him again. Years later he comes back to return the village back to how it once was, with the body of a warrior, the heart of gold and the lightning of Thor in his eyes.
Warning: Norse Mythology and Norse gods, Mentions of fighting and blood (once again, not the sexy kind), but cute at the end.
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You gathered sticks in your arms, one by one. Your clammy small hands were a contrast to the feeling of the rough wood in your hands. You kept one arm around the bundle of sticks you were collecting for firewood. You counted under your breath, placing them one at a time in your arms. Your mother looked up at you ever so often, as she picked apples from a tree closer to your home.
“Y/N.” You paused for a moment, at the familiar whisper of your name. You turned your head around to look for the origin of the sound. You furrowed your eyebrows confused. “Psst! Y/N.” Another whispered call of your name. You then saw him behind a big tree. His wide green eyes darting between you and your mother.
You scrunched up your face. “Izuku?” You asked quietly. “What are you doing here?” You asked him, moving closer to where he was.
The little boy stepped out just a bit for you to see more of him. He waved his hand, beckoning you to come closer to him. “Come on, you have to see this.” He whispered with an excited smile on his face.
You smiled as you took a step closer but then you withdrew. That action made the boy frown, confused. “Izuku, you know I have chores to do.” You whispered upset. “My mother doesn’t like it when we always go off and play.”
He extended his hand towards you, not that much bigger than yours. You looked back at his freckled face, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. “I promise, it’ll be quick.” He whispered to you. You knew it was a lie. It wouldn’t be quick. It wouldn’t be fast enough for your mother’s liking. However, you wouldn’t care. Even if Odin told you otherwise, Midoriya always found a way to pull at your heart and reasoning into fallowing him like a lost sheep.
You dropped your bundle of sticks and took his hand. The two of you, giggling loudly ran away from your home. Woollen lined leather boots running and crunching under dry leaves and twigs. Your mother saw you and she frowned. “Y/N!” She seethed in anger. She turned to get back into your family home to shout to your father. “It’s the Midoriya boy again!”
The two of you couldn’t seem to care as you both giggled and ran through the leaves and on the soft ground. Midoriya held your hand with a bright smile on his face as he pulled you closer to the centre of the village. The two of you ran past other villagers who would chuckle at the both of you, not surprised to see you both giggling and running along together, causing mischief in some form or another. Midoriya pulled you behind a fence that separated the path and the training place.
The both of you watched with wide eyes and open mouths in awe as big burly men and agile trained women fought and worked. Their muscles sweaty and their training abilities precise. Amongst them, in the middle, defeating anyone and everyone who dared to go against him was Jarl All Might. He was the chieftain of the village. His long blond hair was behind him, tied back with multiple braids. His sharp blue eyes saw everything and coordinated with his large frame that swung his axe. His axe was legendary and was said to be only held by a person who could equal his strength and power. Its double headed steel had ruins and symbols on it that almost seemed to shine as he swung it into shields and other weapons.
“Whoa…” You let out.
Midoriya nodded his head. “Mhm” He turned to you with bright eyes. “One day, I’m going to be just as big and strong as All Might.” He proclaimed, putting his hands on his hips. “I’ll be an unbeatable warrior just like him.”
You turned to him with a raised eyebrow. You placed a hand on his arm. “But you’re so skinny.” You pointed out.
The boy grew a small pink blush on his face as he fiddled with his hands. “I-I’ll grow bigger.” He mumbled, making you giggle. He felt his face grow with more heat and glow red. He cleared his throat and nodded trying to act tougher. “I’ll grow bigger and protect you.”
“Protect me?” You asked with a scrunched-up face. “Why would you need to protect me?”
“Cause I’m going to marry you, so we’ll always be together.” He said with a blush on his face, but he was clearly sure about what he was saying. “And one of us has to be a warrior.” He stated almost as though it was a requirement. “Or both of us could be.”
You shook your head. “Why can’t we just be farmers?” You stated. “Or blacksmiths?”
Midoriya hummed in distaste. “That sounds boring, don’t you think.” He lifted his nose a bit. “It’s fine, but I don’t think I could do that.”
Before the two of you could discuss more, you felt a pair of hands grab you both by the ears. Inko Midoriya dragged you both away from the training you were spectating. “Izuku! What did I tell you about dragging Y/N away from her chores!” She scolded him as she pulled you both down the dirt road to head back to your home. “You’re such a good boy and yet you are always getting Y/N and I into trouble.” She stated factually. Both you and Midoriya hissed in pain at her harsh grip as she dragged you both along, villagers chuckling once again at the familiar sight.
The two of you were one half to another. It was odd but it was a beautiful odd. Even though Inko was forced to apologize tens of times for her son always distracting you, it never stopped the both of you. Until one night, the village was burning. There was an attack and everything seemed like it was falling to the ground. You never saw Izuku, you never understood what had happened to him, because in the chaos and all the violence and bloodshed, he was gone.
You and your family stood in front of the new Jarl, All Might surprisingly defeated leaving all of you at the mercy of Tomura Shigaraki. It never made sense to any of you. All Might was unstoppable. A force to be reckoned with and the strongest of all men known or heard off and yet, Tomura Shigaraki, a man more than two times younger than All Might in experience and age, defeated him with the help his leader and mentor All for One.
He sat on his cushioned chair lounging, as he spectated the crowd. “The era of peace is dead.” He announced into a silent crowd. He smirked at himself. “Now we have a new dawn upon us. Any and all mentions of All Might shall be viewed as treason and therefore, punishable by death.” He had an announced. Suddenly like a wave, all was washed away.
You never did know what happened to Midoriya. He was your everything growing up and you were both such close friends. You just prayed to Thor to protect him and if he had made it to Valhalla, you hoped that the Valkyries guided him safely there.
The village was not like how it used to be. With high taxes from a Jarl that already took everything.
You pulled your bucket up from the well, your arms pulling the heavy bucket with little difficulty onto the wall of the well. You had been sent to get fresh water from the well in town, despite it being so dark already. You breathed out a breath into the cold air. Grabbing the rope handle of the bucket you heaved it off the wall and started to waddle your way back home.
You made your way through the dark streets, being careful of the few other villagers that were still out and about. Ever since Shigaraki became Jarl, there were no longer big dinners in the Great Hall. The only gatherings were that for informative reasons.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Y/N…” You heard him before you saw him. You tried to stop your limbs from tensing uncomfortably as you kept on going. He settled at a walk next to you an amused smirk on his face. “What are you doing out so late into the evening?” He asked.
You grunted as you kept on moving forward. “Hello to you too, Dabi.” You spoke, trying not to sound annoyed. Shigaraki’s people had swiftly taken over the village using fear as a way to force people into doing whatever they wanted. Dabi had infamous tales of him burning people’s homes and their food supply for not complying wit him. “I’m just getting water.”
“Well, I should accompany you. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt now, would we?” He asked rhetorically. You knew you had no say in the matter and so continued next to the man with burn marks and piercing chilled blue eyes. You both walked in a tense silence. Him watching you carry the heavy wooden bucket to the best of your ability as you made your way back home. “Any plans for the evening?”
He chuckled at your blatant answer. “You know sweetheart, you could always spend the night at my place.” He suggested. You felt your heartrate pick up its pace as you tried to increase the pace of your walking. You tried not to think of the implications of his statement. He had his hands in his pockets as he walked at a leisurable pace. “It’s warm, I have riches galore, and I’m sure you could keep my bed warm for me, for the night.”
You offered him a tense smile. “I would like to but I have chores, Dabi.” You told him nodding your head up at him. “My parents… their getting old. I should take care of them.” You stated. The door of your house in sight.
“Hm really?” He asked. You hummed with a nod of your head. Next thing you know you were being pushed against the wall of another house. You winced in pain at the force he used. You looked down noticing that your bucket had fallen over and all the water was escaping out into the dirt road. Dabi harshly grabbed your chin and forced you to focus on him in front of you with a soft smile on his face. His smiles always unnerved you. They made you feel uncomfortable and almost as though he was watching you like a wolf watched a rabbit. “Well, you are single, aren’t you? You should be focusing on finding yourself a husband.” He told you.
You shakily opened your mouth but the voice that came out wasn’t your own.
Dabi scowled as he turned his head back to look at Toga. “What Toga?” He asked with a sneer.
The blond woman looked frantic as she held two daggers in her hands. “It’s a raid!” She reported to him.
Dabi dropped you, allowing you to fall to your feet. You rubbed your chin, trying to ease the lingering pain of his grip on you. Dabi was scowling at Toga, her having interrupted his plans. “Who is it?”
“We don’t know but-” Suddenly you started hearing the increased sound of battle cries. The shouts of people fighting in the decreasing light of day. She looked over to the direction of the origin of the sound. “But your brother is part of them! Shoto!”
Dabi released a growl in annoyance. He thought he got rid of all the other Todoroki’s so he could finally move on. He wasn’t surprised it was his youngest brother out of all of them, who was still alive or at least made his presence known. You thought he was going to rush off and join the fight but Dabi turned to you quickly and grasped your jaw in his warm grip once more. He pointed a finger down at you. “We aren’t finished here. Stay out of the fight.” He told you, seriously. He pushed you back onto the ground following Toga.
You waited a moment before scrambling to get up off the floor. You tried to find a place to hide, the growing sounds of metal against metal and the sounds of a fight increasing in volume. You hoped that whoever had come, would hopefully kill Shigaraki and restore the village. You hoped. Or in any case, whoever it was wouldn’t make it worse than it had turned out to be. You pushed yourself forward and slid to hide behind a pig shed. You tilted your head to look at the fighting away from you.
Your eyes widened as you realized you knew some of the people fighting. It was an odd thing because they were all much bigger and grown than when you had last saw them. You saw a tall man with a slender figure but with flexible muscles fight with a sword. The burn mark over his left eye told you who he was. Shoto Todoroki, with his white and red hair that cascaded down his back and moved gracefully alongside him. There were others you knew too, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochaco and Asui Tsuyu. Others you had thought had all perished or had disappeared when Shigaraki and his warriors had taken over.
But there was one that particularly caught your eye. He was huge. Big thick muscles sculpted onto his body with pristine deity likeness. He had curly dark hair, and in the light of fire that started to spread you saw it wasn’t black but of a darkest green. His body had battle scars littered over his body. The way his body moved wasn’t clumsy but coordinated, every step and swing having purpose. Then you saw his face, green jade eyed with a freckled face with four prominent ones on each cheek. He growled down at the man he was fighting, swing his axe down onto him with a vendetta.
Your eyes widened. “Izuku…” You whispered in shock. He looked so different from the boy you once knew all those years ago.
You watched as him and Shigaraki caught each other’s eyes. The both of them having a silent agreement to go up against each other. The green haired man took his loose dark cape with wolf fur lining off his shoulders. He rolled his shoulders as he kept his gaze on Shigaraki. Shigaraki’s red eyes glanced down at the axe in his own hand, dark in colour and then over to the weapon Midoriya was holding. It’s sharp bright metal self, with its two heads and symbols drawn was undoubtedly All Might’s axe.
The two paused for a moment before the two men ran at each other’s, axes ready at the swing. Their axes clashed and a huge rumble came from the sky. You looked up at the sky worried. With every clash and eyes filled with murderous intent, the sky and weather seemed to grow reckless. You watched with others who chose to want to see how the fight would end up. Just as Midoriya swiped his axe, aiming to hit Shigaraki in the torso, Shigaraki kicked his wrist. His axe went flying. You watched as it went flying in your direction, landing in the ground just in front of you.
You looked between Midoriya and the axe. He was on his back grunting as he gripped the arm of Shigaraki’s axe pushing him away as best as you could. You frowned. You got up from your place hidden and wretched the axe out from the ground. You held it up as best as you could. “Izuku!” You shouted his name loud and clear.
Midoriya glanced your way, his eyes wide and for a moment he almost forgot where he was. He glanced down to your hands holding the axe. He turned his attention back up to Shigaraki. He lifted his knees closer to his chest and kicked Shigaraki off of him. Just as Midoriya got up, you used all your strength to throw his axe up into the air. Midoriya caught his axe high in the air and that’s when you saw it. Lighting danced the sky and his eyes seemed electrified and glowed with power. You watched with your mouth open in awe, seeing Thor and Vali in his eyes. With all his strength Midoriya swung his axe down.
There was clapping throughout the great hall as Midoriya and his warriors walked in. The morning light shown down on them before entering the shelter that was the great hall. He walked in front of all, holding his axe trustily in one hand. Midoriya openly accepted with a bashful smile all their praises and gratitude. The warriors all made it to the end of the great hall. Sitting in front of them, on a higher platform was a throne covered in soft pelts, untouched and waiting for a new Jarl.
Iida and Todoroki along with everyone else in the room looked to Midoriya. Midoriya looked to Todoroki and Iida. “So… who’s supposed to be there?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Iida’s face fell at Midoriya’s question. He motioned to the platform with a both hands. “You, Izuku.”
Midoriya’s eyes widened in surprise. “Me?” He asked motioning to himself in shock. His face bloomed red as he started to grow nervous. “W-why me?”
“You defeated Shigaraki.” Todoroki stated simply.
Iida nodded in agreement. “The law states that whoever defeats the Jarl takes up his position.”
Midoriya let out a shaky breath as he gulped. He walked up the throne carefully, eyeing it in wonder. It was the same place he used to watch All Might sit on when he was younger. The place he would look up in wonder. His fingers traced one of the arm rests wondering if this was really it? Was this all it took. It was a hard and long journey but it was one that was needed. He carefully turned around and sat down, his large frame fitting the throne nicely.
But he was tense. His body upright and rigid making the other villagers laugh. It was no surprise from memories of how Midoriya used to be. He cleared his mouth trying to say something but found words hard to formulate. He felt like he was under an immense amount of pressure. He opened his mouth to speak but then his eyes caught onto you. You stood in front of the crowd, your hands joined together looking at him with wide eyes that gleamed in hope and wonder. You looked up at him so proud, a small smile on your face. You nodded your head motioning to him.
Midoriya couldn’t stop the smile that went up to his face, just at the look of you. He eased up, his shoulders relaxing as he leaned back against the spine of the chair. He smiled over to everyone. “This village is under new management.” He stated factually. “My name is Izuku Midoriya. I am a man with no sire to my name but nonetheless grew up in this village amongst all of you. I swear by Odin’s good name, that I will do all that I can to the best of my ability to lead justly and fair.” His eyes glanced over to you. “I promise.” He cleared his throat. “All affairs will be settled soon enough.” He looked to Iida who nodded his head understandingly. “But till those are announced…” A huge grin was pulled onto his face. “We shall feast!” He shouted into the air.  The group of people cheered happily. “In this very hall tonight, we shall dine like we once did, as families, neighbours, lovers and friends. Together. Till then…” He hesitated not knowing what else to say. He waved his hands. “You can leave if you want.”
The hall erupted into joyous chatter and smiles. People mingling once more, plans of the feast of tonight already being made. You looked around happy, already feeling the village air being lighter than it has been in years. You felt a tap on your shoulder, and you turned around to see who it was. Immediately your hand was taken as you were pulled away from everyone else. You let out a laugh at the action. “Izuku!” You let out in a giggle as he pulled you out of the hall away from everyone. His hands were no longer soft as they used to be but they were still so gentle and caring with you.
Once you both had privacy, he stopped, now turning to face you. You opened your mouth to speak but immediately all breath was sucked out of your lungs as he took your face in his hands and kissed you so deeply and earnestly you were surprised it was even happening. Immediately your body softened and relaxed causing one of his arms to wrap around you, keeping you up on your feet. You let out a stuttered sigh leaning forward into the heat of his body.
Midoriya moved back, placing his forehead against yours. His eyes were closed as he just wanted to hold you for a moment. “I’ve missed you.” He whispered quietly to you.
You smiled as you placed your hand over his, the one that cupped your cheek so sweetly. “I prayed every day to the gods, for them to reunite us.” You told him honestly.
He smiled at that, his other hand rubbing your side softly with his thumb. “Seems like the gods smile down on you.”
You hummed as you moved a bit away from him looking him up and down. “And it seems they have been kind to you as well. Hm?” You pinched his bicep making him flush a little. Even as an adult, he was still the same. “You have muscle now. What happened to that skinny boy I knew?” You asked with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky smile.
He roughly pulled you against his chest once more, your bodies against each other as his face was so close to yours. He focused down on you like you were the only thing in his world. “He grew stronger…” Your hand on his arm tightened around his warm muscle. “Bigger and greater so that he could hold you like this.” His hands settled on your waist; he bent his head down closer to yours. You closed your eyes, your lips brushing against his. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Everything between the two of you seemed so magnetic. So much pulling and pushing that you didn’t know what to do with it. Your breaths became laboured as you wanted more of him, you wanted him to kiss you again and make your mind blank. “Marry me.” He whispered against your lips. “Marry me. I want you at my side forever. I want to build a home together.” He placed his forehead against yours. “I want to safely know that in front of everyone, in front of all the gods, that you are mine and I am yours.”
You chuckled. “So many things you want, Izuku.”
“I…” He let out a scoff. “I am a greedy man.”
“What if I want to be a farmer? Or a blacksmith?”
He let out a low groan in annoyance rolling his eyes. You laughed at his reaction. He rubbed his eyes. “I thought you would have grown out of that by now.” He stated in hope.
You chuckled shaking your head. You hooked one hand behind his neck and pulled his head closer. “Well, answer me this first, before I give you my answer.” You told him, looking up at him through hooded eyes of lust. He hummed licking his lips and focusing on yours. “Will you ever leave again?” You asked him serious.
He shook his head. “Not if I can help it. Not even the Valkyries would be able to take me away from you.”
You smiled. “Right answer.”
“So… will you?”
You hummed. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” You whispered, pulling his head down to yours and kissing him deeply. He hummed and let out a shaky breath. He pulled you closer, one arm wrapped around you and the other cupping the back of your head.
He never wanted to let go.
<Next Day>
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doumadono · 10 months
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KVITRAVN (viking!Dabi) - act I • act II • act III • act IV • act V • act VI • act VII
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BNHA boys confessing their love - headcanons BNHA boys & gn!reader dressed as them - headcanons Izuku, Katsuki and Shoto & s/o with a heat dizziness Study like Bakugo! - a brief guide to effective study methods Pro hero Dabi - headcanons MHA villains & their Hogwart houses - headcanons Boxer!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons MHA boys & Valentine's Day - headcanons Pro hero Dabi & intern Bakugo - headcanons Deaf!Bakugo & his daughter - headcanons Dabi & an albino girl - headcanons Corrupt cop!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons Bakugo with intermittent explosive disorder - headcanons Step brother!Bakugo - NSFW headcanons Armless!Bakugo - headcanons
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Carrying his child - Dabi x Reader Another round - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) His attention - Dabi x Reader NSFW Alphabet - Bakugo Katsuki NSFW Alphabet - Shoto Todoroki NSFW Alphabet - Endeavor Aftermath of the fight - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader Whispers from the abyss - merman!Dabi x fem!OC The haunting melody - Himiko Toga x Reader Whatever it takes - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader A missed call - Hawks x Reader The rain - Shoto Todoroki x Reader A little gesture - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader A snowstorm - Dabi x Reader A hostage - villain!Hawks x Reader Little kitten - Shoto Todoroki x Reader Christmas Jumpers - KiriBaku Intoxicated - Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi (NSFW) A birthday gift - Dabi x Reader (Dabi's birthday event) Happy birthday - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) (Dabi's birthday event) Heated argument - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) (Dabi's birthday event) Fitting room - Dabi x Reader (NSFW) An absolution - priest!Dabi x Reader (NSFW) Shoto realising he's in love The boss - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader (NSFW) A first tattoo - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader (NSFW) How to earn your orgasm - KiriBaku x Reader (NSFW) (Bakugo's bday event) Little slice of happiness - Bakugo x Reader (Bakugo's bday event) Surrendered to the hero - Bakugo x Reader (Bakugo's bday event) The alleway release - Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Manhunt - villain!Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Interrupted gameplay - Shigaraki x Reader (NSFW) Little heroine - villain!Bakugo x Reader (NSFW) Steamy shower - Dabi x Reader (NSFW)
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disclaimer: every link painted in hues other than the default is a blatant shout-out to the fics specially crafted for events/challenges hosted by fellow writers
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astrokatsuki · 5 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ LIKED SONGS!
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info - I just wanted to shout out some of my fav pieces show them some love! Check the authors out they’re amazing!!
A/N - dm for removal!! And I will continue updating this. If your account or fic isnt up here I’m sorry!! Esp if you’re a mutual but keep in mind it’s in progress.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ALL
I can’t choose just one for
@dabisbratz - @pwncez - @chrollohearttags - @cindol
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some of my fav jjk fics
“HEY EMO BOY!” feat. Choso x Reader @gojonanami
CHERUB’S APPLE feat. Nanami x Reader @neesieiumz
CHERRY KNOTS feat. Gojo x Reader @todorosie
“ONLY A FOOL FOR YOU” feat. Naoya x Reader @moshimochis
GOOGLE IT feat. Choso x Reader @doobea
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some of my fav mha fics
A PIRATES REWARD feat. Aizawa x Reader @kleftiko
FOR YOU (series) feat. Viking!Bakugou x Reader @bfbkg
LUCKY WINNER feat. Kiribaku x Reader @kentocidal
GC/BC male ver. feat. Hawksbaku x Reader @lazysimp
ABSOLUT. feat Izuku/Ochako/Bakugou x Reader @itsleese
PORNSTAR (series) feat. Bakugou x Reader @fleur-bbyy
WGWBGB feat. Kiribaku x Reader @jazzthatonewriterchick
UTWFO feat. Bakugou x Reader @gardenofnoah
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some of my fav aot fics
OVERACHIEVING MOUTH feat. Eren x Reader @mikaswannabe
KILL BILL (series) feat. Connie x Reader @luvrrgirl444
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©️ astrokatsuki 2023 - all rights reserved! Please don’t ~ modify, copy or ~ translate my works. I will put you in a trap like I’m jigsaw. hj/
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tetsupeach · 2 years
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please be 18+ and have an age in your bio before interacting(liking, reblogging, commenting) but know that reblogs are an important part of tumblr creation. it's meaningful in the algorithm even if you don't have a lot of followers, and it's meaningful to me. if you enjoy something, please reblog it.
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one shots -
oh, baby - kiribaku x reader. brrrr breeding. art history 204 - kiribaku x reader. being paired with the sunny college football player for your project is your worst nightmare, that is, until you meet his boyfriend. study date - kiribaku x reader. your boyfriends make studying harder. three’s company - kiribaku x reader. you stumble into the wrong apartment, but Kirishima and Bakugou don't mind.   green means go - bakugou x reader. Bakugou laughed when Midoriya asked him to fuck his girlfriend while he watched. he's not laughing anymore. surveillance - bakugou x reader x todoroki. when your fellow pro heroes find out you've never finished with a partner they decide to fix it. mafia kuroo - it’s what it sounds like/affectionate. ns/fw.   something revolutionary- viking!bakugou x reader. bakugou gets what he wants. that includes you. summer storms - kirishima x reader  hurt/comfort - atsumu x reader   astronaut kuroo im   i don’t like anyone better than you(it’s true) - ran, mikey, draken x reader, omegaverse  the night we met - bakugou x reader  divine right - prince shouto x reader  play stupid games - bakugou, midoriya, shindou, shouto x reader.  darlin’ darlin’ - mikey x reader, ran x reader 
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series -  
fracture - haitani ran x reader , ch 1, ch 2 , ch 3, ch 4
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drabbles -  
first time you fall asleep in front of ushijima cellist kuroo forehead kiss atsumu hands hcs - tokyo rev alpha kuroo
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games -  
your old fwb finds out you and your bf broke up - gojou, terushima yuuji, sakusa kiyoomi fake texts - bakugou katsuki, nanami kento, midoriya izuku, kirishima eijirou smut prompts - shinsou hitoshi x reader, osamu miya x reader, dabi x reader, roommate!shinsou hitoshi x reader, bakugou x reader, mitsuya x reader, rindou x reader , bokuto x reader, kuroo x reader wip snippets - southern gent kiri, draken snippet
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418 notes · View notes
honeymaki · 2 years
viking izu 🥺
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Warnings: fem reader, fem pronouns (wife, queen), slight body description (fat thighs/pussy) fingering, mentions of public sex, size kink, exhibitionism, vouyerism, breeding mention(s), alcohol mention. Unedited.
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You are in luck cause I was rereading my Viking!Ushijima and Viking!Izu would be so similar, so hard and battle worn and scarred and heavy, but he’s victorious and a legend, like Odin himself, maybe even a son of Odin, a son of god with the way he swings his axe and sits on his throne made of iron, wood and bronze. He wears furs in the winter, a great cape made of bear pelt and wolf hide, secured with a huge torc that always leaves an imprint on your cheek when he holds you close, encases you in fur and skin and warmth when the wind whistles through the great hall on nights when Jack Frost is angry.
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King Izu is huge, rough and hardy and he licks at the mead dripping from your lips, two thick fingers squeezing your cheeks and grinning when you heat and simper and whimper beneath his strength. Hushes you in a deep rumble, kisses the skin beneath your eye and promises you his bed after the feast,
“Be good and entertain for a while, then you can have my seed,”
And the promise has you up and refreshing horns, pouring ale and mead and sitting on your husband’s lap to feed him pork dripping with honey and fat, small hand clutching his neck to tip his head back far enough for his throat to strain. Music plays, men shout and tussle, women chatter and steal away into the shadows, warriors sharpen their blades and growl at the children who scramble between the legs of the long table. None of them notice the giant hand slipping beneath your kirtle, none of them hear your whimpers and begs because Izu looks so wanton and tempting in his furs and breeches, chest wide and broad, stone and iron hard, panting with the syrup he finds waiting for him at the crux of your thighs. Plush fat gives way for his touches, eyes dark and staring at the heave of your chest in the firelight, listening to the whines and gasps falling shamelessly from your mouth. His thumb, baring a ring and the width of something too big to call human, pressed against your cunt, wool suddenly too hot and too tight, hall suddenly too loud and too open with the way King Izu grips and pulls at you,
“It’s been two years since we wed,” he whispers in your ear, “And we’ve yet to bless the throne,” dark honey spreads down your back and you cast your eyes over to the empty chair, huge and sharp and unyielding, like the fingers bullying between your legs, “Maybe your insistence is enough to break me this one time, your neediness is maybe something I’ll take advantage of,”
“‘Zuku…,” you’re whining and squirming and suddenly his warriors are looking at you upon their King’s lap, legs wide and baring you to all.
“The gods look down upon us, Odin gave us his blessing wife, we should honour that,” Izu licks a stripe up your neck, wet and hot, puffing against your skin.
“I just want you,” his hard lust simmers into something softer for a moment, upon hearing your words and Izu’s lashes flutter at the scent of you, lifting through the sweat, through the food and the wool and fur and leather and wood. The hall of his forefathers might be packed to the brim, as it always should be, but right now? All he sees is you upon his knee and the way you look up at him with all the love in the world. His hand grows more bold, more insistent, palm kneading the throbbing ache of your cunt and there’s no quelling the mewls of agreement spilling from your tempting lips.
“I would take you in front of them all, show them how a King, a god, treats his queen-, Izu’s lips are rough and hot against your ear, breath catching on the delicate skin of your neck and you shiver, curling into his chest and gripping the sides of his cloak, hands so small and fragile against his mass and wrath. He takes a moment to kiss your temple, mouth resting sweet against your skin, eyes dark and casting shadows upon any who dared look at the way you squirm and writhe for him, and the fingers bullying between your thighs,
“But alas my queen, as much as I value and love my kin - no one but me sees you bared and fucked but me. So stop trying to make me bend you over the table and breed you in front of them all, are we clear? Because your cunt full of my seed is only a sight only I am privileged to witness, I promised you my cock after the feast and my cock you shall get, but only if you’re patient,”
A whimper escapes your lips when rough fingers slide between your folds, fat and dripping with need, spreading for him with an almost audible slchk that has Izu imagining such awful, filthy scenes. Even if he put you in your place, told you to wait, told you to be patient, told you that only he is allowed to see you stuffed and fucked - there’s a strange revelry in folding your into the blessed table with his cock battering your insides, in front of all his kin, his warriors, your friends. A king is nothing without his queen, and what better way to show that then fucking his queen full and making sure she’s dripping and swollen with his cum?
The thought makes Izu a tad bolder, despite his warnings to you, a strong finger parting your cunt and crooking deep and hard, causing you to arch and barely hold back a howl, the resounding squeak alerting red eyes to the musing of his king and queen. You should be plenty satisfied with this, a finger, maybe two, pacifying your need to be filled with something thicker, stronger, just until the last men fall drunk to the floor. And - in a way, you are. He’s holding you tight, close to his chest, one hand on your waist with his mouth pressed parted to your hairline, swallowing with every clench of your cunt around his fingers, imagining it’s his cock, imagining the feel of your velvety walls on his tongue, counting down the moments until he’s able to carry you to your bed, his bed. Tongue tasting the sweat of your temple, Izu encourages your writhing and contorting, the hall a little quieter and a little calmer, enough for you to lift your thigh and allow your king easy access to press his fingers harder, deeper, faster,
“Izu, mmmh - please, Izu,” you’re licking your lips, arm wound round his neck and Gods; you can feel yourself dripping down his wrist. It’s something, something akin to what your king is thinking, having his thick, rough fingers between your thighs when you know others can see, can muse, can hear what he’s doing. The thought has you collapsing against him, pitching with a whine and a quivering belly, thighs closing around his arm and trapping him, cunt flooding his hand and wrist.
“Good girl, that’s my good girl hm?” Izu kisses your cheek, then your jaw, the spot behind your ear that has you shivering,
“Do you think they will notice if we sneak away now? Please, I can’t take it anymore,” Your voice is shaky but the need still bubbles in your belly, and Izu huffs,
“Already? I’m still inside you,” he grumbles, “Most of the warriors noticed long before my fingers were in your cunt, my queen, you are insufferable,”
But…he still stands, clapping his chiefs and warriors on the shoulders with a slippery hand plastered to your back. He still bids farewells to those he fought for and with, despite his gruffing and grunting, despite complaining to Bakugo about ‘the duties of a with a hungry wife’; Izu is hard enough to leak over your stomach when he gets you bared beneath him, and is desperate enough to fuck you too many times to count into the mattress and furs and pillows.
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What are the on going series you have and what characters do they apply to just wondering 🥺👉👈
Sold. Dabi x reader
Hushed. Chisaki x dabi
Connection. Tanaka x reader
Villain Denki x Reader
At Dawn. Viking Bakugo x reader
Curious Cat . Shigaraki x reader
A Fine Wine . Vampire bakugo x reader
Full Nest. Hawks x Reader
Fox tracks. Hawks x reader
My mystery girl. Bakugo x reader
Bittersweet Events. Hero Killer Stain
Fins and Teeth. Shark Togaru x mermaid reader
Glowing. Sea king Shinso x reader
How to talk to a Mermaid. Izuku x mermaid reader
A Kings Touch. Dragon King Bakugo x reader
Mr Bakugo (sugar daddy) . Bakugo x reader
A Riveting Tale. Pirate hawks x mermaid reader
Best In Show . Flying fish Hawks x reader
Aizawaland. Caterpillar aizawa x reader
Off the top of my head .
Light as a Feather. Vampire Hawks x reader
Updated 😅
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
Izuku Midoriya x Reader Week!
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Hey everyone! I have been hard at work for this coming week and I can't wait to show all of you what I have in store. It's Izuku Midoriya x Reader Week 2022! This week is to celebrate his birthday and also because I’ve done this man dirty in EVERY SINGLE one of my long fics and he deserves the love.
Each day (minus day 7) it will be a new topic but all regarding our favourite green haired hero, Izuku Midoriya. All characters are aged up (obvi). On the last day (Sunday) there will be the first chapter to my fantasy Izuku x Reader fic: Running Free. Set in the same universe as ‘Just the Three of Us’- a Fantasy KiriBaku x Reader fic I have written.
Reader is kept genderneutral unless stated otherwise, however, reader will remain AFAB throughout the fic. I do deeply apologize if I make reader more fem leaning as that is how I prefer writing reader as.
1.Anything (11 July)
Bunny Izuku x Bunny fem!Reader
Topic: Hybrids - Maybe this arranged marriage with another rabbit could work out better than you initially thought. (NSFW Warning) [Uploaded]
2. Meant to be (12 July)
Villain Deku x Gn!Reader
Topic: Yandere - He will find you and he will have you, no hero will stop him, because the two of you are just meant to be.[Uploaded]
3. A Hero (13 July)
Izuku x Gn!Reader
Topic: Reverse Comfort - Izuku never truly felt adequate. All his life he had been fighting for a chance and yet he still feels like he has been failing. Yet all it takes is you, an angel, reminding him why he is more than just a hero. (Angst Warning) [Uploaded]
4. Back to You (14 July)
Viking Izuku x Gn!Reader
Topic: Viking AU - Long ago, when you were still but a little one, you were friends with a little boy in your village. But after an attack, you never saw him again. Years later he comes back to return the village back to how it once was, with the body of a warrior, the heart of gold and the lightning of Thor in his eyes. [Uploaded]
5. Coming Home (15 July – HAPPY BIRTHDAY IZU!!)
Alpha Izuku x Omega Gn!Reader
Topic: Omegaverse - Izuku’s had a rough day, luckily for him, you are here to make sure he knows just how good he is. Izuku realizes that no matter what, he has you and no matter how the future looks, it wouldn’t matter, since he has you by his side. (NSFW Warning) [Uploaded]
6. Number One (16 July)
Dilf Izuku x Gn!Reader
Topic: Dilf Izuku - You just moved into your apartment and to your surprise your first friend is a six year old girl who intends on pushing you into her father’s arms. (Slight NSFW Warning) [Uploaded]
7. Free Day!!
Happy Birthday Izuku. And I hope you all love it!!
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